Children's fables are short. Ivan Krylov - the best fables for children. Parable of two wolves

The Fables for Children section presents the best fables famous fabulists(short fables in prose, fables in verse), which will be interesting to read and discuss together with children.

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Fables by author

The title of the first Russian fabulist rightfully belongs to Ivan Andreevich Krylov. He wrote about 200 fables for children. Only Krylov, in a humorous manner, could easily expose people’s shortcomings. The language of the fables is close to colloquial, so they are easy to remember; many expressions from Krylov’s fables have become aphorisms and are widely used by writers, journalists, and included in colloquial speech. Lively everyday scenes, animal characters, laconic morality, and subtle humor make Krylov’s fables the favorite works of adults and children. Children also really like to dramatize Krylov’s fables.

Fables in prose by Leo Tolstoy are the author’s adaptation of Aesop’s popular fables. But Tolstoy’s talent as a writer turned well-known stories into small masterpieces of wisdom, instructive stories that teach young readers lessons of mutual assistance and mercy, and warn against arrogance, ignorance, greed, meanness, and laziness.

Precisely because Sergei Mikhalkov’s poems are very loved by children, are easy to remember, written in a simple language accessible to children, and the images are bright and understandable for children’s perception, Mikhalkov’s fables also attract children. After all, each of them is small cautionary tale, where Good and Evil are on the scales. Help your child learn the wisdom of life with amazing short fables with morals. Read for yourself and encourage your children to read. Let the best fables of famous fabulists help you and your children make many valuable discoveries. And their wisdom will teach children not only to see vices and virtues, but also to understand people, to find right decisions in life, defend your point of view.

Legendary information, a collection of 400 fables and an artistic language of allegories, which was called “Aesopian language” - this is the legacy of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop, who lived in the middle of the 6th century BC. It is he who is considered the creator of the fable genre. Xanthus, the owner of an obstinate slave who wrote witty moralizing stories, set him free. Aesop's name is attached to the fable genre. And the plots of his fables are often found among famous fabulists, so it is useful to introduce children to his best fables. By the way, many fabulists borrowed from Aesop the plot of his fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”: Phaedrus, Babriy, Krylov, Tolstoy. Aesop's fables can be read at any age.

In his fables, La Fontaine, in the images of animals, shows the behavior of people in various life situations, condemning the human shortcomings and vices of the author’s contemporary society. In some of the author's fables there is no moral; the reader must himself come to the truth, hidden by the author behind deep philosophical reasoning, witty irony or subtle humor. La Fontaine's wise fables are very relevant today: they will teach teenagers to better understand people. La Fontaine's fables for children will also be useful because many of the plots are taken by the author from ancient greek mythology, Indian legends, French folklore.

Children prefer short fables in verse; they are easier to understand because of their rhythm. But with great pleasure they will listen to fables in prose. And animal characters, which are a generalization of human qualities, are easily perceived by children, since they already have experience communicating with animals - characters from fairy tales.

Confirmation catchphrase“You can never have too much wisdom” serves as a fable. They absorbed folk wisdom, honed and polished by the talent of great fabulists of many centuries and generations. A fable is one of the oldest literary genres, an epic work, poetic or prose, with a brief moral teaching. The characters in the fable are animals, things, plants, and people. Often, fables have an allegorical form. In the images of animals, the authors of the fables ridicule human shortcomings and the vices of society. Short fables morally make the reader think about life values.

It is impossible to find a person who does not like to read and listen to fables in poetry or prose, who does not remember the ignorant Monkey or cunning fox from Krylov's fables, the lazy Fly and the hard worker Bee, the Elephant-painter, the narcissistic Fly Agaric from Mikhalkov's fables. As a child, reading Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb,” we treated the defenseless Lamb with compassion and indignation at the impunity of the arrogant Wolf. Re-reading funny, casual stories, it’s worth thinking about what educational potential they contain.

Fable is one of the ancient types works of art, originating from the 3rd millennium BC. from Sumerian and Babylonian literature. There is always a moral and a narrative at the heart of a fable.

