Days of information in the library title. Information Day “On the library wave. Educational hour “Pskov churches flaunt over the eternal bright water”

Here are the shelves, books, bindings...
My old acquaintances,
Subject of attention and care
And growing love.
And binding after binding,
Where next to prose is verse,
Like turn after turn
On the map of world destinies.
Like a conversation of thousands of years,
The call of departed generations...
And you and I - we are just children
Before this wisdom of centuries.

Continue reading the material in women's Internet magazine about a flower, women's happiness

Hello, dear, dear, faithful friends of our library! You, indeed, are our faithful friends; you are not afraid of cold, heat, snow, wind or rain. In any weather, you boldly step into the library. It is always waiting for you and greets you joyfully, with the warmth and cordiality of its employees, new arrivals of literature, and interesting public events.

Today the library must choose its most faithful friend. It will be the one who knows more about the library itself, about periodicals x, in general, the one who will answer large quantity questions and will receive more tokens throughout our meeting.

So let's start our conversation. A central tax service center has been created in the Armizonsky district. Who knows what this is?
(Answer: Centralized Library System)
Who can say in what year this significant event took place?
(Answer: In 1977)

The Central Library Unites 12 libraries: 11 rural and one central regional library with a children's department. I think you will be interested to know some of our performance results for 2011. Of course, the year was difficult, but fruitful. All indicators of our work (except paid services) higher than in 2010. Even the number of readers is 10 more people, despite the fact that many reading families leave the region and, in addition, there is a high mortality rate in the region. We have 5.5 thousand readers. The book fund amounts to more than 97 thousand copies and more than 750 copies of periodicals. Behind last year Over 235 thousand books, newspapers and magazines were issued to readers. For comparison, in 2010 there were only 207 thousand. That is, each reader took 42 copies of literature per year, or 3 publications per month. This is a good indicator.

Last year, the departments functioning in the library changed a little, and new employees came to us. This is what it looks like in this moment: There are 4 departments in the library. Department for servicing adult readers (G. A. Ugryumova, O. N. Grudeva, A. S. Pecherina); children's department (V. A. Lukashchuk, N. F. Pecherina); acquisition department (G. P. Gorbunova, V. V. Markov); information and legal department (N. O. Zhiryakova, E. V. Maul).
You might be interested to know that our system has its own website on the Internet: On it we place our work plans, information about events held, photographs and other useful information.
The library has a public Internet access point, which you can use free of charge during library opening hours.

The libraries of our system (including the district one) are expanding their functions and the range of services they provide, both paid and free. You can find information about library services in the Reader's Corner.
The main direction of the library’s work is providing information services to the population through existing library documents, including periodicals.
The flow of information, constantly received and consumed by all of us, has become not only important for a civilized person, but also vital.

Let's remember what's included in this diverse world called media?
Yes, this is the press - periodicals of newspaper and magazine type and audiovisual media - radio and television.

Today we will talk about the first component and to me, as a librarian, what seems to be the most important - periodicals.
It is very difficult, almost impossible, to imagine all these periodicals. Because the modern press consists of thousands of publications, different in subject matter, intended purpose, program, frequency, circulation, region of distribution.

What two groups can we divide the entire press into?
(Answer: Newspapers and magazines)
Right. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
The newspaper has greater efficiency, greater versatility, it is more informative and is a leaf publication.
The magazine is more analytical (i.e., analyzes events) and journalistic. Magazines, according to Gosstandart, must be bound,” i.e. printed sheets bound in the spine.

Let's take a mental excursion into the history of the press...

A newspaper is the history of the world in one day. It's hard to come up with best definition for this type of periodicals.
The word “newspaper” itself is traditionally associated with the name of the Italian coin – gazzeta.
In the middle of the 16th century, it served as payment for leaflets that informed Venetian merchants of trade news. The history of the newspaper business dates back to 1609, when newspapers were published once a week in Germany.
The first Russian newspaper "Chimes" appeared in 1621. True, it was handwritten, and only the tsar and the boyars read it.
The magazine is almost half a century younger than the newspaper. It was in 1665 in Paris, when the first issue of the publication was published. A lot of time has passed since then.
According to the region of distribution, the press can be divided into three large groups: national, regional, local.
The press can be designed either for the majority of potential readers or for a specific group.
By thematic area, the press can be divided into the following topics devoted to problems: health, sports, technology, science.
Newspapers and magazines have different frequency. Strict periodicity is one of the the most important characteristics MASS MEDIA. Some publications are published every day, others once a week, some once a month.
The most important materials and sensational photographs are placed on the front page. What catches your attention? Well, of course, the title. Its main task is to hold our attention and intrigue. Sometimes the title is accompanied short text, in italics, which precedes the material. This is a cut-in. Usually this is a slogan, quote or comment, sometimes summary material that determines whether the reader will read this material.
After all, when reading periodicals, we choose only what is interesting to us, so the headline and sidebar try to interest us. Under the heading “Today in the issue” are the most important topics of the issue. Sometimes newspapers and magazines contain sheets called tabs. An insert is a publication within a publication; it can be removed from the newspaper without violating the integrity of the publication (TV program).
Continuous text on a wide newspaper or magazine page would be inconvenient to read. Therefore, in publishing practice it is customary to divide it into several columns - vertical columns.
Each publication prints output data containing information about the publisher, editor-in-chief, periodicity of publication, circulation, etc. Each newspaper and each magazine has its own permanent headings - sections. The section has its own place and design
Now we invite you to get acquainted with the periodicals presented on the shelves.

