Good morning ero. Erotic poems for your beloved - sexy, intimate. Funny good morning wishes for your girlfriend

Quite often it happens that young people in their lives are sometimes not at all nearby. And because of this, they quite often feel so sad and lonely. That is why you should always cheer each other up and try to do everything in order to cheer yourself up a little. This can be done in a special way. Namely, you will need to congratulate with the help of erotic cards good morning. If you do not know where exactly to find such postcards, then just go to our website. It provides for everyone who wants those postcards that you like. The main thing is just to go to our website and choose the postcard that you like best. Just download it and send it to the person who is so dear to you. Experience the warmest feelings with him, and then you can be so happy.

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Dear, good morning!
You are so good today!
In this pajama and this hairstyle
I love looking at you so much!

Good morning my dear!
Smile charmingly now
After all, you are as beautiful as this early morning,
My gentle happiness, my sun and life!

Sunrise starts the day
Morning comes after sunrise
Brings the thought of you
Promises a new miracle.
I hug you in the morning
I wake you up with a kiss.
I will never leave you
Because I adore you.
Because I am without you
I can't imagine my life.

Wake up baby, the day has begun
I kiss you tightly, giving you my love.
Your sweet smile will let me gain
Energy and strength for the whole day and night.

I run my hand over your shoulder,
Let the morning last at least half a minute longer.
I'm glad you're with me, and I'll whisper softly:
"My dear, good morning!"

It's time. The alarm clock is ringing. Wake up.
Stretch. squint. Smile.
Play with the cat. Time! Look!
So much more trouble ahead.

Shower. Coffee. Makeup. Cat sausage.
Costume. Hairstyle. And some spirits.
I forgot my keys! Ah, on the powder nose!
Well, everything? Ready? Right? Good morning!

My love, you are already awake
Like a ray of sunshine, my dear.
I hasten to bring you coffee in bed,
So that you smile, warming with love.

I wish you a good day,
May he bring you success.
And may lilacs always bloom in your soul,
And nothing to stop you!

Good morning darling!
The sun shines through the window.
And it's time, my dear,
Wake up for a long time.

A new day begins
The world of beauty is full
Everything around is waking up
Wake up and you!

My love, wake up
Look with me in the morning.
To blue skies
On bird songs, voices.

" Hey!" the sun tells us
And a beam of light beckons him.
And a light fresh breeze
He says to everyone: “Hi, my friend!”

Take a look out the window,
And your heart will be happier.
And good morning we are together
Let's start having fun.

I woke up a little earlier today
And, looking at you, he smiled to himself.
You are still lying sweetly and gently,
Your wondrous dreams hold you tight.

Now, finally, quietly so you woke up,
Stretching, you gently smiled at me again.
“Good morning, my love,” I whisper to you.
“I am happy that I have you!”

Together with you tonight
We decided to meet the dawn.
And though the night was cold,
We were warmed by the light of hope.

We admired the night sky
We listened to crickets in the grass.
And did not notice how the sun
Woke up in the morning at dawn.

And at this hour wonderful, clear
I want to say to my love:
"You are the only one in the world for me,
Let's always meet the dawn!

Along with this good morning
I wish you happiness
To make your day wonderful
So that the sun without bad weather,
For you to be cheerful
Smiled and laughed
And always the same cheerful
Like today, woke up!

My sleepy miracle
Good morning, happy new day!
May my love and happiness
They will be relentless in it.

Wake up soon
Great success awaits you
I only wish the best
The one that is the best in the world!

Our passion and our meetings -
It's joy without worries!
Good morning! I'm waiting for the evening
Suddenly a date will bring!

You are so beautiful - still warm from sleep, I want you so much. I want to feel your warmth with myself, good morning, my angel!

I want to hug you, kiss you and wish you a tender good morning ... then merge with you in a sweet fight, so that everything is, as always, in order ...

Dear, let SMS wake you up like a gentle kiss. The day will fly by, and the night of love will spin us in a whirlwind of passion again.

