Quotes about cafe. Quotes about the restaurant Promotions, discounts and offers

If we ourselves cannot cope with weight, then we need to somehow raise this issue at the state level. The men are drinking, they were forbidden, that's all, you can't buy alcohol at 22.00
women also need after 18.00, everyone, do not sell food! You can't, everyone!
Who you are? Female? Get away from the grocery store!
get out of here, get out of here!!!
not allowed in restaurants, not allowed anywhere! Everything!

Ranevskaya dined in a restaurant and was dissatisfied with both the kitchen and the service.
- Call the director, - she said, having paid.
And when he came, she offered him a hug.
- What's happened? - he was confused.

- But why?

Envious people believe that women are attracted to the rich by their money. Or what you can buy with that money. Women are not attracted to money. Not cars and jewelry. Not restaurants and expensive clothes. Not power, wealth and elegance. And what made a man powerful, rich and elegant. A power that is endowed by some and completely lacking by others.” S.Dovlatov

When you suffer, you can go to hell: to a disco, to a restaurant, on a date with your boyfriend or girlfriend. When you're suffering, that's what you have to do. But when you are happy, healthy, feeling good, cheerful and cheerful, when everything around you is safe - do not waste this time on all sorts of nonsense. This is the perfect moment to jump into higher states of peace, ecstasy and bliss.

You don't have to look for good wives in clubs and restaurants .. Yeah, of course, look for us in cemeteries, swamps and crossroads. We are easily recognizable by a rooster under our arm and a strange set in the store: vodka, sweets, a pie. And even if objectively we are no better, nothing shines better for you. In general, do not look for)) we will find you

Ranevskaya dined in a restaurant and was not satisfied with the kitchen and service.
- Call the director, - she said, having paid.
And when he came, she offered him a hug.
- What's happened? - he was confused.
“Hug me,” repeated Faina Georgievna.
- But why?
- Goodbye. You won't see me here again.

They will sleep together. They know it. Each of them knows that the other knows it. But since they are young, chaste and decent, because each of them wants to preserve self-respect and the respect of a partner, since love is something great and poetic and cannot be frightened away, they go to dances several times a week and go to restaurants to make their clothes in front of the public. small ritual, mechanical steps. Besides, you have to somehow kill time. They are young, well-built, they have enough for another thirty years. So they do not rush things, they delay them, and they are right. After they sleep with each other, they will have to find something else to mask the monstrous nonsense of their existence.

Previously, to seduce a woman or to keep her, it was necessary to invite her to the theater, to the opera, or take a boat ride on the lake in the Bois de Boulogne. Now the theaters are sitting on subsidies, operas are playing in prison scenery, and the Forest has noticeably lost its former charm. In our time, it is necessary to pass the test of the Restaurant. You are forced to watch how the object of your heart chews veal kidneys, how the heroine of your dreams decides whether to eat a piece of Camembert or a quarter of fresh, melting brie, are forced to listen to how the heavenly beauty growls in her stomach. Uterine gurgling replaces the sound of kisses, the sound of forks replaces
a declaration of love.
What's left when love is dead? Stomach memories.

    "Drink too much coffee, wear too dark lipstick, and never settle for a life you don't want."

    Monica Bellucci

    "Millions of women love autumn
    Falling leaves and the sound of rainy streams
    Carefully measured doses -
    Coffee... Chocolate... And a kiss...”

    Marina Boykova

    "Let's just have some coffee,
    Let's create comfort in the hearts of the tired,
    Maybe things aren't so bad
    Everyone who once lost their dream ... "

    “Give me coffee so I can change what I can! ...And wine to accept what I can't change."

    "Twenty minutes in a hot shower, three mugs of black coffee - and now I'm almost human."

    William Hjertsberg, Angel Heart, 1987

    "Coffee is the best organic blend ever created."

    Star Trek, Voyager

    "This woman smells like coffee,
    Chocolate and orchid.
    On her personal Calvary,
    A fresh wound - your inventions.

    Tasha Kalita

    The ship sailed in the fog. The fog was white.
    In turn, the former is also white
    ship (see the law of displacement of bodies)
    It seemed like chalk to those who fell into milk,
    and the only black thing was
    coffee while I drank."

