Communication range of the radio station on the panther m10 tank. Review of Panther M10 in WoT. Now about the cons

Panther/M10 - premium medium tank seventh level and belongs to the German nation. In reality, it is a disguised American car an ordinary Panther, as reflected in the name. In the game, this is actually a Panther without the famous “fishing rod” (exact breaching gun), which is compensated by a lower level of combat and slightly improved vertical aiming angles. The premium Panther costs 5750 gold (4025 for the promotion), is this an adequate price? Let's figure it out.

Mediocre booking

The armor of the premium Panther, like its upgraded counterpart, is mediocre: the upper frontal part is 85 mm thick and can be penetrated by almost everyone, although it is located at an angle. It is impossible to mount a tank in a diamond shape from thin sides (50 mm); the Panther generally easily breaks through the skating rink. The lower frontal part is generally sewn at any angle.

Tier seven premium medium tank Panther-M10 gun German branch It cannot be called good and the stabilization is average.

The thickness of the forehead of the tower is 100 mm, while most of projections are covered with a mask. In general, the turret of a premium Panther cannot be called impenetrable, but sometimes it can really be used for tanking. At the same time, they are good compared to most others. German cars vertical aiming angles: the gun lowers by 8 degrees and rises by 20. On gentle hills, only a relatively strong turret forehead can be positioned to fire, this is a serious plus.

In reality, the tank is a Panther disguised as an American car. In the game, this is actually a Panther without the famous “fishing rod”, an accurate penetrating gun

The tank “glows”

But the size of the premium Panther is a serious drawback: it, like its pumpable counterpart, is almost larger than some heavy tanks, so it glows well, and it’s not difficult to hit it. The dynamics are also not encouraging: the maximum speed is limited to 46 km/h, power density slightly exceeds 15 hp per ton. The situation is greatly complicated by the weak ground resistance of the chassis, because of which the premium Panther picks up speed extremely slowly and does not turn well in place.

The gun can’t be called good either: 150 mm penetration with a conventional projectile (194 mm “gold” sub-caliber), 135 units of one-time damage. Damage per minute of 1800 units also cannot be called outstanding, but it is also not frankly bad for a medium tank of the seventh level. Accuracy is acceptable (0.35), convergence is fairly standard (2.3 seconds).

The premium Panther-M10 vehicle is universal: you can shoot from afar, or engage in close combat by ramming the enemy.

Stabilization is quite average, you can only shoot on the move in close combat, but this standard situation for medium tanks of this level. In general, this weapon is “semi-stock” on a pumped-up Panther, but a serious advantage of a premium vehicle is the limited level of combat, although it can be very difficult to penetrate eights with its help even with “gold” ammunition.

You drive more slowly...

Thus, the result is a hefty, lightly armored barn with mediocre mobility, all in the best German traditions. Perhaps one of the few advantages is the large reserve of health (1300 units), this is really a lot for a medium tank of the seventh level. A view of 350 meters can hardly be called good. The mass reaches 46 tons, so light tanks and many medium ones can be rammed quite successfully. The premium Panther has a large ammunition load: 82 rounds.

In general, the overall characteristics do not inspire enthusiasm: the premium Panther moves slowly, glows well, has difficulty penetrating many enemies, and some enemies may simply not notice the one-time damage of 135 units. Only the preferential level of battles saves you from disappointment: the premium Panther does not see nines at all, and eights are relatively rare. At the top of the list, this machine can often “drag battles.”

Its frontal armor can be a problem for the fifth and sometimes sixth levels, especially if you wisely use good elevation angles and place the upper frontal part at an angle. Even if you get hit, you have a large margin of safety of 1300 units, which runs out rather slowly in battles with fives and sixes. Often you can simply trade with your opponent.


In general, the premium Panther is universal machine: good accuracy allows you to shoot from afar, you can also engage in close combat, and it’s good to damage the enemy with a ram. The vertical aiming angles are a little less than American or British, but on hilly terrain the premium Panther feels relatively comfortable.

Fights with eights can be a real challenge: even with “gold” shells it will be difficult to penetrate many vehicles head-on. Poor dynamics are sometimes simply not enough to outflank the enemy. At the same time, the armor of a premium Panther is worthless in such battles; it can be penetrated directly into the turret from almost any angle. Here we can only advise you to stay with large group allies and not to push too far forward. In such battles, it is often necessary to save a margin of safety; it can come in handy at the end of the battle.

