"Antey" says goodbye to "Granite". How many "Onyx" and "Caliber" will be on the updated "Irkutsk"? Submarines of the Antey project will receive new weapons - the Kalibr and Onyx S 700 missile systems

The IOM began the development of the Granit long-range anti-ship missile.
Back in the mid-60s, during the development of the Amethyst and Malachite complexes, General Designer V.N. Chelomey came to the conclusion that it was necessary and possible to take a new step towards universalizing launch conditions for long-range missiles. He proposed the development of a new complex with cruise missiles capable of launching from under water, and in terms of range and flight speed not inferior to the Basalt complex. It was supposed to equip both submarines (project 949 "Granite") and surface ships with this complex. The new complex was named "Granite". In the process of creating the Granit complex, for the first time, all the main subcontractors of the extensive cooperation worked out a lot (up to one or two dozen) of design options for a cruise missile, an onboard control system, and a submarine. Then these options were evaluated in terms of combat effectiveness, cost and timing of creation, feasibility, and based on the analysis, requirements for a cruise missile and other elements of the weapon system were formulated.
Since the creation of the first anti-ship missiles capable of hitting surface ships at very long ranges, the question arose of providing anti-ship missiles with target designation data. On a global scale, this problem could be solved only with the help of spacecraft.
The theoretical foundations for the construction of such a space system, the parameters of their orbits, the mutual position of satellites in orbits were developed directly with the participation of Academician M.V. Keldysh. The system created at TsKBM consisted of several radar and electronic reconnaissance satellites, from which data on detected targets could be directly transmitted to the CD carrier or to ground stations.
Complex "Granit" had a number of qualitatively new properties. For the first time, a long-range missile with an autonomous control system was created. The onboard control system was built on the basis of a powerful three-processor computer using several information channels, which made it possible to successfully understand a complex jamming environment and highlight the true targets against the background of any interference. The creation of this system was carried out by a team of scientists and designers of the Central Research Institute "Granit" under the leadership of its general director, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize V.V. Pavlov.
The rocket embodies the rich experience of NGOs in creating artificial intelligence electronic systems, which makes it possible to act against a single ship on the principle of "one missile - one ship" or "flock" against a warrant of ships. The missiles themselves will distribute and classify according to the importance of the target, choose the tactics of the attack and the plan for its implementation. To eliminate errors in choosing a maneuver and hitting a precisely given target, electronic data on modern classes of ships are embedded in the on-board computer of the anti-ship missiles. In addition, the car also contains purely tactical information, for example, about the type of ship orders, which allows the missile to determine who is in front of it - a convoy, aircraft carrier or landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition.
Also in the on-board computer there is data on countering enemy electronic warfare equipment capable of jamming missiles away from the target, tactical methods of evading air defense fire. As the designers say, after the launch of the rocket, they themselves decide which of them will attack which target and what maneuvers need to be carried out in accordance with the mathematical algorithms embedded in the behavior program. The missile also has means of counteracting anti-missiles attacking it. Having destroyed the main target in the ship group, the remaining missiles attack other ships of the warrant, eliminating the possibility of two missiles hitting the same target.
In 1966-1967. in the OKB-670 of M.M. Bondaryuk, a project was being prepared for the 4D-04 engine of the original scheme for the Granite cruise missile, designed for a speed of M = 4. In the future, for this missile, a serial marching turbojet KR-93 at M = 2.2 was chosen. The rocket has a turbojet engine and an annular solid-propellant booster in the tail section, which starts work under water. For the first time, the complex engineering problem of starting the engine in a very short time when the rocket left the water was solved.
The ability to maneuver missiles made it possible to implement a rational battle formation in a salvo with the most effective trajectory shape. This ensured the successful overcoming of the fire resistance of a strong ship grouping.
It should be said that in none of the previous cruise missiles created at NPOM, so many new complex tasks were concentrated and successfully implemented as in the Granit rocket. The most complex design of the rocket required a large amount of ground testing in hydro pools, wind tunnels, heat resistance stands, etc.
After carrying out the full scope of ground testing for the CD and its main elements (control system, sustainer engine, etc.), flight design tests began in November 1975. The complex was submitted for state testing in 1979. Tests were carried out on coastal stands and lead ships: the Kirov submarine and cruiser. The tests were successfully completed in August 1983, and by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of March 12, 1983, the Granit complex was adopted by the Navy.
The missiles of the new third-generation universal missile system "Granit" had both underwater and surface launch, a firing range of 550 km, a conventional or nuclear warhead, several flexible adaptive trajectories (depending on the operational and tactical situation in the sea and airspace of the operation area) , the flight speed is 2.5 times the speed of sound. The TNT equivalent of the warhead of each missile is 618 kg, the range of damaging factors is 1200 meters.
The complex provided salvo fire with all ammunition with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles and an anti-jamming autonomous selective control system. When creating "Granite", for the first time, an approach was used, the basis of which is the mutual coordination of the elements of a complex system (target designation means - carrier - anti-ship missiles). As a result, the created complex for the first time acquired the ability to solve any task of a sea battle with a detachment of fire weapons from one carrier. According to the experience of combat and operational training of the Navy, it is almost impossible to shoot down such a missile. Even if you hit the Granit with an anti-missile, the rocket, due to its enormous mass and speed, can maintain its initial flight speed and, as a result, reach the target.
The Granit missile system is armed with 12 Antey-type nuclear submarines of Project 949A, 24 anti-ship missiles each, with an underwater speed of more than 30 knots. Four heavy nuclear missile cruisers of Project 1144 (Peter the Great type) carry 20 missiles each in individual SM-233 below-deck launchers. PU are located obliquely - at an angle of 47º. Before launching the missiles, the containers are filled with water. In addition, the TAVKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (project 1143.5) is equipped with these missiles - 12 anti-ship missiles.
Each submarine costs 10 times less than a US Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. There are practically no other forces in the Russian Armed Forces capable of actually countering the aircraft carrier threat. Taking into account the ongoing upgrades of the carriers themselves, the missile system and the Granit anti-ship missiles, the created grouping is able to operate effectively until 2020. Naturally, at the same time it is necessary to develop and maintain combat-ready systems for command and control of forces, reconnaissance and target designation. In addition to combating AUGs, the combat units of the group are capable of operating not only against formations of ships of all classes during armed conflicts of any intensity, but also effectively hit targets on the enemy coast with missiles with a conventional warhead. If necessary, ships with the Granit complex can serve as a reserve for solving the tasks of the Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces.
The first photographs of the secret missile appeared only in 2001 after the tragic death of the K-141 Kursk submarine on August 12, 2000. After the submarine was raised, 23 anti-ship missiles that were on board the nuclear submarine on the last trip are unloaded for further disposal.

