Biography of Irina Agibalova. Irina Agibalova and her pages on social networks Interesting in Irina Agibalova’s feed

Irina came to the Dom-2 project following her youngest daughter Rita Agibalova, who managed to find her love on the project, get married and give birth to little boy Mitya. This is not the first time that the mother of a Dom-2 participant comes to the project to support her daughter. Previously it was Larisa Vodonaeva and Irina Buzova. However, before Irina Agibalova, none of star moms did not stay on the project for so long and did not become full-fledged participants in the show.

Irina Alexandrovna came to help her daughter raise her grandson. The mission was noble, because Rita Agibalova was a very young girl. Irina Agibalova did not limit herself to helping to care for the baby. Irina was always dissatisfied with her son-in-law, Evgeny Kuzin, and during her stay in the perimeter of the “clearing”, she did not miss the moment to quarrel the newlyweds, giving Margarita various advice. With this, Irina Agibalova raised her ratings on the television project, and when Margarita Agibalova left it, her mother decided that it was worth teaching the rest of the participants some wisdom.

She was never shy in expressing her opinion to other residents of the House of Love, raising questions on the problem of fathers and children, thereby irritating people more and more. According to the vote of television viewers, Irina Aleksandrovna won in the “Burd of the Year” nomination. She defiantly threw the award from the Dom-2 stage, commenting on her action by saying that she did not respect their choice.

At first, on the television project one could observe a housewife who raised three children and believed that her main mission in life had been completed. Lack of figure due to excess weight, wrinkles, a dull face with dark bags under the eyes and a dull sadness in his gaze were distinctive features women. However, now in the photographs on Instagram Irina Agibalova is a completely different person. Slender, well-groomed, with a sparkle in her eyes, a chic lady continues to amaze society with her changes. Irina Alexandrovna owes such changes in appearance to doctors and plastic surgeons. To lose weight, she chose a radical method - gastric banding. After this, Irina really changed a lot, losing weight, and even began to look younger. The woman herself does not hide the fact of the operation and happily gives interviews in which she describes her feelings.

Irina Agibalova’s Instagram account has more than 150,000 subscribers, and the number of photos has long exceeded 1,500. You can find her by searching by typing @agibalova_irina. Irina Agibalova maintains Instagram regularly so that fans can observe changes in her appearance and life. She also shares news about famous daughters and grandchildren. In addition, Irina Agibailova’s Instagram is varied with photographs demonstrating the results of diets and regular exercise.

Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova spices up Instagram with her culinary masterpieces low-calorie dishes. Most of all, she loves fish, but since the men in her family are meat eaters, Irina’s recipes are varied. It is interesting to note that Irina Agibalova carefully monitors comments on Instagram. Unlike other Internet resources, where people express completely unflattering opinions about this person, Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova’s Instagram is filtered. Under numerous photographs of the owner of the account, visitors leave comments expressing their admiration for Irina’s efforts to remain an attractive woman after 50.

On Instagram, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova posts photographs of her children and grandchildren. One gets the impression that she is absolutely happy man with such a large and beloved family. True, we cannot forget the fact that Irina more than once brought her daughter Olga to a nervous breakdown, and it was also not without her advice that the marriage of Rita and Evgeniy Kuzin collapsed.

The appearance of a young woman has already been mentioned more than once. Irina Agibalova fills Instagram with reports about her trips to cosmetologists, beauty salons and the use of various cosmetics. Simply put, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova’s Instagram is flooded with advertising. Even the signature to the account sounds simple and concise: “For questions of cooperation, please contact me at...”.

You can be a social network star at any age and shining example to that is Irina Agibalova, whose Instagram is viewed by more than half a million subscribers. Some consider this woman an idol, worthy of emulation, others openly hate and do not miss the opportunity to throw mud. But no one remains indifferent to this charismatic, powerful lady, who is trying to control not only her life, but also the destinies of her own daughters.

(scroll through the photos, there are a lot of them)

To arouse lasting interest in your person, you don’t have to be a young blonde with plump lips And luxurious bust. It’s enough just to appear on the television project “Dom-2” as the mother of one of the participants, make a couple of harsh remarks about your daughter’s chosen one, and they will immediately start talking about you. This is exactly what Irina Agibalova did, whose Instagram today has more than half a million subscribers. And, although the woman posts the most ordinary, philistine photos there, the army of fans only grows every day. Some explain the increase in popularity by the personal charm of a far from young lady, others say that it is a matter of a sharp tongue, and still others attribute everything to charismatic behavior. Irina herself does not reveal her secrets and only smiles mysteriously, and at the same time invites everyone to subscribe to her blog about cooking, fashion, beauty, relationships and other important issues that always concern women, regardless of age.

