Feng Shui of room and entrance doors. Feng Shui for the home: front door and hallway

Feng Shui entrance door

The front door is an object of close attention in Feng Shui. And this is no coincidence, because it is she who performs the function of protecting the home, enclosing the house, making it cozy and safe for its inhabitants.

In addition to these obvious functions, the front door is also the main “supplier” of positive Qi energy for your home. It's through the door good energy penetrates the house and circulates freely throughout the entire space of the apartment if nothing interferes with it. , her correct location, arrangement and color are a guarantee of your success and health, even if the rest of the space in your apartment is not arranged according to all the rules of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui location of the front door

As for the location of doors in general, Feng Shui has several very strict rules for their placement:

Entrance door and mirrors

Feng Shui generally treats mirrors with caution. This also applies front door, which under no circumstances should be reflected in the mirror. So, if either in the next room or corridor and the door is reflected in it, then the favorable Qi energy will be reflected, refracted in this mirror, and quickly go back. She will not stay in the house, and this threatens trouble for all family members.

Otherwise, mirrors are quite appropriate in the hallway, so don’t avoid them, but place them so that the front door is not reflected in them.

Entrance door and stairs

Staircase relative to door

Stairs and entrance doors must be in the correct position in relation to each other. The staircase inside the house should under no circumstances start close to the front door or become its continuation - this will not only lead to an immediate release of Qi energy, but will also increase the influence of negative Sha energy. Make sure that the staircase is not connected to the front door, does not “continue” the entrance, is not part of it, and is not located in line with the entrance.

Poor position of the entrance door

If in front of the front door there is a staircase leading to the second floor or down, this is also undesirable, since in this case energy leaks down the stairs, such a staircase distracts the attention of the person entering. In this case, attention can be distracted by placing an obstacle in the form of a plant, sculpture, bedside table, curtain, and so on. It is good to use musical pendants for the proper distribution of energy, and highlight the further path along the hallway with a bright carpet or path in accordance with the area in which your corridor is located.

The most unfavorable location is the external and internal stairs, which form one line, but are separated by the entrance door. This should not be done under any circumstances, because in such a house you will always feel danger, discomfort, and also often get sick.

Feng Shui color for front door

The color of the front door is directly related to the sector in which your door is located. With help, you can easily determine in which zone your front door is located and design it in such a way as to enhance the beneficial effect or block the negative one.

Door leading west

Responsible for the relationship between children and parents, it should be decorated with metal elements (the element of the West), choosing white or Brown color. Keep all decorations on the door in a perfectly clean, “shiny” condition - this will activate the zone.

Door facing east

Door to a happy apartment friendly family. You will enhance family happiness and the well-being of all apartment residents thanks to the wood from which it is recommended to make “oriental” doors. Both the door itself and the ornament on it can be wooden. The main thing is that the wood is always in good condition, without cracks, shiny, and varnished. Black or green are suitable colors for this door.

Door facing south

If your front door faces south, you can safely make it red or green, and then your activities will be crowned with success and even fame.

Door facing north

A door facing north, into the Career zone, can be painted blue or black, decorated with wavy elements (the north is influenced by the element of Water), and then you will be successful in career advancement.

Door facing northeast or southwest

For a door in the northeast or southwest, brown or yellow colors, south-eastern doors can be made yellow or any of its shades - these are the colors of wealth.

Color enhancement also applies to all interior doors. If you need to strengthen the influence of a certain sector on your life, just take care of the door that falls into it: paint it in the desired color, decorate it with suitable elements.

Apartment interior doors

Sliding doors

A few words about the other doors in the house, for example, those opening into the hallway. If you are building a house yourself, then it is better not to plan the doors to the toilet, bathroom or kitchen next to the front door. The corridor should lead directly to rooms for common use, and not for individual or household purposes. Your guest should enter the living room or dining room through the corridor, bypassing all other personal rooms.

Since many of us live in houses that are not built according to an individual project, we have to put up with what we have and find the most successful way out of the situation.

