ISIS leader. Key ISIS commanders. "Islamic State". "Islamic"? How does this even relate to Islam?

According to the Iranian news agency Afkar News' own correspondent, Iraqi funds mass media began publishing information about the most important commanders terrorist group « Islamic State" These individuals are being investigated under the control of the governments of Iraq and the United States, and a large reward is being offered for any information about them.

1. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

His full name— Ibrahim Awaad Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri As-Samarrayi. He is considered the main leader of the ISIS group. Last year, Al-Baghdadi declared himself its emir and even demanded that other extremist terrorist groups swear allegiance to him.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was born in Baghdad in 1971 in a place near the city of Samarra. In 2011, the United States placed him on the terrorist list and set a $10 million reward for anyone who provided information about his whereabouts.

During the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, Al-Baghdadi's brother served in the Iraqi army and died in the line of duty. However, the current head of ISIS himself was unable to go to military service due to vision problems. Instead, he entered the Faculty of Koranic Studies at the University of Baghdad, where he completed his master's degree.

Al-Baghdadi led all of Al-Qaeda's military operations in Iraq and is considered the mastermind behind many of the group's major terrorist attacks. His most famous operation was the attack on Baghdad's Umm al-Qura mosque in 2011, which killed Iraqi parliament member Khalid al-Fahdawi.

The British Guardian newspaper reported some time ago that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was wounded as a result of an air attack by anti-ISIS coalition forces in Iraq. The publication also provided information that the wound was in the spine, so the ISIS leader is now unable to move independently.

2. Abu Alya Al-Afri

This is another dangerous ISIS leader. This man's real name is Abdul Rahman Mustafa. Previously, he served as Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s deputy, but after the ISIS leader was wounded, information appeared that Abu Alya Al-Afri began to replace him in his position.

Al-Afri was born in the Al-Hazar district, which is 80 kilometers from the city of Mosul in Iraq. It is known that for some time he worked as a physics teacher at school. Al-Afri went to Afghanistan in 1998, and after swearing allegiance to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2004, he was given command of al-Qaeda forces in Mosul.

After the death of Abu Umar Al-Baghdadi, his candidacy was considered by Al-Qaeda for appointment as commander of the group's units in Iraq, but ultimately Al-Afri went over to the side of the Islamic State.

3. Abu Ali Al-Anbari

This man is believed to be one of the ISIS commanders fighting in Syria. He leads military operations against Syrian army, the armed opposition represented by the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra. During Saddam's dictatorship, Al-Anbari was part of the command of the Iraqi army. After being accused of corruption, he had to leave the Jaysh Al-Islam group in Iraq and join the Al-Qaeda cell in that country.

4. Abu Suleiman An-Nasser

This man is currently the military commander of ISIS and heads the group's military council. He was appointed to this position after the death of Abu Iman Al-Araki, who was killed in an American air attack on Iraq in 2014. Another position of Abu Suleiman An-Nasser is considered to be the post of Minister of War of the Islamic State. He received this appointment after the deaths of Abu Ayyub Al-Mesri and Abu Umar Al-Baghdadi during a joint attack by American and Iraqi forces on the city of Tikrit in 2010.

An-Nasser's real name is Naaman Suleyman Mansur Az-Zeydi. It is also known that he spent some time under arrest at the Buka military base in Basra. In 2011, information was received that the Iraqi security services had eliminated him in the city of Hit, but this was later rebutted.

5. Abu Mohammad Al-Adnani

This man is official representative terrorist group ISIS. His full name is Taha Sobhi Falaha. Al-Adnani was born in 1977 in the small town of Bansh in the Syrian province of Idlib. On May 31, 2005, he was captured by coalition forces during their attack on Iraq, but was soon released.

In 2014, a video appeared in which Al-Adnani swears oath to Abu Barq Al-Baghdadi. He was the first person to report that the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. Al-Adnani demanded that terrorists operating in West Africa do the same.

6. Abu Omar Al-Shishani

A native of Georgia, he is among the most experienced fighters to take part in the 2008 Russian-Georgian war. After leaving the ranks of the Georgian army, Al-Shishani joined the Syrian terrorists. His record includes commanding rebel groups such as Katibat Al-Muhajireen, Jaysh Al-Muhajireen and Al-Ansar.

In 2013, Ag-Shishani was given command of Islamic State forces in northern Syria, particularly in Aleppo, Raqqa, Latakia and Idlib, and at the end of that year was appointed emir of ISIS in this territory. This militant is considered one of the most famous ISIS field commanders fighting in Syria.

On September 24, 2014, the US State Department added his name to the list of terrorists and offered a reward of five million dollars for any information that would help in his arrest. Reports of Al-Shishani's death were received many times, but each time they turned out to be inaccurate.

7. Abu Wahib

This man is an ISIS commander in Iraq's Anbar province. His full name is Shakir Wahib Al-Fadawi Ad-Dalimi. According to reports, he was born in 1986. He is responsible for the killing of some Syrian truck drivers in the summer of 2013. Abu Wahib was one of 110 prisoners who escaped from al-Qaeda attacks on Iraqi prisons in 2012. For information about this militant, the leadership of Anbar province is offering a reward of $50,000.

8. Hussein Bilal Bosnich

This prominent ISIS commander is considered one of the members of the Salafi movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnich was born in 1972 in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina. First of all, he is famous for the fact that he different countries Europe is recruiting people willing to serve in the ranks of ISIS.

As a child, he and his family moved to live in Germany, where he became involved in the Salafist movement. In 1992, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he returned to his homeland and joined one of the battalions of the Bosnian army.

