British branch pt in world of tanks. New British tank destroyers in WOT. Light tanks of Great Britain

One of the main innovations of update 9.5 in World of Tanks is the new mixed branch British nation, which consists of medium tanks and tank destroyers. Naturally, most players are wondering: is it worth upgrading? Are there “imbs” there? Or is this just another line of, to put it mildly, unnecessary cars, which can be said about most Chinese. Let's try to figure it out.

Top new British branch(car FV4005) can be characterized as follows: hybrid Waffentrager E 100 And FV215b (183) . But you can download this branch not only for the sake of top-end equipment!

With the world on a thread...

The German inherited the armor, or rather the lack of it, 76 mm in the front of the hull and only 14 mm all around the simply huge turret. Make your way FV4005 will be everyone and in any projection. If Waffentrager sometimes it deflects at least some projectiles with its body (by the way, it’s practically impossible to pierce the upper frontal part), then about FV4005 you can't say that. From a fellow British FV215b (183) got a gun with a caliber of 183 mm. Armor-piercing ones cause damage of 1150 units (!) with a penetration of 310 mm, but “gold” land mines with damage of 1750 units and a penetration of 230 mm are much more interesting. Everything is the same here FV215b (183).

But other characteristics are somewhat better: accuracy (0.38), aiming (3 seconds), stabilization, even the turret rotation angles are much more comfortable. FV215b (183) can sometimes tank with the forehead of the turret and the upper frontal part, but the new Briton is virtually deprived of armor.

Is it better than FV215b (183)? It's hard to say!

The top machine FV4005 of the British branch is a hybrid of the Waffentrager E 100 and FV215b (183)

In ambush

Of course, it is still better suited for ambush tactics, the gun is more accurate and this provides great comfort when shooting at long distances. On the other hand, in close combat FV4005 will be destroyed as quickly as Waffentrager. But if you like to stand somewhere far from the enemy in the bushes, then you might like the new Briton. Still, his one-time damage is simply enormous.

But, of course, updated British branch You can download not only for the top. Often, at, say, the sixth or eighth level there is a car that is extremely comfortable in the game (or a real “imba”). Often there is also a “cactus”, because of which the path to the tenth level can turn into a real torment if you do not have a lot of experience. How is this dealt with in the new British branch? There is no point in talking about the initial levels: they are completed in just a couple of fights. Although it should be noted that on the fourth level there is Grant, this is the British equivalent of the American M3 Lee, which is devoid of a tower (and this medium tank!), but they easily make their way into the high commander’s turret.

Tank destroyers and medium tanks

On the fifth and sixth levels British branch there is how Tank destroyer, and medium tanks. Moreover Tank destroyer open from lung Valentine tank , and the average – with Grant. Concerning Tank destroyer fifth and sixth levels ( Archer And Achilles), then they are equipped with the same weapon. This gun should already be familiar to you if you've played AT 8: 171 mm penetration with a regular projectile, 150 units of one-time damage, good accuracy and fast aiming. How on Tank destroyer different levels can the same weapon be installed? The fact is that Archer is an extremely peculiar machine, whose backward speed is much greater than forward. It won't be easy to play, most likely for most players. Archer will become a real “cactus”, which is why it is equipped with a weapon from a car one level higher.

Achilles is an analogue of the American Jackson(also the sixth level), only the weapon is different. For the presence of a tower and frontal armor, which is good for the sixth level, you have to pay with weak dynamics. As for medium tanks of the fifth and sixth levels ( Sherman III And FireFly), then they are very similar to American ones Sherman And M4A3E8. The British only better guns, but you have to pay for it with greatly degraded vertical aiming angles. You won't be able to play well on hills, but you will be able to break through the enemy (especially at level six) noticeably more often.

Some players will like the top cars of the new British branch, while others will find them terrible.

British tops

On the seventh level British branch These two small branches are being merged into one; only tank destroyers will go further. In fact, at levels seven to nine there are vehicles with hulls from medium tanks and guns from tank destroyers. Moreover, they are all equipped with extremely “cardboard” and large turrets, and the vertical aiming angles are also very poor. For example, Challenger– this is actually Comet, only with a different tower and increased penetration. But there is no longer a strong mask, and the vertical aiming angles are not encouraging.

