Safe weight loss with a diet of "25 kg per month. Safe weight loss with the diet "25 kg per month Lose weight by 25 kg per month

If you realize that you need to fight overweight and strive to learn how to lose 25 kg in a month, this is commendable. True, in order to lose the declared weight, and even so quickly, maximum efforts and a sufficient amount of time will be needed. First of all, you will have to make significant adjustments to your daily diet, as well as regularly pay attention to physical activity, making a clear exercise schedule.

Since losing 25 kg is not easy, you will need to be patient. Healthy weight loss is a continuous process. Remember that it is impossible to lose weight in a couple of weeks without hurting yourself. Therefore, the optimal solution is to lose 0.5 -1 kilogram weekly. Adopt the principle "quieter you go - you will be farther" - and you will achieve your desired goal.

Limit weight loss rates - from 5 to 10 kg per month. That is, a maximum of 2 kilograms can go a week. But keep in mind that the plumb line also depends on your initial weight. The more body weight, the more you can lose. For weight loss to be truly effective, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Stick to a diet. Choose the most balanced and flexible nutrition system for yourself. It is necessary to strictly follow it, gradually get out of it and do not forget to repeat it at certain intervals.
  • Train. Constant physical activity is a prerequisite for successful weight loss.
  • Take vitamin complexes.
  • Enough to drink. Every day you need to drink about 2-3 liters of water (for convenience, take two bottles of 1 or 1.5 liters each - let them be at your fingertips all the time). This includes unsweetened green tea.
  • Reduce the amount of salt consumed (it retains excess fluid).
  • Eat dinner no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Losing 25 kg in one month will plunge the body into a state of serious stress. Therefore, it is desirable to lose weight gradually.

In principle, weight, even such a large one, is not so difficult to lose. But to save the result is much more difficult. You will need to use all your willpower so as not to break loose.


When scheduling your workouts, be sure to include cardio exercises in it. When choosing exercises, take into account your weight and the condition of the joints. After all, physical activity for those who have problems with the joints, and for those who do not have them, is different:

Strength training should be given at least half an hour a day. You have to work out 2 or 3 times a week. They, like cardio exercises, help not only to say goodbye to extra pounds, but also to keep weight within the normal range.

Find yourself a training partner. Preferably one who also seeks to change his life and lose weight. Together it will be much easier for you to reach your goal. If you can't find the right person, you can always join a group of people who are actively trying to lose weight. For example, use the Weight Watchers online service. He united those who were engaged in bringing their figure in order. The program includes weekly weigh-ins to track progress.


The nutrition system, designed for the loss of 25 kg per month, makes it possible to lose weight by 10 kg. So much will be lost by those whose excess weight is negligible. In people with serious obesity, it may well be possible to part with its help with exactly 25 kg. If your body weight is too high, it is better to lose weight on this diet in 2 months, and not in one. Sudden weight loss will do more harm than good.

Since this diet does not provide for the presence of first courses, the drinking regimen must be observed especially strictly - drink 2-3 liters of clean water daily.

Consider a detailed menu for 4 weeks

1 Week

Daily breakfast is the same: half an orange (if you don't like it, you can replace it with half a grapefruit) and boiled eggs (1 or 2 pieces).

Day of the weekmealWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)LunchSeasonal fruit (as much as you want).
DinnerA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed.
2nd (Tue)LunchBoiled whole chicken (do not eat the skin)
DinnerA couple of eggs boiled in any form with a salad (from cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet peppers and carrots), toast and an orange (you can change it to a grapefruit).
3rd (Wed)LunchLow-fat cottage cheese (as much as you want) with toast and tomatoes.
DinnerSee Monday menu.
4th (Thu)LunchSee Monday menu.
DinnerSee Monday menu plus salad.
5th (Fri)LunchA pair of eggs boiled in any form with vegetable stew (peas, beans, carrots, zucchini).
DinnerBoiled fish (can be changed to shrimp) with salad and orange (as an alternative - grapefruit).
6th (Sat)LunchSee Monday menu.
DinnerSee Thursday's menu.
7th (Sun)LunchBoiled or baked chicken (you can’t eat the skin) with tomatoes, boiled or stewed vegetables and an orange (you can change it to grapefruit).
DinnerBoiled or stewed vegetables.

