Fortune telling on cards for relationships with parents. Secrets of correct fortune telling on the Tarot: layout for children. Fortune telling with matches

Children are our future and our most priceless present. Every parent loves their child. And, of course, I want to make every effort to create safe living conditions for my children. It's so nice to notice important points that occur in the lives of children - little creatures who roll their eyes funny when they see the light for the first time; they tenderly extend their arms to you, meeting us on the threshold of the house. I would like to show no less love and care to those children who have already grown up, because they are the real successors of the family. And it’s enough to love them just because we have them. The fate of children always worries all parents.

Why do parents read Tarot readings?

Do you want to keep your child safe? Why not turn to specialists to study the interpretation of Tarot cards, especially since you can conduct Tarot fortune telling about children. This great opportunity, find out what it will be like further fate your child, how he will earn money, at what age he will get married, etc. There are always many questions that concern parents. Fortunately, if reliable way, allowing you to get completely truthful and intelligible answers to them. Tarot reading is a great chance:

  • create comfortable and safe living conditions for children;
  • be calm about their future;
  • show your care and love by finding out what can be done for their development and health;
  • support your children at any moment of life;
  • look at the relationship with your children from the outside.

The love of parents can be expressed in different ways, and Tarot is one of the opportunities to really take care of your children.

Secrets of correct Tarot fortune-telling: layout for children

You can carry out the schedule at any convenient time. This method, which allows you to spy on the future, does not require material or resource costs. In order to carry out fortune telling and make the correct alignment for children who have reached adulthood, it is necessary to select a significator. It is better if it is a card that symbolizes the zodiac sign of that person of your child. Next, you need to draw nine cards, in the pictures of which you will see the answer to the question you asked. The first card to the left of the significator will indicate the direction spiritual development. You may not agree with the interpretation of the card regarding the spiritual development of the child, but you should not rush to conclusions. There are eight more cards ahead that will complement and expand the story of a child’s life. The card located to the right of the significator will indicate the level intellectual development, then the desired directions of its formation will be considered. If in the listed areas there is no branch of education that is desirable for the child, it is necessary to select branches that are related in spirit. It is important to note that only three cards will help you peek at your child’s future. The one that is closest to the significator will tell you about what may happen in the near future.

It should be clearly understood that Tarot cards never give instructions for action, they only suggest the right paths to move through life, and you still have to make a choice.

Every girl sooner or later thinks about children. Unfortunately, today science is not able to determine in advance how many children and what gender of the baby a potential mother will give birth to. This question has become something of a sacred secret, a riddle that reeks of wonder and the unknown. However, our ancestors knew a wonderful way to reveal any secret: fortune telling.

There are various fortune telling to find out the number of children and even their gender

There are a lot of ways to carry out fortune telling on children, without even turning to fortune tellers! The basic methods by which truthful fortune-telling for the number of children is carried out must be known by heart.

Fortune telling with thread and needle

One of the most popular methods of telling fortunes for children at home. In this fortune telling, you will need the help of a friend, since fortune telling in this way on your own is not recommended.

Fortune telling order:

  1. Take a white or red silk thread, no more than ten to twelve centimeters long.
  2. Thread the needle and ask your friend to gently lift the thread above your palm so that the needle is motionless.
  3. Wait until the needle begins to vibrate on its own.
  4. Count the number of vibrations, and also pay attention to their shape.

IMPORTANT: the needle should not touch the palm, as touching may give the wrong result.

Decoding fortune telling is quite simple. The number of children there will be is indicated by the number of vibrations, and their gender is indicated by the shape of the vibrations. If the needle oscillated left and right, there would be a boy, if during the oscillations it described a circle, it would be a girl.

Fortune telling by date of birth

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences in human history, and therefore many fortune tellings are associated with numbers. There are several numerological methods to determine how many babies and what gender you will have. Let's look at two of them.

First way

To determine your number, you need to find the sum of all the numbers on your date of birth and add to the resulting number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + you).