Childhood, youth and personal life

Agibalova's biography is replete with the most different events. Irina Aleksandrovna, nee Tarasenko, was born on November 1, 1964 in a small village located in the Semipalatinsk region. There I went to local school, and upon graduation she entered the pedagogical institute. As a student, in the summer of 1985 I met a young man named Yuri Agibalov. The guys liked each other so much that after 2 weeks they took the application to the registry office, and exactly a month later, on September 14, 1985, they got married.

In 1986, Irina successfully graduated from university and took a position as a biology teacher in one of the schools. But she didn’t manage to work for long. The woman went on maternity leave and on November 25 gave birth to her first daughter, Olga. The second daughter Margarita was born in 1990, and 4 years later the family left the military town of Chagan and moved to the near Moscow region.

Irina quickly got used to the new place and received the position of deputy director for educational work At school. Then the family moved again, first to Reutov, and then to Yuzhnoye Butovo. In 1999, Agibalova left Yuri and married her colleague. But this marriage broke up a year later, leaving behind only painful memories and a son, Oleg. The woman abandoned her career as a teacher and retrained as a manager. From 2002 to 2008, she officially worked at Pharmservice LLC, engaged in the wholesale trade of ferrous metals.

In 2007, Irina returned to ex-spouse Yuri, and they began to live together again, now in their own house in Pavlov Posad. Somewhat later, Agibalov adopted her child, adopted from another man, and gave him his patronymic and surname.

Skeletons in the closet

In Agibalova’s life there was prison term. Irina was sentenced to 4 years in prison for violating an agreement concluded with an elderly woman to inherit an apartment. According to legal documents, Irina Alexandrovna promised lifelong support to a certain old woman, but when she became ill, she did not provide timely assistance. As a result, the unfortunate woman died, and Agibalova became the owner of her apartment. However, full term the cunning madam did not have to serve time, and she left places not so distant on parole.

The Heavy Burden of Fame

Irina Agibalova gained fame thanks to “House-2”. Of course, she came there not as a participant, but as her assistant youngest daughter Margarita, who managed to acquire a legal spouse and child within the perimeter.

Initially, it was assumed that the woman would look after the baby, but Irina clearly did not like the role of a modest grandmother. The woman plunged headlong into the life of the TV show and stuck her nose into literally every corner. She managed to quarrel with the old-timers of the project and turn the newcomers against her. But negative attitude did not bother the self-confident lady too much.

“I have a wonderful feeling. Eat free time, which you can devote to yourself personally. I'm not going to turn into an old lady. I want to remain a beautiful, bright, well-groomed woman for as long as possible. I don’t intend to build relationships with anyone here, I just like being with the guys and communicating with them. Of course, there are those who are offended by me, but I don’t take them seriously. They are just children who are sulking at their mother, who, with the best intentions, tells them the truth,” Irina commented on her situation and, as confirmation, posted fresh photos in the company of the inhabitants of the clearing.

Agibalova Sr. lasted three years on the Dom-2 television set. During this time, her eldest daughter Olga also managed to attend the project. The mother tried very hard to arrange the girl’s affair with Sergei Ermakov, but nothing good came of it. As a result, Olga, contrary to the wishes of Irina Alexandrovna, accepted the marriage proposal from Ilya Gazhienko and in 2013, together with her husband, left the project. Following them, Agibalova Sr. also left the youth construction site, since she simply did not see the point in being there without her daughters.

Today, Irina runs her own blog, has a popular Instagram account agibalova_irina and regularly posts new photos there, covering various aspects of her life.

Irina Alexandrovna's beauty salon went bankrupt. The TV granny is very upset that she will no longer be able to make girls attractive. Agibalova’s partner refused to wait for a positive result and has already terminated the contract with the star. The presentation of the salon took place quite recently - at the end of last year, so this closure turned out to be, in the opinion of many, too soon. The former co-owner herself does not hide that she is upset.

At the end of last year, Irina Alexandrovna received congratulations from her fans - the woman was happy about the opening of a salon in the city center. The famous TV granny offered a whole range of services - manicure, pedicure, hair care and many other amenities.

