What is cancer remission. Remission: what is it and how long does it last. What is remission of chronic pancreatitis? Signs. Can there be pain during this period

Remission I Remission (from lat. remissio - reduction, weakening)

the period of the course of a chronic disease of a person or animal, characterized by the weakening or disappearance of its signs. R. may occur due to the cyclical course of the disease (for example, Malaria, Manic-depressive psychosis, Periodic illness) ; spontaneously (eg, in nephrolithiasis (See Kidney Stones)) ; as a result of treatment (eg, schizophrenia (See Schizophrenia) , chronic dysentery (See Dysentery)). Depending on the degree of reduction of subjective and objective signs of the disease, complete and incomplete R. are distinguished. Complete R. in some cases (for example, with Lymphogranulomatosis e) last for months and years, in others - unstable and quickly replaced by a new exacerbation (relapse) of the disease. With complete R., some signs of the disease also remain (for example, chromosomal abnormalities in leukemia), therefore, in many cases, supportive therapy is continued. In other cases, long-term complete R. is difficult to distinguish from practical recovery (for example, with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children).

II Remission

in economics, rounding down the amount of the payment on the account.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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First, it is necessary to define the very concept of the word "remission". Remission is called the period of chronic illness, when all diseases noticeably decrease or disappear altogether (the latter is called complete remission). The longer it does not manifest itself, the longer the period of remission of the disease.

What diseases can be in remission

Remission can be observed in all people suffering from various chronic (permanent) diseases. It is also worth noting that remissions are complete and incomplete: complete remission can be observed for many months or even years, and incomplete remission is usually no more than 1-3 months and is a sign of an approaching exacerbation of the disease. During incomplete remissions, all symptoms of the disease usually remain (the only exception is that the symptoms are less noticeable). With complete remission, signs of the disease may also remain - it is for this reason that doctors prescribe maintenance therapy (the patient also continues to take medication, but at a lower dosage).

Why is remission so important?

Usually, doctors do not try to completely cure the patient, but to achieve a stable remission. Many diseases are incurable, which is why, for the normal life of the patient, it is necessary to reduce all the symptoms that interfere with the patient's full life.
Doctors cannot cause the onset of remission - the appearance of this period in most cases depends on the body of the patient himself. There are cases when, despite the optimal dosage of drugs, the patient did not experience remission, but, on the contrary, an exacerbation of the disease appeared.

Remission or recovery

Complete remissions are sometimes often confused with complete recovery of the patient. You can verify the existence of remission only after the period of exacerbation has begun. Patients who are lucky enough to achieve remission need only rejoice at the onset of such a period and apply the recommended doses of drugs. Otherwise, remission can quickly end, replaced by another exacerbation of the disease.

The concept of remission does not apply to drug addicts who reduce the dosage and frequency of drug use or stop using them (except in cases where drug addicts do not go to specialized medical institutions).

Remission is a specific stage of the disease, when all signs of the disease begin to weaken or completely leave the human body. The term "remission" comes from the Latin "remissio", which means reduction and weakening.

This process can manifest itself in patients with a wide variety of chronic diseases. Distinguish between complete and incomplete remission.

These two concepts differ from each other in terms of the degree of signs of the disease. Incomplete remission lasts about 1-3 months and in most cases brings the exacerbation of the pathology closer.

Complete remission lasts from 2 months to several years. For both types of remission, all symptoms of the disease never go away. With complete, doctors reduce the dosage of medications used, but at the same time prescribe maintenance therapy.

Remission classification

There are the following types of remission in oncology:

  1. Partial. It assumes that the malignant process is still in the body, but already in small quantities. In other words, the response to the therapy provided is incomplete. Here we are talking about cancer, which is chronic. The patient can take a break from intensive treatment by constantly checking for the presence of malignant cells and maintaining their general condition. Remission is partial even if the tumor has decreased by 50%.
  2. Full. Remission of this type indicates that tests and diagnostics do not reveal a malignant process. Here we are talking about the complete retreat of cancer. But this does not exempt the patient from the necessary examination, otherwise it will be possible to miss a relapse. When the cancer cells come back, it will happen within 5 years. Taking into account these data, the prognosis regarding the life expectancy of a cancer patient is determined.
  3. Spontaneous. This type of remission is characterized by an unexpected improvement in the patient's condition or a complete cure for cancer, even if it is progressive. Such diseases include blood cancer, leukemia, melanoma, lymphoma and breast cancer. When it comes to carcinoma, spontaneous remission occurs very rarely.


Complete and spontaneous recovery is very rare. In order for all therapeutic measures to have the desired effect, it is necessary to understand how a malignant disease is formed and prepare at the psychological level in order to fight back the disease at any time.

There are 3 phases of cancer treatment:

  1. active therapy. Certain oncological diseases are diagnosed at the peak of the formation of the disease or right before it. The doctor draws up a treatment regimen, which may include conventional methods: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  2. Remission in oncology is a period during which the neoplasm is significantly reduced in size or its complete disappearance is observed.
  3. Control of the pathological process. Despite the fact that there may be no obvious signs of a tumor, every effort must be made to maintain a state of remission. For this, it is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course after aggressive therapy. The doctor prescribes special supportive drugs and natural medicines. Their appointment is made on an individual basis. Thanks to this, it is possible to keep the disease in a state of complete remission for an indefinite amount of time.

