Ekaterina Gordon and Ksenia Sobchak. “This leader of yours has not had a man for a long time”: the media remembered the scandalous skirmish between Ksenia Sobchak and Katya Gordon on the air of Mayak. Katya Gordon found a new job

Ksenia Sobchak had a clear advantage in the dispute, the content of which became the property of thousands of listeners. Why did it happen? What methods did the socialite use to tame the radio host? This question the site explained business coach, psychologist-consultant Nifont Dolgopolov:

When Sobchak and Gordon grappled, they were both good. But, nevertheless, since Gordon was the host, Sobchak initially looked better in terms of the situation, since such a harsh attack on the guest, of course, does not enter into the role of the host.

Secondly, oddly enough, Sobchak was more correct. In any case, both in terms of text and intonation, she was more specific and less bullying.

Is it possible to say that the cause of the dispute was the long-standing conflict between Ksenia and Katya, some kind of competition between them, which developed long before the ill-fated broadcast?

It is possible that this is so. Sobchak emphasized that she has some long-standing resentment towards Katya, for the way she broadcasts: how Gordon “lowered” other people in her program. It is likely that their long-standing relationship is behind this conflict. In any case, if we talk about some kind of correct communication layout, then all the old scores should have been put out of brackets. If I, as a host, invite a guest, accordingly, I should not remember old grievances and accumulated negative emotions, but should try, on the contrary, to somehow support the guest in different ways.

- How do you evaluate Xenia's answers on the air? What rhetoric did she use?

Sobchak from the very beginning, from the first minutes, began to confront the leaders. Here, for example, is a clarification about the age criteria for the audience of her show at the very beginning of the program:

GLUKHOVSKY: Ksenia Sobchak is a cult personality for everyone from 13 to 30, it seems to me.

SOBCHAK: Why did you immediately restrict everyone so much? Good evening, dear Mayak radio listeners. Why up to 30?

According to the laws of communication, Glukhovsky's remark was a kind of interpretation, and Sobchak parried this and other similar remarks addressed to her. She welcomed only open questions:

GLUKHOVSKY: What is your target audience?

SOBCHAK: I have many different target audiences. This is also, in part, my phenomenon, that there are very different people and different programs.

One of the qualities of Xenia is that she is a very attentive interlocutor. What can not be said about Katya. Do you agree with this?

Quite. Sobchak is extremely vigilant about the text. As soon as the so-called “you-messages” come to her, that is, when a partner says something about her, she practically never missed it.

- What methods of provocation did Sobchak use during the interview?

These were multiple "personal attacks," interpretations, or assessments, of Gordon. Katya was “caught” on each of them without exception.

- Did Katya have the opportunity to beautifully get out of the situation? How was she supposed to react to such attacks?

A possible way out of the conflict for Katya would be in the so-called "I-messages". For example, she could respond to Xenia's provocation: you hurt me.

Instead, Katya chose the method of interpretation: "You insult the listeners of Mayak." Thus, in response, she used “you-messages”, which, in a conflict situation, start a mutual war.

The way out of such couplings is usually, just as in situations of communication between a consultant and clients or a psychotherapist with patients, or in negotiations of political partners, only in “I-messages”, in order to avoid interpretations about a partner.

From the point of view of the rules of the presenter, Katya could say that Ksenia hurt her, and she would not want to get personal. This conflict could be settled. But Gordon acted differently: she manipulated the listeners of the Mayak, and because of this, the broadcast turned out to be aimless.

- Yes, by the way, Katya did not indicate why she invited Sobchak to the program.

In fact, Katya was unable to build the framework of the conversation. If the partner is negatively inclined, if he involves some old grievances in the conversation, you need to clearly limit the topic and tasks of the dialogue and come to an agreement on this. Since Ksenia was not initially given the topic of the conversation, she was able to behave as she pleased, and only clung to the dialogue with Katya.

In addition, when a conversation takes on a conflicting character, you need to rely only on facts. But since there were no such remarks from Gordon, at the end of the broadcast it was especially clear that she was not coping with the role of the host, and it was not clear whether she could interrupt the conversation, expel Sobchak, whether the phrase “Get off the air” about Ksenia was manipulative move or actual reality.

- What are the main mistakes Gordon made?

Personal attacks hurt her and provoked her to the opposite answers, which is not the goal of the host.

I noticed that Ksenia ignored many offensive remarks by Katya, turning the conversation into the topic of new insults. There was a pause of silence between the question and the answer. Gordon, in response to provocations, Sobchak each time uttered the things she heard in her address and commented on them.

This is also one of the tricks. By uttering insults in his address, the party, as it were, secures the accusations for itself. At the same time, one of the ways to avoid an attack is to ignore it. That is why Ksenia answered some of Katya's remarks by switching to another topic, ignoring her opponent's attacks.

In addition, Sobchak emphasized her superiority all the time, and this is also one of the tricks. What Katya caught on: she began to measure herself in leadership, forgetting that the role of the host in the program obviously implies a dominant position, like the owner in the house: you don’t need to measure yourself with the guest.

- How do you assess the leitmotif on the topic of chewing gum, which periodically pops up in this interview?

There is such a trick: the use of household markers. This, for example, is a statement of such simple, intelligible things for the audience as uncivilized in terms of chewing gum or waving arms. , in this sense, Sobchak used a lot of everyday markers that a person is behaving indecently.

In this sense, Katya was more intellectualized and less understandable to the audience. In general, she preferred long intellectual explanations. In this, Sobchak simply outplayed her by two orders of magnitude. She used such elementary things as a statement of indecent behavior in the studio, transitions to mental weaknesses (take, for example, the phrase “You should have a man”). Sobchak used direct omissions, archetypal cultural phenomena that are socially understandable to a wide audience.

In this sense, her phenomenon - what she said at the beginning of the program - she justified: in her speech she covered a large layer of the audience, speaking in simple, clear language.

In the discussion of this conflict in the media, they mainly talk about Sobchak and Gordon, but for some reason no one gave an assessment to Glukhovsky?

Yes, but, by the way, he is one of the actors, and, it seems to me, he also behaved in a losing way. I believe that if people work in pairs - it doesn't matter, in television or in any other field - then, of course, they should support each other. I didn’t like the fact that when Katya Gordon broke into a tone of some personal grievances, Glukhovsky took the following position: girls, you sort it out with yourself, I don’t participate in this.

He had little support for both Katya and Xenia. Sometimes he intercepted the air on himself. This is good, but to directly say “let's express ourselves more accurately, treat each other more respectfully on the air”, he did not begin to translate the conversation into the right topic. It turned out that "two are fighting, the rest are on the sidelines." On the air, in general, all three were not in a very good position. It was a setup, rather, listeners.

As a psychologist, I would like to wish the hosts of any broadcasts so that the emotional interest, the excitement of the audience around a particular topic would be supported not through scandals and conflicts between the authors and guests of the programs, but through some of their own inclusion of hosts and heroes, showing their own interest in the topic, which are not touched upon petty personal squabbles.

Last night, a large audience of radio "Mayak" witnessed a fight involving the famous "blonde in chocolate" Ksenia Sobchak and radio host Katya Gordon.
Finally, the dreams of the Mayak leadership came true - the ratings of the radio station reached unprecedented heights. And all because the truth-teller Sobchak decided to put Katya Gordon, who for some reason did not like her, in her place. Katya's co-host Dmitry Glukhovsky at first tried to somehow stop the girls' skirmish, which was gaining momentum, but towards the end of the broadcast, the radio host correctly assessed what was happening.
- Girls, the ratings are skyrocketing!
Toward the end of the broadcast, there were a lot of beats and songs - they jammed and soldered the dispersed girls.

And the ratings were due to soar. Apparently, Ksyusha has long been sharpening a tooth on Katya Gordon. And the girl did not please her with her dubious, in her opinion, intelligence and - allegedly - unprofessionalism. And the very first question of the radio presenter became the beginning of the battle on the air. It would be better if she didn't ask him...
- Ksenia, we, as demonstratively unprofessional presenters, using our official position, solve our complexes, - Katerina began her work. - You are really a media riddle for me. In each of us there is a little Ksyusha Sobchak.
- Don't flatter yourself. In some it is not at all, - Sobchak jumped right off the bat.
This sweet conversation between two ladies is destined to scatter into aphorisms. The funny thing is that most of the listeners sided with the “blonde in chocolate”. And Katya was sincerely sorry ... Ksyusha in a sweet, sweet voice, without raising her tone, brought her interlocutor to hysteria, nervous trembling in her hands and red spots on her face ... We listen and read.
Part 1: http://www.radiomayak.ru/player.html?aid=97286&id=148730&type=TVP&mode=0
Part 2: http://www.radiomayak.ru/player.html?aid=97287&id=148730&type=TVP&mode=0

GLUKHOVSKY: Ksenia Sobchak is a cult personality for everyone from 13 to 30, it seems to me.

