Didactic game correct the master's mistake. Didactic games on traffic rules. Exercise "What is the kitten doing?"

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Health", "Socialization", "Safety", "Music", "Physical culture".

Target: Refinement and expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Pets".


1. Correctional and educational tasks:

To consolidate children's ideas about pets, their features ("Knowledge");
- improve the grammatical structure of speech: the preposition "s", the formation of the names of young animals, the formation of singular nouns in the accusative case, the naming of actions ("Knowledge");
- exercise in naming animal onomatopoeia ("Knowledge");
- continue to teach how to guess riddles using the characteristic features of the appearance of pets ("Reading fiction");
- to learn to memorize the listened text of the work (“Reading fiction”).

2. Correction-developing tasks:

Develop speech hearing, auditory and visual memory, logical thinking (“Knowledge”);
- to form the skill of memorizing a passage from the text (“Communication”);
- develop general and fine motor skills ("Physical culture");
- strengthen the oculomotor muscles (“Health”);
- fix the fire safety rule (“Safety”);
- develop emotional responsiveness to music (“Music”).

3. Correctional and educational tasks:

Develop communication skills of interaction, a friendly attitude towards each other, politeness, responsiveness (“Communication”);
- foster love for pets (“Socialization”);
- explain the moral norms of behavior on the examples of the actions of the heroes of the read works ("Socialization");
- to cultivate the manifestation of initiative in helping comrades (“Socialization”).

Vocabulary work: solve riddles, pets live near a person’s house, are useful, people take care of pets, a cow with a calf, a sheep with a lamb, a goat with a goat, a pig with a piglet, a horse with a foal, a dog with a puppy, a cat with a kitten, stands, sits, plays, walks, washes, jumps, scratches, meows, laps, sleeps, matches.

Preliminary work:

Reading a poem by K. Chukovsky "Confusion";
- viewing illustrations depicting domestic animals, birds and their cubs, talking about them;
- holding a mobile game "Cat";
- a conversation about fire safety rules.

Equipment, material:

- demo: Dunno doll, Magic Rings manual (for the didactic game “Who do I see?”), Dry Pool manual, kitten basket, laptop, projector, Confusion cartoon, multimedia presentation (slides: Confusion, Chanterelles set fire to the sea”, “Burning match”, “Butterfly puts out the fire”, gymnastics for the eyes “Butterfly”).
- handout: cards-diagrams of riddles, toys-kittens,

Methodical methods:

Artistic word;
- a surprise moment - the appearance of Dunno, toys-kittens;
- using the method of mnemonics - cards with the image of schemes-riddles;
- use of the "Magic Rings" manual;
- game exercises: "Correct mistakes", "Who do I see?", "Hide and seek", "What are kittens doing?", "Cat", "Butterfly";
- using the impatience method - turning into cats;
- conversation with children;
- viewing an excerpt from the cartoon "Confusion";
- viewing a multimedia presentation ("Confusion", "Chanterelles set fire to the sea", "Burning match", "Butterfly puts out the fire", gymnastics for the eyes "Butterfly").

The course of directly educational activities:

1. Organizational moment - guessing a riddle:

The boy walks towards us
In a big blue hat
Knows very little
This boy is small.
Who is this? Guess!

The appearance of Dunno, greeting.

Speech therapist: How did you guess that I made a riddle about Dunno.

Children: Dunno walks in a big blue hat. He doesn't know anything.

2. Didactic game "Correct Dunno's mistakes."

Speech therapist: Why are you sad, Dunno?

Stranger: I can't solve riddles.

Speech therapist: What are we going to do guys?

Children: We will teach Dunno to guess riddles.

Speech therapist: Our girls and boys are kind, responsive, always come to the rescue in difficult times.

The speech therapist invites everyone to the table, on which there are cards with the image of riddle diagrams turned upside down.

Speech therapist: Children, take one card and turn them over. I will tell you riddles about animals. Listen carefully, these diagram cards will help you solve riddles.

Dunno: Can I guess riddles too?

Speech therapist: Of course, Dunno, guess riddles. We will listen carefully to your answers.

The speech therapist makes riddles:

1) Soft paws, and scratches in the paws. (Cat)
2) The nose is a snout, and the tail is a crochet. (Pig)
3) He is friends with the owner, guards the house,
Lives under the porch, and the tail is ringed. (Dog)
4) There is a mountain, a pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (Cow)

Dunno guesses riddles incorrectly, children correct mistakes, explain their answer using diagram cards:

1st child: The cat has soft paws and sharp claws.
2nd child: The pig's nose is like a snout, and the tail is like a hook.
3rd child: The dog guards the house. She has a ring tail.
4th child: The cow is as big as a mountain, her horns are like a pitchfork, her tail is like a broom.

If necessary, the speech therapist supplements the answers of the children.

Dunno: And next time I will be as attentive as you.

Speech therapist: What animals did we talk about?

Children: About pets.

Speech therapist: Why are they called pets?

Children: They live near the person's house.

Speech therapist: Why do they live next to people?

Children: People take care of them. Pets are useful to people.

3. Didactic exercise "Who do I see?"(Using the "Magic Rings" manual).

Speech therapist: Every pet has its own baby. I suggest you look through the magic window and take turns to name who you see. But first, help the animals find their cub.

Dunno does the task first and says: "I see a goat with a kid." Then each child completes the task and names who he sees: “I see a pig with a piglet (a dog with a puppy, a sheep with a lamb, a cow with a calf, a horse with a foal, a cat with a kitten).”

