The main characteristics and purpose of equipment for the production of sunflower oil. Oil production at a mini-factory - benefits and prospects

The annual volume of the sunflower oil market in Russia is ≈2.5 million tons finished product. And far from the entire range presented on store shelves is offered by large corporations - about half of the market is occupied by small businesses and even farms. A mini sunflower oil plant can be an excellent source of permanent income for a novice entrepreneur. What will you have to think about when launching your own workshop for the production of vegetable oil?

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2500000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

The relevance of the business for the production of sunflower oil

Many investors have already turned their eyes to this production niche, which is understandable - the costs of setting up a workshop are relatively low, and the sales opportunities are huge. The competition in this market segment is quite strong, but with proper management and a well-thought-out marketing campaign, mini-sunflower oil production will not remain without profit.

You can sell products not only to buyers in supermarkets and shops, but also to private enterprises using oil as the main raw material. This component is used in many areas - soap making, production of canned food, paint and varnish, cosmetic and medical industries. But if you fail to find “your buyer” (which is very unlikely), oil can be supplied abroad - for example, in Turkey it is in great demand.

As the next advantage of starting the production of vegetable oil, one can note its wastelessness. In the process of manufacturing the product, production wastes are formed that are suitable for subsequent use - husks, cake, meal. These related products may be marketed to third parties.

Husk is often sold brick factories, and cake and meal - to farms.

The sale of waste can be counted as additional profit for the enterprise. But more often their sales are clearly reflected in the cost, reducing the final price of the product.

What oil is more profitable to produce?

Having decided to start your business for the production of vegetable oil, you should decide what kind of oil to produce - refined or unrefined. The main differences between these 2 types are the degree of purification of the product.

The production of refined oil is a more labor intensive process. It is purified using many chemical and technological methods, so that the output is a product with a certain degree of transparency, with no foreign taste and smell. And the production of unrefined oil is based only on the mechanical filtration of the product, which gives it a specific smell and taste.

And despite the fact that the production of unrefined oil will require lower costs, you should not rely on it alone - profits will drop significantly. To promote your brand and get more income, you should expand the range of products offered to customers. Besides, modern technologies allow the production of several types of oils on one production line at once.

Sunflower oil production technology

Technological scheme of sunflower oil production

It cannot be said that the technology of sunflower oil production is easy. Technologists here have to choose the most optimal scheme product manufacturing.

Without going into details, technology system looks like that:

  • Sifting seeds.
  • Collapse of seeds (cleaning from husks).
  • Grinding seeds.
  • Heat treatment of seeds.
  • Spin.
  • Filtration.
  • Refining.
  • Bottling and packaging.

It's common technological process production, and at a particular enterprise, some of the stages may be omitted. For example, for the manufacture of an unrefined product, refining is not needed. The same is true with heat treatment - to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment, this stage is often abolished. Therefore, it is important that the business plan for the production of sunflower oil must contain detailed description the chosen technology. From this in the future depends on the choice of the necessary equipment.

To draw up the practical part of a business project, it is better to invite a qualified technologist.

What equipment will be required to start the workshop?

Line for the production of sunflower oil OVOR - 450

When the manufacturing technology of the product is thought out, it is necessary to buy equipment for the production of sunflower oil. There is a huge selection of equipment on the market - from low-power household units to high-performance automated lines. Which option to choose depends on the planned production volumes of the finished product.

If you plan to produce more than 30 tons of oils per day, it is more expedient to think about buying a fully equipped line (pressing + refining). With a lower capacity (up to 10 tons / day), it is better to buy all the equipment separately.

The average price of equipment for the production of sunflower oil, purchased separately:

  • Separator for cleaning seeds - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Rushing and winching machine - from 70,000 rubles.
  • Roller machine - from 500,000 rubles.
  • Roaster - from 400,000 rubles.
  • Pressing machine - from 650,000 rubles.
  • Squeeze oil filter (requires 2-3 pieces) - from 90,000 rubles.
  • Apparatus for refining - from 700,000 rubles.
  • Filling machine - from 300,000 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that the equipment will need to spend at least 2,300,000 rubles. The figure will noticeably increase if the line is expanded with additional units and automated. And equipment with a capacity of more than 25 tons / day of finished oil will cost the entrepreneur at least 7,000,000 rubles.

