Fortune telling with Zen tarot cards. Famous fortune telling by Osho

Meaning of Zen Cards Tarot Osho is based on the teachings of the legendary spiritual leader, the founder of his own religious movement. His followers and comrades tried to express the main thoughts of the Teacher through the interpretation of the cards.

The Osho Tarot deck is divided into several parts:

  1. Major Arcana
  2. Suit of Fire
  3. Suit of Water
  4. Cloud suit
  5. Rainbow Suit

Each card has its own unique name. In fortune telling, the deck helps to determine the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, understand the emotional component of situations, and analyze a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Meaning of the Rainbow Suit Zen Osho Tarot

Let's consider the meanings of the arcana, which are considered the main ones in the layouts of the Osho deck.

Rainbow suit:

  • The Ace of the Rainbow is a symbol of a lonely person, vigilant and silent. Harmony reigns inside him, success accompanies him in all matters. He is filled with energy, which he happily shares with others.
  • Two of the Rainbow is a person for whom balance is very important. He knows when to stop everything and always makes decisions based on reason.
  • Three of the Rainbow - a human leader, teacher, guide. He is able to guide others along the right path to their cherished goal
  • The Rainbow Four is a symbol of a woman who lacks self-confidence, and therefore clings to insignificant things and surrounds herself with a wall of mistrust of others.
  • The Rainbow Five is a symbol of a child for whom everything that happens around is new. He learns about the world, makes mistakes, but moves on
  • Six is ​​a symbol of compromise that needs to be achieved in a questionable situation.
  • Seven - patience so deep that it allows you to remain dispassionate even in difficult situations
  • Eight is everything ordinary, everyday, standard. Can be a symbol of familiar things that exist as if by themselves
  • Nine is the personification of maturity. It says that a person is filled with knowledge and is ready to make decisions carefully and wisely.
  • Ten - the expression of the whole world in a person
  • The page is adventures, exciting events, vivid emotions, rash actions
  • The queen is a symbol of sexuality and attractiveness to the opposite sex
  • The king is a whole person, a developed personality

The meaning of the Cloud Arcana in the Osho Tarot

The next suit is Clouds with the following values:

  • Ace - a reflection of the consciousness of a particular person in the world around him
  • Two - reflects mental condition person, can tell about mental disorders
  • Three symbolizes isolation from others. Talks about the need to abstract from the world and be alone with yourself
  • Four is a habit of constantly putting off important things, being distracted by empty little things. Symbol of disorganization
  • Five indicates that a person is accustomed to comparing people from the past with those he encounters in the present.
  • Six is ​​a certain burden that a person is forced to carry throughout life.
  • Seven is the personification of a politician who strives to change the world for the better.
  • Eight - guilt and remorse
  • Nine is a symbol of sadness and deep sadness, perhaps disappointment
  • Page - mental capacity, which are superior to standard
  • A knight is a symbol of struggle: with life’s difficulties, other people, circumstances
  • The Queen is the personification of moral principles and principles
  • The king is a man accustomed to controlling everything around him

The meaning of cards of the Water suit

“Water” cards have the following meanings:

  • Ace - a person’s intention to go with the flow, obeying circumstances
  • Two is a symbol of friendliness, making useful contacts
  • Troika is a symbol of celebration, celebration, fun
  • Four indicates that you need to stop thinking superficially, you need to pay attention to truly significant things
  • Five - a deep connection with the past that haunts the present
  • Six is ​​a dream, the fulfillment of which depends on circumstances
  • Seven - projecting your own thoughts onto others
  • Eight - a person does not accept and does not love himself
  • Nine is a symbol of laziness, which prevents you from achieving success and moving on.
  • Ten is the personification of harmony and balance in all areas of life
  • Page - deep understanding of people's feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions
  • Knight - deep trust, almost unshakable
  • Queen - strong sensitivity and receptivity to the actions of other people
  • King - a person is endowed with the gift of healing, able to positively influence the well-being of other people

Watch a video about Osho's Zen Tarot cards:

The meaning of the suit of Fire

The Arcana of Fire have the following meanings:

  • Ace is a symbol of a source of knowledge that is available to anyone
  • Two is a symbol of the opportunities that are needed to achieve the goal
  • Three - strong emotional experiences that limit
  • Four - participation in the affairs of a loved one
  • Five is a symbol of an integral nature that does not give in to difficulties
  • Six is ​​a symbol of success, achievement and self-confidence
  • Seven - indicates that a person is experiencing serious stress
  • Eight is a symbol of travel and exciting adventures
  • Nine - indicates that a person is extremely exhausted and experiences a lack of happiness
  • Ten - a person is under pressure from society
  • The page is a symbol of playfulness and flirtatiousness, relationships with the opposite sex
  • Knight - intensity, activity, achievement
  • The Queen is a symbol of generosity and deep feminine wisdom
  • The king is a creative person with developed talent

Brief meanings of the deck cards will help you interpret the layout. But listen to the feelings of your own soul, do not trust the cards blindly. Be sure to look at the surroundings of which arcana each specific card appears. This will help you make the most accurate interpretation.

Do you want to get an answer to a question that concerns you? Think of a number from 1 to 12 and read the corresponding parable. The answer lies therein. This is Osho's famous fortune telling.

Whether this is true or not, on Sunday morning I saw an invitation to tell fortunes on Facebook, smiled and went to do it. I suggest you treat this fortune-telling with a smile, but without a certain irony. Because in any case, all Osho's parables are very instructive and worth reading. But only after the one you chose during the fortune telling process.

“Remember one important thing: when we predict the future, draw up horoscopes, read palms, Tarot, I Ching - all this is basically reading a person’s subconscious. It is rather a guessing of the past, and since the past follows from the future, we can find out the future.” © Osho

Look carefully at the cards, mentally turn to yourself and choose the card number.

Now find this card and its description below. Don't cheat with yourself. For what? After reading Osho's prediction and reflecting on it, you can then read the rest.

Card No. 1LOVE

Morality: Look carefully at the road and, without hesitation, go forward! Philosophizing is a mental process; it will not lead you to your goal. To succeed you need to take action.


It was getting dark when an elderly pilgrim wandered into the village and began asking local residents for a place to stay for the night. She knocked on all the doors, but no one opened for her. As a result, suffering from cold and hunger, the wanderer fell asleep under a spreading tree. fruit tree. And at midnight I woke up and saw how unusually beautiful the flowering branches of the apple tree were in the moonlight. The woman stood up, bowed towards the village and thanked the people for not letting her spend the night. And then she returned home and painted the famous artistic canvas.

Morality: accept everything that life gives with gratitude. For human development, both suffering and pleasure are equally necessary.

Card No. 9HOPE

There is a parable about a hunter who got lost in the jungle. For three days he wandered alone through the living labyrinth and finally came across the same poor fellow. The men hugged and for some time both were incredibly happy. And then they asked each other why they were so happy. The first one said: “I’m lost and have already despaired of meeting anyone.” The second one answered: “I, too, got lost and was hoping to meet a guide.” But if we both do not know the way, there is nothing to rejoice in. Now we will wander together.

Morality: happiness together is possible only when people know how to be happy alone. Otherwise, they make each other even more miserable.


Jesus was very young when Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem for the Passover holiday. The kid got lost in the crowd. The parents searched for the child for a long time, then they found him in a circle of scribes. The boy was talking to wise husbands, and they marveled at his childish intelligence. Joseph asked Jesus:

Why are you here? Your mother and I have been looking for you all day!
- Why do you need to look for me? I'm busy with my father's business.
- I am your father and I am a carpenter. “And you are sitting among the scribes,” Joseph was indignant.
- I meant my spiritual father.

Morality: sooner or later a child must break away from his parents, becoming independent not only physically, but also spiritually.


A samurai came to a Zen master with a question: “Is there hell and heaven? And where is their gate?
- Who are you? - asked his owner.
“Samurai,” answered the guest.
- Samurai? Why, you look like a tramp!

The warrior's pride was hurt, and without hesitation he grabbed the sword from its sheath. And the sage smiled and said:

Here's your answer. Hell and Heaven are not geographical concepts, but psychological ones. They are inside us. Both doors are nearby. By acting unconsciously, we open the gates of hell, and consciously, we open the gates to heaven.