    Joseph Brodsky

    “If you don’t start the day with a cup of fresh coffee, then why wake up…”

    Joseph Brodsky

    “I start, as always, with coffee.
    As usual this life, however,
    the sun plunged into my stanzas,
    those who were only born at night,
    unusual. From such a truth
    even in my room it is clear;
    the sun plunged into the window with a look -
    You can immediately see that the glass is dirty.

    Vladimir Maslakov

    “Today, after drinking coffee in the morning,
    I felt wonderful peace in myself;
    It's funny, I know that I'm going to die
    And there is no faith in it.”

    Igor Guberman

    "The Yankees took away her pleasure from drinking real coffee with sugar and cream, and that alone was enough to make her hate them with all her heart."

    Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

    "White cup - coffee abode
    The tart smell will captivate.
    Drink your morning, city dweller,
    May the day spare you."


    "Bring me coffee exquisitely - black,
    With the black magic of the night, prepare it.
    I will sit down at the table with this bottomless cup,
    And, as if, I'll hide from everything, from everything.

    Bring me coffee exquisitely - gentle,
    With a lunar image in a cup and a scattering of stars.
    I want to enjoy careless bitterness,
    To delight in the soul, and to joyful tears!

    Well, if I get really lonely,
    And you want the bliss of mysterious countries,
    Bring me coffee with the flavor of the East,
    With a light haze of Turkish tempting secrets.

    Ludmila Osokina

    "Humanity is divided into those who never miss coffee or milk, and those who always run away."

    Arkady Inin, from the film "Sergeev is looking for Sergeev"

    “I got up for a cup of coffee, and then did not notice how the day passed. And so every morning ... "

    Valiullin Rinat. "Where Kisses Fall"

    "I'm drawn to your manly profile,
    Your whisper is defiant, proud look ...
    I love you oh my coffee bag
    May you not be poured into bowls yet!

    Maria Bondareva

    “Don't put past memories in your morning coffee. Better add the sugar of future hopes to it.”

    “What brought you closer?
    She loved coffee, I loved her.

    Valiullin Rinat. "The Fifth Season"

    “Strong coffee in large quantities is what I need to wake up. It warms and gives me strength. Sometimes it causes sweet pain, but I would rather suffer from it than refuse coffee.

    Napoleon Bonaparte

    “How you want happiness. Without any conditions.
    No brackets, quotes, spaces or dots...
    How you want a morning smelling of the sun.
    And tenderness for coffee is a delicious piece ... "

    Alena Beryozkina

    "Coffee is the favorite drink of the civilized world"

    Thomas Jefferson

    “I would rather suffer, but with coffee, than feel nothing at all”

    Napoleon Bonaparte

    “Coffee, it cleanses the skin and eliminates puffiness, and also gives the whole body a great aroma.”

    Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdallaah ibn Sina, aka Avicenna. Medieval scholar, philosopher and physician

    “... do not deny yourself anything. What could be better than a cup of black coffee!?”

    From Twin Peaks

    “Kissing my wife in the morning gently in profile,
    for everything wanting to thank,
    I serve my favorite coffee in bed.
    All she has to do is cook it…”

    "I can't solve all your problems, but I promise to make your life better"

    your coffee

    “Will you make coffee?
    - I'm late for work.
    - That is, no?
    “That means I’ll be late.”

    Rinat Valiullin. "The Fifth Season"

    "Never skimp on women and coffee."

    Brad Pitt, American actor

    “Stop kissing me! Where is the promised coffee?

    Rinat Valiullin. “Where kisses lie. Paris"

    “You can do anything for coffee. Even to work."

    Bill Gates

    “If coffee is a poison, it is an exceptionally slow one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century.”


    “I sit, drink coffee, analyze. Autumn is in the cup, winter is in the plans, spring is in the body, but in the soul, as always, there was not enough summer.

    Rinat Valiullin. "One Key Solo"

    "Drink coffee - and you can do stupid things even faster and more energetically."

    “When there is bad weather on the street, and reluctance to go out,
    That cup of coffee is just happiness ... and you can drink this happiness!