Let's look at an example. Let's say your date of birth is 03/12/1997, you have two sisters and a half-brother on your father's side. Thus, your number is: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7=41=4+1=5 (by date) and 2+1+1= 4 (by the number of children in the family). Result: 5+4=9.

  1. 1 – Women with this number are destined to become mothers of many children. Work is unlikely to bring them happiness, but family affairs will go like clockwork. Most likely number of children: five.
  2. 2 – This number shows that you will not be able to have many children. After the birth of your first baby, which is easy, you are unlikely to be able to conceive and carry a second one. If you want to have a second child, you will have to turn to artificial methods of insemination and preservation of the fetus. Most likely number of children: one.
  3. 3 – Three involves the development of two situational scenarios. First: the birth of an only child at a fairly late age. Second: infertility of you or your chosen one. The decision to adopt a child from orphanage will not bring you happiness, you will experience difficulties in family life. Most likely number of children: zero.
  4. 4 – You will become the mother of a boy and a girl, between whom there will be an age difference of about five to six years. Most likely number of children: two.
  5. 5 – Your number promises you to be the mother of twins or even triplets, most likely girls. Most likely number of children: three.
  6. 6 – You are destined to be a mother of three. Two of them will be born before the age of thirty, but the third one will appear only at the age of forty. Most likely number of children: three.
  7. 7 – You are not destined to have children. This will become a burden for you and your loved ones. Enjoy your solitude. Most likely number of children: zero.
  8. 8 – The birth of the first two will be easy, but you will not be able to give birth to the third. Most likely number of children: two.
  9. 9 – You are unlikely to be able to give birth to children on your own. However, the use artificial insemination will help you easily get pregnant, carry and give birth healthy boy. Most likely number of children: zero.

Did you see the number 9? Most likely, you will not be able to give birth on your own and artificial insemination will help you

Second way

The result of fortune telling depends not only on your “childbearing” number, but also on the “childbearing” number of the potential father of your babies. Therefore, for fortune telling, you need to use two dates - your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner.

Let's give an example of calculating the “childbearing” number. Let's say your date of birth: 12/10/1985, and your partner's: 01/15/1984. Thus, your “childbearing” number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your partner’s: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4=29 =11=1+1=2.


  • if your “fertile” number is significantly higher than your partner’s, your first-born will be a boy;
  • if your “fertile” number is significantly less than your partner’s, your first-born will be a girl;
  • if the “childbearing” numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to determine the gender of the first-born, since there is a high chance of error;
  • if these numbers are the same, then your couple will not be able to have a child together.

Fortune telling by stones

If you're wondering, "How many children will I have, or will I ever have children?", you can ask the rocks. The features of fortune telling on stones are outlined below. This method is not similar to fortune telling by date of birth.

This fortune telling is quite simple and does not require much time. For fortune telling you will need a container of water, ten stones and a marker. Write numbers from zero to nine on the rocks with a marker and soak them in water. Try to arrange the stones on the bottom so that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase the numbers from all the stones except one. The remaining number is the number of heirs you will have.

Card reading

Fortune telling with cards is one of the oldest methods of fortune telling. To get a prediction, use a deck of Tarot cards.

One of the oldest methods of fortune telling is Tarot cards.

Take the deck in your hands and ask your question as clearly as possible (the Universe loves specifics!), for example: “How many children will I have, full name?” You can ask either out loud or to yourself.

Then take three cards from the deck and start reading them from right to left (you can find the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and on the Internet).

  1. The first card is your past.
  2. The second card is your chances of having a baby, what you are doing right or wrong for this today.
  3. The third card is a direct answer to your question.

Fortune telling by hand

For adherents of palmistry, this section tells how to tell fortunes based on the number of children by hand.

  1. Expand right hand palm up and look closely at the lines under the little finger. The number of lines indicates the number of children you have expectant mother. If the line is long, a boy will be born, if the line is short, a girl will be born.
  2. The severity, clarity and thickness of the line indicate the health of the child. The clearer the line, the luckier the child will be with health. If the lines are poorly defined and have breaks, the child will be weak and prone to illness.