9. Tariq Bin At-Tahir Bin Al-Falih Al-Awni Al-Khazri

This Tunisian citizen is believed to be one of the earliest members of ISIS in Iraq. Tariq Al-Khazri is also known as the “suicide emir” because he was the main organizer of hundreds of suicide terrorist attacks in different countries. His responsibilities also include training terrorists and sending them to Syria. For information that could help in the arrest of Tariq Al-Khazri, American authorities are offering a reward of three million dollars.

10. Commanders of foreign groups

Some commanders belong to foreign terrorist groups that have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi personally. The names of some of them are given below

Abu Bakr Sheikh. This man is considered the leader of the Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria and leads ISIS units in West Africa. Sheikh has led Boko Haram since 2009.

Abdurrahman Muslimdust. It is known that this Afghan journalist spent some time in Guantanamo Bay prison. In late 2014, he was appointed ISIS commander in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Abu Al-Bara Al-Azdi. According to available information, this member of the Islamic State has Yemeni citizenship. After the capture of the Libyan city of Derna by ISIS troops, Al-Azdi was appointed by the ISIS leader as its emir. He also currently holds the office of Chief Justice of that city.

29 Aug 2014 The Covert Origins of ISIS, 21 min
Evidence exposing who put ISIS in power, and how it was done.

ISIS leader - Mossad agent
Simon Elliot, aka Al-Baghdadi (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), son of Jewish parents, Mossad agent.

Veterans Today - Monday, August 4, 2014

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the so-called "caliph", the leader of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) is, according to Edward Snowden's sources, an agent named Elliot Shimon, a specially trained Mossad operative.

Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon), aka Al-Baghdadi, was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent.

We offer below three translations that claim that Caliph al-Baghdadi is a full-fledged Mossad agent, and that he was born of a Jewish father and mother:

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's real name is "Simon Elliott."

The so-called "Elliot" was recruited by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic communities.

This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published in newspapers and other websites: the head of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, collaborated with the British, Israeli and US secret services to create an organization capable of attracting extremist terrorists from around the world .

Source: Radio

Another source confirmed this statement, website EGy-Press:

Based on photographic documents: Iranian media has discovered the real identity of the "Emir of ISIS", a trained Zionist agent.

Iranian intelligence has discovered the true and complete identity of the "ISIS Emir", who goes by the name Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi; his real name Elliot Shimon. This is a Mossad agent performing important and secret mission Zionist espionage. His fictitious name: Ibrahim ibn Awad bin Ibrahim Al Badri Al Aradwi Husseini.

Plan: get into the military and civilian leadership countries declared as a “threat to Israel” in order to destroy them and thereby facilitate their further absorption by the Zionist state throughout the Middle East. With the goal of creating a Greater Israel.

These are the boundaries of the Zionist project, “Greater Israel” or “Eretz Israel” for short.

These facts, published a few days ago, confirm that the Caliph Rolex is directed by Israel to wreak havoc in countries neighboring the Zionist entity. Please note that ISIS announced a few days ago that they now want to take on the "barbarian Jews", meaning the Zionists besieging Gaza.

Indeed! An attack on Israeli soil will now allow the Americans and Israelis to point fingers at the murderous terrorists and shoot faster and harder to “defend the Zionist state.” While they launched the same scheme with impunity more than two months ago. This project was probably prepared within the framework of the same “Arab Spring” to destabilize Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Mali (among others). Clever!

Listen to the words again and again B.-A. Levi (BHL) about the so-called "Arab Spring":

BHL, "le printemps arabe est bon pour ISRAEL" -LaVraieVerite-
BHL: "Arab Spring is good for Israel" -LaVraieVerite-

By gathering the most zealous fanatics from all over the world in one place, an entire “army of the devil” is formed, a gang of bloodthirsty killers without mercy for their victims, they kill with redoubled force and in cold blood. And they post footage of their atrocities on social networks.


Comments (16)

(no subject)

date: Sep. 19th, 2015 01:18 am (UTC)

Special operation in Zabadani: terrorist warehouses containing Israeli and American weapons, 4 houses were liberated from militants. 1:53
Press service of the Syrian Armed Forces, clashes September 14–15, 2015.
Government troops are consolidating themselves in the liberated territories and preparing for further actions.
During engineering intelligence An ammunition warehouse of illegal armed groups was discovered, in which American and Israeli-made ammunition was found. A warehouse of Israeli weapons and military equipment was discovered by the joint forces of the army of Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah in the central part of the city."

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(no subject)

date: Sep. 19th, 2015 04:40 pm (UTC)

09/19/15 The activities of a criminal community headed by the head of the Komi Republic were suppressed.
"...If you believe official biography Vyacheslav Gaizer, he has held senior positions in the republic since 2004. From the banking sector he came to the government, first as deputy minister of finance, then minister, and since 2004 he has already combined this position with the position of deputy head of Komi. It is to this period, judging by the statement of the Investigative Committee, that the date of creation of the criminal community, which will later be openly associated with the name of Vyacheslav Gaiser, dates back.

In 2010, as president, Dmitry Medvedev recommended Gaiser for the post of head of the republic, and Gaiser received this position in January 2010. A little over a year ago, Gaiser won the election and took the post of head of the republic for the second time.
Vyacheslav Gaizer was the leader of the republican list " United Russia" In April 2015, according to the results of the internal party preliminary vote, Gaiser headed the regional top three of United Russia..."

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(no subject)

date: Sep. 20th, 2015 12:47 pm (UTC)

09.20.15 The Investigative Committee of Russia filed formal charges under Article 210 of the Criminal Code (“Organization of a criminal community”) and 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud on an especially large scale”) against the head of the Komi Republic, Vyacheslav Gaizer, and his deputy, Alexey Chernov (Menaker). Only under Article 210 of the Criminal Code they face a life sentence.
In the near future, the investigation will go to court with a petition for the arrest of 13 more members of the group, including Chairman of the Komi State Council Igor Kovzel, Deputy Prime Minister of Komi Konstantin Romadanov, and ex-senator Evgeny Samoilov. According to investigators, the group was created for large-scale theft of state property...