SOBCHAK: Why did you immediately restrict everyone so much? Good evening, dear Mayak radio listeners. Why up to 30?

GLUKHOVSKY: What is your target audience?

SOBCHAK: I have many different target audiences. This is also, in part, my phenomenon, that there are very different people and different programs.

GLUKHOVSKY: Phenomenon? Already good. "The phenomenon of me!".

GORDON: And, the most desired?

SOBCHAK: Desired audience? Looking for what. For myself personally or for business projects.

GORDON: Well, for the backlash of everything you do?

SOBCHAK: Well, probably 30+. So you somehow immediately chopped off 30 years ...

GLUKHOVSKY: Well, 30+ is an audience in a slightly different way, I think. This is not an audience of fans, let's say, but people who would like something more.

SOBCHAK: In any case, this is the audience with which I am interested. I work with her in a magazine, on the radio. Creatively, I feel closer to them, better and more comfortable.

GLUKHOVSKY: Do you feel like an idol?

SOBCHAK: I am afraid of such words as idol, idol. I am against idolatry. Moreover, when people, especially teenagers, say: “Ksenia Sobchak, you are my idol!”, somehow it immediately becomes scary.

GLUKHOVSKY: I can hardly imagine that a man over thirty would say: "Ksenia Sobchak, you are my idol."

SOBCHAK: If a person by the age of 30 has at least some intelligence, it seems to me that he will not say about anyone that he has an idol. At 30, it is not adequate to have idols.

GLUKHOVSKY: “You have a good figure, Ksenia Sobchak,” he might say, for example?

SOBCHAK: Well, for example, yes. And he will be absolutely right.

GORDON: Ksenia, as demonstratively unprofessional presenters, we use our official position to solve our complexes. You are truly a media mystery to me. In each of us there is a little Ksyusha Sobchak.

SOBCHAK: Don't flatter yourself. Some don't have it at all.

GORDON: Okay. You are the coordinator of the modern world, to which in any case you need to develop your attitude in order to simply navigate in space. I occasionally get bogged down. Somehow I attached you very specifically as a media image, because from an ethical point of view and from the point of view of education, some things were, to put it mildly, not close to me.

SOBCHAK: Do you know what the tragedy is? That you put me on, but I didn’t even notice it. And if I put you, believe me, everyone would notice.

GORDON: Because you're not my target audience. We have different business projects, in different niches. This is fine. I'm not talking about this...

SOBCHAK: Agree, at least, that mine is still more successful as a business project.

GLUKHOVSKY: Well, you used to be on the market.

SOBCHAK: And then. Positioning, positioning and positioning again is, of course, a good story.

GORDON: One more time. I'm not for skirmishes and not to compare someone with someone. I'm just, really, somehow separately and doing something else. Honestly.

SOBCHAK: What else are you doing? I just like this pseudo-intellectualism of the conversation. “I am doing something else. I'm from a different subgroup."

GORDON: Ksenia, why are you taking everything so aggressively? I didn't even finish the question. Moreover, I said here after the Muz-TV award that Ksenia Sobchak is the only remaining character against the backdrop of the “freak ball”, who took and gave a completely distraught producer Bilan a normal characterization.

SOBCHAK: It seems to me that it is also some kind of snobbery to enroll everyone at once in some kind of “freak ball”. People are all different.

GORDON: And what are you biting now? I tell you a compliment, and you: “And mine is more successful! And, in general, I am!

SOBCHAK: I can tell.

GORDON: It seems to me that you just got eaten. Therefore, such spikes.

SOBCHAK: I read some of your article in some magazine. You sorted people into some kind of subgroups there ...

SOBCHAK: Just like, you know, modern Hitler. We went in groups. This category, this one, intellectuals, people whose media image is already going wild, and so on.

GORDON: I am a psychologist by training. Psychology and sociology, just, is engaged in this categorization. Moreover, our intellect is arranged in such a way that in order to navigate in space, we need to somehow classify it.

SOBCHAK: Don't you think it's kind of flat, to put everyone in some category? Himself, of course, to the artistic or intellectual elite.

GORDON: No, why? On the contrary, I have a group "C" - under-stardom.

GORDON: A few other problems gnaw at me and I urge you ...

SOBCHAK: You are positioning yourself that other problems are eating you, but this is what is eating you, Katya. Some kind of social amendments to the labor code gnaw at you. In fact, it doesn’t gnaw at you at all, but it is precisely this that gnaws at you.

GORDON: I'm glad we're making me the main character on the show. It flatters me. But, we are talking about the fact that there are people who do exactly specific actions. I, in particular, if it is interesting and you condescend to pay attention to those who interviewed you without any ulterior motive and desire to annoy you, I am confused on dogs. Specific dogs were attached - well. They collected money for a specific child - good.

SOBCHAK: That is, you will now also be overwhelmed by this charitable pathos? You are already on this too.

GORDON: I was overwhelmed when you showed up.

SOBCHAK: I just have nothing to do with this.

GORDON: So that you will be overwhelmed. The more people who are not indifferent to anyone and anything but their ass, the better. It's not about that. Xenia, I hate women's skirmishes. I can't stand them.

SOBCHAK: And why do you think that this is a women's skirmish with us?

GORDON: I think it's her. We're having a women's brawl, yeah

SOBCHAK: If only you suit her. I sit quietly and drink some water.

GORDON: Ksyusha, what do you want from life? Tell me please. And why are you snapping before you've been asked the question?

SOBCHAK: I don't snap at all. I don’t really like the format of the conversation, Katya, which you start with the words: “Well, I do something different, I have a completely different activity.”

GORDON: I remember. My memory is not like that of a fish, but a little longer. Counting on our collective memory, let me remind you that I started the question and suddenly heard: “Well, my project is more successful.” It seems to me that you have some kind of wild complex?

SOBCHAK: No. You just started talking about complexes, and I immediately, in order to move from some preludes to business, wanted to point this out.

GORDON: Xenia, hats off. Indeed, you need to be more careful and gentle with you, as with most media neurotics. Because they are buggy all the time.

SOBCHAK: No. I have nothing to do with neurotics, unlike you. For example, I don’t wave my hands like you do now. I sit calmly. Resting. Relaxed. And you already have handles going in all directions. You are nervous. You squirm in your chair. Katya, calm down.

GORDON: I just, due to my upbringing, distinguish between some kind of media skirmishes and the transition to personalities. And, here, when two media characters begin to tell what is happening behind the scenes: “Well, you read it from a piece of paper! And you, Ksenia, knock with your foot ”- this is a bad tone.

SOBCHAK: Tell me. What media personality do you consider yourself to be?

GLUKHOVSKY: Ksyusha, what media character do you consider yourself to be?

SOBCHAK: I don't really like the word media character. It's not close to me, to be honest.

GLUKHOVSKY: All right. media image. There is you real and there is you about which they write.

SOBCHAK: Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of person. How real, how it is presented in the media. This is not so important. It seems to me that a certain honesty with oneself and sincerity is much more important. The absence of these qualities and pathos, in my opinion, unnecessary, always annoys me in all people, regardless of what profession they are engaged in, what business in life.

GLUKHOVSKY: That is, you consider yourself not a pretentious person from the people?

SOBCHAK: No. We again confuse concepts. A pathetic person and a person from the people are two completely different things.

GLUKHOVSKY: All right. Shirt boy? Yes? Are you trying to be yours?

SOBCHAK: These are completely different things. A man without pathos and a man from the people are two big differences, as they say in one other city. Of course, I am not a man of the people. I can't say that I'm just a girl next door. To be honest, as a big misanthrope, I never aspired to this. But pathos manifests itself in another way. Paphos - all the time to say: “The main thing is to help dogs and pets! Let's help the poor!"

GORDON: Well, that's really the point!

SOBCHAK: No need to talk about it. I help something and someone, but, unlike many other people, I don’t talk about it at all.

GORDON: Well, in vain. Because, in fact, people who have done something feel social responsibility. They understand that they need to use it somehow, don't they?