As you know, the lines on the hand can change throughout life as much as a person’s fate. By making fundamental changes in your life, you can change the fate of your descendants, so for accuracy it is worth carrying out such fortune-telling once or twice every five years.

Fortune telling with matches

Fortune telling is quite simple, but it only allows you to find out the gender of the firstborn. To carry it out you will need matches and a bowl of water.

Fortune telling plan:

  1. Fill the container with water.
  2. Light one match and let it burn completely.
  3. Place the burnt match in water.
  4. If the match remains floating on the surface, there will be a girl; if it drowns, there will be a boy.
  5. Please note: if the match does not burn completely the first time, you should not repeat the fortune telling. The Universe is not ready to give an answer right now.

Coin fortune telling

For fortune telling, you will need a handful of coins of the same denomination.

  1. Take them in your palms and ask out loud: “How many children will I have?”
  2. Toss the coins and count the ones that land on heads.
  3. Their number is exactly the number of children you will have (it is worth keeping in mind that we're talking about not only about natural children, but also about adopted ones).
  4. To find out the gender of your future children, leave only those coins that came up heads and, again taking them in your palms, ask: “What gender will my children be?”
  5. Flip the coins.
  6. The number of girls is indicated by coins that land on heads, and the number of boys - on heads.

This method is not able to tell about the future of children, their health, character, but it is quite accurate.

This is the most enjoyable fortune telling.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is considered the most enjoyable

To begin with, you should prepare strong coffee to taste (but under no circumstances add milk or cream). When brewing coffee, mentally ask yourself questions like: “Will there be children?”, “How many will there be?”, “What gender?” and so on.

  1. Sip your coffee slowly while continuing to ask the same questions. It's important not to be distracted from your thoughts, so choose a time when no one is home and turn off your phone.
  2. When there are one or two sips left to the bottom of the cup, shake the coffee clockwise and invert the cup. Wait a few minutes (1-3) before inverting the cup.
  3. After turning, look carefully for traces of coffee.
  4. The number of round spots, the number of boys you will have.
  5. The number of oval marks indicates the number of girls.


Many girls are interested in knowing how many children they will have, their gender, whether the children will be healthy, and what awaits them in the future. Looking into the future is sometimes simply necessary.

In the article, we looked at common methods of fortune telling for children, including: fortune telling on cards, stones, coins, using a thread and a needle, by date of birth.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm the child in any way. However, you should not get carried away with this and try to find out the fate of the child, as this can only change it not for the better.

Fortune telling with cards for relationships is one of the popular magical methods. It quite accurately allows you to find out the future in your relationship with your loved one. With the help of fortune telling on cards, you can get answers to various questions and identify prospects in various areas. Fortune telling can be done on love, relationships, work, career, health or the future.

In order to conduct fortune telling on relationship cards, you must first prepare the deck for the ritual. It is very important to use the correct, fortune-telling deck of cards, which has not previously been used for games and entertainment. After all, the card deck will be used in the future for magical events.

If you do not have a deck for magical events, then you should buy a new one, paying with a small bill. The change from the purchase must be distributed to the poor and needy. After this, on the evening of the day of purchase, the deck of cards must be shuffled for at least fifteen minutes with your eyes closed.

Now you need to leave it on the windowsill for a day. After 24 hours, she is ready for rituals. However, remember, in order to saturate the cards with your energy, you need to shuffle them every day for at least a week for about ten minutes.

In addition, remember that it is recommended to store your magical assistants in a dark place. If you don’t do fortune telling for a long time, you need to periodically pick up the cards. But there is no need to give them into the hands of strangers, because then you will have to perform the activation ritual again.

Choice of symbols

Let's look at several types of relationship fortune-telling, which involve choosing a card that represents you or your lover, and often both.

  • For an unmarried girl under 25 years old, the queen of diamonds is suitable;
  • For married woman or representatives of the fair half of humanity over 25 years old - hearts;
  • For a widow or woman over 50 years old - clubs;
  • A young guy under 25 years old is the king of diamonds;
  • A married man or one who is over 25 years old is a heart;
  • A widower or a man over 50 years old is a club;

So, let’s say you’ve already decided on the choice of card, now let’s move directly to the relationship ritual.

