Ecological kaleidoscope "this wonderful world". Ecology quiz "Ecological Kaleidoscope"; primary classes Ergonomics and us





Class hour on ecology


I've done the work:

primary school teacher

Bruskova O.P.

The age of children for whom the class is intended is 7-10 years.

The necessary preliminary work is to print out the task cards.

Target : to form an initial idea of ​​ecology as a science, its role in people’s lives.

Tasks :


to form an understanding of the concept of “ecology”, to teach to observe the rules and norms of behavior in nature;


develop curiosity, logical thinking, imagination, speech, the ability to reason and justify your judgments;


to cultivate an ecological culture (teach to see the beauty of the surrounding world, treat nature with care, form a belief about the personal responsibility of each person for the state of the natural environment).

Subject results:

participate to the best of your ability in nature conservation;

have an understanding of ecology.

Meta-subject results:

Make assumptions about what ecology is;

Using drawings (ecological signs), tell about nature - our green home;

Express your attitude towards nature in your own drawing (ecological sign);

In collaboration with classmates, organize search activities to study the laws of ecology.

Personal results:

Understand the tasks of ecology as a science and environmental movement in Russia and in the world, the need for nature conservation.


Navigate in the knowledge system, extract information presented in different forms(text, diagram), observe and draw independent conclusions.


Communicate your position to others, listen and understand the speech of others, engage in conversation.


Various sciences study nature. This includes botany - the science of plants, and zoology - the science of animals, and many others. But there is a special science that studies how plants, animals and humans are related to each other, how they are adapted to the nature around them and how they influence it. This science is ECOLOGY. Its name comes from the ancient Greek word "oikos", which meanshouse and "logos" -the science . After all, nature is common Home for plants, animals and humans.

I bring to your attention a quiz - the journey “Ecological Kaleidoscope”. I invite you to the Kingdom of Nature, to play, reflect, guess riddles, sing, and in the end - a solemn dedication toyoung ecologists.

I hope, thanks to active work during class hour, you will understand how important it is to take care of nature and make efforts to protect and preserve it.

So, in bon voyage! We begin a journey into the amazing, beautiful and mysterious Kingdom of Nature.

You are friends,

Look, don't let us down!

And promise to be truthful and kind!

Don't offend either the bird or the cricket,

Don't buy a butterfly net!

Love flowers, forests, fields and arable lands -

Everything that is called our Motherland!

World of plants, mushrooms

Insert the “missing” words in the correct order, and implement the wise advice on a warm spring day (work with cards)

A lot of forest -...,

Little forest -...,

There is no forest -...!

(Options:don’t destroy, take care, plant .)

Prompt the right word by completing the saying.

In July, the ants work, and ………….. shows off.

( Options:foliage, dragonfly, sun).

Try, guys, to solve the riddles.

Who, as soon as it gets hot

He will pull the “fur coat” over his shoulders,

And the evil cold will come -

Will he throw her off his shoulders?


She dies in the fall

And again in the spring it comes to life.

A green needle will come out into the light,

It grows and blooms all summer.

Cows without it are in trouble:

She is their main food.


He's not fragile at all

And he hid in a shell.

Look into the middle -

You will see the core.

It is the hardest of all fruits.

It's called...


I saw a red mushroom in the forest,

I admire its beauty:

Little white leg

There are polka dots on the hat.

But I won't rip it off.

I'll admire it and leave.


Tall, always green.

I am taller than the willow, taller than the maple.

I pull my hands - straight to the clouds.

And the granddaughters are dancing around:

Fluffy, pretty,

They look like hedgehogs.


I am a drop of summer

On a thin leg.

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

Who loves me

He is glad to bow,

And the name was given to me by my native land.


Animal world

Try to pronounce the tongue twisters clearly and loudly. Who is better?

Swans with their cubs were flying.

There is a jackdaw on the willow, and there are pebbles on the shore.

The crow missed the crow.

Who they turned into or were enchanted:

Prince Guidon?

(Into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his glorious son and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and about the beautiful swan princess” A. S. Pushkin)

The giant cannibal from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault?

(Into the lion, the mouse. “Puss in Boots”)

Eleven brothers - princes from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen?

(In swans. "Wild swans")


(In the donkey. “The Adventures of Pinocchio” by C. Collodi.)

Remember who they are (a boa constrictor, a little fox, etc.), the following fairy tale heroes:

Riki – Tiki – Tavi?

(Mongoose. “Riki-Tiki-Tavi” by R. Kipling)

Mister Nilsson?

(Monkey. “Pippi Longstocking” by A. Lindgren)


(Boa constrictor “Mowgli” by R. Kipling)

Ludwig the Fourteenth?

(Little Fox. “Tutta Karlsson The First and Only” by E. Ekholm)


(Cat. “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat” by E. Uspensky)

Who is this? Guess the description:

Brown, clubfooted, clumsy - ... (bear).

