Where to pierce the tongue. How to pierce the tongue? features of this procedure. Jewelry and types of piercing

Piercing is called punctures of the skin and soft tissues for wearing special jewelry in the resulting holes. This type of body modification is incredibly popular. Still, it is not difficult to make a piercing, and when it gets tired, you can simply pull out the jewelry, and after a while the puncture will drag on by itself. Modern masters offer a choice of piercing a variety of areas of the body and face. At the same time, a rather extravagant puncture of the tongue has a high popularity. Why is such a piercing good, is it dangerous?

Varieties of tongue piercing

The traditional version of the puncture involves creating a hole in the middle part of the organ. However, many today this type of piercing seems too boring. A worthy alternative is a double vertical puncture (often called a "spider line"), in this case, the decorations are located symmetrically on the sides of the central part of the tongue. Some originals prefer to pierce the bridle. And the most rare and dangerous is a horizontal puncture of the tongue, respectively, the bar is located in a horizontal plane. Sometimes, at the request of the client, multiple piercings are performed. In this case, different types of punctures from those listed above can be combined.

Choice of decoration

The main requirement for an earring that you will wear immediately after a puncture is hypoallergenicity. The best option is titanium or medical steel. The most common for piercing this part of the body is the rod. These are ornaments consisting of a metal rod, at the ends of which balls or flat round elements are twisted. During the healing period, it is recommended to wear a sufficiently long earring, as swelling may occur in the first days. It is important that the edges of the bar do not come into contact with the teeth all the time. Choose certified products that will not deteriorate under the influence of saliva. Remember that you always run the risk of swallowing the ball. If you decide to pierce your tongue, get ready for the fact that all new rods will have to be checked for the ability to unwind on their own and regularly twist when worn.

Is anesthesia needed?

According to the degree of pain during execution, tongue piercing is considered a rather unpleasant event. It is important that the client sits still and does not move during the procedure. Otherwise, instead of a new decoration, you can get a very unpleasant injury. It is for this reason that many medical offices offering this service advise tongue piercing with local anesthesia. Anesthesia can be performed with drugs in the form of injections or sprays. Sensitivity usually returns within a few hours. Attention: be prepared for the fact that if you choose a puncture with anesthesia, it will be almost impossible to speak immediately after the procedure. Therefore, if possible, ask someone to pick you up from the clinic and take you home.

Tongue piercing: photo and execution technology

This type of piercing is done by hand, using special tools. It is for this reason that the choice of a particular master should be approached with all responsibility. The procedure includes rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic solution, anesthesia (at the request of the patient). Next, the tongue is fixed with a special clip, the location of the jewelry is marked, and it is at this mark that a puncture is performed with a special needle. A modern tool for this type of piercing is a catheter, which allows you to immediately insert the jewelry easily and painlessly. Accordingly, then the bar is fixed, the clamp is removed - the puncture is made. You can evaluate the result immediately after the procedure is completed. Good masters usually invite clients to take a look in the mirror. Do not be afraid of swelling - this is normal for the first days. As the swelling heals, the swelling will go away.

In the first days after a tongue piercing, you should not eat solid food or dishes that have a sharp specific taste. After each meal, rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs or a special antiseptic. Before going to bed, it is recommended to rinse the tongue with chlorhexidine. Be sure to change your toothbrush and rinse it thoroughly after each use.

Have you recently had a tongue piercing? The care required is not too complicated, but still there are some restrictions during the healing period. Minimize the risk of damage to the new piercing and infection. To do this, carefully monitor the temperature of food and drinks, get rid of the habit of brushing your tongue with a toothbrush, give up kissing until it is completely healed, and you can only have oral sex using a barrier method of contraception.

If swelling is bothering you too much, try to drink more cool drinks or keep ice cubes in your mouth. It is recommended that you stop smoking and drinking alcohol while the puncture heals.

Is it possible to pierce the tongue at home?

Despite all its extravagance, tongue piercing seems to be quite simple to perform and heal. However, this opinion is erroneous. It is strictly forbidden to perform a tongue piercing at home. Too high a chance of hitting a nerve or blood vessel. In the first case, a loss of sensitivity is likely (an irreversible consequence), in the second - a serious blood loss. In addition, at home, the risk of infection increases. Think thrice before deciding on such a dubious procedure. Today you can find a salon offering this type of piercing and a master with a medical education in any city. And the cost of the procedure itself will be from 300 to 1000 rubles. This is little money compared to the risk that those who decide to pierce the tongue at home take.

