Physical training of gymnasts. Catalog of articles about sport and healthy way of life. Endurance Exercises

The School of Rhythmic Gymnastics named after Ira Chashchina invites girls to take classes in recreational physical education or general physical education.

General physical training at the training camp in rhythmic gymnastics in Kazan "Dynamo-2016"

Modern children lead a fixed lifestyle, and this significantly affects their well-being. The health of the baby is the key to peace of mind for parents. Good solution for your child, is a health-improving physical culture! Classes will help to improve not only physical health, but change your thinking. Develop a positive outlook on the world around us.

We have developed a special program for children. aimed at the work of the spine, strengthening the muscular corset, improving the plasticity and flexibility of coordination of movements. What will help the child to form the correct posture. Performing a set of exercises, the child receives an "internal massage", which improves the blood supply to the internal organs. Helps to remove harmful substances from the body, improve digestion and metabolism. The weight of the baby is normalized.

In addition, the developed health complex is a beautiful form of motor activity, it is also focused on training concentration. Promotes rest and relaxation after intellectual stress.

What does the lesson contain?

The lesson is aimed at developing flexibility, plasticity, strength endurance, working out the main muscles of the body, developing creative abilities, a sense of musical ear.

Classes include several areas at once, such as:

Recreational gymnastics Choreography Rhythm Stretching (stretching) General physical training Respiratory gymnastics Acupressure Development of small motor skills And a new direction Children's Yoga!

What is yoga for children and why is it needed?

Yoga #8212; This is a universal system that will suit anyone. There are no conventions here, therefore it does not matter what age, temper and what degree of preparation your child is. Yoga can be an amazing game that your child can play with you!

Yoga is an old system aimed not only at healing and strengthening the body, but also at finding peace, peace of mind. This is a healthy body and a healthy spirit, also a method of self-knowledge, self-improvement, disclosure of one's own capabilities, perception of the world around us.

Baby fitness group (from 2 years old)

Development of small motor skills Formation of a sense of musical tempo Exercises regulating muscle tone, activating attention Health-improving gymnastics Choreography Rhythm Fitness aerobics Stretching (stretching) General physical training Respiratory gymnastics Acupressure Correction of posture, prevention of flat feet And a new direction of children's yoga.

Despite their good susceptibility, children are very mobile and it can be difficult for them to concentrate on repeating any movements for a long time. Because yoga classes for them take place during the game. The performance of asanas is based on imitation, and to make it easier for children to understand their names, familiar words are used: “frog”, “bow”, “grasshopper”, “cat”. This additionally provokes enthusiasm for classes. And also improves memory, develops observation and imagination of the baby.

Yoga is especially useful for elementary school students. Health bases confirmed child, are laid at the age of 8 years. Yoga helps fight curvature of the spine, increases the body's resistance to various diseases. Allows the natural activity of the baby to be released, therefore it is especially indicated for restless children, with noticeable hyperactivity. Students who specialize in yoga become more disciplined, less tired and learn better!

Yoga classes also help:

Overcoming self-doubt. Finding physical and mental peace. Prevention of the development of scoliosis and the development of good posture. Achieving harmony with the world around us. Understanding your own personality.

Studies have shown that children who practice yoga often improve their family and friends. They become more resilient. In such children, academic performance increases significantly, self-esteem increases, and purposefulness increases. Growing up. they simply achieve success in all areas of their own lives.


OFP in rhythmic gymnastics |. OFP in Rhythmic Gymnastics Step of the Minsk World Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics (PHOTO. Line of means of OFP and SFP at the step. Line of means of OFP and SFP at the step of initial training in rhythmic gymnastics. Programs in rhythmic gymnastics. The system of long-term sports training in rhythmic gymnastics. what in a row. General physical preparation (OFP - Kosher) in artistic. In this article, Marina will explain what is general physical art training. Rhythmic gymnastics for children in Tomsk. Rhythmic Gymnastics WHAT IS GYMNASTICS c. Exercises and items | Rhythmic gymnastics. In artistic gymnastics In rhythmic gymnastics, what to cut. Types of jumps in rhythmic gymnastics. in fiction such a saying Run in rhythmic gymnastics, Unlike. Physical and technical training of female athletes. in gymnastics. Specifically, with OFP in gymnastics, which is in artistic. True stretch in artistic gymnastics. In rhythmic gymnastics, not only acute, but also acquired injuries occur. School artistic gymnastics "PUDRA". What are Master classes of champions in artistic gymnastics groups.

