Schedule 5 2 sample. Shift work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - the norm of hours and the procedure for registration. What period is the form for?

Can in Excel make a work schedule, highlighting weekdays with cell and/or font color.
You can highlight Saturdays, Sundays, holidays.Here are some samples of charts.
How to make a graph using formulas and conditional formatting, see the article "Time sheet in Excel".
You can make a horizontal chart using different settings, for example, a time sheet, work stages, etc. For this method, see the article "Gantt Chart in Excel".
Shift schedule template for manual filling on paper (pdf). The blank is printed on one page.
Shift schedule template for filling on a computer download (rar).
Here are shift schedules, duty schedules that are filled in automatically - this is a small program for quick scheduling of shifts in Excel.

Automatic shift schedule in Excel with a 12-hour shift (rar). When changing data in just one cell, everything is automatically recalculated.
Automatic duty schedule in Excel for a month with a 24-hour shift (rar).
In Excel, you can make a program that will not only automatically fill in the cells of certain periods, but also count the hours in these cells. For example, you can make a time sheet that will count the number of working days in a month, days on sick leave, on vacation, etc. Read more about this table in the article "

The needs of modern society dictate going beyond the standard working day to ensure the maximum efficiency of enterprises and institutions. This article will discuss the conditions for compiling and introducing a shift schedule, how to keep track of working time, the intricacies and nuances of the legislative design of a shift work regime.

Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides the concept of shift work and the grounds for introducing a shift work schedule. The legislator attributes the following objective circumstances to the reasons for the introduction of shift work:

  1. The duration of the production process associated with technological features, in which the excess of the permissible duration of daily work is inevitable. Or with the urgent need of society for the round-the-clock provision of certain services. For example: organizations providing security services (PSCs / CHOOs); round the clock emergency medical care.
  2. The need for highly efficient operation of technical equipment, more products, certain services. For example, round-the-clock work of shops and canteens.

Thus, the shift work schedule is widely used in various areas: in the service sector, in continuous production, where conveyors are involved, production lines, the stop of which is not economically feasible.

According to labor legislation, a shift schedule is a document that regulates the beginning and end of work, the type of shift (day, night, etc.), the duration of breaks for rest and meals. The shift schedule is work in 2, 3 or 4 shifts.

Making a shift schedule

To correctly draw up a shift schedule, it is necessary to take into account its basic components:

  1. the accounting period used by the employer and ensuring the balance of working time;
  2. duration of work, which must be provided by the shift schedule;
  3. the procedure for the transfer of workers from one shift to work in another;
  4. actions of the employee in the absence of the shift.

Legislatively, the standard form of the shift schedule is not fixed. The employer is entitled to prescribe the main conditions of the document in any form. However, the employer is obliged to take into account the following rules:

  • according to Part 2 of Art. 91, part 2 of Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of working hours should not exceed the normal number of working hours established by labor legislation;
  • in accordance with Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of daily work (shift) for certain categories of workers should not exceed the limit established by law;
  • according to part 1 of Art. 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of a work shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by one hour;
  • in accordance with Part. 2 Article. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of a shift at night is reduced by one hour without subsequent working off;
  • according to part 5 of Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work for two shifts in a row is prohibited;
  • in accordance with Art. 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, weekly uninterrupted rest should not be less than 42 hours;

The maximum allowable duration of a work shift has not been established by the legislator, which is confirmed by the letter of Rostrud dated December 2, 2009 No. 3567-6-1. An explanation is required by Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as an exception to this rule are: minors, disabled people, workers with dangerous or harmful working conditions, for whom the working time during the shift is limited.