2 weeks

Breakfast for each day is the same: half an orange (or grapefruit as an option) and boiled eggs (1-2 pieces).

Day of the weekmealWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)LunchA couple of boiled eggs with a salad.
DinnerA couple of boiled eggs with an orange or a medium grapefruit.
2nd (Tue)LunchA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed, with a salad.
DinnerSee Monday menu.
3rd (Wed)LunchA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed, with cucumbers.
DinnerSee Monday menu.
4th (Thu)LunchA couple of boiled eggs with boiled vegetables and low-fat cottage cheese.
DinnerA couple of boiled eggs.
5th (Fri)LunchBoiled fish (can be changed to shrimp).
DinnerSee Thursday's menu.
6th (Sat)LunchA piece of lean poultry meat, steamed, with tomatoes and an orange or grapefruit.
DinnerFruit salad (from orange, tangerine, melon, peach and apple).
7th (Sun)LunchBoiled chicken with tomatoes and orange (can be changed to grapefruit).
DinnerSame as the lunch menu.

3 week

Everything indicated in the column "What we eat" must be consumed throughout the day in equal portions. Eat should be fractional, so servings should be at least 5.

Day of the weekWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)Any fruit (as much as you want). It will not be possible to enjoy only grapes, mangoes, dates, figs and bananas.
2nd (Tue)Any boiled vegetables with salads. Cereals and potatoes are prohibited.
3rd (Wed)See the Monday menu plus boiled or stewed vegetables with salads.
4th (Thu)Boiled fish (can be replaced with shrimp) in unlimited quantities with salads or just cabbage and boiled vegetables.
5th (Fri)Lean poultry meat, steamed (as much as you want), with boiled vegetables.
6th (Sat)One piece of fruit (as many as you want).
7th (Sun)See Saturday menu.

4 week

Everything indicated in the “What we eat” column must be distributed throughout the day. Eat only when you feel hungry. The number of meals should be at least 5.

Every day, one toast and one orange should be added to the proposed list of products, which can be replaced with grapefruit.

Day of the weekWhat do we eat
1st (Mon)Half boiled chicken, tomatoes (3 pcs.), Cucumbers (4 pcs.), Canned tuna without oil (1 jar).
2nd (Tue)A piece of boiled poultry meat (200 g), tomatoes (3 pcs.), Cucumbers (4 pcs.), Apple (can be changed for a pear or melon slice).
3rd (Wed)Low-fat cottage cheese (1 tablespoon), boiled vegetables (shallow plate), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Cucumbers (2 pcs.).
4th (Thu)Half boiled chicken, tomatoes (3 pcs.), Cucumber, fruit (1 kind).
5th (Fri)Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Tomatoes (3 pcs.), Lettuce leaves (1 bunch).
6th (Sat)Boiled chicken (2 breasts), cottage cheese or cheese (120 g), tomatoes (2 pcs.), Cucumbers (2 pcs.), We drink yogurt.
7th (Sun)See Wednesday menu plus canned tuna without oil (1 jar).

Ukrainian Ruslana Pysanka is a well-known personality in the field of cinema and theater. Her diet illustrates how seriously she took her own weight loss. In the fight against excess weight, Ruslana has developed her own tactics - she does it gradually and purposefully. To decide to apply such a serious method as a diet, the actress could not immediately. Diet correction was preceded by a long process of psychological adjustment.


The first thing Ruslana did was to change her diet beyond recognition. She stopped eating after 2:00 pm. She only had breakfast and lunch. After two in the afternoon, the actress could only drink mineral or plain non-carbonated water.. Despite such restrictions, this diet is considered quite complete, because the menu contains both carbohydrates and proteins. Under a categorical ban were potatoes, mayonnaise, yogurt and other products that are guaranteed to gain weight.

Surprisingly, despite the severity of the diet, Ruslana Pysanka left a place for cakes and sweets in it. True, she regales herself on them only before dinner. The actress notes that during the first week of such a global diet restructuring, all thoughts were only about food. However, this went away with time.

For 4 months of such abstinence, the actress lost 20 kg. But in general, she managed to part with 30 kg.

For those who want to lose weight by 25 kg, but still do not know many of the nuances, Ruslana Pysanka gives some practical recommendations.