The classic German vehicle is huge, poorly maneuverable and poorly armored. You need to play Panther carefully!

As for equipment, it’s difficult to recommend anything other than a standard set of rammer, aiming drives and coated optics. In the choice of equipment, everything is also standard: repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. Since this is a premium vehicle, you will most likely be transferring crew from another tank. By the way, there are five tankers: commander, gunner, loader, driver and radio operator.

Premium Purchase

Do I need to buy a premium Panther, is it worth the money? Here, of course, everything depends on your personal preferences, but it’s worth saying right away that this is not “imba” and it does not have any “fun gameplay”. Actually it's quite weak tank for its level, which is why the premium Panther has a preferential level of battles. In addition, this is a classic German vehicle: large, not very maneuverable and relatively lightly armored. You often need to play it carefully; few people like this kind of gameplay.

But if you are a fan of this kind of gameplay, then you will like the premium Panther. If not, then a premium Panther may be suitable as a cheap (relative to premium tier 8 tanks) farming vehicle, although, naturally, it is far from being a premium 8 tank. But for the same (or slightly more) money it is better to take another seventh level vehicle (say, SU-122-44). You can also purchase a premium Panther as a trainer for German crews from medium tanks. But now the T-25 will be the most effective in this regard, there are good bonuses to the crew’s experience, because the T-25 is at the fifth level.

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The M10 Panther is a regular Panther tank disguised as American self-propelled guns"Wulverine" to participate in the German offensive on the Western Front. IN game World of Tanks was introduced in update 0.8.1. October 25, 2012.

Panther M10 is the most cheap premium tank level 7. It costs only 5750 gold coins, but has the same farming coefficient as same-level gold tanks. It is because of this that it is popular, despite its not very high combat characteristics.

Advantages of the Panther in WoT

The main advantage of the Panther M10 is the well-armored front of the turret. In combination with good UVNs(-8°) this makes it possible to tank well through the tower and regularly get “Steel Wall” and “Equanimous”.

An important role in each battle is played by the fact that the M10 Panther has as many as 1300 hit points. This is the same as a regular Panther. The highest rate among level 7 STs. With so much HP, this tank can survive even in the hottest battles.

It also gives a certain advantage preferential level of battles. It evens out the low penetration at least a little armor-piercing shells and makes it possible not to load sabots in 75-80% of battles. Next is our Guide to Panther M10 will tell you about the shortcomings.


The main disadvantage of the German ST is the cannon. Despite its good accuracy (0.35) and stabilization, it has very low penetration (150mm) and one-time damage (135 units). This is the 2nd lowest indicator on the level. Penetration is less only for English tank"Comets" (by 1 mm). Because of this, the tank cannot play “seesaw” with other CTs and penetrate half of the TTs of its level head-on. But all this is at least somehow compensated by a good rate of fire. It is 13 rounds per minute, and with the rammer, ventilation and the upgraded crew skill “Combat Brotherhood” it reaches 14-15. With such indicators, the DPM is 1800-2000 units, which is considered sufficient high rate at the level.

Another one weak side The camouflaged Panther is a weakly protected body. Even armor plates placed at rational angles do not save the German cat from being penetrated by shells from almost all tanks encountered. Together with the engine located in front, this makes the Panther M10 one of the most critical tanks at its level and forces the driver to upgrade the “cleanliness and order” skill.

Quite surprising is the fact that the Panther M10 has a visibility of only 350 meters. This detection range is typical for Soviet tanks, but not for the Germans. Such short review forces the panther to actively interact with other tanks or install equipment that increases it.

5 years and 9 months ago Comments: 1

From the history

In preparation for the Ardennes operation, several Panthers were disguised as M10 tank destroyers in the 150th tank brigade, the purpose of which was to carry out combat and sabotage operations behind Allied lines. On February 21, 1945, camouflaged Panthers met with units of the 120th American Infantry Regiment. One vehicle was destroyed, three were abandoned by the crews and fell into American hands.