Doors to the toilet and bathroom, if they open into the hallway, should not be too large and massive, otherwise they will attract too much energy with their size. You will spend too much time in these rooms; the toilet and bathroom may become the most important in your life, and this, you see, is not very good. It is also important that the doors to these rooms are always tightly closed, otherwise you risk losing your luck through the drain. (By the way, this also applies to the toilet lid).

The same can be said about the door to the kitchen: if people entering your hallway see the “kitchen surroundings”, get ready for the fact that they will have an extraordinary appetite and will always come to you first of all to eat deliciously, because opened door into the kitchen it evokes just such “inviting” associations. Therefore, if your kitchen door is visible to guests, close it. If the door has large transparent glass elements (for example, half the door is made of clear glass), they should also be covered from prying eyes.

The doors to the owners' private rooms should also be closed, at least when guests arrive. The rest of the time they can be left open, thereby not creating barriers to the flow of Qi energy.

All doors in the apartment, even if you don’t use them, need to be opened more often. This way, energy will circulate freely throughout the apartment, and at the same time you will activate the area of ​​your life to which the door belongs. Do not forget about the cleanliness of the doors, maintain them in working order, lubricate the hinges, and promptly get rid of shabby, old and ugly doors. Remember that through good doors, positive Qi energy will enter with ease and will never leave your home, making it cozy, comfortable and safe.

Selected for a reason. Much attention is paid to this topic when creating a favorable atmosphere in the home, because the front door is a conductor vitality inside the house.

Negative, aggressive energy (sha), passive energy (xi qi), and positive energy (shen qi) accumulates at the threshold of the house. Which one will go inside depends on how well the front door is designed. Free movement energy is hampered by incorrect color and many other factors, correcting which together, you will get a stunning energetic result.

Secret arrows

Secret arrows (poisonous arrows or killer arrows) are obstacles to the free circulation of vital energy and its penetration into the living space, purposeful action destructive energy of sha qi. Even if you choose the right color and shape that attracts well-being, poisonous arrows will “scare away” it.

Killer arrows outside the room have the following incarnations:

  • Direct road leading to your house, T-shaped or V-shaped intersections, dead-end location;
  • Sharp corners - spiers, outbuildings, elongated building, fence battlements, etc.;
  • Traces of progress located near the house: telephone lines, cables, antennas and satellite dishes, lamp posts, power lines and poles, railways;
  • Narrow staircase;
  • The apartment is located next to the stairs on the lower or upper floor;
  • Trees opposite the entrance. Dried or diseased plants exude particular negativity.

But there are many ways to smooth out the negative merger of secret arrows. If you have a private house, neutralize sha qi with symbolism representing the Red Phoenix. It is presented in the form of landscape figures that create a barrier: a small fountain, a bush with lush vegetation, a decorative slide. In addition to the energy benefits, you will revitalize your garden plot.

If there is a straight path leading to your front door, giving room for malicious sha energy to maneuver, correct this by making the path winding, decorating it with flowers, stones, or simply earthen mounds.

You can redirect sha qi outside by using a special bagua mirror or a regular one. It will collect poisonous arrows and take them away from your home, preventing the shen qi from being destroyed. However, hang such a mirror carefully so as not to point it into your neighbors' house.

It is difficult or even impossible for apartment owners to use these effective techniques. In this case, try creating a barrier in the form of a threshold that rises a couple of centimeters above the floor level.

Use a small souvenir or an image of two crossed swords or a cannon for decoration. These are powerful symbols that can both protect and destroy the life-giving Shen Qi. Therefore, when using them, be careful and do not overdo it.

The illuminated space around the front door helps improve the flow of qi energy. To do this, hang a beautiful lantern above the entrance that will brightly illuminate it.

Correct Feng Shui for the entrance to the house

It is believed that according to Feng Shui, the front door should be made of solid material, expressing strength and massiveness. Glass and even glass or transparent inserts are considered an unsuccessful material, because of the transparency of which the life energy of Shen Qi does not linger for a long time in such a living space. To improve this negative aspect, hang curtains or decorate the nearest window sills with flowers.

