Business plan for growing grapes. Grape business in the village. Project Implementation Schedule

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been growing grapes, and wine made from grapes has been a favorite drink. Grapes are very popular in the Russian and world food markets. Grapes are famous for their taste, in addition, it is widely used in cosmetology and cooking.

Of great importance is the fact that when growing it does not require a large initial capital. Anyone can grow it. Among other things, grapes are the raw material for the production of wine. Russia is one of the leaders in the production of this drink, thousands of deciliters of wine are produced annually, about half of which is exported.

For the most part in Russia, winemaking is developed in the Stavropol Territory, Adygea, Krasnodar Territory and some other regions. All this, of course, is related to climatic conditions. In our country, most of the wine is made from the so-called wine substrates, which are purchased abroad. The demand for this product is very, very high. It is difficult to imagine any holiday or housewarming without a bottle of wine. In view of the foregoing, the cultivation of grapes is a promising, highly profitable business that can bring good profits to its owner. Let's take a closer look at how to organize a grape business.

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Growing grapes at home

The plan to start your own business is quite simple. It includes: the purchase of seedlings, their planting, cultivation and care, harvesting and sale. It all starts with the purchase of seedlings. To grow good grapes, you first need to purchase quality seedlings. It is important to find an experienced and well-known supplier here. To this end, you can find information on the Internet, on ads, ask around friends. In the first year, it is better to plant 10-15 seedlings and see how they grow, what the next year's harvest will be. If everything is fine, then the plantation can be expanded. Planting grapes is best in spring or autumn. The technique for this procedure is quite simple. First of all, you need to decide on a place. It can be a small plantation near your home or summer house, or a large greenhouse.

The latter option will be the most acceptable, since the plant will be protected from adverse environmental factors: low temperature, wind, precipitation, pests. In addition, the greenhouse has high humidity and temperature, which will contribute to rapid growth and flowering. After that, you need to plant the plants. To do this, pits are dug for each seedling with dimensions of 80:80:80 cm. Humus, black soil, ash, various fertilizers and water are added to the pits. There should be at least 2 buckets of water so that the earth can soak. Then the seedlings are planted, carefully sprinkled with earth and leveled. The distance between them can be different, at the discretion of the owner.

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Grape care and harvest

The plan for growing grapes includes proper care for them. At least 4 times per season, it must be thoroughly watered, regardless of the seasonal rains. A very serious problem is the fight against various pests. For this purpose, it should be sprayed 4-5 times with modern pest control products. The first time this procedure is carried out after bud break. It is important that the grapes grow on the sunny side, otherwise you may get a poor harvest in the form of small berries or there will be no harvest at all, which is even worse.

In winter, it is best to cover the plant with some kind of insulating materials, since freezing of the ground and death of the plant is possible. For this purpose, various films are used. The growing plan also includes occasional pruning. Many cut the bushes almost completely under the pretext of rejuvenating them, while others, on the contrary, leave the bushes untouched, and they simply overgrow. It is necessary to cut them in moderation so that the plant can produce young shoots. The next important step on the road to success is harvesting. If the whole growing procedure was carried out correctly, then the first harvest can be obtained the very next year. Under favorable conditions, a three-year-old young plant can bring up to 50 kg of grapes per season, and a five-year-old plant can bring up to 80 kg or more. If you count, you get a good profit.

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Realization of grapes. Winemaking

The plan for opening your business must be completed by establishing a turnover of products and its implementation. You can keep the harvested crop for yourself, but it is more profitable to sell it or put it into wine production. If, on average, 50 kg of grapes are harvested per season, then you can earn big money. Its cost on the market ranges from 50 to 300 rubles per kg. Thus, several thousand can be gained from 1 plant per season. But grapes can not only be sold, it will be more profitable to make wine from them. Of course, you should not sell wine in bulk to various wine shops or bottling shops, since the purchase price will be very low, from 30 to 50 rubles per liter. It is not profitable. The best plan is to organize your own and open your own store or small shop.

Of course, the demand among buyers and the presence of competition will be of great importance here. If this is not possible, then it will be more profitable to sell the grapes as a whole. It can be supplied by agreement to various shops and other outlets, to the market. The cost of one kilogram depends on the season of the year. In winter and spring it is high (up to 300 rubles), and in summer and autumn it is low (from 50 rubles). Thus, by implementing a plan for growing grapes, you can earn good money. It is also very important here that if all the rules for caring for a plant are correctly observed, then in the first year it should reach 5-6 meters, and the next year it should bring long-awaited fruits.