Fortune telling for a guy's love

For this fortune telling you will need two cards: one will represent you, the other – your lover. The queen should be on your right, the king on your left. After this, you need to shuffle the deck well and remove it to yourself with your left hand.

Card layout:

  • Two cards to the left of the king and two to the right of the queen are the personal secrets of each of you;
  • Two cards above “him” and two above “her” are your thoughts regarding each other;
  • Two cards to the right of the guy and two to the left of the girl are what interfere with joint happiness;
  • Two under the king and two under the queen - your future;
  • One under the king and one under the queen - the true attitude towards a partner;
  • Three cards between - past (left), present (central) and future (right).

The cards must be interpreted in the order in which the fortune telling on the cards for relationships was carried out. In addition, the meanings of the cards need to be studied as a whole, and not individually. You also need to consider influence and impact on adjacent maps.

Card designation:

Worms - Love;
Peaks - sadness;
Diamonds – fun;
Clubs - money;
Six - meeting;
Seven - surprise;
Eight - date;
Nine - trouble;
Ten – shared future;
Jack - help;
Lady – rival;
King - influence of a friend;
Ace - Love.

This fortune telling on cards should be carried out only once a day. You need to be very careful about the meaning of the cards. Use all your imagination and intuition. This will allow you to get correct interpretation and explanation.

Fortune telling for the king

To tell fortunes about the king, you will need only one card, which represents your lover. Having chosen it, you need to shuffle the cards well. After this, some of the cards are removed towards oneself with the left hand.

The next few are placed under the king:

  • First (left)– the guy’s past, his dreams in the near future;
  • Second– his thoughts regarding you;
  • Third– your present;
  • Fourth– feelings of a lover;
  • Fifth– the guy’s desires;
  • Sixth- what he hides;
  • Seventh– your future.

King fortune telling video :

Interpretation of card suits

Card suits in fortune telling for relationships and love are very important. Let's make basic analogies with the elements:

  • the suit of spades (in Tarot: Swords) is the element of Air,
  • the suit of clubs (in Tarot: Wands) is the element of Fire,
  • suit of hearts (in Tarot: Cups) – element of Water,
  • The suit of diamonds (in Tarot: Pentacles) is the element of Earth.

The meanings of numerical cards, in fact, combine the interpretations inherent in each of the numbers with characteristic features the element to which the suit belongs.

The face cards - jacks, queens and kings - can be interpreted in two ways. Sometimes they point to specific people. In this case, it is possible to talk about their hair color, age, personality traits, perhaps family ties with the one who is being told fortunes. On the other hand, such cards can indicate certain circumstances or features of the situation.

Aces stand separately in the deck. These are neither figure nor number cards. But they can also be perceived in two directions. For example, as descriptions of a circumstance or place, or as an indicator of a certain moment or period of time.

Six – long journey;
Seven - boredom;
Eight – date, meeting;
Nine – love relationships;
Ten - a pleasant evening;
Jack – opponent;
Lady - friend;
The king is a relative who exerts influence;
Ace - wedding.

Six - troubles;
Seven – dreams;
Eight – love;
Nine – meeting;
Ten - troubles;
Jack - love;
Lady - treason;
King - strong feelings;
Ace – reciprocal love.

Six – money issues;
Seven is a gift;
Eight is a ring;
Nine – short-term relationship;
Ten – love;
Jack – sexual interest;
Lady - sadness;
King - thinking about parting;
Ace - will propose.

Six – pleasant impressions;
Seven – love;
Eight - betrayal;
Nine – excellent prospects;
Ten - a whirlwind romance;
Jack - secret meetings;
The lady is a rival;
King - there is no place for truth;
Ace - strong relationships.

Fortune telling on cards for relationships, love, future, success, work and much more - these are very ancient methods. They allow us to lift the veil on the mystery of our future. It is worth interpreting the layouts using imagination and intuition, which will allow you to correctly understand the meaning of the cards.

