“Is this the second one?”: Presnyakov and Podolskaya intrigued fans with a photograph of a baby. The long-awaited child of Podolsk and Presnyakov Son of Presnyakov and Podolsk what happened

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Nancy and Adelaide - the daughters of actress Katherine Heigl and musician Josh Kelly, who are expecting the birth of their son, and today the hero of our column is the son of artists Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya - Artemy, who was first introduced to the Internet public yesterday .

On June 5, 2015 - on the fifth anniversary of their marriage - Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya became parents: their son, who was named Artemy, was born in one of the elite private clinics. The baby became Natalia’s first child and the second for Vladimir, who has a son, Nikita, from Kristina Orbakaite. Vladimir was the first to announce the replenishment, publishing a photo of Artemy from the maternity hospital, providing it with the caption “Our happiness.”

That evening we were going to come to Vladimir and Natalya to celebrate their next wedding anniversary - they got married on June 5th. But I had to go not to their home, but to the maternity hospital - at 20.30 Natasha went into labor. Present at the hospital were Vladimir, Natasha’s mother Nina, sister Yuliana, who is pregnant with twins and is due to give birth in 2 months, as well as elder sister Tatyana, who flew in from Shanghai. The birth lasted 10 hours, and in the morning - right on their wedding day - Artem Presnyakov was born. His height was 52 centimeters, weight - 3,050 kilograms,

A representative of the couple told HELLO.RU on Artem’s birthday. Three days later, Natalya and her son were discharged from the maternity hospital, where they were met by dad Vladimir, as well as friends Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum. And a month later - July 19 - Vladimir and Natasha baptized Artemy in the Moscow Church of the Unmercenary Saints Cosmas and Damian on Maroseyka.

Presnyakov's theme
Natalya Podolskaya with her son Tema

It seems to me that God rewarded us for our patience. The fact that we did not have children was one of the reasons for our coming to faith, to the church. We got married, got married, traveled a lot to holy places, and prayed. It is said: “Ask and it will be given to you.” They also say that children choose their family themselves and are born when their parents are ready. So it’s absolutely clear that everything happens on time. Now I thank God every day for giving me my family, my husband, my son. Every time I lull Tema to sleep, I cross him, I can’t stop looking at him,

Podolskaya said in an interview with HELLO! , and then Vladimir shared his emotions:

Temka's birth is a real miracle. A miracle that is only possible when there is a big, crazy, true love- love for each other, for life, for God. We wanted a child for a long time, and this miracle happened. I haven’t changed much, I haven’t lost my boyishness, but now I feel a keen sense of responsibility and have become more collected. Wherever I am, I try to return home to Temka as soon as possible. Spend any free minute with him. It didn’t work out that way with Nikita, which I don’t really regret, but I worry about.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya with their son Artemy
Vladimir Presnyakov with his son Tema

Presnyakov's theme
Natalya Podolskaya with her son Tema

Gradually, Natalya and Vladimir began to introduce their Instagram subscribers to their son, occasionally publishing photographs of him taken from the back. But even such pictures gave followers an idea of ​​the baby’s style, especially since appliqués on his pants and overalls in the form of the faces of lions, pandas, ducks and other animals and birds became a favorite element of his looks. Another favorite element of Tema is the striped print, a love for which he picked up from his dad Vladimir, a lover of travel and nautical style. This also applies to the bright shades that both the boy’s father and mother adore, and now he himself - from all shades of blue to red and yellow.

But despite his love for bright shades, Tema’s images are never pretentious or overly catchy, because his main stylist - his mother - skillfully combines catchy shades with neutral ones. Even in his first appearance on the magazine's cover, unveiled yesterday, Tema poses in a bright orange suit that matches his mother's yellow dress. We are sure that there will be many more such filmings in Tema’s life, especially if he decides to follow in the footsteps of his creative parents.

Click on the photo to view the gallery Theme Presnyakov

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya with their son Artemy
Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya with their son Artemy

The son of musicians grows up to be a child prodigy.

