Scheme of the device for magnetotherapy treatment of the spine. Device for local magnetotherapy - Medical equipment - Schemes of household devices. Compact portable devices

A new apparatus for magnetic therapy, the MS-92M magnetic stimulator, created at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukraine, is described. Descriptions of the functional and circuit diagrams of the device are given.

At present, due to the excessive use of chemicals in various sectors of the national economy, the allergization and morbidity of the population has sharply increased. The use of a large number of chemotherapy drugs in modern medicine has exacerbated these phenomena. Therefore, there was a need to use drug-free therapies, among which therapy with low-frequency electric and magnetic fields occupies an important place.

The effects of magnetic fields lead to such therapeutic effects as anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic and stimulating tissue regeneration. In particular, vascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the joints and spine, injuries and their consequences, thermal injuries are treated with a magnetic field, and magnetic field treatment is also used in gynecology, dermatology, and urology.

Currently, in the CIS countries, the Polus-1 apparatus, developed at VNIIMP, is being mass-produced. The device is designed for local therapeutic effects with a unidirectional low-frequency alternating magnetic field. "Pole-1" has three types of inductors: with U-shaped and straight cores and cavity inductor. Treatment is carried out using one or two interchangeable inductors installed transversely or longitudinally. Adjust the magnetic intensity in 4 steps. Magnetic field induction (MF) 25-35 mT. The MF quickly decays and is almost absent at a distance of 5-6 cm from the inductor. The device operates in continuous and intermittent modes.

Another device - "Polyus-101" is designed to influence the limbs with an alternating magnetic field. The inductors to it are made in the form of two solenoids. One of them induces an alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 700 Hz, the other with a frequency of 1000 Hz. The maximum induction in the center of the solenoid is 1.5 mT, at its inner walls -2.5 mT. At each subsequent stage, the induction increases by 25%.

R.P. Kikut and D.K. Millers have developed a device for magnetotherapy, which provides repeated exposure to a magnetic field on the human body with a high accuracy of spatial orientation and the ability to monitor the patient's condition during treatment.

In Japan, an apparatus for magnetotherapy "Magnitizer" was created. The intensity of the magnetic field generated by it is 50-80 mT. There are several models of the "Magnitizer": M-P1 is designed for two-electrode sessions; M-MX - mattress, consisting of three independent parts with two electrodes in each, an electric pillow and a manual portable electrode; the portable M-R device is used to contact electrodes with any part of the body and is intended for inpatient and outpatient conditions.

In Romania, magnetotherapy is carried out using the "Magnitodiaflux" apparatus, which is equipped with two inductors-solenoids with a diameter of 30 and 60 cm and provides an intermittent mode of magnetotherapy.

In Italy, the Ronsfort apparatus is operated, consisting of a program-controlled inductor, a couch for the patient, and a solenoid inductor moving along the couch. Magnetic field induction 2.8 mT.

In Ukraine, a sample of the apparatus "EYA" was created, generating a magnetic field from 2.5 to 10 mT. The installation "UMT-1" was developed to create a magnetic field of 5-30 mT and a frequency of 1-100 Hz; pulsed magnetic field generator "Alimp-1" and "3vezda-3", magnetic field induction 0.05-2.5 mT, pulse repetition rate 1-1000 Hz.

At the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukraine KPI, a new apparatus for magnetic therapy, the MS-92M magnetostimulator, has been developed. It is intended for therapeutic effects on the human body with a constant and variable magnetic field with an induction of 5-30 mT. The device has two inductors with a working surface diameter of 36 mm.

The portability and electrical safety of the device make it possible to treat patients not only in a hospital setting, but also in outpatient clinics and at home.

Important parameters of serial devices of this class are, in particular, the maximum value of the induction of the electromagnetic field, the energy consumed by the device, the efficiency, weight and overall dimensions, as well as the cost and sale price of products. This determines the conditions for the widespread introduction of devices in practical medicine and their competitiveness in the market of medical equipment.