Sample shift schedule:

Putting the schedule into action

To implement a shift schedule, the employer must:

  1. Issue an order on the introduction of shift work in any form. The document should indicate the positions for which a shift regime is established, the timing and procedure for introducing shift work.
  2. According to Part 1 of Art. 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to reflect the condition on the introduction of a shift regime in the labor regulations or the collective agreement.
  3. According to part 2 of Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation draw up a shift schedule. After drawing up the schedule, its project in accordance with Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, should be sent to the representative body of employees to take into account the opinion. After all procedures, including approval, the document is approved by the management by issuing an order.
  4. According to Part 1 of Art. 100, par. 6 hours 2 tbsp. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to prescribe a condition on the introduction of a shift mode of work in an employment contract with an employee.

Shift schedule, according to Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is an annex to the collective agreement. If absent, the shift activity schedule is developed and adopted as an independent local normative act.

In accordance with Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, shift schedules are brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before they are put into effect. Particular attention should be paid to the date of approval and the date of familiarization of employees with the schedule, since labor law is to protect the rights of the employee to timely inform about.

Order on the introduction of a shift schedule:

The schedule of shift activities for a month must be approved and brought to the attention of employees earlier than one month before the start of the month of work. This requirement is difficult to implement if there is a permanent staff turnover at the enterprise, the institution, it is difficult to put the shift schedule into effect without adjustments taking into account the dismissed and newly hired employees.

The employer has a wide range of ways to notify employees about the introduced shift work schedule:

  • mailing of letters;
  • placement of information on information stands;
  • announcement against receipt, etc.

The norm of hours for shift work according to the Labor Code

Time tracking is the measurement of compliance with an employee's obligation to fulfill working hours. There are modes:

  • with daily;
  • weekly;
  • summarized accounting of working hours.

Summed up count

According to Part 1 of Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation under this special regime, the duration of working hours for the accounting period should not exceed the normal number of working hours, the accounting period itself cannot exceed 1 year.

It is possible to comply with the requirements of the current legislation if you correctly organize a continuous labor process and correctly calculate the norm of working hours, relying, among other things, on the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2009 No. 588n “On approval of the Procedure for calculating the norm of working hours for certain calendar periods of time (month quarter, year) depending on the established working hours per week. A useful tool in calculating the hourly rate for shift work is the working time calculator, with base values ​​and values ​​already entered into the calculation program.

The introduction of summary accounting is inevitable if employees must be at the workplace all 24 hours. For specific work schedules:

  • 2 – 2 – 3;
  • 2 through 2;
  • three days later;
  • day - night - dump - day off and others,

the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is determined on the basis of the weekly working hours established for this category of employees.

For employees:

  • part-time (shift);
  • predominantly on the second shift;
  • part-time work;
  • non-working holidays;
  • weekend,

the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is correspondingly reduced, however, pay for night hours with a shift work schedule, overtime pay, shift duration at night and non-working holidays in shift work are especially taken into account.

The current legislation, namely Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, refers to work at night from 22.00 to 6.00. Each hour of labor activity attributable to the night period must be paid at an increased rate compared to work under normal conditions, in accordance with Art. 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The minimum wage increase for night work is 20% of the hourly rate for each hour.

Following the requirements of Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor time on a non-working holiday must be paid in accordance with the rules specified by labor legislation. However, an employee will be paid the standard single rate if they choose to receive another day of rest for work on a non-working holiday.

When compiling a shift work schedule, days off fall on different days of the week, and do not always fall on Saturday or Sunday. Therefore, if the work shift falls on a day off, then this day is considered a working day and the salary is charged in a single amount.

With the summarized accounting of working time, overtime work includes:

  • scheduled processing - if the hours of processing are already indicated in the shift schedule, which could not be drawn up within the normal range;
  • unplanned processing - carried out by the employee at the initiative of the employer, for example, when a shift does not appear at the workplace.

Leave with a shift work schedule is granted subject to the same requirements of labor legislation that apply to the normal mode of work, i.e. according to Art. 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

daily count

If the employer uses the daily count, then the specific fixed rate of work per day does not change and is always the same, regardless of the day of the week. Hours worked in excess of a fixed rate are considered overtime and are subject to monetary compensation. Following the requirements of Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when organizing the labor process, daily calculation of time is established for workers who work on a 5- or 6-day working week, with two or one day off, respectively. The length of the working day is equal and fixed. This is enshrined in the internal labor regulations. For the reporting period subject to accounting, 1 business day is taken.