SOBCHAK: It's just that people are very fond of, Katya, like you, raising your eyebrows, talking about very important social things. Position yourself as a pseudo-intellectual elite. Unfortunately, the main word here is "pseudo". Friends, let's just be a little simpler, not in the sense - closer to the people, but simply simpler.

GORDON: Let's not characterize those we don't know. This time. I don't think you look good in this random rudeness on the air - that's two. And, thirdly, people should remind what is good and what is bad.

SOBCHAK: Yes, this is not rudeness at all. It's just true. The truth is always painful to hear. And who gave you the right to distinguish between what is good and what is bad?

GORDON: And who gave you the right to be rude? Let's give each other our rights.

SOBCHAK: I don't really make a distinction. This is where our difference lies.

GORDON: Our difference is just that you do not consider it necessary to do something using your fame.

SOBCHAK: I do not consider it possible to take responsibility for saying what is good and what is bad.

GORDON: You say what is good and what is bad, getting personal: Ballerina is bad, you are bad. Ksenia, you lie more than others.

SOBCHAK: What kind of ballerina do you have in mind?

GLUKHOVSKY: Now I'll put you on pause, girls.

GORDON: We continue the Cult of Personality program. Ksenia Sobchak - beautiful, with beads, we are on the air.

SOBCHAK: Did you like my beads too? Well, okay, Katya, if you behave yourself, I'll give them to you. Don't be spiteful. Do not chew gum during the broadcast. It's not professional. Spit it out. Come on, ask your questions.

GLUKHOVSKY: How old are you, by the way?

SOBCHAK: 26 years old.

SOBCHAK: Well, why? It seems to me that my career is just beginning, because there are a lot of interesting projects and, most importantly, very different ones. Now my new project will start on one major channel - from September.


SOBCHAK: No, not on TNT, but on STS. There will also be another entertaining format, a new parody, maybe a project. So, I'm always doing something, going somewhere further.

GORDON: Ksenia, do you really not feel responsible for those people who look at you? Well, there are some rules. For example: you can’t be rude, you can’t call names, you don’t know a person - don’t judge.

SOBCHAK: And I, exactly, unlike many, will not point my finger at them now.

GORDON: No. You speak for yourself. And that you are always referring to strangers whom you see for the first time. For some reason, you came with your legs, but pushed off. You came to me on the air.

SOBCHAK: Katya, the thief's hat is on fire. I'm not talking about you now. I am in general.

SOBCHAK: So, I'm not being rude to you now.

GORDON: Nobody put you in your place or what?

SOBCHAK: And, maybe you are going to do it now?

GORDON: No. I don't do this at all in my life. There are many more useful things.

SOBCHAK: No. I think, here, it’s too tough for you, sorry, it will be a little bit.

SOBCHAK: Do you think I got rude to you in some way?

GORDON: Definitely. You come. A stranger has come, Motherland, rude ...!

SOBCHAK: No, I brought you to clean water. Let's get specific, Katya. What, specifically, was boorish in my words?

GORDON: Xenia, I won't even comment on it. There are some norms with literature and education. And, there are people to whom they are not available.

SOBCHAK: No. I have both literature and education, believe me, everything is in order.

GORDON: Is that why you yell obscenities at some TV channel?

SOBCHAK: See how you do not restrain yourself. Fall into all the traps I set.

GORDON: Your traps have long been for dead beasts. You would collect them. I don't know what kind of person you are. I have a lot of friends who say that you are the kindest, smartest and everything else. Tanyukha Gevorkyan told me just now, for sure. But, there is still some kind of your media image that you somehow have to reflect on: “In my opinion, you allow yourself what you cannot allow yourself. If only because the girl in the city of N, who sincerely loves you, will be beaten and knocked out her jaw for this behavior. And she will do the same as you, simply because she saw that Ksenia was screaming, Ksenia, I don’t even want to describe it, because the people see it. This is not my personal opinion.

SOBCHAK: To be honest, I don’t really understand what you are talking about, because if Sasha Cowan screams in the movie Borat.

GORDON: It's a genre.

SOBCHAK: No, sorry, Katya, just watch my programs more carefully. "Chocolate Blonde" is also a genre. This is a genre of glamor parody.

GORDON: I understand. But, you played. You are producing this parody everywhere.

SOBCHAK: Why do you think that I played too much?

GORDON: You came to the country's main radio station.

SOBCHAK: So what? Am I cursing now?

GORDON: No. But you do exactly the same. You act like a chocolate blonde.

SOBCHAK: No. I'm just putting you in your place a little, because it seems to me that you just lost this place a little, Katya.

GORDON: As soon as you start looking after yourself.

GLUKHOVSKY: Did you study Katya before coming on air? And then I look, there is some kind of selection of information, articles and reviews.

SOBCHAK: Yes. Here, I will say what I do not like in Katya's work.

GORDON: Have you ever read my book?

SOBCHAK: You know, I read your articles and listened to you on the radio. That's enough for me. You, as one of my acquaintances used to say: "I haven't even read all of Dostoevsky in order to read your books."

SOBCHAK: Therefore, Katya, unfortunately, I have not yet reached your books. But, the question is different. In everything you do, what I call comes through, and I speak frankly, since we have such a sabantuychik.

GORDON: If you really want to stop lying, then go ahead.

SOBCHAK: No, I, just in contrast, again, I will not point fingers, I do not lie and I do not deceive anyone, because I do not say these pathetic words about children.

GORDON: Ah, you can't understand that there are a couple of people with a normal coordinate system.

SOBCHAK: No need to talk about it!

GORDON: It's up to you to talk about it!

SOBCHAK: Who is now shouting at us and habalit on the air? Who is selling tomatoes in our market now? ABOUT!

GORDON: I'm screaming because, really, people are suddenly puzzled by what's going on. That the king was told that you are absolutely naked, Xenia.

SOBCHAK: Do you know who needs Ksenia Sobchak? Ksenia Sobchak is needed for this, here, look how you are talking unprofessionally with your guest in parallel, Katya. You are the leader.

SOBCHAK: Ksenia Sobchak brings out the wonderful personalities of other people. And, now, thanks to my coming here, we have revealed the identity of Katya Gordon, who is already hissing, boiling with saliva. Everything you do is pseudo-intellectualism. That's what you do, Katya. Here, in order for it to become not pseudo, but for it to become real, you need to be a little bit lighter, and simpler, and softer.

GORDON: Ksenia, you spent time in your schedule, you found this time, given that you are a busy person, to come to visit a person, on the radio in order to put him in his place. Is this a normal goal in life?

SOBCHAK: Yes. Because I listen to your other broadcasts and I don't like it.

GORDON: What are you listening to then? Are you one of those grandmas who scribble on us in the Kremlin? Are you one of those envious girls who realize that they are weaker? Therefore, you are trying to be rude to the presenter, Xenia. It only says that I am an unequal opponent to you, that's all.

SOBCHAK: Who needs to scribble something on you? Do you really think I envy you? Honestly?

GLUKHOVSKY: The people got through. Polina, hello.

POLINA: I would like to ask Xenia a question about her project at STS. What is it connected with and what is it. If possible, please elaborate. It just got me so interested.

SOBCHAK: It's too early to talk about it. I think that in September you will see everything for yourself. This is a completely new show for me, a new genre. genre of the interview. I think it will be quite an interesting project. I think that the most important thing in life is to do some completely different things. By the way, all my projects are very different. In this sense, I am very proud of my work, because it is very diverse. There is a mass product, like Dom-2.

GORDON: What's the diversity? Explain.

SOBCHAK: Diversity is a product for a different, absolutely unrelated audience.

GORDON: Example.

SOBCHAK: Example: the Dom-2 project, Silver Rain programs, a magazine.

GORDON: Same subject.

SOBCHAK: Do you think that I do the same thing? In the GQ magazine with Ramzan Kadyrov or Baturin, are my radio broadcasts and Dom-2 the same thing, Katya? Do you really think so?

GORDON: I really think so. Unfortunately, in the Dom-2 genre, you can submit any hero, and you often succeed.

SOBCHAK: It seems to me that then we, in principle, have nothing to talk about if you think that this is one and the same thing. If the magazine "GQ", the program on the radio station "Silver Rain" and "Dom-2" are identical concepts.

SOBCHAK: No. I just came here because I followed some things that you did here on the air after I was invited and I wanted to answer you for those people that you are here for some reason, completely, in my opinion, undeservedly either insulted or treated them snobbishly in public.

GORDON: So you're playing defense now? Do you justify your behavior by the fact that you are a defender? You accused me a moment ago.