4. Game exercise "Find the kittens."

The speech therapist asks to go to the dry pool and find kittens there.

Speech therapist. The cat has very playful kittens. They decided to play hide and seek. Please help me find the kittens.

Children find kittens in a dry pool.

5. Exercise "What does a kitten do?".

The children sit on the carpet.

Speech therapist: Each kitten is busy with his own business. What does each kitten do?

Children say that one kitten is playing with a ball, the other is walking, the third is standing, the fourth is sitting, the fifth is washing.

Speech therapist: What else can a kitten do? Name what the kitten is doing.

Children: Jumps, scratches, meows, laps, sleeps.

Speech therapist: I suggest putting the kittens in a basket, let them rest.

6. Mobile game "Cat".

Dunno: I forgot who the mother of the kittens is?

Children: Cat.

Dunno: I'm turning you into cats. One, two, three, spin around and turn into cats.

Speech therapist: Expressively tell Dunno the poem "Pussy" and play.

Children tell a poem, coordinating words with movements:

You are intimately familiar with me.
(They walk in a circle on tiptoes stealthily.)

I'm a friendly kitty.
(Holding bent arms in front of chest.)

Up - tassels on the ears,
(They stop, stand facing in a circle, make “ears” from their palms.)
The claws are hidden in the pillows.
("Claws" from fingers.)

In the dark I can see clearly
I won't offend.
(They walk around in a circle again.)

But teasing me is dangerous -
(They stop again, stand facing in a circle.)
I scratch terribly.
(Showing claws.)

V. Stoyanov

Dunno: One, two, three, spin around and turn into kids.

7. Exercise "Let's fix the mistakes."

The speech therapist invites you to watch an excerpt from the cartoon "Confusion". Children sit on chairs.

Speech therapist: And now look and listen to an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "Confusion" already familiar to you. Listen carefully, because then you will "correct the mistakes" that are in the poem.

The pigs meowed:
Meow meow!
The cats grunted:
Oink oink oink!
The ducks croaked:
Kwa, kwa, kwa!
The hens quacked:
Quack, quack, quack!
Sparrow galloped
And mooed like a cow:
A bear came running
And let's roar:

Showing the presentation "Confusion":

Speech therapist: Have you heard all the “mistakes” that animals and birds made? How did the pigs meow?
Children: Meow, meow!

Children: Oink, oink, oink!
Speech therapist: How did the cats grunt?
Children: Oink, oink, oink!
Speech therapist: And how do they actually give their voice?
Children: Meow, meow!
Speech therapist: How did the ducks croak?
Children: Kwa, kwa, kwa!
Speech therapist: And how should they give voice?
Children: Quack, quack, quack!
Speech therapist: How did the chickens quack?
Children: Quack, quack, quack!
Speech therapist: Do you know how they really cackle?
Children: Who, who, who!
Speech therapist: How did the sparrows moo?
Children: Moooo!
Speech therapist: How does he really chirp?
Children: Chick-chirp!
Speech therapist: And who is mooing?
Children: cow.
Speech therapist: How did the bear roar?
Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!
Speech therapist: But in fact, he growls like this: “Rrr!” And who is crowing?
Children: Rooster.
Speech therapist: Well done! You have fixed all the bugs! And then disaster struck. What's the trouble?
Children: Chanterelles set fire to the blue sea.

(Show the slide “Chernetelles set fire to the sea.”)

Speech therapist:

And the chanterelles
They took the matches
Let's go to the blue sea
The blue sea was lit.

Speech therapist: Do you think the chanterelles handled the matches correctly? Do young children need to take matches?

(Show the slide "Burning match").

Do not play, my friend, with a match,
Remember, she is small
But from a small match
The house might burn down.
To younger brothers and sisters
Preschoolers say:
“Remember well that matches
Not a toy for kids!”
(B. Mirotvortsev)

Speech therapist: Let's return to the poem "Confusion". Many different animals put out the fire, but could not put it out. Who put out the fire anyway?

(Show the slide "Butterfly puts out the fire.")

Here comes the butterfly
Waving wings,
The sea began to fade -
And it went out.

8. Gymnastics for the eyes "Butterfly".

Speech therapist: Stand up straight, follow only with your eyes, how the butterfly flew in different directions, tried to put out the fire.
(Show the slide “The butterfly moves left and right, up and down.”) The butterfly moves 8 times.

9. The end of the poem.

Speech therapist: But in the poem "Confusion" everyone changed their minds and began to cast their vote correctly. Here listen. And if you remember the poem, help me recite it.

(Show slides.)

The geese started again
Shout like a goose:
The cats purred:
The birds chirped:
Flies buzzed:
The horses neighed:
The frogs are croaking:
And the ducklings quack:
Piglets grunt:
Oink oink oink!
Murochka is cradled
My dear...

Well done! Thank you for helping me recite the poem.

10. Bottom line.

Dunno: How interesting and pleasant it was for me to communicate with you! How I learned a lot. What did I find out?

Speech therapist: Girls and boys, help Dunno remember everything that he saw and learned from us today.

Children list all the moments.

Dunno thanks, says goodbye and leaves.

Tatyana Meshchanova
Multimedia game for children of the preparatory group "Correct the mistake"

multimedia game

in the educational field "Speech development"

for children of the preparatory group

"fix the mistake"

Compiled: Meshchanova T. V.,

Description of work with the algorithm of using electronic interactive didactic multimedia benefits in the educational process "Speech development".