During the special operation, 19 leaders and participants of the group were detained, among whom were the head of the region Vyacheslav Gaizer and his deputy Alexey Chernov, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic Igor Kovzel, Deputy Chairman of the Komi Government Konstantin Romadanov, former senator from Komi Evgeny Samoilov, head of the information department of the regional administration Pavel Marushchak , as well as businessman Valery Veselov and other alleged members of the criminal community. Most officials, including Gaiser, were formally on vacation after the election campaign, so they were detained in other regions and resorts. So, Kovzel was detained in St. Petersburg, and Marushchak in Gelendzhik.

As part of a large-scale special operation, 80 searches were carried out in Komi, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. About 60 kg of jewelry were discovered and confiscated from the defendants in the case, 30 wristwatch worth from $30 thousand to $1 million, 50 stamps of various companies, documents on the legalization of stolen state assets worth more than 1 billion rubles. Among the documents were tax certificates for the Cyprus company Greettonbay Trading Ltd, issued in 2013, as well as the company Afina Management Ltd., registered in Seychelles in 2004. Investigators found documents related to negotiations on the purchase of Bombardier and Hawker aircraft.

Geisel, Kovzel and Chernov (Menaker) were taken to Moscow, where after the first interrogation they were formally charged under Article 210 of the Criminal Code (“Organization of a criminal community”) and 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud on an especially large scale”). Precedents when the governor or other high-ranking officials were charged under Article 210 of the Criminal Code, in legal practice modern Russia It hasn't happened yet. The investigation has already prepared petitions to the court for their arrest. The remaining 13 detainees still remain in the status of suspects, but in the near future they are going to be formally charged and arrested..."
09/20/15 An ambulance arrived at the court where Gaiser was taken

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(Deleted comment)

Re: A Jew is afraid of the truth, like a hare is afraid of a tambourine.

date: Aug. 26th, 2016 07:47 pm (UTC)

The question is rhetorical.
The mere fact that the Russian government is headed by a kosher Mendel, who goes by the Russian pseudonym “Medvedev” (and before that he was the president of the country), speaks volumes. This criminal gang has been in power in the Kremlin for 16 years.
Although they are stupid in various ways, they are not to the same extent as not to know a lot about ISIS and everything else.
The Syrian war has slightly different goals than those declared by the zombie box to the goyish people.

MOSCOW, September 30. /TASS-DOSSIER/. "Islamic State" is an Islamist terrorist organization operating in Iraq and Syria (abbreviated IS or ISIS, in Arab media - Daesh).

IS is recognized as a terrorist organization in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Egypt, UAE, India, Indonesia, and Russia (since December 29, 2014). Its activities on the territory of these countries are prohibited.

Formation and development

Created in October 2006 as a result of the merger of several radical Sunni formations led by a division of Al-Qaeda (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) in Iraq under the name “Islamic State of Iraq” (ISI). At the same time, a “constitution” was adopted - “Notification of Humanity about the Birth of the Islamic State.” ISI's goal is to take over the Sunni part of Iraq and turn it into a militarized Islamic state. In 2010, one of the leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, became the emir of ISI.

In April 2013, by merging two branches of al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria - the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syrian Jabhat al-Nusra (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) - a group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIS), the goal of which was the creation of an Islamic emirate on the territory of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

On April 10, 2013, ISIS fighters pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. However, due to hostility and regular clashes between the Iraqi and Syrian groups, al-Zawahiri decided in November 2013 to disband ISIS so that the Islamic State of Iraq and Jabhat al-Nusra would act independently of each other, one - in Iraq, and the other in Syria. However, ISIS continued to operate on the territory of both states. In September 2015, Ayman al-Zawahiri invited the Islamic State militants to act as a united front against the “crusaders and atheists,” while emphasizing that he did not recognize the caliphate they had declared.

In June 2014, ISIS terrorists took control of several oil fields in the area of ​​the cities of Mosul and Kirkuk (Iraq). Having captured large military bases in Iraq, they received at their disposal a large amount of weapons and military equipment, including portable anti-aircraft missile systems, American-made tanks, armored personnel carriers and howitzers. According to American intelligence and statements by Iraqi authorities, IS militants also possess chemical weapons and have repeatedly used mustard gas and chlorine-containing ammunition in Syria and Iraq.

On June 29, 2014, ISIS announced the creation of an “Islamic Caliphate” in the occupied territories of Iraq and Syria, and the leader of the organization, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was appointed “caliph.” At the same time, it was decided to rename the group “Islamic State” (IS).

According to CIA estimates, the number of the group is about 30 thousand people, while the Iraqi authorities claim 200 thousand. According to estimates by the Russian Ministry of Defense as of December 2015, IS numbers 60 thousand people. Citizens of 80 countries are fighting in the ranks of militants, including about 2 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation.

Sources of financing

Oil trading

The main source of income for Islamists is the illegal oil trade.

In the territories under its control, IS has a monopoly on its production and supply. Experts note high level oil business organizations. Control over the deposits is exercised by police detachments formed from militants. A significant portion of the resources are extracted in eastern Syria. Production volume reaches from 20 to 40 thousand barrels per day. The cost of raw materials sold is $20–45 per barrel of oil. Revenues from oil sales reached up to $3 million per day.

Accusations of oil purchases from IS terrorists are being made against the Syrian authorities, as well as the government of Iraqi Kurdistan (Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq). On November 24, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has long known “the fact that a large amount of oil and petroleum products flows into Turkish territory from territories captured by ISIS.”

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, on the financing of terrorism

US authorities claim that IS receives $40 million monthly from oil smuggling, while the majority of oil purchases from militants are carried out by the Assad regime, some “goes across the border to Turkey.”

