Characteristics of the sound that means sonorous. What is sonorous sound

sonorous sounds - these are voiced consonants, in the formation of which the voice prevails, and the noise is minimal.

As you know, in Russian phonetics, vowels and consonants are distinguished. The composition of consonants is heterogeneous. Some of them are formed with a greater share of noise. So there are voiceless consonants:

[k], [k'], [n], [n'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [f], [f'], [x], [ x'], [c], [h'], [w], [u'].

In the birth of other consonants, the proportion of noise is less. These are voiced consonants:

[b], [b'], [c], [c'], [g], [g'], [e], [e'], [g], [g'], [h], [ h'].

Among the voiced consonants, they stand out for their sonority sonorous (lat. sonorus- sonorous), in the formation of which the share of noise is minimal, and the voice prevails, that is, the sound comes out relatively freely. If air escapes through the nose, sonorous sounds are produced. [m], [m’], [n], [n’].

Air can pass into the passage between the lateral edges of the cheeks and the tongue. Then sonorous sounds are born [l], [l’].

If the tip of the tongue rises to the alveoli and trembles under the influence of an air stream, sonorous sounds occur. [r], [r'].

As you can see, the listed sonorous sounds have pairs of softness / hardness.

When the gap is wide enough for exhaled air between the middle part of the back of the tongue and the hard palate, a sonorous sound is produced. [th']. It is closest to vowels, as there is almost no noise. He does not have a pair of hardness. Sonorant consonant [th'] is unpaired soft.

sonorous sounds [l], [l’], [m], [m’], [n], [n’], [r], [r’], [th’] do not have a pair among voiceless consonants. On the basis of sonority / deafness, they are all unpaired. At the end of a word, unlike other voiced consonants, sonorants are not stunned. Compare:

  • knight [s '] - wind;
  • crew [w] - angle;
  • plant [t] - cocoon;
  • impulse [f] - dwarf.

There is no voicing of voiceless consonants before sonorant sounds, for example:

to rk a, boo OK a, ka nt ata, la mp points.


  • anecdote [a n 'and g d o t];
  • railway station [v a g z a l];
  • mowing [k a z 'b a].

Sonorants differ from other voiced consonants in that noise practically does not participate in their formation. In addition, they do not have a pair among voiceless consonants, i.e. are unpaired in deafness/voicedness, and behave in a special way in those positions in the word that affect voicing, in particular, at the end of the word and surrounded by voiceless consonants. Unlike voiced, sonorous consonants at the end of a word and in a position before a deaf consonant are not stunned (compare: codes - code [k'odes - cat]; cola - count [kal'y - count]; depression [fp "ad'na] , lamp [l`ampa]).

Noisy deaf consonants are not voiced before sonorant consonants (request [pr'oz'ba], word [sl'ova]). Despite their sonority and the almost complete absence of a noise component, sonorous sounds in Russian, unlike vowels, are not able to form a syllable and carry stress (although in other languages, such as Czech, such consonants have this ability: prst). Closest to vowels among sonorants is the sound [j] (“iot”). Among themselves, sonorous sounds differ in the place and method of formation, as well as in hardness / softness.

See consonant sounds...

Consonants- Consonants are a class of speech sounds that are opposite in their properties to vowels. Articulatory properties of consonants: the obligatory presence of an obstruction in the vocal tract; From an acoustic point of view, consonants are characterized as sounds, during the formation of which ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Sonorant- SONOR. Sounds in which the voice plays leading role. C. sounds represent musical tones that differ in timbre, depending on various shapes oral cavity or both oral and nasal cavities, resonating with the main tone of the voice. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Sonorant- SONOR. Sounds in which the voice plays a major role. S. sounds represent musical tones that differ in timbre, depending on the different shape of the oral cavity or both the oral cavity and the nose, resonating to the main tone ... ...

CONSONANTS- speech sounds opposed to vowels and consisting of voice and noise or only noise that is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream meets various obstacles. Consonants are classified: according to the participation of voice and noise, e.g. sonorous… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Consonants- CONSENT. sounds, hallmark which is a non-musical noise produced by the convergence of the pronunciation organs (S. fricatives, see) or the rupture of closely closed pronunciation organs under the pressure of exhaled air (S. explosives, see). ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Consonants- CONSENT. Sounds whose characteristic feature is non-musical noise produced by the convergence of pronunciation organs (S. fricatives, see) or the rupture of closely closed pronunciation organs under the pressure of exhaled air (S. explosives, see) ... Dictionary of literary terms

consonants- speech sounds opposed to vowels and consisting of voice and noise or only noise that is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream meets various obstacles. Consonants are classified: according to the participation of voice and noise, for example, sonorants ([m], ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

consonants- Sounds of speech, consisting either of one noise, or of voice and noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream exhaled from the lungs meets various obstacles. The classification of consonants is based on: 1) the participation of voice and noise. Consonants ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

consonants- (background) Sounds, during the formation of which the tension is localized (focused) at the place of formation of the barrier, a strong air jet overcomes the barrier at the focus of the formation of the consonant, exploding it and passing through the gap. These noises are... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

See consonant sounds...