Topic of the manual: "fix the mistake"

Target age groups: 6 - 7 years

Purpose of the grant: Improving the grammatical structure of speech

Objectives of the manual:

Exercise children in agreement of words in a sentence;

Develop thinking, visual perception, attention, memory, coherent speech;

Develop cognitive interest;

Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.

The algorithm for working with slides:

Slide No. Actions and opportunities teacher's explanation option

" fix the mistake"

Didactic a game

for children 6 -7 years old

Educator GBOU secondary school pos. Surgut s. P. "Cockerel" Meshchanova T.V.

I wash my music and listen to the dishes.

Correct mistake.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

I bake tea and boil pancakes.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

I fry the cream and beat the potatoes.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

I cook meatballs and fry soup.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

I drink cake and eat compote.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

I playing in the lessons and make dolls.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

We walk along the song and sing along the road.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

The "wrong" sentence and pictures with people's actions are displayed on the screen.

Mom irons the floors and washes clothes.

The teacher reads the "wrong" sentence and offers the child Correct mistake.

Then the incorrectly constructed sentence dissolves and when the child pronounces the sentence correctly, a well-formed sentence appears.

Well done boys!

The smiley shows that you did great!

Related publications:

Synopsis of continuous educational activities in physical culture for children of the preparatory group Topic: “Little children - big ones.

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about books (their subject matter, design, purpose). Deliver joy, moral satisfaction from communication with.

Summary of GCD with the use of ICT in the preparatory group "Introduction of children of the preparatory group to school with space" Purpose: to enrich the minds of children with new content that contributes to the accumulation of ideas about the world. Tasks: educational: To form.

Multimedia game "Analysis of a literary work for older children" TASKS: To create conditions under which children will develop a need to analyze the text of a fairy tale, namely: - highlight the main components,.

GCD on social and communicative development "Country of polite children" for children of the preparatory group Purpose: To promote the moral and aesthetic development of the child's personality. Tasks: -To consolidate the concept of "politeness", to show what it manifests itself in.

Entertainment for children of the senior and preparatory group for Children's Day "Adventurers" Tasks: 1. Cause a positive emotional mood in children. 2. Develop kindness, mutual assistance, communication, imagination. 3.


Purpose of the game:

Teach children to distinguish between the following road signs: “Railway crossing”, “Children”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “No entry”, “No passage”, “No bicycles”, “Pedestrian path”. "Parking place", "Point of medical aid", "Telephone", "Point of food", "Gas station", "Point of maintenance", "Point of first aid", "Resting place".

Cultivate attention, skills of orientation in space.

Material: road signs; a playing field with the image of roads, pedestrian crossings, crossroads, mock-ups: railway crossing, administrative and residential buildings, parking lots.

Game progress

The teacher places road signs on the playing field (a child can also place signs).

Children are offered:

  • Carefully consider the playing field and what is depicted on it;
  • Fix bugs on the playing field.

The winner is the one who, within a certain time, has time to correctly and quickly correct all the mistakes that the leader deliberately made.



Educator GUDO "Nursery-garden No. 48, Baranovichi"


To give children ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals.

Continue to consolidate children's ideas about color (red, yellow, green).

Cultivate attention, speed of reaction.

Materials for the game: colored cardboard circles (red, yellow, green); traffic light layout.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two groups: one is traffic lights, the second is cars.

The teacher (or the leading child) invites the traffic lights to take their places at the intersections, and the drivers get ready to move.

At the signal of the leader, the traffic lights turn on their own light, and the drivers start moving, while carefully monitoring the color at the traffic light, it depends on what movements the child should make (ride, stand or get ready).

The winner is the one who correctly performs all the actions. Then the children switch and the game continues.


Educator GUDO "Nursery-garden No. 48Baranovichi

Program content: introduce road signs, educate safe behavior on the street; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech.

Game material: cards with a description of road signs, cards with the image of road signs, red chips.

Players: 2-4 or more people.

Game progress:

Option 1.

The facilitator shuffles the cards with drawings and distributes equally among the players.

He keeps the cards with the text. Then the facilitator takes one card and reads the text. The player who has a card with a road sign corresponding to the read text puts it in the middle of the table. If the road sign is chosen correctly, the player takes these cards for himself.

Error: penalty chip.

Option 2.

The facilitator lays out cards with the image of signs on the table. He keeps the cards with the text. Then he reads the text, and the players try to find among the cards laid out on the table a card with a sign corresponding to the read text.

Control: the numbers on both cards must match.

Error: penalty chip.

Gender games for preschoolers are one of the ways to explain how girls and boys should behave, what rules their behavior in society obeys. The outdated stereotype "boys - cars, girls - dolls" has long outlived its usefulness, modern methods of early development speak about something completely different. In addition, the boundaries between male and female professions are gradually blurring, many women are passionate about the ideas of feminism.

Objectives: To develop a culture of relationships between boys and girls. To form in children the concept of positive character traits of boys and girls.

Game progress: An adult talks about a magical land in which all the children were friends with each other, but the evil fairy quarreled all the guys. Children are invited to collect the “Flower of Friendship”, but for this, each child needs to take a petal and name the good quality of a girl or boy. Children list positive qualities, and an adult connects the petals with the middle. When the flower is collected, the children applaud each other.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

Objectives: To form ideas about household chores for women and men, girls and boys. Cultivate a desire to help people.