    Tatiana Simona. "A cup of coffee"

    “The most delicious coffee is the one you drink on the go.”

    Max Frei "Winds, Angels and Men"

    "- Let's go to. Grab a coffee and you'll talk.
    - How?! We're at work!
    “Everyone should have time for coffee.”

    From the movie "My Big Greek Summer"

    “The best drink is coffee.
    The best coffee is espresso.
    The best espresso is a double espresso.”

    Robert DeNiro

    “She loved the weekend only because she could wake up for a long time, take a long shower, drink coffee for a long time. On the weekends, there was an opportunity to stretch those very tiny pleasures for which there was not enough time for ordinary life. ”

    Rinat Valiullin. "Madness"

    "If this is coffee, please bring me tea, and if this is tea, please bring me coffee."

    Abraham Lincoln

    "True love is the coffee you brew at home in the morning."

    Natalia Krainer

    “The three most delicious smells? The smell of hot coffee, fresh pastries and the pages of a new book.”

    Nadia Yasminska

    "Chocolate is almost a gourmet treat, but coffee has a taste of hope."

    Geoffrey Lindsay Homeland

    “If you want a cup of cream with sugar, then why ask for coffee?”

    Stephen King. "Confrontation"

    “Sometimes I feel like I can do anything. And then the coffee stops working.”

    "The power of the human mind is directly proportional to the amount of coffee drunk."

    Sir James Mackintosh, Scottish historian and philosopher

    “What makes me do what I do? Desire to make parents proud. Or a cup of strong coffee.

    Benedict Cumberbatch, actor

    "The coffee ritual is a kind of morning meditation."

    Ludmila Ulitskaya. "Jacob's Ladder"

    “What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book and a cup of coffee?”

    Anthony Trollope, English writer

    “A cup of coffee is to cheer you up.
    Half chocolate - eat bad luck.
    That proven taste is bittersweet
    As if whispering: "Everything will be all right."

    Vitaly Goldman

    “Carefully sniffing at the steaming cup, the young lady suddenly realized that she had fallen in love. And not just like that, but for the rest of your life. And yes, of course, in a drink made from strange grains.

    Max Fry. "Coffee Book"

    - Which?
    - As always: weak and strong.

    From the movie "The Taming of the Shrew" (Bisbetico domato, 1980)

    “Have you drunk a lot?
    - Not a drop. I didn’t drink anything but coffee and sadness.”

    Erich Maria Remarque. "Shadows in Paradise"

    “It smelled of freshly ground grains - the aroma that separates day from night ...”

    Haruki Murakami. "The Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Traveling Years"

    “- True love is coffee that you brew at home in the morning. Freshly ground, preferably by hand. With cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom. Coffee, next to which you have to stand so as not to run away, otherwise the taste will hopelessly deteriorate. It is necessary to make sure that it rises three times, then pour a spoonful of cold water into the cezve, wait a couple of minutes for the thick to settle. Coffee that you pour into your old favorite cup and drink, feeling every sip, every day. Enjoying every sip."

    Max Fry

    “Irish, Irish coffee, is a passion. Somewhere there, at the very bottom, burning alcohol. You can mix, then it is practically not felt, if the coffee is prepared correctly, of course. But it's still there, and you still inevitably get drunk. By the way, yes, only a bad Irish can be worse than a bad espresso.”

    Max Fry

    “There is also mocha - coffee with hot chocolate. Mocha is melancholy. Thick and viscous. But even mocha has milk. And sweetness, one that you will not find in espresso, for example. You don’t feel it right away, and each time you don’t really understand why you ordered it. Only then do you remember, at the very moment when it becomes sweet.

    Max Fry

    “Latte is dreams, espresso diluted with milk of hope, and foam, remember, right? The same foam that happens in cappuccino. But there is no cinnamon, there is no astringency that allows you to feel the moment.

    Max Fry

    “Cappuccino is love. First tart, then sweet and light, but in fact - all the same life. But the moments when sweet and tart are the best. By the way, you can always just eat the foam and not drink, but few people think of it. Apparently it's all about the combination."

