The leaves of ficus benjamin turn black what to do. Why do ficus leaves turn black? Poor quality of irrigation water


It has many varieties, but no matter what kind of ficus you grow (be it "Rubber", "Benjamin" or some other), there is a set of certain general requirements that apply to all varieties of this plant.

And just when some of them are not observed, the leaves of the ficus begin to turn black. This ultimately leads to their complete drying, which means that such leaves will definitely fall off in the future and you will definitely not be able to save them.

That is, your task is to completely eliminate these errors in order to prevent blackening of the leaves on the plant.

If the ficus leaves turn black. What can be done?

Improper care is 100% the cause of blackening of the leaves. Maybe you put the pot with the plant in the wrong place where drafts literally walk, or the soil is very waterlogged, or the plant simply does not have enough light (this reason is most typical for winter), or vice versa, the sun's rays fall on it directly, that is the light is not scattered.

All these simple reasons can cause ficus disease, which means that its leaves may well turn black.

dry air

Another, more obvious reason, in this case, is the lack of moisture in the room, that is, the air is simply too dry. In winter, this often occurs when the heating is running at full power.

If the ficus is very close to the heating radiators, then it is difficult for him to breathe such dry air, and the leaves begin to turn black.

Find another place for the ficus where there is sufficient lighting and spray its leaves every day with warm water.

Wrong watering

It happens that we make some mistakes when watering. If we talk about ficuses, then the correctness of this process can be successfully controlled. Find a branch about a centimeter in diameter and remove the bark from it.

When watering, first check the condition of the soil in the pot. Stick a branch into the soil by 2-3 centimeters, turn it a couple of times there. When you remove a branch from the ground, it should be clean.

But if wet soil remains on it, then the ficus does not need watering yet.

After you have watered the ficus abundantly, let the soil dry out. So the ficus will breathe easier.

There can be a great many reasons why ficus leaves turn black: from improper care to pests. Not every novice gardener will be able to detect the source of the problem in time, and this is the first step to saving the plant and its recovery. Only after carefully studying the theoretical base, we can safely talk about why the leaves of the ficus turned black.

Possible reasons

In order to understand why the plant began to hurt, you need to carefully follow the entire chain of care from soil selection to watering. First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Abundance of watering. Very often, inexperienced gardeners pour their ficuses, which is why their root system begins to rot. Subsequently, the infection is transferred to the leaves, which leads to their fall.
  2. The wrong soil can also end badly for the ficus. If the substrate is not loose enough or an excess of nitrogen is noticed in it, the plant will quickly get rid of the excess in order not to waste its vitality on this and direct them to save the roots.
  3. If the ficus leaves turn black only at the edges, this means that the problem lies in excessive contact with the sun. If direct rays fall on the flower, then young shoots will suffer from this first of all. Then the leaves will begin to turn black.
  4. Excess fertilizer for ficuses is no less destructive than excess moisture. You need to feed your houseplant strictly according to the scheme indicated in the instructions, even if it seems that it grows too slowly or does not bloom for a long time.
  5. Drafts and low temperatures- one of the main enemies of ficuses. Despite their strong immunity, these plants are very thermophilic, therefore, a sharp change in the surrounding microclimate causes severe stress in it and leads to blackening of the leaves.

Errors in the selection of the substrate

For the most part, ficuses are quite unpretentious to the soil, but it is extremely important for them that it has a low nitrogen content. Because of this, many universal substrates that are sold in specialized stores are not suitable for these exotic houseplants.

Before planting ficus, it is necessary to ensure that river sand, leaf soil and peat are necessarily present in the composition of the soil. Only in such a combination will the earth be sufficiently loose, but not oversaturated with nitrogen.

Waterlogging of the soil

Quite often, the leaves turn black and fall off due to the fact that the soil in which the ficus grows is too wet. This happens most often when the gardener uses standard irrigation schemes, not taking into account the peculiarities of the microclimate of his apartment.

When the leaves begin to turn black due to improper irrigation, you need to build a new soil moisture scheme. This is done very simply: the ficus is watered not by the day, but only after the top layer of soil (3-4 centimeters) becomes dry.


