What do bubbles in puddles mean when it rains? Rain Signs - The Magic of Weather Predictions Take Care of Your Vehicle

Seeing rain in a dream - to tears.

If the rain is rare, then this portends trouble. The troubles are not very big, but they will make you worry and cause tears.

If the drops are cloudy, fall slowly, then the soul will be hard from betrayal, betrayal. When drops fall on the sand, this indicates that a loved one has been cheating for a long time. If water accumulates on the sand, then the deception will soon be revealed to you. If drops fall into the water (into a stream, river), then there will be a serious quarrel with a loved one, which can lead to a complete break in relationships. If at the same time the water in the river or stream is very muddy, moves quickly, carries various garbage, then rumors, gossip, and slander will accompany treason. If there are stones in a river or stream, then this indicates a separation from a loved one or (for married people) a divorce.

To see the rain is even and strong, which falls on the ground evenly - you should expect big trouble. These are failures at work, and troubles in personal life.

If in a dream the rain falls suddenly and abruptly, this indicates a loss. You can lose a profitable offer, plans will not be realized. It can also be the loss of some expensive thing.

If you feel rain in a dream, then misfortune will happen to someone close to you. If you feel that drops are flowing down your face and hands, in reality - cry about someone close to you. If you see that the raindrops are dark, then this indicates a serious illness that will end in death. If the drops are light, then the disease will be long and severe, but the person will recover.

If in a dream you get caught in the rain and feel that the drops are dry or rough, then this is an experience about someone from home; if the touch of rain is not felt, misfortune will happen to one of the relatives. If it is felt that the drops are wet, then there will be tears due to unhappy love.

If in a dream you got caught in the rain and got wet to the skin, then you will have very big problems that will be difficult to solve on your own without resorting to someone else's help.

If you watch the rain from the house, then the worries from the coming troubles will not be able to capture you entirely. If you hide from the rain or protect yourself from it with an umbrella, then you will be able to avoid an unfavorable state of affairs, an unpleasant situation will be short-lived. If in a dream, getting caught in the rain, you managed to hide under a tree, then one of your friends will come to your aid. In the event that you hid from the rain in the house, this indicates that you are deliberately closing your eyes to the current state of affairs, and the situation is becoming more and more tense and may get out of control.

If an old house shelters you from rain in a dream, then you will only postpone the time of troubles, but in the future this will lead to an aggravation of the conflict, to a worsening of the situation.

By the way, the famous poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe always believed in predictions, dreams, miracles. One day he was walking with his friend Kurt, and they were caught in heavy rain. Through the veil of rain, Goethe suddenly saw his friend Friederik, who was standing on the road in a dressing gown, cap and slippers. Goethe was very surprised and exclaimed: “What are you doing here? On the road? In this form? .. ”But since his companion Kurt did not see anything, Goethe thought that he had dreamed it all. Imagine his surprise when, returning home, he found Frederick there, who was dressed in a dressing gown, cap and shoes. It turns out that on the way to Goethe he got very wet and, having come to him, changed into his master's dressing gown. While waiting for Goethe, he sat down in an armchair and imperceptibly fell asleep. In a dream, he saw that, as if during heavy rain, he was walking along the road, he met Goethe, he looked very surprised and he exclaimed: “What are you doing here?” The famous poet could not explain both Fryderyk's dream and his vision, but left a note about this in his biography.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Fishing is one of the best recreational options. The advantage of this hobby is that even in not very good weather, fishing can be surprisingly successful. And, if during the rain, the rest of the outdoor recreation options will have to be postponed, then fishing is the best time.

  1. If it was hot before it started to rain, the bite is guaranteed. Raindrops will cool the heated water in the reservoir, fill it with oxygen, which will provoke an active bite. If the weather was cool, on the contrary, you can not hope for a bite.
  2. A significant role in the rain will play the turbidity of the water. If the water has even slightly changed color, becoming less transparent, then you can count on a good bite. But if it has become cloudy to a strong extent, then fishing should be rescheduled.
  3. A place for fishing in the rain should not be in the wind. Preference should be given to places near springs and streams that flow into the main body of water.
  4. It is reasonable to choose deeper reservoirs - in rainy weather, the water in them will not become overly cloudy.
  5. Fish do not really like smooth changes in atmospheric pressure (this usually happens before a long rain). Fish in such conditions are lethargic and the bite is unimportant.