Figure 1 shows the functional diagram of the MS-92M magneto-stimulator. It consists of a linearly changing voltage generator 1, a mode switch block 2, a master oscillator 3, a signal conditioning unit (SFS) 4, an amplification unit 5, inductors I and II (6 and 7), a control unit 8, a power supply 9.

After the power is turned on, the linearly changing voltage generator generates a periodic triangular signal with a repetition period of 20 s, which is fed to the input of the mode switch block and then to the input of the master oscillator in the form of a generation frequency control signal. Depending on the position of the operation mode switches, the master oscillator outputs a fixed frequency F, variable frequencies 1-F or 90100 Hz. The output pulses from the master oscillator are fed to the signal conditioning unit (SFS), which is a PROM with ultraviolet erasure. 16 waveforms are digitally encoded in the FFS.

The digital codes from the PROM are fed to a digital-to-analog converter, at the output of which an analog signal of one period of output pulses approximated by a piecewise constant function is formed. The analog signal from the BFS output enters the amplification unit, which amplifies these signals in terms of power with a load on inductors I and II (blocks 6 and 7), which converts it into a magnetic field of a certain shape, frequency and induction.

The control unit allows you to visually monitor the operating parameters of the frequency and induction of the electromagnetic field, which are generated by the device in both channels. To set the duration of a particular procedure, the device is equipped with a timer.

The linearly changing voltage generator (Fig. 2) is built on the operational amplifier DA1. Resistor R2 can adjust the level of sawtooth voltage offset relative to zero potential, and variable resistor R7 - the repetition period.

The mode switching block is a set of voltage dividers that are switched on using switches F (fixed frequency mode), 1-F (floating adjustable frequency mode), 90-100 (floating unregulated frequency mode).

The master oscillator (Fig. 2) is built on the operational amplifier DA2. Depending on the position of the mode switches, the generator generates a frequency that corresponds at the output of the device to signals of the selected form with a fixed frequency F or variables 1-F, 90-100 Hz. Variable resistor R10 is used to adjust the desired frequency.

The signal conditioning unit (Fig. 2) consists of a digital-to-analogue converter (D10 inverter circuits, a set of precision resistors R19-R31), PROM (D9), binary counter (D8), trigger (D6.1), inverters (D4.2 , D4.3) and switches "1" - "4", "Pause".

Depending on the position of the switches "1" - "4", an address is formed that determines from which area of ​​the PROM memory a signal of the required shape is selected. In this case, the binary code from the counter D8 and the frequency from the master oscillator enter the PROM and determine the current address of the cells in which the ordinate codes of the read signal are recorded. The signal codes from the PROM output are converted to analog form by a digital-to-analog converter and fed to the amplification unit.

Pause switch, trigger D6.1 and inverters D4.2, D4.3 set the mode in which the output frequency of the desired waveform is halved, i.e. after each signal of the selected form, there is a pause lasting one signal period.

The amplification unit (Fig. 2) consists of a preamplifier (D11.1, D11.2) and two identical channels of output power amplifiers that control the working inductors L1 and L2 (D11.3, V5, V6, V14, V15 and D11. 4, V7, V8, V16, V17). The "Inversion" switch makes it possible to switch the polarity of the inductor L1 and provide in-phase or anti-phase mode with respect to the inductor L2. Using dual variable resistors R1.1, R1.2 and R2.1, R2.2, you can adjust the induction values ​​in each of the channels independently.

The control unit 8 (Fig. 2) includes a milliammeter RA, a transistor V13, a speaker, a switch "Channel 1", "Channel 2", "B", "F".

Switches "F" and "B" provide switching of controlled values ​​of frequency and induction of pulses of the electromagnetic field for each of the channels. The speaker is used for audible signaling of the device operation for the convenience of the operating personnel.

The timer includes a trigger D6.2, a binary counter D3, a decimal counter with a decoder at the output D5, three inverters (D4.1, D4.2, D4.3), "Start" and "Procedure time" switches.