The son of Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov Artemy is amazing early development. The boy, who turned two on June 5, displays the character traits and “maturity” characteristic of three-year-old children.
Recently, Tema used the expression “I myself” in his speech. According to statistics, children begin to say this phrase at about three years of age. This is exactly how one of the first life stages growing up, which is called the “three-year crisis.” During this period, children begin to realize themselves as individuals, begin to call themselves “I” rather than by name (“Theme goes”) and show independence, trying to do things that their parents previously helped with, on their own.

« Mother! Me myself! We have it sooooooooooo pressmmmmmmm?,” Podolskaya signed the photo.

Now star family is on vacation in Spain, where Vladimir and Natalya went with their family and friends, including the singer’s twin sister Julianna and her twin daughters. This is Artemy's first such long journey. Relax on luxury villa, which the artists rented in advance and enjoy fresh air and they will be a gentle sea for two months.

« The main thing is to be with those you love ❤️ Subject❤️,” Natalya commented on the photo.

« AND.! The main quality of parents is FOCUS EVERY SECOND?,” wrote the responsible mother Podolskaya.

It is worth noting that the boy constantly spends time with his parents abroad. In the first year and a half of his life alone, the baby made 4 flights: to United Arab Emirates, Spain, France and Israel.

Artemy Presnyakov, the long-awaited child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov, was born in the summer of 2015. Throughout my pregnancy I tried not to give any interviews about my situation, protecting the baby and myself from the evil eye. She did not manage to get pregnant immediately after the wedding; for some reason, the couple did not succeed for a long time. But still fate gave loving spouses heir, they deserve this gift. For many years, Vladimir and Natalya turned to God, begging for a child, visited churches in Jerusalem, and constantly went to services. And heaven heard them, a good, healthy boy was born.

Love story

The child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov became a continuation of their love, which arose like thunder among clear skies and amazed them both at first sight. Vladimir and Natalya met on the set of an entertainment show filmed by Channel One. At the time of their acquaintance, both were under stress after a breakup. then restored mental strength spent on a divorce from Natalya Podolskaya sued former producer and sorted things out with him. Therefore, at that time, none of them thought about developing a new relationship, and when they met, both decided to extinguish the spark that had flared up between them. But you can't escape fate. The nature of both of their jobs requires them to constantly overlap each other in projects, and the couple eventually realized that there was no point in running away from love. Vladimir and Natalya fell in love at first sight and decided to build their future lives together. The child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov was always desired, but was in no hurry to be born.

Dreams of a child

Throughout life together Journalists never tired of asking Vladimir and Natalya the same question about when the child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov will appear. Comment this situation the couple tried less, Natasha always turned down this topic, explaining that the child was not given by God according to a schedule. In the family, both spouses sincerely dreamed of children and wanted to continue their love for each other in a little person. And finally, a miracle happened: Natalya became pregnant. All loved ones rejoiced at the event - Vladimir’s parents, Natasha, the happy lovers themselves and all other family members. The name of the child of Presnyakov and Podolskaya was chosen in advance, but was not announced to anyone.

Birth of a son

During pregnancy, Natasha tried not to attract attention from the press, fearing negative energy or the evil eye. But everything went well, the baby perfectly withstood every month out of nine and was born in due time. What Presnyakov and Podolskaya named the child, fans learned from the baby’s grandfather, father Vladimir Presnyakov. The parents chose an original Russian name for their son - Artemy, but at home everyone simply calls the boy Tyoma. The child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov was born in the year of the Goat, as was Vladimir’s eldest son, Nikita. Natalya noticed this pattern, and the family now jokes that fate was waiting for the right years for the birth of Vladimir's children.

Relatively recently in the family star couple Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov have a long-awaited child.

A joyful event occurred on June 5, 2015. A boy was born, who was named Artem. This is the long-awaited child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov, because the couple have long dreamed of a baby. But happiness came only 5 years after the marriage was registered.