Rain is not always a reason to postpone the long-awaited fishing

Signs of approaching rain:

  • in the morning dawn shades from red to light red-brown prevail;
  • the stars in the night sky shine very brightly;
  • during the night the dew did not fall on the grass, the fog does not spread along the river lowlands;
  • in the morning, night dew does not dry for a long time;
  • during the day it soars, and with the onset of the evening it becomes stuffy;
  • dandelion balls fold (shrink), bindweeds close, thorns on burdock cones straighten out, clover leaves straighten, starflower flowers do not open throughout the day, droplets of juice appear on horse chestnut leaves, flowers smell stronger, the forest “noises” in the absence of wind;
  • earthworms crawl out of their burrows, crawling along the ground, leeches also crawl ashore, toads crawl out of holes, fish jump out of the water, try to hide in shelters of nettle butterflies, swallows fly very low, annoying mosquitoes bite throughout the day (in anticipation of prolonged rainy weather);
  • the coals in the fire smolder brighter (toward the approaching cold snap);
  • spiders weave more webs (to wind and thunderstorms);
  • crows and jackdaws are constantly screaming (for rain).

Rain on the street? You wanted to go on a photo hunt and changed your mind? Very in vain! Rain and rainy weather gives us photographers a lot of room for creativity. Cloudy weather shots and rain shots are beautiful and unusual.

Photographing rain is very interesting because of the many colors, reflections, shapes and shadows that can be captured by both a novice photographer and a professional.

But before you go out with your precious camera, you need to prepare accordingly. Let's see how.


1 - Make sure you and your camera equipment are dry before shooting.

This is a no-brainer, isn't it? One would think... we've seen photographers shooting in the pouring rain with an umbrella in one hand and a camera in the other. I think that most of you understand that the camera and lens get wet very quickly. Not to mention shooting with one hand, for example, with a heavy 70-200mm! Do not hold the umbrella with your hands, you can fix it somewhere. You need both hands to hold the camera. It's best to wear a raincoat and maybe even rubber boots if it's raining heavily. Cold and wet feet prevent the photographer from being happy and it will show in your photos.

2 - Protect equipment from rain

Before we talk about how to keep your camera and lens dry while shooting, it's important to get them dry from point A to point B (home to location). It's best to have a waterproof or "all-weather" bag or backpack. Never underestimate the power of mother nature. What's $2000 - $5000 for a bag or backpack if you can protect your really expensive photography equipment.

3 - Keep your camera and lens dry

We are dealing with electronic equipment, and water is bad for it. Checked ;-) There are many solutions how to protect equipment. These decisions depend on your personal and financial situation. There are many options.

1. Don't go out in the rain, stay under cover. If the rain is only a little drizzle, you can even use a tree as a cover. Shoot from the car, from under arches, entrances, from the window of your house or cafe.

2. Buy a rain cover for your camera and lens. There are thousands of camera cases on the market. Kata offers very good protection.

3. Make your own protection. Take a plastic bag or trash bag, buy some rubber bands and attach them to the bag.

4. Buy cheap waterproof pants, sew an elastic band to one leg and use it as a camera and lens protection.

5. Attach the umbrella to the tripod. There are a lot of options for homemade mounts - here are some of them.

Lack of umbrellas - they are carried away by the wind.

6. Condom, XL size is better. It sounds more than strange ;-)), but this advice works. The condom keeps its shape and prevents the equipment from getting wet.

7. Food foil wrapped with adhesive tape etc.

4 - Change lens

If you need to change lenses in the rain, keep both the camera and lens dry. Either get out of the rain for cover, or change it under a raincoat or other cover by tilting the camera down towards the ground.

5 - Use a lens hood and filter

Blend has many uses. It is used when shooting in the sun, protects the lens from shock and glass from scratches. It helps a lot in protecting against raindrops. Do not forget to attach a light filter (UV or protective, etc.) to the lens. It is much easier to clean the filter than the lens.

6 - Napkins

Even if you use everything we have described above, the camera and lens may get wet. Therefore, take special cloths and napkins with you, with which you can remove moisture from the equipment.

7 - tripod

A rainy day means there are clouds in the sky. This means that the sun is not visible in the sky, which means that there is little light. Those. You will have to shoot at fairly slow shutter speeds. You need a tripod to get sharp pictures.