Switch "Start" trigger D6.2 is set to log. "0", allowing counters D3, D5 to work. The signal from the output of the generator, built on the element DA1, is fed to the input of the binary counter D3. As a result, every 2.5 minutes, a positive drop is supplied to the counter with a decoder D5 through the inverter D4.1, and the log "T" level is set at the first output of the counter D5 after 5 minutes, and the log "0" levels are set at the other outputs. the subsequent positive drop at the counting input shifts the level of log "1" to the next output, and in its place the level of log "0" is set. This continues until a positive drop from one of the outputs of the counter comes through the switch "Procedure time "to the counting input of the trigger D6.2, which switches to the state of the log. "1". Thus, the operation of the counters D3, D5 is blocked, and they are set to their initial zero state.

Inductors L1 and L2 (blocks 6 and 7, Fig. 2) are remote coils that are connected through a connector to the outputs of power amplifiers and provide an electromagnetic field induction from 0 to 30 mT.

The complex of technical and clinical tests carried out in the physiotherapy departments of various clinics allows us to conclude that the magnetostimulator is highly effective in the treatment of a wide class of diseases. The absence of side effects and contraindications to the use of magnetic therapy in clinical practice, the low cost of operating the device, the absence of consumables, the high degree of electrical safety, the absence of direct contact with the patient's body and, therefore, the exclusion of the possibility of transferring infections determine the broad prospects for the development of this area of ​​physiotherapy.


1. Samosyuk I.Z., Fisenko L.I., Chukhraev N.V., Uzhov S.A., Shimko G.E. Electropuncture diagnostics. Issue. 1.- K.: JSC Ukrprofzdravnitsa, 1997.-206s.

2. Application of artificial magnetic fields in experimental and clinical medicine. Part 1. Mechanisms of influence and responses of a living organism.: Reviews of electronic technology. Microwave electronics / Yu.M. Raigorodsky, V.F. Goryainov, Yu.A. Kudrin and others - M .: Central Research Institute of Electronics, 1987. Issue 4 (1249).

3. Samosyuk I.Z., Chukhraev N.V., Shimkov G.E., Bitson A.V. Therapy with electromagnetic waves of the millimeter range. Issue. 1.2.-K.: NMC Medical innovative technologies, 1999 .- 216s.

Everything rests on the electronic bonds of atoms, electrons, protons, etc. But the human body itself also produces electrical signals that control our well-being. Violation of electrical connections in the body causes disease. On the principle of restoration of connections in the human body, the whole teaching of ancient Chinese medicine is based on the impact on biologically active points (zhen-jiu therapy). Modern medicine and the development of electronics have added various forms of reflexology to this teaching. These are laser, magnetic, light, sound and many other types of therapy. Most of them directed locally (locally) affect the painful areas of the body.

The proposed device generates pulses of a magnetic field of low power. The scheme of the device is given in Figure 1.

The device consists of three functional blocks - a generator, a shaper and a current amplifier. The generator is assembled according to the multivibrator circuit on the elements DD1.1, DD1.2. The short pulse shaper consists of a differentiating chain C2, R4 and elements DD1.3, DD1.4. The current amplifier is assembled on transistors VT1, VT2 operating in the key mode. Diode VD1 is necessary to protect transistors from breakdown by self-induction currents. The LED can be taken of the AL307 type or any other, by reducing the value of the resistor R7 to 2 k. But with such a replacement, the current consumption will increase.

The electromagnet has a winding resistance of at least 20 ohms. The electromagnet coil is wound on a frame with an inner diameter of 10 mm and an outer 20 mm wire PEV-2 0.22. You can take a spool ready from threads, but always wooden. Winding until the frame is filled. The last winding layer, together with soldered flexible wires about 50 cm long, is wrapped with electrical tape. A magnetic circuit is inserted into the hole of the coil - a core made of mild steel, for example, steel 3. As a core for a coil taken from threads, an M10 bolt without a head is screwed in well. The device is assembled in a suitable box, where the frequency controller, LED, battery type 6F22 (Krona) are installed. The wire from the magnet is connected to the device with a stereo connector, which simultaneously functions as a power switch. At the first turn on, the change in the frequency of switching on the LED is controlled when the frequency regulator is rotated. The operation of the magnet can be checked if you bring it to the screen of a color TV - this is safe. Shadows should appear on the screen in sync with the LED flashes.