SOBCHAK: My behavior hasn't needed any defense or justification for quite a long time, and I certainly didn't come to justify myself and I haven't been going anywhere to justify myself for a long time.

GORDON: You just put up with it, and for this it’s not enough for you to wear glasses, you really need to see the light.

SOBCHAK: Why is she so angry? What does she have? Has your presenter Katya Gordon not had a man for a long time? Catechka, relax. Some massage.

GORDON: Have you become a producer yet? You are very similar to one lady who Bilana is producing. You need to do this. You have to be rude to someone in public and that's it.

SOBCHAK: Katya, well, I'm not telling you that you look like Sergei Zverev, right? Although, there is something in the features of the face ...

GORDON: Ksenia Sobchak is on the air and I can say this. In the first half hour, I lost, because I began to behave like you. Absolutely.

SOBCHAK: It's just that I was already on your air. Not on yours, but on Mayak radio. What Serezha Arkhipov managed to do in a fairly short time with this radio is amazing. We had a very interesting broadcast with Tutta Larsen. A very wonderful show and a wonderful girl. I really liked how she asked questions, how we communicated. There was no tension, Katya and I can tell you why.

GORDON: First of all, I'm not interested. I want us to stop this rudeness for the sake of the listener. I stop. And I rule this broadcast.

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon (emphasis on the second “o”) is a lawyer, journalist, director and writer, leader of the Blondrock group, social and political activist and gossip heroine. In October 2017, she announced her intention to run for president. Former wife of journalist Alexander Gordon.

Childhood and education

Ekaterina Prokofieva was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Her mother taught mathematics at Moscow State University, her father, a professor, lectured to German students. Parents divorced when Katya was a schoolgirl. Mom got married a second time, and the girl took the name of her stepfather - Podlipchuk.

I didn't like this name. All my childhood I was teased as “mean Chukchi”, “sticky”. I was under extreme stress.

Katya grew up as a wayward and freedom-loving child. As soon as she mastered reading and writing, she immediately began to write prose and poetry. This work, as well as puppet shows directed by Katya, remained in the memory of the students of the Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 1507. In addition, Ekaterina learned to play the piano at the music school.

In the graduation classes, the girl, in parallel with the general education school, studied at the economic school for high school students at Moscow State University. As the best student of the course, she received a grant from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, however, she entered the Faculty of Social Psychology of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin, from which she graduated in 2002 with honors. The theme of her graduation work was "Television norm as a factor of uncritical attitude to television information", which she wrote under the guidance of Professor Nikolai Veraksa.

Acquaintance with Alexander Gordon

In 2000, while still a student, Catherine met the presenter Alexander Gordon. At school, and even in her first year, she was completely immersed in her studies, love affairs did not arouse her interest.

Concerned parents decided to marry the daughter to the son of friends. Without much enthusiasm, Katya agreed to a date, came to a restaurant, and saw Alexander Gordon at the next table, the host of the New York, New York program - the only thing she could watch on TV without compromising intelligence.

The girl plucked up courage, approached Alexander and handed him a collection of her poems, remembering that his father, Harry Gordon, was a poet. “Please tell your dad!” she said and returned to her friend, who had already begun to openly annoy her. Soon Gordon came up to their table and asked Katya for "five minutes". It turned out that while the failed couple was having dinner, he read the collection and found it “Green, unprofessional, but very thin”, and the main character of her story “Immunity” reminded him of himself.

Then Alexander invited Ekaterina to shoot the film "The Shepherd of His Cows." A month after returning from filming, Gordon asked the girl to become his wife. Katya gladly took her husband's surname, which remained with her even after the divorce six years later - as the Katya Gordon brand. The wedding made a lot of noise in the media because of the 17-year age difference between the bride and groom.

Screenwriter and director

After graduating from Moscow State Pedagogical University, the girl entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors. She studied art in the workshop of Pyotr Todorovsky. Katya was one of the brightest students of the course - and this was not only her opinion.

As a diploma work, Ekaterina presented the short film "The Sea Worries Once". In the center of the plot is the story of a young but very cynical journalist (Daria Moroz). She decides to make a report on the day of the Navy and goes to her native village, where she interviews her own veteran grandfather and other countrymen who went through the war.

"The sea is worried once ...". Thesis film by Katya Gordon

The picture was not allowed to be shown at the VKSiR festivals, although many experts recognized the work as talented, in some shots someone even found similarities with the work of Andrei Tarkovsky, praised the work and Nikita Mikhalkov. Alas, the artistic council argued the non-admission for “moral and ethical considerations” and found “mocking overtones” in the work. The work was not credited, the diploma was not issued. Nevertheless, in 2005 the picture received the Grand Prix of the international film festival "New Cinema. 21st Century".

Writing activity

Even in her youth, Katya won a literary competition, the main prize of which was the release of a collection of her poems "States" with a circulation of 500 copies. It was this book that the girl presented to Alexander Gordon at their first meeting.

At the same time, Catherine worked on the book "The Finished". The novel, published in 2006, told about those young residents of the capital who spend their free time unpretentiously: drinking on the ring road, cartoons, car racing.

From under her pen, the stories "The Art of Parting", "Visiting a Green Friend" and "Homo Liberalis" also came out. "Life for Dummies", the play "Is the President's Wife Happy?" and the utopian novel "Kill the Internet!!!". In 2008, she launched a project of the same name (killinternet) with the goal of gathering all Internet addicts.


The track record of Katya Gordon is impressive. In the 2000s, she worked as a correspondent for the Gloomy Morning program on the M1 TV channel, and was the host of the Vremechko program on TVC. She is the author of a documentary called "Profession: Psychoanalyst".

Catherine's voice was often heard on radio stations. On the radio "Silver Rain" Katya led the heading "Diagnosis". Famous people were invited to the studio, the presenter prepared psychological tests for them and made a “diagnosis” based on them. On the radio "Culture" Gordon hosted the author's program "Master Class", and on "Echo of Moscow" the girl became the co-host of the women's program "Good Hunt". In 2009, she became the producer and host of the morning radio show "Daring Morning" on the air of "Megapolis fm".

On Radio Mayak, the journalist became the author and host of Recent History, Talk on Case, FM Therapy and VIP Interrogation, then the girl helped develop a media kit and came up with the slogans “Thinking is not boring!” , "About the important on an equal footing!" and Radio as a means of communication.

In addition, Katya was a creative producer and host of the O2-TV channel. She was in charge of the brand, the development of advertising campaigns, inter-air and other projects. She also came up with the slogans: “We just make television!” and "Man's victory over television!" and hosted the socio-political program "Conversation without rules".

On the air of Channel One, the girl appeared as a participant in the City Slickers project. On the Zvezda TV channel, she was entrusted with hosting the project The Other Side of the Legend, as well as becoming the main voice of the evening shows Gordosha and Antidote in the Russian News Service.

Together with Ilya Peresedov, Katya did the political project "Anatomy of Democracy" for Russia.ru. He represented the controversy between the two sides, such as opposition journalist Yulia Latynina with "Kremlin eminence grise" Sergei Kurginyan.

Skirmish with Ksenia Sobchak

Katya Gordon received scandalous fame in July 2008 - after she entered into a skirmish with Ksenia Sobchak live on Mayak radio. The Cult of Personality program with Gordon and Dmitry Glukhovsky has never had so many listeners.

The reason for the development of the conflict was the phrase Katya carelessly dropped: “In each of us there is a little Ksenia Sobchak,” to which she replied: “Do not flatter yourself. Some don't have it at all." After that, the girls embarked on a stormy exchange of "courtesies".

The conflict between Gordon and Sobchak on the air of "Echo of Moscow"

Ekaterina called Ksenia a “media neurotic”, to which she complained that “Katya was not allowed on the blue screen at one time, and now she sits on the radio and is sad that no one sees her, so beautiful.” In the end, Gordon tried to drive the arrogant guest out of the studio, but Sobchak still had the last word: “You should have a good man, Katechka, and everything would be fine with you.”

After the scandal, Gordon was fired. Many years later, she was asked a question about further relations with Sobchak. “We reconciled, and Ksenia interviewed me, by the way, the best of all that I had,” she replied.


In 2009, Katya Gordon created the pop-rock band BlondRock. A year later, the team applied for participation in the popular international song contest Eurovision. Katya and her comrades sang a reggae song called "War is bad" and made it to the semi-finals of the national selection.

In the fall of 2010, the band released their debut album Love and Freedom. Katya herself wrote the music and lyrics for the songs. The disc includes 15 songs. Andrey Samsonov, who is known for his collaboration with Aquarium, Zemfira, Mark Almond, Vyacheslav Butusov and Nick Cave, became the sound producer.