Despite their tropical origin, even these plants do not like leaves when exposed to direct sunlight. Such close contact with the heavenly body weakens the ficus and leads to many diseases, including darkening of the leaves. First, the edge begins to blacken, and after the spots appear on the entire surface of the sheet plate.

dry air

Blackened leaves are often the result of a lack of moisture in the air. Ficus is a tropical plant, so the dry climate of the temperate zone is detrimental to it, especially in winter due to the heating being turned on.

If the gardener has determined that the problems with the leaves began precisely because of the dryness of the air, then you need to spray the leaves more often, not once every 2-3 days, but daily. If this does not help, then the ficus should be moved away from the battery radiator (in winter) or simply to a cooler place (in summer).

cold drafts

Blackening of the leaves often occurs due to improper temperature conditions. If the air in the room is colder than the established norms (on average it is +16 in winter and +18 in summer), then the plant, in order to save vitality, will fall into forced hibernation and drop some of the leaves. Before falling to the ground, they turn black.

Irrigation with cold water

For ficuses, not only the frequency of watering is important, but also what kind of water it is watered with. It should be a liquid at room temperature, drinkable or settled after being taken from the tap. If you water with cold water, the roots will begin to hurt, which will lead to blackening of the leaves.

Control and prevention measures

The fight for ficus health begins with a diagnosis. After the gardener has discovered the reason why the darkened leaves appear, you must immediately eliminate it and bring the conditions for keeping the plant in the proper form.

For example, if problems with shrubs began due to improper watering, then first of all you need to build the correct scheme for irrigating the soil. After that, those sheets that have not come to their senses are carefully separated from the branches.

In all other cases, the struggle for the ficus crown is built according to a similar pattern. First, the gardener fixes the problem, and then removes the diseased leaves.

In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, first of all, you need to take care of the right conditions for the growth of ficus. Only after making sure that the soil is chosen correctly, there is a suitable place for a pot in the apartment, and watering will be carried out on time, you can start this exotic plant for yourself.

Blackening of ficus leaves is a common problem faced by many gardeners who do not care for it properly. It is not difficult to cope with this scourge, you just need to bring the conditions for keeping the plant in the proper form.

Ficus is a whimsical plant that needs careful care. He doesn't like changing places. It is advised to place it in a bright place, but with obligatory shading. In low light, ficuses slow down growth and their leaves fall. Ficus must be smoothly prepared for changes in his life, especially for a change in habitat. Rapid changes can significantly worsen the health of your pet.

Lack of lighting, intensive watering, drafts and low temperatures in winter also lead to gradual death, blackening of the leaves, and then the whole plant. There is a noticeable smell of rot, as the top layer of soil does not dry out for a long time. The cure for such a plant is sufficient lighting, moderate soil moisture, sufficient temperature, depending on the type of plant and its lifespan. And it is also necessary to treat the ficus with a copper-soap solution. Folk care recipe: 20 g of soap (preferably liquid potash) is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. In a separate bowl, dissolve 2 g of copper sulfate, which is added to the soapy solution and, after mixing, the plant is sprayed (it is important that the solution also gets on the underside of the leaves. Copper oxychloride and cuprosan are also used to combat fungal infection.

We repeat the main features of the placement of ficuses: a warm, lit place, with a standard room temperature of up to 26 degrees Celsius, no drafts, but the room should be well ventilated. It is obligatory to constantly monitor the health of the plant, the absence of electromagnetic devices near the plant, specialized care depending on the age, size of the plant, period, season. By determining the cause of the disease at an early stage, it is possible to take timely measures to save or prevent the death of the plant. To do this, the flower must be periodically inspected, taken care of, removing damaged leaves - to give appropriate attention to this whimsical roommate.

(15 rated, rating: 6,73 out of 10)


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Ficus can be attributed to the most common indoor plants.

It has many varieties, but no matter what kind of ficus you grow (be it "Rubber", "Benjamin" or some other), there is a set of certain general requirements that apply to all varieties of this plant.

And just when some of them are not observed, the leaves of the ficus begin to turn black. This ultimately leads to their complete drying, which means that such leaves will definitely fall off in the future and you will definitely not be able to save them.

That is, your task is to completely eliminate these errors in order to prevent blackening of the leaves on the plant.