I want to wish you a good morning and hug you tightly to me ... then gently stroke your back ... slide to where the butt halves are ...

The first ray of the sun glides over your body, and I envy him that I'm not doing it. But this is fixable, the evening will come and merge us into one with you!

Good is the morning only after those nights that I spend in your arms. I hope that each of my mornings will be kind and I wish the same to you, dear!

Well? Ready to indulge in tender passion? Then wake up faster in the morning ... quickly get dressed overnight and get ready to visit early in the morning ...

A night with you is the height of bliss. But then the morning comes and we are again far from each other. May my warmth and affection accompany you today! Good morning!

In the morning I want to caress you again and again and allow myself many times! I will only say two gentle words to you: good morning today, now ...

Good morning my girl, are you still in bed? Don't get up, I'll be right back, keep me warm under your blanket.

I'll send a good morning message, because I love you more than life! Well, I also want you passionately, I want you, I want you hourly!

In the morning, again, again, I remember how in the evenings I caress you ... how my fingers slide over smooth skin ... how you caress me gently too ...

Wake up soon, zaya, good morning! Rather, throw the blanket away ... flash your breasts with beautiful mother-of-pearl, and for now I will decide what will happen next ...

At night we burn without a trace, and during the day we only think about it. The day is long, the night is fast and sweet, and the morning will awaken with verse.

Of course, it is very difficult for you to wake up after our stormy night. But the night has passed and the day is already different, it will come soon, by the way.

You don’t dream, I’m writing this, how I wander through the body with my finger ... how I hug and kiss you tightly ... and how I hit you accurately ...

I woke up in the morning and I miss you and your all, all touches ... I want to accept you as soon as possible in order to overcome desire and excitement ...

With the rays of the first I am writing a message to you to tell you that I am full of desire to give myself only to you and without a trace, exhausted from sweet movements ...

Good morning, dear, wake up and try to get me ... as always, start caressing your lips, calling offensive words ...

And now, with the rays of the first dawn, I tell you directly about this ... I'm waiting for you naked in the crib ... come soon, otherwise I'll leave ...

Good morning, darling, wake up ... I missed you very, very much ... you soon appear before me, there will be a pose the way you want ...

Are you awake? BUT? Do not pretend! I know you haven't slept in a long time! Come to me soon get ready, my insatiable little baby!

The sun is gliding over smooth skin... morning has come, wake up bunny... my hero has been standing for a long time and is waiting for the hostess to take him!

You will now quietly open your eyes from my beautiful, wondrous caress ... you will bend a little more in your back a little more ... you will definitely smile from pleasure ...

Voice declarations of love on mobile

What SMS messages do you use to please your girlfriend? Wishes of good morning, good night, declarations of love, that you miss her even in a short separation, remember and cherish. In this section, we offer you several other SMS confessions - erotic. Tell your beloved frankly about your masculine feelings, about how sexy and attractive she is, how you dream of intimacy with her, what a wonderful bed partner she is. The main thing is that your confession should breathe with real passionate desire, attraction, craving for her attractive body. And when you meet, you will definitely appreciate how it affected the girl.

Bewitched by your figure
When you are completely naked
You are like an unearthly fairy
And I'm timid and excited.

You are like a princess from the fairy tales of the East
Big eyes and sensitive mouth
Firm breasts and a smooth tummy
You are an angel of heaven and a demon of vice

All-consuming passion
To you, drove me crazy
Ready for your feet to fall
Pray that you are mine

Enjoying the love game
And the warmth of gentle, affectionate phrases
Will cover us - bliss wave
We will come to mutual ecstasy

You spread your legs calling me
To a stormy night and caresses full of fire
Arched and sighing often
You whispered: - "My dear, come into me."

I will not keep silent about one
I have the courage to do so
Yes, I WANT you, I WANT you
But you know, less than I would like.

I'm always out of my mind
When I'm not in you.
I'm just insane
When I'm not screwed!

