What does the abbreviation r i p mean? A person died - what does R.I.P mean?

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When asked what r.i.p. means. ? given by the author Trainspotting the best answer is R.I.P. (Latin requiescat in pace, English rest in peace) - an abbreviation adopted by Catholics and Protestants, meaning “rest in peace” (the Latin version uses a verb in the 3rd person subjunctive mood and is more accurately translated as “May [he/a] rest in peace" in the world") . What is noteworthy is that the abbreviation is the same in both English and Latin (because the nouns are borrowed from Latin, and the preposition “in” is of common Indo-European origin and is the same in both languages). Often used in gravestone inscriptions like this: "R.I.P., %username%".
Due to its memetic nature, R.I.P. very often used even by the Russian-speaking public, often completely out of place. Used:
- Those who believe that by sticking a non-Russian word, they will make the phrase much deeper and express intense grief for the deceased. For example, if you type “r.i.p.” into Yandex, a search option for the words “r.i.p. ratmir”, which is what he is hinting at.
- Instead of the word “died” (usually by gamers). When used, the word is often Russified and even conjugated: “My Persian was ripped off!” .
- Thanks to the original cemetery theme of the Goth Herks. Example:
- Simply in relation to someone's death. For example, requests like “FreeBSD RIP” are often found on ENT.
- Linuxoids in general in relation to M$ software.
- As a postscript to the bully (like “Cute DefFkA”, “Sexy Girl”, etc.) by dicks and simply especially gifted males.
Interesting Facts:
- There is a play on words: R.I.P.” and “reaper” (literally - reaper, not literally - death with a scythe - if grim reaper - grim reaper) in the complete absence common origin They sound similar and mean almost the same thing.
- There is a game of the same name.
- In the ancient game Digger, when the protagonist of a wheelbarrow dies, a grave with this inscription appears at the scene.
- The verb “rip” means “to tear”, which can also cause a play on words.
- Duke Nukem, having killed another boar, sometimes says “Rest in Pieces.”
- The Pindos mitol band Megadeth has in its repertoire a song and an album of the same name “Rust in Peace”.
- The Brazilian mitol band Sepultura has in its repertoire the song “Rest in Pain” (“Rest in Pain” “Rest in Pain”, dammit!!!).
- Pindos racial nigra Brotha Lynch Hung has in her repertoire the song “Rest in Piss” (“Rest in Piss”).
- In printing, RIP is the process of rasterizing images, that’s right!
- In game, video and music piracy, RIPing (English: “to rip smth.”) is the process of repacking/reassembling/recoding the original content in order to reduce the size/bypass protection/distill into another format, etc. Usually ( but not always) is produced with the loss of part of the original data (in games - cut videos and sound, in music/video - lossy encoding with loss in the quality of the output stream). The resulting material is called RIP.
- In network technologies, the name of the routing protocol.
- On the graves of Windows users they write “RIP”, on the graves of admin-kulhatskers - “RIP2”, and only on the graves of true-*nix system administrators they write “w:OSPF”.
- In molecular biology, RIP (receptor interracting protein) is a protein that interacts with the TNF receptor (tumor necrosis factor) and has a death domain, that’s right.
- Rip van Winkle is a racial American hunter. I slept in the forest for 20 years, and upon returning home I didn’t understand anything.
- In the manga "Hellsing" Rip Van Winkle is a vampire, a fascist and a magic shooter all rolled into one. The character's name is taken from the legend of (SUDDENLY) Rip van Winkle and Rip is just a Dutch name here.
- In x86-64 architecture, RIP is a machine instruction pointer. Which should somehow hint.

Answer from Ekaterina Blumgart[newbie]
a person died

Answer from Danil Bushtak[newbie]
r.i.p it means rest in peace

Answer from Yoasha Shaposhnikov[newbie]
In Russian Without Abbreviations Rest in Peace

Answer from Marina[newbie]
rest in peace

Answer from Nikita Romashkin[newbie]
I thought r.i.p was “Remember, love, cherish”

Answer from Valeria Fedorova[newbie]
rest in peace

Answer from Anya Maslennikova[active]
R.I.P. (Latin requiescat in pace, English rest in peace) - an abbreviation adopted by Catholics and Protestants, meaning “rest in peace” (the Latin version uses a verb in the 3rd person subjunctive mood and is more accurately translated as “May [he/a] rest in peace" in the world") .