Developer TsKBM
Designation complex P-700 "Granite"
NATO designation SS-N-19 "Shipwreck"
First launch 1975
Control system inertial with active radar final guidance
Geometric and mass characteristics
Length, m 10
Wingspan, m 2,6
Diameter, m 0,85
Starting weight, kg 7000
Warhead type high-explosive-cumulative nuclear (500 kt)
Warhead weight, kg 750
Power point
sustainer engine TRD KR-93
Thrust, kgf (kN)
Starting and accelerating stage solid fuel
flight data
Speed, km/h (M=) on high 2800 (2,5)
near the ground (1,5)
Launch range, km 550 (625)
March flight altitude, m

Anti-ship cruise missile

P-700 / 3M-45 "Granit" The 3K-45 missile system was developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov), ​​chief designers - V.I. Patrushev and V.A. Vishnyakov (since 1978). As of 2012-2013 chief designer in the direction - Konstantin Danilov.

The development of the "Granit" missile was a continuation of the work on the creation of anti-ship missiles (ASM) P-500P underwater launch with a range of 400-600 km and a flight speed of 3200-3600 km / h, which were carried out in connection with the strengthening of air defense of US Navy aircraft carriers by F-14 fighters with Phoenix missiles and a multi-channel radar. To achieve a guaranteed defeat of an aircraft carrier strike group, it was supposed to strike with an anti-ship missile group of at least 20 pieces. The development of the rocket was started according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 539-186 of July 10, 1969 on the implementation of the Granit R & D to create the complex, the start date for testing the complex was scheduled for the second quarter of 1973.

Missile tests began on a ground stand in November 1975 near Cape Fiolent in the Crimea. Flight tests of the "Granit" complex were carried out from mid-1979 to the end of 1980 at the Nenoksa test site. Joint tests of the complex and carriers were carried out from 1980 to August 1981. Launches were carried out from the Kirov missile cruiser pr.1144 during state tests of the cruiser from September to December 1980. The first launch from the lead nuclear submarine with cruise missiles (SSGN ) K-525 pr.949 "Granit" was produced on December 8, 1980. Joint tests were completed in August 1981 - a total of 20 launches were made from the SSGN and 8 launches from the Kirov missile cruiser (4 missile launches were carried out in August 1981 ).