If the ficus leaves turn black. What can be done?

Improper care is 100% the cause of blackening of the leaves. Maybe you put the pot with the plant in the wrong place where drafts literally walk, or the soil is very waterlogged, or the plant simply does not have enough light (this reason is most typical for winter), or vice versa, the sun's rays fall on it directly, that is the light is not scattered.

All these simple reasons can cause ficus disease, which means that its leaves may well turn black.

dry air

Another, more obvious reason, in this case, is the lack of moisture in the room, that is, the air is simply too dry. In winter, this often occurs when the heating is running at full power.

If the ficus is very close to the heating radiators, then it is difficult for him to breathe such dry air, and the leaves begin to turn black.

Find another place for the ficus where there is sufficient lighting and spray its leaves every day with warm water.

Wrong watering

It happens that we make some mistakes when watering. If we talk about ficuses, then the correctness of this process can be successfully controlled. Find a branch about a centimeter in diameter and remove the bark from it.

When watering, first check the condition of the soil in the pot. Stick a branch into the soil by 2-3 centimeters, turn it a couple of times there. When you remove a branch from the ground, it should be clean.

But if wet soil remains on it, then the ficus does not need watering yet.

After you have watered the ficus abundantly, let the soil dry out. So the ficus will breathe easier.

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Why do ficus leaves turn black?

It's no secret that this green inhabitant of the windowsill is capricious. For all its unpretentiousness, it treacherously sheds leaves at the slightest change: be it a draft or a sharp temperature drop, a change in watering. This time we will touch on the question of what to do if your favorite ficus leaves turn black or brown.

Why do flowers turn black or fall off?

There are not so many reasons why a completely healthy ficus leaves suddenly turn black or darken. Almost certainly they are associated with an incorrect or abrupt change in care regimen:

  1. If you notice that the ficus leaves suddenly turn black and fall off sharply, the waterlogged soil was to blame. Of course, this plant is a resident of tropical countries, but it also does not like strong flooding. Permanent watering is desirable to partially replace spraying.
  2. Sometimes ficus leaves turn black gradually, starting from the edges. This option is most likely the result of a sunburn. Sometimes this happens when the plant is corny hot in your room. By the way, cold or draft can also lead to the fact that ficus, regardless of its type, leaves turn black.
  3. What to do when almost all the leaves of a ficus constantly turn black, even though all the recommendations are carried out flawlessly? In such a situation, it is worth trying to change the very earth that is in the flowerpot. It is advisable to relocate your flower to a mixture of equal parts of leafy soil, as well as sand and peat.
  4. Oddly enough, but a possible culprit why your adored ficus leaves fade a little blacken, your excessive efforts also become. Sometimes an excess of top dressing leads to the opposite effect. Both scenarios involve a complete revision and removal of damaged parts of the root system, transplanting into the correct soil in the future.
  5. Prevention of various diseases and pests will not be superfluous. In the spring, you can first replace the top layer of soil or the entire contents of the pot, and then, after adaptation, spray the plant with special preparations. And of course, we try not to drastically change the conditions of the flowerpot.

    Lack of lighting, intensive watering, drafts and low temperatures in winter also lead to gradual death, blackening of the leaves, and then the whole plant. There is a noticeable smell of rot, as the top layer of soil does not dry out for a long time. The cure for such a plant is sufficient lighting, moderate soil moisture, sufficient temperature, depending on the type of plant and its lifespan. And it is also necessary to treat the ficus with a copper-soap solution. Folk care recipe: 20 g of soap (preferably liquid potash) is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. In a separate bowl, dissolve 2 g of copper sulfate, which is added to the soapy solution and, after mixing, the plant is sprayed (it is important that the solution also gets on the underside of the leaves. Copper oxychloride and cuprosan are also used to combat fungal infection.

    We repeat the main features of the placement of ficuses: a warm, lit place, with a standard room temperature of up to 26 degrees Celsius, no drafts, but the room should be well ventilated. It is obligatory to constantly monitor the health of the plant, the absence of electromagnetic devices near the plant, specialized care depending on the age, size of the plant, period, season. By determining the cause of the disease at an early stage, it is possible to take timely measures to save or prevent the death of the plant. To do this, the flower must be periodically inspected, taken care of, removing damaged leaves - to give appropriate attention to this whimsical roommate.