Gray, toothy, scary - ... (wolf).

Sly, fluffy, red - ... (fox).

Wolfgrowls, howls, whines.

Foxyelps, whines.



Squirrelclicks his teeth.

Deer, elkblows.



Who lives where?

Bear in wintersleeps in a den.

Wolfin the lair.

Foxin the hole.

Beaverin a hut on the shore.

Squirrelin the hollow.

Hedgehogin a mink.

Bisonin the Pushcha.

Boarin the thicket.

Haretrembles under the bush.

Who loves what?

Bear -honey, raspberries, berries, fish, carrion.

Boar -acorns, carrion.

Fox -chickens, geese, hares.

Wolf -sheep, calves, hares.

Lynx -meat of other animals.

Bison -grass, leaves.

Elk, deer -grass, branches, bark, hay, salt.

Hedgehog -mice, snakes.

Squirrel -nuts, cones, mushrooms.

Hare -bark of young trees.

Human and nature

People about nature

Stopped thinking.

Destroy, spoil,

They kill, they torture.

And animals and birds

They kill brutally.

Garbage, waste

The rivers are polluted!

How is this so? Is this true? True, but not all people are like that. Guys, do you love nature?

Don't you break trees?

Don't you shoot birds with slingshots?

Do you know the rules of behavior in nature? Fill in the missing words (work with cards).

    Use (garbage bags) to take all the accumulated garbage with you to the nearest trash bin or landfill.

    Use rugs or mattresses for lining the tent (don't chop ) needles and spruce branches.

    Use (padded) hiking route.

    Not (ruin ) anthills.

    After relaxing in nature (extinguish ) fire with water or (fall asleep) earth.

For each diagram, formulate a rule of behavior in nature. (work with cards)

Possible answers:

    Don't offend the forest dwellers.

    Do not break tree branches.

    Do not touch wild animals.

    Don't catch butterflies for fun.

    Don't destroy birds' nests.

    Don't pick flowers.

Look to nature for inspiration

For a song, for a fairy tale,

For a poem!

Let's remember the words of each line from the song and sing cheerfully about sunny summer! (“Song about Summer” From the cartoon “Santa Claus and Summer” Words by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov)

We are on the road with a song about......,

The in the world.

We're in the forest...... maybe we'll meet you.

It's good that it's raining......

We are covered in bronze…….

Berries in the fire.

We love...... roast for good reason.

Summer is......!

Here it is......summer!

Summer......dressed in greenery,

Summer is hot......warmed,

Summer is breathing with the breeze!

On...... sunny edge

The green ones are jumping…….

And they dance...... - girlfriends,

…… everything is all around!

(Words: summer, best, hedgehog, passed, tanned, burning, summer, good,

ours, bright, sunshine, green, frog, butterfly, blooms)


You diligently completed all the tasks, which means you saw and heard the beauty of the surrounding nature: a silvery dragonfly, a tree with finger-like branches, fragrant strawberries on a thin stalk, a nimble grasshopper, a rain song... Perhaps nature inspired you to write a fairy tale or song. To the joyful cries of “Hurray!”, the applause of green palms - leaves and drum roll rain - you are dedicated toyoung ecologists

You still have to find answers to the mysteries of Nature, treat Her with care, because the HOUSE in which we all live is not only very mysterious and interesting, but also very fragile. Save it!


Magazine "Pedagogical Council", No. 6, 2000.

Children's magazine for family reading "Rainbow", No. 6 (22), 2005.

Tuzova V.L. “First class - day by day” - St. Petersburg, 2002

“Ecology for Children”/Edited by Yu.S. Astakhova-Samara, 1994


    Use _____________________ to take all accumulated garbage with you to the nearest trash can or landfill.

    Use rugs or mattresses, _________________ pine needles and spruce branches for bedding under the tent.

    Use the ______________ route for your hike.

    Not _________________ anthills.

    After relaxing in nature, ____________a fire with water or ____________earth.

The title of the material is an interactive didactic quiz game “Ecological Kaleidoscope”.

Purpose - for extracurricular activities, can be used in ecology, biology, and natural science lessons.

Target: fostering love for living nature, education ecological culture children


  • familiarization with the culture and nature of the native land,
  • development of cognitive interest, intelligence of students,
  • expanding knowledge and fostering a desire for its continuous improvement,
  • fostering a sense of solidarity and healthy competition.

Equipment - multimedia projector, screen, computer.

The form of use is projection onto a screen when working frontally with a team.

Rules of the game(Slide 3).

Our playing field consists of five themes: “The second life of a tree”, “Birds”, “Legends of flowers”, “Animals of our region”, “Northern berries”. Each topic has six questions. There are 3 types of questions in the game: a question and 3 answer options, a question without an answer option (the correct answer is a picture), “a pig in a poke” (“It flies or doesn’t fly” - flash questions); and a musical break (you just get a point for it). Musical break - the children and the musical director prepared a number, a song.

