Basil is a fragrant cornflower. Fragrant basil: description and photo of the plant. What can be replaced? Lemon-scented basil perennial or annual

Sweet basil (common) is one of the most fragrant kitchen spices. Represents the Lamiaceae family. The Latin name is ocimum basilicum. This plant is grown by gardeners around the world. Delicious seasoning is ideal for meat dishes, preparations. It is added to give astringency to desserts, cocktails. In addition, the herb is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.


Basil what is it? What does basil look like? The plant is a low shrub. The stem has four edges. In general, it is rounded, often pubescent. Extends up to 35-55 cm. Many cuttings with large leaves. The stem of an adult plant is hardened, woody.

The shape of the leaves is elongated, oval-ovate. There are sparse teeth. The leaves are slightly curved, curled, pubescent. The tip is pointed. Prominent veins. The cover, depending on the variety, may be slightly fleecy. The length of one leaf can reach 3-8 cm. The colors characteristic of fragrant basil leaves are emerald, light green, dark green. Most often, the leaves are glossy. Purple is another popular variety of this plant. It has a name similar to the color of the leaves. Recently, the variety of purple basil Krymchanin, as well as the variety Robin Hood, have become famous.

Blooms for about 60 days. From June or early July to the end of August. A flower halo of several inflorescences appears on the elongated tips of the stems. They have snow-white, rarely with a lilac tint flowers. Each flower consists of two lips. The fruits are quadripartite. They are four nuts. They contain small dark seeds. One gram contains about a thousand seeds.

fragrant basil

The root system is close to the soil surface. It has many branches.

Additional Information. The essential oil, for which bazilik is so valued, is found in stems, calyxes, and leaves. There are special glands in which the product accumulates.

The taste of the spice is peppery, tart, with a pronounced bitterness. Many connoisseurs say that part of the taste is sweet. The aroma is reminiscent of allspice. There are also notes of cloves and ginger.

It is noteworthy that fresh and dried basil differ in taste characteristics. The dried herb is often mistaken for a curry.

Many are interested in the question “is basil cilantro?”. The answer is no. These plants are both spices and give dishes a rich flavor. But they are two different herbs. Cilantro looks like parsley. She has small dissected leaves, divided into lobes.

Where spice grows

For the first time fragrant basil was seen in India. In nature, it can be seen in North Africa, Asian countries.

basil grows

As a crop, it is grown all over the world. The plant is accustomed to different climatic conditions. Despite the fact that the birthplace of basil is a warm country, now the cultivation of spices has also covered regions with cool summers. For example, in the Moscow region it is grown in gardens through seedlings. Seeds like to sprout in a warm room, and after 50-60 days, a garden bed is prepared for stronger seedlings in the open. The place should be sunny, calm.

Related species of fragrant basil

Fragrant basil (or ordinary, garden, camphor) is a variety of the genus Basil. There are more than a hundred varieties of plants. Fragrant can be called the most popular of the species of this genus. Do not confuse ordinary basil with sacred, brown, purple, lemon, eugenol. They are related, but not the same plant. For example, sacred basil (it may also be called holy) has shaggy leaves covered with fine, delicate hairs. Its taste is reminiscent of cloves. Purple and brown have specific foliage colors. Lemon is not to be confused with other types due to the rich fresh lemon aroma. Eugenol basil is a very large pyramidal shrub. Grows up to 1.5 m.

Thanks to breeders, each of the varieties of the plant has many different varieties.

Varieties of common basil

The plant has about fifty different varieties. The most famous can be called:

  • Genovese;
  • mammoth;
  • Magical Michael;
  • Tone;
  • vegetable naughty;
  • Fragrant handsome;
  • Gourmet.

Genovese is especially loved by Italians. It is grown in sunny, warm Italy. The variety produces a delicious cold pesto sauce.
Mammoth has large broad leaves. Spicy, spicy. It usually grows in warm regions. Suitable for growing on the windowsill in the apartment.

Magical Michael loves the sun, but the variety can be grown in regions with different climatic conditions. The peculiarity of the variety is in its very rapid growth. In just a month, it can stretch up to 40 cm. It has many emerald aromatic and spicy leaves. The leaves are consumed fresh as a snack.

Basil Tonus is considered mid-season. 6 weeks after germination, it can already be cut. The leaves are medium in size, moderately spicy.

cut basil

Basil Shalun is a small-leaved variety. Suitable for garden and home growing. The bush is very beautiful, spherical. Naughty basil is a vegetable variety. From one square meter you can get 1.5 kg of spicy greens.
Fragrant handsome smells like cinnamon. A very fragrant herb. What is fragrant handsome basil used for? Neat emerald leaves with a bluish-purple hue are suitable for decorating dessert compositions, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. The herb can be used to give a noble flavor to sweet, meaty dishes. It can grow in regions with different climates.