Material: a flower made of multi-colored cardboard, the petals are removable, inserted into the middle

Game progress: Children take turns tearing off the petals from the flower, naming the duties that they perform in the family (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, caring for animals, “educating” younger sisters and brothers, repairing toys, etc. You can diversify the game. Let the children list the duties that their mothers perform in the family, and then dads.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

Option 3 "Who am I in the family?"

Objectives: Formation of ideas about family ties. We teach children to correctly use words such as son, grandson, brother, daughter, granddaughter, sister (at an older age - nephew, niece, cousin, etc.)

Material: a flower made of multi-colored cardboard, the petals are removable, inserted into the middle

Game progress: With the help of leading questions from an adult, children must answer who they are for their mother (their father, their grandmother)? etc.

Material: heart toy (any toy)

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. Passing each other a toy, they say their wishes: “I wish you ....”

Purpose: To educate in children a culture of behavior, politeness, respect for each other, a desire to help each other.

Material: plot pictures depicting different situations: a child pushed another, a child picked up a fallen thing, a child pities another child, etc.

Game progress: Children look at plot pictures and voice them with polite words.

If the child finds it difficult, ask him leading questions from the picture. For example, what is the magic word you need to say to get a friend to give you a toy?

How do you thank someone for helping?

How should adults be treated? (call by name, patronymic and you)

What should you say when meeting someone?

What should you say to everyone when you go home?

what should you say when waking up in the morning, coming to kindergarten in the morning? What words can you wish each other before going to bed?

What do you say if you accidentally push or hit someone? etc.

Children should know and use the following words in their lives: hello, goodbye, see you soon, be kind, be kind, please, thank you, sorry, good night, etc.

Didactic game “Who wears what? »

Children are invited to choose clothes and accessories for the boy and girl.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about men's and women's clothing.

Equipment: sheets of paper with painted unpainted suitcases, colored pencils.

Description of the game. The teacher asks the child to imagine that dad (mother) is going on a business trip (vacation) and packs a suitcase. With the help of pencils, you need to “fill” the suitcase with things that match the floor.

Game option: father (mother) brought gifts to his son (daughter)

Purpose: formation of gender representations in children.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to recognize oneself, other children as representatives of a certain gender; to continue the formation of interest in the life and work of other representatives of their own and the opposite sex; develop thinking, imagination; nurture positive relationships between children.

Description of the game. For the game you will need two dolls - a girl Dasha and a boy Sasha,

two boxes (red, for Masha, and the other blue, for Sasha) containing "Gifts" (pictures depicting various items - toys, clothes for girls and boys, as well as items that do not have a characteristic gender). During the game, children need to correctly determine who the gift is intended for.

Objectives: To form the ability to highlight significant similarities and differences between representatives of different sexes. Cultivate love for close people, respect for their work. Help your child express his feelings to those close to him.

Material: family album photos of each child.

Game progress: Children and an adult sit on the carpet. The teacher tells the children that each of them has a family, there are mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Children are invited, looking at a photo of their mother (their father), to tell what kind of mother (father) he has? What does she do? For example, my mother is kind, affectionate, sometimes angry, thin, caring, beautiful. She cooks, does laundry, etc.

After all the children have answered, the teacher asks them a question:

How are our mothers (dads) similar?

What household chores do all moms (dads) do?

What external signs unite them?

What qualities are inherent in all mothers (dads)?

What will you be when you grow up?

After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher concludes that all mothers and fathers do housework, raise children, go to work. All mothers and fathers love their children, take care of them

Objectives: To teach children to be attentive to each other, to be able to show sympathy for children of their own and the opposite sex. To consolidate knowledge about the qualities of masculinity and femininity.

Material: two characters - Sasha and Masha. The body of the dolls is made of cardboard cylinders, the heads are made of blue (boy) and pink (girl) balloons, with painted faces. The dolls are dressed up in clothes: a boy in a shirt, trousers, a cap on his head; a girl - in a jacket, a skirt and a scarf on her head.

Any flower (it is better if it is not artificial, but live).

Game progress: Dolls came to visit the children. - Sasha and Masha. The dolls get to know the children and tell the children how they met. Sasha, seeing Masha for a walk, came up to meet her. Of all the girls, he chose Masha, because she was the kindest and most accurate. Masha also liked that Sasha is a very well-mannered boy. So they became friends. They came to our kindergarten to find out what children think about each other and how they can be friends. They brought a "magic Flower" that will help the children express their feelings. Children are invited to give a flower to any child and give him a compliment.

If someone is left without attention, the puppets or the teacher themselves make a compliment to these children.

Purpose: To instill in children the desire to do things for the sake of other people. To form an understanding that we call an act not only heroism, but also any good deed for the sake of another person.

Material: ball

Game progress: Children are invited to list noble deeds in relation to girls (women) and boys (men). The teacher throws the ball into the hands of one of the players, he calls a noble deed and throws the ball to the next player at will.

For example, noble deeds for boys:

call the girl only by name; when meeting with a girl, be the first to say hello; give up a seat in transport; never offend a girl; protect the girl help the girl carry heavy things; when a girl gets out of the transport, you need to get out first and give her a hand; the boy must help the girl get dressed, give her coat, etc.

Purpose: to form knowledge about the rules of etiquette behavior for boys and girls.

Equipment: a set of story cards:

The boy is sitting on the bus, the girl is standing.

The girl is sitting on the bus, the boy is standing.

The boy smells the flowers, the girl carries a bucket of water for irrigation.

The girl smells the flowers, the boy carries a bucket of water for irrigation.

A boy comes out the door followed by a girl.