The fable exposes dark sides human character, and since these vices have no power over time, the tales of fables of past years are still relevant today. They help develop moral and ethical qualities in children and play a significant educational role, guiding them on the right path.

The founder of the fable is considered to be Aesop, an ancient poet and fabulist. Ancient Greece(VI-V centuries BC), who wrote his works in prose. The original plots and wisdom of his works, which have passed through many centuries, served as the basis for the plots of other famous fabulists J. Lafontaine and I.A. Krylova.

Read Fables online

In this section you will find the best selections of fables by Krylov, Aesop, J. Lafontaine, for children of any age, which will be useful in the process of development and upbringing of the child.


Fables for children by Vladimir Shebzukhov Let's continue our acquaintance

If you want to get acquainted with other works of this author, then you can simply type “Poems by Vladimir Shebzukhov” into the search bar of any browser and you will find a lot of them. Or you can contact the author himself on this page.

This is the name of our today's issue of getting acquainted with the work of Vladimir Shebzukhov.


The fox fell into the claws of the lion.
The cheat instantly found the words,
To arrogantly declare
Why should she be held in high esteem in the forest?
Animals, they say, should be kept in fear...
And how could the lion suddenly not know about this?!
After all, whoever plans to offend,
Retribution cannot be avoided!

Already the hairs on my mane stood up -
“We’ve seen such chatterboxes.
For liars - spit in the eyes - dew!
You cheat everything, old fox!”

- “Well, if you don’t believe me, make sure.
Walk through the forest with me,
You don't even need a menacing roar,
All the animals will run away instantly!”

And here in the forest is a lion with a fox
(I wouldn’t even dream of this)
They walk like close friends.
The animals ran away from fear,
And the birds that gathered in flocks -
It’s time to fly overseas!

Lev became thoughtful, however.
“The fox doesn’t lie. And how to be here,
After all, everyone ran away - out of fear?!
Perhaps I should be friends with the fox!”

But the truth in the fairy tale is this...
They were afraid not of the fox, but of the lion!


What fate will not meet...
I was walking on my own,
Suddenly meeting on a forest path
A lion kitten, somehow, a cat.

Having not yet learned to be angry,
Having told, the lion cub, that the mother-lioness
The hunters killed in a fight,
He began to cry bitterly, not like a child.

It seemed like a little more
The cat will cry with the lion cub.
After listening with bated breath...
I took in a child...

The time has come to become a formidable lion.
There is not enough food for such an animal!
I wasn't full from what I had...
The lion decided to eat the mother cat.

I was ready to attack,
The cat climbed up the tree.
No matter how hard the lion tried to climb,
Ah, angry - he stayed under the tree.

“What happened suddenly?
You taught me a lot.
Up the tree, didn't show it to the lion -
He has to climb it himself!”

“You are a lion, the ruler of all animals.
But, strong - my Guardian Angel!
What can “a snake on the chest”
I didn’t teach that!”


Having barely known a moment of bliss,
Don't rush to teach others
Hastening to give out advice,
Find out if they are needed?

Morality is as old as time, however.
The story will remind us of her
About the first time a macaque
I tasted a ripe pineapple...

Delight knew no bounds!
It seemed like all my dreams had come true!
I decided to surprise my grandfather with this:
“Try it, grandpa, you too!”

But the grandfather, half asleep, became angry:
“Who wakes up the old people in the morning?!
I was born with pineapples!..
I'll die with pineapples!..

So if sweet youth
You can bring it to your grandfather -
And I won’t consider it stupidity
And you - wake me up... Wake me up!”


The fox gave advice to the hedgehog:
“Listen to what I tell you,
Thorns have not been in fashion for a long time,
What a fur coat in the heat - not for the weather!
You should go to the hairdresser
And asked him to shave it off

Your unfashionable needles,
There are only bad rumors about them.
Let him cut his hair like a turtle...
You’ll see how everyone around you gasps!”

The hedgehog rushed from the forest to the city,
Ashamed that I fell behind everything.
He didn't hear advice often,
When I suddenly met an owl,
I asked her if the fox was right...
The thorns, they say, are out of fashion?
The owl answered: “You yourself,
In appearance, the animal is not stupid, it seems
Tea has lived quite a bit in the world.
Look, you will live longer...
When you go to the hairdresser,
Just ask me to refresh it,
After the haircut, he applied lotion...
Carrot, apple, honey..."

