Where does the son of Valentina Leontieva live. Drama "Aunt Valya". TV presenter from "Good night, kids!" loved the people, but not the family. Dmitry Vinogradov with his son Valentin. Shot from the program "Let them talk"

What is the importance of the ozone layer in maintaining life on Earth, you will learn from this article.

The importance of ozone for life on Earth

Ozone is a substance that contains a molecule consisting of 3 oxygen atoms. Under normal weather conditions, it is a bluish gas. When a decrease in temperature is observed, the ozone passes into a liquid phase with an indigo color. Being in solid form, this substance forms dark blue or even black crystals. Ozone has a characteristic odor and is easy to feel after a thunderstorm. This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the German chemist Schönbein in 1840.

Above the Earth's surface, ozone creates a unique ozone layer at an altitude of 20-40 km. It was formed under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation in the upper atmosphere and is of great importance in the life of all living beings on the planet.

The ozone layer and its importance

The significance of the ozone layer for the biosphere is that it absorbs rays from outer space that are harmful to animals and human health. It is a kind of filter that delays the electromagnetic and ultraviolet radiation of the sun. But today there is a destruction of the ozone layer, through emissions into the atmosphere of freon - an organic substance that forms holes in it. As a result, its protective actions are noticeably worsened. Every spring, over Antarctica, a hole the size of the United States forms in the ozone layer.

The depletion of the ozone layer affects the climate. Since it retains heat dissipated from the surface of the planet, a decrease in its level leads to a change in the direction of the prevailing winds and weather. In the future on Earth, scientists predict crop failures, droughts, food shortages and famine. And such a sad picture, if no action is taken, will come in 100 years.

The effect of the ozone layer on living organisms

Life on Earth would be different if the three millimeter thin ozone layer did not protect it. If the ozone screen disappeared today, then life could exist only deep under water or in the waters of the oceans.

As we said above, the ozone layer absorbs short-wave harmful ultraviolet rays. A decrease in its concentration has a detrimental effect on living organisms. A variety of pathologies are observed in humans and animals: impaired lung function, diseases of the immune and nervous systems, cancer of the retina and skin. The increased impact of ultraviolet radiation is changing entire ecosystems, especially the life cycle of phytoplankton and terrestrial vegetation.

We hope that from this article you have learned how important ozone is for life.

Ozone is an allotropic modification of oxygen and is one of the strongest oxidizing agents. Due to its high chemical activity, ozone actively reacts with most known substances, both organic and inorganic, whose reaction products are neutral substances - carbon dioxide, water or salts.

The use of ozone is diverse and has a number of significant advantages over traditional methods of sanitization, due to its high oxidizing power, ease of production and use, and low cost. Especially ozone is effective for sanitary purification of water and air.

Ozone destroys almost all types of microorganisms and viruses. It delays or even stops the development of mold and fungi. In some technologies, for example, such as deodorization (destruction of odors) or cleaning of premises from mercury vapor (demercurization), ozone has no equal.

The smell of ozone at the time of treatment:

Ozone has a characteristic smell familiar to all of us since childhood. Ozone smells like quartz treatment in a medical office. We also smell ozone after a thunderstorm, when it is produced by an electrical discharge.

How does ozone affect humans?

Gaseous ozone is a toxic substance and, in high concentrations, can cause upper respiratory tract burns, eye irritation, and even poisoning.

However, a person begins to smell ozone already when its concentration in the surrounding air is 10% of the permissible norm, so a slight smell of ozone cannot be a cause for concern.

It has been established that the toxic effect of ozone manifests itself when its content is 5...10 times higher than in natural air (20...40 µg/m3). It has also been established that when ozone is added to conditioned air at concentrations of 10...15 µg/m3, a positive effect on respiratory function is noted: the respiratory rate becomes less frequent, vital capacity and maximum ventilation of the lungs increase. In addition, by the end of the working day, workers experience a slight decrease in systolic blood pressure, and the number of complaints about a “lack” of oxygen in office premises (stuffiness) decreases several times.

When disinfecting a room, the ozone concentration can be 3-20 mg/m3, so ozone disinfection is carried out in the absence of people (MPC in the air of the working area is 0.1 mg/m3). However, the danger of ozone should not be exaggerated: the O3 molecule is very unstable (half-life at room temperature is 20-30 minutes). After the ozonator stops working, ozone quickly disintegrates, its concentration tends to natural, for this it is only necessary to keep the room in the absence of people (2-3 hours) or ventilate the room (15-30 minutes).