Morality: learn to control your feelings and actions. And it doesn’t matter what you do - the main thing is that it is conscious.

Card No. 12JOURNEY

A teacher and student were passing through a village on the day of a great holiday. As they approached the main square, the sounds of drums and people's screams became so loud that the student covered his ears with his hands. But to his surprise, the teacher, dancing, walked deeper and deeper towards the center of the square, to the place of the main action. After the holiday ended and the tired people went home, the student asked the teacher:
- Teacher, how could you rejoice and celebrate with such noise? I couldn't even hear my thoughts!
“You were tuned in to the noise, my friend, but to the people of this village it was music.” I just perceived these sounds the same way as they did.

Hello Beautiful!

I am glad that you came to my women's blog about happiness, harmony and love!

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To be loved and to love, to be healthy and beautiful, to be young beyond age?

Let there be HAPPINESS!

Here I share what fills my soul.

Here I talk about what I really, really love...

My blog will help you when you are sad, when you are in pain, when you want support and food for thought.

Live, breathe, love, grow and get fit!

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Now I was sorting out my shelves with “magic chests” and found my favorite cards - Osho Zen Tarot, Pravdina and Gypsy Feng Shui symbols. And now I will show them to you and tell you in three separate parts. The first part of the Zen Tarot.

First cards. The most favorite cards are Osho Zen Tarot.

This is a set - cards and a book with a layout and interpretation and one card with the portrait of Osho himself.

Packed in a box. A cell for cards, and a cell on top of the cards for a booklet.

This is a magic box that can stand and neither a book nor a card will fall out of it.

I was given this set for the New Year about 5 years ago. And since then I really love these Zen Tarot cards, they have a lot of positivity. I’ll tell you a little about this game.

I’m writing directly the text from the book, I couldn’t find the text on the Internet, so I’m rewriting it.

How to play Zen Tarot.

"Obviously, while you can ask the Tarot anything, it is really a means of revealing what you already know. Any card drawn in response to a question is a direct reflection of what you are unable or you cannot realize, but only through awareness (without judging as right or wrong) from a position of non-involvement can you begin to most fully experience your ups and downs - the entire spectrum of your colorful existence.

When you consult the tarot "mirror", mix the cards well, imagining them as a vessel into which you pour your energies. When you feel ready, lay the cards face down and, using your left receiving hand, select cards in response to your present question: Remember to stay in the moment as you turn the cards over, allowing your inner voice to bring clarity to your outer circumstances

You will see in practice that the images of Osho Zen Tarot are alive. Their impact is undeniable. They speak to us in a language that our deepest selves understand. They awaken understanding. They bring clarity.

The book presents several layouts, or models, with which you will create your own method of using cards. Be creative - the possibilities are unlimited. Be as silent and focused as possible. The more deeply you comprehend this process as a gift for your individual development, the more meaning You will find in these explanations."

Here are the layouts I found on the Internet and an online game -

Here are the interpretations of the Zen Tarot cards.-

This is how the interpretation is found in the book.

Each Zen Tarot card has its own interpretation.

Here are the layouts presented in the book.

Two layouts: “Rhombus” and “Bird in flight”.

3 and 4 layouts - “Key” and “Mirror”.

And 5, 6, 7 and 8 layouts.

"Celtic Cross", "Communication", "Paradox", "Instant".

These are the cards themselves - big and beautiful

Of course, it’s more pleasant to make a layout with your cards and read all the interpretations in a book than to play this game online. Although it’s possible this way, it’s also very interesting, I gave you a link earlier.. But you put your energy into the cards, fill them with your essence, it’s more interesting Certainly.

This is OSHO Zen Tarot fortune telling .If you also have such cards, write your story associated with them, it’s very interesting to read!)) Still, Osho, many of us love him!))

Have a nice trip in the game!))

The Osho Tarot deck is considered unconventional because it does not answer the question in a simple sense, as happens with others like it. Each card is a kind of meditation, since the decoding is one of the quotes from the master Osho himself. There is no exact answer and there never will be, because only by understanding yourself can you see it. More details about the deck itself, how it was created, and also how to work with it will be discussed in this article.