A girl comes out the door, the boy lets her through.

The boy sits down at the table, the girl moves the chair, helping him to sit down.

The girl sits at the table, the boy moves the chair, helping her to sit down.

Description of the game. Children are invited to find the “correct” picture and explain their choice.

Objectives: To form ideas about household chores for women and men, girls and boys. Develop a desire to help families and others.

Material: constructor

Game progress: Children take the details of the designer and build a big house, while pronouncing the good deeds and deeds that they do, helping their relatives and friends. At the end consider what a big house we have built. How many good deeds we can do!


Purpose: to form children's ideas about the age and sex development of a person.

Equipment: a set of cards depicting a baby boy, a preschooler, a schoolchild, a young man, a man, an old man; baby girls, preschoolers, schoolgirls, girls, women, old women.

Game progress: Children are invited to lay out the cards in the “correct” sequence.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about gender-role stereotypical types of human activity.

Equipment: a set of cards depicting a girl, a boy and objects of labor (shovel, brick, saw, knife, hammer, hoop, tableware, food and utensils for cooking, clothing patterns, etc.).

Game progress: Children are invited to pick up objects of labor for the boy and for the girl.

Purpose: to develop the ability to find characteristic differences in the appearance of a boy and a girl.

Equipment: flannelograph, figurines of a boy and a girl made of cardboard, clothing and accessories (beads, umbrella, bow, fishing rod, tie, etc.)

Game progress: Children are invited to choose clothes and accessories for the boy and girl.

Purpose: to form knowledge about the gender component of professions.

Equipment: large cards depicting male and female professions (educator, nurse, captain, pilot, firefighter) and neutral professions (doctor, teacher, salesman, conductor, cashier, musician); small cards with the image of professional instruments (a toy, a thermometer, a globe, a steering wheel, a fire hose, a ladder, a phonendoscope, a pointer, scales, a conductor's bag, a cash register, a violin)

Game progress: Children are invited to:

Arrange large cards according to the principle: male professions, female professions, neutral professions;

Pick up professional tools. The game is accompanied by children's comments.

Didactic game "Names"

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmale and female names.

Equipment: figurines of a boy and a girl.

Game progress: The teacher lays out the figures of a boy and a girl cut out of paper in front of the child and offers a game: he will name names, and the child will decide which name suits who. The list of names contains the usual names for children of different sexes (Seryozha, Yulia, Natasha) and names that are given to both boys and girls (Sasha, Zhenya, Valya). The teacher monitors the choice of the child, in ambiguous cases, in a conversation with the child, finds out to whom (boy or girl) the name is more suitable; he would like to have such a "double" name, etc.

Objectives: Development of auditory attention. Teach children to identify themselves and those around them by gender.

Game progress: An adult calls several names. Children need to listen carefully and say an extra name. Explain why they consider this or that name "superfluous".

For example, Seryozha, Misha, Lena; Natasha, Dasha, Dima.

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of professions. To teach the ability to divide professions into male and female.

Material: cards with the image of people of different professions.

Game progress: An adult lists the actions of a person of a certain profession, and the children guess what kind of profession it is.

For example, “A person of this profession examines the patient, vaccinates, prescribes pills. Who is it?" (doctor)

After each correct answer, the teacher asks one of the children to choose a card with the image of a person of this profession. Next, a conversation is held with the children: what other duties does the doctor perform, what else does he do? Are there any among you whose mother or father (grandmother, grandfather, aunt, etc.) works as doctors?

Who is more likely to be a doctor, a man or a woman? Why do you think?

Didactic game "Smiley"

Goals: development of ingenuity, positive emotions. We teach to name, understand and show the emotional mood of a person (joy, sadness, anger, surprise, resentment, etc.).

Material: A large circle of cardboard - Smiley, cut out from multi-colored paper the shape of an eye, eyebrows, mouths, noses to convey various emotional states.

Game progress:

The child is invited to convey, with the help of the proposed details, the mood of the Emoticon, depending on the situation that the adult will describe.

Smiley saw friends.

The smiley is sick.

Emoticon is angry.

The smiley sings a song, etc.

When the Smiley is collected, the children are invited to display his mood themselves, with the help of facial expressions, emotions, gestures.

Objectives: To teach children to distinguish between the appearance of a neat and sloppy child (boy or girl). To teach girls (boys) to take care of the opposite sex and to put their appearance in order. To develop in children the desire to always be beautiful, to look neat and tidy.

Material: clothes for children (skirts, hats, shirts, petticoats, ties, belts, etc.), bags, children's cosmetics, watches, combs, tools, toys, etc. are laid out on two tables.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to compete, who will gather to visit faster.

Two (three) children play. They approach the tables and begin to gather for guests. An adult reminds children that in order to go to visit they need to put themselves in order: dress nicely, comb their hair, etc.

The rest of the kids are watching their friends.

Can they go there right now? How can you help the boys? Which of the girls will agree to help them?

When the appearance of the boys is put in order, the adult reminds the boys of the words of gratitude for their care.

Didactic game "Friend"

Objectives: To teach children to empathize with loved ones, to understand the pain of other people, to rejoice in the success of their friends, to show care, to offer their help.

Material: rubber ball, soft toys.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle, close to each other. Any toy is planted in the center, for example, a hare. The teacher says that the bunny has hurt his knee and is crying, but we can help him if we support him correctly and regret it. It is proposed, passing the ball to each other, to say words of support and consolation. For example: do not cry, we will bring you home; your wound will heal soon; I will help you get up; I want to treat you to candy; we will anoint the knee and bandage it; I will stroke your head and the pain will go away; I love you very much and will not leave you in trouble.