The complex was adopted by the USSR Navy by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 686-214 of July 19, 1983. The missiles were manufactured by the Orenburg Machine-Building Plant (PO Strela).

Rocket 3M-45 "Granit"

The western designation for the Granit missiles is SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK.

Carriers of the 3K-45 "Granit" missile system in the Russian Navy

  • Heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers pr.1143.5, pr.1143.6 and pr.1143.7 ("Ulyanovsk") - 12 underdeck launchers SM-233A, 1 ship was put into operation - now "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". In the late 1990s, the combat post of the Granit missile system was disabled.
  • Nuclear missile cruiser pr.1165 "Fugas" (project) - 32-48 below-deck launchers (project not implemented).
  • Nuclear missile cruisers pr.1144 "Orlan" - 20 below-deck launchers SM-233 (at the stage of the cruiser project - 16 launchers), 4 ships were put into operation:
    - "Kirov" pr.1144 (now - "Admiral Ushakov") - 1980
    - "Frunze" pr.1144.2 (now - "Admiral Lazarev") - 1984
    - "Kalinin" pr.1144.2 (now - "Admiral Nakhimov") - 1988
    - "Peter the Great" project 1144.2 - 1998
  • Nuclear missile cruiser pr.1293 (project) - 16 under-deck launchers (project not implemented).
  • SSGN pr.688 (project) - P-500P missiles (project) in launch containers identical or similar to the Malachite anti-ship missile launcher SSGN pr.670.
  • SSGN pr.949 "Granit" - 24 launchers SM-225, 2 SSGNs were put into operation (withdrawn from the Navy in 1996):
    - K-525 - 1980
    - K-206 - 1983
  • SSGN pr.949A - 24 launchers SM-225A, 11 SSGNs were commissioned, 2 SSGNs were not completed (K-139 and K-135).

Rocket design

The rocket is made according to a normal aerodynamic configuration with a delta wing, triangular keels and stabilizers, triangular stabilizers are also on the launch-acceleration stage, the aerodynamic surfaces are folded in the pre-launch position. The toroidal launch-acceleration system is reset after testing, the air intake cap and the cover of the sustainer turbojet nozzle are fired immediately after launch (the rocket exits above the water surface during an underwater launch).

- starting and accelerating stage - solid propellant rocket engine;
- marching - short-life turbojet engine KR-21-300.

TTX missiles P-700 "Granit"

Length- 8.84 m Case diameter- 1.14 m Diameter of the transport and launch container- 1.35 m Wingspan- 2.6 m Starting weight- 7360 kg Warhead weight- 750 kg Range:- 700-800 km (on a high-altitude trajectory, according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the USSR Council of Ministers in 1966) - 200 km (on a low-altitude trajectory, according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the USSR Council of Ministers in 1966) - 500 km (according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the USSR Council of Ministers in 1968 .) - 700 km (high-altitude trajectory) - 200 km (low-altitude trajectory) Flight speed:- 3500-4000 km / h (according to the TTZ VPK under the USSR Council of Ministers 1966) - 2500-3000 km / h (according to the TTZ VPK under the USSR Council of Ministers 1968) - 1.5-1.6 M (at low altitude) - 2.5-2.6 M (at high altitude) Flight altitude:- 200-24000 m

The layout of the rocket P-700 "Granit"

Combat equipment

The missile is used with two types of warheads: - nuclear power up to 500 kt; according to the agreements between the USSR and the USA (1991), cruise missiles with nuclear warheads are not based on the ships of the Russian and US Navy; - high-explosive penetrating warhead developed by NPO "Altai" (Biysk). The warhead has an armored hull and a deceleration fuse.

Launch of the 3M45 Granit missile from the nuclear missile cruiser pr.11442 "Peter the Great", September 19, 2017(http://mil.ru)

Control system and guidance

The missile control system is inertial with correction according to the data of the guidance system, which includes several on-board computers, an active radar homing head (GOS) and an information exchange system between missiles (SOIR) of a salvo with several channels for receiving and transmitting information. The GOS radar antenna is located in the central body of the engine air intake. The missile guidance algorithms use the logic of choosing the main target in the ship order. The size of the targets and the distance of the targets from the point of the expected coordinates of the target were analyzed. Such an algorithm made it possible to select the largest target in the order of ships. Later, a similar algorithm was used on RCC. During a group launch of missiles, after the target is detected by the missile radar (radar sight), target allocation occurs using SOIR, according to the type of target entered during launch. After determining the coordinates of the targets assigned during target allocation and their movement parameters, the missile with the radar turned off decreases to a low altitude and flies to the point of the intended target coordinates. When approaching the point of the intended coordinates of the target, the radar turns on and the target is captured. Each RCC goes to its goal according to the previously carried out target distribution.