On December 2, 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that IS terrorists have at least 8.5 thousand tank trucks, they transport up to 20 thousand barrels of oil per day. The department noted that airstrikes carried out since September 30, 2015 Russian aviation according to IS positions in Syria, they called to halve their income from the illegal sale of oil (from $3 million to $1.5 million per day).

On December 17, 2015, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said at a meeting of the UN Security Council that the bulk of IS oil trade goes through Turkey “through the mediation of shadow economic structures.” According to Churkin, oil is purchased by smugglers in cash in production areas. “In most cases, tank trucks are used to transport oil, going through the border points of Karkamysh, Akcakale, Cilvegezu and Oncupinar. The number of tank trucks is in the thousands. A number of Turkish companies, including Serie, are engaged in their supply to IS.” (city of Konya) and “Sam otomotiv” (city of Antakya),” listed the permanent representative of the Russian Federation. According to the diplomat, in Turkey, oil purchased from IS "is delivered to the oil refinery of the company "Turkish Petroleum Refinery A.Sh." ("TURPASH"), located in the city of Batman. At the same time, the main flow of hydrocarbons is shipped through Turkish ports on the coast Mediterranean Sea, primarily through the port of Ceyhan.

Other sources

IS's second largest source of income is the smuggling of cultural artifacts. In addition, militants receive ransom for hostages, engage in racketeering and robbery, and collect “Islamic tax” (a tax for refusing to convert to Sunni Islam). According to some reports, IS is receiving cash from private investors from countries Persian Gulf supporting the fight against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. There is information that money transactions and transfers are carried out in the virtual currency Bitcoin (when operating with cryptocurrency, it is difficult to identify sources of funding).

According to information Federal service of the Russian Federation for drug control, militants earn up to $500 million a year from the transit of Afghan heroin through the controlled territory. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, IS is also involved in the trade in human organs.

According to research conducted by experts of the UN Security Council monitoring group and independent NGOs, every year IS sells oil and gas worth up to $950 million, wheat and rye - $200 million, cement - $100 million, cotton - $20 million, and also actively trades phosphates, sulfuric and phosphoric acid.

On February 12, 2015, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2199 on suppressing the financing of terrorist organizations ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra (initiated by Russia). The resolution establishes a ban on any trade in oil and petroleum products, as well as precious metals and cultural values ​​with IS and Jabhat al-Nusra and provides for sanctions against individuals and legal entities for rendering financial support terrorists (travel ban and asset freeze).

Group activities

IS has managed to significantly expand its influence in Libya. Since 2014, terrorist attacks have been carried out across the country by militants loyal to IS. The militants control the province of Derna, some areas of Benghazi, and in June 2015 they captured the city of Sirte. In addition, IS claimed responsibility for terrorist attacks carried out in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The expansion of the group’s activities prompted Arab countries to create a military alliance to combat terrorism. In January 2015, the leadership of the Islamic State announced the creation of the Khorasan Emirate, which included Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Hafiz Saiyid Khan, one of the leaders of the Taliban (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) in Pakistan, was appointed its emir. Many field commanders and ordinary Taliban fighters have sworn allegiance to IS, but overall relations between these groups remain tense. According to the Russian General Staff as of October 2015, the number of IS militants in Afghanistan is about 2-3 thousand people. In July 2015, IS militants published a video message in which they expressed their intention to seize power in Palestine and destroy Israel.

The ideology of IS is popular among other extremist groups. Terrorist organizations from Algeria, Egypt, the Philippines, and Pakistan swore allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The Nigerian Boko Haram also came out in support of the caliphate.

Currently in Iraq, IS militants control a number of cities in the provinces of Anbar, Diyala, Salah ad-Din and Ninewa, and in Syria - a significant part of the provinces of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. In December 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that about 70% of the territory of Syria was under the control of militants. According to the UN, the wave of violence that swept through Iraq in 2014 forced more than 2 million people to flee their homes. According to the UN, more than 19 thousand civilians were killed in Iraq from January 2014 to August 2015, and about 30 thousand were injured. According to the human rights organization Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, more than 3 thousand people were killed by IS militants in Syria from June 2014 to June 2015.

From time to time, militants distribute videos of the killings of foreign hostages.

The fight against IS

The United States has been conducting an airborne operation against the Islamic State in Iraq since August 8, 2014, and in Syria since September 23, 2014. At the NATO summit in Wales in September 2014, it was decided to create an international coalition to combat jihadists, to which About 60 countries joined.

On September 30, 2015, the Russian Aerospace Forces began carrying out airstrikes against IS positions in Syria at the request of Bashar al-Assad.

Damage to cultural heritage

The activities of IS militants have caused irreparable damage to the cultural heritage of Iraq and Syria.

In February 2015, extremists destroyed the central library and historical museum in Mosul, resulting in the loss of ancient sculptures, bas-reliefs and manuscripts.

In March 2015, they razed the ruins of the ancient cities of Kalah, Hatra and Dur-Sharrukin, and in August they destroyed most of the ruins of Palmyra located in Syria.

On February 28, 2015, the UN Security Council adopted a statement in which it condemned the destruction of monuments and objects of historical, cultural and religious value by the IS group, placing these actions on a par with terrorist acts.

Groups that have pledged allegiance to IS

The ideology of IS is popular among other extremist groups. Terrorist organizations from Algeria, Egypt, the Philippines, and Pakistan swore allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    ​The first group to join the Islamic State was a detachment of militants from Central Asia "Sabri Jamaat", numbering more than 70 militants (mostly Uzbeks). The entire squad swore allegiance to IS in March 2014.

    In the spring of 2014, individual small groups from radical extremist groups declared support for IS "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula"(AQAP) and "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb"(AKIM). AQAP, with more than 1,000 fighters, is based in Yemen, and AQIM, with between 700 and 1,000 fighters, is based in Algeria. On September 16, 2014, militants from these groups posted a video message to the Islamic State calling on them to unite in the fight against the international coalition led by the United States.