A little about the tank itself

This premium, medium tank of the 7th level with a preferential level of battles (7-8 lvl).


Our tank is not very good for level 7, the armor in the forehead is 85mm. The sides are 50mm. Well, there’s nothing to say about the feed; everyone’s feed is 40mm cardboard. Now about the tower. The turret is also poorly armored, 100mm in the forehead. The sides are 45mm. Rear 45mm. But the tower has its advantages! There is a screen in the forehead of the tower! Which can even withstand a shot from such a tank as (premium tank level 8), the penetration of which is 248mm! So the armor of the tank is not good except for the front turret. But sometimes they can break through it (the tower).

A gun

Our gun is quite sad. Penetration is 150mm. And the power supply is 198mm. But as I wrote above that it has a preferential level of battles, then this penetration is enough for us to penetrate all tanks of the 7th level. And with a power supply, you can forget about the problem of breaking through the same TigerI.

Mobility and maneuverability

Mobility for a level 7 CT is average, as the tank has a maximum speed of 46 km/h. But this is quite enough in urban areas. The tank's maneuverability is now better, since the chassis rotation speed is 38 degrees/s. This is enough for you to spin all the heavy tanks.

Pulling out

on a tank it’s not so easy, because if you set yourself up a little wrong, that’s it, goodbye earth. Below you can see a photo of how to properly pull out a tank.

But you can pull out a tank not only through this method, you can also use a caterpillar, just present the enemy with only the caterpillar, nothing more, also look at how this is done in the photo below.

What additional equipment should I supply?

  • Rammer
  • Reinforced aiming drives
  • Ventilation

What equipment to put

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • A hand-held fire extinguisher (since the tank does not burn very often, in my 22 battles I have never burned on the sides or stern).

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the pros:

  • Preferential level of battles
  • The most a large number of strength among ST level 7
  • Good
  • Good maneuverability
  • Weighs 45.96 tons, which allows you to ram even some level 7 TTs
  • Good screens in the forehead of the tower

Now about the cons:

  • Small review
  • BB penetration is not enough to break through 8th levels
  • Weak armor on the front of the hull
  • Poor Elevation Angles (Elevation Angles)
  • Large sizes means that art will hit us more often

What perks to download for the crew

To the commander: sixth sense, repair, eagle eye further at your discretion.
Gunner: repair, smooth rotation of the turret, sniper further at his discretion.
Driver mechanic: repair, virtuoso, off-road master further at his discretion.
Radio operator: repair, radio interception, the inventor further at his discretion.
Charging: repair, non-contact ammunition storage, intuition further at your discretion.

Bottom line

In our hangar there is a premium tank with a preferential level of battles, so you should take advantage of it! Yes, the speed and gun of the tank are not the best, but this is quite enough with skillful hands! Should I buy it or not? you ask. Personally, I didn’t buy it, I won it through a promotion. Based on my 22 fights, I can say for sure that he is good only and only in capable hands! I ride it mediocrely, I’m not using the right word, but I just ride it for farming. As for farming, the tank is good for farming; on average, it brings 20,000 silver per battle. So if you have a little money and want to spend it by buying some premium tank and farming, then buy it! I hope you liked mine

Today we'll talk about average German tank Level 7, which is premium. Let's find out the history of its creation, compare it with the original Panther and give some tips on playing on this machine.

Historical reference

In the fall of 1944, Hitler planned a full-scale offensive on the Western Front to separate the British and American troops. The operation was called "Wacht am Rhein". The essence of the operation was that the German commander, disguised as an American, would pass enemy checkpoints and capture strategically important bridges across the Meuse River.

Otto Skorzeny (the most famous German saboteur, SS Obersturmbannführer, who became famous during the Second World War for his special operations) was appointed to command the operation. His unit was called Panzer Brigade 150 and would have included 3,300 men, 15 Sherman tanks, 32 American armored vehicles, 198 trucks and 147 jeeps. But, unfortunately, such a quantity captured equipment Germany didn't have it. Only 2,500 entered the battle personnel and a limited number of tanks and assault guns. Several tanks in the unit were the Panther Ausf. G heavily modified to look like American M-10 Wolverine tank destroyers.