Most slides provide children with answer options that act as triggers. When you click on the correct answer, the figure changes color and incorrect answers disappear. If you answer incorrectly, the incorrect answer disappears and the correct answer changes color.

Children take turns choosing questions. After the game is over, the jury tallies the points and determines the winners.

Appendix 1. Scenario of the quiz game “Ecological Kaleidoscope”.

Appendix 2. Quiz game "Ecological Kaleidoscope".

Lipina Lyudmila Sergeevna, teacher of the State Educational Institution of the ZSSHI village. Zelenoborsky, Murmansk region. By education I am a physics and mathematics teacher. I have experience in my specialty, as well as a technology teacher. I worked in an educational school, a comprehensive school, a correctional school of the VIII type, and now I work in a sanatorium-type boarding school. I am the mother of three adult children and the grandmother of a wonderful toddler. I really like to do crafts with children using various techniques. My greatest reward is the delight of children from joint creativity. My students are laureates and prize-winners of exhibitions and competitions in DPI in our village, region, and at All-Russian exhibitions.

Target: environmental education of students.


  • nurturing love for native nature, her beauty;
  • developing an understanding of the essence of environmental problems facing humanity;
  • formation of an ecological culture of behavior in the environment, civil responsibility for its preservation;
  • realize patriotic education;
  • promote a love of nature;

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.

Today we will go to the temple of nature (slide number 4). Presentation

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
Come in here
Be a little hearty
Don't desecrate it!

  1. Main part.

Nature is diverse and unpredictable. She is how an affectionate mother cherishes and caresses, how an evil stepmother is strict and unapproachable... (Slide No. 5)

The gentle sun is often obscured by clouds and streams of rain fall on the ground.

In ancient times, when there were significantly fewer people and machines had not yet been invented, the expression “fighting nature” came into use. In our century, the balance of power between man and nature has become different. What is needed is not fighting, but protection. And nature asks us for help. Caring for the earth, forests, rivers, clean air, flora and fauna is the main thing. Our Motherland must become environmentally friendly. (Slide No. 6)

Let's define what ecology is (slide number 7).

Ecology, this word comes from two Greek words “oikos” - house and “logos” - teaching. Ecology is the science of habitat and environment.

Let's look at some ecological problems: (slide number 8)

  • water pollution;
  • deforestation;
  • air pollution;
  • land degradation.

15% of Russia's territory is environmentally unfavorable, especially in large industrial cities (slide number 9).

The environmental situation in Russia in numbers:

  • For every resident of Russia, approximately 42 tons of rock mass are mined annually, of which 13 tons go to dumps.
  • Gas and dust emissions amount to 0.48 tons.
  • Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are 3.5 tons.
  • 184 tons of polluted water are discharged.
  • Every year in Russia, from 1 to 7 million hectares of forests burn, 80% of forest fires occur due to human fault.

But forests produce 80–90% of the oxygen necessary for life on the planet.

Now let's see how big our planet is (slide number 10).

Let's take an apple for example. Let's imagine that this is our Earth. We divide it into four parts: three of them are water. We take the fourth small part and divide it again, then we get a piece of “land” where people do not live, and we divide another eighth into three parts: two particles (cities, forests, roads) - land that cannot be used in agriculture. Now let’s cut off the skin - this will be a fertile layer of soil. And sometimes, in order to shorten the path, we cross what has been plowed, dug up, sown... Once, twice, we crossed, and now the soil ceases to be fertile, and nothing grows on it in this place (slide no. 11-14).

Like an apple on a platter
We have one land.
Take your time, people
Scrape everything down to the bottom.
It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.
We common life grains.
Relatives of the same fate,
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand this people
Otherwise there will be no Earth.
And each of us.

(Slide No. 15).

“I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch beauty only with your heart.” (slide number 16).

Guys, did you know that paper thrown away by you will last more than two years, tin cans - more than 30 years, plastic bags - more than 200 years, glass - 1000 years?

(Slide No. 17-20)

Communicating with nature, people have long observed it. This is how environmental proverbs and sayings appeared.

Exercise: pick up the second part of the saying.

  • A lot of snow - a lot of bread.
  • Forest and plant - salvation for the beast.
  • Forest and water - beauty of nature.
  • The enemy of nature is who doesn't care for the forest.

Guys, you know that there are government and Religious holidays, but there are also environmental dates in the calendar. (Slide No. 21)

  • March 22 is World Water Day.
  • April 1 is International Bird Day.
  • April 22 is Earth Day.
  • June 5 is World Environment Day.
  1. Summing up and homework.
  • Let's remember what ECOLOGY is.
  • What measures need to be taken to maintain ecological balance in nature?
  • Draw up a route sheet (the path from home to school) indicating environmental violations. ( Slide number 22).

What else to read