    Max Fry

    Espresso is life. Bitter, but invigorating. The first sip may seem tasteless, but after finishing a cup, you always want another one. And there is often not enough time for another one. ”

    Max Fry

    "One sip of the drink
    It will wash the spirit that has penetrated with pleasure.
    Beyond the sweetest dreams."

    John Milton is an English poet, politician and thinker.

    “No one can understand the truth until they taste the coffee foamy bliss”

    “At that time, he brewed coffee for her, no, he didn’t cook it, namely, he brewed it so that, having sighed in the Turk with cinnamon, he would give up all his chocolate flavor. Self-giving, that's what distinguished a real man from a soluble one.

    Valiullin Rinat. "One Key Solo"

    "Heat, delight and inspiration
    My breasts were filled -
    Coffee, I sing you;
    In the distance my singing will rush,
    And the whole world knows
    How the poet loved you.

    "Oh, the drink is incomparable,
    You live, you warm the blood
    You are a joy to singers!
    Often, weary with rhyme,
    I myself took a cup in my hand
    And he drank delight in himself. ”

    Wilhelm Kuchelbecker, Lyceum friend of A. S. Pushkin. Written in 1815-1817.

    “I’ll go and make some coffee,” my mother said, “otherwise I just know what to sit and taste every minute.”

    Tove Jansson

    “And when she got sad, she drank strong coffee and remembered his smile.”

    “I haven’t drunk coffee yet, how am I going to leave?...”

    M. A. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita, replica of the Cat Behemoth

    “Drinking coffee at night is like the first snow or like the early morning after a storm: it always seems that something similar has already happened in your life...”

    banana yoshimoto

    “Coffee is the gold of the common man; and just like gold, coffee adds luxury and nobility to it.”

    Sheik-Abd-al-Qadir, 1587

    “If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me.”

    Nika Gardo

    “The terrible truth about me is that I don’t like coffee much. However, I drink it in buckets. It's not even about the invigorating effect of caffeine, which, strictly speaking, is required only in the morning, and even then not always. The taste of coffee calms me and reconciles me with life, returns to my feet the firm ground that is always striving to leave from under them and gives life at least some semblance of meaning. In a word, I don’t like coffee, but when I drink it, I’m almost happy, and that’s all that matters ..”

    Max Fry. "Coffee Book"

    “After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd around like battalions of a great army on the battlefield.”

    Honore de Balzac

    “Coffee… sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to catch and convey in words the taste, but it is more difficult to guess and keep true love ... "

    Anthony Capella. "Coffee Flavors"

    “If I didn’t like coffee so much, I wouldn’t have any outstanding personality traits at all.”

    David Letterman

    "I will marry a can of coffee and I will always be cheerful and happy."

    "Behind every successful woman ... a significant amount of coffee drunk."

    Stephanie Piro

    “I got up in the morning, poured coffee, went to the window, looked at the morning sun and realized that I was happy.”

    Max Fry. "Coffee Book"

    "Sleep is a symptom of caffeine starvation."

    “This drink strengthens the womb, helps the stomach in cooking food, cleanses the clogged inside, warms the stomach.”

    Carl Linnaeus, Swedish naturalist and physician

    "Coffee is an elusive moment and a fragrant aroma."

    Claudia Rodin

    “- In this form, I can’t ... I have to take a bath, drink a cup of coffee ...
    - There will be a bath for you, there will be coffee, there will be cocoa with tea. Go! Let's go, Gesha ... "

    K / F "Diamond Hand"

    "Sometimes life is just a matter of having a cup of coffee, and the privacy that comes with it."

    Richard Brautigan. "Trout fishing in America"

    “The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love it, only under this condition can you fully enjoy it with rapture.

In a first-class restaurant, all tables are always reserved and empty.

No one goes to this restaurant anymore because it is always crowded.
Yogi Berra

In any restaurant, the portion of any dish that is served to you will be less than a year ago.
"Law of diminishing portions" by Gorobets and Slavinsky

If you see a girl in a restaurant who looks like his daughter, then this is not his daughter.
Henryk Jagodzinsky

If you doubt whether there is enough money for lunch with your family in a restaurant, then it is not enough.

Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked meals quite like looking at restaurant prices.

Chef: A person with a vocabulary rich enough to give soup a new name every day.

Menu: a list of dishes that have just run out.
Leonard Louis Levinson

McDonald's in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl Harbor.
S. Hayakawa

– Waiter, if it’s coffee, then I want tea, and if it’s tea, I want coffee.
Punch magazine, 1902

Food - food without a tablecloth.
Gennady Malkin

The worse the cooks cook, the more polite the waiters should be.
Mikhail Genin

Elderly person: the customer who first studies the menu, not the waitress.

The waiter is like an echo: he responds, but does not come.

Do not humiliate a person with a ruble - give him three.
Grigory Yablonsky

Two times two is four, but try to pay the bill in a restaurant with such knowledge!
Henryk Jagodzinsky

A bartender is a person who understands you better than your wife.
American proverb

Honest bartender: one who earns a little less than the owner of the establishment.
Robert Orben

Bar: a semi-dark room filled with semi-dark people.
Unknown American

Club: a place where people who have nothing to remember come to forget.

Eatery: a place where every evening they go for the last time in their lives.
Julian Tuwim, based on Adrian Decourcelles

The better the pub, the worse the wife; the worse the wife, the better the pub.
Heinrich Mann

In a restaurant, I always ask for a table closer to the waiter.

No matter how many good tables there are left in a restaurant, you will always be offered the worst of all available.
Jonathan Yardley

NACHMANN'S RULE: The less authentic a foreign food is, the better it is.
Gerald Nachman

For any restaurant, the rule is true: the harder the butter, the softer the bread.
Harriet Markman

A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.
Evan Esar

The golden rule when reading a menu is: what you can't say, you can't afford.
Frank Muir

The longer the name of the dish, the smaller the portion.
Shirley Love

The longer the menu, the faster the waiter will appear to take the order.
"Cranston Restaurant Principle"

Your soup is not hot enough if the waiter can hold a big scorch in it.
William Collier Sr.

Those who expect the biggest tip get the worst service.
Murphy's laws

It's not enough to give ashamed, but a lot of pity.

Self-esteem does not prevent you from taking tips, but it does prevent you from thanking for them.
Abel Bonnard

And in a second-rate restaurant you can stumble upon a first-class bartender. You can see it in the account.
Jan Kurnakovic

Among the psychotherapists there are those who work in short white jackets, and patients are seen behind the bar.
Robert Lembke

The bartender is the only psychiatrist who will never tell you to stop drinking.

Top of optimism: go to a restaurant, expecting to pay for dinner with a pearl that will be found in an oyster.
Tristan Bernard

restaurant business

See also “Consumer. Client" (p. 158)

The worst thing in the restaurant business is being the first owner of a new restaurant. Typically, an establishment goes through three or four pairs of hands before a balance is struck between the profile of the restaurant, its location, and its clientele.

Harvey McKay(b.1933),

American businessman

In a first-class restaurant, all tables are always reserved and empty.

No one goes to this restaurant anymore because it is always crowded.

Yogi Berra(b.1925), American baseball player

When I come to Paris, I only dine at a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. This is the only place where this monstrous structure is not visible.

William Morris(1834–1896),

English artist and designer

Dine at this restaurant and you will never dine anywhere else!

Bob Phillips(USA)

A photograph may fade, a trinket may be lost, a bust of Wagner may be shattered, but he who has ever swallowed food in a Bayreuth restaurant will carry it with him to his grave.

Mark Twain(1835–1910), American writer

McDonald's in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl Harbor.

S. Hayakawa(1906–1992),

American linguist and senator

England is the only country in the world where food is more dangerous than sex.

Jackie Mason(b.1931), American comedian

The best number of participants in a dinner party is two: myself and a first-class head waiter.

Nubar Gulbenkyan(1896–1972),

american millionaire

maitre d': the only person who gets paid to tell people where they are.

In a really good restaurant, the main entertainment is on the plate.


Accuracy is the courtesy of cooks.

Alexander Pushkin(1799–1837), poet

CHEF: A person with a vocabulary rich enough to give soup a new name every day.