Without a large investment available, you can initially abandon the brazier. Also, in order to save money, the workshop for the production of sunflower oil can be equipped with supported equipment. But such deals are always risky.

But private home production will not require such impressive equipment costs. Price household appliances not so high, but they do not differ in great power either. For example, a mini churn for the production of sunflower oil with a capacity of 5 l / h costs today from 100,000 rubles. But here, of course, in question about big profits. How family business- yes, such an option does exist, but as production equipment in a full-fledged workshop - it is unlikely.

What kind of space should be rented?

The main difficulty in launching food enterprises is the stringent requirements for workshop and storage facilities. There should be electricity, water, sewerage. In addition, the sanitary services of the city will definitely check the premises for compliance with lighting and cleanliness standards.

As for the area of ​​​​the premises, here you can focus on the following standards: for 1 ton of raw materials processed per day, there should be at least 40 m 2 of free space. And the storage space needs to be even bigger, because the rules say you can't store sunflower seeds too thick in bulk. Moreover, the norm of the production stock is considered immediately for 1-1.5 months. On average, warehouses should be twice the area of ​​production workshops.

For storage of husks and meal, separate rooms will also be required. If there are none, then the waste products can be stored outside (under a canopy) for some time in good weather.

What staff should be hired?

The sunflower oil production line should be maintained by specialists. And the more automated the enterprise, the less staff will be needed.

From qualified employees with appropriate diplomas, craftsmen and technologists (2-6 people) will be required. Low-skilled personnel (loaders, drivers, cleaners) are recruited based on their needs of a particular enterprise.

At food enterprises, as a rule, a shift work schedule is established - 2 * 2. Wage- piece-rate premium.

Well, at home, using a churn, even one person can make a product.

Financial justification of the project

Every business plan should have a section on all costs and projected profits. Without these data, not a single bank and not a single investor will give a novice entrepreneur a loan for a business.

Taking into account how much an oil press for the production of sunflower oil and other equipment costs, we can calculate the fixed costs for organizing a small workshop with a capacity of 5 tons / day:

  • Room rental (from 500 m2) - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Preparation of the premises - from 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - from 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Paperwork - from 50,000 rubles.

Turns out that entrance ticket in this area of ​​business will cost the entrepreneur at least 2,500,000 rubles. And the figure will be much higher if the plant is equipped vehicles to deliver products to customers.

There is no such money and there is nowhere to get it from? Then you should seriously think about starting a home production. Choose your production methods, buy an inexpensive churn and get to work.

  • Salaries for employees - from 400,000 rubles / month.
  • Room rental - from 100,000 rubles / month.
  • Taxes - from 70,000 rubles / month.
  • Advertising, transport and utility costs - from 100,000 rubles / month.

If we take as a basis for calculations that the workshop will work daily (for 8 hours) and produce ≈50 tons of finished butter per month, then the profitability table can be presented as follows:

The resulting figures can be corrected by selling to third parties production waste - husks, cake and meal.

The topic of food production in business can be considered one of the most relevant and profitable. It will probably be more difficult to find a type of product on which the enterprise can “burn out” than one on which it is impossible to make a good profit. But still, in terms of profitability, food industries also have their differences. What do you think, what product is consumed more daily throughout the country - raw smoked horse sausage, or ordinary sunflower oil? The answer is obvious.

The production of sunflower oil occupies one of the leading positions in the country's food industry. Annual oil market volumes range from 7 million to 10 million tons. If we recalculate all this in monetary terms, we get a figure of about 90 billion rubles. Moreover, about half of all production, and hence profits, is divided between medium and small (farm) industries.