Level eight car ( Charioteer) – this is actually Centurion eighth level from bigger tower and a gun from Centurion ninth level. High explosives with increased penetration are used as gold shells. At the ninth level Centurion they are not very relevant, but on the eighth in a certain situation they can be used to inflict simply enormous damage. Finally, a level nine car ( Comway) - this is again Centurion eighth level with a huge “cardboard” tower and a weapon from Tortoize. A similar weapon is installed on a heavy British tank, but reloading is noticeably slower.

In general, cars from the seventh to the ninth level British branch occupy an intermediate position between Tank destroyer And medium tanks. From the latter they received hulls and good mobility, and as tank destroyers they have excellent guns. Although their one-time damage is low, this is compensated by excellent accuracy, fast aiming and very good damage per minute. And mobility allows you to take comfortable positions and play actively. On the other hand, combine tactics different classes It can be difficult for an inexperienced player.

The top of the British branch is a light version FV215b (183). A powerful weapon has simply gigantic one-time damage, but due to extremely weak armor and large sizes you will have to stand far behind and shoot mainly at someone else's light. Medium tanks of the branch are similar to their American counterparts, only equipped with more penetrating guns, for which they pay with limited mobility and poor vertical aiming angles. Tank destroyer Archer- a clear “cactus”, you will constantly be confused with the direction of movement. Vehicles from the seventh to the ninth tier combine the features of medium tanks and Tank destroyer, they are quite original, so some people will really like them and consider British tanks of all levels to be the best, while others may find them simply terrible. The choice is yours!

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British tank destroyers- good-quality cars, but they were not particularly popular. Why? It's a matter of booking. This is one of the key features of the representatives of the British branch. It was thanks to the armor that the vehicles were conceived as assault tank destroyers capable of supporting an attack. But because vulnerabilities in the frontal projection, such behavior in battle did not always lead to success. At 9.21 we will clarify this situation.

We will fix the old problem within general rebalance of vehicle branches, strengthening the frontal armor of British vehicles and allowing them to take their place among the assault tank destroyers. This upgrade will allow them to become a fearsome force in the midst of battle or reliable assistant for allies in defense. Let's look at everything in detail.

Reason for rebalance

Tank destroyer branch X FV215b (183) they were not particularly agile, although they were not required to win races. These British vehicles have enough firepower to send heavily armored vehicles into the Garage if they are fighting as assault tank destroyers in the first line of battle. Thick armor, excellent damage per minute (more than 2000 units at level V - impressive, isn’t it?) and excellent gun aiming parameters allow them to methodically grind down enemy vehicles. All these delights are balanced by not the highest mobility.

However beautiful picture spoils the armor of British vehicles. Although theoretically it seems reliable, in reality a lot of nuances emerge. If you went into battle in one of these vehicles, you probably noticed its main weak points: the commander's cupola.

If you are discovered, rest assured: the shells will fly directly into the commander's turrets and other vulnerable places. The enemy doesn't even need to go around you - he just shoots at a huge "bucket". As a result, you have to keep your distance or cautiously hide behind your allies, which contradicts the main role of melee assault vehicles. Update 9.21 should put everything in its place.

What will change?

V AT 2- armored tank destroyer. Even too much. Opponents below level VII could hardly damage her. We "cut off" a little armor from the front, sides and rear so that the protection of this vehicle corresponds to its level.

Large lightly armored area on the right side of the tank destroyer VI AT 8 made this vehicle vulnerable even to low-level enemy equipment. Add to this three extremely vulnerable turrets at the top - and you get an easy target that does not live long. Update 9.21 will increase the combat effectiveness of this vehicle by removing the vulnerable area on the right. Turrets will also receive improved armor.

Tank destroyer VII AT 7 And VIII AT 15 had a low chance of blocking damage with the frontal part, especially when the enemy was targeting their gun mantlet or commander's cupola. We've improved the weak point armor so these guys can fight effectively in close combat.

The frontal armor and gun mantlet armor were made from tank destroyers IX Tortoise an easy target for Tier IX and X vehicles. It was not always possible to contain enemy shells—and that’s putting it mildly. Update 9.21 will correct the listed shortcomings, and will also give this “self-propelled gun” a more durable wheelhouse roof. Vulnerable commander's cupola will remain, but its weak point will be only the central part.