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The main options for growing grapes

The plan for growing grapes includes several basic rules. When growing it from ground layers, the vine is placed on the ground, sprinkled with a layer of 10-15 cm and wait until the layers take root. After that, they are cut off and planted in a new place. Grapes can also be grown from seeds, but this is a big and painstaking work. In addition, there is a great risk that the plant will not survive or will be weak. It is very interesting that when growing grapes from the seed, they may lose their taste and other varietal properties. Another very popular method is air. With him, the cuttings located on the vine are wrapped with dense material and film so that air remains there. This creates optimal microclimatic conditions, similar to those in a greenhouse. In about a month, such a stalk will take root and it can be safely planted on the ground.

The most common method is cuttings. At the same time, in the fall, after pruning the bush, cuttings 8-12 mm thick are taken and buried in the ground until winter. In February, they are placed in water, for this you can use special solutions that accelerate the growth and maturation of the plant. After that, in the spring they land again in the ground.

Every year homeowners expand their choice among crops. In addition to the usual and, bushes of various berries are planted: raspberries, currants and even grapes. Such plants require more careful care and knowledge. However, with the appropriate approach, it will be possible to enjoy sweet and healthy fruits. In addition to excellent taste, berries have many nutrients and vitamins. From them you can make various jams, jams, juices, and also eat fresh. In addition, grapes are used in the manufacture of raisins and wine.

Definition of viticulture

Viticulture is a branch of the agro-industrial complex. It supplies people with fresh and dried berries, and also supplies raw materials to the wine, confectionery and canning industries. All grape varieties are divided into and. Technical ones are used in the production of juices and for making wine. Table varieties can be consumed fresh, and raisins are also made from them.

Grapes are a heat-loving and capricious plant, but thanks to selection work, it has become possible to grow it not only in regions with a warm climate.


Viticulture is divided into four production areas:

  1. Canteen- production of fresh grapes.
  2. Cultivation of raisin species for making dried grapes.
  3. Technical- production of varieties for the wine industry.
  4. Growing grape varieties for the canning industry.

Viticulture provides the population with fresh and dried grapes, and the wine-making, canning and confectionery industry with raw materials


Table berries can be consumed fresh. They tolerate transportation and long-term storage well. High demands are placed on table grapes in terms of appearance and taste. The main ones are:

  1. Large size and presentable appearance of bunches and berries.
  2. The consistency of the pulp is fleshy or dense.
  3. For transported varieties - the strength of the fastening of the stalk and transportability.
  4. For varieties of winter storage - high keeping quality.

Table varieties of grapes.

In terms of gross production and consumption, table grape varieties are in fifth place in the world ranking after apples, pears, peaches and citrus fruits.

For the production of raisins

For the manufacture of raisins, special varieties of grapes are used. About 95% of them are seedless species and about 5 are seed species. Dried products from berries without seeds are called raisins and cinnamon, and from fruits of seed species - raisins. Kishmish grape varieties are described. Commodity and taste characteristics of dried grapes are determined mainly by the quality of raw materials. Valuable properties of grape species used for drying are the absence of seeds in them and early ripening.

Raisins contain 65 to 77% sugars and are of great dietary importance.

For winemaking

The seedling is oriented with its roots to the south side, so that the sun shines on its root, and with further growth, the bush does not shade its roots.

Landing Rules

Regardless of the nature of the planting material, grapes are planted only in spring or autumn. The period is selected in accordance with climatic conditions and other factors. Seedlings must be healthy and prepared for transplanting into open ground. How to plant grapes in Spring planting begins after the end of frost, when the soil warms up to +15°C. Autumn planting is best done before the onset of frost, until the soil temperature has fallen below 11-12 ° C.

Care rules

Grape bushes must be periodically fed with nutritious fertilizers, starting from the moment of planting. Plants should be constantly checked for signs of disease and routinely treated with medicinal solutions. Grapes require good watering as the soil dries. The vine is able to grow rapidly, therefore, if necessary, pruning and shaping a bush should be carried out in spring and autumn.

A complete instruction for the care of grapes is presented.

Scheme of drip irrigation of grapes.

Growing for business

Viticulture is a good choice for business. The berries can be grown for fresh sale or for use in winemaking. Thanks to a wide selection of species, you can choose a variety for even the most capricious weather conditions.

Profitability and investment

As a business, vineyards require large areas for planting, the presence of all communications and sufficient access to sunlight. With the right approach and care, the costs of grape production can pay off in a year. Well-organized sales can double profits.

How to assess which varieties are in demand

Grapes should be selected in accordance with the weather characteristics of the planting region. For the Urals and Siberia fit:

  • Harold;
  • white miracle;
  • Kishmish 342;
  • Rochefort;
  • Muscat summer.

The main feature of these varieties is the ability to survive frosts down to -25°C. The Moscow region has a slightly warmer climate compared to the northern regions. However, for planting, you should choose varieties that are resistant to weather changes, especially frost. For this region, species such as:

  • Christina;
  • Kishmish radiant;
  • Super extra;
  • Crystal;
  • Tason;
  • Rusven;

Regardless of the region, these varieties can be consumed fresh, used for sale or used to make wine.