Katya performed one of the band's songs ("Mathematics") at a rally in defense of the Khimki Forest in 2011.

Blondrock - Math

In 2012, the second album “Tired of Being Afraid!” saw the light, which critics compared with Zemfira’s early work.

In addition to songs for his own performance, Gordon writes lyrics for other authors: Ani Lorak (“Take Paradise”), Dmitry Koldun (“Heart”), Angelica Agurbash (“Empty Heart”), Grigory Leps (“Leave in English”, which received “ Golden Gramophone in 2016).

In 2016, Gordon tried her luck in the vocal show The Voice. At the blind auditions, she performed the song "Take Paradise", which Dima Bilan liked. Katya joined his team, but flew out after a duel with Valeria Gekhner, where she sang the song "I would get sick" to the verses of Anna Akhmatova.

Social work

In 2006, Gordon organized the "Waste Breed" movement under the slogan "Love has no breed", agitating people not to take purebred pets, but to take homeless cats and dogs from shelters. The idea of ​​​​creating the project came to Ekaterina when a dying mongrel puppy was thrown to her dacha. The woman came out and named him Kyphon.

In 2011, the journalist was spotted at a rally for freedom of assembly on Triumfalnaya Square.

The video for the song "Mathematics", where fragments of the dispersal of the protesters were shown, became quite popular on the Internet. In the press, the song was given the names "anthem of the Dissenters" and "voice of Triumphal". Later, Catherine took part in liberal protest actions more than once.

Katya Gordon's personal life

The family life of Katya and Alexander Gordon lasted 6 years. After the divorce, only the famous surname remained from her husband.

After the divorce, Katya was credited with an affair with a 22-year-old actor of the series "Kadetstvo"

The presenter answered on her blog: “Where would you, a terrible creature, hang out if it weren’t for your dad named Sobchak and his devoted friends?”

GLUKHOVSKY: Ksenia Sobchak is a cult personality for everyone from 13 to 30, it seems to me.

SOBCHAK: Why did you immediately restrict everyone so much? Good evening, dear Mayak radio listeners. Why up to 30?

GLUKHOVSKY: What is your target audience?

SOBCHAK: I have many different target audiences. This is also, in part, my phenomenon, that there are very different people and different programs.

GLUKHOVSKY: Phenomenon? Already good. "The phenomenon of me!".

GORDON: And, the most desired?

SOBCHAK: Desired audience? Looking for what. For myself personally or for business projects.

GORDON: Well, for the backlash of everything you do?

SOBCHAK: Well, probably 30+. So you somehow immediately chopped off 30 years ...

GLUKHOVSKY: Well, 30+ is an audience in a slightly different way, I think. This is not an audience of fans, let's say, but people who would like something more.

SOBCHAK: In any case, this is the audience with which I am interested. I work with her in a magazine, on the radio. Creatively, I feel closer to them, better and more comfortable.

GLUKHOVSKY: Do you feel like an idol?

SOBCHAK: I am afraid of such words as idol, idol. I am against idolatry. Moreover, when people, especially teenagers, say: “Ksenia Sobchak, you are my idol!”, somehow it immediately becomes scary.

GLUKHOVSKY: I can hardly imagine that a man over thirty would say: "Ksenia Sobchak, you are my idol."

SOBCHAK: If a person by the age of 30 has at least some intelligence, it seems to me that he will not say about anyone that he has an idol. At 30, it is not adequate to have idols.

GLUKHOVSKY: “You have a good figure, Ksenia Sobchak,” he might say, for example?

SOBCHAK: Well, for example, yes. And he will be absolutely right.

GORDON: Ksenia, as demonstratively unprofessional presenters, we use our official position to solve our complexes. You are truly a media mystery to me. In each of us there is a little Ksyusha Sobchak.

SOBCHAK: Don't flatter yourself. Some don't have it at all.

GORDON: Okay. You are the coordinator of the modern world, to which in any case you need to develop your attitude in order to simply navigate in space. I occasionally get bogged down. Somehow I attached you very specifically as a media image, because from an ethical point of view and from the point of view of education, some things were, to put it mildly, not close to me.

SOBCHAK: Do you know what the tragedy is? That you put me on, but I didn’t even notice it. And if I put you, believe me, everyone would notice.

GORDON: Because you're not my target audience. We have different business projects, in different niches. This is fine. I'm not talking about this...

SOBCHAK: Agree, at least, that mine is still more successful as a business project.

GLUKHOVSKY: Well, you used to be on the market.

SOBCHAK: And then. Positioning, positioning and positioning again is, of course, a good story.

GORDON: One more time. I'm not for skirmishes and not to compare someone with someone. I'm just, really, somehow separately and doing something else. Honestly.

SOBCHAK: What else are you doing? I just like this pseudo-intellectualism of the conversation. “I am doing something else. I'm from a different subgroup."

GORDON: Ksenia, why are you taking everything so aggressively? I didn't even finish the question. Moreover, I said here after the Muz-TV award that Ksenia Sobchak is the only remaining character against the backdrop of the “freak ball”, who took and gave a completely distraught producer Bilan a normal characterization.

SOBCHAK: It seems to me that it is also some kind of snobbery to enroll everyone at once in some kind of “freak ball”. People are all different.

GORDON: And what are you biting now? I tell you a compliment, and you: “And mine is more successful! And, in general, I am!

SOBCHAK: I can tell.

GORDON: It seems to me that you just got eaten. Therefore, such spikes.

SOBCHAK: I read some of your article in some magazine. You sorted people into some kind of subgroups there ...

SOBCHAK: Just like, you know, modern Hitler. We went in groups. This category, this one, intellectuals, people whose media image is already going wild, and so on.

GORDON: I am a psychologist by training. Psychology and sociology, just, is engaged in this categorization. Moreover, our intellect is arranged in such a way that in order to navigate in space, we need to somehow classify it.

SOBCHAK: Don't you think it's kind of flat, to put everyone in some category? Himself, of course, to the artistic or intellectual elite.

GORDON: No, why? On the contrary, I have a group "C" - under-stardom.

SOBCHAK: To be honest, Katya, do not be offended, we are all friends here, this is your main complex. Seriously speaking, the main complex is that you are not a star. It seems to me that this gnaws at you more than anything else.

GORDON: A few other problems gnaw at me and I urge you ...

SOBCHAK: You are positioning yourself that other problems are eating you, but this is what is eating you, Katya. Some kind of social amendments to the labor code gnaw at you. In fact, it doesn’t gnaw at you at all, but it is precisely this that gnaws at you.

GORDON: I'm glad we're making me the main character on the show. It flatters me. But, we are talking about the fact that there are people who do exactly specific actions. I, in particular, if it is interesting and you condescend to pay attention to those who interviewed you without any ulterior motive and desire to annoy you, I am confused on dogs. Specific dogs were attached - well. They collected money for a specific child - good.

SOBCHAK: That is, you will now also be overwhelmed by this charitable pathos? You are already on this too.

GORDON: I was overwhelmed when you showed up.

SOBCHAK: I just have nothing to do with this.

GORDON: So that you will be overwhelmed. The more people who are not indifferent to anyone and anything but their ass, the better. It's not about that. Xenia, I hate women's skirmishes. I can't stand them.

SOBCHAK: And why do you think that this is a women's skirmish with us?

GORDON: I think it's her. We're having a women's brawl, yeah

SOBCHAK: If only you suit her. I sit quietly and drink some water.

GLUKHOVSKY: I'm the referee here. I don't participate in women's skirmishes.

GORDON: Ksyusha, what do you want from life? Tell me please. And why are you snapping before you've been asked the question?

SOBCHAK: I don't snap at all. I don’t really like the format of the conversation, Katya, which you start with the words: “Well, I do something different, I have a completely different activity.”

GORDON: I remember. My memory is not like that of a fish, but a little longer. Counting on our collective memory, let me remind you that I started the question and suddenly heard: “Well, my project is more successful.” It seems to me that you have some kind of wild complex?

SOBCHAK: No. You just started talking about complexes, and I immediately, in order to move from some preludes to business, wanted to point this out.

GORDON: Xenia, hats off. Indeed, you need to be more careful and gentle with you, as with most media neurotics. Because they are buggy all the time.

SOBCHAK: No. I have nothing to do with neurotics, unlike you. For example, I don’t wave my hands like you do now. I sit calmly. Resting. Relaxed. And you already have handles going in all directions. You are nervous. You squirm in your chair. Katya, calm down.