So, our library subscribes to 94 periodicals. Of these, 37 newspapers and 57 magazines.
All of you are our regular readers and you yourself know what magazines and newspapers we subscribe to. Of course, this list is not permanent. Adjustments are made depending on your interests.

For example, we once subscribed to the magazine “Caravan of Stories”. He was in demand among middle-aged women. Then suddenly he stopped being in demand. But when there were no new issues of the magazine, suddenly there was a demand for it. And from this half of the year on our shelves there is your old friend “Caravan of Stories” magazine.

Pay attention to the new magazines: “Dasha”, “Everything for a Woman”, “Hunting and Fishing: XXI Century”.

1. A newspaper should have a consistent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

2. You should start browsing the newspaper with the leading article. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. Frontline - Pulse today. She will tell you about the country's priorities and problems, science, technology, cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly identifies its topic.

3. Next is a general viewing of the newspaper. Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only headings and headings serve as a table of contents and guide. By comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, you can almost always tell the topic of the essay, feuilleton, report, or information. The subtitle will help clarify this topic.

4. Are you interested? - read.

5. What you read should certainly work - help in professional activity or just in conversation.

6. There is not a single issue of a magazine that does not talk about something necessary and interesting. You must be able to see these materials and read them. Systematic reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be knowledgeable people who can always tell about what is happening in the world, in our country.

7. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? At first, force yourself to read at least all the headlines on all pages of the newspaper. Surely one or two of them will attract your attention. Read the articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics with which you are familiar. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, you will not only become acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will be able to form your own.

8. There is one thing - the only obligatory condition for the development of interest in a newspaper or magazine. This is consistency, regularity of reading.

Quiz questions:

2. What is a newspaper?
3. How does a magazine differ from a newspaper?
4. How is a magazine different from a book?
5. Name regional periodicals.
6. What is the name of our regional newspaper? When does it come out to readers?
7. Tell us about your favorite magazine or newspaper.
8. What departments are there in our library?
9. How many libraries are there in the Central Library?
10. What is the book collection of all libraries in the system?
11. How many readers do we have?
12. Well, how many copies of literature were issued in 2010?

Thanks everyone for the answers. And most true friend who knew almost everything about the library turned out to be _______________________!

Well. Now you can go to the shelves, select newspapers and magazines that interest you, write them down in your form, come home, sit in your favorite chair, turn on table lamp and enjoy reading!


N. O. Zhiryakova, head of the information and legal department of the Armizon Central District Hospital

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Sormovichi residents who came to the libraries on the day of information “From book pages to big screen"We learned a lot of new and interesting things.
Information about this event was posted on in social networks, and in the branch of L. Komsomol, from the very morning, librarians were handing out tickets with invitations to events on Korablestroiteley Avenue. Upon entering this library, visitors' attention was attracted by a colorful movie poster with the Information Day program and a library quilt, where anyone could imagine themselves as a director and write what book they would like to film.

In each of the libraries that hosted this Information Day, colorfully decorated exhibitions were prepared about actors, directors, films shot on the best works domestic and foreign literature. At the exhibition-viewing in the library-branch named after. M. V. Lomonosov presented the most famous art publications transferred to the screen - “White Clothes” by V. Dudintsev, “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin” by Tolstoy, “The White Guard” by M. Bulgakov, popular science, for example, about Sofya Kovalevskaya, and , Certainly, modern literature- books by Akunin, Marinina, Tokareva and others.

It is worth rejoicing for the readers of the branch library named after. N.V. Gogol. In the library for Information Day, the reading room space was reorganized, and the collection of children's and reference literature became more accessible.

There was also a wonderful event for members of the amateur association “Beseda”: “ Great story love: Orlova and Alexandrov." Readers were offered the story of the life and love of the famous Soviet director and movie star of the first magnitude - Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova. The meeting participants enjoyed watching excerpts from the films “Jolly Fellows”, “Circus”, “Volga-Volga”, “Spring”, and listened to songs performed by L. Orlova. The presented materials aroused great interest among those present. 16 people attended the event. The table of the screening “Know Ours!”, dedicated to Sormovich theater and film artists: N. Khmelev, M. Zimin, E. Bushueva, A. Ilyin, N. Lapina, E. Evstigneev and others, was also interesting to readers.

Quizzes on films and adapted books, and media screenings were held in libraries. Moreover, the reader, having become acquainted with the film on the screen, could then take home the book that interested him.

As part of Information Day, events for the general reader were also successfully held. Film show “The Path of Selfless Love” in the library named after. Lenin Komsomol presented film adaptations of literary works about nature, whose anniversaries are celebrated in the Year of Cinema. The viewing evoked nostalgic feelings among the older generation and enthusiastic feelings among young readers.