Organizing the production of sunflower oil will cost a novice entrepreneur no more troublesome, but much more expensive than, say, opening a tire processing line. Moreover, it does not require any special knowledge, which could not be purchased during the project launch. As with almost all business ideas, the success of the venture here is determined by your degree of drive and perseverance. And the lack of start-up capital is not a problem for enterprising people for a long time. You can find out where to find money to start a business at this link, or.

About profitability and non-waste

Sunflower oil is one of the essential products, the demand for which will always be regardless of any price changes. What do you think, what is the monthly consumption of oil by the population of the country? Experts have deduced a figure of one liter every month per person, and there are also various cafes, restaurants, and other enterprises. Catering where dozens of liters of sunflower oil are consumed every day.

And besides this, the oil is successfully exported to European countries(fortunately, "they" have not banned the import of Russian products yet!) and the countries of the Middle East (Turkey, etc.). Sunflower oil is also used in other areas of production:

  • For the manufacture of paint and varnish products. Ever wondered why a type of paint is called oil paint? Because sunflower oil serves as the basis for its production. The same applies to drying oil and various oil varnishes.
  • For the production of margarine and cooking oils.
  • For the manufacture of cosmetics. Basically, these are skin care products and various creams.
  • IN medicines and drugs. Sunflower oil is used in the manufacture of ointments, etc. Moreover, in the 90s of the last century, a method of treating cancer with sunflower oil was patented in our country. The effectiveness of this method has not yet been proven by scientists, but for some people it really helped!
  • In the production of canned food.

I think that with such a wide range of applications, you should not be afraid that you may not find a market. No wonder the production of sunflower oil is considered an almost win-win business option.

Now we need to say a few words about the wastelessness of this business. The inevitable residues from oil production also find their use. Husk sunflower seeds, called pulp, or meal is used in the manufacture of animal feed, and is considered a very valuable protein-containing material. Before being sold, the waste is pressed into briquettes and readily bought by those who breed sheep, pigs, or other domestic animals. In addition, fuel briquettes and pellets are made from sunflower husks, which are in no less demand than those made from sawdust.

Now a few figures: from 30 tons of raw material of peeled seeds, about 20-22 tons will be obtained, from which you can get from 8 to 9 tons of oil, the rest will fall on meal and husks.

We are looking for a room

This is one of those very questions that require special attention in preparation for launching a business project. According to empirically derived figures, for each ton of raw materials that are processed in one shift (day), 40 m² of production space is needed. Further it is easy to calculate. But the question arises: what should be the minimum capacity of the line in order to recoup the costs as quickly as possible and start making a profit?

This cannot be answered unambiguously. Firstly, if you are purchasing a mini-oil plant, you must first assess the capacities that the production will “pull” in financial and marketing terms. This is done when drawing up a business plan. Secondly, we can say that the production of sunflower oil is just the kind of business that pays off in a maximum of one and a half to two years. So, you will need three storage rooms:

  • For raw material storage. This is the largest room in terms of area. The smaller the layer of the poured raw materials is stored, the less it will deteriorate.
  • for storage finished products.
  • To store waste before recycling.

Actually, three more rooms are needed for production:

  • Workshop for pressing and filtering oil.
  • Refinery shop.
  • Shop for packing finished products.

Production facilities must have hard (concrete) floors, walls and ceiling must be whitewashed. In total, with a production capacity of the oil refinery of 25 tons of processed raw materials per day, a total area of ​​​​at least 3,000 square meters will be required.

We buy equipment

Sunflower oil production equipment consists of three lines:

  • Oil extraction and filtration line.
  • Oil refining line.
  • Oil bottling line.

The equipment of each workshop will cost about 2 million rubles. Although, many businessmen significantly reduce the cost of these items by purchasing equipment in parts, and by assembling the line already in place. In warehouses for finished products, you need to have several stainless steel containers for storing oil.