Thirst for sex is not a vice,
It only takes one call.
If you are interested,
SMS came instantly.

Your eyes have killed me
Your smile is captivating
your wonderful ass
It drove me completely crazy!

Because there's something between us
I want to tell you without pressure ...
The wise man said: "Love is a disease,
Which requires bed rest.

When I think about us
I see how next to me
You walk holding your hand
On a rainbow under starfall.
And all dreams come true
Hopes come true
When you're next to me!
Of course, better without clothes!

You are my dear, there is no dearer to me!
But now another says "hello" to me!
But the other does not give in the ear!
Which one of you is closer? Fuck you will understand!

Tonight to catch up
university debt,
My "leg" will crumple for a long time
Your hypotenuse!

Throw flowers at you
Tire you with verses
Not hinting at anything
Invite for a cup of tea
Serve vanilla cake
And then do...

What a juicy (Name),
You caught me in a trap
Tied tightly to the bed
And threw off her sundress.
Body pattern - like a guitar,
And the nerve is a stretched string,
You burn in crazy ecstasy
I'm smoldering next to you!

You are on the waves of aquaperine,
You lie like a mermaid,
I am a powerful tide on you
You're trembling in the arms of passion!
Wonderful cue volokim
I'll put the winning ball in the pocket,
I won't be cruel to you
And I will repeat the encore!

Well, at least a little fear of God!
Fourth hour: "A little more!"
And stop cursing
I'm a human, not a vibrator!

Dating a light attempt,
Fear of first impressions
Goodbye exciting picture
The expression is outside the prevailing opinions.
Smiles of bright seduction,
Atmosphere of an intriguing look,
Do not know yet another opinion,
Under the parade romance umbrella.
An interesting unknown process,
Anticipating not excluded closeness,
There is already a bouquet of sympathies,
Just waiting for adequate mercy.
Meeting the first slight embarrassment,
Pleasant evening walks
Calls of the night desire,
Hands do not get tired of sms messages.
Text "good morning!" send,
And "how did you sleep?" don't forget
"Kiss, sweet dreams!" you wish
And you already know the answer.
And every night you remember
Such a sweet kiss desired
That teases a little, you know
But soon you'll get
Long-awaited impressions.

Love passed through the cells of the hand,
And two hands burned in admiration,
And the kiss hit your temples
There was, like him, emancipation.
The hand crawls like a snake across the chest,
And gently curls around the neck,
And lips touched. Wait a minute...
And cheeks flared so fiery.
Smiles ran through fate
The bodies were in awe of verbiage,
Who turned up quickly on you?
Of course, one, not all people.
The movement of voluptuousness is so strong
That the trembling of hands is almost not noticeable,
We are not free to choose a partner,
They send it to us, God - estimates.
Why do we kiss? Just sex?
Why is everything like this? Why do we need sweetness?
The international life of our age.
And this is our happiness: hello, hello!
Natalia Patratskaya

Erotica - in verse. And how sinful are all thoughts! -
Or maybe my youth is sinful?
And beyond what border we went with you,
Or have we come out of sin too?
Erotica - in verse ... There was no such thing,
But we are getting tipsy - without wine ...
And my body tenderness, you know, has not forgotten,
Well, is this my fault?
Erotica - in verse. And… how sinful are all thoughts!
Passion is also, by the way, out of sin.
I just went beyond the border of freedom,
So that a hand rests on the shoulder ...
Erotica is everything. Every atom is impregnated! -
And without wine - we instantly got tipsy ...
My soul is calm, my heart is not crucified, -
No one "builds" from this ... "war".

Lips compressed, in a long kiss
The girl shed a tear
The guy undressed her kissing
And looked trustingly into the eyes
Blushed on the bed fell
Lips bitten into blood
And unable to resist sobbed
And the guy just arched an eyebrow
Whispering lips slightly fluffy covered
Gentle beautiful words
May be long forgotten
Said can be more than once
He bared his chest and immediately gasped
Two buds, two scarlet pistils
But do not think after reading my creation
That the girl's honor was lost
It was the craziest moment
She spent the first night with her husband.