At the tank destroyer VI Churchill Gun Carrier The parameters of the 32-pound gun will be updated. One-time damage and penetration will improve, but the damage per minute will remain unchanged: the changes bring this weapon to the same characteristics as heavy tanks of the British branch. The name of this tank destroyer literally screams that it has a weapon, and now the enemy will fully feel it!

On VIII AT 15 And IX Tortoise The same 32-pounder gun is installed, so its parameters will also be updated.

Why is FV215b (183) displayed?

Rebalancing a branch would be incomplete without a corresponding top. Since all British tank destroyers have been modified to perform the role of assault vehicles, capable of taking close combat and providing fire support allies, we wanted the top vehicle to have all the features of the branch. This way you can immediately understand whether you should download the entire branch.

The worst thing that tankers had to experience on the battlefields in World of Tanks was to look into a “bumper” gun X FV215b (183). One shot - and the Hangar. If you're unlucky. But the one-time damage of this machine is balanced by low speed and accuracy.

Sep 25, 2016 Game guides

Tanks are the center Games World of Tanks Blitz. Understanding the differences between tanks and knowing which tanks from which country are best for you is half the battle in the game. In this guide, I will try to describe the English branch of tank development in as much detail as possible, but at the same time I will not go to extremes and will not write out huge tables with numerical data for each tank. The purpose of this guide is to give you an idea of ​​the direction in which you would like to take your British tanks. If you would like to get acquainted with all the branches of tank development in the game as a whole and in less detail, then try contacting .

British tanks: an overview

If you have already read the general guide to tanks of different nations, then this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or for repetition, you should familiarize yourself with it before we move directly to the tanks.

British tanks are quite unique - they are quite heterogeneous and different from each other, although the general tendency is the ability to inflict damage on the enemy big damage with one hit coupled with slow reloading - or use rapid-fire guns with high spread. Great Britain's tanks must be played carefully and scrupulously, counting each cartridge and accurately predicting the enemy's trajectory. Do you want to be a sniper? Choose British tanks! Do you want to vary your play style depending on the class? Choose British tanks! Do you want to smash your enemy to pieces with unique projectiles in close combat? Choose British tanks! But you should understand that such cool features will require maximum concentration from you during the game - relaxing and doing whatever you want simply won’t work if you want to win.

Now let's move on to a more detailed review of British tanks.

Light tanks of Great Britain

First light tank British in WoT:Blitz - Cruiser Mk. III. He is fast and has a variety of weapons - and rapid fire machine gun, and accurate breaching gun, and a close-combat weapon that allows you to shoot longer by reloading clips. For all its lethality, however, the Cruiser Mk. III will not be able to boast of strong armor, so he should rely on outflanking the enemy and quickly destroying the enemy - it is useless to rush into battle with many opponents and “clinch”, throwing shells face to face with other tanks. Next after it is the Cruiser Mk. IV does not change its strategy very much - despite a fairly strong front, its sides are still easily penetrated, but its high speed and choice of three top guns offset these shortcomings. There is a choice of Mk. IV features three guns, one of which is accurate and penetrating, and the other two are fast-firing and powerful. An additional problem with the Mk. IV is its large size - this tank is quite easy to hit. After the Cruiser Mk. IV follows the Covenanter, which takes the concept of “quick war” to the extreme - it is maneuverable, fast and agile, and its guns deal a lot of damage. It itself, however, is cardboard and can be penetrated by almost any projectile, which leads to frequent critical hits on modules and crew. If you want to quickly flank your enemy and kill him before he turns his guns on you, then the Covenanter is for you. Britain's last light tank is the Crusader. This tank does not lose the speed of other British light tanks and compensates for the low thickness of the armor with its curves. It aims quickly and fires quickly - but at the same time its guns are by no means as powerful compared to the armor of other tanks of the fifth rank to which it belongs. The ideal tactic for the user of such tanks is to be a killer of all lungs. Light tanks and tank destroyers are your victims. If you can get close to them, they will not have time to react and will quickly turn into a sieve while you avoid their attacks.