The PCB drawing is shown in Figure 2.

ATTENTION! It is forbidden to use the device for people who have electromechanical pacemakers! During the operation of the device, the magnet is brought to the painful joint with a magnetic circuit and slow circular movements are made. Exposure time up to 30 minutes. The frequency of the generator is set to the minimum, controlling them by the flashes of the LED. If the pain does not subside, the frequency of generation is slowly increased. At the same time, it must be remembered that a high frequency is designed to break down salt deposits, so the pain may increase for a while.

This device can be used in the treatment of fractures and wound healing, as well as toothache.

Another application of this device is the treatment of seeds before planting. A magnet is placed on the seed box for 30 seconds, the pulse frequency is minimal. Long-term practice of seed treatment has shown good seedling vitality, increased resistance to diseases and larger fruits. Although in the first phase, until the true leaf, the plant is delayed in growth, in the subsequent it overtakes the "untreated" seedlings. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it when processing with a magnet.


1. Device for local magnetotherapy.- Radio, 1995, 12, p. 58.

As one of the methods of physiotherapy, today it is very widely used in the complex therapy of a number of diseases. Its effectiveness has been proven and is regularly confirmed by the reviews of grateful patients who note an improvement in their condition after undergoing a course of such physiotherapy. Magnetic therapy devices are available in physiotherapy rooms of polyclinics and hospitals.

But, unfortunately, not every one of us has the opportunity to visit these rooms every day, for, say, two weeks. There are many reasons for this - lack of time (a sick leave certificate is not issued to patients with any pathology, and it is quite problematic to take time off from work every day), material difficulties (medicine is not always free with us) and others. And here devices for conducting magnetotherapy at home come to the aid of patients. Yes, often they are not as effective as those that are in the arsenal of medical professionals, however, they are quite capable of eliminating a number of symptoms that are unpleasant for you.

It is about magnetotherapy carried out at home, about contraindications to such physiotherapy, about devices that can be used for this purpose, we will tell in this article. But first, let's talk briefly about the types of magnetotherapy and the effects that such effects have on the human body.

Magnetotherapy - what is it?

Magnetotherapy involves the use of a constant, low-frequency or alternating magnetic field for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Unlike high-frequency, these types of fields do not have a pronounced thermal effect. The main parameter that characterizes the action of a magnetic field is magnetic induction (the second name is magnetic flux density). Its unit of measurement is the tesla (T).

Treatment with a permanent magnetic field

A constant magnetic field (abbreviated as PMF) is a stable value. At a particular point in space, it has constant characteristics, that is, it does not change in magnitude, time or direction. Its sources are permanent magnets or electromagnets with ferromagnetic cores.

Under the influence of PMP:

  • metabolic, reparative (restorative) and other physiological processes are activated;
  • the activity of enzymes changes (some increase, others, on the contrary, decrease);
  • improves blood microcirculation, supply of cells with nutrients;
  • the work of immunocompetent organs (lymph nodes, spleen, thymus) improves;
  • the functions of the autonomic nervous system are normalized;
  • processes of braking in bark of big hemispheres amplify.

PMP has the following effects on the patient's body:

  • reduces inflammation and swelling;
  • improves tissue nutrition at the site of exposure;
  • regulates the processes of blood coagulation;
  • activates the processes of repair and regeneration.

According to the data of the World Health Organization (Geneva, 1992), PMF with a value of up to 2.5 T does not have a damaging effect on the tissues of the human body.


  • phlebitis,;
  • slow healing ulcers;
  • joint diseases (inflammatory and dystrophic nature).


  • increased bleeding;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • pacemaker.