It’s good if the entrance door swings open into a bright hallway or hall, letting good energy in. If you have the opposite situation, then it can only be corrected by re-hanging the hinges so that the door opens into the living space. It is undesirable for stairs and restroom doors to be located opposite the entrance. If the hallway resembles a dark, dusty closet, then the warmth and light that shan qi emits is repelled.

To correct the negative, hang talismans in the hallway that bring good luck. They are made in the shape of a horseshoe, or in the form of a pendant from tubes of 7, 8 and 9 pieces.

As for the size, the best option is a medium-sized door, with the condition that the tallest member of the family can comfortably enter it. At the same time, it should be larger than other openings in the house. If the basic conditions are met, then you can rest assured that goodness and positivity will flow unhindered into your home.

The meaning of the location of the front door and its shape according to Feng Shui

An important role in the life of the residents of the house is played by the location oriented towards any part of the world. If you are building a house, take note of this information and position the entrance according to Feng Shui requirements.

The ideal form corresponds to the five elements of the elements:

  • Fire - south. Any symbol of fire or wood will give cheerfulness of spirit and body to the inhabitants of the southern door;
  • Water - north. To increase the cleansing properties of water, the element of which dominates when the door is located in the north, use water symbols in its decor, and to strengthen the spirit - personifications of the element of metal;
  • Tree - east, southeast. A tree as a symbol gives the opportunity for personal and professional growth. To activate this feature, use its symbolism when designing, and any of the water talismans will be suitable for updating;
  • Earth - southwest, northeast. If the door is decorated with an element that personifies this element, then the inhabitants of this living space will experience reliability and stability;
  • Metal – northwest, west. The symbol of such an element decorating the entrance will give the residents strength of spirit and health. You can supplement it with the symbolism of the living element of fire.

As for the shape of the door and the elements decorating it, they also directly depend on the element of the element that corresponds to it. Illustrative examples are shown in the figure below.

Door on the south side

The southern landmark of the front door has a beneficial effect on people who crave fame and universal recognition. However, such violence can disrupt family relationships. The symbolism of Water will help smooth out the irrepressible energy.

Door on the southwest side

The southwest has a beneficial effect on the positive energy of the mother. This arrangement brings harmony and peace to the family. But it can upset the female and male balance and turn a woman into the head of the family. To moderate the excesses of the feminine aura, introduce woody colors and symbolism into the interior.

Door on the southeast side

Family peace, mutual understanding and financial well-being- this is what the southeast direction contributes to. However, don't expect instant results. The feng shui principle of gradualism applies here.

Door on the east side

The eastern compass direction has a beneficial effect on the ambitions of young families and helps to translate their goals into the desired reality. Keep in mind that it is this direction that brings good luck to businessmen in all their affairs.

Door on the north side

The measured and calm course of life and family relations will be provided by the energy entering the northern door. However, such calm can develop into indifference and apathy. To avoid this, hang a beautiful crystal in the hallway.

Door on the northeast side

Households living behind a door facing northeast are sensitive to external influences. This has a beneficial effect on those who are at the learning stage or are constantly engaged in self-improvement.

Door on the northwest side

The Northwestern landmark favorably influences the head of the family or its eldest male member. Such energy strengthens his authority and gives wisdom.

Front door color

Having dealt with the secret arrows and concepts of what an ideal front door should be according to Feng Shui, it’s time to take care of the color, which directly affects the lives of the residents of the house. Choose what color the front door should be based on the compass direction in which it is located. Colored entrance doors will improve the flow of incoming positive qi energy and decorate the house.

Door facing south

If the entrance faces the south side of the world, then it is better to paint the canvas in any shade of red or green. These are favorable colors, foreshadowing good luck in business for residents. If you are not satisfied with this palette, then use an alternative - yellow and brown tones. It is strictly not recommended to use black and gray colors.

West facing door

According to Feng Shui, the western or northwestern entrance door is decorated in metallic shades. For a southwest entrance door, brown is a good color. You can add bronze tones to it. However, beware of red, blue and black colors.

Door facing east

Green, blue and black colors are an excellent solution for entrance doors in the eastern and south-eastern directions. For the northeast, shades of brown, red or orange are suitable. A bad choice is white.