8 - Batteries

If you are shooting in cold weather, we advise you to keep batteries or camera batteries close to your body, warm. Insert them into the camera just before shooting. When the temperature drops, the efficiency of the batteries also decreases.

ghostly goblin


1. For novice photographers, we recommend that you first try shooting right after rain. The urban landscape at such moments looks deserted and clean. Try to correctly focus on the subject, choose the appropriate angle and shooting mode. In principle, you can try to photograph in the rain and see what you get. As a rule, photos of rain are blurry and not clear for beginners. To get sharp shots, you need to know a few tricks. To sharpen the image, you need to choose the right shutter speed.

2. To convey the movement of water, shoot at shutter speeds of about 1/60. If you want to freeze motion, your shutter speeds should be fast.

3. It is quite difficult to convey the rain in the pictures. Water jets are hard to see in cloudy weather. If during the rain a ray of the sun peeps through, shoot against the light, then the drops will sparkle. To turn drops into jets, you need to reduce the aperture and increase the shutter speed. Then the falling drops of water will turn into rain streaks in the picture, which will be the longer, the longer the shutter speed.

4. Use macro mode - it's a fun way to get great shots after rain. If you want to shoot leaves or blades of grass covered with raindrops, you can't do without macro photography. Don't forget to blur the background so that the main character of your shot is the chosen subject and its details.

5. The use of long-focus optics will improve the quality of the picture.

Timothy Toole


1. Shoot wet surfaces. In the rain, they become more saturated, the colors will be deep and intense.

2. If you look around you when it is raining, the most ordinary things will look different and unusual. Try to notice the people around you. Sometimes they are in a hurry, sometimes they enjoy the rain (for example, in the summer). Rain transforms people. Capture emotions. Gloomy passers-by and joyful children. Catch real emotions and you will get great photos!

3. Don't forget composition. Look for interesting compositional solutions. For example, people next to windows with raindrops flowing from them, passers-by next to a puddle of water and their reflection in the water, etc.

4. Look for reflections. The water becomes a mirror. Find moments when rain transforms everyday scenes into something interesting, mysterious, sparkling with reflections. Take your time, look for the right angle where you can get beautiful reflections. In a city, even ordinary buildings and their surroundings can turn into beautiful abstract images reflected in the water. The lights reflected in the water in the evening look interesting. In this case, try to shoot from a low point, almost from the ground.

5. When it rains, there are usually fewer people on the streets. When it rains, you can take pictures of interesting places that are usually full of people. A busy city street can become almost empty on a rainy day. Landscapes that are usually filled with people will look completely different without people. This can make the picture more dramatic.

6. If you're lucky, you might be able to shoot a landscape with lightning. There is a whole technique for shooting lightning and storms (we described it in our magazine). You can shoot the lightning itself or its reflection in the water on the ground. This creates a very interesting effect.

7. In rainy weather, you can get great monochrome shots. Photos can look more impressive and dramatic when converted to B&W.

8. When shooting on an overcast day, the lighting is gray and low-contrast. You can make your shots interesting by placing a bright detail in the foreground - a bright bench, a bright piece of clothing, an umbrella, etc.

9. Catch the moments before the rain starts or at the end. Part of the landscape will be covered with clouds, maybe it's already raining somewhere nearby. The other part is still lit by the sun. You can get impressive shots.

10. Include an umbrella in the frame (more precisely, in its upper edges), especially if you are shooting with a wide-angle lens. Take pictures of people around you with umbrellas. An umbrella can serve you another good service. Rain clouds are the source of light for a rainy landscape. Those. clouds are light, and everything below is dark. Use an umbrella to cover overly light clouds and your shot will be better exposed.

11. Light up the rain. It becomes more visible when illuminated. Light passing through raindrops is brighter than anything else around. Find light sources (street lights, sun breaking through clouds, etc.) and shoot in their direction. Raindrops will be more visible. Try not to light up the frame. An umbrella, by the way, can serve as a hood for you.

12. Try using a flash and light up the drops a bit. But only really a little. It's a little secret to experiment with. Snapshots may not come out, but if they do, your shots will be magical.

13. Wildlife looks very interesting in the rain. Animals, especially birds, will not be as active as in dry weather. Look for birds sitting on trees, on wires, on fences. Many animals will still be in motion, but will move more slowly and calmly.