P-500P- a project of an underwater launch missile with a flight speed of more than 3000 km / h, developed by OKB-52 for arming the SSGN pr.688 in the mid-1960s.

Complex P-700 / 3K-45 "Granit", missile 3M-45- the main version of the anti-ship missile, adopted by the Navy of the USSR and Russia.

Complex 3K45-2 "Granit-2", missile 3M45-2- a modernized version of the complex with updated equipment. Development began in 2001 but was not completed.

"New defense order. Strategies"

When creating the complex, an approach was used for the first time, the basis of which is the mutual coordination of three elements: target designation means (in the form of spacecraft), carrier and anti-ship missiles. The created complex acquired the ability to solve the most complex tasks of a sea battle with a squad of fire weapons from one carrier.

It is also possible to use for the destruction of coastal targets.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ BASTION P 800 Coastal Missile System

    ✪ Naval wars. sea ​​wars.

    ✪ Striking force 163 - Aircraft carrier shield. Basalt and Granite / Shield carrier. Basalt and Granite


History of creation

Work on the creation of a long-range supersonic underwater-launched cruise missile in the USSR was started by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 539-186 of July 10, 1969 at the TsKBM MOM. By this time, the P-6 supersonic cruise missile was already in service with the submarines; however, its launch was only possible from the surface, which greatly increased the vulnerability of the submarine, and, given the unmasking effect of a missile salvo, exposed the boat to significant risk. In addition, the P-6, designed back in the late 1950s, a decade later no longer met the requirements for speed, range and flight altitude.

The development of a new submarine-launched cruise missile was initiated in parallel with the creation of the development of the P-6 - the P-500 Bazalt cruise missile, which was going to be re-equipped with existing carriers. However, the P-500 "Basalt" was also unsuitable for launching from under water. It was necessary to create a completely new rocket. The project received the designation P-700 "Granite". In the future, it was decided to develop a new missile for use not only from submarines, but also from surface ships, duplicating the development of the P-500.

The stage of flight design tests of the rocket took place from November 1975 of the year. State tests complex "Granit" was held in the period from 1979 to July 1983. By Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 686-214 dated July 19, 1983, the complex was adopted by the following ships:

  • nuclear submarines of projects 949 "Granit" and 949A "Antey";
  • heavy nuclear missile cruisers of projects 1144 "Orlan" and 1144.2 "Orlan";
  • heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of project 1143.5 "Krechet".

There were projects and other media, which, however, were not implemented.


The P-700 "Granit" rocket has a cigar-shaped shape with an annular air intake at the front end and a folding cruciform tail. A short wing with a large sweep, which unfolds after launch, is installed in the central part of the fuselage.

The rocket is driven by a KR-21-300 turbojet engine located along the central axis. The launch of the rocket is carried out from under the water using a block of four solid-propellant boosters located behind the rocket. The missile is stored in a sealed transport and launch container with folded wings and plumage, the air intake is covered with a domed fairing. Before launch, the installation is filled with sea water (this procedure is also used on surface ships to avoid damage to the installation by exhaust), after which the accelerator, which is turned on, pushes the rocket out of the mine and delivers it to the surface of the water. In the air, the air intake fairing is discarded, the wings and plumage are straightened, the burned-out accelerator is discarded and the rocket continues to fly with the help of a sustainer engine.

The missile is equipped with warheads of various types. This can be either a semi-armor-piercing (high-explosive-penetrating) warhead weighing 584-750 kg, or a tactical nuclear TNT equivalent of up to 500 kilotons. Currently, in connection with international agreements banning sea-launched nuclear cruise missiles, all P-700s are equipped with conventional warheads only.

Missile guidance is carried out using an active radar guidance head. The on-board autonomous selective control system of anti-ship missiles is built on the basis of a three-processor on-board computer (BTsVM) using several information channels, which makes it possible to successfully understand a complex jamming environment and highlight true targets against the background of interference. During a group launch of missiles (volley), missiles, having detected the enemy with their homing heads, exchange information, identify and distribute targets according to their size, relative position and other parameters. The onboard computer contains electronic data on modern classes of ships; tactical information, for example, about the type of ship orders, which allows the missile to determine that it is a convoy, aircraft carrier or landing group in front of it, and attack the main targets in its composition; data on countering enemy electronic warfare equipment capable of jamming missiles away from the target; tactical methods of evading air defense fire.