Low frequency magnetotherapy

In medicine, various types of low-frequency magnetic fields are used:

  • pulsating;
  • variable;
  • rotating;
  • running.

Their magnetic induction is not more than 50 mT.

The cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems are most sensitive to such effects. A low-frequency magnetic field accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses along the fibers, increases their excitability, normalizes the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, reduces vascular tone, activates blood flow, improves blood supply to tissues and the delivery of nutrients to them, normalizes the functions of the blood coagulation system, stimulates regeneration processes and the functioning of the internal glands. secretions. A number of studies confirm the antitumor effect of a rotating magnetic field on melanoma and breast carcinoma.

The effects of this type of exposure:

  • reduces inflammation and swelling;
  • improves tissue nutrition;
  • reduces blood clotting;
  • anesthetizes;
  • activates repair processes in damaged tissues;
  • modulates the functions of the immune system.


  • burns, sluggish wounds, trophic ulcers;
  • phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, PTFS,;
  • strokes, encephalopathy, consequences of TBI;
  • neuritis,;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system of degenerative-dystrophic, inflammatory and traumatic nature;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • dental diseases;
  • initial stages of hypertension;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • lymphostasis;
  • malignant neoplasms - both before and after surgery, in combination with other methods of treatment - chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • radiation sickness;
  • asthenoneurotic syndrome;
  • , eczema, neurodermatitis, furunculosis.

Contraindications are:

  • low blood pressure;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute period;
  • IHD in combination with arrhythmias;
  • bleeding;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • implanted pacemaker;
  • malignant neoplasms (with the exception of complex treatment of their individual types);
  • elevated body temperature.

High Intensity Pulsed Magnetic Therapy

The essence of this method of treatment is the impact on the patient's body of a pulsed magnetic field.

Pulsed magnetotherapy improves microcirculation and local blood flow, activates the processes of regeneration and metabolism, has a powerful analgesic effect, eliminates tissue swelling, reduces inflammation, and has a pronounced neurostimulating and myostimulating effect.


  • strokes, TIA, consequences of TBI;
  • neuritis, polyneuropathy, plexitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • joint diseases of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic nature;
  • trophic ulcers, sluggish wounds, carbuncles, boils, mastitis, phlegmon;
  • chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the digestive tract associated with a decrease in their motility;
  • chronic, pancreatitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • urolithiasis, atony of the bladder, weakness of the sphincter and detrusor,;
  • chronic adnexitis, reduced ovarian function;
  • sexual disorders in men;
  • , pain after the installation of the seal.


  • pronounced decrease in blood pressure;
  • blood diseases;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • tendency to develop thromboembolism;
  • bone fractures before immobilization;
  • nodular goiter;
  • phlegmon and abscesses before surgery;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • epilepsy;
  • pacemaker;
  • the presence in the body of foreign metal bodies, freely lying in the tissues.

This type of exposure is not prescribed for the region of the heart, eyes and brain.

Magnetotherapy at home - is it possible?

Before starting a course of magnetotherapy at home, you must visit your doctor.

Yes, it is possible to conduct magnetotherapy sessions at home. But first you need to get the permission of the attending physician and physiotherapist, who, based on your underlying and concomitant diseases, will determine the need for this type of therapy and help you choose the appropriate device, technique, frequency and duration of the course of treatment.

Important Points

When receiving magnetotherapy, you should follow a few important rules:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not conduct sessions on an empty or, conversely, full stomach;
  • carry out procedures regularly, always at the same time, after the session, rest for 30-60 minutes;
  • conduct sessions only when you feel satisfactory, take into account contraindications - acute infectious diseases with high body temperature, low blood pressure and others (read above);
  • do not carry out procedures after taking psychotropic or sedative drugs, against the background of physical or mental overwork.