Accounting for working hours can be weekly. At the same time, the time of daily work is set and regulated by the shift schedule. The weekly count applies to flex work. With this schedule, the number of working hours per day is not constant. The calculation of the labor rate with this approach is done daily, but accounting and analysis is carried out weekly. At the same time, the labor norm is observed exactly for a week, and not for one shift. At the end of the week, overtime work is also calculated.

For executives looking to increase business productivity and profitability, shift work is the best solution. The rationality of work in shifts is determined by the management, however, the introduction into the production process is carried out with strict observance of the requirements of the current legislation, ensuring guarantees for the employees of the organization.

Work is quite common and is due to the peculiarities of the enterprise. What is its sample, how to correctly draw up a 12-hour work schedule? In this article you can find comprehensive information on this topic.

The need for a shift schedule in the enterprise

Production sometimes cannot be stopped, otherwise it can lead to unpredictable circumstances. To do this, it is necessary to establish a work schedule for employees, since one person cannot be involved around the clock, otherwise his rights will be violated. Failures in work can also lead to equipment failure or failure to complete a production task.

These charts are used:

  • medical institutions;
  • fire departments;
  • boiler rooms;
  • railway and transport organizations;
  • airlines;
  • others.

All the listed services and enterprises carry out their activities continuously, and if this cycle is violated, the unpredictable can happen.

The Need for a Schedule

The shift schedule is one of the important documents compiled by the organization. This is the basis for calculating and accounting for the working time of employees. Although it is not the main document, it has the power of accounting.

It is also worth taking into account that if the work is carried out continuously, it may be checked by inspection bodies. And the lack of a schedule can be a reason for imposing a disciplinary sanction.

The number of shifts is directly dependent on the characteristics of the enterprise. Shifts can be organized from one to four, if the states allow it. Moreover, workers in each shift can work from 3 to 12 hours a day.

How many people can work at the same time is decided on an individual basis. The main thing is that when organizing work at night, do not allow one person to work.

How is the issue regulated by law?

Working time provisions in legislation

The labor code has information on scheduling. Everything is written quite clearly, but at the same time, attention should be paid to some issues:

  1. The length of time during the week should not exceed 40 hours.
  2. There must be a break for lunch, the duration of which must be at least 30 minutes.
  3. must be at least 42 hours.
  4. It is the responsibility of the employer to issue the task and monitor its implementation.
  5. If it is necessary to develop separate work schedules for each organizational structure in the enterprise, then the duration of the shift can also change. If the work time falls at night, then the shift is automatically reduced by an hour.
  6. When drawing up the schedule, the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be taken into account so that the rights of employees are not violated when paying salaries and paying sick leave.

Many people think that the shift work schedule is one day after two or three days, but nevertheless this is absolutely not the case. A certain number of employees who carry out their activities during the day, and then change them to others, work in the mode that exists at the enterprise, but work in such conditions does not involve the development of a schedule.

Pay for labor

When calculating wages for work with a shift schedule, you do not need to adhere to the standard framework. The total number of hours spent on work is different from the standard, moreover, the hours may be more or less than the prescribed. That is, it turns out both a defect and processing.

To avoid errors in payroll, it is necessary to reconcile data with the norm regarding hours worked. If it turns out that processing was allowed, then you need to recalculate the hours and be sure to issue an additional payment for the time actually worked.

When working according to the schedule, wages are paid as for a normal day, and when working on officially established holidays, the employee is paid wages with an increased rate, as a rule, at a double rate.

How is the order of work fixed?