To improve combat stability, the P-700 is equipped with a 3B47 "Quartz" radio interference station and devices for resetting chaff and decoys.


Parameter Meaning
Length, m 10
Diameter, m 0,85
Wingspan, m 2,6
Starting weight, kg 7000
high speed, 2,5
Land/water speed, 1,5
Range, km 550 (625) along the combined trajectory,
145 (200) on an exceptionally low-altitude trajectory
Ceiling, m 14,000 -17,000 on the marching section,
depending on the trajectory scheme
Minimum flight altitude, m up to 25 (on the attack area)
Control system INS + ARLGSN
Warhead Penetrating 518-750 kg (data differ) or
nuclear, up to 500 kt


The missiles are launched from CM-225 container launchers (for submarines) or CM-233 (for surface ships) located under the deck of the carrier ship at an angle of 60 degrees. Before launch, to reduce thermal loads on the launcher, the container is filled with sea water.

Since the long-range missile flight time is significant, and the target may go beyond the detection radius of the missile seeker, the complex needs accurate target designation carried out by the Success air complex from Tu-95 RTs aircraft or Ka-25 Ts helicopters, or by the reconnaissance space complex and target designation MKRC  "Legend" Potentially, the missile can also be used to destroy ground targets, but due to the lack of equipment for missiles to fly at low altitude over land, in this mode the missile carries out the entire flight at high altitude, becoming an easy target for air defense systems.

Project evaluation

The experience of combat and operational training of the Navy shows that the large mass and high speed of the complex's missiles make it difficult for them to be hit by enemy anti-aircraft missiles.

The missile has never been used in combat conditions, opinions about its actual effectiveness vary.


  • 8 nuclear-powered submarine cruisers of project 949A of the Antey type - 24 anti-ship missiles each. Two more boats K-148 "Krasnodar" and K-173 "Krasnoyarsk" - in the sediment, a submarine
Solving the problem of combating aircraft carriers, which has been one of the main problems for our Navy for the past 50 years, the leaders of the Soviet and Russian fleets have placed their main stake on anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCs). Such combat is planned and practiced in the form of special maritime operations or fleet operations in the Northern and Pacific Fleets.


US admirals call their attack carriers the "backbone" of the US Navy. These ships can stay away from their bases for many months, move to every region of the World Ocean except for the Central Arctic at high speed, participate in armed forces operations against any sea, air and land enemy, remaining inaccessible to him. These qualities were successfully demonstrated in 1991 in the Persian Gulf and in 1999 in the Mediterranean in the aggression against Yugoslavia.

Carrier strike groups (AUG) include, in addition to an aircraft carrier, 8-10 guard ships (1-2 cruisers, up to three destroyers, the same number of frigates, 1-2 nuclear submarines). The aircraft carrier strike formations (AUS) include 2-3 aircraft carriers, up to 25-30 escort ships, carrying out their anti-submarine, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense. AUG and AUS can carry from 100 to 300 aircraft, half of which are F / A-18 Hornet fighter-bombers capable of using modern high-precision and nuclear weapons.

The AUS ships are armed with from 500 to 1,500 high-precision sea-based Tomahawk cruise missiles with a firing range of 1,500 km in conventional equipment and 2,500 km with a nuclear warhead. This allows us to consider them as a reserve of US strategic nuclear forces.

Aircraft carriers use their weapons from a distance of up to 1000-1500 km from the enemy's coast. Through the AUG (AUS), the United States, even in peacetime, carries out one of the main strategic tasks of the country's national security - the projection of force into key regions of the world.


Fire destruction of aircraft carriers and guard ships in operations to destroy the AUG (AUS) is carried out by strike groups of submarines with anti-ship missiles in cooperation with naval missile-carrying aviation (MRA) and Long-Range Aviation (DA) formations of the Air Force. The main problems in operations of this kind were:

Timely deployment to the ocean of the required number of nuclear submarines (NPS) to create a full-fledged strike group before the AUG approaches the strike line (or the mass rise of carrier-based aircraft) and building them into battle formation;

Organization of interaction of strike groups of submarines with MPA and DA;

Reconnaissance and issuance of target designation to all command posts and strike forces.