And if you manage to achieve the same, then you are guaranteed a toned body.

The exercise Number of repetitions Alternative Number of repetitions
1 Rope 1 Push ups 15-20
2 rocking chairs 30 rocking chairs 30
3 swoops 40 swoops 40
4 Rope 1 Push ups 15-20
5 Spichak 10 corner 10-30 sec.
6 Hanging leg raise 10 Lying leg raise 20
7 Pistols 10 l. 10 p. Pistols 10 l. 10 p.
8 Spichak 10 corner 10-30 sec.
9 Clap 40 Clap 40
10 Hanging leg raise 10 Lying leg raise 20
11 Full squat jumps 25 Full squat jumps 25
12 Books 15 Books 15
13 horizons 10 Rocking chairs on the stomach and sides 30 each
14 Walking on a log in a corner 2 corner 10-30 sec.
15 Gatherings 15 Raising the body lying on the stomach 15 each

You can print out these exercises, hang them in the most visible place and at every opportunity to do at least something from the list. Don't be discouraged if you can't do everything right away, most likely it will. But we must try to do at least as much as possible, and you will see that each time you get more and more. True, a rollback may occur in the second lesson if you work hard in the first, because. muscles are not used to such work. But do not worry, a little patience and you will definitely see progress. It is better to do 2-3 times a week so that the body has time to recover. Also, in case of severe malaise, it is better to stop training altogether and postpone until the next time. Listen to your body and it will tell you.

Before starting, you need to do a warm-up or just run. All exercises in the program are done in a row, without stops!!! All exercises should take no more than 30 minutes. This is the main point! Thus, aerobic energy sources are connected and active fat burning occurs !!!

Comments on exercises.

  1. In the presence of a rope, lifting and descent on one hand. Legs in the corner. Approximately as in the famous cartoon "Just you wait", only legs apart. Unless, of course, this does not work out yet, then just an ascent and descent. If there is no rope, then we just do push-ups.
  2. Rocking chairs lying on your back. Hands are straight behind the head, gathered into the castle, legs are slightly raised. It turns out a figure resembling a "boat". Alternately, we begin to raise the upper part of the body, then the legs. The count goes not for each time, but for one full cycle, that is, the body + legs.
  3. Attacks are performed on any hard surface, the higher, the more difficult. On the street, for example, on some concrete block, bench, etc. With both feet we push off the floor, jump to the surface, just push off the surface of the legs together, land on the floor and immediately jump back up.
  4. Same as 1.
  5. A match is a complex gymnastic exercise. It is performed from an emphasis sitting (corner on straight arms) with access to a handstand. It may take a lot of time to learn it, so it is proposed to replace it simply by holding the corner on straight arms. It is more convenient to do, for example, on a chair.
  6. Raising legs on the Swedish wall or on the crossbar. Straight legs rise as high as possible, in the original this is done to the forehead (that is, the socks touch the crossbar or wall above the head). It is proposed to raise the legs at least to a right angle or, in the absence of a crossbar, lying on 2 shifted chairs so that the buttocks are on the very edge.
  7. Pistols are easier to do in the beginning by holding onto a chair or any other surface. Standing on one leg, the other is straight, slightly raised forward, we squat on the supporting leg and return to the starting position. The second leg always remains in a hanging position, does not touch the floor.
  8. Same as 5.
  9. Emphasis lying, like push-ups. We push off with our hands in such a way as to have time to produce cotton and return to the starting position.
  10. Same as 6.
  11. We sit down in a full squat, push and jump out so that our legs come off the floor. Hands work from the bottom up.
  12. Books are performed from a supine position. At the same time, arms and legs rise, touching in the upper position.
  13. Rocking chairs on the stomach and sides are performed according to the principle as in paragraph 2 (on the back).
  14. Same as 5.
  15. Lying on the stomach, the legs are fixed (for example, under the sofa), we raise the body.

Movement is life. So move more and you will feel how much energy you will have. All in your hands!

What is OFP, today every schoolchild knows. Physical education lessons, in addition to teaching entertaining sports games, are designed to develop the capabilities of children. To do this, use general physical training. It is not only part of the school curriculum. OFP is obligatory for professional sportsmen. It is also indispensable for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Let's get acquainted with the goals, the main set of physical training exercises and age standards.