Summing up

If you set out to lose weight by dropping as much as 25 kg, it is better not to engage in amateur activities, but to seek professional advice from a nutritionist. He will prescribe vitamin complexes and advise you on the physical activity that suits you.

In the presence of any chronic diseases (eg diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), a preliminary examination by the appropriate doctors is mandatory. Otherwise, you risk getting dangerous complications instead of a good figure.

Be patient - 25 kilograms will not go away in a couple of days. Mentally prepare for the fact that you will have to spend more than one month to fulfill your dream. And don't forget to take before and after photos. This will allow you to determine how impressive the result you managed to get.

For those who want to thoroughly take care of their weight and appearance, there is good news. Especially for them, the diet “Minus 25 kg per month” was developed. True, you will be required not only to change your usual diet, but also your lifestyle along with it. For example, spend more time exercising. But this should be done gradually so as not to harm the body. As they say, you go quieter - you will continue.

Reviews of losing weight report that this diet is actually very effective and completely eliminates 10 extra pounds. If the excess weight is large enough, then there is a chance to lose even more.

This nutrition system successfully combines separate nutrition, borrowed from protein diets, some principles of mono-diets and an egg diet created by Anita Tsoi.

Many doubt the reality of weight loss by as much as 25 kg, even in a month. Indeed, some reviews about this method of losing weight are very contradictory. Someone dropped 15 kg and was delighted with the result achieved. And someone saw a figure on the scales that was only 3 kg less than the original one, and thought that all this was pure scam. Some were frightened by the very figure - 25 kg, and they considered such a nutrition system to be extreme, risky and, in general, harmful to the body. However, before embarking on this diet, you need to remember that it was originally developed not at all for those who want to lose weight, but for people with serious health problems that led to obesity. These are far from ordinary fasting days. It is more like a kind of treatment table, which should correct the disturbed metabolism.

How is weight loss

Diet "Minus 25 kg per month" is sometimes called "chemical". This second name is justified, since its essence lies in changing those chemical processes that occur during the assimilation of food eaten and the accumulation of energy. The basis of the diet of this food system is to increase the amount of protein consumed in it while reducing the amount of carbohydrates. As a rule, energy is supplied to the body through carbohydrates. They are stored in the liver, and the excess is excreted in the same fat. If the intake of carbohydrates decreases, the smart body immediately starts the reverse process and begins to consume fat reserves. And we just need this to lose weight.

Due to the fact that the total amount of the diet and the total caloric content of the food consumed remain unchanged, and the diet itself is saturated with protein, there is clearly no danger of losing muscle mass. A significant amount of protein on the menu also helps to form a good muscular corset. The process will go faster if you supplement the diet with feasible physical activity. And for diabetics, such a nutritional system additionally protects against fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

How to diet properly

Weigh the pros and cons

Positive points:

Negative points:

  • Prohibition of product substitution. Don't like it, don't eat it.
  • If you break, you can not continue the diet from the place of the breakdown, you must definitely return to the very first day.
  • This method of losing weight is prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for those who suffer from digestive system problems, allergies to any citrus and chicken eggs.
  • Fried food is completely prohibited.

sample monthly diet

  • I and II weeks

Breakfast is the same type every day and consists of 0.5 grapefruit or oranges with a couple of “cool” eggs (as an option, you can boil them soft-boiled).