- “Why am I so honored?”

- “So that everything tastes better... for the fox to eat!”


"If the friendship is over,
that means she... didn’t exist!”

Suddenly I saw a badger from the mountain -
From his own hole
A close friend came out with luggage
(Considered until now).

And then, without feeling my feet,
He quickly ran with the luggage.
And he was also able to see
How a unfortunate friend fell into a trap...

The thief began to scream loudly.
Well, we need to help a friend out!

Forgiving a friend for a dirty trick,
Thus helping two friends!
If you hold grudges against friends,
What will we leave for our enemies?


The red-haired cheat stole
The man has a basket cleverly,
That it was full of fish.
I was just about to eat it all alone,
She was already drooling,
When suddenly a wolf appeared before her,
(Koy knew a lot about fish).

“Oh, how and what did you catch it with?”
“I just lowered my tail into the hole,
The basket was already full!”

"Wow! - thought the wolf,
As soon as the fox's advice fell silent -
She doesn’t feel sorry for her tail!!!”

So the truth, gray, without knowing,
Having torn off the cheat's tail,
I rushed to the pond... to go fishing...

If only the cheat shared,
Look, I wouldn't have lost my tail!


According to Plutarch*

The fox argued with the hedgehog.
Perhaps we can’t call it a dispute
That boasting that only with a snake,
Compare tricks, match her!

And, like a diligent student,
The hedgehog listened with his ears open.
Envious, my head drooped...
“Oh, I wish I could do that too!” So:

At least the fox managed to
A trick to avoid the trap,
The hunter was on his heels,
He threw a net over the cheat.

Just seeing the animal’s nose,
Anticipating your new catch -
“Come on, go online!.. And who is this?
I’ll figure it out for sure!”

The hedgehog curled up into a ball in fear,
What didn’t let the “student” down:
The hunter couldn't grab it
And... cursed the cactus animal...

I don’t know what morality there should be...
One trick, but – WOW!!!

* Plutarch of Chaeronea (ancient Greek Πλούταρχος) (c. 45 - c. 127) -
ancient Greek philosopher, biographer, moralist.


For a jackal, being a jackal is not enough!
He should be more modest, the jackal.
Ah, no! I wanted fame to go
About him in the desert among the animals.

He decided to the lion, for the sake of vanity,
(Do not dream of any animal),
To tell you to pay attention:
“Come on, fight with me!”

Lev looked lazy and sleepy.
I just couldn't understand it
What are they bothering - into his bosom!
Closing his eyes, he got ready to sleep.

The jackal has a long tongue.
Once again the lion's peace was disturbed:
“I’ll tell all the animals in the desert,
Why is the lion afraid to fight me!”

“These speeches are preventing me from sleeping!
Let the wind carry you across the desert,
How the lion suddenly turned out to be a coward,
What, the king of beasts - fought with a jackal!


Tangerines bathed in the sun
A very long boa constrictor was sleeping under them...
It's time for the boa to start eating.
“Just reach out!” - they shout at him.

Well, the snake had one goal -
Take a few minutes to sleep.
He lazily swallowed the aphids -
“Perhaps I’ll sleep some more!..”

Thus was born a joke about laziness,
(Is she related to you?) –
There's always a moment
To kill an hour or two!


According to Aesop

Not a wolf, but just pathetic “relics”...
Just a little more and the wind would blow away...
Suddenly I saw how near the grove
A mule is grazing on the lawn...

“...What breed are you?
You are not a cow and you are not an ox!
You graze like a mare,
But at the same time, you are like a donkey!

The mule answered, inhaling through his nostrils:
“I have been an orphan since an early age...
I don’t know who I am by name,
But the name is not a secret at all...

Look at the hind hooves
(We won’t lie to you, we won’t lie to you):
On them (already washed in the river),
You will also read my name!”

So, going around to the left of the mule,
The hungry wolf went to read...(?)
Here the “powers” ​​were “blown away” without the wind...
About five kilometers...