GORDON: I just, due to my upbringing, distinguish between some kind of media skirmishes and the transition to personalities. And, here, when two media characters begin to tell what is happening behind the scenes: “Well, you read it from a piece of paper! And you, Ksenia, knock with your foot ”- this is a bad tone.

SOBCHAK: Tell me. What media personality do you consider yourself to be?

GORDON: It's not about me. I'm the service staff of the air and I quite honestly do not hide it from anyone.

GLUKHOVSKY: Ksyusha, what media character do you consider yourself to be?

SOBCHAK: I don't really like the word media character. It's not close to me, to be honest.

GLUKHOVSKY: All right. media image. There is you real and there is you about which they write.

SOBCHAK: Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of person. How real, how it is presented in the media. This is not so important. It seems to me that a certain honesty with oneself and sincerity is much more important. The absence of these qualities and pathos, in my opinion, unnecessary, always annoys me in all people, regardless of what profession they are engaged in, what business in life.

GLUKHOVSKY: That is, you consider yourself not a pretentious person from the people?

SOBCHAK: No. We again confuse concepts. A pathetic person and a person from the people are two completely different things.

GLUKHOVSKY: All right. Shirt boy? Yes? Are you trying to be yours?

SOBCHAK: These are completely different things. A man without pathos and a man from the people are two big differences, as they say in one other city. Of course, I am not a man of the people. I can't say that I'm just a girl next door. To be honest, as a big misanthrope, I never aspired to this. But pathos manifests itself in another way. Paphos - all the time to say: “The main thing is to help dogs and pets! Let's help the poor!"

GORDON: Well, that's really the point!

SOBCHAK: No need to talk about it. I help something and someone, but, unlike many other people, I don’t talk about it at all.

GORDON: Well, in vain. Because, in fact, people who have done something feel social responsibility. They understand that they need to use it somehow, don't they?

SOBCHAK: It's just that people are very fond of, Katya, like you, raising your eyebrows, talking about very important social things. Position yourself as a pseudo-intellectual elite. Unfortunately, the main word here is "pseudo". Friends, let's just be a little simpler, not in the sense - closer to the people, but simply simpler.

GORDON: Let's not characterize those we don't know. This time. I don't think you look good in this random rudeness on the air - that's two. And, thirdly, people should remind what is good and what is bad.

SOBCHAK: Yes, this is not rudeness at all. It's just true. The truth is always painful to hear. And who gave you the right to distinguish between what is good and what is bad?

GORDON: And who gave you the right to be rude? Let's give each other our rights.

SOBCHAK: I don't really make a distinction. This is where our difference lies.

GORDON: Our difference is just that you do not consider it necessary to do something using your fame.

SOBCHAK: I do not consider it possible to take responsibility for saying what is good and what is bad.

GORDON: You say what is good and what is bad, getting personal: Ballerina is bad, you are bad. Ksenia, you lie more than others.

SOBCHAK: What kind of ballerina do you have in mind?

GLUKHOVSKY: Now I'll put you on pause, girls.

GORDON: We continue the Cult of Personality program. Ksenia Sobchak - beautiful, with beads, we are on the air.

SOBCHAK: Did you like my beads too? Well, okay, Katya, if you behave yourself, I'll give them to you. Don't be spiteful. Do not chew gum during the broadcast. It's not professional. Spit it out. Come on, ask your questions.

GLUKHOVSKY: How old are you, by the way?

SOBCHAK: 26 years old.

SOBCHAK: Well, why? It seems to me that my career is just beginning, because there are a lot of interesting projects and, most importantly, very different ones. Now my new project will start on one major channel - from September.


SOBCHAK: No, not on TNT, but on STS. There will also be another entertaining format, a new parody, maybe a project. So, I'm always doing something, going somewhere further.

GORDON: Ksenia, do you really not feel responsible for those people who look at you? Well, there are some rules. For example: you can’t be rude, you can’t call names, you don’t know a person - don’t judge.

SOBCHAK: And I, exactly, unlike many, will not point my finger at them now.

GORDON: No. You speak for yourself. And that you are always referring to strangers whom you see for the first time. For some reason, you came with your legs, but pushed off. You came to me on the air.

SOBCHAK: Katya, the thief's hat is on fire. I'm not talking about you now. I am in general.

GORDON: What does it have to do with thieves and hats and folk and not very proverbs ... Why are you rude, Xenia?

SOBCHAK: So, I'm not being rude to you now.

GORDON: Nobody put you in your place or what?

SOBCHAK: And, maybe you are going to do it now?

GORDON: No. I don't do this at all in my life. There are many more useful things.

SOBCHAK: No. I think, here, it’s too tough for you, sorry, it will be a little bit.

GORDON: You're just, you know, such a national rude. You proved it here too. Question: why are you doing this?

SOBCHAK: Do you think I got rude to you in some way?

GORDON: Definitely. You come. A stranger has come, Motherland, rude ...!

SOBCHAK: No, I brought you to clean water. Let's get specific, Katya. What, specifically, was boorish in my words?

GORDON: Xenia, I won't even comment on it. There are some norms with literature and education. And, there are people to whom they are not available.

SOBCHAK: No. I have both literature and education, believe me, everything is in order.

GORDON: Is that why you yell obscenities at some TV channel?

SOBCHAK: See how you do not restrain yourself. Fall into all the traps I set.

GORDON: Your traps have long been for dead beasts. You would collect them. I don't know what kind of person you are. I have a lot of friends who say that you are the kindest, smartest and everything else. Tanyukha Gevorkyan told me just now, for sure. But, there is still some kind of your media image that you somehow have to reflect on: “In my opinion, you allow yourself what you cannot allow yourself. If only because the girl in the city of N, who sincerely loves you, will be beaten and knocked out her jaw for this behavior. And she will do the same as you, simply because she saw that Ksenia was screaming, Ksenia, I don’t even want to describe it, because the people see it. This is not my personal opinion.

SOBCHAK: To be honest, I don’t really understand what you are talking about, because if Sasha Cowan screams in the movie Borat.

GORDON: It's a genre.

SOBCHAK: No, sorry, Katya, just watch my programs more carefully. "Chocolate Blonde" is also a genre. This is a genre of glamor parody.

GORDON: I understand. But, you played. You are producing this parody everywhere.

SOBCHAK: Why do you think that I played too much?

GORDON: You came to the country's main radio station.

SOBCHAK: So what? Am I cursing now?

GORDON: No. But you do exactly the same. You act like a chocolate blonde.

SOBCHAK: No. I'm just putting you in your place a little, because it seems to me that you just lost this place a little, Katya.

GORDON: As soon as you start looking after yourself.

GLUKHOVSKY: Did you study Katya before coming on air? And then I look, there is some kind of selection of information, articles and reviews.

SOBCHAK: Yes. Here, I will say what I do not like in Katya's work.

GORDON: Have you ever read my book?

SOBCHAK: You know, I read your articles and listened to you on the radio. That's enough for me. You, as one of my acquaintances used to say: "I haven't even read all of Dostoevsky in order to read your books."

SOBCHAK: Therefore, Katya, unfortunately, I have not yet reached your books. But, the question is different. In everything you do, what I call comes through, and I speak frankly, since we have such a sabantuychik.

GORDON: If you really want to stop lying, then go ahead.

SOBCHAK: No, I, just in contrast, again, I will not point fingers, I do not lie and I do not deceive anyone, because I do not say these pathetic words about children.

GORDON: Ah, you can't understand that there are a couple of people with a normal coordinate system.

SOBCHAK: No need to talk about it!

GORDON: It's up to you to talk about it!

SOBCHAK: Who is now shouting at us and habalit on the air? Who is selling tomatoes in our market now? ABOUT!

GORDON: I'm screaming because, really, people are suddenly puzzled by what's going on. That the king was told that you are absolutely naked, Xenia.

SOBCHAK: Do you know who needs Ksenia Sobchak? Ksenia Sobchak is needed for this, here, look how you are talking unprofessionally with your guest in parallel, Katya. You are the leader.

GORDON: What does professionalism and unprofessionalism have to do with it? I do not need a victory in Habal rhetoric.

SOBCHAK: Ksenia Sobchak brings out the wonderful personalities of other people. And, now, thanks to my coming here, we have revealed the identity of Katya Gordon, who is already hissing, boiling with saliva. Everything you do is pseudo-intellectualism. That's what you do, Katya. Here, in order for it to become not pseudo, but for it to become real, you need to be a little bit lighter, and simpler, and softer.