1 LunchAny fruit of your choice (quantity - as much as you want).
DinnerA boiled piece of dietary meat.
2 LunchBoiled chicken (pre-remove the skin).
DinnerVegetable salad, a couple of "cool" eggs with whole grain toast. For dessert, we eat an orange or a medium grapefruit.
3 LunchLow-fat hard cheese (as much as you want) with tomatoes and whole grain toast.
DinnerA piece of boiled dietary meat.
4 LunchSee 1st day.
DinnerVegetable salad with a piece of boiled dietary meat.
5 LunchA couple of "cool" eggs with any boiled vegetables.
DinnerBoiled dietary fish with vegetable salad. For dessert, we eat an orange or a medium grapefruit.
6 LunchSee 1st day.
DinnerSee 4th day.
7 LunchBoiled chicken breast (pre-remove the skin) with boiled vegetables and tomatoes. For dessert, we eat an orange or a medium grapefruit.
DinnerBoiled vegetables of your choice.
  • III week (the indicated products are distributed on the day independently)
  • IV week (the indicated products are distributed on the day independently)
1 Quarter of boiled chicken, cucumber-tomato salad with whole grain toast and boiled or canned tuna (no oil added). We eat an orange or a medium grapefruit for dessert.
2 200-gram piece of boiled meat, cucumber-tomato salad with whole grain toast. We eat an orange, an apple or a medium grapefruit for dessert.
3 A tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, cucumber and tomato salad with whole grain toast. We eat a traditional orange or a medium grapefruit for dessert.
4 Half boiled chicken, cucumber-tomato salad with whole grain toast. An orange or a medium grapefruit - as always, for dessert.
5 A couple of "cool" eggs with tomatoes and lettuce. As a dessert, we eat an orange or a medium grapefruit.
6 A couple of boiled chicken breasts, a 150-gram portion of low-fat cottage cheese, cucumber-tomato salad with yogurt. For dessert, you can eat the same orange or a medium grapefruit.
7 A tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese, canned Tuna (without adding oil), boiled any vegetables, cucumber and tomato salad with whole grain toast. For dessert, we eat a traditional orange or a medium grapefruit.

Summing up

Those who have lost weight on this diet share that her diet is very easily tolerated. Those who are used to constantly counting the number of calories eaten and determining the glycemic index of foods will not have to bother at all. Also, most people really like that the menu is replete with a variety of vegetables and fruits, which you can sometimes choose at your discretion.

This diet is universal. They can be used by people of all ages. There is no need to take additional vitamin preparations.

How to lose weight correctly

Excess weight spoils life and affects health. However, the process of losing weight must be approached with all responsibility. Sometimes the consequences of strict and express diets can be very serious. If you need to lose not 1-2 kilograms, but several tens, it is better to choose smooth weight loss systems. Of course, fast diets have their advantages:

  • The ability to lose weight in a short period of time.
  • The body is being cleansed.
  • There is an incentive for further self-improvement.

However, they have much more disadvantages:

  • They are difficult to bear. Not everyone can live the whole day on kefir or boiled meat.
  • Due to severe dietary restrictions, nutritional deficiencies can occur. As a result, a person develops weakness, apathy, the condition of the skin and hair worsens, and sleep is disturbed. In the case of prolonged hypovitaminosis, serious health problems can begin.
  • Kilograms quickly return when a person begins to eat again, as before.
  • Reduced immunity, the body is weakened.
  • Metabolism slows down. The body tries its best to conserve energy.
  • Instead of fat, muscles begin to break down. As a result, you can get a thinner, but sagging body. By the way, first of all, the face and chest begin to lose weight - areas where the fat layer is the most loose.

Diets minus 25 kg, designed for several months, are considered healthy. They do not require a categorical refusal of food and are based on the ideal balance of nutrients and calories. Even if the weight will go away more slowly, such nutrition systems are much more useful for the body.

Diet Basics

How much can you lose weight by 20-25 kilograms: in two weeks, a month or two months? It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the chosen diet and the willpower of the person. Accelerate the process of losing weight physical activity and adherence to the daily routine. Slow down stress, lack of sleep and bad habits.

How to lose weight by 25 kg in a month:

  • Eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day, do not skip meals.
  • The diet should have a calorie content of up to 1500 kcal. At the same time, a person must burn more calories than he consumes - then the process of burning fat in the body's reserves will begin.
  • Observe the drinking regime. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Natural diluted juices, green tea, compotes are also allowed.
  • If losing weight broke loose and ate something not provided for by the diet, the next day should be unloading and as low-calorie as possible.
  • Products are best boiled or steamed, minimize salt and animal fats. It is allowed to use herbs, spices, lemon juice, vegetable oils.
  • Snacking is acceptable, starving is not recommended at all. You can eat fruits, a spoonful of berries or drink a glass of kefir, but not earlier than 2-3 hours after eating.
  • The last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is better to accustom yourself to the daily routine and follow it. The body will get used to the meal schedule and digestion processes will occur faster.
  • Plain water will help reduce the amount of consumed servings. Drink a glass of clean water 15-20 minutes before eating. It speeds up metabolic processes, helps cleanse the body and takes up free space in the stomach. So, a person will eat less than he could.
  • A diet designed for intensive weight loss can be chosen no more than once a year. This is a serious stress for the body.
  • The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits. Every day you need to eat protein (eggs, fish, lean meats). Cereals, vegetable oils, low-fat fermented milk products should be present in a limited amount.