Hiring staff

The number of staff depends on the capacity of the line that will be purchased for the business. 3-4 people will be enough to service the spinning shop with a capacity of 25 tons per day, 2-3 people in the refining shop, and 2-3 people on the packaging line. It will also require two foremen working in shifts who will deal with general production issues, a storekeeper, two technologists, and a manager dealing with administrative tasks. Total from 13 to 16 people. With the increase in capacity, the staff of the enterprise will increase accordingly.

We sell products

To get started, you will need to come up with your own brand, slogan, and develop a marketing strategy plan. Ideally, all this is prescribed in a business plan (you can see how to draw up a business plan in this source - or you can order its creation to professionals), but in practice, quite often entrepreneurs deviate from the "common truths", preferring to solve current questions as they arise. Moreover, the soul is warmed by the realization that production has already been launched.

Entrepreneurial activity, the main essence of which is the production of sunflower oil, today enjoys high popularity among many businessmen, regardless of their experience and status.

This is due to the high demand for vegetable oil, which can be attributed to essential products. It is widely used in cooking for dressing salads, frying, and for preserving certain foods. In addition, oil is widely used in other industries: in the production of paint, soap, cosmetics and medicines.

Do you need licenses to open such a business?

The production of sunflower oil in the simplest version is the pressure of seeds. This activity is not considered any "superbusiness". Therefore, in order to start your activity in this area, you will not need a variety of licenses and all kinds of permits. It is possible to start work from the position individual by paying certain taxes.

Do not forget about the requirements that are imposed by the sanitary and epidemiological services, fire organizations, water utilities, gas and electrical services. All these numerous organizations check that opened by the entrepreneur the company is not harmful to health. In addition, it is required to be guided by all technical conditions so that the production of sunflower oil does not lead to unpleasant consequences.

Waste-free vegetable oil

Vegetable, namely sunflower, oils are non-waste. That is, by-products, the appearance of which entails the release of oil from sunflower and other raw materials in the production process (husk, beet pulp, and flakes), are implemented in other production areas.

For example, the husk is used in the production of pellets, a popular pet food that is pre-compressed into briquettes and delivered as such to consumers.

One fact should be noted: the production of sunflower oil and its sale is the sphere of activity of small and medium-sized enterprises. This is coupled with the relatively low initial investment required to start a business. In addition, this type of production is characterized by instant payback.

The Importance of Creating a Business Plan

The technology for the production of sunflower oil must be done correctly. A well-written business plan can help with this. It will need to determine all the main points that will be characteristic of this field of activity. It is also important to have a strategy.

And it is desirable that it be step by step. The strategy includes the following aspects: production volumes, the position of the enterprise, suppliers of raw materials, a promising market, as well as the production process, the degree of mechanization of the process, advice on hiring and employment requirements. A business plan, in which the production of sunflower oil will be considered in more detail, will allow you to correctly place the initial investment and organize a profitable production of products.

Not only oil producers can make money in this area, but also those people who are engaged in supplies. They usually get raw materials for free, so for them this business is the most profitable. Despite the fact that at present there are a fairly large number of various oil mills, many aspiring entrepreneurs can quite easily profit from such production.

According to experts, it is possible to recoup all the funds spent on opening an oil production enterprise in about six months. And in some situations it can be done for more short time. The main thing is to ensure a stable supply of all the necessary raw materials, as well as to establish a continuous sale of manufactured products. And for this you need to know perfectly what the technology of sunflower oil production includes.

The need to rent space

Creating an enterprise for the production of vegetable oil is a rather laborious task, since it will be necessary to provide for a variety of little things. And one of the important problems that will have to be faced in any case is the rental of industrial premises. They are necessary for the processing of raw materials and for the bottling of sunflower oil to occur without any problems. The area of ​​such premises will depend on the volume of products produced.

You will also need a workshop in which oil will be squeezed and filtered at the same time. Naturally, it is possible to rent two rooms at once for these processes. However, it will cost much more.

You will need a room in which the cake will be stored. It should be borne in mind that it is prone to spontaneous combustion. This factor is quite important, and it must always be taken into account. To check the temperature of this product, a wooden stick is thrust into the cake. At the moment when it heats up, the cattle will need to take out the products.