    In July 2014, the Philippine jihadist group pledged allegiance to IS "Abu Sayyaf"(also known as Al-Harakat al-Islamiya), led by its leader Isnilon Hapilon. This group numbers about 500 people.

    In August 2014, Abu Bakr al-Bashir, who headed the organization for a long time, came out in support of the Caliphate Jemaah Islamiyah, considered the largest Indonesian branch of al-Qaeda (more than 5 thousand people).

    In September 2014, Pakistani forces joined IS "Jamaat-ul-Ahrar". It was created in August 2014 after the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan split. Leaders of the group - Ehsanullah Ehsan, former representative Pakistani Taliban, and Omar Khalid Khorasani, the former commander of the Ahrar-ul-Hind unit, whose fighters killed 23 Pakistani soldiers in February 2014.

    Also in September 2014, a previously unknown Egyptian extremist group announced its readiness to serve IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi "Warriors of the Caliphate of Egypt". They declared US diplomatic missions and Western countries. There is no data on the size of the group.

    On October 30, 2014, a group of extremists belonging to a detachment of Central Asian militants announced their decision to join IS "Katibat al-Imam Bukhari". A video entitled “Join the Ranks” has appeared on the Internet, in which two Uzbek militants swear allegiance to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It is not yet known whether the entire Katibat al-Imam Bukhari detachment has joined the Islamists.

    October 5, 2014 representatives of the movement "Taliban" Pakistan expressed support for ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq, noting that they are proud of their fight against the international coalition led by the United States. They also stated that they were ready to assist in the creation of a worldwide Islamic caliphate. However, in April 2015, the Afghan authorities fell into internal documents the IS and Taliban groups, according to which extremist organizations declared jihad on each other ("holy war" - TASS note).

    On November 4, 2014, a communique was published on the Internet in which the group swore allegiance to IS "Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis". This radical group of about 2 thousand militants operates in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. On the same day, representatives of the group issued an official statement in which they denied this information. At the end of 2014, the group’s leaders again declared their support for the IS leader and changed their name to “Vilayet Sina” (“Sinai Province”).

    On March 7, 2015, militants of the Nigerian Islamist group swore allegiance to IS "Boko Haram". In a video circulated online by Boko Haram, its supporters pledged to "listen and obey IS in times of hardship and prosperity." Boko Haram seeks to create an Islamic caliphate in northern Nigeria and introduce Sharia (Islamic law). As a result of the group's terror in Nigeria over the past five years, more than 13 thousand people have died, and about 1.5 million more people have become displaced persons and refugees. In recent months, Boko Haram has stepped up its offensive, which has also expanded into Cameroon and Chad.

    On May 14, 2015, a radical Islamist group swore allegiance to IS "Al-Murabitoun", led by Algerian terrorist Mokhtar Belmokhtar. Belmokhtar was involved in a January 2013 militant attack on the In Amenas oil and gas complex in Algeria, which killed about 40 civilians.

    In June 2015, the leaders of a number of gangs in Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia declared allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Terrorists from the so-called "Caucasus Emirate"(terrorist group, banned in the Russian Federation). After this, IS leaders announced the creation of a province (“wilayat”) in the North Caucasus.

    In January 2016, militants from four extremist groups in the Philippines united and announced the creation of an Islamic State “caliphate” province on the island of Mindanao, pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The Philippine “wilaya” will be headed by one of the leaders of the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group, Isnilon Hapilon.

    According to the CIA, in 2015, groups from 20 countries declared support for IS.

Foreign hostages of the Islamic State

In 2014-2015 IS militants killed citizens of a number of foreign countries.

    On August 20, 2014, the first foreign hostage was killed by militants - a 40-year-old American journalist James Foley(James Wright Foley), abducted in northwestern Syria on November 22, 2012. ISIS released a video of his murder entitled “A Message To America.”

    On September 2, 2014, the second hostage killed by terrorists was a journalist from the American publication Time Steven Sotloff(Steven Joel Sotloff) He was taken hostage in August 2013 in Libya. In addition to American, Sotloff had Israeli citizenship.

    On September 14, 2014, extremists posted on the Internet a video of the massacre of their third victim from among foreign hostages - a 44-year-old British citizen David Haynes(David Cawthorne Haines). He was kidnapped a year earlier in Syria, where he was delivering humanitarian aid.

    On October 4, 2014, a video of the militants’ reprisal of the fourth foreign hostage, a 47-year-old British man, appeared on the Internet. Alan Henning(Alan Henning). He was delivering humanitarian aid to Syria, where he was kidnapped in December 2013.

    On November 16, 2014, terrorists beheaded the fifth foreign hostage, an American St. Petersburg Kassig(Peter Kassig). He was captured on October 1, 2013 in Lebanon, where he was providing assistance to Syrian refugees.

    On January 24, 2015, the sixth hostage of the militants, a Japanese businessman, was killed Haruna Yukawa. He was kidnapped in Syria in August 2014. On January 20, 2015, a video was published of two Japanese hostages, Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa. The militants demanded a ransom of $200 million be paid within 72 hours, and otherwise threatened to kill the abducted. After the specified period, a video appeared in which Kenji Goto was holding a photo of the murdered Haruna Yukawa.

    On January 31, 2015, militants distributed a video recording of the murder of the seventh hostage - a 47-year-old Japanese journalist Kenji Goto. He was kidnapped in Syria in the fall of 2014.

    On February 3, 2015, a video appeared showing the execution of the seventh hostage. Senior Lieutenant, Jordanian Air Force Muaz Youssef al-Kasasbah, whose plane crashed on December 24, 2014 over the Syrian city of Raqqa, was burned alive by extremists. After the killing of the pilot, the Jordanian Air Force intensified airstrikes against militant positions in Syria and Iraq.

