Flower made from plastic bottles - cone. Crocus (cone) from a plastic bottle. How to make a container for planting plants in the shape of a hedgehog figurine

Hello, dear visitors!

My relatives shared an excellent option with me. Everything is very simple, inexpensive, just the most the best option. Vegetables retain their wonderful taste, while absorbing salt and the spicy aroma of spices. Sometimes you wonder where in the minds ordinary people Such recipes probably come from somewhere above. The dish is suitable as a simple snack at any meal, and can also be served on a holiday table.

The above advantages are complemented by canning for the winter, which allows you to eat these vegetables in cold weather.

So, let's start cooking...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BJU: 1/1/13.

Kcal: 58.

GI: low.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 25 min.

Number of servings: 1 liter jar.

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Tomatoes - 650 g.


  • Salt - 20 g (1 tbsp).
  • Sugar - 10 g (1/2 tbsp).
  • Ground cinnamon - 2 g (1/4 tsp).
  • Water - 0.5 l (2 tbsp).
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients. Wash the tomatoes well and dry them. Large specimens can be cut in half, but it is better to use small fruits.

Sterilize jars and lids in a microwave oven or in a water bath for at least 5 minutes.

Place the tomatoes tightly in the container.

Pour hot into the jar boiled water to the edge of the neck. I advise you to use pure spring or filtered liquid.

We wait until the tomatoes begin to release juice into the water, about 15 minutes.

Then pour the resulting infusion into a saucepan and add a little more water to it (about 1/4 tbsp) - allowance for boiling over.

Add salt (1 tbsp) and sugar (1 heaped tsp) there.

We also add cinnamon (1/4 tsp) and a couple of bay leaves. Boil the brine until the salt dissolves, about 3 minutes.

Then pour the resulting liquid into the jar to the brim.

We roll up our container with a lid, turn it over, cover it with a towel, then wait for the product to cool completely.

Salted tomatoes will be ready in a month, and you can store them in any cool and dark place at home.

Bon appetit!

Tomatoes, combined with cinnamon, acquire an unusual and memorable taste. By combining such components, you can get healthy and nutritious products that strengthen the immune system during the cold season. There are several ways to pickle tomatoes with cinnamon for the winter, the recipes for which are not difficult, provided that certain rules are followed.

Canned foods retain some of the beneficial microelements found in fresh fruits. This also applies to cinnamon, which contains:

  • tannins;
  • vitamins PP, groups B, A, C;
  • iron, phosphorus, zinc and other useful trace elements;
  • essential oils;
  • fiber.

Thanks to fiber, cinnamon fights constipation and normalizes work gastrointestinal tract. This substance also prevents the development of gastrointestinal cancer. The seasoning stimulates the excretion of urine and bile from the body, improving the condition of the body in case of kidney pathologies.

Research has shown that cinnamon helps with diabetes mellitus and respiratory diseases, eliminating nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane.

How to choose the right ingredients for pickling tomatoes with cinnamon?

Cinnamon is different brown and a bittersweet aftertaste. For preservation, it is recommended to purchase the spice in the form of sticks (tubes). Instead of ground cinnamon, powder is often used, which makes pickled tomatoes tasteless.

The spice is crushed while twisting the vegetables. It is recommended to add powder to the preservation approximately 7-10 minutes before the end of the process. Seasoning that has undergone heat treatment acquires a bitter taste.

Medium or small tomatoes are suitable for pickling. When choosing the size of tomatoes, you should take into account the volume of the jars in which the fruits will be preserved. Vegetables should be chosen whole, without visible defects (traces of rotting, scratches). Before twisting, the fruits are washed and dried on a towel. The stalks must be removed.

Cooking recipes

The process of pickling tomatoes takes relatively little time. After aging for several months, the tomatoes become sweetish in taste. If desired, you can make the snack spicy or mint.

The jars are pre-sterilized before seaming. To do this, the containers are kept for several minutes over steam or in the oven. In the latter case, you will need to be careful. The jars are placed in a cold oven. After sterilization, the containers must cool down within a few minutes.

Failure to comply with these requirements will result in glass cracking.

Simple recipe

This recipe will require tomatoes (6 kilograms) and garlic (20 grams). Both ingredients provide the main flavor to the dish. The spicy shades of the snack are responsible for:

  • 20 grams of cinnamon;
  • 5 grams of bay leaf;
  • 40 grams of salt;
  • greens (to taste).

Salting foods according to this recipe takes little time and does not require special skills. This method is often used as a base method, on the basis of which they further experiment by adding new ingredients.

Preparation of the snack takes place in several stages:

  1. The greens, along with chopped garlic, are placed at the bottom of a three-liter jar.
  2. Tomatoes are laid out on top.
  3. A liter of water is boiled and poured into a container with vegetables. The mixture is kept for an hour or more (you must wait until it cools completely).
  4. The water is re-boiled with salt, bay leaf and seasoning.