Consonants- Consonants are a class of speech sounds that are opposite in their properties to vowels. Articulatory properties of consonants: the obligatory presence of an obstruction in the vocal tract; From an acoustic point of view, consonants are characterized as sounds, during the formation of which ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

SONOR. Sounds in which the voice plays a major role. S. sounds represent musical tones that differ in timbre, depending on the different shape of the oral cavity or both the oral cavity and the nose, resonating with the main tone of the voice. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Sonorant- SONOR. Sounds in which the voice plays a major role. S. sounds represent musical tones that differ in timbre, depending on the different shape of the oral cavity or both the oral cavity and the nose, resonating to the main tone ... ...

Speech sounds opposed to vowels and consisting of voice and noise or only noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream meets various obstacles. Consonants are classified: according to the participation of voice and noise, e.g. sonorous… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CONSONANTS. Sounds whose characteristic feature is non-musical noise produced by the convergence of pronunciation organs (S. fricatives, see) or the rupture of closely closed pronunciation organs under the pressure of exhaled air (S. explosive, see). ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Consonants- CONSENT. Sounds whose characteristic feature is non-musical noise produced by the convergence of pronunciation organs (S. fricatives, see) or the rupture of closely closed pronunciation organs under the pressure of exhaled air (S. explosives, see) ... Dictionary of literary terms

Speech sounds opposed to vowels and consisting of voice and noise or only noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream meets various obstacles. Consonants are classified: according to the participation of voice and noise, for example, sonorants ([m], ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Speech sounds, consisting either of one noise, or of voice and noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream exhaled from the lungs meets various obstacles. The classification of consonants is based on: 1) the participation of voice and noise. Consonants ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

consonants- (background) Sounds, during the formation of which the tension is localized (focused) at the place of formation of the barrier, a strong air jet overcomes the barrier at the focus of the formation of the consonant, exploding it and passing through the gap. These noises are... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

Russian has 21 consonants and 36 consonants. Consonants and their corresponding consonant sounds:
b - [b], c - [c], d - [g], d - [e], f - [g], d - [d], h - [h], k - [k], l - [l], m - [m], n - [n], n - [n], r - [p], s - [s], t - [t], f - [f], x - [x ], c - [c], h - [h], w - [w], u - [u].

Consonants are divided into voiced and deaf, hard and soft. They are paired and unpaired. There are 36 different combinations of consonants in terms of pairing-unpairing of hard and soft, deaf and voiced: deaf - 16 (8 soft and 8 hard), voiced - 20 (10 soft and 10 hard).

Scheme 1. Consonant letters and consonant sounds of the Russian language.

Hard and soft consonants

Consonants are hard and soft. They are divided into paired and unpaired. Paired hard and paired soft consonants help us distinguish between words. Compare: horse [kon '] - con [kon], bow [bow] - hatch [l'uk].

For understanding, let's explain "on the fingers". If the consonant is in different words means either a soft or hard sound, then the sound refers to paired. For example, in the word cat, the letter k denotes a hard sound [k], in the word whale, the letter k denotes a soft sound [k ']. We get: [k] - [k '] form a pair of hardness-softness. Sounds for different consonants cannot be attributed to a pair, for example [v] and [k '] do not make a pair in hardness-softness, but make a pair [v] - [v ']. If a consonant is always hard or always soft, then it belongs to unpaired consonants. For example, the sound [g] is always solid. There are no words in Russian where it would be soft [zh']. Since there is no pair [w] - [w ’], then it belongs to unpaired ones.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonants are voiced and voiceless. Thanks to voiced and deaf consonants, we distinguish words. Compare: ball - heat, count - goal, house - volume. Deaf consonants are pronounced with the mouth almost covered; when they are pronounced, the vocal cords do not work. For voiced consonants, more air is needed, the vocal cords work.

Some consonants have a similar sound in terms of pronunciation, but are pronounced with different tonality - deaf or sonorous. Such sounds are combined in pairs and form a group of paired consonants. Accordingly, paired consonants are a pair of voiceless and voiced consonants.

  • paired consonants: b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, s-s, f-sh.
  • unpaired consonants: l, m, n, p, d, c, x, h, u.

Sonorant, noisy and hissing consonants

Sonorant - voiced unpaired consonants. There are 9 sonorous sounds: [th '], [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [p], [p '].
Noisy consonants are voiced and deaf:

  1. Noisy voiceless consonants (16): [k], [k "], [p], [p"], [s], [s"], [t], [t"], [f], [f "], [x], [x'], [q], [h'], [w], [w'];
  2. Noisy voiced consonants (11): [b], [b '], [c], [c '], [g], [g '], [d], [d '], [g], [s ], [h'].