Magnetic therapy devices

The following magnetotherapy devices can be recommended for home use:

  1. ALMAG-01. This is a portable device, the healing factor of which is a pulsed traveling magnetic field. It penetrates into the patient's tissues to the optimal depth, where it exerts its effects - anesthetizes, reduces inflammation, and improves tissue nutrition. Patients receiving a course of treatment for them note the possibility of reducing the amount and dose of painkillers, in addition, during therapy, their working capacity increases and their mood improves. The device is easy to use, because it has small dimensions and a flat shape. The only inconvenience is that it only works from the power supply - there are no options for batteries or accumulators. The price of the device is about 10 thousand rubles.
  2. ALMAG-02. Designed for local treatment of many diseases with a traveling and pulsed magnetic field. By the way, it penetrates deeper than in devices of a similar action - this allows ALMAG-02 to be used in rather complex cases of pathologies. The set of the device includes the main emitter and the emitting flexible ruler. In its second version, there is also a local emitter. The device provides about 80 pre-configured exposure programs, and each emitter has a number of functions peculiar to it and is used on certain areas of the human body. It is easy to use, easy to move from place to place. The disadvantage of the device for many consumers is its price - 45-55 thousand rubles.
  3. MAG 30. A portable device for conducting low-frequency magnetotherapy sessions with an alternating magnetic field. At the end of the last century, it was successfully tested in several clinics in Moscow. It does not have an intense effect on the neuroendocrine system, so it can be used for a long time in the treatment of chronic diseases. Its approximate cost is 4-5 thousand rubles.
  4. MAG 30-04. According to the characteristics, it is almost similar to the MAG 30 device. The difference is in the manufacturer - MAG 30 is produced in Russia, MAG 30-04 is produced in Ukraine. The price of this device is almost 2 times lower than its counterpart, it varies between 1.5-2 thousand rubles.
  5. AMT-01. The therapeutic factor in this device is a low-frequency alternating magnetic field. Therapy is well tolerated by children and the elderly, with various concomitant diseases, as well as debilitated patients. Passed clinical trials in several medical institutions of the Republic of Belarus. In more than 80% of patients, a positive effect of therapy was noted. The device is light and compact, you can easily take it with you on the road. For convenience of operation it is equipped with a belt. The price of the device is more than affordable - about 2 thousand rubles.
  6. MAGOFON-01. This device combines the impact on the patient's body of two physical factors at once - an alternating magnetic field and acoustic vibrations. Microvibrations act at the cellular level, normalizing physiological and biochemical processes in cells, while the magnetic field fully exerts all the effects listed in the previous sections. It is used for both acute and chronic diseases. Approved for use in children over 1 year of age. The clinical effectiveness of the device has been confirmed by a number of tests. The positive effect of such therapy is noticeable almost from the first sessions. The price is relatively high compared to many magnetotherapy devices, it is about 8-10 thousand rubles.

An acquaintance complained of pain in the back and joints and said that the doctor advised him to take a course of magnetotherapy. A friend did not have time to travel regularly from the district to the regional clinic. I decided to help out a friend and made a simple but useful device for him.

It took: 4 neodymium magnets 10x10x10 mm a motor from a children's toy a 9 V power supply with a regulator (or without it) a round metal platform (you can use a can lid) a plastic box and a square plate made of duralumin.


Prepared a drawing of the device (see figure on page 11). I drilled five holes in the stainless steel plate: four in the corners for the bolts, and one in the center.

In the middle of the square, I fixed the motor with small screws and fixed a platform with magnets on its shaft (photo 1). I connected the power supply to the engine (photo 2).

The finished assembly was screwed with non-magnet bolts to the plastic case (photo 3) according to the drawing.

The round platform must have a rim of at least 1 mm, as loose magnets may come off during rotation.

The use of neodymium magnet for back treatment

The device must be connected to the network and applied to the painful area (photo 4). Set the desired frequency of rotation of the platform with magnets using the power regulator on the block. The procedure is carried out for 10-15 minutes.

Advantages of a homemade healing magnet

  1. The ability to work from a low-power autonomous power source (you can use a krone battery).
  2. Durability (super soft mode of the engine).
  3. Ease of operation.

Note: What is the use of a neodymium magnet?