Answer from Jason Voorhees[newbie]
rest in peace

Answer from Olga Ponomareva[active]
rest in peace

To the question What does R.I.P. mean? on the graves??? given by the author Lena Knev the best answer is Rest In Peace - rest in peace

Answer from Amonina Ameno[guru]
R.I.P. (Latin requiescat in pace, English rest in peace) - an abbreviation adopted by Catholics and Protestants, meaning “rest in peace” (the Latin version uses a verb in the 3rd person subjunctive mood and is more accurately translated as “May [he/a] rest in peace" in the world"). What is noteworthy is that the abbreviation is the same in both English and Latin (because the nouns are borrowed from Latin, and the preposition “in” is of common Indo-European origin and is the same in both languages). Often used in gravestone inscriptions like this: "R.I.P., %username%".
Due to its memetic nature, R.I.P. very often used even by the Russian-speaking public, often completely out of place. Used:
- Those who believe that by attaching a non-Russian word, they will make the phrase much deeper and express strong grief for the deceased. For example, if you type “r.i.p.” into Yandex, a search option for the words “r.i.p. ratmir”, which is what he is hinting at.
- Instead of the word “died” (usually by gamers). When used, the word is often Russified and even conjugated: “My Persian was ripped off!”
- Thanks to the original cemetery theme of the Goth Herks. Example:
- Simply in relation to someone's death. For example, requests like “FreeBSD RIP” are often found on ENT.
- Linuxoids in general in relation to M$ software.
- As a postscript to the bully (like “Cute DefFkA”, “Sexy Girl”, etc.) by dicks and simply especially gifted males.
Interesting Facts:
- There is a play on words: R.I.P.” and “reaper” (literally - reaper, not literally - death with a scythe - if grim reaper - grim reaper), with a complete lack of common origin, sound similar and mean almost the same thing.
- There is a game of the same name.
- In the ancient game Digger, when the protagonist of a wheelbarrow dies, a grave with this inscription appears at the scene.
- The verb “rip” means “to tear”, which can also cause a play on words.
- Duke Nukem, having killed another boar, sometimes says “Rest in Pieces.”
- The Pindos mitol band Megadeth has in its repertoire a song and an album of the same name “Rust in Peace”.
- The Brazilian mitol band Sepultura has in its repertoire the song “Rest in Pain” (“Rest in Pain” “Rest in Pain”, dammit!!!).
- Pindos racial nigra Brotha Lynch Hung has in her repertoire the song “Rest in Piss” (“Rest in Piss”).
- In printing, RIP is the process of rasterizing images, that’s right!
- In game, video and music piracy, RIPing (English: “to rip smth.”) is the process of repacking/reassembling/recoding the original content in order to reduce the size/bypass protection/distill into another format, etc. Usually ( but not always) is produced with the loss of part of the original data (in games - cut videos and sound, in music/video - lossy encoding with loss in the quality of the output stream). The resulting material is called RIP.
- In network technologies, the name of the routing protocol.
- On the graves of Windows users they write “RIP”, on the graves of admin-kulhatskers - “RIP2”, and only on the graves of true-*nix system administrators they write “w:OSPF”.
- In molecular biology, RIP (receptor interracting protein) is a protein that interacts with the TNF receptor (tumor necrosis factor) and has a death domain, that’s right.
- Rip van Winkle is a racial American hunter. I slept in the forest for 20 years, and upon returning home I didn’t understand anything.
- In the manga "Hellsing" Rip Van Winkle is a vampire, a fascist and a magic shooter all rolled into one. The character's name is taken from the legend of (SUDDENLY) Rip van Winkle and Rip is just a Dutch name here.
- In x86-64 architecture, RIP is a machine instruction pointer. Which should somehow hint.

Answer from Kobyak[active]
rest in peace.

Answer from Anya Maslennikova[active]
R.I.P. (Latin requiescat in pace, English rest in peace) - an abbreviation adopted by Catholics and Protestants, meaning “rest in peace” (the Latin version uses a verb in the 3rd person subjunctive mood and is more accurately translated as “May [he/a] rest in peace" in the world") .

Answer from Yoasha Shaposhnikov[newbie]
In Russian Without Abbreviations Rest in Peace

Answer from Yamerlan Dzubiev[active]
say this RIP eta magila

Each of us has seen on TV that a strange abbreviation is often written on tombstones. But its decoding is not given anywhere. And today we will analyze in detail why they write rip on graves and what this is connected with. Let's start with the fact that these three letters mean nothing more than “rest in peace.” Moreover, a similar inscription is usually found in Catholic cemeteries. In our Orthodox churchyards it is not customary to write such things.

What is rip on tombstones?

Originally, RIP was a big and difficult word: "Requiescatinpacem". From Latin it is translated as rest in peace or something similar.

And since Latin has been the language of bishops and confessors since ancient times, everything here is quite understandable.

Besides, English expression rest in peace - also means “rest in peace.” At the same time, it can be encrypted as RIP.

Thanks to this coincidence, these three letters have gained immense popularity. They apply in all English-speaking countries, even if not everyone there believes in Catholicism.

The deep meaning of R.I.P.

In general, the expression “rest in peace” itself did not come about just like that. The fact is that in the Middle Ages there was prayer in Latin. It said that the bishop asks God to give peace to the soul that has left us.