From the book by E. Mackenzie "14,000 phrases ..."


The less authentic foreign food, the better it is.

Gerald Nachman(b.1938),

American writer

[About tamarinds, Hawaiian fruits]: Tamarinds are eaten only by visitors, and even those once in a lifetime.

Mark Twain

Never eat Chinese food in Oklahoma.

Brian Miller(USA)

Italian food has only one drawback: after five or six days you are hungry again.

George Miller(USA)

I won't eat oysters. I want my food to be dead—not sick, not hurt, but dead.

Woody Allen(b.1935),

American film director, actor, screenwriter

When you hit fifty-two, food becomes more important than sex.

Prue Leith, English chef

PATRIOT: A person who doesn't order a dish on the menu if they can't pronounce the name.

From the book by E. Mackenzie "14,000 phrases ..."

MENU: a list of dishes that have just run out.

From the "Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions" by L. L. Levinson

It's terrible if there's nothing on the menu that the dieter likes; and quite unbearable if everything he likes is there.

From the book by E. Mackenzie "14,000 phrases ..."

Anyone who offers to pay equally, probably ordered the most expensive dish.

Spruanes Restaurant Principle

In any restaurant, the portion of any dish that is served to you will be less than a year ago.

"The law of diminishing portions"

Gorobets and Slavinsky

If you doubt whether there is enough money for lunch with your family in a restaurant, then it is not enough.

Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked meals quite like looking at restaurant prices.

From the book by E. Mackenzie "14,000 phrases ..."

A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.

Evan Esar(1899–1995), American writer

The well-fed does not understand the hungry. Take at least the waiter and the visitor.

Henryk Jagodzinsky(b.1928),

Polish writer

The longer the menu, the faster the waiter will appear to take the order.

"Cranston Restaurant Principle"

The English waiter waits for orders, obeys them, and never anticipates them; if you change your mind, he shows neither surprise nor displeasure. The Italian waiter creates a very clear idea of ​​where you will sit and what to eat, and if you decide to deceive his expectations, he will stab you.

George Bernard Shaw(1856–1950),

English playwright

– Waiter, if it’s coffee, then I want tea, and if it’s tea, I want coffee.

Punch Magazine, 1902

The worse the cooks cook, the more polite the waiters should be.

Mikhail Genin(b.1927), writer

OLDER MAN: A patron who first studies the menu, not the waitress.

From the "Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions" by L. L. Levinson

MAN-EATER: A restaurant patron who demands a waiter instead of a menu.

Jack Benny(1894–1974), American humorist

The waiter is like an echo: he responds, but does not come.


A tip is a "thank you" sent by hand.

Stanislav Luchko(Poland)

Pride does not prevent you from taking tips, but it does prevent you from thanking for them.

Henri Bonnard

Those who expect the biggest tip get the worst service.

Do not humiliate a person with a ruble - give him three.

Grigory Yablonsky(b.1939) (Odessa),

It's not enough to give ashamed, but a lot of pity.

Modern service: quick and polite billing.

Vladimir Chevnovoy(Ukraine)

A bartender is a person who understands you better than your wife.

American proverb

And in a second-rate restaurant you can stumble upon a first-class bartender. You can see it in the account.

Jan Kurnakovic, Polish writer

Honest bartender: one who earns a little less than the owner of the establishment.

Robert Orben(b.1927), American humorist

Two times two is four, but try to pay the bill in a restaurant with such knowledge!

Henryk Jagodzinsky

If you have not learned the rules of arithmetic, you can always get a job as a waiter in some nightclub.

Herbert Proknow, American writer (twentieth century)

Cocktails have all the properties of disinfectants, except for the ability to disinfect.

Shayna Leslie(USA)

In the bar, a sign hung over the piano: "DO NOT SHOOTING THE PIANOIST - HE DOES WHAT YOU CAN."

