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Hormann aluminum entrance doors style 100. Pictured is a white RAL 9016 aluminum door with double thermal insulation glazing. Outside - transparent laminated safety glass "triplex". The inside is gray glass. From the outside, the door is decorated with a handle (a push handle is standard from the inside. Opening inward, possibly opening outward for a surcharge.

This model of a door has a set of options of execution. The frame can be installed: double glazing with a thickness of 26 mm. with transparent or ornamental glass; heat-insulating triple glazing with a thickness of 46 mm. with transparent or decorative glass; blind panel in frame color 26 or 44 mm thick. You can replace the outside handle with any of the Hormann handle collection. It is possible to produce side elements with built-in mailboxes and skylights. The figure schematically shows examples of entrance groups Motive 100.

The minimum door size is 850x1880 mm. Prices for aluminum doors of standard sizes are shown in the table.

Motive 100

Dimensions (width x height)

Color white, RAL 9016 or WITH CLEAR GLASS

Color white, RAL 9016 or WITH DECORATIVE GLASS


1100x2100 mm.

1100x2250 mm.

1100x2500 mm.

1200x2100 mm.

1200x2250 mm.

1200x2500 mm.

1250x2100 mm.

1250x2250 mm.

1250x2500 mm.

1300x2100 mm.

1300x2250 mm.

1300x2500 mm.

ExecutionTop PrestigeAndTopPrestige Plus


View of Hormann Style 100 on a building façade with side and top elements in the preferred color anthracite gray RAL 7016.

100 edition of the mindshow “Motive. Turn yourself on!” and I congratulate you on this event, I congratulate the Business Radio Group team and the Send Consulting team!

Today we will talk about the Formula for Success. Perhaps every person in one form or another asks the question: what is it, what to do and how to think in order to become successful in this life? In honor of this event, Episode 100 Turn Yourself On! our guest Geshe Michael Roach— co-founder of an international diamond corporation with an annual turnover of over $250,000,000, purchased by Warren Buffett, author of the world bestsellers "Diamond Wisdom", "Karmic Management", etc., a graduate of the prestigious Princeton University, the owner of a personal scholarship from the President of the United States and, most importantly, he is a Tibetan monk with 20 years of experience. Today he is 62 years old, and, I assure you, this person has a special energy that spreads through his eyes and voice, raising the mood of everyone around him.

Michael, tell me, please, what is the Formula for Success for you?

The Success Formula I used in my company to reach the $250,000,000 sales target goes something like this: “If you want to start your own business, or you want to run your business, and when you help other people start their their business, it is important to donate, with a pure heart, regularly give them 1 hour of your time each week. In this way, you sow a "seed" in your mind, and when that "seed" sprouts, you will see how success will come to you! It's a basic, basic thing, it's very real and it really works, you just have to try it.

When I say seed, what do I mean? For example, when I talk to a person who is starting a business or who needs help in an existing business, I also hear how my own words that I say to him fly into my ears. And when those words hit my head, I kind of feel them pressing on my mind, like fingers pressing on my hand and leaving a mark. It is like a touch of my own words to my own consciousness. And then, after a few hours, this trace or “seed” begins to grow in my mind. I call it "seed", and this "seed" in Sanskrit is called Karma. It is important to understand that karma means “seed” planted in my mind at the moment when I heard myself helping another person. Maybe in a week or two this "seed" will grow and directly affect the way I see other people and my development. If I help my friend to do business and I hear myself helping my friend, I plant this "seed" and in about a week it will sprout. For example, I can sit and read the paper and see a new opportunity for my business, and that might just be the "seed" I planted last week while helping my friend. These “seeds” are mental seeds, and their Sanskrit name is karma.”

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