    On February 15, 2015, militants from an IS-affiliated group called Junud Vilayet Tarabulus (Soldiers of Tripoli Province) released a video recording of the killing. 21 Copts (Egyptian Christians) captured by them in Libya. The Egyptians were captured in two separate incidents in late December 2014 and early January 2015 near the Libyan city of Sirte. The first reports of their murder appeared on February 12, 2015. According to media reports as of February 17, 2015, about 35 Egyptians may currently be held hostage by militants in Libya.

    On March 10, 2015, the group distributed a video in which a child shoots a 19-year-old in the head. Muhammad Ismail- a Palestinian who admitted to spying for Israeli intelligence.

    On April 19, 2015, an extremist group released a video of the massacre of two groups Ethiopian Christians in Libya. The first group of hostages was shot, and the second group was beheaded. Each group consisted of approximately 15 people.

    On June 23, 2015, IS militants posted a video of brutal killings online. 15 Iraqis accused of espionage. Five of them were drowned in the pool, three were shot with a grenade launcher, and another seven people were blown up with explosives.

    On July 4, 2015, the IS group released a video of the massacre of 25 Syrian soldiers in the Roman amphitheater of Palmyra.

    On August 12, 2015, IS militants posted a statement in which they claimed to have beheaded a 30-year-old Croatian citizen Tomislava Salopek. An employee of the Egyptian representative office of one of the French construction companies was kidnapped in Egypt in the Al-Wahat region in June 2015.

    On November 18, 2015, IS militants published photographs of the bodies of two hostages in Dabiq magazine. They were a 48-year-old Norwegian Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad and a 50-year-old Chinese man Fan Jinghui. In September 2015, extremists distributed photographs of these hostages with ransom demands.

    On December 2, 2015, IS militants released a video of the massacre of a 23-year-old Magomed Khasiev, introducing himself as an employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation. On December 3, 2015, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, confirmed that the murdered man was a Chechen, but denied the fact that he collaborated with the Russian special services. Until 2012, Magomed Khasiev bore the name Evgeniy Yudin.

    A British journalist is currently being held captive by IS. John Cantlie, captured in Syria in 2012. Terrorists distributed several videos of him calling on the West to stop the fight against ISIS.

    According to unverified data, two Russians have been captured by IS militants since the fall of 2013 - engineer Sergey Gorbunov(there were unconfirmed reports of his execution in the spring of 2014) and the Tomsk traveler Konstantin Zhuravlev.

An analysis of the aggressive mercenary organization called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - ISIS, financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and clearly coordinated by Turkey, showed that the organization, operating under the guise of Islam, is in fact the enemy of Islam.

Is ISIS Islamist organization, or an Arab and Turkish racist organization?

If you look at the leaders of the ISIS gangs in Iraq and Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan), the answer to these questions arises very easily.

Is ISIS really Islamic organization, or is it implementing Arab and Turkish racist annexation under the guise of Islam?

What is its main purpose?

Who is it coordinated by?

First of all, let us pay attention to the Iraqi structure of ISIS.


1. Abu Bekir Baghdadi

Mahlasi Abu Dua. Real name Ibrahim Bedri. By profession, he is a teacher at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences. Moreover, he was an imam in various mosques in Baghdad and Fellujah. It is said that Baghdadi, who is today the current leader of ISIS, was arrested on June 4, 2004 American soldiers, and later escaped from custody. Baghdadi became the organization's leader after his father, Iraqi Islamic State leader Abu Umar al-Baghdadi, was killed in 2010 in a joint operation by US and Iraqi forces. Later, in dynastic style, he took his father's place in the leadership of the Iraqi Islamic State. Instead of the Al Qaeda-dependent Iraqi Islamic State, he created ISIS in early 2013. He annexed all the structures and leadership of the Iraqi Islamic State to ISIS.

2. Abu Amen Al Iraqi

During the reign of Saddam Hussein, he served in the Iraqi Air Force with the rank of colonel. Code name Abu Muhannad al Suwaidawi. He was arrested in 2004 and released from custody in 2007. There is information that he was part of the command of ISIS bandit operations in Aleppo and Idlib.

3. Abu Ahmet Al Alwani

Real name Velid Jesim. During the period of Saddam, he served in the Iraqi army as an officer. According to reports, he currently serves on the ISIS military council.

4. Abu Abdurrahman Al Bilawi

It is reported that the former chairman of the ISIS Council was now one of the 4 leaders of the Military Council. Former officer in Saddam's army. On January 27, 2005, he was arrested in Iraq by the US military. On June 4, 2014, he was killed by Iraqi soldiers during an attack on a house in Mosul. Many documents were found on him. The flash drive found on him contains the ISIS archive, the name list of many ISIS bandits and information about the interception of the registers.

5. Haji Bekir

Real name Sami Muhammad. He served in Saddam's army as an officer. There is evidence of his arrest in Kamp Bucca, Iraq. He was the main person supporting the activities of ISIS from a military point of view. There are allegations that before the assassination he was the main behind-the-scenes leader of ISIS. In February 2014, he was killed by militants of the Liva Tevhid organization in Aleppo.

6. Abu Fatima Al Chehshi

Real name Nima Abdunaif. It is reported that significant person for ISIS. Previously, he was responsible for ISIS in southern Iraq. Currently coordinating massacres around Kirkuk.

In addition to these individuals, ISIS has a secret leader - Taryk Al Hashimi.

7. Tariq Al Hashimi

He was deputy to President Jalal Talabani in Iraq. At the same time, he was the leader of the Iraqi Islamic Party, operating within the framework of the Salafist line of the Muslim Brothers (İhvanul Muslimun).