"Fathers and Sons" layout

They are used if parents want to understand what is happening with their children, what they need, what they lack.
The layout will help you take the key to your child’s heart.

1. family atmosphere
2. relationship between parents
3. parent-child attitude
4. child's relationship with father
5. child's relationship with mother
(empty cards mean possible brothers and sisters - the corresponding number of cards is placed)
6. what should you pay attention to Special attention in your child
7. what is he afraid of
8. what does he need
9. how a father should behave with his child
10. how a mother should behave with her child
11. relationship between child and parents in the near future

"Daughters-Mothers" layout

The layout is initially focused on problems in the relationship between mother and daughter, but it is universal, since by placing the people you are interested in in the right positions, you will just as successfully consider the relationship between them.
The layout is used when analyzing discrepancies in any relationship.

1. claims of mother to daughter
2. daughter’s claims against mother
3. what is the mother right about?
4. what is the daughter right about?
5. what is the mother’s mistake
6. What approach is needed to your daughter?
7. What a mother can achieve if she changes her approach.
8. what she cannot achieve from her daughter due to the child’s character
9. What does the daughter want from her mother?
10. How will the daughter prove herself in the future?
11. What kind of relationship between mother and daughter can you expect in the future?

"Motherhood Crisis"

Well suited in situations when a woman begins to blame herself for being an unworthy mother, or when she begins to think that she should not have had a child.
The layout helps reveal your essence of motherhood.

1. what caused the crisis
2. what is the purpose of having a child in your life?
3. what the child gave you, what he taught you
4. what your child still needs to teach you
5. what would happen to you if it weren’t for the child?
6. what would await you in the future?
7. What prevents you from being an exemplary mother?
8. what do you forget?
9. what you need to overcome in yourself, what to give up
10. what to do, what to concentrate on to get out of the crisis of motherhood

Handshake layout

Aimed at characterizing a person’s personality. Suitable if you want to get to know a person better and choose the optimal line of behavior with him.

1. what a person really is like
2. how he wants to look in my eyes
3. why does he maintain a relationship with me?
4. what he really thinks about me
5. what topics are unpleasant for him to talk about?
6. what he likes about me
7. what doesn’t he like about me?
8. how to best behave with him
9. how not to behave
10. what he doesn’t say, hides
11. our further relations

"Rendezvous" layout

Suitable if you are planning any meeting that is important to you, from which you expect any results. The layout will help you prepare for the upcoming meeting.

1. is now a good time to meet?
2. what does he expect from the meeting?
3. what does she expect from the meeting?
4. what will this meeting bring him?
5. what will this meeting bring to her?
6. How will the relationship develop after the meeting?
7. the most important problem the partner has at the moment
8. is there anything the querent doesn’t know about the partner?
9. what course of action is best to choose?

"Apple of Discord" layout

Designed for an objective assessment of the current situation in which two people disagree or have quarreled. Suitable for love, friendship and business relationships.

1. reason for the quarrel
2. what he thinks about the current situation
3. what she thinks about the current situation
4. his role in the situation
5. her role in the situation
6. his mistake
7. her mistake
8. how he plans to behave
9. how she should behave, what to do

"On the verge of divorce"

The alignment will show what position both sides took and what they are going to do in the future.

1. Current situation
2. Your position
3. His position
4. What do you want
5. What does he want?
6. What divorce will do for you
7. What will divorce do for him?
8. What will you get if you don't get divorced?
9. His position if you don't get divorced
10. How will this situation end?

"Serious conversation"

There are times when we want to dot all the i's and finally clarify the situation. But should we always resort to radical measures? Maybe we should let everything take its course?
The alignment will show whether it is worth deciding on a serious conversation, and what this will bring to you in the future.

1. Current situation
2. What position did you take?
3. What position did he take?
4. What are you waiting for?
5. What does he expect/want?
6. Is it worth having a serious conversation?
7. His reaction to this conversation
8. What will this conversation bring to you?
9. The relationship between you after this conversation

You can order any layout

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