As a result, what was pulled out of this prayer was, you know, what a sentence was. And it was made from, you know what the abbreviation is.

It is worth noting that according to the beliefs of Catholics and Protestants, the human soul after death goes to purgatory. And in order to rescue her from there, it is necessary to ask for her peaceful repose. Moreover, something similar exists in Orthodoxy. It’s just all done differently.

It’s interesting that instead of “rest in peace,” the phrase “thank you for everything” is used in Denmark. And if you thank a person there with such an expression, he may think that you wish him death.

Use in pop culture

In world pop culture, these three letters have been used for a very long time. They usually mean death. Often, they are used by various kinds of punks, gothic bands, metalheads, etc.

In Russia, this expression is rarely used. In particular, it is sometimes used by gamers to quickly say that a character has died.

It is worth noting that in Italian, English, German and Latin, expressions about peaceful repose are quite similar. But there is no mysticism here, as some people think.

It’s just that all these languages ​​at one time originated from one dialect. And this made it possible to apply RIP in several multilingual countries at once without any problems.

By the way, in English language There is also a verb "rip". It means to tear something. So it is possible to say that life was cut short or interrupted.

Hi all! Today we’ll try to figure out what ripping is and what Rip formats exist. For those whose activities are related to the processing of video materials, this information has long been known, but for beginners and amateurs in this matter, I hope the information offered below will be interesting and useful. Let's figure it out...

Everyone, I hope, already remembers the historical recordings on VHS tapes. This video format is used (it would be more correct to say “used”) on video cassettes. It should be noted that he passed into the past with honor. All that remains are good memories of the first expensive video recorders and exciting viewings of the whole company with some action movie with Chuck Norris or Van Damme in leading role. But times and technologies change. And, consequently, new concepts and definitions appear. Let's figure it out..

What is ripping

Often, when reading the description of any video material, the quality of the video is indicated in the form of an abbreviation. For example, DVD-Rip, PDTV-Rip or Cam-Rip. Knowing the designations of these letters, you can get an idea of ​​the quality of the recording.

First, let's define what "Rip" means. There is no need to draw an analogy with the inscription on the tombstone “rest in peace,” which means “rest in peace.” Rip in translation means “to tear” or “torn off from something.”

Ripping (eng. ripping) - extracting information from the original media (video or audio) into a new file. As a rule, the data is converted (compressed) for more convenient playback. A video in Rip format is a copy of the original, usually a pirated copy. Often, ripping can be classified as video piracy.

Types of Rip format

Cam-rip. Otherwise called “screen”, “CAM” or “rag”. This copy is filmed from the cinema screen. The screen has disgusting picture and sound quality. You can often hear the audience talking, coughing, sneezing, laughing. Sometimes a silhouette of a person walking along the cinema screen appears. The image may be shot at an angle and may shake.

DVD-Rip. The most common post format. A copy of the recording from the original DVD. Often the disk capacity is up to 1.5 GB. Video encoding is mpeg4. The recording quality is very good. It's just inferior to the quality of rips from Blu-ray discs (BD). May be designated Super DVD or HQ DVD (High quility).

DVD-Scr. Incomplete version. This kind of video is produced for film critics. May have watermarks, links, inscriptions. The quality is the same as DVD-Rip.

TV-Rip. This video copy is recorded from TV signal, cable or antenna. Recording is done using flash cards or DVD players. The quality of video recording depends on the recording equipment. As a rule, copies are of decent quality.

Sat-Rip. A copy of the video is recorded from satellite television. Its quality depends on the video signal and provider. With a good signal, you can get a high-quality recording.

PDTV-Rip. In English "Pure Digital Television", which means "pure digital TV". The quality of the recorded material is good. Due to the fact that the signal was not converted from analog to digital. You can add SatRip and IPTV recording to this Rip. The recording quality is good.

Telecine. The copy is taken from the projector by cinema employees. Quality may vary.

WEBDL-Rip. The recording is made from an Internet broadcast. The quality is excellent. Can compete with BD-Rip.

HDTV-Rip. The recording is made from an HDTV channel (High Definition Television). That's why the channel logo is present. The quality depends on the broadcast. Resolution 1920x1080 or 1280x720.

BD-Rip. This is a copy of files from a Blu-Ray disc. Today, the highest quality films are recorded on BD. They can be recorded in several layers. Up to 25 GB of materials can be placed on one layer. Often the movie size is more than 9 GB. The quality is better than DVD-Rip.

BDRemux. A copy of files from a Blu-Ray disc, but already cleared of unnecessary materials (dubbing, subtitles, translation, etc.). BDRemux is created to reduce the file size of the original disc.

Have you ever thought about the fact that we are surrounded by so many pirated copies? What media do you have at home?

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