“Toly is a fool?!” Tolya - tired?!
Stupid - that's all! Miracles!!!" --
She suddenly exclaimed in surprise,
The fox was watching everything...

The cheat was given to know
That this wolf... COULD NOT READ!


The hunter decided to look for the lion's trail.
And only the rays illuminated the dew,
The hunter is already looking for the lion's trail in the forest.

And somewhere in the evening, sitting down tiredly,
I saw a woodcutter walking through the clearing.
He called out: “Have you seen the lion's footprint?
I went out into the forest at first light to look for him.”

The answer came: “There is no need for a trace, believe me.
I’m ready to show you where the beast itself is!”
But the brave hunter, having adjusted his sling,
He said: “I’m not looking for a lion, but just a trace!”

Once upon a time there lived a brave hunter - there is no one braver than him!
That hunter decided to find the lion's trail...


I scoured the forest in search of animals,
Although well-fed, he is terribly angry
Lone wolf (the world has never seen an evil one),
Not knowing where he will find peace.

Almost bit off the hare's paw
And the squirrel was almost killed...
The whole anthill with its paws in an armful
Without regret from the cliff - down.

What did the well-fed seem to lack?
To this question the wolf said to the owl:
“I’m already tired of my anger,
I decided to pick off animals on everything!”

Owl, yawning (since he only dozes during the day):
“I hear somewhere to the right, there, in the bushes,
Surely a living movement.
Know someone is hiding their fear from you!”

How he rushed into the bushes is not interesting,
But from the bushes - the battered wolf himself...
“It is not known who did this to me,
But that anger never happened... Sense!

What was the secret, since she pointed out, knowing?” -
“It’s okay to take out evil on the weak!
There is no secret, but the truth is only this:
The bear took all the anger out of you in the bushes!”

Morality is not where among the sheep
The guy is spreading his tail...
In defense of the weak, we remember
That you yourself are weak in front of someone!

(And, since anger could “get” anyone -
On the strong, everything is more reliable, tear it off!)


Between Truth and Lies,
Known only to One,
Why is this opportunity given?
Make a choice – yourself!

An Indian shared with his grandson
One ancient truth.
Grandsons strived for knowledge
And... to wisdom, as such.

Grandfather told me that in a person -
The struggle of two seasoned wolves.
One - for kindness in the world,
The other is for the kingdom of sins!

Barely, for a while, they will scatter,
How they will cling to each other again.
One - to serve revenge on a saucer,
The other is for peace and love!

The grandson, listening in fascination,
I felt for sense in the story.
I asked the question casually -
“Which wolf wins?”

Satisfied with this question,
And with wise cunning in the eyes,
(Grandfather told, apparently, not just
A story of two wolves) --

“Since I asked a question, listen:
To be undefeated -
Only wolves want to eat
Whom do you choose to feed!”

See you again!

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Mother of three wonderful children. You can read about us on the page of the same name. I created this site to help young parents raise their children. And my site will also be useful for both the children themselves and future parents. Visit us more often, subscribe to receive site news first. We are always glad to see you as our guest!

  1. Vladimir Shebzukhov
  2. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Fox and owl
    Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Clinging to the malicious burdock,
    When the road passed
    The little fox was angry, it’s not easy to know,
    Kohl barked with all his might.

    Forest bird near a fox cub
    I asked if I needed advice?
    There was no barking (and it was loud)
    Quite often, sleep owl!

    “Well, if it’s not difficult to give you
    Owl's wise advice,
    Look, he will help you avoid
    Prickly, everyday troubles!

    “You can’t, admit it to yourself,
    To defeat these thorns,
    As you walk along the road, try
    Avoid them!

    You will forget about the thorns of trouble,
    If you go around them once, twice...
    You yourself will give advice,
    When will you appreciate my advice!

    The owl is right, I'm convinced of that
    Little fox, the advice helped...

    The burdock is malicious, no matter how angry he is,
    From anger and melancholy... withered!

    August 8th, 2014 at 23:09

    Hi! Are you repeating yourself already!? This verse has already been published before.