Oscar Wilde(1854–1900), English writer

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (UG) of the author TSB

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THE PARASAR AFFAIR The infamous "PARASAR case" stirred public opinion in Brazil in the autumn of 1968. In that year, the internal situation in the country became extremely aggravated. Demonstrations were held in Rio and other cities demanding the restoration of democratic freedoms,

author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

And with me, what’s the matter, what’s not the case, / My custom is this: / Signed, so off my shoulders From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). The words of Famusov (act. 1, yavl. 4). Ironically about the bureaucratic conduct of business in

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

A matter of honor, a matter of glory, a matter of valor and heroism From the Political Report of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to the 16th Party Congress, which I. V. Stalin (1878-1953) read on June 27, 1930. This is how the leader of the party expressed himself about work and due to it relation in the USSR. Used as a playful

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Word and deed Words that in Russia XIV-XVIII centuries. (before the reign of Catherine II) meant that the person who shouted them out wanted to give important evidence about a crime plotted against the royal person, that is, treason. To the exclamation of "Word and deed!" immediately

Coffee has always been a companion of creative people. How many books have been written over a cup of coffee, how many great discoveries have been made, accompanied by an invigorating drink. For centuries, great minds have spoken out about coffee, and in today's article, we have selected 30 of the best quotes.

Every morning I bring Shann coffee in bed… All he needs to do is grind and brew.

Jared Leto

If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me.

Nika Gardo

Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love.

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, should not be drunk in mugs!

Winston Churchill

After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd around like battalions of a great army on the battlefield.

Honore de Balzac

The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love it, only under this condition can you fully enjoy it with rapture.

Gustave Flaubert

If I didn't like coffee so much, I wouldn't have any outstanding personality traits at all.

David Letterman

There are things that are worth keeping faithful to. For example, coffee.

John Galsworthy

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy.

There is no better love potion than ordinary coffee brewed by oneself. When a man tries it, he will not go anywhere.

Sophia Loren

Coffee is an elusive moment and a fragrant aroma.

Claudia Rodin

The truth is inaccessible to those who have not joined the foamy grace of coffee.

Sheikh Abd Al Qadir

Behind every successful woman ... a significant amount of coffee drunk.

Stephanie Piro

Drinking coffee at night is like the first snow or like the early morning after a storm: it always seems that something similar has already happened in your life...

banana yoshimoto

Cautiously sniffing at the steaming cup, the young lady suddenly realized that she had fallen in love. And not just like that, but for the rest of your life. And yes, of course, in a drink made from strange grains.

Max Fry

How do you drink coffee? We ourselves drink it black as night and sweet as sin.

Neil Gaiman

All I need for inspiration is an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life.

Johann Strauss

Sometimes life is just a matter of having a cup of coffee and the privacy that it provides.

Richard Brautigan

If I don't drink coffee three times a day, I'll shrivel up like a piece of roasted goat meat.

Johann Sebastian Bach

After the third cup of coffee, I feel better, like Karabas-Barabas on the fortieth sneeze.

Max Fry

The only thing that matters when pouring coffee from a silver spout is how the jet begins to glow, how the thick brown color turns amber and golden yellow, and the jet, wriggling like a dancer as the cup fills, suddenly breaks off, as if a ghost has hidden back to the coffee pot.

Ann Rice

The coffee ritual is a kind of morning meditation.

Ludmila Ulitskaya

Coffee ... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to catch and convey in words the taste, but it is more difficult to guess and keep true love ...

Anthony Capella

Coffee is the gold of the common man; and just like gold, coffee brings it to luxury and nobility.

Abd al-Qadir

What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book and a cup of coffee?

Anthony Trollope

He compares life to coffee - sweet and bitter at the same time. “In life, as in a cup of coffee, there is both the sweetness of sugar and the bitterness of thick. No matter how you filter or strain, coffee is not coffee without them.”

Elchin Safarli

For some, coffee is rich, for others it is strong, black, or even with milk. And for some coffees, it’s generally “it”. So it is with man. For someone he is the best, beloved, for someone he is a person with a twist, for someone he is nobody. And for some, so complete "shit."

Zhanna Terekhova

Strong coffee resurrects me. It brings me warmth, amazing energy, and pain, which is pleasure. I like to suffer more than not to suffer.

Napoleon Bonaparte

This world isn't so bad as long as there's coffee in it.

Cassandra Clare

If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century.


Drink coffee - and you can do stupid things even faster and more energetically.

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