Or another situation, the teacher says that today the bunny helped his friend run away from the wolf. Let's praise the bunny, rejoice for him. Children, passing the ball to each other, say different words (well done, brave, brave, we are proud of you, thank you, you are a true friend, etc.)

The purpose of the game. Establish friendships within the group. Learn to talk about yourself. Game description:

Girls and boys sit opposite each other. The boys start the game. They take turns calling any names of girls. If there is a girl whose name was spoken, she gets up and says her name again and talks a little about herself. After that, it is the turn of the girls, and they begin to call the names of the boys.

Rules of the game:

Note. Children's stories should not be very long or very short. To make a small self-portrait, the host must help the children.



MBDOU d / s "Kid" Zernogradsky district

Card file of didactic games on gender education

For preschool children.

Compiled by: teacher Novikova E.V.

Card file of didactic games on gender education

for preschool children.

Gender games for preschoolers are one of the ways to explain how girls and boys should behave, what rules their behavior in society obeys. The outdated stereotype "boys - cars, girls - dolls" has long outlived its usefulness, modern methods of early development speak about something completely different. In addition, the boundaries between male and female professions are gradually blurring, many women are passionate about the ideas of feminism.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

"Why do we like boys (girls)?"

Objectives: To develop a culture of relationships between boys and girls. To form in children the concept of positive character traits of boys and girls.

Material: a flower made of multi-colored cardboard, the petals are removable, inserted into the middle.

Game progress: An adult talks about a magical land in which all the children were friends with each other, but the evil fairy quarreled all the guys. Children are invited to collect the “Flower of Friendship”, but for this, each child needs to take a petal and name the good quality of a girl or boy. Children list positive qualities, and an adult connects the petals with the middle. When the flower is collected, the children applaud each other.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

Option 2 "How do I help at home?"

Objectives: To form ideas about household chores for women and men, girls and boys. Cultivate a desire to help people.

Game progress: Children take turns tearing off the petals from the flower, naming the duties that they perform in the family (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, caring for animals, “educating” younger sisters and brothers, repairing toys, etc. You can diversify the game. Let the children list the duties that their mothers perform in the family, and then dads.

Didactic game "Magic Flower"

Option 3 "Who am I in the family?"

Objectives: Formation of ideas about family ties. We teach children to correctly use words such as son, grandson, brother, daughter, granddaughter, sister (at an older age - nephew, niece, cousin, etc.)

Material: a flower made of multi-colored cardboard, the petals are removable, inserted into the middle

Game progress: With the help of leading questions from an adult, children must answer who they are for their mother (their father, their grandmother)? etc.

Didactic game "Wishes"

Material: heart toy (any toy)

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. Passing each other a toy, they say their wishes: “I wish you ....”

Didactic game "Polite words"

Purpose: To educate in children a culture of behavior, politeness, respect for each other, a desire to help each other.

Material: plot pictures depicting different situations: a child pushed another, a child picked up a fallen thing, a child pities another child, etc.

Game progress: Children look at plot pictures and voice them with polite words.

If the child finds it difficult, ask him leading questions from the picture. For example, what is the magic word you need to say to get a friend to give you a toy?

How do you thank someone for helping?

How should adults be treated? (call by name, patronymic and you)

What should you say when meeting someone?

What should you say to everyone when you go home?

what should you say when waking up in the morning, coming to kindergarten in the morning? What words can you wish each other before going to bed?

What do you say if you accidentally push or hit someone? etc.

Children should know and use the following words in their lives: hello, goodbye, see you soon, be kind, be kind, please, thank you, sorry, good night, etc.

Didactic game "Ears on top".

Didactic game “Who wears what? »

Children are invited to choose clothes and accessories for the boy and girl.

Didactic game "Suitcase"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about men's and women's clothing.

Equipment: sheets of paper with painted unpainted suitcases, colored pencils.

Description of the game. The teacher asks the child to imagine that dad (mother) is going on a business trip (vacation) and packs a suitcase. With the help of pencils, you need to “fill” the suitcase with things that match the floor.

Game option: father (mother) brought gifts to his son (daughter)

Didactic game "Gifts for Sasha and Masha".

Purpose: formation of gender representations in children.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to recognize oneself, other children as representatives of a certain gender; to continue the formation of interest in the life and work of other representatives of their own and the opposite sex; develop thinking, imagination; nurture positive relationships between children.

Description of the game. For the game you will need two dolls - a girl Dasha and a boy Sasha,

two boxes (red, for Masha, and the other blue, for Sasha) containing "Gifts" (pictures depicting various items - toys, clothes for girls and boys, as well as items that do not have a characteristic gender). During the game, children need to correctly determine who the gift is intended for.

Didactic game "What are our mothers like? How are our dads alike?

Objectives: To form the ability to highlight significant similarities and differences between representatives of different sexes. Cultivate love for close people, respect for their work. Help your child express his feelings to those close to him.

Material: family album photos of each child.

Game progress: Children and an adult sit on the carpet. The teacher tells the children that each of them has a family, there are mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Children are invited, looking at a photo of their mother (their father), to tell what kind of mother (father) he has? What does she do? For example, my mother is kind, affectionate, sometimes angry, thin, caring, beautiful. She cooks, does laundry, etc.

After all the children have answered, the teacher asks them a question:

How are our mothers (dads) similar?