Comparison of Panther/M10 with the original Pz.Kpfw. V Panther


Panther/M10 (Germany)

Pz.Kpfw. V Panther (Germany)


Engine power (hp)

700 hp

750 hp

Maximum speed(km/h)

Turning speed (deg/sec)

38 °/s

28 °/s

Hull armor (front/sides/stern in mm)

Turret armor (front/sides/rear in mm)

Basic projectile damage

Armor penetration with basic projectile (mm)

Gun rate (rounds/min)

13.33 min -1

12.5 min -1

Turret rotation speed (deg/sec)

Communication range (m)


  • Good safety margin
  • Excellent accuracy and rate of fire
  • Premium Bonuses


  • Weak armor
  • Poor acceleration dynamics of the tank
  • Vulnerability of modules and increased chance of tank fire

Panther/M10 armor scheme

The thickness of the upper armor plate is 85 mm at a good angle. The lower armor plate is less armored, the thickness is 50 mm, but the angle of inclination is also greater. The armor in the front of the turret is 100 mm and the gun mantlet is also 100 mm. The forehead of the tower is very difficult to penetrate for tanks up to level 8. It makes sense to hide your body behind various obstacles, such as cars, houses, garbage.

The rear of the tank is poorly armored. The thickness of the armor is 40 mm, and the sides are 50 mm. The rear of the turret is not much better, 45 mm of armor.

You think why there are no screens for the towers, because the model has them. The answer is simple. The developers simply did not add additional armor to the tank and there are simply no such armor plates in the hitboxes.

The Panther/M10 is an excellent example of a support tank. Alone, we cannot break through or defy the direction, so you should always stay close to your allies. We can perfectly help break through or protect a direction. The rate of fire allows us to easily take out any modules from an enemy tank. The most effective thing is to keep the enemy at a distance by knocking down his tracks. Thus, giving the allies time to reload so that they can destroy the enemy.

Another example of playing this tank is to catch enemy fireflies. To do this, you should take an advantageous position, but not far from your base, and wait. If this is a “disposable” firefly, then it will immediately go to our artillery in the center. You can kill him with ease, having good accuracy and rate of fire.

Any tank above level 7 will dismantle us head-on, so I strongly recommend staying in the second line of allied attack.

Crew skills

  1. The first thing for the entire crew, except for the commander (sixth sense), is repairs.
  2. Second skill - camouflage
  3. The third skill is individual for each crew member
    Commander - Repair
    Gunner - Smooth turret rotation
    Mech-water - Smooth running
    Loader - Desperate
  4. Fourth skill - Combat brotherhood

Consumables and modules

Modules: rammer, vertical stabilizer and coated optics.

Equipment: a small repair kit, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, because you know that the Germans burn like matches.

Cost: 5750 game gold (approx. 764 rubles)

We bring to your attention two videos in which you will clearly see how to play this tank correctly.

Panther/M10 - Cheerleader from the player Amway921

VOD Panther-M10, you can push off from the Bottom. - Vspishka

The Panther/M10 is a premium medium tank that is at tier seven and belongs to the German nation. In reality, this tank was a disguised American tank Panther, but in the game it is a premium vehicle with a reduced level of combat, that is, you will not see the ninth levels on it, although already the eighth level vehicles for the premium Panther are a serious problem.

So, let's start with the weapon. The KwK L/70 with a caliber of 75 mm cannot be called outstanding for the seventh level, although, by the way, it looks good at the sixth. A penetration of 150 mm with a conventional projectile will often not be enough for well-armored targets, and sub-caliber weapons with a penetration of 194 mm are not of much use: reduced normalization greatly reduces the gain in penetration, which also decreases greatly with distance.

The one-time damage is only 135 units, although the rate of fire is quite high: a little over 13 rounds per minute. The spread is 0.35, and mixing takes 2.3 seconds. These are fairly standard figures for a tier seven medium tank. Low one-time damage forces you to maintain constant fire contact with the enemy, and in such cases, armor becomes critically important.

The thickness of the upper frontal part is 85 mm, and it is located at an angle. If you rotate the hull, then with a little luck the upper frontal part can withstand hits from the guns of single-tier medium tanks. But the sides are only 50 mm, so they break through even at a large angle. There is as much as 100 mm in the turret forehead; in general, it holds up well to impact. The sides and rear of the turret are 45 mm thick, so they can be penetrated by absolutely everyone.