General physical training is aimed at developing strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and speed of a person. In addition, do not forget that any physical activity improves health. OFP has a positive effect on the body at the molecular level. It significantly improves physiological and biochemical processes. The body becomes more resistant to negative influences, immunity increases, and the aging process slows down.

When wondering what OFP is, many perceive it as a sport. But this is not entirely true. Providing comprehensive development of a person, general physical training is the basis for special physical training.

Rufier-Dixon test

Before physical training, it is necessary to correctly assess the physical qualities of a person. The Rufier-Dixon test (or test) is a special load complex designed to determine the performance of the heart at various levels of physical activity.

There are direct and indirect evaluation methods. Their essence is to measure heart rate during periods of recovery after physical exertion. The pulse rate is determined in the supine position, for 15 seconds, before and after exercise (usually squats). For a minute break, heartbeats are measured twice. Then the three indicators are summed up, multiplied by 4 and 200 is subtracted. The resulting number is divided by 10. If the index value is less than 3, this indicates a person's good working capacity. The average result ranges from 3 to 6. An interval of 7-9 indicates satisfactory performance. But scores of 10 and above indicate heart failure.

This test should be done every eight weeks. Changes in results indicate an improvement or deterioration in fitness (i.e., overtraining).

How to build sets of exercises?

The basis of general physical training can be any kind of sport (athletics, swimming, martial arts, outdoor games, etc.). It is important to remember when building sets of physical fitness exercises that this kind of program is aimed at the harmonious development of physical skills. It is necessary to exclude narrow specialization. For example, one cannot intensively develop strength at the expense of flexibility or speed at the expense of strength.

General physical training exercises differ in category, method of execution and impact zone. It is more logical to start with simple ones, gradually moving to complex ones. To get started, you can take one simple exercise from each category. And during the first month, increase the number of repetitions and approaches. This will allow you to smoothly and correctly change the vector of load on the body and prepare yourself for the next level.

Class Schedule

In order for OFP training to be as useful as possible and not harm the body of beginners, their number should not exceed three days a week. Usually classes are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each training day involves performing exercises from one category or a combination of them. An advanced level of training allows you to practice more often, with one or two breaks per week.

Before starting general physical training, it is recommended to perform a test for maximum physical endurance. To do this, it is necessary to warm up and perform the entire set of exercises (according to the plan, one after the other) with a break of two minutes. It is important to give 100% with the maximum number of repetitions. This test should also be carried out at the transition to the next level of training.

Warm up

Each physical training session should begin with a warm-up. It involves warming up the muscles of the body, mobilizing the joints, light stretching and increasing the heart rate. This part of the program usually takes no more than five minutes to complete. True, if the OFP complex is the base for professional athletes, then the warm-up may additionally include exercises with a rope (no more than a minute) and two or three exercises from the main complex (three or four repetitions each).

Strength exercises

One of the goals of the OFP program is to develop strength. And exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, standing presses, rocking the press, squats, planks help to achieve it. This is the main complex. It should be done in a clear sequence.

Let's pay attention to the technique of performing certain exercises.

For beginners, push-ups are best done on your knees. The number of repetitions ranges from 1 to 15 in 3-4 sets. In the future, you can switch to the emphasis lying with the same numerical performance indicators.

Pull-ups are done on a low bar with a narrow and reverse grip. The number of repetitions is from 1 to 15 times.

Squats beginners perform on two legs from 1 to 30 times. Professional athletes and people with a high level of training complicate this exercise by doing it on one leg. The number of repetitions is the same for each leg.

The bar is held on the floor for 60 to 90 seconds. The angle between the floor and the arms is 45 degrees. Beginners can do this exercise on their elbows. The hold time must be at least 30 seconds.

Professionals add traction behind the head while sitting on the floor (with a shock absorber), a side bar and a gluteal bridge (with two or one leg) to the general power complex of the OFP.


Cardio exercises include jumping with change of legs, running for short and long distances, jumping rope. In this complex, do not forget about the pace. For example, the number of jumps with a change of legs per minute is approximately 45-50. And in jumping rope, the optimal indicator is 100 times per minute.

Professional athletes sometimes combine this complex with strength exercises. In time, it should not exceed 10 minutes.

In order for the exercises to be performed easier and without unnecessary stress on the heart, it is necessary to remember about breathing. It should be kept in a certain rhythm of inhalation and exhalation.