What household chores do all moms (dads) do?

What external signs unite them?

What qualities are inherent in all mothers (dads)?

What will you be when you grow up?

After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher concludes that all mothers and fathers do housework, raise children, go to work. All mothers and fathers love their children, take care of them

Didactic game "Let's compliment each other"

Objectives: To teach children to be attentive to each other, to be able to show sympathy for children of their own and the opposite sex. To consolidate knowledge about the qualities of masculinity and femininity.

Material: two characters - Sasha and Masha. The body of the dolls is made of cardboard cylinders, the heads are made of blue (boy) and pink (girl) balloons, with painted faces. The dolls are dressed up in clothes: a boy in a shirt, trousers, a cap on his head; a girl - in a jacket, a skirt and a scarf on her head.

Any flower (it is better if it is not artificial, but live).

Game progress: Dolls came to visit the children. - Sasha and Masha. The dolls get to know the children and tell the children how they met. Sasha, seeing Masha for a walk, came up to meet her. Of all the girls, he chose Masha, because she was the kindest and most accurate. Masha also liked that Sasha is a very well-mannered boy. So they became friends. They came to our kindergarten to find out what children think about each other and how they can be friends. They brought a "magic Flower" that will help the children express their feelings. Children are invited to give a flower to any child and give him a compliment.

If someone is left without attention, the puppets or the teacher themselves make a compliment to these children.

Didactic game "Noble deeds"

Purpose: To instill in children the desire to do things for the sake of other people. To form an understanding that we call an act not only heroism, but also any good deed for the sake of another person.

Material: ball

Game progress: Children are invited to list noble deeds in relation to girls (women) and boys (men). The teacher throws the ball into the hands of one of the players, he calls a noble deed and throws the ball to the next player at will.

For example, noble deeds for boys:

call the girl only by name; when meeting with a girl, be the first to say hello; give up a seat in transport; never offend a girl; protect the girl help the girl carry heavy things; when a girl gets out of the transport, you need to get out first and give her a hand; the boy must help the girl get dressed, give her coat, etc.

Noble deeds for girls: to call the boy only by name; when meeting with a boy to say hello; praise the boy for showing attention; do not offend or call the boy names, especially in the presence of other children; thank the boy for good deeds and deeds; etc.

Didactic game "Fix the mistake"

Purpose: to form knowledge about the rules of etiquette behavior for boys and girls.

Equipment: a set of story cards:

The boy is sitting on the bus, the girl is standing.

The girl is sitting on the bus, the boy is standing.

The boy smells the flowers, the girl carries a bucket of water for irrigation.

The girl smells the flowers, the boy carries a bucket of water for irrigation.

A boy comes out the door followed by a girl.

A girl comes out the door, the boy lets her through.

The boy sits down at the table, the girl moves the chair, helping him to sit down.

The girl sits at the table, the boy moves the chair, helping her to sit down.

Description of the game. Children are invited to find the “correct” picture and explain their choice.

Didactic game "House of good deeds"

Objectives: To form ideas about household chores for women and men, girls and boys. Develop a desire to help families and others.

Material: constructor

Game progress: Children take the details of the designer and build a big house, while pronouncing the good deeds and deeds that they do, helping their family and friends. At the end consider what a big house we have built. How many good deeds we can do!

Didactic game "Collect the chain»

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the age and sex development of a person.

Equipment: a set of cards depicting a baby boy, a preschooler, a schoolchild, a young man, a man, an old man; baby girls, preschoolers, schoolgirls, girls, women, old women.

Game progress: Children are invited to lay out the cards in the “correct” sequence.

Didactic game "Find it right"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about gender-role stereotypical types of human activity.

Equipment: a set of cards depicting a girl, a boy and objects of labor (shovel, brick, saw, knife, hammer, hoop, tableware, food and utensils for cooking, clothing patterns, etc.).

Game progress: Children are invited to pick up objects of labor for the boy and for the girl.

Didactic game “Who wears what? »

Purpose: to develop the ability to find characteristic differences in the appearance of a boy and a girl.

Equipment: flannelograph, figurines of a boy and a girl made of cardboard, clothing and accessories (beads, umbrella, bow, fishing rod, tie, etc.)

Game progress: Children are invited to choose clothes and accessories for the boy and girl.

Didactic game "Who works for whom? »

Purpose: to form knowledge about the gender component of professions.

Equipment: large cards depicting male and female professions (educator, nurse, captain, pilot, firefighter) and neutral professions (doctor, teacher, salesman, conductor, cashier, musician); small cards with the image of professional instruments (a toy, a thermometer, a globe, a steering wheel, a fire hose, a ladder, a phonendoscope, a pointer, scales, a conductor's bag, a cash register, a violin)

Game progress: Children are invited to:

Arrange large cards according to the principle: male professions, female professions, neutral professions;

Pick up professional tools. The game is accompanied by children's comments.

Didactic game "Names"

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmale and female names.

Equipment: figurines of a boy and a girl.

Game progress: The teacher lays out the figures of a boy and a girl cut out of paper in front of the child and offers a game: he will name names, and the child will decide which name suits who. The list of names contains the usual names for children of different sexes (Seryozha, Yulia, Natasha) and names that are given to both boys and girls (Sasha, Zhenya, Valya). The teacher monitors the choice of the child, in ambiguous cases, in a conversation with the child, finds out to whom (boy or girl) the name is more suitable; he would like to have such a "double" name, etc.

Didactic game "Ears on top"

Objectives: Development of auditory attention. Teach children to identify themselves and those around them by gender.