Door facing north

Cool and restrained colors: white, black and blue are suitable for the northern direction. They will appear as a “trap” for positive energy. However, avoid brown and green tones.

By carefully analyzing the parameters of the front door, you can understand how correct it is considered according to Feng Shui and eliminate these inconsistencies. The most effective thing you can do is change the color of your front door according to Feng Shui. To fully understand the intricacies, watch the attached video.

Poor location options:

  1. The entrance door is opposite the toilet room. In this case, all the energy entering the house will flow “down the toilet,” because the bathroom is a place of purification. In such an apartment, people feel constantly tired and inactive. And there is no need to talk about financial well-being.
  2. If you already live in such an apartment, the situation can be corrected. To do this, between the bathroom and the entrance you need to hang a Chinese talisman - a wind chime. It will reflect energy flows, dispersing them throughout the surrounding space in the right directions.
  3. In private houses, it is undesirable for the main entrance and the spare entrance to be located opposite each other. Then the Qi entering the space will not stay long: it will rush from the front door like a whirlwind and go into the backyard.

The front door is the gate of Qi, as it is called in Eastern philosophy.

Location by cardinal directions

Much will depend on which side of the world the entrance to the home is located.

What does this affect:

  1. North - life in the house will be calm, but can sometimes “slow down”, turning residents into apathetic and indifferent individuals. To neutralize this effect, you can change the color of the front door to brown, or hang a crystal above the entrance.
  2. Northwest. In this case, the man in the family will always dominate, because active male energy predominates in the house. Family members will honor and respect him.
  3. Northeast. An ideal option for young people who are just beginning to mature, explore and search for themselves, learn life and grow spiritually. For active and inquisitive individuals.
  4. East. An option for careerists and ambitious, goal-oriented individuals who strive to achieve a lot. In business and work, things will always go well.
  5. Southeast - . If the door is located on this side, the family will always have wealth, and you won’t have to hear about material problems. If you are just planning to buy an apartment, strive to choose exactly these options.
  6. South. This place activates social energy. A good option for sociable people who want to be the center of attention and gain the authority of others. This space needs to be supplemented with elements of the water element so that there are no conflicts in the family.
  7. Southwest is the sector of love. If the door is in this place, harmony and mutual understanding will always reign in the family. And if a single person lives in an apartment, he will very quickly find his other half.
  8. West is an ideal option for families with small children. Energy is aimed at their rapid growth and development, opening mental abilities and creative potential.

Watch the video

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the location must meet certain requirements. Each of them helps to create the proper atmosphere in the house.

It is not enough to position the door correctly; it needs to be in good condition: without cracks or scratches, not creaking, and opening smoothly and silently.

This is especially important for the door that leads to the bedroom. It fences off this intimate space and protects the owners of the room. If the canvas is thin and weak, it will not become an obstacle to outside intrusion.

Door location

In a house where you do not feel completely protected, it is difficult to relax and have a normal rest. Sliding and glass structures can be called secondary. Their main function– separate the kitchen from the living room, or emphasize the location of the recreation area.

If you have an unused door at home, Feng Shui recommends decorating it. It is advisable to do this on each side of the canvas. Decorate the surface:

  • photographs;
  • paintings;
  • tapestry;
  • carpet

In other words, they make sure that no one realizes that there is a door here. If this is not done, they may come through " uninvited guests“But are you waiting for them?

If the openings are located strictly opposite each other, this leads to confrontation of energies. Most likely, the residents of such a house are hostile to each other.

In the case when the entrance to the bedroom is located opposite the toilet, there is not enough energy for normal sleep, so some of it goes away along with the flow of water in the bathroom. It is unlikely that you will be able to get a good night's sleep in such a bedroom; besides, sounds and sounds will interfere with deep sleep. unpleasant odors from the toilet room.

It is undesirable for the entrance to the kitchen to be located opposite the toilet. These rooms conflict with each other. The kitchen symbolizes the element of fire, and the bathroom symbolizes the element of water. Such a confrontation will cause permanent breakdowns household appliances: the tank breaks and stops working gas stove And so on.