  3. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Irisha... I don’t remember.. I don’t think I sent it.. look how lovely it is (there are amazing illustrations for it, I’ll send it)


    The cowardly hunter came across a den.
    In the eyes (unexpectedly), there is instant fear.
    The little bear was sitting alone at the doorstep,
    He looked at everything around him with interest.

    The hunter turned to him with fear:
    “Are you home, mom?” Suddenly, timidly – ​​“No!”
    Nice, cowardly, surprised again,
    Hearing about dad, the same answer.

    “Well, beast, don’t expect any mercy!
    I've been dreaming of going out on a bear for a long time!
    Anyone would wish for such a situation,
    When the bear himself appeared before you!”

    The baby cried, he didn’t understand many words,
    But the smell of danger is sure!
    There was also a cry, out of habit, involuntarily...
    The whole forest shook from him - “Grandma-ah-ah!!!”

    Not everyone can become a “hero”
    Capable of offending the weak!

    December 3rd, 2013 at 21:49

    @Vladimir, there has never been such a poem before. This entry is about “The Brave Hunter” And by the way, look at the picture for it

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    December 3rd, 2013 at 21:54

    @Irina, A..yes yes yes...what do you think of this hunter? huh?

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:01

    The most interesting thing... The Brave Hunter is written according to Aesop... I have a moral there (it’s a fable)
    That's how a chatterbox is (since the tongue is without bones),
    He’s only right in words - he’s not a braggart at all!
    But touch on things, surprise people with them,
    He will find the reason. After all, that’s why he’s... a chatterbox!
    But when the moral was not written.. we performed at school and there was a laugh among the high school students when I read it.. now with the moral it’s an adult fable.. but without it it’s for children (smiley smile)

    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:07

    @Vladimir, I agree 200%. You can hardly say enough (about morality) and adults may not understand
    You can put emoticons in a comment by clicking on one of them at the bottom of the comment field

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    December 3rd, 2013 at 22:13

    @Irina, I have psychological trick... sometimes I write intentionally (smile smile)

  4. Anna Kotsaba

    I was very pleased with the fables, I generally like Vladimir’s writing style! Anna Kotsaba invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Dolphinarium and its artists

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    July 5th, 2013 at 19:46

    @Anna Kotsaba, Thank you, Anechka.. in the adult collection of fables THE FOX AND THE LION has such a moral

    Having fallen asleep to the whisper of this fairy tale,
    Children dream about the benefits of friendship.
    A fairy tale is useful for adults
    So as not to be confused: with the boss... a shadow!

  5. Iryna

    Irisha! Wonderful illustrations for Vladimir’s wonderful fables! I didn’t know that you also had this wonderful one too. godmother! Iryna invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Kiwi ice cream - prepare at home

  6. Wladlena

    Wonderful fables and illustrations for them! This is just a treasure trove for parents with children. Thank you for your efforts.
    Wladlena invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Useful tips for tourists - choosing a tour operator, part 1

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    July 5th, 2013 at 16:31

    I don’t even know who exactly to respond to the reviews, you can, in the person of the author of the comment, thank everyone for the reviews... Happiness for a writer is recognition from readers! Because we write for people. With the acquisition of the Internet, I completely lost the desire to publish! I stayed in Moscow There is only one bookstore, where my Fables and Rubai are still lying. And I have enough books in the foyer for sale at my performances in the musical life of Moscow.
    It might be interesting how I became a fabulist... I started with quatrains - switched to rubai, then wrote and published a collection of Anecdotes different countries and peoples in verse. A year before the departure of the Great Artist, Yu.V. Nikulin gave it to him, for which he praised me for such an unusual folklore work (the jokes are written by the people). Then literary friends brought me the works of Aesop, and said that more than half his works were not written in verse... This is how a collection of Fables based on Aesop was published.
    And now look what happens... if you add a moral to the anecdote (and it was already ready in my numerous rubai quatrains), then it turns out to be a fable (hence the smile on the part of the readers and serious thoughts at the end) and also if you come up with a plot for the ready-made rubai -also a fable! Then it started to translate parables into verses..
    What made me smile in the comment was the word “treasury”, about two years ago on one site they also wrote this = “Your creativity is an inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom, dear author, I’m just reading it!” Summer makeup tips from the NSP company Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    July 5th, 2013 at 16:33

    @Elena Kartavtseva,
    Well.. “Mama Elena”, we ourselves are glad and grateful to you!!!

