What the fairy tale teaches the sorcerer Zoshchenko. "Sorcerer", analysis of Zoshchenko's story. Literary direction and genre

In the section on the question Please help me write who are the heroes of the work of M. M. Zoshchenko "The Sorcerer"? And what do you like about this book? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is Heroes of the story:
- rural sorcerer;
- disabled villager Timoshka;
- his wife;
- their relative is an old woman;
- country men.
It seems that there is progress, and all sorts of scientific discoveries, but people believe in sorcerers. And those go to all sorts of tricks to scare the population and earn prestige and fame. So the hero of the story, the sorcerer, stuck a pin in the tail of the calf. He, of course, yells. The wife and the old woman sent Timoshka for the sorcerer, whom he had driven out of the hut the day before. Timoshka saw how the sorcerer would heal the calf. And when he saw how the sorcerer pulled a pin out of his tail, he fixed the deception and called the men. And they began to torture the healer. And beaten to death. And then they began to be afraid: no matter what happened. And they were afraid. Two misfortunes happened: a cow trampled a chicken and a local drunkard dislocated his leg while drunk. Now a third is expected.
And I like the story for its peculiar language, humor and satire, with which Mikhail Zoshchenko hits people's prejudices.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Please help me write who are the heroes of M. M. Zoshchenko's work "The Sorcerer"? And what do you like about this book?

Please give a brief retelling of Zoshchenko Koldun.


One of Zoshchenko's sad stories. One villager Yegor Glotov set out to buy a horse. He began to save, cutting himself in everything. “He ate straw,” as he said ... He completely stopped drinking moonshine, but before that he drank heavily ... He spent two years so that his dream would come true ... Two years later he was going to the city to fetch a horse. He even refused the offer of a neighbor in the village to buy a horse from him. So he wanted to observe the ritual and bargain in the market. He liked the horse at the market. He bargained for half a day, which almost killed the seller and the horse itself, and reduced the price by almost half. He proudly led the horse home ... And suddenly he so wanted to brag about his purchase that he decided to invite an unfamiliar peasant to a tavern to treat himself to vodka and speak out about everything ... He woke up only on the third day, without money and a horse .. he drank in a frenzy. That's the whole "trouble" ...

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Miracles, citizens! Around, one might say, steam, electrical energy, sewing foot machines - and right there along with this - sorcerers and magicians.

Perfect miracles!

A peasant has a seeder and a winnowing machine in the village, and a peasant ravages his land with a steam tractor, and right next to it, and in almost every village, there lives a sorcerer. Lives, chews bread and chirps the peasants.

Strange and incomprehensible things!

The other day, in a village, a sorcerer was killed. Well, they killed, they killed - it is necessary to forget. So don't forget the men. Now they are crying and weeping and tearing their hair.

Because they are afraid that there will be a punishment from above.

And this sorcerer came just before his death to one average peasant. And the sign is this: a sorcerer has come - so expect trouble: either the cow dies, or another misfortune.

The sorcerer came and sat down at the table. And his eyes are cloudy, his mustache is down, and his beard is fluttering. The sorcerer sits at the table and scratches his left hand. Well, of course, they got scared in the hut. The hostess rushes about, groans, rushing to the table everything edible. The old woman meanwhile bows to the sorcerer at the waist and naively asks:

And why did you, father, come, sit down at the table and scratch your left hand? Will there be any misfortune or grief?

And the sorcerer, frowning, replies:

Maybe, grandma, it will happen. And it happens, so pay off, God's old woman. There is nothing to be afraid of trouble.

And the owner, the disabled Timoshka, pokes at the old woman and approaches the sorcerer himself.

Nothing, he says, darma to sit here - to cool off. There is nothing, he says, to scratch your hands here - I have fleas to breed. Scratched and that's enough - roll sausage.

They gasped in the hut from a cheeky remark. And the sorcerer turned gray, got up, sniffed the empty air and went out.

Well, got out - got out. Baba cries, the old woman grunts, and Timoshka, puffing out her chest, answers:

I, he says, still greatly regret that I didn’t hit the sorcerer between the eyes. I, he says, always beat the sorcerers in the nose.

And then the night came. Baba cries, the old woman grunts. And Timoshka lies on the bench and whistles with his nose. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Baba Timoshka wakes up.

Well, he says, they waited - misfortune. Listen!

And it’s true: from the yard from the barn, the calf is poured thinly like that.

Well, they lit a lantern, went out into the yard - that's right: a calf stands in the middle of the barn, lifted its tail up and yells, yells - it's boring to the ears.

They gave the heifer a soaked loaf of bread - he does not take it. Gave milk - refuses.

And screaming all night. And screams in the morning. And yells at lunchtime.

In the evening the women pushed on Timoshka. They ordered him to fall at the feet of the sorcerer and ask for forgiveness. Timoshka hesitated, but went on.