Love story

Among the representatives Russian stage, perhaps this is the most graceful pair. Podolskaya was familiar with his work even before their first meeting, but mutual love overtook them at a time when both were in search of their other half.

The story began in 2005. Then Natalya Podolskaya became a graduate of the “Star Factory” and participated in Eurovision. Vladimir had already been married twice by that time. The meeting of two musicians changed their understanding of love and relationships. It was love at first sight.

Now lovers appear everywhere together. Partings do not last more than one week. In turn, Natalya Podolskaya leads active image life, she sings, records albums and develops, without hiding behind her back famous husband. Official registration The marriage took place on June 5, 2010.

Dreams of a child

Star spouses for a long time dreamed about common child. Podolskaya never had children, but Presnyakov has a son from Kristina Orbakaite named Nikita. The guy is already an adult and self-sufficient, so Vladimir claimed that he had dreamed of a baby for a long time.

In 2014, Vladimir Presnyakov and Podolskaya finally learned about their pregnancy. Children have always been Natalia's lifelong dream.

For a long time the couple managed to hide happy event. Only in the 7th month was Natalya seen at a social reception in a light dress with a rather large belly. But the news did not surprise others, since colleagues on stage suspected the fact of pregnancy. Natasha increasingly wore loose-fitting clothes, which she had not allowed herself to do before.

When the pregnancy became difficult to hide, the couple admitted that a new addition to the family was expected. No one knew the sex of the child except Presnyakov and Podolskaya.

Long-awaited birth

In 2015, on June 5th, he was born healthy boy. The birth took place in a good Moscow clinic. Surprisingly, Natalya did not go to give birth in Europe or America, following the example of her colleagues, but preferred to stay in Moscow, saying that our doctors are not inferior to foreign ones in experience and knowledge.

There were no difficulties during childbirth. It is also known that the child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov was born naturally. Natalya, in turn, followed all the rules before giving birth and carefully prepared for this process.

As already mentioned, the boy was named Artem. So happy parents Presnyakov and Podolskaya have now become. It’s difficult to find a photo with a child anywhere because artists try not to show their son to reporters and photographers for fear of the evil eye.

The new mother tries to cope with raising her son on her own; she even excludes the possibility of using the services of a nanny. In the future, maybe outside help will be needed, but now Natasha herself has taken on all the work.

First time in public

The child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov remained a secret to others for a long time. Natalya and Vladimir categorically refused to show their son. Only recently the couple lifted the veil of secrecy and showed off their star offspring to the public.

Vladimir made a video with the participation of the baby, in which Artem laughs joyfully while holding an orange. The caption for the video sounded like this: “Hello! I’m Artem!”

Many people claim that small theme very similar to my paternal grandmother, that is, Elena Presnyakova. But there are also those who are surprised at the similarity of a child’s smile with a mother’s.

A little earlier, in Podolskaya’s photo, only the back of the baby’s head could be seen. Appeared often family photos Topics from the back. The child of Podolskaya and Presnyakov appeared in a frontal photograph only a year and a half later. Already from the first pictures it became clear that Artem is a copy of the famous grandmother Lena.

Popular singer, composer and arranger, and his wife became parents in June 2015. A son, Artemy, was born into their family. And some time ago online But a few hours ago, Vladimir again provoked talk about a joyful addition to their family by publishing a photo with a newborn child on his personal microblog.

"This is happiness"- Vladimir himself signed the photo.


And since the artist did not disclose the details of this publication, the majority of the musician’s subscribers, only after seeing this shot on his account, decided that there had been an addition to the celebrity family. However, some sensible fans of Presnyakov still tried to convey to his fans that this is just an archival shot.

“Is this the firstborn or already the second?”

"Second? This is super cool!”

“Second baby?”

“Artyomka, that’s what you were like!”

“Is this already the second child?”

“Another one or what?”

“Vladimir misled everyone...”


And during the concert dedicated to Vladimir’s fiftieth birthday,

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