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    Why do the tips of the leaves turn black and dry?

    leaf tips in plants wither and dry. Large brown areas appear along the edges, they gradually become dry or soft, the leaves fade. Even if they do not fade, the black tips of the leaves on rubber ficus spoil the whole picture of decorativeness.

    Dry darkening leaf tips is associated with low air humidity, very hard water for irrigation, too high a temperature in the room, or vice versa, low. Also, dry darkening can also be the result of a burn.

    In winter, it is very good to use melt water for watering indoor plants. To do this, collect snow in a container, leave it in the bathroom for a day, the snow will melt, the resulting water will warm up to room temperature. For all indoor plants, this is “living” water.

    To increase humidity, spray the leaves, put the pot on a layer of wet expanded clay or fine gravel. Too dense earth in a pot can cause the tips of ficus leaves to darken.

    "Limble", soft or wet browning indicates that the plant is watered too much, the air temperature in the room is too low, drafts, or packed earth in a pot does not allow air to pass through and suffocates the roots.

    If the leaves have darkened and become soft, stop watering for at least two weeks. Loosen the soil in the pot more often to ensure air access to the roots. Do the next watering no earlier than the top layer of the earth does not dry out 3-4 centimeters deep.

    In winter, the plant does not need frequent watering, it is better to once again loosen the top layer of earth in a pot. The earthen mixture in pots cakes under the influence of water during irrigation, so you should not leave the plant without transplanting for more than 2 years.

    If the dark areas on the leaves have become wet, slippery, then the problem is most likely already in the roots. Remove the plant from the pot, inspect its roots. Trim those parts of the roots where they are dark, lethargic, rotten, to white healthy tissue. Sprinkle the cut points with crushed coal, treat the root system with root stimulants and transplant into new soil.

    Why does the spathiphyllum not bloom, the leaves turn black and dry around the edges? How to properly care for this plant at home?

    Unfortunately, sometimes even such an unpretentious plant as spathiphyllum gets sick and withers. The leaves turn black, dry at the edges, turn yellow or become small, flowers stop appearing - all this should alert the owner. The plant thus makes it clear that something is wrong with it. This can be the result of both improper care and a symptom of the disease. And if you do not take action, the flower may eventually die altogether.

    How to care for spathiphyllum

    Despite the fact that the plant is not picky, this does not mean at all that it can be placed somewhere on the windowsill and forgot about existence for six months. Having brought home a pot with bright or dark green leaves (depending on the variety), you first need to learn how to properly care for the spathiphyllum. In principle, this applies to any representative of the flora. Among the many plants that decorate houses, apartments and offices, there are light-loving and not very light-loving ones, those that prefer humid air and die from an excess of water. So, without knowing the preferences of the flower, it is very easy to ruin it.

    Spathiphyllums are heat-loving varieties, since they naturally grow in the tropics. For the same reason, it is recommended to maintain high humidity in the summer, and to refrain from excessive watering in the winter.

    It should also be remembered that the spathiphyllum does not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring partial shade. Ignorance of this feature quite often leads to illness and even death of the flower.

    How to water

    In summer, you need to water the plant quite often, but the main thing is not to overdo it so that the soil has time to dry out. As a rule, the plant signals a lack of water with drooping leaves. It is also recommended to spray it (daily or less often) or wipe it with a soft damp cloth, sponge, cotton pad. And you can also bathe the flower right under the shower, only the water temperature should be about 20 degrees.

    In winter, most plants require less intensive watering, including spathiphyllum: the leaves turn black, become covered with brown spots or dry out in the cold season, often precisely because of excess moisture. In winter, the flowers are in a dormant stage, so rare watering and no spraying for 2-3 weeks will benefit them.

    Where is the best place to put

    In a room where there is little light throughout the day, the flower will be quite comfortable on the windowsill. Otherwise, it is better to put it away - on a cabinet, shelf or in a corner. Large specimens with large leaves look great on the floor.