If a warm-up is necessary to warm up the body before training general physical training, then after it it is recommended to “cool down” properly. This is what a hitch is for. The intensity of the exercise helps to increase breathing and heart rate. Stopping abruptly at the end of a workout can cause nausea and dizziness. This is due to the fact that the blood, which is in large quantities in the muscles, does not have time to flow to the internal organs. The hitch also allows you to smooth the transition to rest after the OFP.

What is the load on the heart muscle can be felt precisely when this component of the program is ignored. After all, in the process of it, blood pressure normalizes and the overall body temperature decreases. The hitch also helps to reduce post-workout pain and aches, and helps to recuperate better.

This part of the OFP program includes two phases. At the first stage, the athlete needs to gradually bring the pulse and breathing back to normal. For this, a smooth cessation of exercise is recommended, a decrease in rhythm.

In the second phase, there is a stretching of the muscles, for the training of which a set of physical training exercises was directed. This contributes to the removal of metabolic products and the normalization of local blood flow. Also, stretching hot muscles makes them more flexible and elastic.

It is better to perform a hitch smoothly without jerks and pain. Muscle tension is recommended to be delayed for 20-40 seconds.

Cool-down exercises include gently pulling the head with the hands in different directions, bending the legs in turn (while standing, the heel touches the buttocks), crease (leaning towards the legs while sitting on the floor), twisting the spine while lying on the floor, stretching the shoulder joints, etc. .


The level of development of the physical qualities of a person is assessed according to the standards of general physical education. The school curriculum has a clear table of indicators that vary depending on the age and gender of the child. The standards allow for the certification of students in physical education classes.

We give the main complex of general physical education at school and quantitative indicators in the table.

Age (years)

Physical exercise

push-ups in an emphasis lying (number of times)

standing long jump (centimeters)

lifting the body (number of times)

hanging on the bar (seconds)

forward lean (centimeters)

The school program of general physical training includes running against the clock. Distances range from 60 to 1000 meters, as well as a "shuttle" run (3 x 10 m).

For students, the indicators are higher and the set of exercises is wider. This can be seen in the following table.

The exercise

Run 60 m (seconds)

100m run (seconds)

500 m run (minutes, seconds)

1000 m run (minutes, seconds)

Standing long jump (centimeters)

Pull-ups (boys, number of times)

Flexion and extension of arms (girls, number of times)

Swimming 50m (seconds)

Cross-country skiing 2 km (min, s)

As for professional athletes, the standards here largely depend on the sport and level of training. People who just want to keep themselves in good shape are advised to focus on the standards intended for certification of students of 1-3 courses.

Propaganda of rhythmic gymnastics in children's and youth physical culture and sports clubs, centers and associations at the place of residence, general education schools, educational institutions;
- strengthening the health of children and adolescents, involving them in regular physical education and sports;
- strengthening sports relations with specialized centers of rhythmic gymnastics of the Russian Federation;
- increasing the level of sportsmanship of gymnasts and gaining competitive experience.

  1. Dates and venue of the competition:
  1. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators:

Physical culture and sports events are held at sports facilities that meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and aimed at ensuring the order and safety of participants and spectators, and also subject to the availability of acts of readiness of sports facilities for holding events approved in the prescribed manner.

Participation in these competitions is carried out only if there is an agreement on life and health insurance against accidents, which is provided to the credentials committee for each participant in the competition.

  1. Competition organizers:

The general management of the organization and holding of the tournament is carried out by ANO "SK Alexandra Ermakova".

The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges.

Chief referee of the competition: Ermakova A.A.

  1. Competition program:

4-5 years:


2.butterfly with forward tilt


4. ring

5.knee bridge

6.bridge standing/off the floor

7.twine right, left

8.balance on the pass

9. somersault forward

10. turn on the pass

6-7 years:

1. standing bridge

2. roll onto the chest from the bridge

4. corners on the floor in 10 seconds.

6.balance arabesque

7.balance attitude

8.turn passe

9.rotate attitude

10. flip forward

12. jumping over a double folded rope in 15 seconds.

8-9 years:

1. standing bridge

2. roll onto the chest from the bridge

3. twine right, left from the bench

4. corners on the floor in 10 seconds.

5.balance with the leg to the side with the arm

7.balance attitude

8.rotate attitude

9.jump touching from a gallop

11. jumping rope in 20 seconds.

12.escape forward (3 attempts)

13. throw with a knot, catching on the neck in the wheel

14. turntable with hoop right and left hand

15. rotation on the right, left hand forward, rotation on the neck

16. hoop throw, forward somersault, catching sitting on the floor at the feet.