A serious advantage of the premium Panther compared to the upgraded one is its good vertical aiming angles: the gun goes down by 8 degrees, which is not so much compared to the same Americans, but for most German vehicles it is almost ideal. If you play correctly on hills (show only the turret forehead and the upper frontal part at a large angle for shooting), then most opponents will have serious problems causing you damage.

But the premium Panther cannot boast of good dynamics: the maximum speed is only 46 km/h, the specific power is generally only 15 hp. per ton. Even some heavy tanks can have almost as much. But the Panther/M10 spins in place quite well: the rotation speed of the chassis is 38 degrees per second. But, in general, the dynamics make a rather depressing impression; sometimes the premium Panther can hardly be called a medium tank at all due to its low speed.

Review too strong point is not and is only 350 meters. Due to its rather large size and poor visibility, the Panther/M10 cannot effectively shine like many other medium tanks. Many opponents will notice you before you notice them. What can we say about tank destroyers, which have a class bonus to camouflage when stationary, and light tanks, which have the smallest dimensions in the game.
But the safety margin is as much as 1300 units. For example, the Soviet heavy tank IS with a top-end turret has a safety margin of only 1230 units! Of course, the IS is a rather specific vehicle that combines the features of medium and heavy tanks, but in any case, the premium Panther has the largest margin of safety among vehicles of this class and level. This allows you to get 1-2 more penetrations and increases the likelihood of survival in battle.

Now let's move on to a review of the most preferred game tactics. Overall, the Panther/M10 is a fairly standard medium tank, although it does have a few quirks. First of all, these are rather large sizes, because of which they will see you from a great distance, and it can be very difficult to hide behind separate shelters.

If possible, you should ride with medium tanks and support their rush. The maximum speed of the premium Panther is not too high, but you are unlikely to lag behind your allies. Armor in the forehead, in general, sometimes only saves you from shots from single-tier medium tanks and many lower-tier vehicles. But the enemy can still target the lower frontal part, and the premium Panther can penetrate there even with tanks of the fifth level.
You should be wary of artillery: the Panther/M10 cannot be called a dynamic vehicle, so a skilled artillery commander can hit you from a long distance even while moving. All this is aggravated by the rather large size of the tank. Don’t forget that there is actually no side armor, so high-explosive fragmentation projectile will deal full damage.

But the premium Panther feels good on hilly terrain, which distinguishes it from most other German cars. On gentle hills, you can only show the front of the turret for a shot, which even tanks of the eighth level cannot penetrate. If the hill is not very flat and you have to expose part of the hull, then you should drive out in such a way that the enemy can only hit the upper frontal part at a large angle.

Equipment required for installation is a medium-caliber gun rammer and reinforced aiming drives. Unfortunately, since the Panther/M10 is a level seven tank, it is impossible to install a vertical stabilizer, but it would be very useful. There is no complete certainty about the third slot. Coated optics are not very effective due to mediocre basic vision. If the crew is pumped up the Brotherhood of War, then improved ventilation would be a good choice. If the crew is completely inexperienced and their repairs have not been upgraded, then you can put a toolbox.
The choice of perks for the crew is standard for a medium tank: the sixth sense for the commander and repair for the rest of the tankers are of paramount importance. The second perk you can take is the fighting brotherhood. The camouflage skill is not very useful due to the large size of the premium Panther, so it should be upgraded third or even fourth.
According to the glorious German tradition, the transmission is located at the front, so the engine is often damaged when the lower frontal part is pierced. Therefore, it is advisable for the driver to learn the skill of cleanliness and order, and you should not exchange a standard fire extinguisher for a chocolate bar. You need to carry a first aid kit and repair kit with you in any case, they criticize internal modules and tankers are often injured.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the Panther/M10 cannot be called popular tank, you can rarely find her in random battles. Many are scared away big sizes and mediocre gun penetration. Indeed, against the eight levels, the premium Panther looks rather faded, but it is very often thrown into the top, to mainly the sixth and seventh levels, where the Panther/M10 can sometimes even drag out battles. The premium Panther cannot be called an ideal tank, but many play it with pleasure and do not regret the purchase.

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