To improve the prognosis, complex therapy can be used. It involves the combination of traditional and ancillary treatment as targeted means, hormonal therapy or biological influence.

Varieties of remission in leukemia

For a disease such as leukemia, there is a more accurate gradation of remission. For example, in children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a long-term remission is very difficult to distinguish from a complete recovery.

With the clinical and hematological form of remission, the body leaves all the symptoms of the disease, and the composition of the bone marrow and peripheral blood returns to normal. If there is a cytogenetic remission, then it is impossible to detect cancer cells using the method of cytogenetic analysis.


The course of the disease is divided into 3 steels: mild, moderate and severe. For a mild course of herpes, the occurrence of relapses is extremely rare, and their duration is short. With this form of herpes, no more than 4 relapses develop per year. If we consider the course of moderate severity, then relapses develop up to 5-6 times a year, and in severe cases - every month.

According to the type of flow, herpes is divided into arrhythmic, subsiding and monotonous. For an arrhythmic course, relapses occur after an indefinite period of time. Moreover, the longer the remission lasted, the longer the exacerbations will be.

With a monotonous course, remission and relapses succeed each other after certain, almost always equal intervals of time. For example, if we talk about menstrual herpes, then it is accompanied by monthly rashes during menstruation. For a subsiding course of the disease, remissions gradually increase, and the duration of relapses decreases. There may be a complete subsidence of the pathological process.

Remission and its duration do not always depend on the methods of therapy used. An important role in this matter is assigned to the patient's individual attitude towards healing, faith in one's own strength and desire to live.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and requires mandatory additional consultation with your doctor.
Remission is the process of the course of the disease, in which the disease weakens, and the human body begins to recover. In medicine, this term is widely used among those suffering from chronic severe infections and ailments.

What is it for?

Some are interested in the question, what is remission and why is it necessary? What is the recovery process? The term is important in medicine, as this is the moment of recovery and healing from various ailments, and this plays a big role. It is necessary in order to:

  • The moment of recovery from ailments began, especially if they were of a chronic nature (malaria, leukemia, etc.).
  • In order for a person to rest and gain strength for a while (in the event that the complications proceeded for too long and bothered with their symptoms more intensely than usual).
  • So that for some hour a person is freed from the disease, and it is possible to undergo a full course of treatment, since with improvement, the ailment does not go away completely, but only temporarily stops.

According to the state of health and health, you can determine whether the malaise has receded or vice versa. For each, such a procedure occurs individually, in some cases chronic diseases disappeared and immunity was restored, and it happened that after a while the ailments again make themselves felt, disturbing with unpleasant symptoms and sensations.

This is the medical term, more precisely, the moment of improvement has its own stages and stages, according to which the procedure goes. Improvement is divided into the following stages and stages:

Sustained remission - a stage in which the beginning of a complete and stable recovery moves forward and the body is on the mend and is stably cured of a disease that may disappear with time (this stage of remission does not last long, so prevention methods must be followed).

Partial remission (incomplete) - a course in which the disease stops and recedes for a while, then soon it can again disturb and disrupt the stable functioning of human organs.

It depends on the methods of treatment and on the strength of the body, how much it is able to fight diseases and viruses of a severe nature. This is how a complete remission goes, it lasts differently for everyone. The ceremony can be controlled with the help of medications and special methods of treatment, but they will act individually for each, that is, the body's reaction to them will be different.

Can such a process be controlled?

Having considered the question: what is remission and why is it needed, a new one arises, can such a process be controlled and stimulated? The recovery procedure is controlled by specialists and physicians who prescribe preventive actions so that everything is under control:

  • Special medications and antibiotics are prescribed to help improve health and reduce the intense symptoms of the disease, which usually appear more actively and intensely.
  • Special prophylaxis is prescribed, which will help strengthen the health and immune system so that it is able to fight chronic diseases and diseases.
  • They prescribe mandatory actions that will help strengthen the immune system and stimulate the ailment to subside (quitting smoking, alcohol, restoring a proper diet, and so on).

It is necessary to visit the attending physician of a specialist who will regularly conduct an examination and help determine what period of remission and the disease is declining. If the period passes stably and without unnecessary symptoms, then chronic diseases will recede over time and the immune system will be able to recover, also stably fighting diseases of a severe nature.

What are the signs of such a procedure?

The process manifests itself in each individual, but it turned out that recovery began if:

  • Symptoms of the disease subside and cease to bother (pain, nausea, weakness, dizziness, etc.).
  • The immune system is strengthened and has the ability to fight severe chronic diseases.
  • If the test results are indicative and there are no violations and deviations in the functioning of the body (with malaria, leukemia, tuberculosis and chronic gastroduodenitis)

The beginning of the process is stimulated by the attending specialist, who must regularly conduct examinations and determine whether the remission is complete. An improvement may indicate that the complication has passed for a while, but bacteria and viruses have remained in the body and can again disturb.

Initially, you need to pass all the necessary tests, undergo a full examination and consult with your doctor, who will help determine exactly what stage of this process and the disease has completely passed.

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