GORDON: Ksenia, you spent time in your schedule, you found this time, given that you are a busy person, to come to visit a person, on the radio in order to put him in his place. Is this a normal goal in life?

SOBCHAK: Yes. Because I listen to your other broadcasts and I don't like it.

GORDON: What are you listening to then? Are you one of those grandmas who scribble on us in the Kremlin? Are you one of those envious girls who realize that they are weaker? Therefore, you are trying to be rude to the presenter, Xenia. It only says that I am an unequal opponent to you, that's all.

SOBCHAK: Who needs to scribble something on you? Do you really think I envy you? Honestly?

GLUKHOVSKY: The people got through. Polina, hello.

POLINA: I would like to ask Xenia a question about her project at STS. What is it connected with and what is it. If possible, please elaborate. It just got me so interested.

SOBCHAK: It's too early to talk about it. I think that in September you will see everything for yourself. This is a completely new show for me, a new genre. genre of the interview. I think it will be quite an interesting project. I think that the most important thing in life is to do some completely different things. By the way, all my projects are very different. In this sense, I am very proud of my work, because it is very diverse. There is a mass product, like Dom-2.

GORDON: What's the diversity? Explain.

SOBCHAK: Diversity is a product for a different, absolutely unrelated audience.

GORDON: Example.

SOBCHAK: Example: the Dom-2 project, Silver Rain programs, a magazine.

GORDON: Same subject.

SOBCHAK: Do you think that I do the same thing? In the GQ magazine with Ramzan Kadyrov or Baturin, are my radio broadcasts and Dom-2 the same thing, Katya? Do you really think so?

GORDON: I really think so. Unfortunately, in the Dom-2 genre, you can submit any hero, and you often succeed.

SOBCHAK: It seems to me that then we, in principle, have nothing to talk about if you think that this is one and the same thing. If the magazine "GQ", the program on the radio station "Silver Rain" and "Dom-2" are identical concepts.

GORDON: You perform in the same role everywhere. Here you spoke again Ksyusha Sobchak.

SOBCHAK: No. I just came here because I followed some things that you did here on the air after I was invited and I wanted to answer you for those people that you are here for some reason, completely, in my opinion, undeservedly either insulted or treated them snobbishly in public.

GORDON: So you're playing defense now? Do you justify your behavior by the fact that you are a defender? You accused me a moment ago.

SOBCHAK: My behavior hasn't needed any defense or justification for quite a long time, and I certainly didn't come to justify myself and I haven't been going anywhere to justify myself for a long time.

GORDON: You just put up with it, and for this it’s not enough for you to wear glasses, you really need to see the light.

SOBCHAK: Why is she so angry? What does she have? Has your presenter Katya Gordon not had a man for a long time? Catechka, relax. Some massage.

GORDON: Have you become a producer yet? You are very similar to one lady who Bilana is producing. You need to do this. You have to be rude to someone in public and that's it.

SOBCHAK: Katya, well, I'm not telling you that you look like Sergei Zverev, right? Although, there is something in the features of the face ...

GORDON: Ksenia Sobchak is on the air and I can say this. In the first half hour, I lost, because I began to behave like you. Absolutely.

SOBCHAK: It's just that I was already on your air. Not on yours, but on Mayak radio. What Serezha Arkhipov managed to do in a fairly short time with this radio is amazing. We had a very interesting broadcast with Tutta Larsen. A very wonderful show and a wonderful girl. I really liked how she asked questions, how we communicated. There was no tension, Katya and I can tell you why.

GORDON: First of all, I'm not interested. I want us to stop this rudeness for the sake of the listener. I stop. And I rule this broadcast.

SOBCHAK: Then we have nothing to talk about. If you're not interested, I can leave. I'm not ready to be taken over. Katya, learn to behave well.

GORDON: Get off the air, Xenia. Go away. Get off the air.

SOBCHAK: Blame or not dump, you won't tell me, Katya. You are the leaders who do not know how to ask questions.

GORDON: I want you to stop insulting me. You are a woman who does not know how to hear a question. If you don't stop acting like this, I'll just mute your microphone. Stop rudeness!

SOBCHAK: You just don't know how to ask questions. You are an evil girl. You have some really big complexes.

GORDON: Did you say everything?

SOBCHAK: No, I didn't say everything.

GORDON: Say everything and end the topic.

SOBCHAK: So. Dear Katya Gordon. If you didn't have these understar complexes

GORDON: Xenia, stop being rude!

SOBCHAK: First of all, you wouldn’t keep the last name Gordon…

GORDON: After six and a half years of marriage, I can afford to keep my best friend's last name.

SOBCHAK: Why didn't you keep Portyankina or what was your surname before that, Katya? I will finish what I am talking about. So Tutta Larsen...

GORDON: Stop the bullying.

SOBCHAK: You'd better hold back some of your ambitions.

GLUKHOVSKY: Break! Stop rudeness.

GORDON: To tell the truth, like Ksenia Sobchak and further, indeed, to call and remind the people what is good and what is bad.

SOBCHAK: Katya Gordon sits and walks in red spots, and all the people sitting in the studio just laugh at her, because this is an absolutely pathetic sight. Do you look at yourself? You are absolutely in red spots. I have a calm face.

GORDON: When journalists allow themselves insults and say: “What a nose she has and what legs she has,” I say that they are behaving dishonorably. You are getting personal. Ksenia, if you do not stop being rude on the air, you will leave it.

SOBCHAK: Now you have acted as Renata Litvinova, once again revealing your essence.

GORDON: How many? Xenia, you have nothing to say to the country.

SOBCHAK: When you become a professional presenter, I will come to you. I'll talk to Tutta Larsen or some people who work here.

GORDON: If you have nothing to say to the country, then you can tell me everything personally. I greeted you before the broadcast, you could say. It was useless to arrange this boor show live on Mayak.

SOBCHAK: Listen, who even put her on the air here? Is it always so hard for you to work with her?

GLUKHOVSKY: Ksenia, you'd better talk to me. No. Katya is a good colleague.

SOBCHAK: Does it have something to do with the seasons?

GORDON: Ksenia, do you have any topics that you are ready to talk about, except for Katya Gordon?

GLUKHOVSKY: There are simply individuals with whom Katya has a priori conflict.

SOBCHAK: Think about it. Tina Kandelaki, Ksenia Sobchak. That is, Katya simply did not get, at one time, into the blue screen, and now this idea that you have to sit for three hours on the radio and broadcast something and few people see her, beautiful and smart.

GORDON: Yes, on some kind of radio, really.

GLUKHOVSKY: Well, since we have already started talking about media characters. It was up to who is better at using nouns and adjectives, how do you Ksyusha feel about Parris Hilton?

SOBCHAK: I have nothing to do with her.

GLUKHOVSKY: I will now explain what the matter is. I lived abroad for 10 years and returned to Russia three years ago. Parris Hilton performed well already 6 years and 5 years ago, when no one here knew her. Here I come and here is Ksyusha Sobchak, who embodies the concept of Parris Hilton - this is a party girl who gradually passes from a party girl

SOBCHAK: I don't think I embody the concept of Parris Hilton. I have my own concept and my own vision. To be honest, I am not familiar with her work.

GLUKHOVSKY: Actually, who is Parris Hilton? A girl from a good family, to put it mildly, wealthy. Which first hangs out and then, being noticed by magnates and TV moguls, leads its own show, travels and so on.

SOBCHAK: You know, it seems to me that the question is not that she hangs out and then someone notices her or does not notice her. I don't know the history of Parris Hilton.

GLUKHOVSKY: She is Hilton's granddaughter.

GORDON: You even interviewed her. Are you preparing for an interview?

SOBCHAK: I didn't do an interview with her. You again, Katechka, confuse me with someone else. I never interviewed her. I performed with her. Do you have someone talking about fish memory?

GLUKHOVSKY: But, in my opinion, you dubbed Hilton? There was some movie.

SOBCHAK: It's not the same as doing an interview. There is one but. Firstly, after all, my projects are business-oriented, because, unlike her, I did not have a family with a large financial fortune. I was lucky that I received a good education and upbringing. Absolutely amazing people came to our house.

GORDON: I propose to delete education from this list.

SOBCHAK: Katya, well, you are starting to sell your tomatoes here again.

GORDON: Let's be sincere. What upbringing? What are you talking about?

SOBCHAK: Listen. Even your radio listeners write to you that you are behaving unprofessionally.

GORDON: They write to you exactly the same.