"In natural concentrations (0.01-0.03 mg / m3), ozone has a stimulating effect on the human body - it increases resistance to the action of toxic substances, hypoxia, causes an increase in the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, increases the immunobiological potential of the body, has a positive effect on respiratory function" (Great Medical Encyclopedia).

The life of the legendary TV presenter is like a roller coaster - ups and downs. She made a dizzying career on Soviet television, but then it was very painful for her to fall from this peak ... And the star of the programs “Good night, kids!”, “With all my heart” and “Visiting a fairy tale” accidentally got into the “box”. In general, she could have died as a schoolgirl in the Leningrad blockade.

Universal love has always been easy for Valya. Even when the tall and slightly awkward Leningrad schoolgirl Alka was teased by the boys in love with Olifa. She was offended, not knowing the real reason for their attention, and often repeated: "I'll grow up and change my name!" But before that, the little girl Alevtina Torsons, together with the whole family, had to change her surname, inherited from her father's Swedish ancestors. This decision was made by the father, fearing Stalinist repression. So they became the Leontiev family.

And then there was a war and blockade, chilling the soul for 900 days, saturated with fear, cold, hunger and the struggle with death. To survive at any cost, all means are good - from soup from a leather tablet to cigarettes "Asterisk" - the mother herself taught her daughters to smoke. She said she would want to eat less.

In 1942, the Road of Life was opened. The sisters and their mother were evacuated to the Ulyanovsk region. They left their hometown, leaving here the most precious thing they ever had - a happy childhood, youth, father and little son of their older sister. You won't get the last one back. They remained lying in the snowdrifts, having found eternal peace here.

Madam, bread!

The horrors of war forever hardened Valentina's character, but did not deprive her of humanity, warmth and sincerity.

They first met in 1945 immediately after the Victory. Young Valechka with a long golden braid had just moved to Moscow to live with her aunt. Once she returned home along the bridge through the trench, which was dug by captured Germans. All dirty, skinny, with hungry eyes. One of the prisoners particularly shocked her - still quite a boy, he imploringly stretched out his trembling hands and whispered: "Madame, bread!" Thin aristocratic fingers, violinist's hands...

"May I feed one of the Germans lunch?" Valya asked the guard. He did not agree for a long time, and then waved his hand: take it!

Brought home, poured a bowl of soup. Thin hands impatiently grabbed the spoon, but his aristocratic upbringing, even in captivity, did not allow him to pounce on food in the presence of a woman. He ate slowly, did not raise his eyes - he was afraid. Then he got a little bolder and asked about his parents. "Dad died of starvation. Others too. Leningrad..." The German had tears in his eyes, he didn't finish his dinner, got up and left.

Several years have passed. One day the phone rang in their apartment. A stranger stood on the threshold - a handsome tall brown-haired man. Next to him is an elderly lady, as it turned out, mom. "You don't recognize me?" the man asked in broken Russian. She looked at his hands - the same captive boy with hungry eyes ...

It turned out that he had not forgotten that meeting. Patiently waiting for the opening of the Iron Curtain, I bought a ticket to the USSR in order to come back to this apartment on the Arbat. And he took his mother with him not by chance. “I could not forget you, so I came with my mother to propose to you. Will you marry me?" She refused because she could not marry an enemy. “I will never forget that bowl of soup of yours - it turned my whole life upside down!” - the German said goodbye. His mother cried: "Baby, you yourself have no idea what you mean to me. You saved my son from starvation. I will thank you all my life!"

How many times later did Valentina hear words of gratitude! Years later, little Valya turned into an announcer of the Central Television of the USSR, a kind nationwide sorceress "Aunt Valya". Recognition, fame, love of the audience ... However, under the guise of external well-being, a woman with a difficult fate was hiding.

Through hardship to the stars

Leontieva got on television by accident at the age of 30. She needed money, and when she saw an ad for a group of CT announcers, she decided to take a chance. They didn’t take him as an announcer, but they offered him the position of assistant director. So she would have sat behind the scenes, if not for the case.