What documents contain the shift schedule

If it is necessary to introduce a shift work schedule, this information should be reflected in the labor regulations, that is, it should be written in the local act of the enterprise. If there is a trade union in the organization, it is worth coordinating this action with its representatives, only upon receipt of a reasoned opinion can this provision be put into effect.

It is also necessary to indicate data on the use of the shift schedule.

In order for everything to be legalized, it is required to draw up labor agreements with employees and be sure to sign by both parties. In the agreements, indicate the number of hours and other information regarding the shift work schedule.

The manager, as a rule, entrusts the preparation of the document to an employee of the personnel department or another specialist. The main thing is that there should be no questions about non-compliance with labor laws.

How a shift schedule is formed

The developed schedule must be approved by the administrative document for the enterprise. It must reflect for what period it is valid, who is responsible for the creation, as well as other data.

  1. The name of the organization is written in the upper left corner, then the word "Order No."
  2. In the center, below, the word "I order"
  3. After the command part:

“To ensure the development and coordination with the trade union of the work schedule by 04.12.2015 to the personnel officer E.A. Syutkina

Labor organization engineer E.L. Bashkova to familiarize the employees with the document on 06.12.2015.

Control over the implementation of the Order shall be entrusted to the head of the personnel department E.V. Protopopov."

  1. Leader's signature.

The document must be familiarized with employees whose activities are related to shift work, while the date and signature must be substituted. After that, you need to start preparing a direct schedule. 30 working days are given for preparation before the shift.

Each employee should also be familiarized with the schedule under a personal signature, this will indicate that the employee agrees to perform work in this mode. After the schedule is approved, agreed upon and all employees become familiar with it, it will be a binding document.

The schedule can be prepared for any time period, this can be indicated in the regulatory documentation.

Change in schedule

How replacement is reflected in the schedule

It is impossible to change anything in the approved document, however, if there is an urgent need, then some rules must be observed. If the employer is forced to change the information in the schedule, then he must obtain the consent of the employees in writing, otherwise his actions will be considered illegal.

If any of the employees had unforeseen circumstances, then they must write in advance to the name of the head, in which it is imperative to indicate the request, and the appeal must be motivated. Employees who work with the employee must be jointly informed of this fact. If consensus has been reached, then the schedule is amended.

However, in practice there are also situations when employees change on their own, being on shifts, without notifying their immediate supervisor. This is strictly not allowed, as unpredictable circumstances may arise:

An accident happened to an employee, and he should not be at work at that time, which will complicate the investigation process, and, of course, the fault will primarily be on his manager, who was not in the know. Difficulties will arise in the preparation of the time sheet, as well as in the calculation of wages.

If the case when the employee replaced another employee at work, without agreeing with the management, was noted, then the manager has every right to impose disciplinary punishment, if such cases have occurred repeatedly, then the latter may even dismiss the subordinate.

Nuances in the formation of the schedule

There is no officially approved form of the schedule, therefore, each enterprise sets its own form, the latter can be approved by an administrative document. But, most importantly, when drawing up, take into account the following information:

  • codes and details of the organizational structure;
  • when the schedule was prepared;
  • place of preparation of the schedule;
  • the document itself.

The form is certified by interested parties, including the employer and the head of the unit, as well as by whom it was compiled. Moreover, it can be certified with the seal of the enterprise.

It can be written by hand or typed on a computer, 11 formats are enough for registration.

Shift schedules developed at the enterprise are subject to mandatory registration for office work. When all stages of development, approval and familiarization have been completed, they must be transferred to the personnel department.

Provided in a separate folder in the shared binder. Usually, the storage period is provided for no more than 5 years, and after the graphics are destroyed according to the act.

Charting Sample

When preparing the form, you should divide it into three parts:

  1. In the first part, the name of the document, the date of compilation, the number of the office work, the period of compilation are written. It is necessary to leave a place for the signature of the head on the approval of the schedule.
  2. The second part. A tabular form is usually used, that is, the surname and initials of the employee, number, shift number, data on are written. You can add an employee's personnel number.
  3. Next, you need to leave a place for familiarizing employees for signature, indicate the duration of work shifts, how many employees work at the same time, as well as symbols so that the schedule can be easily filled out and read.