The main questions that will appear during the opening of your entrepreneurial activity

The line for the production of sunflower oil, namely, its organization, requires the search for an answer to two very important questions: where to get raw materials and how to sell the resulting products. It should be understood that the search for a regular customer is an important component of this entrepreneurial activity. Only with the help of it you can realize all the products that will be created.

This business will be easier if the entrepreneur is familiar with the field of trade. The sale of oil in such a situation will simply fit into ready-made schemes. It is worth noting that it is not so difficult to find a client for the cake itself, since the demand for it is very high.

Before opening an oil production enterprise, it will be necessary to find a supplier of seeds. This is best done in autumn. Moreover, the closer the supplier will be located to the location of the oil mill, the better.

You should not give up your own politics in the event that it was decided to open an oil mill, for example, in a village. Everything possible should be done to create a correct and positive reputation. To do this, you can allocate money for support educational institutions. Then the efficiency of entrepreneurship will double, if not more.

Description of vegetable oil production technology

Sunflower oil is produced in two forms: refined and unrefined. It differs in the degree of purification from impurities. For unrefined oil, only mechanical filtration is provided. At the same time, this type of oil has more valuable and useful properties.

Refined oil requires additional purification, including methods such as sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, sulfate refining, bleaching, hydration, deodorization and freezing. After this treatment, the oil acquires a light shade, and its smell is eliminated.

What stages can be divided into sunflower oil production technology?

The whole technology of sunflower oil production consists of the following stages:

  1. Sunflower oil production.
  2. Cleaning sunflower seeds from husks by separation in a special apparatus.
  3. Speleotourism and cleaning of cores from husks in rush-and-broom machines.
  4. Passing sunflower seeds through a roller device and obtaining mint.
  5. Mint falls into the brazier, which can be either steam or fire. In addition, braziers can differ from each other in different performance and cost.
  6. The processed mint goes to screw presses. The oil obtained after pressing is sent for settling, and subsequently mechanical filtration.
  7. The pulp that remains after pressing is sent for extraction to special machine. With the help of a solvent, the residual oil extractor is distilled.
  8. The finished product is packaged in various containers, often plastic bottles different size. This process is carried out on complex vegetable oil bottling lines.

The quality of the products produced plays a very important role.

Small business is characterized by the so-called marching production, which can occur even if there is only one bag of seeds available. Yet this species production is called pre-removal of oil. This scheme is common for those entrepreneurs who have just started their activities.

The processing of mint has the greatest influence on the quality of products, because in modern world people are concerned not only with the taste of the product, but also with its quality. Many have long understood that light-colored oils are better in quality, and dark-colored oils are harmful, since they contain the highest levels of carcinogens.

If the temperature in the brazier is more than one hundred and twenty degrees, the main nutrients, including vitamin E, will be completely destroyed. Therefore, very important role plays a filter for sunflower oil. Much will depend on his choice.

Use of specialized equipment in production

Screw devices are especially popular in the production of sunflower oil. They provide a sufficiently high temperature through friction. However, it does not rise above 120 degrees. Based on this, we can say that such equipment for the production of sunflower oil does not require any additional fryer.

In addition, the presses available in screw systems are able to press the seeds directly with the husk. Before processing, the seeds will need to be winnowed and passed through a special device called a calibrator. With it, all unnecessary and large debris will be removed.

Such equipment for the production of sunflower oil as extruder presses, which work on the principle of meat grinders, consists of a large number parts. Among them are the following:

  1. feeding part;
  2. part of the grind;
  3. final push.

What needs to be done with the oil before it is sold?

The oil obtained as a result of pressing is recommended to be pre-cooled to about sixty degrees. If this is not done, then it will begin to absorb moisture and oxygen. Accordingly, the quality will deteriorate.