XXI century - century information technologies, and you can’t argue with that. And yet, the opinion that you can limit your knowledge of the world around you only to TV and the Internet is considered a dangerous delusion. No matter how educated a person is, each of us needs an adviser, a friend, and an interlocutor. All these roles can often be fulfilled by a good, smart book. Librarians try to help young readers select such literature.

February 13 in children's library No. 8 Centralized system children's libraries in Simferopol held an information day “On library wave" Events have been prepared for different age groups readers.

The subscription and reading room warmly opened their doors to the youngest preschool readers who came to the library for the first time. Taking a fascinating journey through the kingdom of books, the children became acquainted with the concepts of “library”, “librarian”, “shelf”, “form”, etc.

The excursion was easy, game form: The guys answered the questions of the “Guess the Fairy Tale” quiz and solved the “Who am I” riddles. New, bright books aroused great interest among children.

The hour of information “The Az and Books of Information Science” introduced students in grades 5-6 to the basics of information culture. The children learned what a book consists of, what an abstract, a preface, an afterword are, how to use reference books, dictionaries and the library's reference and search engine. Young readers tried to look for information about books in alphabetical and systematic catalogs themselves.

High school students were offered an informational talk “ Helpful information and pleasant leisure." The librarian told the children how to find the book they need and how to distinguish reliable information from false information. During the conversation, it was emphasized how important it is to check information for accuracy, and what harm false information can cause. Interesting and educational literature presented at the exhibition “Books Reveal Their Secrets” will help readers in their studies and brighten up their leisure time.

March 19 in the children's library-branch No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin was held information day “Come into a green house, you will see miracles in it”.

Information day plan:

  1. Library quilt “Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?”
  2. Book exhibition-vernissage " Enchanting music forests"
  3. Conversation at the book exhibition “Journey to forests and forest wonders”
  4. Riddle game “On the forest paths”

Throughout the day, all library visitors got acquainted with literature about the forest and reproductions of paintings by famous artists presented at the book exhibition-vernissage “Enchanting Music of the Forests.” During the conversations at the book exhibition “Journey to the Forests and Forest Wonders” children learned that forests occupy 31% of the entire surface of the planet, head. library L.Yu. Potanina talked about the importance of forests in human life. The conversation was about why we should protect and preserve the forest, about the rules of behavior in the forest.

Riddle game “On forest paths”
took place in several rounds. Students of the 4th grade of the NOU Orthodox Gymnasium “St. Tikhon of Zadonsk." Librarians Taravkova E.I. conducted it with the children. and Queen E.S.

The first round was held near the book exhibition “Flower Tales”. Quiz “Fairytale Flower” asked the children questions (on the petals of fairy-tale flowers) about fairy tales about flowers. For example, “In what fairy tale did the petals of an amazing flower help a girl fulfill all her wishes?” (“The seven-flowered flower” by V. Kataev)

The second round was Game "Bird Trills". Children were asked to guess riddles about birds, which were placed on paper birds. For example, “Together with this black bird, spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping across the arable land? (Rook).

"Riddles from the basket"
- third round of the game. The questions were written on images of animals, tree leaves, and mushrooms. Each child, choosing a certain picture, understood what the riddle would be about. Questions from the mushrooms were made about mushrooms, questions from the leaves - about plants, from pictures of animals - about forest animals. For example, “Here is someone important with a little white leg. He has a red hat, with polka dots on his hat” (Amanita); “Snoring can be heard from the den - the owner, the clubfoot, is sleeping. The whole area is covered in snow, but he feels warm in his sleep” (Bear).

The final round of the game was competition “Recognize by smell”. The children were offered jars of herbs, from which they had to choose forest herbs. Adults also took part in this tour with pleasure.

On this day, the library was decorated in the shape of a forest. Everywhere visitors were greeted by leaves, cones, acorns, butterflies, birds and flowers. This created a certain mood. There were bird trills, insect sounds and just a pleasant melody “A Walk in the Forest”.

At the end of the event, the children answered the question quilt “Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?” and attached paper stickers to a poster that was placed in the library lobby. The children's answers were very competent and serious. Each child was imbued with a sense of responsibility for preserving the forest.

Answering the quilt's question, the guys wrote that “we need the forest because it is called the lungs of our planet”, “we take care of the forest in order to breathe”, “the forest heals us, gives us fresh air“,” “the forest is needed so that animals can live,” “to know the habits of birds,” “because there is pleasant air there and you can breathe fresh, non-city air,” “...if you cut it down, then there will be no nature”, “gives us healing herbs”, “nature gives us tasty and healthy herbs, and if we spoil them, then no one will survive”, “the forest purifies the air, feeds and heals us ", "the forest gives us paper. Houses, dishes, furniture are made from wood”, “in the forest you can take a break from the heat and bustle”, “you can’t make noise in the forest, start fires, scatter garbage”, “we need the forest for air, for beauty, for a break from the city, for living knowledge and inanimate nature", "so that we can walk in the clean air."

Library users can obtain additional information about the forest from the books included in recommended list of literature for children “You can touch nature only with your heart.”

What else to read