Important! The following foods will help speed up the fat burning process: ginger, green tea, grapefruit, celery, oatmeal, etc.

The best diets for losing weight by 25 kg

How to lose an extra 25 kg with diets:

  • Ducan's diet. Designed for 4 stages, each of which has its own purpose. Allows you to lose 20 or more kilograms. The duration of the diet is individual, until the desired result is achieved. It is important to follow the recommendations and strictly follow the recommended menu.
  • Protein diet. The main food will be proteins (lean meat, fish, eggs). As snacks, apples, grapefruits, oranges, green vegetables are suitable. Twice a week, you can give preference to low-calorie dairy products. The diet is not balanced.
  • Low calorie diet. The essence of the diet is to limit the amount of calories consumed (no more than 1200 kcal per day). Portion size is also gradually reduced. If it is very difficult, you can consult a doctor and take pills to reduce appetite for a while.
  • chemical diet. The basis of the diet is protein products. It is important to cook all dishes without fat, to refuse baked and fried foods. The action of the diet is aimed at cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism. The menu is designed for every day. If the regime is violated, you will have to start all over again.
  • egg diet. A day you need to eat at least 2 eggs (preferably soft-boiled). Low-fat varieties of meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, and sometimes sour-milk products are also allowed. The diet is strict, and it is not recommended to violate the prescribed regimen.

With high-quality weight loss, it is important not to get involved in fasting days, even when overeating. The possible number of such days per week without harm to health can be - a day.

With proper weight loss, the basis of the diet must necessarily be lean animal proteins, whole grains, fish and seafood, unrefined oils, nuts and seeds (in moderation), vegetables. Fruits and dairy products should be consumed in doses.

The ineffectiveness of strict diets is explained by the fact that a person seems to be able to lose weight, however, eating habits remain the same. That is, after a diet, a person begins to eat the same way as before. As a result, the weight returns, but fat takes the place of the muscles. There is a deterioration in appearance, since fat is not as dense as muscle. Therefore, two women with the same weight, but with a different percentage of body fat, will look different.

Important! If you feel worse, the diet should be stopped and consult a specialist. Due to an imbalance or a sudden change in diet, the body may respond inappropriately

Additional weight loss methods

Diet is good, but few people like saggy skin and flabby muscles. And with the loss of a large amount of adipose tissue, this is inevitable. Regular exercise will help correct the situation. Cardio loads (running, jumping, swimming, crossfit) will help strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, accelerate fat burning processes. Power loads will take care of the normalization of muscle mass and improvement of skin condition. If a person has not been involved in sports, you can start with walking or jogging, gradually increasing the load. Ideally, you need to perform cardio exercises 3 times a week and, at least 2 times a week, give the body power loads.

Cosmetic procedures are no less useful. An excellent choice is massage, it accelerates the outflow of lymph, tightens the skin, and normalizes blood circulation. Wraps and peels, professional cosmetics with vitamins have proven themselves well.

If there are no contraindications, you can visit the sauna or Russian bath once a week. An increase in temperature helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

One of the most effective diets is called the astronaut diet. This is a protein diet with restriction of fats and carbohydrates. Helps to get rid of 20-25 kg per month (video below).

Four years ago, the scale below me swung at around 85 kilograms, and I resolutely began to lose weight. By that time, I had tried a bunch of different power systems. They helped, but as soon as I got off the diet, the weight returned in double volume. Then I developed my method of losing weight and lost 25 kilograms in six months.

Mouth to lock

First of all, I said goodbye to several products: mayonnaise, and with it sour cream, bakery products (bread, pies, rolls and similar donuts), sweets and alcohol - were mercilessly deleted from my menu.

Everything else - fried, fatty - which, as a rule, they refuse, I left. But I was guided by the principle of separate nutrition, as I understand it. This means that the main dish is separate, the side dish is separate. I devoured pasta and potatoes, but never with a piece of chicken or a cutlet.