At that time, 2 announcers reigned on the Soviet air - Olga Chepurova and Nina Kondratova. But one day Kondratova fell ill, and Chepurova was not in Moscow, and Leontieva was instructed to conduct the transfer. From excitement, she read the text with difficulty, stuttering. Immediately after the debut, the chairman of the State Radio and Television called and ordered to remove "this" from the air, but Valya was defended by the All-Union Radio announcer Olga Vysotskaya. On April 16, 1954, Valentina was enlisted as part-time announcer. Chepurova died in the summer, a year later Kondratova severely injured her eye. The era of Valentina Leontieva has come.

She hosted everything: program guides, rural hour, live reports from the field, concerts, Blue Lights. One after another, her programs appear: "Alarm clock", "Skillful hands", "Good night, kids!", "Visiting a fairy tale" and, of course, "With all my heart", which in the West was called the first Soviet talk show .

Devotion to one's work, diligence, the ability to convey the material to the viewer, an excellent memory and some special inner core - everything came together, giving rise to a real phenomenon - the announcer Valentina Leontiev. She easily established contact with the audience, and it seemed to everyone that the woman from the screen was addressing him personally. “Everything that I said, I felt, and did not play,” Leontieva said. “I never worked according to the script, there were no pieces of paper on my desk, everything went to improvisation.”

Yuri the first and Yuri the second

Personal life did not develop. Valya married twice. The first student marriage with aspiring director Yuri Richard broke up four years later due to her husband's infidelity. Earlier, returning home from a business trip, Leontieva found another woman in the apartment. She did not make a scandal, did not even wake up the doves. She packed her things and left forever.

With her second husband, diplomat Yuri Vinogradov, Leontieva met in one of the Moscow restaurants. An interesting brunette introduced himself as a foreigner named Eric and invited him to dance. All evening they communicated through an interpreter. In the morning the call rang and yesterday's foreigner in pure Russian apologized for the prank and admitted that he had been in love for a long time, but was afraid that the screen star would not want to communicate with a simple fan.

A few months later they got married, and a year later Mitya was born. She was almost forty. Leontieva was in seventh heaven with happiness - she had long dreamed of a child, but three days later went on the air again, shifting all the worries about the baby onto her mother's shoulders.

She tried to be a good wife and even went to New York with her husband for two years, but she was insanely homesick for work. Yuri adored his Valya, brought her expensive clothes and perfumes. But in the late sixties, Leontieva literally lived at work. The wife turned into a “TV box” with whom Yuri lived, talked and clinked glasses of champagne for the New Year. The once cheerful man became withdrawn and irritable. After 16 years of marriage, Yuri left for another woman. He left without even saying goodbye.

At 54, Valentina was left alone. The teenage son blamed his mother for everything. Relations with Mitya Leontyeva did not work out since childhood. All the children of the country adored the host of "Calm", sent touching letters and drawings, and only her own son did not watch TV and hated television with all his heart - after all, it took his mother away from him.

Once, when she brought her son drawings of other children from the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale" and said: "Look, Mitenka, how beautifully other children draw," the boy had a tantrum. He tore the sheets and ran away.

Valentina spoiled her son, fulfilled all his whims, trying to somehow compensate for the lack of her attention. And Mitya was embarrassed by his star mother, jealous of her other children. Filling out a questionnaire for the military registration and enlistment office, he completely put a dash in the column "mother".

With faith in my soul

During the years of perestroika, a new generation of TV journalists came to television, Leontieva's programs were taken off the air. Out of pity and respect, she was not kicked out, but transferred as a consultant to the department of sign language interpreters.

In the late nineties, Leontyeva received an offer from Channel One to release a retrospective of the program "With all my heart", and she not only agreed, but even at her 74 years old went under the knife, having undergone plastic surgery. The result was amazing - the announcer looked 20 years younger, but the project, alas, was never launched.

In 2004, "Aunt Valya" was taken by ambulance to the Central Clinical Hospital with a concussion and a fracture of the femoral neck - she accidentally fell, slipping in the kitchen. She was helpless and could hardly move. Not wanting to be a burden to her son, Leontyeva moved to her sister Lyusya in the Ulyanovsk region in the village of Novoselki. During this time, Mitya never once visited his mother and even talked on the phone with coolness and reluctance.

And Valentina waited, looked at the photographs of her son for a long time and hoped to the last that her Mitenka would come, at least to say goodbye. He did not fulfill his last duty to his mother and did not even come to the funeral in May 2007.

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