The history of Osho cards

Tarot under the name of the Indian philosopher was first published in 1995. Although considered young, she has already gained her reputation among experienced tarot readers. The cards themselves were translated into about twelve languages ​​and during this time they found their admirers.

The idea of ​​their creation appeared five years earlier from the sannyasin Osho Ma Zhivan Upasika. She was an experienced tarot reader from Germany who was inspired by the master's ideas. Upasiki received Osho's approval, and only after that she turned to the artist Ma Deva Padma. The latter, in fact, completed the work.

When Padma worked with tarot, she lived in Osho's commune. While the master was alive, the artist often talked to him and showed him her sketches. She finished her work after Osho died, although, according to her, the master was always invisibly present during the work until she finished it.

Osho Tarot: deck structure

It should be noted right away that many tarot readers classify this deck as an oracle, since some of its cards are somewhat different from the traditional version, both in name and in interpretation. Also, the deck itself does not answer the question specifically, but rather pushes in the direction of reflection, inspiring with the sayings of Osho.

The Tarot contains seventy-eight cards, as in classic version. The major arcana are twenty-two, and the minor arcana are fifty-six. In the deck, the suits are named slightly differently - Fire, Rainbow, Clouds, Water. A special feature is also the completely different name of each card of the Minor Arcana.

For example, there are two cards called “Moment to Moment” and “Experience”. You can only compare the Court and Aces cards with the classics. If we talk about the principle of the cards, we can note the path of the “Jester”, which differs significantly from the classics (where it goes in a spiral), because a special card has been added to the deck - “Master”. It is this that allows you to stop and get out of the spiral.

The deck also has completely different names for the Major Arcana. For example, “Empress” is called “Creativity”, and “Emperor” is called “Rebel”. It is believed that this deck is very easy to understand even without additional interpretation, since the pictures on the cards are very simple and their meaning is clear on an intuitive level.

How to work with cards

Osho Zen Tarot cards can answer any question that is asked correctly. Despite the fact that many consider the deck to be almost unearthly, with the right approach the answer will be obtained and sometimes it is very amazing. But it can be somewhat veiled, and in order to understand it, you will need to think a little.

The peculiarity of this deck is that it works well with the cause-and-effect relationships of the human condition, as well as with the emotions that accompany any situation. Use this deck if you need to conduct a mental and physical condition person. You can also ask her a question about your relationship, career advancement or business.

“Instant” layout: the simplest layout

Osho Tarot cards can predict an event for you today or simply answer any question that worries you. If you do fortune telling as meditation, then you can also use this layout. It is quite simple, you just need to decide on the question, take one card out of the deck and look at its interpretation.

Hagal layout

Difficult to understand and quite powerful layout, which is recommended to be done once in a lifetime. Therefore, if you have a really important question, then lay out the Osho Zen Tarot cards in the “Hagal” layout.

Here you can see the combination of two oracles at once, which are considered very powerful. This is the Armantic Futhark and Zen Tarot. The rune itself, in its interpretation, means creation and creativity, as well as change and destiny. Therefore, in combination with Osho cards, the layout is considered very powerful.

The layout is laid out in the form of a rune, it contains eight cards. The first tells about the influence of past lives on you, the second card can tell you why the questioner came here. The third card will tell you about what is now, and the fourth about what is destructive and therefore pulls you back. From the fifth card you can learn about what will help in development and growth, and from the sixth card - about existing help in life. The seventh card will show destructive actions, and the eighth will talk about the necessary meditation.

Layout “Bird in flight”

This is another Osho Tarot spread. In its shape it really resembles a bird in flight. The left wing will tell the questioner about energy feminine, which affects this moment. The right wing is a symbol of active male energy.

The layout uses seven cards, counting starts with the one in the middle. It is also considered a masculine card. Next comes the second female card, and so the order is maintained until the very end. This layout can be compared to a ladder along which the questioner climbs, because each currently selected card is the answer to the previous one.