After pressing, the oil is refined. The first two stages of its processing are refining. The oil is refined with various impurities and wax. There are two purification options: the first is sedimentation, the second is filtration. The first method, according to some experts, is the best. Settling of oil occurs at a temperature environment equal to twenty degrees for seven days.

What are the available filtration methods?

To speed up this process and not force the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with a variety of containers, you can simply filter the oil. Pre-filtration is carried out after the oil is cooled to sixty degrees. And when cooled to twenty degrees, filtration occurs at a more thorough level. This process is called fine filtration.

Filters that are used in food production are also suitable for pumping oil. The most popular are the so-called frame filters. They are made up of several layers of cotton fabric. Such material, of course, is quickly consumed. You can get it from suppliers of similar equipment or in various other places - this is not a shortage.

There is another filtering method called vacuum. In this situation, the oil will be pulled through those layers of material that are filtered by the vacuum force. This will remove all debris. This filtering contributes to the fact that the oil becomes lighter. In addition, it has a long shelf life.

What should be remembered if there is a desire to start oil production?

How much can it cost to set up a sunflower oil production line? Creating such an activity costs a lot of capital investment. And if you have a desire to gain a foothold in this area, then it is best to register as an agricultural producer. In such situation entrepreneurial activity will be subsidized by numerous tax incentives.

As practice has shown, one should be engaged in the processing of either actually grown or purchased seeds. The cost of sunflower oil, namely its production, in this case can be reduced.

However, in some situations, problems may arise associated with an overabundance of such raw materials in specialized markets. Therefore, one should not turn away from the opportunity to provide other companies with services related to the processing of existing raw materials.

In the total volume of the world sunflower oil market, which is about 10 million tons, Russian production occupies a fifth. In other words, the production of vegetable oil in our country produces about 2.2 million tons of this product. Sunflower oil is supplied to the domestic market not only by large enterprises. On the contrary, about half of the total volume is produced in small and medium-sized industries.

  • The process of making sunflower oil
  • How much does oil making equipment cost?
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • How much can you earn
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED must be specified for the production of sunflower oil
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open

Even by the standards of a small farm, the threshold for entering this business is low. There are also no problems with the sale of the product. If you can not sell the entire volume produced in your region, then the possibilities for export are almost unlimited. Consumers of sunflower oil are not only the population and food industry. This product is used in the cosmetic, medical and paint industries. One more positive side production is its non-waste. After pressing the oil, waste remains that are used to feed livestock, they can be used to make fuel pallets and so on.

The process of making sunflower oil

The sunflower oil production technology is presented below in the form of a table.

No. p / pContents of operation
1 Sunflower cleaning from organic, inorganic and other types of impurities. For this, aspirators, stone removers, separators are used. The raw material is blown with air, sieved through several types of sieves.
2 Sorting seeds by size, hulling, peeling, crushing the core. From the husk, the seeds are cleaned by hitting, squeezing, cutting or processing on a rough surface. Which method will be chosen - such equipment must be purchased.
3 Getting the oil itself. This can be done in several ways by direct extraction and conventional, single, cold or double pressing.
4 Purification of the product from impurities or refining. Use chemical, physical or combined methods.
5 Spilling oil into a container. Most often it happens automatically on special lines.
6 Usually the product is bottled in polymer bottles. They are labeled and sealed.

According to the degree of purification, sunflower oil is divided into refined and unrefined. The last type is a mechanically cleaned product. Refined oil can be refined in several ways:

  • settling;
  • filtration;
  • centrifugation;
  • deodorization.

The state standard GOST R 52465-2005 contains a list of seven types of product.

How much does oil making equipment cost?

Modern equipment for the production of sunflower oil allows you to produce everything at one plant. Separators for cleaning raw materials from debris cost about $ 1,500. In an hour, such an apparatus allows preparing 1000 kg of raw materials for cleaning.