The exit from the bathroom should not lead to the kitchen

The kitchen door opposite the entrance to the living room does not count either ideal option. After all, while relaxing in a chair, you will have to constantly feel the smells that come from the kitchen.

How to properly install interior structures in the situation described above? If possible, it is worth altering them so that the openings are not located opposite each other.

It is wrong if a person, when leaving a room, sees the door first. opposite side corridor. If they cannot be moved, it is advisable to install mirrors near each opening. If the dimensions of one canvas are smaller than the other, the mirror is mounted only near the small one.

What arrangement of paintings should be avoided altogether?

Feng Shui experts believe that conflicts are caused by the designs of “arguing” partitions. It's about about canvases that open overlapping. It is recommended to refuse such options.

If three canvases are arranged so as to form a triangle, constant quarrels will begin in the family. With such an intersection of energy flows, it is difficult for residents to find a common language.

Correct location

To repay negative energy, attach an air bell right in the middle of the triangle. He will not allow conflicts to arise in the house. Bright light that falls on all the canvases at once will also help to cope with negative energy.

If the entrance through which one enters the room is located opposite the window, it is difficult to retain the Chi energy in this room. With such a layout, luck eludes the residents of the house; they feel weak and weak.

It is good when the windows are located perpendicular to the canvas. As a result, a blank wall surface remains in front of the door. At the same time, Qi energy accumulates in the room, which has a beneficial effect on the residents.

Such a kitchen layout becomes the reason conflict situations in the family and affects finances. Energy rushes through the kitchen without stopping anywhere, and takes away luck and money with it.

To prevent the flow of Qi energy from leaving the kitchen, a transparent crystal is hung above the entrance to it. It dissipates directly directed energy.

Crystal for holding energy

Entrance door style

The front door is designed for protection, so its door leaf must be durable. It is not recommended to use transparent glass inserts.

The front door is made as wide as possible to allow Qi energy into the room. The height of the canvas should be greater than the height of the tallest family member, so that he does not experience inconvenience when entering or leaving the room.

It is considered incorrect if the sash opens into the room. Feng Shui experts say this arrangement has a bad effect on the residents. It is recommended to rearrange the loops and rehang the canvas.

Sometimes the entrance partition is surrounded by windows. As a result, the Qi energy, after entering the building, easily exits through the windows without lingering anywhere. To stop it, it is recommended to place indoor flowers on the windowsill or close the windows with lace curtains.

Good location of the entrance to the living room

Where should the canvas open?

It is considered best to open the sash towards the nearest wall. This helps create a feeling of open space. When opening in the opposite direction, it seems that you are entering a buried space, which causes a feeling of inconvenience.

If front door mounted directly opposite the back exit, the Qi energy passes directly through the corridor and leaves the house.

  • mirror;
  • screen;
  • decorative lattice.

Sometimes it is difficult to install a suitable obstacle. To prevent the passage of Qi energy, the second canvas (black entrance) is covered with a curtain. It is not at all necessary to hang a heavy velvet curtain; it will be replaced by an ordinary tulle curtain with an original pattern.

If the first thing you see when entering a room is the corner of the wall, this situation is unfavorable for both residents and guests of the house. To repay Negative influence will help:

  • plant;
  • beautiful ornament;
  • decorative screen.

Excellent location of the entrance to the bedroom

Let's talk about the hallway

The apartment must have an entrance hall, spacious or very tiny. If the dimensions are small, it is not recommended to install a lot of furniture in the hallway or clutter it with bulky items. The hallway welcomes bright lighting, cleanliness and comfort. This attracts positive energy into the house. if it stagnates in place due to an overabundance of furniture, residents feel apathy and fatigue.

A staircase in a cramped hallway has a negative effect on Qi energy. In this case, the flows, without stopping on the ground floor, immediately go upstairs.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to hang bells in the hallway. These simple details will slow down the flow of energy and make it stop. Since there is no space to install a mirror in a cramped room, you can place it diagonally to the entrance ornamental plant. It will become an interior decoration.