Hissing consonants (4): [g], [h '], [w], [u '].

Paired and unpaired consonants

Consonants (soft and hard, deaf and voiced) are divided into paired and unpaired. The tables above show the division. Let's summarize everything with a diagram:

Scheme 2. Paired and unpaired consonants.

To be able to do phonetic parsing, in addition to consonants you need to know

The Russian language system has 42 phonemes. Of these, 6 phonemes are vowels, and 36 are consonants. All phonemes classified by type of phonation; the number of organs involved in articulation; place of sound generation and so on.

So, according to the method of sound formation, the following categories of phonemes are distinguished: noisy, sonorous, vowels, lateral. Let us consider in more detail the group of sonorous phonemes.

In phonetics and phonology only sounds can be called sonorant, not letters. Sonorants are called such elements of speech, the articulation of which occurs without the participation of turbulence in the vocal tract. The group of such sonorous sounds includes consonants [l], [m], [n], [p], [th], [l '], [m'], [n '], [p '].

English language has a different number of sonants: [m], [n], [l], [ŋ], [h], [j], [r], [w].

Sonorant group includes the following subgroups:

  1. approximants;
  2. nasal phonemes;
  3. trembling;
  4. single-beat.

How to distinguish sonants:

  • Sonorant phonemes or sonants phonetically contrast with aspirated consonants, which, when pronounced, form a turbulent flow in the vocal tract.
  • The sonorous elements of speech are only voiced. This is due to the fact that during the articulation of these sounds, the noise is suppressed by the voice tone and becomes almost silent. This feature allows us to talk about proximity of sonorous consonants and vowels. In the articulation of aspirated consonants, as well as fricative phonemes, on the contrary, the core of the sound is noise, not tone.
  • That is why, at the end of a word, sonorant phonemes are never pronounced dull. The same pattern is observed when a sonant precedes a voiceless consonant. So, in the Russian word "company" [m] is pronounced loudly before the deaf [p]. At the same time, noisy deaf consonants in such a situation will be pronounced with voicing: mowing - [koz'ba]. For the same reason, sonants do not have paired voiceless phonemes.
  • Sonorants, like other consonants, can form a syllable, which makes them similar to both consonants and vowels at the same time.

Characteristics of sonorant consonants

The classification of sonants is based on several principles. Sounds are distinguished by the place and method of their formation, as well as by the type of phonation.

According to the place of formation, labial-labial ([m] , [m ']), lingual-labial ([n] , [n ']), lingual-alveolar ([l], [l '], [p], [ p']) and lingual-mid palatal consonants ([th]).

According to the method of formation, sonants can be: stop-passing ([n], [n '], [m], [m ']), trembling ([l], [l '], [p], [p ']) and slotted ([th]).

According to the type of phonation (strength of sound output), the vast majority of sonorant consonants are voiced.

Articulation exercises

Well-defined articulation- a pledge of beautiful and correct diction. Many children have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds during the period of active development of their speech apparatus.

If a person has diction defects (burr, lisp, distorted pronunciation of individual sounds, and so on), it is necessary to correct such defects with the help of special exercises.

Speech gymnastics can be performed both in class with a speech therapist, and on your own.

Note that the pronunciation of sonorant consonants causes the greatest difficulty in both children and adults. Such corrective exercises for working out right way articulations can completely rid a person of speech defects.

All exercises must be performed in front of a mirror. The key to correct articulation is the execution of movements only by the organs of speech. Often, people with diction defects have next feature: When certain phonemes are articulated, movement is transferred to limbs or body parts (such as arms or legs).

Therefore, when executing corrective exercises need to use a mirror full height to identify excessive gestures in time.

in a good way development of pronunciation can be tongue twisters using words in which specific difficult-to-pronounce sounds occur. After a steady improvement in the articulation of the necessary sounds begins to appear, you can proceed to pronouncing tongue twisters with an obstruction in your mouth. It can be small stones, nuts, candy or wine cork.

Difficulties in Russian

What about the sonants that cause the greatest difficulty in pronunciation for Russian-speaking people? The consonants [th], [m] and [n] do not cause any particular problems. But the incorrect articulation [l] and [r] occurs in almost every third child.


  1. The articulation of Russian [l] is different from the articulation of this sonant in other language systems.
  2. Russian [p], unlike English, is solid and has a clearer articulation.

In the process of development of the speech apparatus, these phonemes are given to the child most difficult. If you do not seek help from a speech therapist in early age and start the problem, fix it in adulthood will be much more difficult. As a rule, adults who have such a defect no longer undertake to correct it.


From this video you will learn what sonorous sounds are.

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