Was accused of coordination massacres carried out by the Iraqi Islamic State, which is an Iraqi offshoot of Al Qaeda. Was sentenced to death penalty. He fled to Turkey, where he enlisted the support of the Turkish authorities. He is currently in Istanbul, where he has been granted a residence permit. Through Tariq Hashimi, Türkiye controls the aggressive activities of ISIS in Iraq. There is broad consensus that Tariq Al Hashimi is the main mastermind of ISIS.


The circle of ISIS leaders in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) mainly consists of Chechens stationed by the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) in Istanbul's Laleli quarter.

Along with the popular uprising in March 2011 in Syria, the Turkish authorities, out of anti-Kurdish motives, began to act in the direction of Rojava.

With the aim of taking over Syrian Kurdistan and committing massacres, on February 22, 2012, they created an organization to wage a special war, SADAT (Industrial and Trade Joint Stock Company for international protection, consulting and construction).

At the head of this organization for waging a special war, GENERALS Korkmaz Tagma and Adnan Tanriverdi were PUT, who committed a number of massacres in Kurdistan in the 90s.

Such representatives of Chechens as Abu Umar Shishani - Tarkan Batarashvili (Chechen), Abu Musa Chechen (Shishani), Seifullah Chechen (Shishani) and Yakur Lezgi Chechen, living under the control of the Turkish MIT in the Laleli quarter of Istanbul, were elevated to the rank of responsible behind military training militants. As part of the coordination carried out by SADAT, ISIS was activated to take over and carry out massacres in Syrian Kurdistan.

1. Abu Umar Shishani (Chechen)

Real name Tarkhan Batarashvili. It is reported that he comes from a family of Georgian Chechens. Born in the Pankisi Gorge with a predominantly Chechen population. Served in the Georgian army as an intelligence officer.

At the end of 2011, he was transported to Istanbul by an employee of the Turkish MIT with the code name Mansur Al Turk.

Here, the Turkish MIT, mainly from Chechen refugees, created a bandit organization called the Army of Emigrants and Ensar. Umar Shishani was appointed head, and the organization was sent to Rojava, where it was subordinated to the ISIS structure. Step by step, he was promoted to the level of commander-in-chief of ISIS forces in Syrian Kurdistan. The destruction of the Kurds in Rojava occurred through the efforts of Abu Umar Shishani.

There is information that its headquarters was established near the tomb of Shah Suleiman, controlled by the Turkish military. It is reported that, as part of directives received from the Turkish MIT, he carried out massacres in Rojava.

2. Abu Musa Shishani - Chechen

When the Army of Emigrants and Ensar was created by the Turkish MIT, Abu Musa Shishani was appointed as Abu Umar Shishani's deputy. It was Abu Musa who received the first instructions from the Turkish MIT. As part of the instructions he received, he directed the actions of ISIS and Abu Umar Shishani. Although the official commander of ISIS forces in Rojava was Abu Umar Shishani, the real commander was Abu Musa Shishani. He often stayed at the Turkish MIT.

On July 21, 2013, he was arrested by Al-Ekrad militants in Gir Spi (Tell Abyad). Abu Musa was later released by Al-Ekrad militants in exchange for the release of 400 Kurdish civilians kidnapped by ISIS militants.

3. Saifullah Shishani (Chechen)

Real name Ruslan Machalikashvili.

Previously, together with Umar Shishani, he was one of the commanders of the Army of Emigrants and Ensar, part of ISIS. Came into conflict with Abu Umar Shishani. Moved to Al-Nusra. On February 6, 2014, during an attack on the Misilmiye prison in Aleppo, he was killed by government soldiers.

Saifullah Shashani on the streets of Laleli in Istanbul.

4. Yakup Lezgi Chechen

He received a position in the command structure of the Army of Emigrants and Ensar. At the end of 2013, he was killed in the southeast of Aleppo.

Saifullah Chechen and Yakup Lezgi Chechen together

5. Abu Jihad Chechen

One of Abu Umar Shashani's deputies.

6. Khalis Bayanjuk

Pseudonym Abu Hanzala. The leader of the Hizbul-Kontra gang is the son of Hadji Bayanjuk.

Within the structure of ISIS, he is responsible for the region of Turkish Kurdistan and Anatolia. Coordinated by the Turkish MIT and the police in Istanbul, Amed and Van, he first lures Kurdish youth into the maelstrom of drug addiction, then draws them into his own networks created by MIT under the guise of correctional institutions, and sends them to Syrian Kurdistan.

Carries out propaganda on the pages of the Tevhid magazine and the Takva Haber news agency.

The Turkish authorities periodically demonstrate to the public his arrest and detention, but then he is released under various pretexts.

Abdukadir Şen, under the guise of a journalist, carries out activities in Turkey on behalf of ISIS, and is a secret informant of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Has connections with Abu Umar Shashani, receives information and engages in propaganda for ISIS.

Can ISIS have anything to do with Islam if the leadership of this organization, according to information obtained from discovered documents, consists of five officers of Saddam Hussein, Arab racists and murderers who were directly involved in chemical attack in Halabja and carried out the Anfal operation in Kurdistan, the leadership in Rojava consists of Chechen militants controlled by the Turkish MIT and based in the Laleli district of Istanbul, and also consists of bandits former organization Hizbullah?

Kurdistan Strategic Studies Center

1. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

His full name is Ibrahim Awaad Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri As-Samarrayi. He is considered the main leader of the ISIS group. Last year, Al-Baghdadi declared himself its emir and even demanded that other extremist terrorist groups swear allegiance to him.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was born in Baghdad in 1971 in a place near the city of Samarra. In 2011, the United States placed him on the terrorist list and set a $10 million reward for anyone who provided information about his whereabouts.

During the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, Al-Baghdadi's brother served in the Iraqi army and died in the line of duty. However, the current head of ISIS himself was unable to go to military service due to vision problems. Instead, he entered the Faculty of Koranic Studies at the University of Baghdad, where he completed his master's degree.