Layout “Paradox”

The entire Osho Tarot deck is involved in this layout. Place it in front of you and concentrate on your inner questions or simply meditate. Then divide the deck into three parts and choose one of them. Remove the top card - it will tell you about what is here and now. Pull out the lowest card - it will tell you about the influence of past lives on you. All that remains is to choose any one card from the pile - it is this that is the desired paradox.

“Unity” layout

Some layouts created using the Osho Tarot are designed for two. So, if you use the “Unity” layout, you will be able to understand the existing relationship (between you and your partner) and understand why misunderstandings arise. Perhaps, by laying out the cards, you will see something that can be thrown out of the relationship, or you will become convinced that you really need it.

Ten cards are involved in the layout. They are laid out in a semicircle (seven cards) around three cards in strict sequence. Those located in the center (two crosswise, and one on top in the usual position) talk about the relationship between the partners, and those located around them (or rather, opposite the one in the center) are the internal state of the partner.

“Key” layout

This layout uses eight cards, which are laid out from top to bottom. Using it, you can consider the hidden unconscious aspects of your question. In addition, it can be unfolded if you need to learn about inner life, about what is happening here and now.

Layout “Mirror”

Another alignment for relationships. With its help you can do detailed analysis relationship with another person (for example, husband, lover or any relative). The cards will tell you about the energies that flow between you and how much they interact.

The layout uses twelve cards. They are located in vertical lines opposite each other. 1-3 and 7-9 cards tell about the one who lays out the cards, 4-5 and 10-11 tell about the other person.


Osho's deck is suitable for those people who always look inside themselves, often meditate and engage in spiritual practice. But it doesn’t matter if the deck came to you, but you don’t feel spiritual in yourself. This means that you are on the verge of something new and amazing that will completely change your life. It’s not for nothing that the layouts in the Osho ZenTaro deck are quite numerous, and at the same time they have very interesting and poetic names that reflect their essence. Choose the one that suits you and explore yours inner world, because these are the cards that can most accurately reveal it to you.

- this is a specific fortune telling unusual maps Osho Zen, whose interpretations are based on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism. In that main feature and the value of these cards. The Zen Tarot deck can be used for meditation and self-improvement practices.

Fortune telling is provided with online STATISTICS. All your predictions are remembered.

– this is the financial state of your affairs. The layout describes the cause of complications with income and a way to solve this problem. The result of the efforts made to improve the situation if you follow the advice of Osho Zen tarot cards.

- one of the simplest and most traditional card layouts, this is the answer of the cards to the question that worries you, a type of general layout.

Only three cards are selected: the first determines the past and its influence on the issue that concerns you, the second is the influence of the present on this issue, the third is the final result.

Four cardinal directions - this layout is one of the simplest and most universal layouts. It is suitable even for beginners, but requires precise wording of the question. The more specific the question, the clearer the answer.

The layout shows which significant event awaits the Questioner in the future, what should not be done in this regard, the recommendations of Osho Zen cards and the final result if the recommendation is implemented.

– this layout is used to interpret the current state of affairs and events. It allows you to navigate what is currently happening around you, better see what is happening from all sides, and helps to predict upcoming difficulties.

Having received this information, you can prepare for the problems that await you and cope with them more easily, and in some cases, avoid them altogether.

– this layout can help accept important decision . You are offered two options for solving your problem and the results of each solution. All that remains is to choose which one to accept (or not to accept both – it’s up to you). Prediction does not choose for you the best option, it only shows the results of one and the other solution. The choice is yours.

- a layout showing the past incarnation. Sometimes it happens that you are not interested in the past, nor the future, nor the present - you want to know at least something about your previous incarnation. You are interested in what karma you came into this life with, what you need to work off, what you should pay special attention to. In this case, the Infinity layout will help you.

Seven pearls of Isis - the alignment is used in cases where a problem has already arisen or something is greatly bothering you, and you need to carefully analyze this situation. To get as much as possible more information on the issue that concerns you, this alignment is used.

The layout can be useful if you feel that you are not in control of the situation, or something important is constantly eluding you.

– the layout can help if you find yourself in difficult situation negatively affecting your well-being.

Cards offer you detailed analysis the situation, its causes, the origins of the problem, the possibilities of overcoming the crisis, active steps towards overcoming the crisis and the end result of these efforts.

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