Rain is nature's shower. Everything becomes clean, and the colors are more saturated. The leaves of the trees are greener, the bark is darker. Even the color of the grass will be brighter.

Shooting in rainy weather is not an easy task, but if you take steps to protect yourself and your camera from the rain and prepare for shooting, everything else will seem easy. Be patient, watch and you will be rewarded with these shots:

When it rains, the susceptibility to various external energy influences increases. This facilitates the extrasensory effect of rain on a person. On the other hand, when it rains, a person easily absorbs energy information, which is often negative.

When the devil beats his wife

To enhance the beneficial effects of rain and get positive energy from it, experts advise massaging the index and thumb of both hands. If you know that such weather always has adverse consequences for you, you can increase the body's resistance to its negative influence by massaging the little fingers. Women massage the right little finger, men - the left.

In addition to the fact that the rain that poured on the bride and groom when leaving the registry office will soak them from head to toe, in addition, he portends them family happiness and a bunch of children.

At the same time, there is a belief that if it rains during the funeral, it will mean that the soul of the deceased has safely reached heaven. According to another sign - the rain cries for the deceased and, therefore, he was a good person.

In many countries, to this day, it is believed that a baby who was bathed in rainwater will speak before his peers. And by the way, in England there is a somewhat unexpected way to stop the rain - the eldest child in the family is sent outside, where he must strip naked and stand on his head!

In Russia, getting caught in the rain has always been considered a good omen, especially if a person on the road gets caught in the rain.

When rain drops suddenly fall to the ground from a clear sunny sky, in India they say that at this time the devil beats his wife.

Whoever washes himself with rainwater during the first thunderstorm will not be ill for a whole year. The head is wetted with the first spring rain so that the hair grows as fast as May grass. They also believe that money washed by rainwater will never be stolen.

Children who run in the rain grow faster. A drop of rain falls behind the collar - to surprise.

In the past, there were many ways to make rain, and most of them were based on the principle of sympathetic magic. One of them is to sprinkle water on the rocks while casting certain spells. Another, well known in France, is to throw flour into the stream and stir the water with a walnut rod. Then vapors will rise from the water and condense into a rain cloud.

At one time there was a very widespread belief that cutting or burning a fern also caused rain, and in some regions the same was said about burning heather.

In England there is a mountain lake Black Lake. A series of stone steps descending into the water is carved on its shore. It is believed that a person who descends as deep as possible down these steps and splashes water to soak the farthest stone, called the Red Altar, will certainly cause rain, and the rain will begin before dusk, even if the day is very hot.

Even in the recent past, during a drought, images of saints were often dipped into water - either as a magical ritual, or as a punishment for not listening to the prayers of the people. For example, in France there was a custom to pray for rain to St. Peter. If this did not help, the inhabitants carried the icon of the Saint to the river and, contrary to all the interests of the clergy, immersed it in the water.

This custom has been preserved to this day. For example, in the Kaluga region, during a drought in the summer of 1982, in order to cause rain, elderly women took a grave cross from a cemetery and lowered it into a river for six weeks. Then they took him back to the cemetery.

In other areas, until recently, there was a custom to pour out twelve buckets of water on the grave of a strangled or drowned person during a long drought. It was believed that this would definitely help.

Conspiracy against the teacher

“The easiest way to make it rain, which is still common among children, is to kill a frog and a flea. Then they are strung on a thread, hung on a bush and sentenced: As these fleas and frogs hung, so let the clouds hang over me! Another way to invite rain is to throw water and tea from a mug into the fire.”

Back in the 19th century, people in Russia believed that witches could cause drought. So, in 1893, a curious case was considered in one of the county courts. The village headman Pyotr Dubnenko was accused of abuse of power, expressed in the fact that he chained a peasant woman whom he mistook for a witch.

And it was like that. In the village of Novo-Vladimirovka, there was a religious procession and a prayer at the cemetery for the sending of rain. When local resident Alexandra Lapushenkova came up to kiss the cross, a nearby kitten meowed. The crowd immediately mistook Alexandra for a witch, and, since according to one of the beliefs, it is only necessary to douse the witch with water to make it rain, the poor woman was dipped into the pond three times, then thrown into the pit, where they continued to pour water over her, and in the end the headman himself helped to shackle her in a chain.