Gourmet gives excellent greens already 1.5 months after the appearance of the first sprouts. It grows very fast. Often grown in Central Russia. Suitable for seedling and seedless cultivation.

Note! All seeds of different varieties of basil can be bought in specialized stores or ordered online.

Basil is an annual or perennial herb

Basil ordinary (soulful) is an annual herb. To obtain fresh herbs, there should be an annual sowing of seeds. Fortunately, the seeds germinate very quickly. They can germinate in 3-6 days. Early varieties grow in just a month, medium-early - in 40-50 days. One-year-old fragrant basil will not grow on the site in the second year if it is not planted there first. Many other varieties of basil also belong to the annual culture: lemon, purple.

There is also a perennial basil. Eugenol basil is ideal as this crop. Growing and caring for plants is practically no different. Perennials are dug out of the garden in autumn and transplanted into a pot. In winter, it can grow at home.

culture properties

The culture has healing properties. The chemical composition is saturated. It contains:

  • ü sodium;
  • ü phosphorus;
  • ü magnesium;
  • ü potassium;
  • ü selenium;
  • ü copper;
  • ü manganese;
  • ü iron;
  • ü zinc;
  • ü vitamins A, PP, C, K, E;
  • ü vitamins of group B;
  • o beta-carotene.

All these macroelements, microelements, vitamins are in such volumes and proportions, due to which the plant has healing properties. Ancient Indian healers knew about the benefits of spicy herbs, saving people from various diseases. The popularity of this green, as a medicine, has not weakened over the years.

The fragrant basil plant is an antiseptic, antipyretic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic. Another property of spicy greens is bactericidal. It can normalize digestive processes, speed up the digestion of food. Helps with poisoning.
Fresh spice can be called a natural tranquilizer. After the use of basil, the general psychological state normalizes, anxiety and emotional stress go away. Bazilik has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Note! Why is it said that this culture is useful for men and women of different ages? In women, after eating greens, the menstrual cycle normalizes, lactation increases. In men, regardless of age, the herb increases potency.

What is basil used for? For example, for calming, relieving anxiety, a basil infusion is prepared. A teaspoon of dry grass is taken, brewed in a 500 ml jar with boiling water.

It can also be used for pain relief. A few leaves are frayed. The gruel is wrapped in gauze and applied to the temples, the back of the head.

The use of the plant is not limited to cooking and medicine. It has proved to be effective in cosmetology. The culture is able to restore the skin, rejuvenate, smooth, eliminate wrinkles. It has a beneficial effect on the cells located in the subcutaneous layers.

Who is contraindicated spicy herb

Despite the useful properties of the culture, its use should be limited:

  1. For babies;
  2. For women in position;
  3. People after a heart attack;
  4. If there is a disease or problems with blood vessels, heart;
  5. If a person has poor blood clotting;
  6. With diabetes.

Important! You can not excessively use spice. Too much of the herb can cause cramps. It increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should refuse it.

crop pests

Experienced gardeners know that fragrant basil is a very healthy plant. The grass has strong immunity from pests. However, if the culture is not provided with the necessary care, it can be attacked by aphids, field bugs.

The aphid pounces on the green bush, sucks out its juice. As a result, the leaves, stems are covered with a whitish or dark bloom. The leaves are curling up. The plant dries up. Aphids are dangerous because they carry various dangerous diseases. In the secretions that the insect leaves, a fungus develops.

The fight against aphids consists in treating the bush with garlic or potato broth. The procedure is carried out several times every 10 days. You can water the greens with ash broth. If there are a lot of aphids, it is allowed to use one of the insecticides: Akarin, Karbofos, Bankol.

Field bugs, like aphids, suck out the juice of greenery. In addition, the bug breeds on the basil. The larvae feed on leaves and stems. First, the plant on which the pest has settled is covered with white spots, then it dies. It is recommended to fight in exactly the same ways as in the case of aphids.

Are basil and oregano the same plant?

The question “is basil and oregano the same plant or not?” has an unequivocal answer - "no". Oregano is a well-known common oregano. Oregano and basil look a little similar. Oregano is a perennial. It has an upright stem. The stem has an edge.

The leaves are light green, may have a silvery coating. Rough to the touch. Plant height - about 40-80 cm. Blooms in July. The flowers are collected in large fluffy inflorescences. The common color of the petals is light pink. Oregano has a pleasant floral aroma.

It is no coincidence that these two plants are confused. The fact is that basil has a different name - regan. It is reminiscent of oregano. Regan basil is called mainly in Azerbaijan.