To disable an aircraft carrier, it is necessary to hit it with 8-10 anti-ship missiles with conventional equipment, with the destruction of up to half of the guard ships along the way. This, in turn, requires the use of up to 70-100 anti-ship missiles from all types of carriers in one strike.


The first anti-aircraft forces became part of the USSR Navy in the 60s. These were 29 Project 675 nuclear submarines with eight P-6 anti-ship missiles and 16 Project 651 diesel submarines with four similar missiles. Their firing range was 380 km, which was comparable to the radius of the long-range anti-submarine defense of the AUG - 370 km. For the launch and guidance of anti-ship missiles, the submarines of the first generation had to be on the surface for a long time. No more than four missiles could be used in one salvo. There were significant difficulties in obtaining target designation from reconnaissance aircraft of the "Success" system located in the zone of reach of the AUG air defense. Due to these shortcomings, high combat stability and effectiveness of anti-aircraft forces with anti-ship missiles were not ensured.

P-6. In addition, in the 60s. aircraft - carriers of anti-ship missiles, Tu-16, had a tactical range comparable to the range of carrier-based aircraft AUG.

Thus, the probability of incapacitation, and even more so the destruction of an aircraft carrier, was very low at that time.


To maintain the main tactical advantage of nuclear submarines - secrecy - it was necessary to provide an underwater launch of anti-ship missiles. This became possible due to the creation in the second half of the 60s. Anti-ship missiles "Amethyst", installed on nuclear submarines of project 670. However, domestic technologies were able to provide a firing range from under water of only 80 km.

On the other hand, the Amethysts were fired according to the data of their own target designation means - the Kerch hydroacoustic complex. The minimum flight time of anti-ship missiles (about 3 minutes) and the low altitude of their flight made it possible to reach the target for almost all missiles fired. However, the short firing range and the low - no more than 25 knots - speed of the Project 670 submarines did not provide long-term tracking of the AUGs moving at a speed of 28-30 knots in order to further destroy them.

This situation did not change and the creation in the same years of a more advanced anti-ship missile "Malachite" with a range of 120 km. For these reasons, the carriers of these anti-ship missiles were built in a limited series: 11 submarines of project 670 and 6 of project 670M. Now all of them have been withdrawn from the combat strength of the Navy after the expiration of the established service life (25 years).


In the mid 70s. The Research and Production Association (NPO) of Mechanical Engineering created the Bazalt complex with P-500 anti-ship missiles. The rocket had a mass of about 6 tons, a firing range of 550 km, a conventional (500 kg) or nuclear warhead, a complex flight path and a speed twice the speed of sound.

The "Basalt" complex had an improved target distribution system between eight missiles of one salvo and an optimized algorithm for selecting the main target in the AUG warrant. For the first time, an electronic countermeasures system was installed on the P-500 anti-ship missiles, which provides protection against AUG air defense systems. The target designation of "Basalt" was provided by the system of marine space reconnaissance and target designation "Legend" created by that time. However, the launch of the anti-ship missiles of the Bazalt complex was still carried out from the surface position of the nuclear submarine, which still left the boats vulnerable. Therefore, in the mid-70s. nine nuclear submarines of project 675 (675MK) were re-equipped for the "Basalt" complex. The complex of the same type was installed on four heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers (TAVKR) of project 1143 (Kyiv type) and three missile cruisers of project 1164 (Slava type, now Moskva). The cruisers of the first type carried from 16 to 12, the second - 16 P-500 anti-ship missiles.


A qualitative leap occurred only in 1981-1983, when NPO Mashinostroeniya, using the experience gained in the development of the Bazalt and Malachite complexes, transferred the new Granit, a new third-generation universal missile system, to the Navy. Its missiles had both underwater and surface launch, a firing range of 550 km, a mass of 7 tons, a conventional (750 kg) or nuclear warhead, several flexible adaptive trajectories (depending on the operational and tactical situation in the sea and airspace of the operation area) , the flight speed is 2.5 times the speed of sound.

The complex provided salvo fire with all the ammunition with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles and an anti-jamming autonomous selective control system. When creating "Granite", for the first time, an approach was used, the basis of which is the mutual coordination of elements of a complex system (target designation means - carrier - anti-ship missiles). As a result, the created complex for the first time acquired the ability to solve any task of a sea battle with a detachment of fire weapons from one carrier. According to the experience of combat and operational training of the Navy, it is almost impossible to shoot down such a missile.