Entrance to the bathroom

When placing the stairs near the door, it is recommended to mount a decorative partition. She will become an obstacle that the Qi energy will encounter. A mirror installed near the door will visually increase its dimensions, attracting additional energy flows.

The hallway is an auxiliary room; the main events in the house do not take place here. Therefore, the design of this room is neutral.

A corner hallway with good lighting requires softening. To do this, reduce the brightness of the lamps and hang curtains in soft colors. To correct a dark hallway, you can use rich, bright colors. It is recommended to decorate the walls with photographs and paintings, inserting them into a rectangular baguette.

To attract positive Qi energy, it is important to choose the right shade of the door, taking into account its location:

  • south – red, green;
  • southwest – brown;
  • west – white, silver;
  • east, southeast – black, blue, green

By observing these simple rules, you will be sure that the incoming Qi energy will not leave the house.

Entrance and location of the mirror in the hallway

Feng Shui teachings advise keeping several gold coins with holes in the middle, tied with a red cord, under the rug. This will attract happiness and prosperity to the house.

Many are skeptical about what is described above. But the Chinese believe that compliance with all the laws of Feng Shui guarantees well-being in the family and success in business. Everyone decides for himself whether to fulfill these requirements or live according to his own views.

If we talk about entrance doors, their location plays a significant role. The video explains how to best position them.

Feng Shui does not help a person in material life - says Alexander Anishchenko, head Russian Academy Feng Shui. This teaching is part of the Taoism religion, and the task of any religion is to help a person grow spiritually. Feng Shui helps to organize space so that it gives a person additional energy, which can be directed, among other things, to obtaining material benefits.

In Feng Shui, life energy is called qi. Feng Shui books have thousands of rules on how to attract chi into your home. In this article we will talk about how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Doors to the house and feng shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. According to Feng Shui, the entrance steel door in an apartment should be larger than the interior doors. Choose a rectangular canvas; arched structures should be avoided.

What is in front and behind the threshold also matters. Columns and pillars in front of the entrance are undesirable. This slows down and blocks the flow of qi. To prevent energy from stopping at the threshold, keep the hallway clean. Remove clutter and excess furniture. It’s good if the hallway is light. So, if there is no window, turn on the lights more often.

These rules are understandable even to a person far from feng shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but followers of the teaching are confident that they work.

Door energy according to Feng Shui for careerists

In Feng Shui encyclopedias, much attention is paid to the choice of the location of the entrance group. These tips will be useful if you decide to buy a new home.

  • If professional recognition is important to you, pay attention to south direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • It is also favorable for those whose aspirations are related to their career. eastern location doors.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, the southeastern direction is favorable.
  • If you strive to gain knowledge, the northeast direction will be conducive to this. But this location of the entrance group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the entrance door for those whose priority is family and children

  • Good for families with children western direction. Feng Shui experts believe that the chi energy that enters a house from the west contributes to proper development children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in your family, choose the southwestern direction.
  • North-west is the direction of the head of the family. This way the flow of energy will be directed towards him. This location is suitable for families with a traditional lifestyle.
  • If you dream of a calm, measured life, choose an apartment facing north. But there is a risk that the calm flow of life will turn into indifference.

What should those who already live in an apartment whose door is located in the wrong direction do? Its location cannot be changed. But the good thing about the teaching of Feng Shui is that there are other ways to influence the flow of qi energy.

The color of the front door if they are facing south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can enhance positive factors and neutralize the negative ones. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the color of the door with the direction:

South. Patron of fire. Direction is associated with fame. To enhance the effect of positive energy, paint the canvas red, yellow, green or brown. This will contribute to recognition in the professional environment and increased popularity.

North. Patron of water. The direction is responsible for the career. For a door that faces north, cold and contrasting shades are suitable: blue, white and black. Avoid yellow, green and brown shades.

Door color if it faces east or west

East or southeast. Patron tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Matching colors blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the earth. Responsible for relationships. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange.

West or northwest. Here the element is metal, so all shades of metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. Direction promotes the development of creative abilities.

In the pursuit of happiness and success, all methods are good. Try to put these tips into practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

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