Note! The word is used in Asian countries. Regan can be translated from Latin as a regal aroma. Therefore, basil and regan have no difference from each other. This is the same plant. The main thing is not to confuse basil (regan) with oregano (oregano).

Fragrant basil is so popular in different countries with good reason. This spice gives dishes a unique flavor and is used as a decoration for desserts. Its healing properties have helped more than one generation of people. The plant looks pretty. The bush can decorate not only the site, but also the home window sill.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an annual plant in the mint family. It has a pleasant taste, a wonderful strong smell and is rightfully considered one of the best herbs. In his famous dictionary, in an explanation of the word "basil", Vladimir Dal points out: "Basil is a fragrant cornflower plant." In peasant houses, where the heat-loving foreigner from the tropics was given the consonant name of his native and beloved flower with the addition of "fragrant", overseas "cornflower" - basil was grown in pots on the windowsills. Fragrant, spicy, elegant and small in size, of all herbs, it is among the first candidates for pot culture. The conditions on the balcony, which is at least 4 hours a day illuminated by direct rays of the sun, can be considered ideal for this ancient spice, known since ancient times. The reasons for cultivating plants can be very different. Some are attracted by the purely practical side, medicinal raw materials or harvest. Others appreciate the decorative properties of plants. Still others - exclusive exotics and rarities. Represented by a huge variety of varieties, basil as a pot culture has something special to offer each of its admirers. First of all, the aroma. Clove, mint, citrus, fruity caramel, anise, almond or pepper - each variety has its own distinctive and delicious note. Basil is often referred to as the "king of herbs" for a reason.
In the conditions of central Russia, basil is sown for seedlings in late March - early April. Seeds are only lightly sprinkled with earth. At a temperature of 20-25°C shoots appear in 10-12 days. Since the plant is thermophilic, seedlings are planted in open ground after the end of frost (in early June). It is possible to sow directly into the ground at the end of May to obtain greenery. As a pot culture, basil can be sown almost all year round (lighting is required in winter).
Basil is a very attractive plant. This is especially true for the variety "Thai Queen", which is perfect for creating borders, flower beds and kitchen gardens. The plant looks luxurious in containers and flowerpots, looks great in compositions with basils of other varieties.
There are many varieties of basil that can make up a worthy retinue of the "Thai Queen". They differ in height (from 25 to 60 cm), foliage color and, most importantly, flavor characteristics. For example, "Anisic" has a delicate smell and taste of anise, "Yerevan" reminiscent of pimento. Very interesting "Clove"- a compact variety with a height of only 25-30 cm, ideal for growing in pots on balconies and window sills. It will successfully replace cloves in marinades and pickles. At "Lemon"- Strong lemon scent. It can be used to flavor various drinks (tea, kvass, compote), to prepare dessert dishes and to decorate them. "Cinnamon" has a distinct taste and smell of cinnamon. "broad-leaved" characterized by large fleshy leaves of intense green color with a classic aroma. "Osmin" very decorative with dark purple foliage and pale pink flowers.
Just one plant can replace a whole set of different spices! The color palette is also very rich. Even without resorting to other plants, you can create unusually effective compositions from basil alone, using varieties with different leaf colors that vary from golden green and emerald to deep purple. The size of the leaves of basil varieties is also surprisingly diverse. They can be up to 6-8 cm long in lettuce-leaved basil and are almost as small as thyme. Small leaves are characteristic of dwarf varieties, exceptionally successful for pot culture. Those who are used to buying reagan or raikhon on the market (basil is known under these names in the Caucasus and Central Asia) are unlikely to recognize the same basil in small-leaved varieties, they are so different.
The size and shape of potted basils is easy to control with regular shearing, cutting greens for the table. Moreover, this pleasant activity will involuntarily lead you to get to know the art of topiary in practice. And if you set such a goal intentionally, from dwarf basilicas, which naturally have a spherical bush, it is not difficult to grow balls, cones or pyramids that are ideal in shape. On the balcony, they will successfully replace the green figures made of sheared boxwood or yew, popular in the potted gardens of Europe, and their creation will take disproportionately less time.
Regular shearing, of course, does not allow "fragrant cornflowers" to bloom. However, blooming basils, ranging in color from white to purple, add a splash of color to a herb garden. Therefore, parts of plants should be allowed to develop freely. There are also varieties that are grown specifically for the sake of decorative flowers, for example, "Queen of Siam", and for seeds. In Thailand, formerly called Siam, popular drinks and desserts are prepared from them.
This side of the culinary "talents" of basil, unfamiliar to us, will certainly interest exotic lovers. When in contact with water, small basil nuts swell and grow before our eyes, becoming covered with a jelly-like shell, which makes them look like eggs. "Eggs" take on the taste of the environment in which they were placed - fruit juice, tea, rose water with honey or ice cream. Having collected a small crop of seeds from "fragrant cornflowers" on the balcony, you can cook a rare and truly original dessert for our places!
Basil is a perennial plant that is cultivated as an annual crop solely because of its heat requirements. However, if he finds a sufficiently well-lit southern window and moves it indoors, even after the end of the summer season on the balcony he will delight with his spicy and fragrant greenery. And there is another option - to dry the bush right on the vine.
You will be surprised how long dried leaves retain their fragrance. In some varieties, after drying, it becomes even more expressive.
In the ornamental garden, basil plays another important role: it is a natural repellant that protects plants from pests. Here the basil "Siam Queen" ("Siam Queen") "stands guard" ornamental cabbage. It is interesting for the abundance of flowers, a long flowering period and contrasting purple cups against the background of green foliage. They give a decorative effect to the plant even after it has faded. Basil, like other plants of the Lamiaceae family, has a tetrahedral stem and opposite leaves crosswise - favorable inclinations for the formation of a geometrically correct spherical shape of a bush. The lack of sheared forms of basils can be easily compensated for with pink, lilac and purple annuals - Moroccan flaxseed, nigella, lobularia, lobelia, diascia, gypsophila and other annuals that reproduce the color scheme of basil inflorescences.
Of the vines with basilicas, dark red rhodochiton and dolichos lab-lab are especially well combined. Pink cornflower is related to basil not only by the common name, but also by the delicate color of the inflorescences-baskets.
Oakleaf light yellow and pale green lettuce varieties are another good companion for purple basils. Among basil seedlings, plants are sometimes found that do not fully correspond to the characteristics of the variety, for example, green-leaved with dark spots instead of pure purple.
This disadvantage also has its positive aspects: the color of the flowers will also differ (from dark purple to light pink), enriching the color scheme of the composition.