    Elena Kartavtseva Replied:
    July 5th, 2013 at 20:41

    @Vladimir, you can’t imagine how glad I am that you and Ira got along together. I have Golden Rule, do not leave any question unanswered, and if there is an opportunity to help or assist, even more so. When I received an offer from you, I couldn’t turn it down. The theme of children's poems did not suit my site theme, but I have a wonderful virtual friend - Irina. She’s great for accepting your offer, and that’s how it all worked out….. Continued success in your work! Elena Kartavtseva invites you to visit and invites you to read the post Men's problems: inflammation of the prostate gland. Prevention

    Vladimir Shebzukhov Replied:
    July 5th, 2013 at 23:05

    @Elena Kartavtseva, Thank you, Lenochka.. it’s a very good human trait to not leave requests aside! I’m just as “restless”! (and here it is.. immodesty)

  7. Vladimir Shebzukhov

    they just brought me from the performance.. I turn on the computer.. and there you are... Irisha is like those bees under “add a comment” Not to mention her exquisite taste (illustration and construction of poems) Irina - low bow to you from me, the author!!! there are no words... well, my gentle, brotherly Cheloms!!!

    The fable was a LAZY BOA...

    Zoya Replied:
    July 5th, 2013 at 23:12

    @Vladimir Shebzukhov,
    Vladimir, this is wonderful. I like children who read literature outside of school hours beyond the curriculum. and they also share their knowledge with classmates.
    I also remember that I read a fable about a lion and a fox a long time ago, but I don’t remember where.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a beloved writer, his fables are “the property of the people, they constitute the book of wisdom of the people themselves.”

Ivan Andreevich's fables are short and long, understandable and with complex meaning, mainly intended for an adult audience. But the little reader also does not plan to remain on the sidelines and wants to know the fables of Great Grandfather Krylov.

Krylov's children's fables are written with an amazing sense of humor. There are no harsh moral teachings in them, but only briefly emphasized truths, which will not hurt anyone, including children, to know.

The works of Ivan Andreevich are a school of life. Children will understand what is good and what is bad by reading such fables as “Dragonfly and Ant”, “Swan, Pike and Cancer”, “Crow and Fox”, “Elephant and Pug”, “Quartet”, “Monkey and Glasses” .

Monkey and glasses

The monkey's eyes became weak in old age;
And she heard from people,
That this evil is not yet so big hands:
All you have to do is get glasses.
She got herself half a dozen glasses;
He turns his glasses this way and that:
Either he will press them to the crown, or he will string them on his tail,
Sometimes he sniffs them, sometimes he licks them;
The glasses don't work at all.
“Ugh, the abyss! - she says, - and that fool,
Who listens to all human lies;
They only lied to me about the Glasses;
But there’s no use for hair in them.”
The monkey is here out of frustration and sadness
Oh stone, there were so many of them,
That only the splashes sparkled.
Unfortunately, this is what happens to people:
No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its price,
The ignoramus tends to make everything worse about her;
And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable,
So he also drives her away.

Dragonfly and Ant

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang;
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died;
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.
It's all gone: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:
“Don’t leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm! -
“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?” -
Ant tells her.
“Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that my head was turned.” -
“Oh, so you...” - “I’m without a soul
I sang all summer long.” -
“Have you been singing everything? this business:
So come and dance!”

Swan, Pike and Crayfish

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.

A Crow and a fox

How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.

Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow;
Raven perched on the spruce tree,
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I became thoughtful, but I held the cheese in my mouth.
To that misfortune, the Fox ran close by;
Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox:
The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese.
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.
And he says so sweetly, barely breathing:
“My dear, how beautiful!
What a neck, what eyes!
Telling fairy tales, really!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master at singing, -
After all, you would be our king bird!”
Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
The breath was taken away from my throat with joy, -
And Lisitsyn’s friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its lungs:
The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Elephant and Moska

‎They drove an Elephant through the streets,
‎As can be seen on display -
It is known that Elephants are a curiosity among us -
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
No matter what, Moska will meet them.
When you see an Elephant, well, rush at it,
And bark, and squeal, and tear,
Well, she gets into a fight with him.
‎“Neighbor, stop being ashamed,”
The mongrel says to her: “Should you bother with the Elephant?
Look, you’re already wheezing, and he’s walking along
And he doesn’t notice your barking at all.”
“Eh, eh!” Moska answers her:
“This is what gives me spirit,
What am I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
“Ay, Moska! know she's strong
“What is barking at the Elephant!”


Naughty Monkey,
Yes, clubfooted Mishka
We decided to play a Quartet.
We got sheet music, bass, viola, two violins
And they sat down on the meadow under the sticky trees, -
Captivate the world with your art.
They hit the bows, they fight, but there’s no point.
“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts. - Wait!
How should the music go? That's not how you sit.
You and the bass, Mishenka, sit opposite the viola,
I, the prima, will sit opposite the second;
Then the music will be different:
Our forest and mountains will dance!”
We settled down and began the Quartet;
He still isn't getting along.
“Wait, I found a secret! -
The Donkey shouts, “We’ll probably get along,”
If we sit next to each other."
They obeyed the Donkey: they sat down decorously in a row;
And yet the Quartet is not going well.
Now they're getting even more intense than ever
And disputes
Who should sit and how?
The Nightingale happened to fly to their noise.
Here everyone asks him to resolve their doubts.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,
To put our Quartet in order:
And we have notes, and we have instruments,
Just tell us how to sit down!” -
“To be a musician, you need skill
And your ears are gentler, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
You’re still not fit to be musicians.”

The Fox, not having seen Leo,
Having met him, I was left barely alive from my passions.
So, a little later, she came across Leo again,
But he didn’t seem so scary to her.
And then the third time
The Fox started talking with Leo.
We are also afraid of something else,
Until we take a closer look at him.

Siskin and Dove

The siskin was slammed shut by the villainous trap:
The poor thing was tossing and thrashing in it,
And the young Dove mocked him.
“Isn’t it a shame,” he says, “in broad daylight?
They wouldn't trick me like that:
I can confidently vouch for this.”
An, look, he immediately got himself caught in the snare.
And that's it!
Don’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, Dove.

Wolf and Shepherds

Wolf walking close to the shepherd's yard
And seeing through the fence,
That, having chosen the best ram in the herd,
Calmly, the shepherds are gutting the lamb,
And the dogs lie quietly,
He said to himself as he walked away in frustration:
“What a fuss you all make here, friends,
If only I could do this!”

Waterfall and Stream

Boiling Waterfall, overthrew from the rocks,
He said with arrogance to the healing spring
(Which was barely noticeable under the mountain,
But he was famous for his healing power):
“Isn’t this strange? You are so small, so poor in water,
Do you always have a lot of guests?
It’s no wonder if someone comes to marvel at me;
Why are they coming to you?” – “To be treated,” –
The stream humbly purred.

Boy and Snake

The boy, thinking of catching an eel,
He grabbed the Snake and, staring, out of fear
He became as pale as his shirt.
The snake, looking calmly at the Boy:
“Listen,” he says, “if you’re not smarter,
That insolence will not always be easy for you.
This time God will forgive; but watch out ahead
And know who you’re joking with!”

Sheep and Dogs

In some flock of Sheep,
So that the Wolves can no longer disturb them,
The number of Dogs is supposed to be multiplied.
Well? Finally, so many of them divorced
It’s true that the Sheep survived from the Wolves,
But dogs also need to eat.
First the wool was taken from the sheep,
And there, according to the draw, their skins flew off,
And there were only five or six Sheep left,
And the Dogs ate them.

Rooster and pearl grain

Tearing up a pile of manure,
The rooster found a grain of pearl
And he says: “Where is it?
What an empty thing!
Isn't it stupid that he is so highly regarded?
And I would really be much more happy
Barley grain: it is not so visible,
Yes, it's satisfying.
The ignorant judge exactly like this:
If they don’t understand the point, it’s all nothing.