At the end of the manipulations, marinade is poured over the tomatoes. The jar is rolled up and left for storage.

In slices

In order for the salted tomatoes to soak well, it is recommended to cut the tomatoes into slices. This recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 20 milliliters of sunflower oil;
  • 600 grams of tomatoes;
  • 60 grams of bell pepper;
  • 30 grams of onions;
  • 10 grams of allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 cloves.

For the marinade you will need:

  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 75 milliliters of 9 percent table vinegar;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • liter of clean water;
  • 10 grams of chopped cinnamon.

All vegetables are cut in a convenient way and placed in sterilized jars. Spices, along with tomatoes, sunflower oil, onions and pepper, laid out in layers in jars.

In a separate container, water is brought to a boil, into which the ingredients for the marinade are then added. At the end, the brine is added to jars with vegetables with spices and rolled up.

Without sterilization

If the snack is prepared without prior sterilization, 2 kilograms of tomatoes must first be doused with boiling water, and then pierced in the area of ​​the stalk with a toothpick. Through small holes, the fruits will be soaked and absorb the taste of spices.

In addition to tomatoes, this recipe will require:

  • liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt and 6 of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • hot pepper and parsley (to taste).

The greens, along with tomatoes, peppers and cinnamon, are placed in jars. Boiling water is poured into the container and the ingredients are kept for 5 minutes. Then the water is drained, mixed with vinegar, sugar and salt and brought to a boil again. At the end, the marinade is poured into jars of tomatoes.

With cloves

The recipe for spicy tomatoes with cloves is considered a classic. This method allows you to quickly cook delicious snack for the winter without spending a lot of effort. To marinate two kilograms of tomatoes you will need:

  • 5 grams of cloves;
  • 10 grams of cinnamon and black pepper in the form of peas;
  • 40 grams of garlic;
  • 7 grams of bay leaf;
  • 4 liters of clean water;
  • 60 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 300 grams of salt;
  • greens (to taste).

Peeled (but not chopped) garlic, along with herbs, is placed on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Tomatoes are placed compactly on top.

Water is mixed in a separate container, Bay leaf, vinegar, sugar with salt and spices. The marinade, brought to a boil, is infused for several minutes. Then the brine is poured into jars, which are rolled up and stored.

Rules for storing workpieces

The jars should cool completely after rolling. To do this, the containers are covered with a blanket or warm cloth for a day. The jars are then placed in a cool room, away from sunlight.

Wash the seaming jars with soda, rinse them several times, then sterilize them, let them cool and dry. Place parsley sprigs, a cinnamon stick and laurel leaves on the bottom. Such spices will make tomatoes tasty and original.

Tomatoes for canning liter jars We take not very large ones so that they fit better in the container. Place the washed tomatoes in jars and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10 minutes, covering with a lid.

Let's prepare the marinade: boil water and add sugar and salt. Stir the marinade until the grains at the bottom dissolve. We wait for the liquid to boil again and cook for 1-2 minutes. At the very end, pour vinegar and mix. Remove immediately from heat and the marinade is ready.

Drain the water from the tomato and immediately pour in the hot marinade and vinegar. We seal the jars and place them under a warm blanket. If you used iron lids, then turn the jars over and insulate them. There is no need to turn over jars with screw lids, just throw a blanket on top and let them cool completely. After 6-8 hours, remove the blanket and put the tomatoes in the pantry until winter. Enjoy your meal!

Pine and fir cones- one of the most beloved ones that craftsmen use to make a variety of products. Candlesticks, photo frames, toys, souvenirs. And this is not the entire list of what can be made from these gifts of nature. In this article we will tell you how to make a hedgehog from pine cones and a plastic bottle. The product is voluminous, beautiful, and stable. It can be used as a souvenir, toy or decorative element on the site.

Preparing materials for making the “Hedgehog” craft

With our own hands, we make a figurine of a prickly forest dweller from a pine cone and a plastic container. What do we need for this? We learn from the list of materials and tools:

  • pine cones;
  • empty brown PET bottle;
  • disposable plastic plate (deep);
  • heat gun;
  • construction knife;
  • twine;
  • buttons (2 large white and 2 small ones - black) or fittings - “eyes”.

Master class "Hedgehog made from pine cones and a plastic bottle"

Cut off plastic containers top part. From it we will form the animal's face. Do not unscrew the lid. It will serve as a spout.

A hedgehog made from pine cones and a plastic bottle can become an original small flowerpot. You can grow in it green onions, dill or any other greens.

How to make a container for planting plants in the shape of a hedgehog figurine?

For a PET bottle laid horizontally, cut a hole in the middle. Glue the cones in two rows around it. Make eyes from buttons. Fill the product with soil through the hole and plant the plants. Place the figurine in the garden or on the windowsill. When the greenery comes up, the hedgehog will look even more beautiful and original.

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