However, all of Irina Alexandrovna’s enthusiasm gradually faded away. As it turned out, the business quickly failed. The woman admitted that the salon closed within a month. Her partner was counting on her name and subscribers and expected profit in the first month, which did not happen.

“Sad, sad, but true. The beauty salon opened at the end of December and closed a month later. It so happened that I opened it with my partner. There was a misunderstanding. The partner, relying on my name and subscribers, counted on profit in the first month after opening. Of course, this did not happen for obvious reasons, which became the reason for the misunderstanding,” Irina Alexandrovna explained.

Irina Alexandrovna // Photo: Instagram

A quick result in business is extremely rarely possible and not in this case. At first, beauty salons always make losses, but gradually they gain leadership positions on their own or after careful refinement. However, the partner did not want to wait and make efforts, and expected everything to happen right away.

According to Agibalova, she is very sorry for the time wasted. Now she is ready to move on and draw conclusions. In particular, she will not open a business together with anyone else. Over the past month, she has not earned anything, only losses, Irina Aleksandrovna complained.

Participant's name: Agibalova Irina Alekandrovna

Age (birthday): 01.10.1964

City: s. Borodulikha, Kazakhstan; Moscow

Family: married, three children

Height and weight: 167 cm

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Irina Aleksandrovna was born in the village of Borodulikha, in the family of a tractor driver. Mom left her husband and two children. Irina was a support and support for her father. She helped with the housework and raised her younger brother.

Having grown up, Irina meets a military man who was assigned to their village and falls madly in love with him. Later he takes her with him near Semipalatinsk. But their love turned out to be not real. A little later she meets her husband Yuri Agibalov.

On July 14, 1985 they got married. A year after her marriage, Irina enters college and receives a pedagogical education. She and her husband have a daughter, Olga, and 4 years later, a younger daughter, Margarita.

Then the family moves to Kaluga region to the city of Obninsk. Where a turning point occurs in the Agibalov family. Irina gets a prison sentence for not helping a grandmother she knew, who had previously transferred the apartment to Irina Alexandrovna.

She is released from prison on parole. And a third child appears in their family - a long-awaited boy.

After birth, the Agibalovs moved to Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region. Being a very powerful woman, Irina Alexandrovna more than once brought her husband to the point that Yuri packed his things and left the family, while the eldest daughter Olga followed her father.

The country recognized Irina Alexandrovna thanks to her daughter, who came to the House 2 project. As support, Irina Alexandrovna also began to visit her daughter. And later she became the first adult participant.

Margarita Agibalova’s mother really wanted her son-in-law to become for a long time looked after her daughter. But Rita, without listening to her mother, chooses an ordinary boy.

Later, Rita and Zhenya decide to get married, and they have a child. But mom turned out to be right, and very quickly Zhenya abandoned his family. Many believe that Irina Alexandrovna herself contributed to this, because she constantly interfered with their family.

Meanwhile, the eldest daughter comes to the project and the mother tries to make sure that her daughter does not repeat her sister’s mistakes. Due to the constant attention, Olga even gets a nervous breakdown and falls into deep depression. But he saves her future husband, which simply distracts Olga from worrying.

Irina Alexandrovna evokes an ambivalent and contradictory attitude among the participants and viewers of House 2. Some consider her very wise and the right woman. Others claim that this is a vile and treacherous woman who ruins the lives of her children.

But, one way or another, Irina Alexandrovna has been on a TV show for a very long time and makes money for herself more quantity enemies, the most serious were the Kolisnichenko sisters, who more than once conspired against an adult woman. But they never managed to drive her out.

While on the project, Irina Aleksandrovna wins the “Burdock of the Year” competition, with which the woman does not agree and was very offended that the audience considered her the most unpleasant character on House 2. She also participates in the show “Intuition.”

Then, Irina Alexandrovna begins to seriously monitor her appearance. She lost a lot of weight and did plastic surgery, which completely transformed the woman.

At the casting there was a huge queue for her. Many people dreamed of building a relationship with a mature woman. But when her daughters decide to leave the TV show, Irina Alexandrovna was simply kicked out by both the participants and viewers of the project.

As a result, the woman follows her daughters. Now, the transformed Agibalova runs a popular women's blog, where she shares her life experiences and the secrets of youth. She also helps in raising her grandchildren.