This case was considered in court for two years, and as a result, the court sentenced the headman to prison for two months!

Rain water was collected to wash with it, to prepare healing herbal decoctions on it. Infusions prepared with rainwater helped restore youth and beauty. Water collected on August 2, on Ilyin's day, relieves the evil eye and damage. And collected for Ascension - has healing properties, but only if you catch drops in a clean vessel directly from the sky. There was no point in collecting water flowing from rooftops or dripping from trees. Therefore, on Ascension Day, basins and pots were regularly exposed to the rain. The collected water was bottled and believed that it would remain fresh forever.

“In folk medicine, rainwater was used for headaches, for the treatment of eye diseases and for the removal of warts, with endemic goiter, night blindness. Healers advised treating warts as follows: Take a drop of rain from the third fence pole from the gate and anoint the sore spot with it.

Seeing rain in a dream portends a rich harvest to a farmer, and to a businessman, on the contrary, losses and ruin.

In order, on the contrary, to increase the sale of goods, a businessman will need a handful of mountain sand and rainwater collected after a night rain. Pour sand into a bowl and sit down at the table at midnight to perform a magical ritual. Slowly pour rainwater on the sand and quickly say the following words: “How quickly this water goes into grains of sand, so let my product (name of product) go into my hands.”

“If the teacher often clings to you in class, modern magicians advise you to perform the following simple rite. Collect rain water at the time when the thunder rumbles. Say to this water: As the thunder subsides, so do you (name) subside! As thunder does not touch me (your name), so you do not touch me!

“It is best to drink this water to the teacher or mix it into his drink. If you can’t do this, then just sprinkle where he will sit and follow him. Sprinkling, say: Thunder (name) does not touch me, and you (teacher's name) do not touch me!

rainbow potion

If during the rain you wash your face, moisten the back of the head, lower back, the area where the heart and hands are located, then the water will wash away the negativity and help healing. According to psychics, water drawn from 6 to 7 in the morning, in addition to these properties, helps to attract good luck at work, gives new positive ideas.

From 7 to 8 - relieves headaches and the effects of nightmares.

From 8 to 9 - contributes to the emergence of additional mental energy.

From 9 to 10 - relieves depression, sadness, melancholy, drives away vicious thoughts.

From 10 to 11 - gives energy to the heart, awakens creativity.

From 11 to 12 - helps to overcome stress and fears, harmonizes the soul and body.

From 12 to 13 - resists the evil eye and damage, extinguishes the feeling of revenge, aggression.

From 13 to 14 - awakens the ability to clairvoyance, develops intuition.

From 14 to 15 - relieves increased nervous excitability.

From 15 to 16 - contributes to the emergence of "new" knowledge "out of nowhere".

C16 to 17 - promotes reconciliation with your ill-wishers.

From 17 to 18 - brings harmony to family relationships, helps to find the right solution in a critical situation.

The so-called rainbow water has very strong magical properties. To get it, during the rain, wait until the rainbow appears. At this point, expose any non-metallic container to the rain.

If you manage to collect rainwater during the rainbow, save it for use in rituals. It is sanctified by the presence of the rainbow. Because the rainbow contains all colors, this potion is applicable to all types of magic. Pour it into a bottle and sign it. Add to baths or lubricate the body and hands with it while visualizing the magical target.

If the person to be bewitched has a bird at home, the magicians are advised to do the following. Collect some rainwater and put a spoon or two of millet into it, depending on how much water there is. Leave everything for a day. Then drain the water, discard the millet. Take the water to the bird, but before pouring it into the drinker, read the plot: “Water-voditsa, mother-clever, give the bird a drink not with yourself, but with my love. How many times sip, so much love will take. He will drink everything to the bottom - he will love me to the end.

If you are single and cannot find your soul mate in any way, do another simple ritual practiced by modern magicians. Collect some rainwater in a cup or jar. Water should fall into the container in a natural way, "straight from the sky."

Bring a container of water into the house. Splash a few drops on each corner of your bed. Be careful, too much water can lead to unpredictable behavior on the part of your future lover or sweetheart.

Take the rest of the water in the vessel, sit with it in the center of the bed and say: "I ask you through this fresh, sweet rain to give me a person who will ease my pain of loneliness."

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