Competent preparation of the document will be required when calculating wages and putting marks in the time sheet.

How to create a work schedule in Excel, see this video:

Question form, write your

The working time schedule for 2019 is a multi-component document informing about the following:

  • working hours;
  • the number of days off and working days;
  • boundaries and duration of the working day;
  • combination of working periods with rest periods.

IMPORTANT! In 2019 (as in 2018), those working in the usual five-day work regime need to work out 247 workers out of 365 calendar days.

Comparing the annual chart of the current period with the previous one, we can note the following:

  • in 2019, the number of working and calendar days remained unchanged;
  • of the working days specified in the first paragraph, the opportunity to legally underwork 1 hour is allowed 6 times: February 22, March 7, April 30, May 8, June 11, December 31 (in 2018 this was possible 6 times: February 22, March 7, 28 April, May 8, June 9, December 29);
  • the number of weekends and holidays in 2019 will be 118 days (as in 2018).

Study the accounting nuances of working on a day off with the materials of our website:

  • “Is it possible to take into account for profit the payment for the day of travel to or from a business trip, if it falls on a weekend?” ;
  • “How to take into account for profit a day off for work on a weekend?” .

The nuances of scheduling working hours

The charting approach is as follows:

  • determine the period for scheduling (week, month, quarter, year);
  • if the company has different working modes for different employees, it is necessary to break down the members of the labor collective according to the applicable working hours (five-day, six-day, flexible days off, etc.);
  • calculate the norm of working hours for each mode used in the company;
  • to group working time in combination with rest days, taking into account the legally established requirement for the duration of a weekly uninterrupted 42-hour rest (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For example, in a company, some employees work from Monday to Friday in the 8-hour working day. At the same time, the work is performed not only by adult workers, but also by adolescents 15-16 years old. Given that they have a different working day, for this age group it is necessary to calculate the annual norm of working time as follows:

  • clarify the legislative standard for the duration of the working week for this category of workers: no more than 24 hours;
  • calculate the length of the working day: 24 hours a week / 5 working days = 4.8 hours;
  • determine the norm of working time for this group of workers: 247 working days × 4.8 hours - 6 hours of pre-holiday shortcomings = 1,179.6 hours.

For the rest of the employees of this company, when working in the five-day mode, the norm of working time will be: 8 hours × 247 working days - 6 hours = 1,970 hours.

IMPORTANT! The norm of working time is reduced by the total length of breaks in the performance of labor functions: vacations, sick days, donor days and other similar time periods when the employee is not working.

You can download a sample order to change the work schedule here.

Where to download a sample work schedule for free

Unlike many forms of personnel records, there is no special single form called "Working Time Schedule".

Companies whose working regime does not depend on the peculiarities of the operation of the equipment or the nuances of the organization of the labor process do not bother to draw up such schedules, but prescribe the specifics of the labor regime in an internal local act.

In which document to reflect all the parameters of the working regime, find out from the material "Internal labor regulations - sample 2019" .

In those companies where round-the-clock work is organized or the combination of working days with rest days differs from the usual five or six days, they develop the schedule format on their own.

Since the obligations of each employer include the mandatory accounting of the time actually worked by employees, the most acceptable form of the schedule is considered to be developed on the basis of the time sheet.

You can get acquainted with such a schedule and download its form on our website.


The working time schedule contains information about the norm of working hours, the number of days off and working days, the boundaries and duration of the working day, as well as the combination of working periods with rest intervals.

The working time schedule in 2019 is in many ways similar to similar schedules of previous years. As in 2018, the current year is characterized by a standard set of weekends / holidays (118 days), as well as working and calendar days (247 and 365, respectively).