Game progress: An adult calls several names. Children need to listen carefully and say an extra name. Explain why they consider this or that name "superfluous".

For example, Seryozha, Misha, Lena; Natasha, Dasha, Dima.

Didactic game "Guess the profession"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of professions. To teach the ability to divide professions into male and female.

Material: cards with the image of people of different professions.

Game progress: An adult lists the actions of a person of a certain profession, and the children guess what kind of profession it is.

For example, “A person of this profession examines the patient, vaccinates, prescribes pills. Who is it?" (doctor)

After each correct answer, the teacher asks one of the children to choose a card with the image of a person of this profession. Next, a conversation is held with the children: what other duties does the doctor perform, what else does he do? Are there any among you whose mother or father (grandmother, grandfather, aunt, etc.) works as doctors?

Who is more likely to be a doctor, a man or a woman? Why do you think?

Didactic game "Smiley"

Goals: development of ingenuity, positive emotions. We teach to name, understand and show the emotional mood of a person (joy, sadness, anger, surprise, resentment, etc.).

Material: A large circle made of cardboard - Smiley, shapes of an eye, eyebrows, mouths, noses cut out of multi-colored paper to convey various emotional states.

Game progress:

The child is invited to convey, with the help of the proposed details, the mood of the Emoticon, depending on the situation that the adult will describe.

Smiley saw friends.

The smiley is sick.

Emoticon is angry.

The smiley sings a song, etc.

When the Smiley is collected, the children are invited to display his mood themselves, with the help of facial expressions, emotions, gestures.

Didactic game "We are going to visit"

Objectives: To teach children to distinguish between the appearance of a neat and sloppy child (boy or girl). To teach girls (boys) to take care of the opposite sex and to put their appearance in order. To develop in children the desire to always be beautiful, to look neat and tidy.

Material: clothes for children (skirts, hats, shirts, petticoats, ties, belts, etc.), bags, children's cosmetics, watches, combs, tools, toys, etc. are laid out on two tables.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to compete, who will gather to visit faster.

Two (three) children play. They approach the tables and begin to gather for guests. An adult reminds children that in order to go to visit they need to put themselves in order: dress nicely, comb their hair, etc.

The rest of the kids are watching their friends.

Can they go there right now? How can you help the boys? Which of the girls will agree to help them?

When the appearance of the boys is put in order, the adult reminds the boys of the words of gratitude for their care.

Didactic game "Friend"

Objectives: To teach children to empathize with loved ones, to understand the pain of other people, to rejoice in the success of their friends, to show care, to offer their help.

Material: rubber ball, soft toys.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle, close to each other. Any toy is planted in the center, for example, a hare. The teacher says that the bunny has hurt his knee and is crying, but we can help him if we support him correctly and regret it. It is proposed, passing the ball to each other, to say words of support and consolation. For example: do not cry, we will bring you home; your wound will heal soon; I will help you get up; I want to treat you to candy; we will anoint the knee and bandage it; I will stroke your head and the pain will go away; I love you very much and will not leave you in trouble.

Or another situation, the teacher says that today the bunny helped his friend run away from the wolf. Let's praise the bunny, rejoice for him. Children, passing the ball to each other, say different words (well done, brave, brave, we are proud of you, thank you, you are a true friend, etc.)

Didactic game "Girls - boys"

The purpose of the game. Establish friendships within the group. Learn to talk about yourself. Game description:

Girls and boys sit opposite each other. The boys start the game. They take turns calling any names of girls. If there is a girl whose name was spoken, she gets up and says her name again and talks a little about herself. After that, it is the turn of the girls, and they begin to call the names of the boys.

Rules of the game:
1. Girls and boys sit opposite each other.
2. The boys start the game. They take turns calling any names of girls.
3. If there is a girl whose name was spoken, she gets up and says her name again and talks a little about herself.
4. After that, it is the turn of the girls, and they begin to call the names of the boys.
Note. Children's stories should not be very long or very short. To make a small self-portrait, the host must help the children.

In this card index, complex sentences are offered that are not composed correctly. It is necessary to correctly establish a causal relationship and correctly construct a sentence. The game teaches to establish cause-and-effect relationships and correctly build a complex sentence. Suitable for children's speech development.



Game: "Find the mistake, fix the mistake"

Target : Teaching children to establish causal relationships and correctly build complex sentences "

(on the lexical topic "Spring")

  • Today is March 8, because my dad and I congratulate mom.
  • It became quite warm, because the first leaves appeared on the trees.
  • Flowers bloomed because bees began to fly and buzz over them.
  • The sun warmed up, because the first grass and the first flowers appeared.
  • The land was plowed because rooks walk on the arable land.
  • It started to rain because I took an umbrella.
  • Spring has come because the rooks have arrived.
  • The snow melted because there were many puddles.
  • It was warm because the sparrows were chirping merrily.
  • A warm spring has come, because we put on light jackets.
  • The starlings have arrived because the children are building birdhouses.
  • The snow is melting because the streams are running

(to various rexical themes)

  • The girl fell ill because she went to the clinic.
  • The traffic lights were red because the cars were stopped.
  • The children became cold because they put on warm pants and blouses.
  • The snow was sticky because we were making a snowman.
  • It was cold outside because I put on a warm coat.
  • The linen was dirty because it had been washed.
  • Nastya pinched Lily because she started crying.
  • The kitten was hungry because it was meowing.
  • Sasha tore his jacket because his mother scolded him.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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