Possible problems

Tongue piercing inevitably leads to a deterioration in diction, the appearance of a lisp. Sometimes these complications are observed only during the period of puncture healing and getting used to the jewelry, but sometimes they persist for life. For this reason, this body modification is categorically not recommended for people whose profession is directly related to oratory.

As with any other type of piercing, there is a risk of infection during the piercing. If the tools or jewelry has not been sterilized, it is even possible to introduce the virus of serious chronic diseases transmitted through the blood, such as AIDS, hepatitis, etc.

The wrong choice of an earring for constant wear is fraught with damage to the gums and tooth enamel. If the puncture is performed poorly, damage to large blood vessels or a nerve is possible. Likely consequences: severe bleeding, disruption of the taste buds and motor activity of the organ. Try to rationally assess all the risks before doing a tongue piercing. The pros and cons in this case are quite serious. If you decide to have the procedure, contact a certified salon or clinic with a good reputation.

Advantages of tongue piercing

This type of piercing is often chosen for its extravagance. Most importantly, everyone can show individuality and creativity in this way. We remind you that many serious companies today have a strict dress code, and applicants with obvious body modifications and informal appearance are not accepted for work. But the barbell in the tongue is not exactly visible until its owner decides to show off this decoration. Accordingly, this puncture is suitable for almost everyone. For all its aesthetic value, such a piercing does not require complex care. It is done in a matter of seconds. How long does a tongue piercing take? Any master will answer you that from 2 to 6 weeks. By the standards of skin punctures, this is an insignificant period.

Can everyone get their tongue pierced?

Contraindications for this type of piercing are diseases of the oral cavity. Tongue piercing should not be done for certain chronic diseases, mental anomalies and epilepsy. Thinking about the possibility of wearing a piercing should be people with poor blood clotting and allergies to metals. Tongue piercing is possible for persons over 18 years old, in some exceptional cases - from 16 years old, with the official consent of the parents. Piercing is not recommended for women on critical days due to the likelihood of increased bleeding. Language puncture reviews are mixed. Like any other body modification, some people like it in any form, while others are disgusted. But if you have already seriously decided to decorate your body in this way, do not listen to those who are against it. When piercing is performed in a certified facility by an experienced specialist, the risk of complications is minimal. Just look around - this puncture is quite popular today, and many people wear jewelry in the tongue for years without experiencing any inconvenience.

The ancient ritual of the sacrifice of the Mayan people and the Australian Aborigines has rapidly entered the modern fashion. Information on how to pierce the tongue at home is available on the Internet. Knowing the rules, sequence of actions and ways to protect against inflammation and infection will help to carry out the procedure safely.

Whether it is worth piercing the tongue, for example, you need to decide for yourself, only knowing exactly the nuances of the procedure. Otherwise, it is better to do a tongue piercing in a professional salon, where specialists know exactly how to carry out this mini operation, how to anesthetize the process as much as possible and not infect.

Doubts and fears about the procedure

People who decide on a home piercing are overcome by doubts and fears regarding possible pain in the oral cavity. The use of analgesics will make the process painless, however, when their action stops, pain will remain until the wound is completely healed. Therefore, to the question of whether it hurts to pierce the tongue, one can answer that it is quite tolerable. The procedure depends on personal susceptibility to pain and mood. The procedure can be compared to a cosmetic ear piercing.

Accurate knowledge of how to pierce the tongue is essential. If the procedure is carried out at home, then the attitude towards hygiene and sterilization of piercing instruments should be increased. In this case, it will be possible to avoid infection and inflammatory processes, which it is unlikely to be able to cope with on your own, you will need emergency medical care.


To pierce the tongue, a set of sterile instruments is required, among them:

  • decoration: a rigid rod consisting of a rod with a rounded section, onto which elements are screwed on both sides: stones, cones, spikes. The jewelry is made of surgical steel, titanium, teflon or gold. The rod comes with internal and external threads, its dimensions in length are from 1.5 to 3.5 cm;
  • clamp to hold the tongue, instruments of this type are usually used by surgeons, the clamp is made of stainless medical steel;
  • piercing catheter or cannulated instrument: an empty needle made in different diameters. The needle has a laser sharpening, so tongue piercing at home is done with maximum comfort and safety. The diameter of the catheter should be greater than the diameter of the selected jewelry, then repeated manipulations are not required;
  • sterile gloves that will ensure a secure grip of instruments and protect against infections;
  • preparations for disinfection: Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

Step-by-step instruction

How to properly and almost painlessly pierce the tongue, step-by-step instructions will tell you. However, before studying it, it is important to know some of the rules of this mini-operation planned at home.