    This plant rarely suffers from a lack of light. Therefore, if the room has a far corner in which a flower pot fits well, it may just be a spathiphyllum. His leaves turn black, as a rule, not due to problems with lighting, but from improper watering and lack of minerals. From an excess of light, the spathiphyllum stops growing. Existing leaves do not increase in size, and new ones do not appear.

    Why is it not blooming

    Spathiphyllum, like any other plant, reacts to environmental conditions. If the leaves become small, begin to turn yellow and dry, and the flowers stop appearing, then something does not suit him. In order to prevent his death, you need to try to understand what exactly is missing.

    Most florists know why spathiphyllum leaves turn black. This is the first sign of problems with watering the plant. Moreover, in this way it reacts both to an excess of moisture and to its lack. But if everything is more or less clear with the leaves, then with the flowers - not quite. There are two main reasons for their absence. First, the age of the plant. Too young spathiphyllum will not bloom, this is possible only after the roots fill all the space allotted for them.

    The second reason is the opposite. If the plant is crowded in a pot, it stops blooming, and the leaves become small. So, depending on the situation, you either need to wait a bit or transplant the spathiphyllum.

    Leaves turn black - what to do?

    As described above, there are two main reasons for the appearance of dark spots on the plant. And they are opposite to each other. The first is insufficient watering, the second is excess moisture. So when black (or brown) spots appear, you must first determine which option is taking place.

    It is not difficult to do this. It is necessary to try to pull the flower out of the pot and touch the roots. If they are wet, dry the plant and limit moisture. In the case of dry soil, it just needs to be watered more often.

    It happens that the plant is not easy to remove from the pot. Then, in order not to injure him, you can make a recess with a pencil or loosening stick and determine the soil moisture at a depth of several centimeters, drawing the appropriate conclusions. When everything is fine with watering, and the leaves continue to turn black, perhaps the problem lies in the lack of minerals in the soil. In this case, top dressing is necessary.

    Dry tips indicate insufficiently humid air. You can try to spray the plant more often, although in most cases this problem is not easy to deal with. If the leaf turns yellow completely, more frequent watering is most likely needed.

    In general, the plant is quite hardy both to temperature changes and to the lack of light. It can look great in truly spartan conditions. Therefore, for those who do not know how to care for flowers, spathiphyllum is recommended. Its leaves turn black from a lack or excess of moisture, it stops growing from bright light - this knowledge, as a rule, is quite enough.

    why do ficus leaves dry around the edges

    Why do ficus leaves turn black around the edges?

    Ficus is a whimsical plant that needs careful care. He doesn't like changing places. It is advised to place it in a bright place, but with obligatory shading. In low light, ficuses slow down growth and their leaves fall. Ficus must be smoothly prepared for changes in his life, especially for a change in habitat. Rapid changes can significantly worsen the health of your pet.


    purchased a ficus, transplanted into a larger pot, the ficus grew to two meters, but the lower leaves began to dry along the edges, and one leaf began to turn yellow. Explain the reason and tell me what to do?

    If the ficus grows “in one trunk” and does not branch, cut off its apical stalk in the spring - then the ficus trunk will stop growing in height and lateral shoots will develop from the “sleeping” buds on the main shoot, which, for further branching, after some time can also be cut off for tree formation. Otherwise, your ficus will hit the ceiling. And root the cut apical cutting - now you will have two ficuses.
    Drying and yellowing of ficus leaves in winter are possible for several reasons:
    - from waterlogging the soil (in winter, watering the ficus should be limited; immediately pour out excess water from the pan and let the soil dry before the next watering);
    - from cold soil (put a lining under the pot if it is on a cold surface);
    - from too dry air in the room (put the ficus away from the heating battery; maintain air humidity by all means; wash ficus leaves weekly in winter or wipe them with a soft sponge to moisturize, prevent pests and clean dust);
    - from cold drafts.
    Read about ficus care here.