UK medium tanks

The first British medium tank was the Vickers Medium Mk. I. Many players really don’t like to fight with this tank - and there is an explanation for this: it is large and slow, and its armor is similar to paper in its protective properties. An ideal target for any precision gun! At the same time, the main advantage of this tank is its large reserve of health, so you should fight first of all with light tanks of low rank in order to have time to blow them up with landmines before they penetrate your armor and kill the crew. Vickers Medium Mk. II is not too different - it is still the same big and cardboard tank, but this time armed with excellent guns that can penetrate the enemy and cause great damage. Hide behind cover and support your allies, and you'll be sure to survive until the end of the match in the Vickers Mk. II! The last Vickers, Vickers Medium Mk. III, ends the “torment” with large and thin Vickers. The third model differs from the previous ones by the possibility of installing a rapid-fire gun, capable of accurately shooting enemies at any distance.

The long line of not the most powerful Vickers is closed by the magnificent Matilda tank - this tank, unlike its predecessors, has thick armor on all sides and is capable of quickly inflicting a lot of damage on enemies. This is the first medium tank in Britain that can be used in a frontal attack without fear for your health! Unfortunately, it is not ideal in all respects - it is slow and does not deal much damage per shot, but is this important when your armor can withstand enemy attacks and you can quickly penetrate it with several projectiles in a row?

The next medium tank again returns to the “quick war” tactics already familiar from British light tanks - the fast and mobile Cromwell can cross the entire map in a fairly short time, and its rapid-fire guns with high level penetrations can cause a lot of problems for the enemy. Of course, there is a price for this - the armor of this tank is weak for its rank. Cromwell's follow-up is the Comet, an equally fast and agile tank, but with a durable turret that allows it to either act as a sniper in an ambush or flank enemies, dealing devastating damage with its rapid-fire cannon. The problems lie in the weak hull of the tank and the low penetration of its guns, so you always need to monitor your surroundings and take good aim at the weak points of enemies.

Centurion Mk. I, coming next, turns into an ideal sniper rather than a fast scout - despite his weak frame and relatively large size combined with low speed, his guns are the best for his rank. With a 20-pound cannon on board, this tank is able to quickly target the enemy at any distance and also quickly destroy it with a couple of shots. Next after it is the Centurion Mk. The 7/1 follows the "same, but stronger" philosophy and is the same sniper, designed to support the team from the flank with an accurate, powerful weapon with extremely low recoil. Britain's latest medium tank is the FV4202, an excellent balanced tank capable of punching through enemies with unique HESH shells and destroying them one by one. At the same time, the tank cannot be called fragile as a whole - although its turret has practically no additional protection and because of this you have to constantly move so as not to expose it to attack. However, this is not difficult, since the tank has sufficient mobility and can even bypass other, slower tanks without much difficulty, and penetrate them from the flanks.

British heavy tanks

The first heavy tank of the British, Churchill I at first may strongly resemble the aforementioned Matilda - but with the exception that its weapons are more powerful, and it itself is “healthier”. The only problem is that the level of side and rear armor does not at all correspond to the fifth rank and is easily penetrated by enemies, and adds monstrous fuel to the fire low speed the first Churchill. However, its guns quickly deal high damage and penetrate enemies well, so you can use your thick frontal armor and destroy everyone in front of you without taking much damage. The main thing is that your flanks are covered! The next one after it, Churchill VII, corrects the thin armor of the flanks and becomes even stronger, turning into a real “tank”, capable of holding back a lot of enemies and taking fire on itself. The damage caused by its guns cannot be called the highest, and its movement speed is still as low as that of the first model, but it nullifies its disadvantages with its “thickness”.

After this tank comes Black Prince, the tactics of playing on which are practically the same - thick armor protects it from almost any opponents, but the low speed does not allow it to compete in battle with fast opponents. Its advantage over the previous model is its more accurate and faster-firing guns - but the damage emanating from them is extremely low and can only serve as an addition to allied fire.

The later Caernarvon becomes slightly faster and lighter (but don't expect the speed of even a medium tank), and at the same time its armor acquires multiple bends, allowing it to deflect enemy projectiles if positioned correctly. Otherwise, it is similar to the previous “Black Prince” and the battle tactics on it remain the same - quickly aim, quickly shoot, deal constant damage and take hits on the frontal defense.