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If you work in HR, chances are you often have to do many tasks at the same time. Your responsibilities can be very diverse and include not only finding and attracting the best talent, but also developing employee motivation and managing training and education.

For those who do so many tasks at the same time, it is very important to build a system that allows you to stay organized and not lose sight of a single detail. You can use Excel templates for this. But how do you find and choose the very best Excel templates that fit your needs? We have reviewed and studied the key HR Excel templates and offer you a short description of each of the templates, as well as a download link.

We'll also show you how to use HR templates in Smartsheet, a spreadsheet-based collaboration tool that lets you collaborate with colleagues even more easily than in Excel than in Excel.

In this article

Candidate selection tool for a vacant position

Human Resources professionals must monitor and control the numerous resumes, cover letters, applications, and details of individuals applying for open positions. Depending on the size of the company and the current recruitment plan, this can mean a huge amount of work. Using the Job Candidate Screener will help you keep key candidate information and documentation in order, and ensure a positive experience for candidates and other employees involved in the hiring process. With this template, you can track candidates' contact details, list questions they asked and phone interview responses received, add current hire status, comments, next steps, and more.

Employee attendance records

Most companies have their own policies regarding work schedules for employees. For example, a company may provide paid holidays or sick days. In any case, it is important to keep track of employee attendance schedules, as attendance information can be useful in evaluating performance during annual employee performance reviews. Use this simple employee attendance template to document whether an employee worked or took vacation, was absent for personal reasons, or was ill. You can also add tabs for each month of the year and thus keep track of employee attendance.

Analysis of the goals and performance of employees

Having a well-designed process for reviewing and evaluating the performance of your employees is essential to ensure that your company performs at an excellent level. Employees need to know that they are performing their duties correctly and efficiently, as well as what exactly they can improve in their work. It is useful to carry out such an assessment every year, and preferably twice a year. Using the HR Goal and Performance Review template will help guide the process of this evaluation. Use this template to document an employee's performance, analyze achievement of set goals, evaluate employees by managers, and create professional development plans for the coming year.

Employee work schedule

There are many software tools available for scheduling employee schedules, but sometimes it's nice to have an employee's schedule in a simple schedule. Keeping track of employee work schedules ensures you always have the right work-to-employee ratio for any given day or for an entire week. You can use this template to list an employee's schedules in one easy-to-access location to provide quick visual coverage and make adjustments as needed.

Employee time tracking

Gone are the days when employees manually entered start and end times for their jobs. That's why having an employee time tracking system in place is useful for keeping track of how many hours they've worked in a week, two weeks, or a whole month. You can refer to your time tracking data when calculating payroll. In addition, you can ask employees to keep a daily time log, which can be useful for keeping track of their day-to-day activities. This employee time tracking template will allow you to create and use one file for each of your employees and track the time worked by that employee for a week, two weeks or a whole month. Moreover, built-in formulas allow you to quickly calculate the total number of hours, which simplifies the payroll process for employees.

New Employee Onboarding Plan

The number of hours spent training new employees is closely related to how successful the new employee will be in your company. While the time and effort required for training may vary depending on the type and size of the company, it is always a good idea to have a training plan for new staff to ensure a quick and effective onboarding period. With the employee training schedule template, you can create lists of training activities, add information about who the employee should work with for each task, indicate the status of each task, and add comments received from the new employee and his manager.

Monthly work schedule

Keeping track of important dates such as holidays, planned office closures, payroll and other payroll dates will keep you as organized as possible. In addition, by creating a monthly work schedule at the beginning of the year, you will have a complete picture of what to expect throughout the year and will be able to plan your actions. In this simple work schedule template, you can set up separate tabs for each month, mark important events on the calendar, and add notes providing detailed information about each event.

List of documents for employment

Once a candidate accepts a job offer, the onboarding process begins. The amount of paperwork needed to finally hire a new employee into a company can be overwhelming. That is why using the list of documents for hiring will help to ensure that all actions were taken on time. Use this template to create a list of documents you need to track the process of collecting and organizing all the data. The template will also help keep hiring managers in the loop.