Above the side exhausted from the heat
A big cloud swept by;
Not a single drop refreshes her,
She fell like a big rain over the sea
And she boasted of her generosity before the Mountain,
“What? did good
Are you so generous? –
The Mountain told her. –
And it doesn’t hurt to look at it!
Whenever you would shed your rain on the fields,
You could save an entire region from hunger:
And in the sea without you, my friend, there is enough water.”

The Peasant and the Fox (Book Eight)

The Fox once said to the Peasant:
“Tell me, my dear godfather,
What did the horse do to deserve your friendship?
What, I see, she is always with you?
You keep her in contentment even in the hall;
On the road - you are with her, and often with her in the field;
But of all the animals
She’s probably the stupidest of all.” –
“Eh, gossip, the power here is not in the mind! –
The peasant answered. - All this is vanity.
My goal is not at all the same:
I need her to drive me
Yes, so that she obeys the whip.”

Fox and grapes

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;
The bunches of grapes in it were red.
The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;
And the brushes are juicy, like yachts, burning;
The only problem is that they hang high:
Whenever and however she comes to them,
At least the eye sees
Yes, it hurts.
After wasting a whole hour,
She went and said with annoyance:
He looks good,
Yes it is green - no ripe berries:
You’ll set your teeth on edge right away.”

Falcon and Worm

At the top of the tree, clinging to a branch,
The worm was swinging on it.
Above the Worm Falcon, rushing through the air,
So he joked and mocked from above:
“What kind of hardships you, poor thing, have not endured!
What profit did you get that you crawled so high?
What kind of will and freedom do you have?
And you bend with a branch wherever the weather dictates.” –

“It’s easy for you to joke,”
The worm answers, flying high,
Because with your wings you are both strong and strong;
But fate gave me the wrong advantages:
I'm here on top
The only reason I’m holding on is that, fortunately, I’m tenacious!”

Dog and Horse

Serving for a peasant,
The Dog and the Horse somehow began to be reckoned with.
“Here,” says Barbos, “is a great lady!”
For me, at least they would drive you out of the yard completely.
It's a great thing to carry or plow!
I’ve never heard anything else about your daring:
And can you be equal to me in any way?
Neither day nor night I know peace:
During the day, the herd is under my supervision in the meadow,
And at night I guard the house.”
“Of course,” the Horse answered, “
Your speech is true;
However, whenever I plowed,
Then there would be nothing for you to guard here.”

Mouse and Rat

“Neighbor, have you heard the good rumor? –
Running in, the Rat Mouse said,
After all, the cat, they say, fell into the claws of a lion?
Now it’s time for us to rest!”
“Don’t rejoice, my light,”
The Rat says back to her,
And don’t hope in vain!
If it reaches their claws,
That is true, the lion will not be alive:
There is no stronger beast than a cat!”

I’ve seen it so many times, take note for yourself:
When a coward is afraid of someone,
Then he thinks that
The whole world looks through his eyes.

Peasant and Robber

The peasant, starting up his house,
I bought a milk pan and a cow at the fair
And with them through the oak tree
I walked quietly home along a country path,
When suddenly the Robber got caught.
The robber ripped the guy off like a stick.
“Have mercy,” the Peasant will cry, “I’m lost,
You've completely finished me off!
For a whole year I was planning to buy a cow:
I could hardly wait for this day.”
“Okay, don’t cry at me,”
Said the Robber, commiserating.
And truly, because I can’t milk cows;
So be it
Take the milk pan back."

Frog and Ox

The frog, seeing Ox in the meadow,
She decided to match his stature herself:
She was envious.
And well, puff up, puff and pout.
“Look, wah, what, will I get rid of him?”
He says to his friend. “No, gossip, far away!” -
“Look how wide I am now.
Well, what's it like?
Am I replenished? - “Almost nothing.”
“Well, how now?” - “Everything is the same.” Puffed and puffed
And my idea ended with
That, not being equal to Vol,
With an effort it burst and died.

There is more than one example of this in the world:
And is it a wonder when a tradesman wants to live,
As a distinguished citizen,
And the fry is small, like a noble nobleman?

What else to read