The next heavy tank, the Conqueror, is significantly different. He gains mobility, losing his powerful armor, and at the same time is able to pierce enemies with explosive projectiles and blow them up from the inside without any problems. His gun is great - fast aiming, fast reloading, high accuracy shooting, high penetration - everything is with it. The main thing is to watch your sides, and you will be able to inflict monstrous damage on your opponents with the help of Conqueror.

The latest English heavy tank, the FV215b, is distinguished by the fact that it plays roughly the same as a medium tank - its weak hull armor and low speed do not allow it to go in the front ranks, but a powerful turret makes it possible to shoot from behind cover without fear. At the same time, his gun is extremely accurate, rapid-fire and powerful, so such support will always be a joy for any allies.

British tank destroyer

The first tank destroyer of the British is the Universal Carrier 2-pdr of the 2nd rank. Imagine a small cardboard box moving quickly between the bushes and releasing powerful penetrating projectiles. It will be 2-pdr. He is not easy to spot, and while you are looking for him, he can destroy many of your allies, but if you find him, any projectile will tear him to shreds. Moreover, you can even try to ram it - most likely it will be enough for him. A huge difference is the next after it, the Valentine AT - this slow and fairly large tank destroyer is well protected and, if positioned correctly, is even impenetrable and is capable of taking out enemies with one shot from a large-caliber gun, which, however, takes a long time to reload. This is a great tank sniper if you have patience and concentration.

The rebirth of the “boxed” Universal Carrier is the next Alecto. It is tiny (albeit larger than 2-pdr) and invisible, and its cannon can destroy enemies with one shot, but at the same time, the problem of the thinnest armor is also added to the problem with the accuracy of the gun - the chance of missing is quite high. Further, unfortunately or fortunately, we will not see the same “boxes” among British tank destroyers, and the next one will be the incredibly “thick” AT 2. This tank cannot be penetrated - it is protected from all sides. He's large, but that doesn't stop him from dealing massive damage with his super-piercing cannon while enemy shells bounce off him.

After it comes the Churchill Gun Carrier - this “Churchill” tank destroyer is an excellent sniper with the inherent features of this role: maneuverability and armor are reduced in favor of a hefty, powerful and ultra-precise gun with a fairly high rate of fire. Stand and destroy everyone you see, but know that the first enemy to sneak into your flank will most likely destroy you. Next you will meet the AT 8 - almost a copy of the previous AT 2 with a boost in accuracy and rate of fire. The tactics are the same - position yourself comfortably at an angle to the enemies and shoot them one by one while they vainly shower you with shells. The same applies to the next AT 7 - it is practically the same vehicle, but its cannon is located on the right side, which allows you to hide the left side of the hull behind cover and shoot “from around the corner.” The AT 15, as you might guess, uses a similar tactic - but this time its gun is not located on the left, and it relies primarily on a high rate of fire and curved, durable armor. The problem is that there is a lot on the tank weak points and if you hit some, the enemy can easily kill your loader, which will reduce the rate of fire - so always take a first aid kit with you into battle on this tank.

The peak of the “heavy” tank destroyers in Great Britain is the ninth rank Tortoise. “Turtle” has the thickest armor and deals the highest damage per minute, but at the same time moves extremely slowly. When playing on this machine, you must choose the right tactical position in advance, take it and wait for the enemy to appear.

The nation's latest tank destroyer departs slightly from the "huge armor and big gun" model, focusing on the last part of this phrase - the FV215b (183) does not have as dense armor, but does have an excellent turret with which you can defend against attacks from the flank, and a cannon capable of inflicting over a thousand units of damage in one shot. The main problem is the small number of shells - you need to shoot as carefully as possible, otherwise you will quickly exhaust your ammunition and be defenseless against the advancing enemy. But if you don’t miss, the enemies will suffer and be afraid to stick their heads out of cover.


We've covered almost everythingnon-premiumUK tanks. Some models were reviewed in more detail due to their exclusivity and efficiency, others were reviewed in less detail because they are improved versions of their predecessors. After reading this guide, you can get a complete picture of the features of English tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth it) to develop the development branch of this nation. I hope that this knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of the Queen’s tanks and in the battle against them. Fight like a pro in World of Tanks Blitz!