Fresh or dried basil leaves and young shoots are added to salads, sauces, fish and meat dishes, and vegetable soups. In Italy, basil, along with grated cheese, is used as a seasoning for spaghetti. Excellent onion soup, sprinkled with finely chopped leaves of this herb. Thai basil is widely used in Vietnamese and Thai cooking in Thai green curry, Vietnamese noodles and many other dishes. Dried crushed basil leaves are added to vegetable juices and soft drinks to enhance the flavor. Connoisseurs of pickles and marinades are sure to put sprigs of the plant in jars and barrels with mushrooms and cucumbers.
In dietary cuisine, basil, along with other spices, helps reduce salt intake. Basil leaves are rich in essential oils, are a valuable source of carotene and rutin (vitamin P).

The plant has healing properties.

Basil has a beneficial effect on digestion, promotes the absorption of fats, and soothes stomach cramps. In folk medicine, a decoction of basil is used as an anti-febrile, antitussive. diuretic, and also as a gargle for sore throats. In a mixture with other plants, basil is used for male infertility, as well as for impotence due to mental overwork. For therapeutic purposes, use the grass collected in the budding phase - the beginning of flowering. Dry raw materials under sheds and in attics, spreading a layer of no more than 5 cm.

botanical name— Basil (Ocimum), a genus of perennial and annual herbs and subshrubs of the Lamiaceae family (Lamiaceae), some species are grown as a spicy-flavoring and medicinal plant.

Origin- grows wild in tropical and subtropical countries.

Lighting- prefers open sunny places.

The soil- light, rich in humus.

Watering- moderate.

predecessors- cucumber, potatoes, beans.

planting basil- seeds, seedlings.

Description of the basil

Herbaceous plant or shrub with a tetrahedral stem 30-60 cm high, oblong, sparsely toothed petiolate bright green or purple leaves up to 5.5 cm long. Flowers are formed in racemose inflorescences formed at the ends of the stems, white, pink, purple, sometimes reddish coloring. The fruits are smooth nuts. In total there are about 150 species.

The history of the basilica goes back many centuries. Wreaths of it are found in the Egyptian pyramids, in ancient Greece it was called the "royal grass", in India it was considered a sacred spice. A description of the basil and its medicinal properties can be found in the writings of the ancient Roman encyclopedist Pliny, it was mentioned by Hippocrates and Avicenna. It is now widely used as a spice and medicinal plant.

Types and varieties of basil used in culture

Common Basil is the most commonly grown (Ocimum basilicum), an annual herbaceous plant 40-60 cm tall, the stems and leaves of which are covered with small glandular hairs that accumulate valuable essential oil. Other names: fragrant basil, garden basil, Armenian rean, Azerbaijani reagan, Uzbek raykhon. As you can see in the photo below, common basil forms a branched shrub with many stems and leaves used for food.