First you need to understand where, in what place you can pierce the tongue. Piercing is done exclusively on the tip of the tongue or strictly in its middle. If a puncture is made along the edges, then there is a high probability that the needle will enter large arteries, and it will be difficult to stop the blood.

If there are fears that it will be painful to pierce the tongue, then you can resort to analgin or No-shpe. These drugs can facilitate manipulation.

  • Sterilize all instruments, including jewelry, with special means or medical alcohol.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with an antibacterial or mild saline solution.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap, then put on sterile gloves.
  • Holding the tongue with a clamp, mark the place for the puncture.
  • Make a puncture with a hard movement. Using a catheter, a puncture is made from below, using a regular needle from above. Videos about how the tongue is pierced in one way or another can be found on the Internet.
  • Insert the earring with a catheter or in the usual way. The earring is inserted without delay, since after a few hours the wound will begin to heal and a new puncture will have to be made.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with an antiseptic.

Possible complications and problems

Knowing how to safely pierce your tongue at home can minimize unwanted consequences. However, they may still appear. If the puncture site is chosen incorrectly, then the decoration may not take root. The puncture site will constantly swell and hurt, creating inconvenience when eating.

The consequences of a tongue piercing performed at home, in any case, will be uncomfortable sensations in the mouth for some time. For about two weeks they take exclusively soft and liquid food. Diction is broken, decoration interferes and it is difficult to get used to it.

In some cases, the bar, constantly in contact with the teeth and gums, can knock the enamel off the teeth and injure the gums.

Care after a puncture

After a puncture, care should be directed to the speedy healing of the wound. The mouth constantly produces antimicrobial peptides that kill harmful bacteria. However, you should not rely on them alone; additional measures are also needed for healing.

  • Avoid alcohol and smoking, as the tar in cigarettes and ingredients in alcoholic beverages will delay the healing process.
  • Refuse viscous, hard and spicy foods, sour-milk and sweet foods.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm saline and antiseptic Listerine or Miramistin.
  • Postpone kissing for a while, as there will be a risk of infection.

Understanding how to properly pierce the tongue will help to make this small and rather risky operation in every sense successful. The choice of where to spend it, at home or in the salon, remains with the person who wants to be unusual and sexy, standing out in the crowd. In any case, ensuring safety and maintaining health should be decisive factors for a person who decides to get a piercing.

Tongue piercing- This is a piercing, that is, a special earring, called a barbell, is inserted into the hole in the tongue. Before you venture on a piercing, you need to find out as much information as possible about how to properly pierce the tongue, and after that, weigh all your options.

tongue piercing technology

Tongue piercing is done only in the very center of the tip of the tongue, for the reason that there are arteries on the sides of it, damage to which threatens with unpleasant and even serious aftereffects.

A puncture that is not made in the center will heal from three to six weeks, while there is a significant likelihood that the earring will not take root at all and will simply be rejected by the body.

A flexible or rigid rod is used for puncture. The first causes less discomfort and is more practical to wear. Using a special clip, the tongue is fixed and the place where the hole will be made is marked. Then, using a special sterile instrument, the master makes a puncture.

A rod is inserted into the resulting puncture. When punctured, pain is very individual, some do not feel any discomfort, while others may scream in pain. It all depends entirely on the sensitivity and on how well the master chose the puncture site.

Is it possible to pierce the tongue at home?

Most girls think about whether it is possible to pierce the tongue itself. You can, and for this procedure you will need a dropper, the diameter of which should be equal to the size of the rod. Also, you will need the bar itself, sterile cotton wool and an antiseptic. You can use alcohol or any antiseptic.

And so, immerse the earring in a solution with an antiseptic, wash your hands thoroughly and put on medical gloves, in addition, it is also necessary to treat the needle and the puncture site.

Before proceeding with the action, you should know some tips from professionals: a puncture is made at the very tip of the tongue using a dropper with a needle. First, a mark is made, then a puncture is made with confident movements and a bar is inserted, and only after all the steps have been taken, the needle is removed. Next, the ball is twisted and the mouth is rinsed with an antiseptic solution.

Further care

After the puncture procedure, it is forbidden to take any food for four hours, with the exception of ice cream, but even after eating it, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Also, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution three times a day.

Throughout the healing period, you will need to follow a diet, and try to eat only light foods. Various yogurts, cereals and non-citrus fruits will be appropriate here. Try to avoid spicy, sour and highly salty foods, and avoid hot foods and drinks with dyes. Give up alcohol for a while, otherwise there is a risk that the wound will not heal at all.