    All about ficus on the site

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    I ask for advice: at the rubbery ficus, the edges of the leaves dry (moderate watering) What to do.

    iris Pupil (107), closed 6 years ago

    Olga Gubanova Guru (2677) 6 years ago

    Conditions for keeping ficus rubber
    If you want your pet to grow well and develop quickly, you need to choose the brightest place possible for him, protected from drafts and direct sunlight. Ficuses do not like to be disturbed often and transferred from one place to another, so it is better to immediately determine its location in the room and leave it alone there. The pot for planting should not be much larger than the volume occupied by the root system. Only when the root system occupies almost the entire volume of the pot, the ficus should be transplanted into a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter. A mixture of two parts of leafy soil, one part of peat and one part of humus is well suited as a soil. During the period of active growth, you need to feed the ficus every two to three weeks with organic fertilizers. This is usually done in spring and summer. The temperature in the room should be at least 18 ° C, but not very high. In the heat, the leaves become sluggish and begin to hang down sadly. Periodically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to remove dust - ficuses love this very much. Ficuses are watered moderately, using well-settled water at room temperature. Do not overdo it with watering! Ficuses, like most other plants, cannot be flooded. After all, roots need not only water, but also air. Therefore, be guided by the rule: it is better to underfill than overfill. If suddenly the ficus turns yellow or even dropped almost all the leaves - this is the first sign that it was flooded. In this case, it is necessary to carefully separate the entire earth, dry the roots a little and plant them in almost dry, light soil. After that, spray the tree and soil with water, adding epin there - 1 ampoule per liter of water. Then cover it with a plastic bag and leave it there until it comes to life. Continue spraying the plant occasionally.

    Julie Outenkova Thinker (7003) 6 years ago


    for some reason, the ficus leaves began to turn yellow and dry along the edges. what is it from?

    Catherine Master (1875), closed 5 years ago

    Marina Turilina Enlightened (42791) 5 years ago

    For ficus, a bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer is suitable. Ficuses with hard leaves (eg Ficus elastica (Ficus rubber)) can be in the morning summer sun, with delicate leaves (eg Ficus pumila (Ficus dwarf)) require diffused light.
    Ficuses with dark green leaves are resistant to temporary lack of light, variegated plants can hardly tolerate even partial shade, losing the beautiful color of the leaves.
    With insufficient lighting, the internodes of the ficus lengthen, growth slows down, leaves fall.
    Ficus is sensitive to sudden changes in lighting, especially when moving from light-filled greenhouses and greenhouses to dimly lit rooms. Manufacturers take this into account, and the industrial cultivation of ficuses is carried out in two (or more) stages. Plants are first grown in sufficient light, and then, a few months before the sale, they are transferred to significant shading. This is how ficuses are smoothly prepared for future use in the interior of rooms with illumination of several thousand lux.
    Ficus is sensitive to hypothermia of the soil, so it feels bad and can shed its leaves if it stands on a cold windowsill or floor.
    Sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed.

    IngWorkSpr Master (1292) 5 years ago

    TSarsky TT Sage (15893) 5 years ago

    or an abundance of moisture or a lack of light too.

    Marina Lazarchuk Student (237) 5 years ago

    spray it, it's hot

    Svetlana Enlightened (33262) 5 years ago

    It's from dry air. Spraying helps only temporarily. It is necessary to put the pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay, cover the ground in the pot with wet moss, and put a container of water next to it. You need diffused light, but not direct sunlight. Avoid drafts.

Why ficus leaves turn black is an urgent question. After all, ficus is in great demand among lovers of indoor plants. And this is not surprising, because this instance has a long life, perfectly cleans the air and at the same time looks very interesting in any interior.

In addition to these advantages, the plant also does not require special care and develops well even in a darkened room. But there is also a negative trait in the plant - a tendency to frequent diseases. Most often in ficus. More about this and the features of culture below.

Ficus belongs to the mulberry family. For a plant, tropical and subtropical conditions are considered the most favorable, which can be found in both hemispheres of the planet.

In nature, you can find about 800 different plant species. It can be trees, vines, shrubs of large and small sizes.

Any of the listed plants contain in their internal composition a milky juice that has poisonous properties.

Therefore, when working with a plant, it is necessary to exercise vigilance and accuracy so as not to cause injury to the skin.

Ficus is a kind of beautiful plant that will decorate any home. Caring for him is quite simple. Often you can see the appearance of blackness on the leaves, which later leads to their fall and the death of the whole plant.

In order to prevent this problem, you should pay attention to the correct care of the flower and the regularity of fertilization and watering.

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