How can you lose weight if you eat everything, you ask? The secret is in the main principle, which I do not have time to repeat to everyone who wants to lose weight: you need to eat less! And in the literal sense.

I read or heard somewhere: to lose weight, you need to cut portions in half. And I made it my rule. For example, I used to eat two cutlets in one sitting and not a cutlet less, or even more. Four years ago, more than one cutlet did not appear on my plate.

Economy mode

In any diet, as in sports, the regime is important.

1. For myself, I clearly decided to eat strictly three times a day. I literally painted by the hour what time I had breakfast, lunch and dinner at approximately equal intervals. For example, breakfast - 8.00, lunch - 12.30, dinner - 17.30.

2. I haven't eaten since six. For me, this principle works flawlessly. During the day we are active, but in the evening - the time of sofas, computers, when calories are not burned, but accumulated. This means that if for some reason the dinner scheduled from 17.30 to 18.00 did not take place, I was left without dinner.

3. I prescribed what exactly I would eat during the day. When you look into the refrigerator and dreamily look around at your cold friend, it beckons you to pull off something tasty and more. Therefore, I hung a leaflet with the menu on the refrigerator and clearly knew what to get from there.

gluttony day

I wanted to eat all the time. The stomach tends to shrink and after a week I began to eat up one cutlet, but after an hour the feeling of hunger returned. But when after the first month I lost ten kilograms, the feeling of hunger seemed to me not such a high price.

After losing the first ten kilograms, I began to pamper myself. Dieting is both physical and psychological stress. In order not to start throwing myself at people, once a week I arranged for myself a “gluttony day”. As a rule, on Saturday I allowed myself fast food, alcohol, chocolate, which I love, and if there was a party, I didn’t deny myself anything even after six. But the next day - a diet.

Five months later, my weight stopped at around 65 kilograms. The next month was spent on losing another five kilos. January was on the calendar - the time of the New Year holidays, and I abandoned all my restrictions, but the weight did not return.

Since then, my weight has fluctuated between 60 and 65 kilograms. As soon as I reach the mark of 65 kilograms, I return to the diet, and in a week the weight is gone. Not only has my body changed, but my approach to nutrition has also changed. I automatically put half as much food on my plate as I could have eaten four years ago.

Do one, do two

I had to say goodbye to the third, striving for the fourth, breast size. The volumes in this part of the body are gone, unfortunately, in the first place.

Perhaps the main mistake is the lack of exercise. Fortunately, I did not have stretch marks, but the skin lost its elasticity and firmness. A pouch has appeared in the abdomen, which is noticeable when I bend over. So now, finally, I decided to work on this problem as well. I do circles in the pool and do fitness at home.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: fried egg or one egg omelette, tea or coffee with one spoonful of sugar. OR: a few slices of cheese, tea or coffee.

Dinner: a piece of fried chicken, half a tomato, tea or coffee with one spoonful of sugar. OR: ladle of soup, tea or coffee.

Dinner: fried cauliflower or any other vegetables. OR: macaroni and cheese, tea.

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For lunch, you can enjoy any amount of fresh fruit (seasonal).
For dinner, allow yourself boiled lean meat.

Adhering to this diet, you need to drink more water - up to 2-3 liters per day.

For breakfast, eat half a grapefruit/orange and 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
For lunch, treat yourself to boiled chicken, peeling it from the skin.
For dinner, allow yourself an orange / grapefruit, salad (cucumbers, lettuce, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes), 2 eggs (hard boiled), 1 toast or 1/2 tortillas.

For lunch: 1 toast, cheese (low-fat white), tomatoes.
For dinner: low-fat stew.

For breakfast, eat 1/2 grapefruit/orange and 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
For lunch: fresh fruit (seasonal) - in any quantity.
For dinner: boiled lean meat and vegetable salad.

For breakfast, eat half a grapefruit/orange and 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
For lunch, eat 2 boiled eggs, stewed or boiled vegetables (for example, beans, zucchini, cabbage with carrots).
For dinner: boiled shrimp or baked fish, fruit salad, orange or grapefruit.

For breakfast, eat half a grapefruit/orange and 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
For lunch, allow yourself any amount of fresh fruit (seasonal).
For dinner, allow yourself a salad and a lean stew.