There are a number of varieties that differ in taste, aroma and leaf color. Among them are varieties with purple leaves: Yerevan, with a spicy aroma, clove-mint Baku, a variety with green leaves Spoon-shaped, with the taste and smell of bay leaves and cloves, varieties: Clove, Lemon, with green leaves and aromas corresponding to the name, Caramel, one of the most fragrant, with the smell of fruity caramel and purple leaves, anise-pepper Charm. A number of varieties are cultivated as ornamental plants - Thai queen with large inflorescences on dark green bushes up to 50 cm high, Osmin, compact, with bronze foliage.

How the spice is also grown eugenol basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.), perennial shrub 70-100 cm tall, strongly branched, up to 50 shoots per bush. The eugenol contained in the essential oil is used to produce vanillin.

Another cultural view mint-leaved basil (Ocimum menthifolium Hochst)- a perennial shrub, the essential oil of which contains up to 80% camphor. In Russia, a form with a high content of dextrorotatory camphor has been developed; it is distributed in the North Caucasus, Ukraine, and the Voronezh region.

Some species are used as ornamental, for example, Ocimum aristatum, also called "Cat's mustache", whose elongated blue or white flowers with long white stamens look spectacular against the background of green shiny leaves.

Useful properties of basil and valuable composition

The ground part contains a large amount of vitamins: A, C, B2, PP, as well as sugar, carotene and phytoncides. The main value is the essential oil, which determines the taste, aroma and beneficial properties of basil. Its quantity in a certain growing season can reach 1.5% of the total weight of the plant, in seeds - up to 19%. The oil has a complex chemical composition, including cineol, linalool, eugenol, etc., as well as camphor (50-80%), a valuable substance used in medicine to improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. In some species, citral and methyl ester of cinnamic acid accumulate instead of camphor.

Thanks to these properties, basil is used in folk medicine as an antipyretic, tonic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. An infusion from the ground part is used to improve digestion, relieve flatulence and spasms. Aromatic baths are prepared from dry and fresh herbs to soothe the nervous system. The vitamins contained in the plant, and especially camphor, make it useful for diseases of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, a good tonic and restorative agent that helps restore the body after operations.

Agrotechnics for growing basil: from choosing seeds to planting seedlings

In nature, the plant grows in countries with a warm climate, does not tolerate negative temperatures, so all species in our conditions are grown in an annual culture. The growing season is 140-160 days. In the middle lane, for growing basil for greenery, it can be sown directly into the ground, and to obtain seeds, it is necessary to use the seedling method.

For seedlings, basil seeds are sown in a greenhouse or greenhouse in April, to increase their germination, they are pre-sprouted at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, 10 days after germination, they are fed with mineral fertilizers. Planting material is planted in the ground at the age of 30-35 days.

When grown from seed, basil is sown directly into the ground at the end of May, when the threat of a return frost has passed. Seedlings are planted at the same time. For planting basil, choose a sunny place, closed from cold winds, the soil should be light, rich in humus. On heavy clay soils, poor in organic matter, with a lack of lighting and heat, the yield of green mass is sharply reduced, and the ripening of seeds is delayed.

Further care of plants is simple, it consists in regular weeding, loosening and watering.

To determine the optimal timing for harvesting green mass, it must be taken into account that in different periods of the growing season, the amount of essential oil contained in the ground parts differs significantly. For ordinary basil, the main accumulation falls on the time of regrowth, by the time of budding, its amount decreases by almost three times, and reaches a maximum during mass flowering. In eugenol basil, the maximum accumulation of essential oil and vitamin C is observed during the budding period, and during mass flowering it decreases by almost 2 times.

When growing basil through seedlings or using film shelters, after cutting, the shoots grow back, which makes it possible to get a second crop.

The use of basil

Basil is widely used in Western European and Asian cuisines. This is a wonderful seasoning for lamb, cheese, dishes with tomatoes and fish, used to flavor pickles and marinades, flavoring vinegar and oil. As a medicinal plant, it is useful in diseases of the heart, lungs and kidneys, and contributes to the overall strengthening of the body.

The compact form, attractive flowers, variously colored leaves and the pleasant aroma of some species and varieties have led to the use of basil as an ornamental plant in open ground and indoor pot culture.

Hello, my "Magic Garden"! This year I subscribed to your newspaper and was not disappointed, but quite the opposite - I liked everything about it. Everything a gardener needs is here. Now let me ask you. I heard that there is a perennial basil. I just don't know what it's called and where to buy seeds. Tell about it, please.