Today, piercing will not surprise anyone. It has become so fashionable that, for example, not only young people, but also older people began to pierce the tongue. Although this type of piercing is not always noticeable to others, it is in second place in popularity after

Even the ancient practiced This procedure they performed before the ritual of sacrifice to the gods. In addition, they also pierced the tongue. Local shamans, performing the ceremony, claimed that such manipulation helps to rid the human soul of evil forces and purify it. Later on, mouth piercing became just an aesthetic decoration or a way to stand out from other people.

Does it hurt or not

People from the intimidating dozen decide to make a puncture momentarily. Others doubt for one reason: is it painful to pierce the tongue. The process itself is practically painless, because anesthetics are used. As a rule, after 2 hours, when the analgesic effect wears off, pain appears at the puncture site, which interferes with food intake, especially if something needs to be chewed thoroughly.

Dangerous or not

If you go to a specialist, the risk associated with this kind of piercing will be almost non-existent. In other situations, for example, if you pierce your tongue at home, the consequences can be sad: infection, inflammation, etc. This often happens due to an unscrupulous attitude to sterilizing instruments, poor hand hygiene, and carrying out manipulations without gloves.

Before deciding to pierce the tongue, find out more information about this piercing from various sources. Weigh all the pros and cons.

Piercing technology

Piercing is done on the tip of the tongue in its center. It is impossible to pierce on the sides, as arteries are located here, if damaged, serious bleeding can begin.

If the puncture is not in the center, the wound can heal for several weeks. There is also a chance that the decoration will not take root at all and will be rejected by the body. During piercing, a rigid or flexible rod is used. The latter is more practical while wearing and delivers a minimum of discomfort. To fix the tongue, use a special clip and mark the place where the hole will be made. The master makes a puncture with a special sterile instrument. Then a long rod is inserted. This is necessary for convenience, since in the first days the tongue will be swollen. Then the bar is replaced with a smaller size.

Piercing at home

If you decide that you can handle all the manipulations yourself, you need to prepare in advance and learn how to properly pierce your tongue at home:

  • Sterilize instruments well, wear gloves.
  • Pierce the tongue, insert the bar with a needle and remove the needle.
  • Attach the second ball to the other end of the rod.
  • Re-treat with antiseptic.

Proper Care

  1. After the procedure, you should not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, or eat food for several hours.
  2. Several times a day, you should rinse your mouth with special disinfectants.
  3. While the healing process is taking place, only soft foods should be eaten. It is contraindicated to drink coffee and juices with dyes, eat spicy, salty foods, as well as citrus fruits. As for alcohol, it is categorically contraindicated, since its use destroys the protective film and dissolves the resulting tissue.
  4. At first, you will have to refrain from kissing.

To pierce the tongue or not, it's up to you. In any case, if the entire puncture procedure is done correctly, it will not do any harm, and if desired, you can always pull out the jewelry. The pierced area will heal very quickly.

Despite its popularity in the modern world, the art of piercing body parts dates back to ancient times. In those days, the presence of piercing, especially among the males, served as an indicator of strength, courage, high rank, or belonging to a particular tribe or nationality.

Currently, piercing is common in many countries of the world. Lovers of such beauty are mainly young people aged 16 to 25, but there are many examples among the older generation. There are no boundaries in decorating your body in this way. You can pierce anything: ears, lips, navel, eyebrow, tongue and other parts of the body.

What goals do girls pursue when doing tongue piercing?

Enjoys great popularity among the fair sex. It becomes interesting for what purpose the girls decide to take this step, because the procedure itself is quite unpleasant and requires special care for quick healing.

How many people, so many opinions. It is not worth talking and arguing with the fact that the tongue looks very sexy. According to surveys among the male half, we can conclude that such an accessory is a pleasure not only during kisses, but also during foreplay.

It turns out that one of the reasons is the desire of the partner to deliver as much pleasure as possible to her lover during intimate games.

The desire to stand out from the "gray mass" is also the reason for decorating the language. This gives girls the opportunity to boldly and boldly declare their individuality, attract the attention of others and liberate themselves in the end. They themselves like to look at the pebble in their language, as some of them consider it beautiful.

Despite the fact that women are considered the weaker sex, by nature they are quite fearless and inquisitive. Many are attracted by the desire to know: “how is it to live with a barbell?”, Because if you don’t like it, the pierced one will disappear very quickly.

The healing of the puncture usually takes no more than two to three days, if there were no complications.

Women spend hours watching TV screens in order not to miss the next fashion show. Piercing is also considered a fashion trend. Consequently, many fashionistas pierce their tongues in pursuit of trends. And thanks to the popularity of this trend, you can buy amazing rods for every taste.

No matter how many reasons, each girl has her own motive.

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