The Granit missile system is armed with 12 nuclear submarines of project 949A, 24 anti-ship missiles each, with an underwater speed of more than 30 knots, four heavy nuclear missile cruisers of project 1144 (of the Peter the Great type) - 20 missiles each and TAVKR " Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov "- 12 anti-ship missiles.

Each submarine costs ten times less than the US Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. This is our asymmetric and economical response to the carrier threat. There are virtually no other forces in the Russian Armed Forces capable of actually countering this threat. Taking into account the ongoing upgrades of the carriers themselves, the missile system and the Granit anti-ship missiles, the created group is able to operate effectively until 2020. Naturally, at the same time it is necessary to develop and maintain combat-ready systems for command and control of forces, reconnaissance and target designation. In addition to combating AUGs, the combat units of the group are capable of operating not only against formations of ships of all classes during armed conflicts of any intensity, but also effectively hit targets on the enemy coast with missiles with a conventional warhead. If necessary, ships with the Granit complex can serve as a reserve for solving the tasks of the Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces.

The Granit universal missile system with the P-700 long-range submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missile is designed to destroy NATO aircraft carrier groups.

The parent organization is NPO Mashinostroeniya. Chief designer - Vladimir Chelomey (since 1984 - Herbert Efremov). Development began in 1969. The complex was submitted for state testing in 1979. Tests were carried out on coastal stands and lead ships: the Kirov submarine and cruiser. The tests were successfully completed in August 1983, and by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 12, 1983, the Granit complex was adopted by the Navy.

In the process of creating the "Granit" complex, for the first time, all the main subcontractors of the extensive cooperation worked out many (up to one or two dozen) options for design solutions for a cruise missile, an onboard control system, and a submarine. Then these options were evaluated in terms of combat effectiveness, cost and timing of creation, feasibility, and based on the analysis, requirements for a cruise missile and other elements of the weapon system were formulated. As a result, the created complex for the first time acquired the ability to solve any task of a sea battle with a detachment of fire weapons from one carrier.

Since the creation of the first anti-ship missiles capable of hitting surface ships at very long ranges, the question arose of providing anti-ship missiles with target designation data. On a global scale, this problem could be solved only with the help of spacecraft. The theoretical foundations for the construction of such a space system, the parameters of their orbits, the mutual position of satellites in orbits were developed directly with the participation of Academician M.V. Keldysh. The system consisted of several radar and electronic reconnaissance satellites, from which data on detected targets could be directly transmitted to the CD carrier or to ground stations.

In the west, the rocket received the designation SS-N-19 "Shipwreck".


The on-board autonomous selective control system of anti-ship missiles is built on the basis of a powerful three-processor computer with the use of several information channels, which makes it possible to successfully understand a complex jamming environment and highlight the true targets against the background of any interference. The creation of this system was carried out by a team of scientists and designers of the Central Research Institute "Granit" under the leadership of its general director, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize V.V. Pavlov.

The 3M-45 (P-700) missile has several flexible adaptive trajectories depending on the operational and tactical situation in the sea and airspace of the operation area. The maximum flight speed corresponds to M=2.5 at high altitude and M=1.5 at low altitude. The complex provides salvo fire with all ammunition with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles and allows you to operate against a single ship on the principle of "one missile - one ship" or "flock" against a warrant of ships.

In the rapid fire mode, one rocket, which acts as a "gunner", flies in a high trajectory to maximize the target acquisition area, at the same time, other missiles fly in a low trajectory. In flight, missiles exchange information about targets. If the "gunner" missile is intercepted, then one of the other missiles automatically takes over its functions. The missiles themselves distribute and classify according to the importance of the target, choose the tactics of the attack and the plan for its implementation. To eliminate errors in choosing a maneuver and hitting a given target, electronic data on modern classes of ships are embedded in the on-board computer (OCVM). In addition, the onboard computer also contains tactical information, for example, about the type of orders of ships, which allows the missile to determine who is in front of it - a convoy, aircraft carrier or landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition. The onboard computer contains data on countering enemy electronic warfare equipment capable of jamming missiles away from the target, tactical methods of evading air defense fire. After the launch of the rocket, they decide for themselves which of them will attack which target and which maneuvers need to be carried out in accordance with the mathematical algorithms embedded in the behavior program. The missile also has means of counteracting anti-missiles attacking it. Having destroyed the main target in the ship group, the remaining missiles attack other ships of the warrant, eliminating the possibility of two missiles hitting the same target.