What, - asks the sorcerer, - isn't the heifer yelling?

Timoshka was scared.

Yes, he says, the citizen is a sorcerer, the heifer yells. They didn’t order, he says, to execute, but to pardon. With me, he says, it is necessary.

Okay, said the sorcerer.

And went. He went ahead, and Timoshka followed him. We reached the house, and the sorcerer said:

As we enter the gate, turn away and whisper prayers. I'll work hard and go to the calf myself.

And went to the calf.

And Timoshka waited a little for him. The sorcerer is in the barn, and Timoshka crouched against the wall and looks through the crack, what the sorcerer will tell fortunes.

And meanwhile the sorcerer took the calf's tail in his hand and took out the pin from it.

Timoshka shouted here, locked the barn, called the peasants and explained the matter.

They began to beat the sorcerer.

They beat the sorcerer, they beat him - the sorcerer was silent, but, dying, he said:

I didn't put a pin in a calf's tail - God put it in.

With that he died.

Well, he's dead. Today, for example, he died - tomorrow a misfortune: a peasant in a neighboring village had a cow crushed a chicken with his foot.

A month or two passed - bang another misfortune: a drunken peasant was walking home, fell into a ditch and twisted his leg. These two misfortunes happened, and the peasants are waiting for the third. And the third will happen - they will wait for the fourth.

The sorcerer will now crush the people of man.


Miracles, citizens! Around, one might say, steam, electrical energy, sewing foot machines - and right there along with this - sorcerers and magicians.

Perfect miracles!

A peasant has a seeder and a winnowing machine in the village, and a peasant ravages his land with a steam tractor, and right next to it, and in almost every village, there lives a sorcerer. He lives, chews bread and chirps the peasants.

Strange and incomprehensible things!

The other day, in a village, a sorcerer was killed. Well, they killed, they killed - it is necessary to forget. So don't forget the men. Now they are crying and weeping and tearing their hair out.

Because they are afraid that there will be a punishment from above.

And this sorcerer came before his death to one average peasant. And the sign is this: a sorcerer has come - so expect trouble: either the cow dies, or another misfortune.

The sorcerer came and sat down at the table. And his eyes are cloudy, his mustache is down, and his beard is fluttering.

The sorcerer sits at the table and scratches his left hand.

Well, of course, they got scared in the hut. The hostess rushes about, grunts, rushing to the table everything edible. The old woman meanwhile bows to the sorcerer at the waist and naively asks:

And why did you, father, come, sit down at the table and scratch your left arm? Will there be any misfortune or grief?

And the sorcerer, frowning, answers

Maybe, grandma, it will happen. And it happens, so pay off, God's old woman. There is nothing to be afraid of trouble.

And the owner, the disabled Timoshka, pokes at the old woman and approaches the sorcerer himself.

Nothing, he says, darma to sit here - to cool off. There is nothing, he says, to scratch your hands here - I have fleas to breed. Scratched and that's enough - roll sausage.

They gasped in the hut from a cheeky remark. And the sorcerer turned gray, got up, sniffed the empty air and went out.

Well, got out - got out. Baba cries, the old woman grunts, and Timoshka, puffing out her chest, answers:

I, he says, still greatly regret that I didn’t hit the sorcerer between the eyes. I, he says, always beat the sorcerers in the nose. And then the night came. Baba cries, the old woman grunts. And Timoshka lies on the bench and whistles with his nose.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Baba Timoshka wakes up.

Well, he says, they waited - misfortune. Listen!

And it’s true, from the yard from the barn, the calf is poured thinly like that. Well, they lit the lantern, went out into the yard - the calf surely stands in the middle of the barn, lifted its tail up and yells, yells - it's boring to the ears.

They gave the heifer a soaked loaf of bread - he does not take it. Gave milk - refuses. And screaming all night. And screams in the morning. And yells at lunchtime. In the evening the women pushed on Timoshka. They ordered him to fall at the feet of the sorcerer and ask for forgiveness.

Timoshka hesitated, but went on. Came.

Why, - asks the sorcerer, - isn't the heifer yelling?

Timoshka was scared.

Yes, he says, the citizen is a sorcerer, the heifer yells. They didn’t order, he says, to execute, but to pardon. With me, he says, it is necessary.

Okay, said the sorcerer.

And went. He went ahead, and Timoshka followed him. We reached the house, and the sorcerer said:

As we enter the gate, turn away and whisper prayers. I will work hard and go to the calf myself.

And went to the calf.

And Timoshka waited a little for him. The sorcerer is in the barn, and Timoshka crouched against the wall and looks through the crack, what the sorcerer will tell fortunes.

And the sorcerer, meanwhile, took the calf's tail in his hand and takes out of it


Timoshka shouted here, locked the barn, called the peasants and explained the matter. They began to beat the sorcerer.