Based on the experience of combat operations in 1941–1942, the British were finally convinced that the light tanks in service with the army of the United Kingdom were powerless against almost all enemy vehicles, with the exception of very low-power ones like the Pz I. Therefore, they were assigned exclusively reconnaissance functions , and even then, little by little, light tanks in reconnaissance units were replaced by armored vehicles more suitable for these purposes.

Infantry tanks have proven themselves more or less well in Europe. The cruiser tanks had the most work to do. On the one hand, those vehicles that were already in service with the British army had a huge number design flaws and therefore were not distinguished by either good fighting qualities or an acceptable level of reliability. The prospects for the development of cruising tanks were quite obvious.

And just like for infantry tanks, for cruising tanks the issue of increasing the power of weapons was acute. The main gun for British tanks at the time was the 2-pounder (40 mm). It was not effective enough to fight against tanks. And against infantry it was almost useless, since the ammunition load of this gun either did not provide for the presence of high-explosive fragmentation shells, or they were of such poor quality that the tankers themselves replaced them with armor-piercing ones.

The need to install a 57 mm (6 lb) gun on the tanks was obvious. The 75 mm gun became the standard armament of British tanks only starting in 1944.

The Churchill infantry tank replaced the Matilda. It was slow, like all infantry tanks, and also had a very dubious weapon layout at first. The turret of the first modification had a 2-pound cannon, and a 76-mm howitzer in the front hull plate. Quickly coming to the conclusion that this is not the best option, the British subsequently carried out a number of modernizations of the Churchill. The howitzer was removed, the turret gun was first replaced with a 57 mm and then with a 75 mm.

Churchill was replaced by infantry tank"Super Churchill", aka Black Prince. The design of this tank used many components and assemblies from Churchill. But he had a wider body. This made it possible to equip the tank with a more spacious turret and a 17-pounder gun. But for May 1945, when six experimental Black Prince tanks entered the army for combat testing, the design and specifications the machines were already obsolete.

In a sense, the Cromwell tank, developed by the British in 1941–1943, can be considered a breakthrough. It was armed with a 57 or 75 mm caliber gun and, thanks to the installation of the Meteor aircraft engine, became the fastest British tank that time.

A more powerful gun was installed on the Cromwell’s successor, the Comet cruiser tank. Thanks to a wider turret with a developed rear niche, it was possible to install a 77-mm cannon with initial speed projectile 787 m/s. It is believed to be Britain's most powerful cruiser tank in World War II. In fact, it was still inferior to the Panther, but definitely superior to the most popular german tank Pz IV.

The cruising tank, which was called the “English Panther,” entered service after the end of World War II. It was Centurion. It had a welded hull with rational armor angles, was armed with a 17- or 20-pounder gun, and was in service with the British Army until the 70s. Later versions of the vehicle (from about the mid-50s) were armed with a 105 mm L7 rifled cannon. Based on the Centurion, an experimental tank FV4202 was developed, which, due to the reduction linear dimensions The hull was superior in mass and, as a result, in dynamics, and was also armed with a 105 mm gun.

The last British heavy tanks were the Caernarvon and Conqueror. They were designed as heavily armed vehicles and were supposed to specialize in fighting enemy tanks. But it is precisely the narrowness of their specialization and a large number of shortcomings led to the fact that only about 180 tanks of both modifications were produced.

Based on the Conqueror, another rather interesting heavy cannon vehicle was developed - the FV215b. On chassis Conqueror tank Initially they planned to install a 183-mm gun with a drum-type automatic loader. The gun was mounted without the possibility of rotation and had no protection - neither a turret nor a conning tower. The tank did not go into production.

To summarize, let's say that the British, although they were the first to bring tanks to the battlefield, subsequently could not maintain their leading positions. Nevertheless, the British tanks were quite interesting cars, they took an active part in the Second World War.

Upgrading a branch from scratch:

  • Upgrading a branch from scratch - 7000 rub.(If ordering experience is not from 0, then the price is 50,000 experience - 500 rubles + discounts)

Upgrading tanks. Prices:

  • 50,000 experience - 500 rub.
  • 50,000 experience for self-propelled guns - 700 rub.

Minimum order: 50,000 experience.

Discount system:

  • When ordering from 100,000 experience - discount 5%.
  • When ordering from 200,000 experience - discount 10%.
  • When ordering from 400,000 experience - discount 15%.