The rocket has a sustainer turbojet engine KR-93(developed in the Design Bureau of the Ufa Motor-Building Software under the leadership of the chief designer Sergei Gavrilov) and an annular solid-propellant booster in the tail section, starting work under water. Rocket variant with an experienced supersonic ramjet engine 4D 04, developed in OKB-670 under the leadership of Mikhail Bondaryuk, allowed the rocket to reach speeds of up to 4M.

According to the experience of combat and operational training of the Navy, it is almost impossible to shoot down such a missile. Even if you hit "Granite" with an anti-missile, the rocket, due to its enormous mass and speed, can maintain its initial flight speed and, as a result, reach the target.

The Granit missile system is armed with 12 Project 949A Antey-class nuclear submarine cruisers (APC), 24 anti-ship missiles each, with a submerged speed of more than 30 knots. The launcher SM-225A, located on the agro-industrial complex of this project, is designed to provide conditions for the storage and launch of cruise missiles ZM45 or ZM15 both underwater and on the surface. The CM-225A launcher is placed in a submarine container installed at a constant angle. Inside the container, on the device for longitudinal retention, a cup with guides is installed and secured through transverse shock absorbers to the walls of the PL container. The transverse shock absorbers are placed in a sealed dry volume formed by a container wall, a glass and two rubber-cord shells (RCS).

Each submarine costs ten times less than the US Navy's Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. This is our asymmetric and economical response to the carrier threat. There are virtually no other forces in the Russian Armed Forces capable of actually countering this threat. Taking into account the ongoing upgrades of the carriers themselves, the missile system and the Granit anti-ship missiles, the created group is able to operate effectively until 2020. Naturally, at the same time it is necessary to develop and maintain combat-ready systems for command and control of forces, reconnaissance and target designation.

In addition to combating AUGs, the combat units of the group are capable of operating not only against formations of ships of all classes during armed conflicts of any intensity, but also effectively hit targets on the enemy coast with missiles with a conventional warhead. If necessary, ships with the Granit complex can serve as a reserve for solving the tasks of the Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces.

On four heavy nuclear missile cruisers of project 1144 (Peter the Great type) 20 missiles are placed in individual under-deck launchers SM-233 (developer - Design Bureau of Special Machine Building), with an elevation angle of 60 °.

Technical solutions in the development of the CM-233 launcher were aimed at fulfilling the following basic requirements:

    unification and borrowing of mechanisms and assembly units of the launcher SM-233 with the launcher SM-225 of the complex RO "Granit" of the submarine project 949;

    increasing the reliability of the rocket launch by reducing the number of operations in the combat cycle.

On the ship, launchers are placed in the underdeck room at an angle to the horizon in four rows of five units along the center plane of the ship. The overall dimensions of the deck openings are determined from the conditions for the safe exit of missiles during launch and loading. The launchers were delivered from the manufacturer (LMZ) to the ship fully assembled, having passed all the tests and checks in the scope of the factory test programs and specifications, which significantly reduced the time for installation, debugging and testing on the ship. Closing of deck openings is provided by protective covers with structural protection against shell fragments by hydraulic drives. The opening (closing) of the covers is carried out according to a predetermined cyclogram as the missiles are launched. On the upper deck and on the covers there are seats for installing a deck loading device.

On the basis of the Decision of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, the Ministry of General Machinery and the Navy dated 05.02.82 No. 1/0018, in 1982, work began on the creation of the launcher SM-233A of the RO "Granit" complex for the ship of project 1143.5 ("Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov", chief designer V.F. Anikiev).

During the development of the SM-233A launcher, technical solutions were adopted aimed at improving the performance characteristics and technical and economic indicators of the SM-233 installation:

    increasing combat readiness and reliability by reducing the number of mechanisms and devices involved in the period of pre-launch preparation and missile launch;

    reduction of labor costs and cost by reducing the metal consumption and simplifying the design of labor-intensive units and mechanisms;

    reducing the volume and time of maintenance and simplifying the conditions for its implementation;

    increasing the maintainability of the launcher by simplifying the design of mechanisms;

    reduction in the number of mutual links between launchers and ship systems.

Project 1143.5 ship has 12 SM-233A launchers. Launchers are located under the upper deck with a constant elevation angle. Inside the PU case, on the hinged supports of the longitudinal retention device, a fiberglass cup with guides is installed and secured through the transverse cushioning to the walls of the installation case. From above, the PU is hermetically sealed with a lid with a protective set and a radio masking device.

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