They beat the sorcerer, they beat him - the sorcerer was silent, but, dying, he said:

I did not put a pin in a calf's tail - God put it in.

With that he died.

Well, he's dead. Today, for example, he died - tomorrow a misfortune: a peasant in a neighboring village had a cow crushed a chicken with his foot.

A month or two passed - bam! - Another misfortune was a drunken peasant going home, fell into a ditch and twisted his leg. These two misfortunes happened, and the peasants are waiting for the third. And the third will happen - they will wait for the fourth.

The sorcerer will now crush the people of man.


Wizard - sorcerer, wizard;

seeder - a tool for sowing seeds in the 19th and early 20th centuries;

winnower - a tool for cleaning grain from impurities;

to clap - to shout;

scratches his left hand - according to popular belief, the left hand itches to receive money.


Answer left the guest

Miracles, citizens! Around, one might say, steam, electrical energy, sewing foot machines - and right there
along with this - sorcerers and magicians.
Perfect miracles!
A peasant in the village has a sowing machine and a winnowing machine, and a peasant is tearing up his land with a steam tractor, and right next to him
and almost every village has a sorcerer. He lives, chews bread and chirps the peasants.
Strange and incomprehensible things!
The other day, in a village, a sorcerer was killed. Well, they killed, they killed - it is necessary to forget. So don't forget the men. crying
now they are crying and tearing their hairs.
Because they are afraid that there will be a punishment from above.
And this sorcerer came before his death to one average peasant. And the sign is this: came
sorcerer - so expect trouble: either the cow dies, or another misfortune.
The sorcerer came and sat down at the table. And his eyes are cloudy, his mustache is down, and his beard is fluttering.
The sorcerer sits at the table and scratches his left hand.
Well, of course, they got scared in the hut. The hostess rushes about, grunts, rushing to the table everything edible. The old woman bows
meanwhile, the sorcerer in the waist and naively asks:
- And why did you, father, come, sit down at the table and scratch your left hand? Will there be any misfortune or grief?
And the sorcerer, frowning, replies:
- Maybe, grandma, it will happen. And it happens, so pay off, God's old woman. There is nothing to be afraid of trouble.
And the owner, the disabled Timoshka, pokes at the old woman and approaches the sorcerer himself.
- There is nothing, he says, it's darma to sit here - to cool off. There is nothing, he says, scratching your hands here - I have fleas
breed. Scratched and enough roll sausage.
They gasped in the hut from a cheeky remark. And the sorcerer turned gray, got up, sniffed the empty air and went out.
Well, got out - got out. Baba cries, the old woman grunts, and Timoshka, Puffing out her chest, answers:
- I, he says, still regret very much that I didn’t hit the sorcerer between the eyes. I, he says, sorcerers are always in
I beat my nose.
And then the night came. Baba cries, the old woman grunts. And Timoshka lies on the bench and whistles with his nose.
Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Baba Timoshka wakes up.
- Well, he says, they waited - misfortune. Listen!
And it’s true: from the yard from the barn, the calf is poured thinly like that.
Well, they lit a lantern, went out into the yard - that's right: a calf is standing in the middle of the stable, its tail lifted up and
yelling, yelling - ears are bored.
They gave the heifer a soaked bread - he does not take it. Gave milk - refuses.
And screaming all night. And screams in the morning. And yells at lunchtime. In the evening the women pushed on Timoshka. They told him to fall
at the feet of the sorcerer and ask for forgiveness.
Timoshka hesitated, but went on.
- Why, - the sorcerer asks, - isn't the heifer yelling? Timoshka was scared.
- Yes, he says, the citizen is a sorcerer, the heifer yells. They didn’t order, he says, to execute, but to pardon. With me, he says
account for.
"All right," said the sorcerer.
And went. He went ahead, and Timoshka followed him. We reached the house, and the sorcerer said:
- As we enter the gate, turn away and whisper prayers. I will work hard and go to the calf myself.
And went to the calf.
And Timoshka waited a little for him. The sorcerer is in the barn, and Timoshka crouched against the wall and looked through the crack, what
the sorcerer will tell fortunes.
And meanwhile the sorcerer took the calf's tail in his hand and took out the pin from it.
Timoshka shouted here, locked the barn, called the peasants and explained the matter.
They began to beat the sorcerer.
They beat the sorcerer, they beat him - the sorcerer was silent, but, dying, he said:
- I did not put a pin in a calf's tail - God put it in. With that he died.
Well, he's dead. Today, for example, he died - tomorrow misfortune: a peasant in a neighboring village has a cow
crushed a chicken with her foot.
A month or two passed - bam! - another misfortune: a drunken man was walking home, fell into a ditch and his foot
turned out. These two misfortunes happened, and the peasants are waiting for the third. And the third will happen - they will wait for the fourth.
The sorcerer will now crush the people of man.

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