Runs a Youtube channel with culinary recipes, link in the questionnaire.

Photo by Irina

Irina Agibalova runs Instagram, which is no less popular than other participants of House 2. Irina Alexandrovna has almost 500 thousand subscribers.

This woman became the first mother to come to the television project “Dom-2” to support and help her child. Her two daughters found their love here, and she herself changed externally and internally. Her name is Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova.

Biography of Irina

The future TV grandmother of the country was born on November 1, 1964 in the village of Borodulikha (Kazakhstan). Here she graduated from school, and then entered the Pedagogical Institute in Semipalatinsk, Faculty of Natural Sciences. In her 4th year, Ira met Yuri Agibalov. Their relationship developed rapidly. Just 2 weeks after they met, the newly married couple submitted an application to the registry office. Their wedding took place on September 14, 1985.

After graduating from university, Irina got a job as a biology teacher at a local school. And soon, on November 25, 1986, her daughter Olga was born. On August 22, 1990, the second girl in their family, Margarita, was born.

In the early 90s, the Agibalovs moved to the town of Shchelkovo near Moscow, to Yuri’s parents. Here Irina gets a job at school again. In 1997, holding the position of head teacher for educational work, she resigned. Their family moved to Reutov, and in 1999 to Yuzhnoye Butovo. During this period, serious changes took place in the personal life of Irina Agibalova. She leaves Yuri, marries colleague Oleg Rubtsov, and on December 10, 1999 gives birth to his son. The boy was named Oleg.

Irina's new relationship did not work out. In 2000, the couple separated. And after some time, Agibalova returned to her first husband. He adopted the boy, giving him his last name and patronymic. After reconciliation, the Agibalov family purchased a luxurious 3-story house in Pavlovsky Posad. They still live there today.

TV show House 2"

Agibalova Sr. came to the project as a participant on April 1, 2010. And it wasn't April Fool's joke. In December 2009, the youngest daughter of Rita and Evgeny Kuzin, members of “House-2,” had a son, Mitya. The young family lived in Pavlovsky Posad with their parents for several months, and then returned to the project with their son. And Irina joined them to help her daughter in caring for and raising Mitya.

The active Irina managed to devote time not only to her grandson. She actively interfered in the relationship eldest daughter Olya, who was also a participant in the project. Often the mother-in-law “walked through” her son-in-law Evgeniy. Many viewers believe that it is bad attitude Irina’s relationship with him was the reason for the Kuzins’ divorce in March 2011.

Agibalova Sr. interfered in her personal life and had conflicts not only with members of her family, but also with other participants in “House-2”. She had an open feud with the Kolesnichenko sisters, Vlad Kadoni, Vanya Barzikov and other guys. Initially, the participants, making allowances for their age, were silent and did not argue with the adult woman, but gradually they began to engage in verbal altercations with her.

Then Irina turned her attention to her own appearance. At 46, she looked her age and had problems with weight and style. And literally in a year Agibalova was transformed. She had a facelift, neck surgery, breast surgery, liposuction and stomach reduction. From a tired grandmother she turned into a slender one attractive woman. According to rumors, after the transformation, Irina had an affair with a young participant in the project, Alexei Samsonov, but the married lady denies this fact.

In March 2012, Rita left the project, and in June 2013, Olga and her husband left. Irina, accustomed to a hectic life at Dom-2, was forced to leave the project on July 1, 2013, due to the departure of her daughters.

Social networks of Agibalova Sr.

Irina is an active user of social networks. She is registered on Instagram ( Every day she posts photographs of herself, her children, grandchildren, friends, home and culinary masterpieces. More than half a million people follow her Instagram page.

This page Irina VKkontakte ( is also regularly updated with new photos. 42 thousand subscribers follow Agibalova’s life on this social network.

Irina maintains a culinary blog and periodically shares interesting recipes with her fans. On your channel on YouTube ( she reveals the secrets of preparing delicious and healthy dishes. 22.5 thousand people have subscribed to Irina Alexandrovna’s YouTube.

Agibalova does not have accounts on Twitter, Odnoklassniki or Facebook.

Irina proved that life after 40 years is just beginning! Before joining the project, she raised 3 children and no longer thought about drastic changes. And after participating in the show, Agibalova realized that she needed to change. Irina proved to everyone that at any age you can look great, start new projects and at the same time be an exemplary grandmother.

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