The greatest impact on humans is attributed to neodymium magnets: they have the chemical formula NdFeB (neodymium - iron - boron). One of their advantages is the ability to combine small size and strong magnetic field.

A neodymium magnet with a strength of 200 Gauss* weighs about 1g, while an ordinary iron magnet with the same strength weighs 10g. There is another advantage: such magnets are quite stable and can retain their magnetic properties for many hundreds of years.

Neodymium magnets improve blood circulation, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent migraines.

The use of devices based on neodymium magnets is contraindicated: for people with pacemakers, with heart failure and arrhythmias, with tuberculosis and mental disorders, after a stroke, with exhaustion and blood diseases, with oncology, during pregnancy, as well as children under 2 years of age.

Before using various devices, especially home-made, it is better to consult a doctor.

Viktor Porkhun, physiotherapist

Do-it-yourself neodymium magnet for back treatment - photo and diagram

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If you or your loved ones suffer from joint pain from salt deposits (polyarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis), then try using the proposed device.
Everything in the world is held together by the electronic bonds of atoms, electrons, protons, etc. But the human body itself also produces electrical signals that control our well-being. Violation of electrical connections in the body causes disease. On the principle of restoration of connections in the human body, the whole teaching of ancient Chinese medicine is based on the impact on biologically active points (zhen-jiu therapy). Modern medicine and the development of electronics have added various forms of reflexology to this teaching. These are laser, magnetic, light, sound and many other types of therapy. Most of them locally affect painful areas of the body.

The proposed device (Fig. 1) generates low-power magnetic field pulses. The device consists of three functional blocks: a generator, a shaper and a current amplifier. The generator is assembled according to the multivibrator circuit on the elements DD1.1 and DD1.2. The short pulse shaper consists of a differentiating chain C2R4 and elements DD1.3, DD1.4. The current amplifier is assembled on transistors VT1, VT2 operating in the key mode. Diode VD1 is necessary to protect transistors from breakdown by self-induction currents. The LED can be used type AL307 or any other by reducing the resistance of the resistor R7 to 2 kOhm. But with such a replacement, the current consumption will increase.

The electromagnet has a winding resistance of at least 20 ohms. The electromagnet coil is wound on a frame with an inner diameter of 10 mm and an outer diameter of 20 mm with PEB-2 0.22 wire. You can take a ready-made (necessarily wooden) spool of thread and wind the wire around it until it is completely filled. The last winding layer, together with soldered flexible wires about 50 cm long, is wrapped with electrical tape. A magnetic circuit is inserted into the hole of the coil - a core made of mild steel, for example, grade 3. As a core for a coil taken from threads, you can use an M10 bolt without a head. The device is assembled in a suitable box, where a frequency regulator, an LED, a 6F22 battery (“Krona”) are installed. The wire from the magnet is connected to the device with a stereo connector, which simultaneously acts as a power switch. At the first turn on, the change in the frequency of switching on the LED is controlled when the frequency regulator is rotated. The operation of the magnet can be checked if you bring it to the screen of a color TV - this is safe. Shadows should appear on the screen in sync with the LED flashes. The PCB drawing is shown in Figure 2. Attention! It is forbidden to use the device for people who have electromechanical pacemakers! During the operation of the device, the magnet is brought to the painful joint with a magnetic circuit and slow circular movements are made. Burden of exposure up to 30 min. The frequency of the generator is set to the minimum, controlling it by the flashes of the LED. If the pain does not subside, the frequency of generation is slowly increased. At the same time, it must be remembered that a high frequency is designed to break down salt deposits, so the pain may increase for a while.

This device can be used in the treatment of fractures and wound healing, as well as toothache.
Another application of this device is seed treatment before planting. A magnet is placed on the box with seeds for 30 s, the pulse frequency is minimal. Long-term practice of seed treatment showed good seedling survivability, increased resistance to diseases and fruit size. Although in the first phase, until the true leaf, the plant is stunted, in the subsequent it overtakes the seedlings that were not treated with a magnet. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

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