SOBCHAK: Listen, can you appease this woman? It seems to me that she has some critical days.

GORDON: "That woman!" You see, the lack of education.

SOBCHAK: Katya, you are absolutely behaving now unprofessional and bazaar.

GORDON: Education of Ksenia Sobchak. Demonstrate further.

SOBCHAK: I'm glad, guys, that I came to you, because after I leave, you will still have to stay with Katya Gordon and, thank God, you will draw all the conclusions for yourself. Smart people not only draw conclusions. Look, I'm talking now, and you, like a market trader, interrupt me all the time. Each time you insert your word.

GORDON: Not only in pensioners, but also in Ksenia Sobchak, Katya Gordon causes negative energy. Here. Ksenia Sobchak at Mayak.

SOBCHAK: Katya chewed her gum again.

GORDON: Ksenia Sobchak at Mayak.

GLUKHOVSKY: Who do you consider yourself professionally? Who are you professional?


GLUKHOVSKY: showman or who?

SOBCHAK: There is nothing to talk about with such a person. She took out her gum again. Now, once again, it will shove it. You at least do not chew dirty! There are microbes!

GORDON: Ksenia Sobchak at Mayak!


GORDON: Do you have anything else to say?

SOBCHAK: Guys, it seems to me that the two of you are fine. You feel great. You, unfortunately, were not lucky a little bit with the host. Come to us at the "Silver Rain" and you will not have to live with such habalks.

GORDON: Through the cork. Through all of Moscow, she came in order to put Katya Gordon in her place. Thanks.

SOBCHAK: Here, this market story is being aired.

GORDON: Indeed, even Ksyusha Sobchak found out about Gordon. ABOUT!

SOBCHAK: Katechka, a good man to you and everything would be fine with you.

Original post (post deleted)
© katyagordon, 07/04/2008, Another achievement of Ksyusha Sobchak in the culture of the country

Katya Gordon

I lost the fight, if only because I got into it. Sobchak prepared and arrived for a specific purpose, which she did not hide. I was outraged by her, as I am outraged by the sudden aggression of a homeless woman at the stall and the inadvertent curse of a gypsy at the station simply because you have a goal and a path, and she needs money to look for an overnight stay. I remember how at the age of thirteen I attacked a grandmother who was beating a mongrel - I rushed at her with my fists, not remembering myself. Now I'm 27 - to rush at someone who behaves outside the norm, because in our country they are simply afraid to put this "thieves" woman in her place (she speculated on the topic of her connections even on my air (I'll call your bosses - by the way I called) )) - it is forbidden. I am not a journalist, and if I say something or write something, I do it not on behalf of a professional, but on my own behalf. For the first time I met a guest who came to insult me ​​without dividing the media wars and reality - and the only thing I won by losing: I did not use her shameful habal methods: "and now she has a red face and she took the gum out of her mouth, and read the news from a piece of paper.

Now about Sobchak's professionalism. There is an unspoken code, there is something that ethereal people should never do. For example: even if you know why Ksyusha never got married and you have a whole arsenal of questions about her real life and appearance. you shouldn't say that. Even if the guest is sitting in a three-layer make-up and a disgusting shirt and beads, even if he has a nose like my knee, this cannot be said on the air. That's shameful. This is vile. This is impossible. Ksyusha does not consider it necessary to limit herself to norms and rules - the audience from the plow perceives her cultural chaos as "cool and revelation." Others understand that this is blasphemy, not limited by talent and meanness. Well, yes! my last name makes fun of me - I've been with her for eight years (my mother was married three times: and I changed my last name three times in my life: Orekhova, Podlipchuk, Prokofieva (the family's real name) How much can you do? Katya Gordon - sounds cool :-), yes! we are friends with Gordon - well, yes, my second book is coming out and I am already known to a certain circle of people as Katya Gordon. This stale joke makes you want to say only: where would you hang out, a terrible creature, if not for your dad named Sobchak and his devoted friends? But you do not allow yourself this to a millionth audience - you miss a beat. They tell you: yes, you just didn’t get on TV, but you can’t pass the casting and you don’t say that you missed the two castings you were called to because you don’t want to lead dull shit - and even because for you on TV, unlike Ksyusha, no one asked, especially from above. But you don't let yourself say it - and your nose bleeds. They tell you about marriage and about the fact that you are a liar, you don’t say that you left lightly and that you, madam, were spotted by the groom in the hotel on the eve of the wedding, when Yudashkin already sewed off your dress, of course, with rhinestones, with another and in general about your uterine rabies is known to many - and you are sent to the knockout.

Surname, envy of Ksyusha and Tina, deceitful help to dogs and children and the fact that you are lying that you are smart) - these are her arguments.
A reveler, an ill-mannered thug who is used to threatening, a neurotic, from whom stylists run away in a week, a habalka and a frightened - these are the arguments that are ashamed to voice for millions. And several thousand of my LJ know this already.
My foolish principles contradict the thesis "all means are good in the struggle." I believe that a public person should do something. YES! If there is an opportunity - to call on the people - to collect money for sick children. Yes! If there is a platform - to remind that something else depends on us. And I will continue to do so! And I'm ashamed to brag about a million-strong country with tsatskami and say that a decent person cannot speak on the air, especially a journalist. Ksyushina's provocation with the transition to personalities is removed by a simple description of her miserable life and an analysis of what Ksenia has done over the past five years (who has she helped? Who and what has she taught, what has she created? Maybe she writes wonderful songs?). I have been in serious media for one year - and the fact that the Star of the Void is trying to "soak me in the toilet" says a lot. Thanks for the PR. I am pleased to officially be her opposite.

Recently, the hosts of the program "King of the Ring" knew that Kushanashvili was in the hospital with fractures. for the sake of the ether, for the sake of the crowd, they lied that Otar had lost his temper, he had just run away, flashing his heels from the ether. So: in such a show, I am ready to lose a hundred more times. I did not allow myself to tell you about her ordeals - not because she used to threaten and yell "Do you know who I am?", But because It's embarrassing. It's mean. This is impossible. Ksyusha will always defeat me with vile rhetoric, not limited by education - I will always be let down by emotionality and sincerity of indignation. But Ksyusha lost her conscience and honor and sells herself, and not the actions and products of creativity. And yes, I think that saving ten mongrels is cooler than being the Queen of vulgarity and vulgarity. And in a fight between a thunderstorm - from the Solntsevo region and a random aunt with bags - of course the "thunderstorm" will win, because it will stab a dirty bottle in the throat with a rose. And, of course, the aunt will scream helplessly. But those who are smaller, but they see and feel more deeply, will understand that the "thunderstorm" has lost globally - he stabbed himself in the soul and the crooked fragments cannot be reached.

Dear friends, given that Ksyusha's bastards began to produce dead diaries with the assertion that "Ksyusha lowered Katya" and publish "castrated transcripts", a real media killer began - it's time to support me in their diaries, if my position is close and understandable to you . Do a cross post or just a couple of words like "Katya Gordon! +1" Thank you for your support! I need her now.

"Silver Rain", 100.1 FM, Aired July 5:
Sobchak's answer: "I wish [Gordon] a good man, and not some Khinshtein."

December 25, 2017

The other day, Ksenia Sobchak, who is going to participate in the presidential elections, presented her political program. Her rival Katya Gordon believes that Ksenia stole political ideas.

Photo: Instagram

This autumn, Ksenia Sobchak officially announced that she intends to take part in the presidential elections in 2018. Soon her example was followed, which also put forward her candidacy for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

The other day Sobchak also presented her political program. Katya got acquainted with Xenia's proposals in detail and stated that many of the provisions proposed by Sobchak are the most

It is worth noting that Katya and Ksenia have known each other for about 10 years - almost immediately their communication did not work out. During the broadcast on the Mayak radio station, two blondes immediately grappled and exchanged mutual insults.

“I got acquainted with the program of Ksenia Sobchak. Until recently, there was no program about what she honestly told Vladimir Solovyov on the air ... But she appeared. What Ksenia Sobchak does looks like outright political plagiarism... She nominally declares and assigns slogans to which she has nothing to do. She is for women, and for children, and is against the presidency… I don’t feel sorry, for me the result is more important than personal ambitions… It’s her choice, but the hypocrisy in this whole movement goes off scale. I begin to understand why Chichvarkin, a recent friend, sent this man to hell. I'm starting to think that stupid radio scandal between two teenage fools was almost visceral. I do not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. Then I was an inexperienced girl who was overwhelmed with emotions, ”Gordon wrote in her microblog.

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