10-11 years old:

1. standing bridge

2. roll onto the chest from the bridge

3. twine right, left from the bench

4. corners on the floor in 10 seconds.

5.balance with the leg to the side with the arm

6.balance ring with hand

7.balance attitude

8.rotate attitude

9.jump touching from a gallop

10. jump touching with a push from two legs

11. turntable with hoop right and left hand

12. rotation on the right, left hand forward, rotation on the neck

13. hoop throw, forward somersault, catching in the wheel on the elbows

14. throwing a hoop with a plate, catching in the passage on a goat

15. rolling the ball over the back and back

16. three beats with the right and left hand

17. throwing the ball, catching in the legs while sitting on the floor

Show numbers are welcome!

The competition starts at 10:00 at the address: Mitino, Novotushinsky proezd, house 8, gymnasium 1538 (blue building). Starting fee 1500r. For all questions, please call 8-965-377-99-75 Ermakova Alexander.

  1. Definition of winners:

Winners and prize-winners are determined by the highest total points.

  1. Rewarding:

Gymnasts who take 1,2,3 places in each age group are awarded with medals, diplomas and valuable prizes, gymnasts who take 4,5,6 places - with diplomas and valuable prizes.

Specialist. Prize for the team with the most points!

  1. Financial expenses:

The entry fee is 1500 rubles from each gymnast.

  1. Terms and conditions:

Expenses associated with the business trip of participants, judges, representatives are borne by the sending organizations.

Expenses related to the organization, holding of competitions and awarding the winners are carried out by ANO "SK Alexandra Ermakova".

  1. Applications:

Confirmations of participation are accepted until November 25, 2017.

Applications for competitions are accepted:

E-mail: [email protected] tel: +7 965 377 99 75 Ermakova Alexandra.

This Regulation is a challenge to the competition.

Physical training of athletes, including young ones, is one of the urgent problems of modern theory and practice of sports training. With the improvement of technical readiness, both means of special physical training and gymnastic exercises of conjugate influence are used.

The successful implementation of the comprehensive physical education of young gymnasts largely depends on the skillful selection of means and methods of physical training over a number of years in an annual cycle.

Full physical training includes general and special training, between which there is a close relationship. This separation allows you to better build the pedagogical process, using various means and methods.

Special physical training is directly aimed at the development of physical qualities specific to this sport. The means of special physical training are: 1) competitive exercises, i.e. holistic actions that are performed in compliance with all requirements established for competitions; 2) special preparatory exercises

directly aimed at the development of physical qualities. These are exercises aimed at developing muscle groups that carry the main load when performing a holistic action. General physical training is aimed, first of all, at the general physical development of the gymnast, i.e. the development of physical qualities, which, although not specific to this sport, are necessary from the point of view of a comprehensive increase in the functional capabilities of the body. General physical training enriches the athlete with a wide variety of skills. Despite the different specific manifestations of physical qualities, they all have common patterns of development, on the basis of which they manifest themselves in a particular sport. General physical training is aimed at the overall harmonious development of the whole organism, the development of all its muscles, strengthening the organs and systems of the body and increasing its functionality, improving the ability to coordinate movements, increasing speed, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility, correcting deficiencies in physique and posture in young athletes. The specific choice of means depends on the inclinations of those involved, the existing traditions of the sports team and the available opportunities. It should also be taken into account that an increase in the indicators of one of the physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination capabilities) is impossible at a certain level of development of the others.

For young gymnasts, the means of general physical training will be walking, running, climbing, exercises to develop a sense of balance, general developmental exercises with and without objects, exercises with weights. A significant place in the program of their classes should be given to outdoor and sports games, various types of athletics, swimming and diving.

General and special physical training should be presented in all types of the annual cycle - preparatory, competitive (basic) and transitional, but the ratio and tasks change.

In the first years of training, it is necessary to pay great attention to the general physical training of aphids; it contributes to the versatile development and increase in the functional capabilities of the body of young athletes. General physical training should be carried out throughout the year, varying in volume depending on the period of training. The authors of the programs emphasize that one of the most important conditions in training with young gymnasts is a combination of special and general physical training, because. Only under this condition can high sports results be achieved.

In many sports, the speed of movement must be maintained at the maximum level for some time. This requires special stamina. Numerous data indicating that strength training is an important condition for the development of other motor qualities.

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