Erotic poems can not be counted, what about you,
Seductive diva of love lines,
An intimate star in a romantic dream
You are playful in your behavior.
Poems about sex, the desired silhouette,
Pleasant words beloved infinity,
Erotic fantasy can not be reduced to "no",
You live intimate carelessness.
You are limitless in your role
You are the attraction of the authors of poetry,
You prefer love to many
Goddess of praise.
Fantasy sexual fruit
Your incomparable features
Your divine flesh is unique,
You are like the thoughts of an erotic dream.
Queen of lyrical poetry
The secret of hidden dreams
Intimate sex words tigress,
The nature of the night is your romantic cover.
You are the embodiment of a frank landscape,
Erotic poems have been written about you,
Love envy good contempt,
Poems about sex excite you.
It's not hard to find nice words about you,
As if the hearts of the rivers flow,
You are unforgettable in the darkness of diversity,
Do not pacify men's attraction to you.

I want to join your lips
And take off your dress
I want to surrender to your dreams
And embrace your nakedness.
I want to play with you
And see how you frolic
I want to hear you and moan
Not allowing intimate lull.
You are the bright light in the night window
To be next to you! - my desire.
Candles flame you in the darkness
What excites us in advance.
Taste the flesh of my hopes
Don't deny yourself anything
I confess that I am yours and there are no places
Where we tell lies to each other.
We are frank in body and soul,
Open on an erotic night
We are not led together by an outcast,
And prejudices we will drive away.

caress me today -
You told me in my ear
In the petals of love will drown
Steel elastic dagger.
You playfully undressed
Throwing all the hesitations on the floor -
Your lips are hot prank,
Gentle fingers flow ...
My feelings wide open
Drunk with desire -
Two palms under the shirt
On my hot body
caress me my dear
You whispered in your ear
And an unknown force
Married our souls...

Your papillae are like two cherries
Turned my head.
I will pamper them with my tongue
I gently squeeze my hand.
There is a fire in the chest and moans are torn
You bend like a doe.
I entered you, felt the will,
All passion paying tribute.

Let's get rid of prejudices
Streams of passion are hard to hold
And fabulously exciting lips
The body will gently dance ...
The petals unfold involuntarily,
The earth will sway under your feet -
I will bite in a fit gently lobe
And whisper in my ear: "You are mine."
On the pestle the dew will turn silver,
You'll go crazy with excitement -
The last boundary has been crossed
A shiver of desire runs through the body.
Come to me, forget about everything in the world,
Today, our sweet moment with you
And eros in a gilded carriage
Sharing voluptuousness for two...

I know it will be night! special night!
For us .... and we will be just you and me!
We cannot overcome the languor of the flesh,
We will fall on the bed, with a desire for grief.
And there will be gentle caresses, like my silk.
Light touch and kiss! And flickering candlelight.
And a soft moan escapes your lips.
My efforts will be the best reward!
And the world will spin for us ....
And time will suddenly rise.
And Eros and Cupid will outline the circle of passion!
This night will be sweet and bright, crazy ...... short!
We are drunk with tenderness, as if from wine,
Let's finish this wonderful dance for two.
I look into your happy, green eyes,
And you will fall asleep in my arms.

Summer. Room. The night is wide open.
I smoke, you sit next to me.
On your shoulders is a shirt in a cage.
The smoke is flowing, you are also silent.
Trills fill with silence
Solovyov, the night is full until dawn ...
On our crumpled bed
The heat of our love cools down.
Ashes of feelings, embers of our passion,
Quenched the night with the coolness of the lights.
The summer day will fly by - happiness again:
Night, coolness, window, we are alone.
Alex Borodin

I go crazy with passion
Imagining you in myself
And now I can't sleep at all
I really want to see you.
Drown in love before dawn
And may your victory be.
Merge with you together
May our passion be unquenchable!

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