Execution speed: from 50 battles per day.

Obtaining a “Master” on each tank starting from level 5 - GUARANTEED!

How to make an order?

You leave a request on the website;
We contact you and clarify the order details (equipment and number of fights);
You pay for your order in a way convenient for you;
You get the long-awaited result :)

The new high-tier British light tanks have everything they need to join the ranks of the best scouts in World of Tanks. These are one of the smallest vehicles in the game, which combine excellent camouflage, high mobility and decent armor penetration. If played correctly, you will become almost invisible to the enemy and cause him a lot of problems.

Brief historical background

In the 1950s and 60s, British military engineers were actively developing new modifications of light tanks. The projects of that time can be considered outstanding due to their unusual design solutions. For example, some tanks had oscillating turrets or very powerful large caliber guns. Most of these projects remained drawings, and only a few reached the prototype stage.

By introducing a new technology branch, we are resurrecting forgotten projects of British engineers. We carefully studied archival drawings of light tanks of that era and selected the most interesting of them. And now you have a rare opportunity to play on relatively machines that have never been embodied in metal, but have been recreated in our game with maximum accuracy!

Let's take a closer look at the new branch and evaluate the key game features of the British Scouts that will appear in update 1.6.

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GSR 3301 Setter

Study new branch light tanks will start at level VI with the Cromwell tank, and the first vehicle will be GSR 3301 Setter. This “seven” is a transitional stage from medium tanks to light tanks. The gameplay of this car is similar to the gameplay of ST , despite its belonging to light tanks. Fast and maneuverable, the GSR 3301 Setter has excellent camouflage and boasts good armor penetration for both standard and special rounds.

The feature of this machine is rear turret location. Keep this in mind when choosing your firing position.


This British Tier VIII light tank is in some way an improved version of the Tier VII vehicle. The LHMTV boasts excellent armor penetration of the base shell - this is one of the best indicators among Tier VIII light tanks. Playing on it, you will be able to confidently deal damage even well armored vehicles, including medium and heavy tanks of their tier.

Other characteristics of LHMTV are also up to par: good one-time damage and excellent dynamics. Use high speed and excellent maneuverability, make flank and rear attacks to make huge contribution to the victory of your team.


This is not just a tank evolution, but a real breakthrough! The formidable GSOR3301 AVR FS with its impressive visibility will become virtually invisible in the right hands. This vehicle also boasts excellent armor penetration, allowing you to effectively deal damage while remaining in cover. The GSOR3301 AVR FS can quickly change flanks and perfectly play the role of a passive firefly.


By the way, we forgot to mention that high-level British light tanks have a really unusual appearance. Manticore, located at level X, is no exception: its appearance is quite bizarre.

The pinnacle of British engineering of that era, the Manticore is the most dangerous vehicle in the line. The tank's camouflage and visibility are some of the best in the game, making this tank an incredibly effective scout. The armor penetration of the 105 mm gun is 248 mm for the basic shell, so you can handle even heavily armored enemy vehicles.

It is most effective to use Manticore for passive reconnaissance - here it has no equal. If necessary, you can take up tank destroyer positions and simply wait for the victim to come into view. And thanks to its compact size and great review Manticore is capable of providing high-quality “light” to allies.

Like other light tanks of the new branch, Manticore has excellent armor penetration characteristics. But remember: the tank does not have the best gun stabilization while moving, so it is better to shoot while standing, rather than on the move.

To make it easier for you to understand how to play the new “British” ones, we are sharing useful tips.

  • All high-tier British light tanks sacrificed armor for maneuverability. Take important positions, fire from cover, or change flanks to act cunningly and subtly. You must carefully choose the moment when to deal damage, and not try to play the role of the first line machine!
  • Always think about your escape routes. Do not take rash actions during an attack or maneuver.
  • Choose your position on the map carefully. Priority points are shelters where you can get to before tank destroyers in order to take an advantageous position for transferring intelligence.
  • Install additional equipment on the machine. First of all, the Stereo Tube and Camouflage Network - they are vital.
  • Remember that new light tanks have limited ammunition. Every projectile counts, and it must fly right to the target!

We hope you enjoy the new British light tanks. Good luck on the battlefields!

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