Growing for home

Grapes can also be grown for home use. This requires less cost and effort, since you do not need to plant many bushes. Fewer plants are easier to care for and easier to harvest. Depending on the variety chosen, homemade berries are suitable for fresh consumption, preservation, making juice or wine.

House wines


This video talks about the subtleties used in the cultivation of grapes in the middle lane, as well as viticulture in general.


  1. Viticulture is a useful and profitable occupation. When growing for business purposes, the investment can be returned within a year with the proper investment of time and effort.
  2. Grape cultivation should begin from the preparation stage. Knowing about possible problems in cultivation will significantly reduce costs.
  3. Grapes can be grown both for themselves and for sale. Commercial vineyards need large areas, equipment and a warm climate. Some winegrowers.
  4. There are many varieties of grapes, which can be consumed fresh or used for preparations, juices, in the production of wine and raisins.

Grapes are one of the most popular types of berries that are presented in our food markets. This business is seasonal, unless, of course, greenhouses are used, but at the same time it is profitable and requires little labor to organize it. A huge number of grape varieties allows you to work in the market even with high competition, since you can grow and sell unique varieties of this berry.

In the grape business, it is very important to find markets. You should not limit yourself to selling grapes at the local grocery market, as an option, you can agree on its sale to juice factories, grocery stores, or to nearby wineries.

It is most profitable to sell grapes in the off season, since its price is higher during this period, but this can only be realized when building greenhouses, and during the season prices on the market fall, but at the same time, this berry is bought the most.

Site selection and soil preparation

The first thing you need to start organizing a vineyard is the selection and marking of a place for planting it. The best place to grow is considered sunny areas that are not covered by large trees. Shading leads to a decrease in yields, which in turn will affect profits. Sandy soils are most suitable for planting grapes.

For markup under the buttonhole, you need to focus on the following values. The distance between the rows of grapes is about 2-3 m. The indentation of one bush from another in a row is about 1.5-2 m. Such parameters must be observed so that the grapes do not obscure neighboring bushes.

Typically, planting pits are 0.8m x 0.8m x 0.8m in size. When digging, the soil is sorted, so, for example, the fertile topsoil is poured separately, and clay and loam separately. We will subsequently use the first type of soil to fill the pit.

Usually, the preparation of pits for planting grapes is carried out in advance, approximately 2 to 3 weeks before planting seedlings.

All pits are filled with a substrate of fertilizers and other additives that provide high soil fertility. After that, the pit is abundantly watered with water so that the soil sits a little.

How to plant grapes outdoors

Planting grapes involves a whole technological process, which subsequently ensures a high yield of the plantation. So, let's talk in more detail about the substrate and its components, since many novice businessmen are interested in this issue.

First, sand and humus are poured into the bottom of the pit, and somewhere around 2 buckets of earth mixed with 1 liter. wood ash. The last component provides the soil with useful trace elements. Then it's all mixed. At the same time, you should have about half of the hole filled. Next, a layer of 10 - 15 cm from the fertile soil, on which the seedling is installed and sprinkled with earth. Further, to the top, the space is filled with earth, humus, sand and ash. After that, it is plentifully watered with water about 2 buckets.

The seedling itself is usually set at an angle in the direction of the supporting structures. Usually, such structures are a metal profile located at a distance of about 3 meters from each other. A wire is stretched between the profile, with a step of about 40 cm between rows. The posts themselves are installed in pits to a depth of about 0.8 - 1 m and can be slightly concreted to create a more stable structure.


As you can see, the grape business implies that its owner has specialized knowledge, since otherwise you can get only a part and not 100% of the yield of a particular variety.

In the full cycle of caring for this plant, you can include:

  • watering, especially on hot days, it is advisable to wet the soil.
  • soil loosening. For the best effect from watering, you can loosen the top level of the soil a little, especially if you have clay soil.
  • pruning grapes, it is done to reduce the load on the bush and with this technology, the grapes bear fruit in large clusters.
  • processing of leaves and grape bushes themselves for the prevention of plant diseases.
  • obligatory preparation for the winter period.

Growing grapes in greenhouses

What you need to know about the greenhouse version of this business? It has a number of differences and advantages, but at the same time it requires large financial investments and maintenance costs for the greenhouse.

The business of growing grapes in greenhouses requires the purchase and installation of a greenhouse complex, which includes:

  • actually the greenhouse itself with a ventilation system.
  • drip irrigation system, powered for example from a barrel.
  • equipment of the greenhouse with lighting fixtures;
  • installation and installation of heating devices.