Al-Baghdadi led all of Al-Qaeda's military operations in Iraq and is considered the mastermind behind many of the group's major terrorist attacks. His most famous operation was the attack on Baghdad's Umm al-Qura mosque in 2011, which killed Iraqi parliament member Khalid al-Fahdawi.

The British Guardian newspaper reported some time ago that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was wounded as a result of an air attack by anti-ISIS coalition forces in Iraq. The publication also provided information that the wound was in the spine, so the ISIS leader is now unable to move independently.

2. Abu Alya Al-Afri

This is another dangerous ISIS leader. This man's real name is Abdul Rahman Mustafa. Previously, he served as Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s deputy, but after the ISIS leader was wounded, information appeared that Abu Alya Al-Afri began to replace him in his position.

Al-Afri was born in the Al-Hazar district, which is 80 kilometers from the city of Mosul in Iraq. It is known that for some time he worked as a physics teacher at school. Al-Afri went to Afghanistan in 1998, and after swearing allegiance to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2004, he was given command of al-Qaeda forces in Mosul.

After the death of Abu Umar Al-Baghdadi, his candidacy was considered by Al-Qaeda for appointment as commander of the group's units in Iraq, but ultimately Al-Afri went over to the side of the Islamic State.

3. Abu Ali Al-Anbari

This man is believed to be one of the ISIS commanders fighting in Syria. He leads military operations against the Syrian army, the armed opposition represented by the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra. During Saddam's dictatorship, Al-Anbari was part of the command of the Iraqi army. After being accused of corruption, he had to leave the Jaysh Al-Islam group in Iraq and join the Al-Qaeda cell in that country.

4. Abu Suleiman An-Nasser
This man is currently the military commander of ISIS and heads the group's military council. He was appointed to this position after the death of Abu Iman Al-Araki, who was killed in an American air attack on Iraq in 2014. Another position of Abu Suleiman An-Nasser is considered to be the post of Minister of War of the Islamic State. He received this appointment after the deaths of Abu Ayyub Al-Mesri and Abu Umar Al-Baghdadi during a joint attack by American and Iraqi forces on the city of Tikrit in 2010.

An-Nasser's real name is Naaman Suleyman Mansur Az-Zeydi. It is also known that he spent some time under arrest at the Buka military base in Basra. In 2011, information was received that the Iraqi security services had eliminated him in the city of Hit, but this was later rebutted.

5. Abu Mohammad Al-Adnani

This person is an official representative of the terrorist group ISIS. His full name is Taha Sobhi Falaha. Al-Adnani was born in 1977 in the small town of Bansh in the Syrian province of Idlib. On May 31, 2005, he was captured by coalition forces during their attack on Iraq, but was soon released.

In 2014, a video appeared in which Al-Adnani swears oath to Abu Barq Al-Baghdadi. He was the first person to report that the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. Al-Adnani demanded that terrorists operating in West Africa do the same.

6. Abu Omar Al-Shishani

A native of Georgia, he is among the most experienced fighters to take part in the 2008 Russian-Georgian war. After leaving the ranks of the Georgian army, Al-Shishani joined the Syrian terrorists. His record includes commanding rebel groups such as Katibat Al-Muhajireen, Jaysh Al-Muhajireen and Al-Ansar.

In 2013, Ag-Shishani was given command of Islamic State forces in northern Syria, particularly in Aleppo, Raqqa, Latakia and Idlib, and at the end of that year was appointed emir of ISIS in this territory. This militant is considered one of the most famous ISIS field commanders fighting in Syria.

On September 24, 2014, the US State Department added his name to the list of terrorists and offered a reward of five million dollars for any information that would help in his arrest. Reports of Al-Shishani's death were received many times, but each time they turned out to be inaccurate.

7. Abu Wahib

This man is an ISIS commander in Iraq's Anbar province. His full name is Shakir Wahib Al-Fadawi Ad-Dalimi. According to reports, he was born in 1986. He is responsible for the killing of some Syrian truck drivers in the summer of 2013. Abu Wahib was one of 110 prisoners who escaped from al-Qaeda attacks on Iraqi prisons in 2012. For information about this militant, the leadership of Anbar province is offering a reward of $50,000.

8. Hussein Bilal Bosnich

This prominent ISIS commander is considered one of the members of the Salafi movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnich was born in 1972 in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina. First of all, he is known for recruiting people in different European countries who want to serve in the ranks of ISIS.

As a child, he and his family moved to live in Germany, where he became involved in the Salafist movement. In 1992, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he returned to his homeland and joined one of the battalions of the Bosnian army.

9. Tariq Bin At-Tahir Bin Al-Falih Al-Awni Al-Khazri

This Tunisian citizen is believed to be one of the earliest members of ISIS in Iraq. Tariq Al-Khazri is also known as the “suicide emir” because he was the main organizer of hundreds of suicide terrorist attacks in different countries. His responsibilities also include training terrorists and sending them to Syria. For information that could help in the arrest of Tariq Al-Khazri, American authorities are offering a reward of three million dollars.

10. Commanders of foreign groups

Some commanders belong to foreign terrorist groups that have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi personally. The names of some of them are given below

Abu Bakr Sheikh. This man is considered the leader of the Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria and leads ISIS units in West Africa. Sheikh has led Boko Haram since 2009.

Abdurrahman Muslimdust. It is known that this Afghan journalist spent some time in Guantanamo Bay prison. In late 2014, he was appointed ISIS commander in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Abu Al-Bara Al-Azdi. According to available information, this member of the Islamic State has Yemeni citizenship. After the capture of the Libyan city of Derna by ISIS troops, Al-Azdi was appointed by the ISIS leader as its emir. He also currently holds the office of Chief Justice of that city.

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