For breakfast, eat half a grapefruit/orange and 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
For lunch, treat yourself to baked/boiled chicken (skinned), stewed or boiled vegetables, grapefruit or orange.
For dinner: stewed or boiled vegetables.

Diet "minus 25 kg per month": 2 weeks


For breakfast, eat: 1/2 grapefruit / orange, as well as 1-2 boiled eggs.
For lunch, eat a salad, 2 boiled eggs.
For dinner, you can eat 2 eggs (boiled), as well as grapefruit or orange.

For breakfast, eat 1/2 grapefruit/orange and 1-2 hard-boiled eggs.
For lunch, allow yourself a salad, boiled lean meat.
For dinner, eat 2 eggs (boiled), grapefruit or orange.

For lunch, eat cucumbers, boiled lean meat.
For dinner, eat 2 eggs (boiled), grapefruit or orange.

For breakfast, eat 1/2 grapefruit/orange and 1-2 boiled eggs.
For lunch, eat boiled vegetables, cheese (white fat-free) - in any quantity, 2 hard-boiled eggs.
For dinner, eat 2 eggs (boiled).

For breakfast, eat: 1/2 grapefruit / orange, and 1 or 2 boiled eggs.
For lunch, allow yourself: boiled shrimp or baked / boiled fish.
For dinner, eat 2 eggs (hard boiled).

For breakfast, eat 1/2 grapefruit/orange and 1-2 boiled eggs.
For lunch, allow yourself boiled meat, tomatoes, grapefruit or orange.
For dinner, eat a mix of fresh fruits - tangerine, orange, peach, apple, melon.


For breakfast, eat 1/2 grapefruit/orange and 1-2 boiled eggs.
For lunch, allow yourself boiled chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit or orange.
For dinner, eat boiled or baked chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit or orange.

Diet "minus 25 kg per month": 3 weeks


All day you can eat any fresh fruit. The exceptions are grapes, dates, mangoes, figs, bananas.

All day you can eat any boiled vegetables (except potatoes) or vegetable salads.

When cooking or stewing vegetables, you can add (in a small amount): pepper, salt, garlic or onion, seasonings.

All day you can eat any fresh fruit, except for dates, grapes, mangoes, figs, bananas. You can also eat boiled/stewed vegetables or vegetable salads.

All day you can eat boiled shrimp or boiled / baked fish, cabbage or salad, as well as boiled or steamed vegetables.

Boiled vegetables, baked lean meat, or boiled/baked chicken.

Saturday Sunday

During the day, allow yourself one kind of any fresh fruit in any quantity.

Diet "minus 25 kg per month": 4 weeks

Portions of food should be distributed throughout the day.

- 1 toast;
- 3 tomatoes;
- 4 slices of boiled / baked meat or 1/2 boiled chicken;
- 4 cucumbers;
- 1 can of tuna fillet without oil;
- orange or grapefruit.

- 1 toast;
- 3 tomatoes;
- 2 slices of baked meat (no more than 200 g);
- 4 cucumbers;
- orange / grapefruit;
- an apple (or a slice of watermelon / melon, or a pear).

- 1 toast;
- a small portion of vegetables (boiled);
- 2 tomatoes;
- 1 tbsp cheese (white fat-free) or cottage cheese (low-fat);
- 2 cucumbers;
- grapefruit or orange.

- 3 tomatoes;
- half boiled / baked chicken;
- 1 toast;
- 1 cucumber;
- fresh fruit (1 type);
- orange or grapefruit.

- orange / grapefruit;
- salad;
- 2 hard boiled eggs;
- 3 tomatoes.

- curdled milk;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 120 g of cheese / cottage cheese;
- 2 boiled chicken breasts;
- 2 cucumbers;
- 1 toast;
- orange or grapefruit.

- 2 tomatoes;
- a can of canned tuna fillet (oil should be drained);
- 1 tablespoon fat-free cottage cheese;
- 2 cucumbers;
- a small portion of steamed or boiled vegetables;
- 1 toast;
- orange or grapefruit.

As you can see, the “minus 25 kg per month” diet is quite balanced, which allows you to lose weight without risk to health. Nevertheless, if you have any diseases before losing weight, you should definitely consult a doctor. In addition, during the diet, do not forget about physical activity: they will increase its effectiveness.

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