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Everyone knows basil as a fragrant spice, which is especially revered in the south. There it is called reagan. Try to come to the market and ask for 2-3 bundles of different "weeds". The seller with a Caucasian accent will answer you with dignity: "It's not grass, dear, it's green!" And even if the basil is not green at all, but purple, it is still "green", without which it is impossible to imagine southern cuisine.

In recent years, basil has been willingly planted in Central Russia. It is sown like dill, parsley, cilantro, and grown in an annual crop.

But few people know that basil is not only a herb, that is, it can be not only an annual herb. The genus Basil includes about 150 species, among which there are perennial shrubs. In a pot culture, such basil can be grown at home as a houseplant.


One type of perennial basil is called Rama Tulasi (Ocimum tenuiflorum), or Basil Fine-flowered, also known as Holy Basil. Distribution area - India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh.

Rama Tulasi is a sacred plant in Hinduism, a perennial shrub up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are oblong, ovate, up to five centimeters long, located on short petioles. Rama Tulasi leaf color is light green. The color of the corollas of tiny flowers is white or light lilac. Tulasi leaves have a pronounced smell and taste.

This plant is used for culinary and medicinal purposes. It acts as a diaphoretic, antipyretic, nerve tonic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antiseptic. It is used for colds, coughs, headaches, arthritis, rheumatism, fever.

But most importantly, for admirers of Hinduism, Rama Tulasi is a plant-symbol. In Hindu culture, the plant is perceived as Tulasi-devi - the wife of Krishna, a deity symbolizing purity and devotion. This is the most sacred plant in India after the lotus, which has great religious significance. It is believed that "even the land under Tula-si is sacred."

In India, this plant can be found in every home. There is a belief that there will never be problems in the house where Tulasi grows, and the people living there will always be healthy, as Krishna blesses those who live near Tulasi.

There is a ritual of bathing Tulasi Basil, which women perform daily, washing its leaves with warm water. This action is called "puja". It is performed as a worship and is even equated with prayer, and the women who perform it seem to be praying for the well-being of their family.

The reasons for such reverence for the Tulasi Basilica must be sought in antiquity. People have long noticed that the plant purifies the air and repels harmful insects that carry diseases. In India, a country with a dense population, this is a very valuable quality. The most reliable option is to distribute this plant among the population - to declare that it is sacred.


If you have a burning desire to have a perennial basil, seeds can be found from collectors, through the Internet. In addition to Rama Tulasi, there are other types of perennial basil.

Eugenol basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.). Also known as wood basil or clove basil. Perennial shrub 70-100 cm tall, strongly branched, up to 50 shoots per bush. We grow it as an annual. Contains the substance eugenol, which has a strong analgesic effect, for example, in case of toothache, if a fresh crushed leaf is applied to the gum.

Another perennial species is mint-leaved basil (Ocimum menthifolium Hochst). The essential oil of this basil relieves pain and has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach and uterus.

Bushy basil, or bush basil. Due to its compact form and small leaves, this species is ideal for growing on a windowsill.

Basil is not just a perennial or annual plant that is eaten. This is a truly unique culture that has attracted the interest of scientists and has been popular with culinary specialists and gourmets for many years. Beautiful curly leaves on delicate green or purple branches can not only delight connoisseurs of spices, but also heal, protect the garden from pests and serve as a real decoration for beds or flower beds. Seasoning worthy of kings.

Each spice has its own unique taste. But basil, with its variety of species and varieties, will give any of them a hundred points ahead, because the varieties of this plant have a whole bunch of flavors. The multiple shades of the smell of the plant, which made it the king among spices, are explained simply: the culture contains essential oils of complex composition, which exude a whole train of aromas, so appreciated by connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces. Common basil has the highest content of essential oils.

It is difficult to list all the types of dishes that the addition of basil makes unique. Various types of basil are used in cooking and even in the perfume industry. The widespread use of the plant was provided by its numerous varieties, of which there are more than 150 species.

Types of basil: classification options

What is basil? What are the types and varieties of basil? The distribution of basil into groups and varieties depends on the parameters of their classification. There are, for example, plants used for food - vegetable basil. There is basil, varieties of which are also cultivated as ornamental plants - this is Thai queen basil, Osmin and others. Often, two main forms of basil are distinguished, which are the basic types of this plant, on the basis of which, approximately from the middle of the last century, various varieties began to be bred. This is the purple basil familiar to us and the more sophisticated green basil.