Providing employees with a payroll, either electronically or on paper, provides undeniable benefits for both the employee and the employer. For the employee, the payroll helps keep track of compensation and deductions, while for the employer, the payroll is important as it acts as proof of correct payroll. Use this template to speed up the process of issuing pay slips to employees and make the payroll accounting more accurate. Since the template contains built-in formulas, you only need to enter the data on the employee's rate and deductions, after which the total amount payable will be calculated automatically.

Salary information

Depending on how many employees work in your company, filing payroll statements can be a very difficult task. With this easy-to-use template, you can quickly and easily add an employee's details, including their salary, overtime hours, entitlement benefits, and more, for each payroll period. In addition, by creating tabs for each payroll period, you can keep your payroll history updated for the month, quarter, and year.

Plan to attract new employees

Attracting new employees is one of the main responsibilities of any HR department. Finding, vetting, and hiring the right professional for your team is critical to making sure your entire organization is successful. That's why having a solid recruitment plan in place will give your HR department the knowledge it needs to know about available recruitment sources, targets, and types. This recruitment plan template organizes the entire process with available columns for budget, hiring goals, status, and comments.

Transition plan

Sometimes a company needs to transfer an employee from one position to another or from one project to another, depending on the available resources. However, even after finding a new employee for the original position, most likely you do not want to lose the knowledge and information that the previous employee has accumulated. A transition plan when an employee moves from one position to another within the company helps to reduce the amount of lost information. Use this transition plan template to help a former employee train and transfer knowledge to a new employee. The template allows you to specify tasks, goals, assumptions, start dates, due dates, and more.

Employee vacation schedule

Throughout the year, your employees will need vacation days to recuperate and stay productive. However, how do you make sure that all your tasks continue to be performed even when one of the employees is away from the office? Use a simple vacation schedule template to keep track of when employees will be on vacation, how many vacation days they will take, and have at hand the details of whether those employees will be available during vacation.

Working schedule for the week

Regardless of the size or direction of your business, having a weekly work schedule can help ensure that your employees are always aware of the tasks for the coming week and have an idea of ​​how much time it takes to complete each task. Scheduling your work schedule will help your team stay on top of important current tasks and ensure work is completed on time. Use the weekly work schedule template to set weekly tasks and organize them by day of the week and time of day.

Working schedule

Creating a work schedule for your team contributes to the transparency of the workflow, as employees are aware of everything that is happening. A schedule will allow you to make sure you have a fallback when you need it and keep tasks running. In addition, your team members will know when they have to work. Also, if an employee is unable to work on a particular day due to a scheduling conflict, he or she can quickly access the entire team's work schedule and assign themselves a replacement. The proposed work schedule template streamlines this process and is always available to the entire team. Specify employee names for the hours and days they will work, and create a continuous history of previous weeks by adding a new tab for each week.

Learn how HR templates work in Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a robust spreadsheet-based collaboration and collaboration tool. Smartsheet's pre-formatted HR templates let you create schedules, track progress, manage documentation, and organize details faster. Plus, Smartsheet templates are highly secure, making it easy to get work done and share data with your entire team.

Gantt charts are automatically created and updated as you make changes to your data, so you don't need to do any special setup every time you want to visually show the progress of tasks. You can easily switch between network, Gantt and calendar views, giving access to team members or external collaborators without having to send emails with complex static tables.

Smartsheet's powerful collaboration features let you start discussions, attach attachments, set reminders, and share documents with stakeholders so they can easily view and make changes.

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Choosing the right HR template is extremely important as these templates will help you streamline your processes and ensure you don't miss a beat. With a pre-formatted template, you can reuse the same processes for the next project, greatly simplifying workforce planning and creating a history of previous projects.

Learn how to easily use the HR template. Try a free 30-day trial of Smartsheet.

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