Here are the main temperature indicators that should be provided for the most optimal cultivation of grapes:

  • during the period of kidney formation - during the day 10 - 15 degrees, at night - 8 - 10 degrees.
  • during the growing season - during the day 22 - 27 degrees, at night - 14 - 16 degrees.
  • during the ripening of berries - during the day 28 - 30 degrees, at night - 18 - 20 degrees.

As you can see, grapes are a heat-loving plant and you will need to spend a lot of money on heating to keep it in a greenhouse, so this business, even in a greenhouse, usually starts around April to minimize its maintenance costs.

The best grape varieties for the market

When drawing up a business plan, you will have to choose among a huge number of different types of grapes. First of all, you need to choose the varieties that are most popular among buyers. Also, do not forget to consider whether these varieties are adapted to our climatic conditions.

Here is a list of the most suitable grape varieties for outdoor cultivation:

  • Arcadia. These are white grapes with clusters of 500 - 700 grams. Ripens within 115 - 120 days. Sells very well in grocery markets.
  • Laura. White grapes with bunches 600 - 800 grams. Ripening time - 110 - 115 days. Characterized by high productivity.
  • Kishmish seedless. Pink grapes have a bunch size of 200 - 600 grams. Ripens - 125 - 130 days. Great view for trading grapes in the market.
  • Kodryanka. Purple berries with clusters 400 - 600 grams. I mature over a period of 110 days. This variety tolerates transportation well, while maintaining a good presentation.

The first two types of grapes can also be grown in greenhouse conditions.

In greenhouses, the following varieties are also additionally bred:

  • Song. White grapes with large clusters up to 1 kg. Ripens about 107 days.
  • Bulgaria sustainable. Grapes of an amber hue, ripens somewhere in 120 days.
  • Transparent. Yellow grapes with Muscat taste, ripening period - 115 days.
  • frankenthal. Black berries with a pleasant taste. Ripens within 150 days.

Conclusions. Grape business is a very promising topic that allows an entrepreneur to work out various markets for products, and the demand for this product is very high. But to grow this berry in a business format, you will need to study the characteristics of different grape varieties, determine the optimal planting technology and follow the correct plant care regimen.

Have something to add? We are waiting for practical advice and comments from the owners of farms in which this berry is grown, which will be useful for beginners.

Such a demand for grapes has brought winemaking into one of the most profitable types of business. However, in Russia it is quite difficult to find climatic conditions and soils for the successful cultivation of this heat-loving crop.

There is a belief among winegrowers that grapes can be grown wherever tomatoes grow and bear fruit.

In this case, you can use greenhouses, with the help of which it will be possible to grow even southern varieties.

Features of the construction of greenhouses

Without a doubt, you can order the manufacture of a greenhouse, but such a structure will cost 5000-5500 dollars.
Self-production will help save about 50% of the amount, but for such work you need to have a serious amount of special knowledge and skills.

To use the greenhouse for growing grapes, arched-type structures should be equipped on the foundation. The walls are built from traditional polycarbonate.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the following systems:

  • irrigation - it is advisable to use a drip irrigation system that is able to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the greenhouse. The cost of such a system fluctuates in the range of 100-200 dollars.
  • Ventilation - here you can use both an automated ventilation system (price 50-100 dollars), and manual ventilation by opening / closing the windows. Experienced growers combine these two methods in their greenhouses (for safety reasons).
Optimal temperature conditions for growing

The most successful interval for planting vines is the period from February to April. You can, of course, plant earlier, but this will require the arrangement of a heating system in the greenhouse.

For the successful cultivation of vines, the following temperature regime is considered optimal:

  • At rest - throughout the day from 0 to + 5 ° C;
  • During bud break - at night from +8°C to +10°C, during the day from +10°C to +14°C;
  • During growth and flowering - at night from +18°C to +20°C, during the day from +28°C to +30°C.
Grapes: how and what to grow?

For growing grapes in greenhouses, greenhouse varieties should be used, such as:
Violet early, Burmunk, Frankenthal, Foster (Greenhouse white), Alphonse Lavalle, Leopold III, Zala dende.

The price of each seedling can reach 20-30 dollars. Plant them in a greenhouse along the walls, observing equal distances between seedlings.

Investment size and payback

In order for the business of growing grapes in greenhouses to start functioning, financial investments from 14,000 to 15,000 dollars will be needed. This amount consists of the following cost items:

  • Construction (both the greenhouse itself and storage and utility rooms) - from 110,000 to 1,200,000 rubles;
  • Equipment and tools - $ 1,500;
  • Necessary seedlings - $ 1,000;
  • Additional (unforeseen) expenses – $500.

The cost of grapes depends on the season and averages from 2 to 6.5 dollars. As a rule, approximately 5 kg of grapes are harvested from 1 m² of greenhouse. These figures allow us to state that financial investments will pay off in 4 years.

Video: a master class on growing grapes in a greenhouse

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