Basil "Thai Queen"

And although purple and green basil are equally popular, the choice of spice type depends on where you live. Europeans, especially lovers of Mediterranean cuisine, prefer varieties of the green plant, calling it sweet basil. And the basil with purple leaves, as having a sharper, stronger aroma, is highly respected by the peoples of Transcaucasia and Asia Minor and Central Asia and they call it reagan basil (or also rayhon basil, regan basil), which means “fragrant” in translation.

Some distinguish lemon basil as a third type, which got its name for the very strong and persistent smell of lemon, as a separate species, motivating this with an aroma unlike any other. But this is, rather, a classification by aroma and taste. The types of basil are distributed according to aromas:

  • clove, pepper, clove-pepper;
  • lemon flavor;
  • caramel;
  • marinade;
  • menthol, mint-pepper;
  • anisic;
  • caramel;
  • vanilla.

These are the main types of odors by which the plant is classified. To the question: “What varieties of basil are better?” no answer: it all depends on the dish in which the spice will be used, and on which basil you prefer in terms of aroma and taste. For example, varieties of basil with caramel, lemon, menthol and vanilla flavors are used in sweet dishes and drinks, with anise flavor - for cooking vegetable and fish dishes, and meat is cooked using clove and pepper flavors.

purple basil

Varieties of purple basil are distinguished by a high content of aromatic essential oils and a more intense aroma compared to green varieties.

common basil

Among the varieties of purple basil, the most popular is common basil (Ocimum basilicum). This is an annual low plant 30-60 cm in height, its stems and leaves of saturated purple color are covered with small thin hairs, in which the most valuable essential oil accumulates. It is also called Armenian Rean, Purple Ararat Basil, Azerbaijani Reagan, Uzbek Raykhon.

Basil Ararat has the most positive reviews, this variety can be found in almost every garden, because it is unpretentious in care. The variety has a pleasant aroma with hints of allspice and notes of cloves, young leaves are used as an ingredient in salads fresh and dried, they are also used for pickling and preserving vegetables. Often ararat basil is found in the markets.

Basil Yerevan

Yerevan purple basil is one of the most common and favorite varieties of culinary specialists. This is bush basil, grown in Russia for a very long time. It has a bright purple with a red tint color of the leaves and pale pink flowers, which is why it is used not only for culinary purposes, but also for decorating plots is planted in flower beds. In the south, purple basil is planted in open ground, in the middle lane - in the form of seedlings. It is very profitable, since young shoots can be cut 2-3 times during the season.

The taste of Yerevan basil is tart, it combines the smell of allspice and tea. Use the plant fresh and dried as a seasoning for salads, meat dishes, fish, soups and sauces.

Basil dark opal or purple

A variety bred in America in the fifties of the 20th century. It is today one of the most popular types, also called red or opal basil. The mahogany-purple dense color of the leaves persists throughout the entire life cycle of the culture. The bright crimson flowers of dark opal basil are beautiful, but they have to be plucked to better grow the leaves used for food. The rich peppery aroma with hints of cloves favors the use of the plant both fresh as salad leaves and dry as part of spice mixtures. Salads decorated with it look very aesthetically pleasing. With the addition of basil, dark opal is flavored with various oils, sauces and vinegars. Basil opal has a decorative value: planted in a pot in the kitchen, you can decorate the interior.

Basil "Dark Opal"

red ruby ​​basil

This variety is one of the attractive and most fragrant varieties of basil. This variety has an amazing, strong aroma, similar to the smell of fruit caramel. The dark purple foliage gives this basil a decorative look. The plant is multi-leaved, the mass of leaves reaches 300 g. It grows well after cutting, which is carried out 2-3 times during the growing season. It is used to flavor various drinks, vinegars, as well as ordinary salad greens, for the preparation of marinades. Basil is used fresh, dried and even frozen.

Basil "Red Ruby"

tulsi holy basil

The second name is Indian basil, and this plant is also called sacred basil. It has a very sharp, tart clove-pepper aroma and even a bitter aftertaste, which is highly respected by the people of India. Revered in this country as the incarnation of the Indian goddess of fidelity Tulasi, from her name and got the name. Used to prepare spicy Indian dishes. As a sacred plant, Hindus use it in ritual events. A relative with fragrant basil, which is why these varieties are sometimes confused.

Holy Basil (Indian)

Basil osmin

It is easily recognizable from afar by the rich purple color of the stems and leaves. Basil Osmin is one of those varieties that are used as a seasoning and cultivated as ornamental plants because of the bright shiny serrated leaves. Heat-loving osmin came to us from exotic India and Sri Lanka. It is a popular perennial crop there. We cultivate it as an annual. It has a strong spicy-pepper aroma. It is used in dried and fresh form as an additive to salads and as a marinade seasoning in canning. Osmin loves warmth, so it is better to plant as an ornamental plant in pots on windowsills.