The cleaning procedure is also called destruction. The car for this stage costs 3 thousand dollars. Its power should be the same as that of the separator. Therefore, these two units must process an equal amount of raw material in the same time. The number of pairs of these units must satisfy the demand for raw materials of the main pressing line. After the collapse, all products enter one bunker. From there, it is transferred to the extraction site along the conveyor. It starts with a rolling mill. On this equipment, the seed kernels are ground. Its cost depends directly on the power. For example, a unit capable of processing 800 kg of raw materials per hour costs 13.8 thousand dollars. If you need to combine it with several separators and winch machines, then the price will start from 36 thousand dollars.

The line capacity is up to 12 tons/day, the cost is 1,930,000 rubles.

Enterprises that are equipped with the latest type of equipment are able to process up to 48 tons of raw materials per day. This amount of sunflower can be harvested from 19 hectares of land. Usually the plant works in one-shift mode, but continuous production can be organized during the season.

After grinding, the raw material enters the braziers. They are divided into two types according to the method of heating: steam and fire. Both for the first and for the second method gas burners are used. Only in the first case, water is heated and steam is formed, and in the second, the surface of a large boiler with raw materials is heated according to the principle of a frying pan. The steam roasting method makes it possible to obtain an oil that does not have the specific smell of roasted sunflower seeds. Such equipment, capable of frying 800 kg of raw materials per hour, costs from 11.5 thousand dollars.

If you use cold pressing technology, you can eliminate the heating equipment. However, the oil yield will be much less. Then the raw material goes to the squeezing machine. They cost about 20-28 thousand dollars and are able to pass through the extraction up to 25 tons of raw materials per day. After the press, the oil is defended for some time. All impurities are precipitated, and the product is driven through special filters. Their price starts from 3 thousand dollars. One filter can purify 160 kg of oil per hour.

Sunflower oil production as a business.

The extraction method for obtaining the product makes it possible to increase its yield by 2%. At the factory, two methods can be combined. Oil is usually obtained from waste after pressing. The final cake is called meal and is used to feed livestock. The bottling line costs $13,000. It allows pouring 3600 liters of sunflower oil in one shift.

This business will be especially profitable in those farms where they grow sunflower on their own. But it can also be considered as a separate production. Then you need to take care not only about the sale of finished products, but also about the purchase of raw materials in the required quantities.

Step by step plan to start a business

In order not to lose capital investments when opening a business for the production of sunflower oil, a detailed analysis of the market in the region where it will be produced is carried out. Then the scheme of action, as for any production, is identical:
registration and purchase of equipment;
purchase of raw materials and hiring of personnel;
search for distribution channels for finished goods ...

How much can you earn

This business can be said to be non-waste. Here, earnings include not only the sale of sunflower oil itself, but also husks and meal. The cost of 1 liter is 35 rubles. Meal can be sold for 1.5 thousand rubles, and husk at a price of 9 thousand rubles per ton. If you properly establish production, then the monthly income will be about 3,000,000 rubles. Minus the costs we get net profit in the amount of 2 million rubles.

How to choose equipment

For the full operation of production facilities, you will need to purchase:
oil press and roaster for seeds;
oil filter and separator.

What OKVED must be specified for the production of sunflower oil

When choosing a code, we look at chapter C - processing production. It contains a separate code that directly relates to the production of oils and fats - 10.41. It is he who is indicated in all the necessary documents.

What documents are needed to open

The list of required documents is standard. Best of all, when opening a mini-production, register as individual entrepreneur(application and state duty, registration and a photocopy of the passport - all the documents that must be provided). For legal entities the list of documents is somewhat expanded. Additionally provided: Charter and decision of shareholders, information about the presence of a legal address, as well as about the director of the company and the chief accountant of the company.

What taxation system to choose for the production of sunflower oil

Simplification will be the best option when choosing a taxation system. With it, the businessman will pay a tax amount equal to 6% of the total profit. Alternatively, when providing documents confirming expenses, 15% of the net profit is paid.

Do I need permission to open

In cases of starting production at home, obtaining permits is not required. If a mini-production is opened, then in advance it is necessary to think about obtaining permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection.

What else to read