Basil "Osmin"

Green types of basil

Green types of basil have a more delicate, delicate aroma and taste. It is because of him that they are so highly valued by European culinary specialists. There are many varieties of green basil, as well as purple. About the most popular and most interesting plants in more detail.

The second name is Italian basil. A very fragrant type of spicy plant with a strong smell of anise. The leaves are convex with jagged edges, ovoid, bright green color. It is eaten fresh and dried to make Italian pesto, and the extract from the seeds is added to exhaled oils as a flavor enhancer. Genoese basil germinates easily in a pot, and then the seedlings are planted in the garden. When sliced, Italian basil exudes a wonderful aroma, adding charm to salads and other dishes. It can be added to lemonade or tea instead of mint leaves.

Basil lemon flavor

The name speaks for itself. This is a green basil with a lemon flavor, and very pronounced. One of the favorite spices of cooks and housewives. Bush basil with small pointed smooth leaves of light green color. Gives a lot of leaf mass, about 200-250 g from one bush. Used fresh to flavor drinks, dishes, salads and desserts.

Clove basil variety has a pronounced taste and smell of cloves. The plant can reach 60 centimeters in height. The leaves are slightly serrated, elongated, deep green. It has a densely leafy bush with small snow-white flowers collected in clusters. Basil clove aroma can be grown in flowerpots at home on the windowsill - it will bloom all year round.

rice. clove basil

Mint leaf basil or camphor basil

One of the most widespread types of green basil throughout the world, which has a very expressive persistent specific aroma. An annual crop with large ovate leaves. It got its name due to the strong smell and content of essential oils from which camphor is made. It has a characteristic tart salty taste, used as a seasoning for cheeses, pasta, meat and fish.

Anise basil, which is a type of fragrant basil, has a strong aroma that gives the plant its name. It is distinguished from other varieties of green basil by silvery leaves and purple-colored stems, buds and inflorescence leaves. The flowers are quite large, pale pink. With good care, anise basil multiplies quickly, suppressing weeds.

anise basil

Basilisk basilisk is one of the compact plant varieties that is recommended to be planted not only in vegetable gardens and household plots, but also in pots. Multi-leaved culture with white flowers of small size - 15-20 cm in height. The leaves are green, small, smooth, ovoid. The clove-pepper aroma inherent in the variety led to its use as a salad dressing and an additive to marinades. Used dry and fresh.

Basil "Basilisk"

This variety of basil is a perennial that comes from South Africa. It is very thermophilic, therefore we cultivate it as an annual seedling crop. A plant with a powerful stem up to a meter tall and well-developed shoots and small white-gray flowers. Large serrated leaves, pubescent on the underside. It is a source of eugenol oil used for the production of vanillin. It has a bitter taste and spicy aroma with multiple shades - cloves, mint, allspice, lemon. Popular in Western European cuisine and Transcaucasia. It is used as a spicy seasoning for soups, meat dishes, sauces. Evengol basil is used as an additive to marinades, put it in preserves, jams, marmalade. The eugenol oil extracted from it often serves as a substitute for clove oil.

japanese basil

The correct name of this plant is perilla, it is a spicy herb similar to basil, thanks to which it got its second name. In fact, the origin of perilla comes from Korea, it was just found in Japan at the end of the last century. It is a crop from the Lamiaceae family, which is used for the production of essential oil and as a condiment. There are plants with green, red and pink-purple leaves. The Japanese decorate it with beautiful large leaves for dishes, red ones are especially popular. Varietal perilla has a mild lemon-anise aroma with hints of pepper. The green young leaves are used fresh in salads, pickled and used to make drinks. Quite whimsical culture, cultivated as an annual.

Japanese basil (perilla)

Broad-leaved basil gets its name from its large, juicy light green leaves. Large multi-leaved bushes yield up to 250 g per plant. The plant is an annual, it is recommended to plant seedlings. It has a high content of essential oils and vitamins. It smells like allspice, so it is used in salads and marinades, harmonizes wonderfully in salads with tomato and garlic.

Small-leaved Greek basil, often referred to as sweet basil, is very popular as a spicy and, thanks to its beautiful spherical bushes and white fragrant flowers, an ornamental plant. Great for growing at home. Small bright green leaves form a neat bush, growing to a height of no more than 15 cm. It has a classic basil aroma and a slightly bitter spicy taste. Very respected in Italian cuisine. It is used as an additive to salads and marinades, tomato sauces.

These are the most popular types of basil, common and popular seasonings for a wide variety of dishes. There are many more varieties of this amazing plant with overlapping, unique combinations of tastes and aromas.

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