What vitamin is lacking when. What vitamins are not enough for a Russian person? The most correct way

At first glance, a deficiency of vitamins in the human body may seem like a slight deviation from the norm, manifested in external changes (poor condition of the skin, hair, jams appear on the lips, nails exfoliate, legs cramp), as well as in a breakdown (I want to sleep, there is no mood neurosis and depression).

Such an external reaction speaks of internal changes that occur in vital organs and entire systems. Over time, this can lead to the development of serious diseases such as anemia, infertility, acobaltism, anorexia, thyroid disease, neurasthenia, rickets.

Almost all vitamins and microelements are interconnected, some contribute to fermentation, others to the absorption of a number of useful substances in the body. Therefore, the loss of one element from this chain entails a violation of many body functions.

It is possible to determine which vitamins the body lacks by a complex of external signs that appear first. In other cases, the body itself makes it clear that the presence of a lack of specific elements by changing eating habits, for example, if you constantly want sweet or salty.

Nail problems

Fragility and yellowness of the nails indicates that the body has an acute shortage of vitamin C, as well as calcium. Vitamin C is not only an excellent antioxidant, but also directly involved in the synthesis of collagen - the building material of bones, ligaments, skin, nails. With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, not only the nails exfoliate, but also the gums bleed, the skin peels off, bruises and scratches do not heal for a long time, and burrs appear on the fingers. With an acute shortage, the development of scurvy disease, characteristic of long-distance sailors, as well as northern peoples, is possible.

Smoking can affect the amount of ascorbic acid in the body, since nicotine and heavy tars destroy vitamin C. In order to replenish the destroyed vitamin, after smoking one cigarette, you will need to sit down 2 apples or half a sweet pepper.

Most vitamin C is found in fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, herbs and fruits, but since ascorbic acid is quickly destroyed by heat treatment, they must be consumed raw.

The lack of calcium is manifested by the fact that the nails exfoliate, become brittle, white stripes appear on the plates. For better absorption of calcium in the body, it is necessary to consume foods rich in vitamin D, as well as magnesium. Deficiency of these elements, even with regular consumption of calcium-rich foods, nullifies all efforts.

hair loss

By brittle, split ends and dull hair, you can determine the lack of B vitamins, as well as iodine and selenium and biotin. If dandruff appears, dry skin, and seizures in the corners of the lips, reduces muscles, there is a deficiency of vitamin F (collective name for polyunsaturated acids). To eliminate such symptoms, it is necessary to introduce sunflower seeds, sea fish, seafood, flax seeds into the diet.

Premature gray hair, nails and hair grow poorly, such symptoms indicate a deficiency in the body of manganese and vitamin B5.

To replenish B vitamins, cereals, legumes, eggs, spinach, and beef liver should be introduced into the diet.

Vitamin deficiency of the skin

The skin is also an indicator of health, and with a lack of vitamins involved in the regeneration, renewal and restoration of the water-lipid balance, manifestations of its shortcomings are possible, such as:

  • Dry skin that peels off on the nose, forehead, the corners of the lips are weathered, jams are formed on the lips - a deficiency of vitamins C, A, PP.
  • Dermatitis, rash, corners of the lips crack, burrs appear on the fingers - lack of vitamin B3, B2, D, F, H.
  • The appearance of age spots on the skin, flabbiness, wilting, dry skin on the lips - a lack of vitamin E.
  • The appearance of small vessels on the skin, a gray complexion - the body lacks vitamins K, H, A, C.
  • Sometimes flaws on the skin appear due to severe constipation, and those, in turn, are the result of a lack of B vitamins.

The lack of certain vitamins leads to poor absorption of potassium, calcium, cobalt, zinc and copper, this is immediately displayed on the work of all organs and manifests itself in changes in oily skin, the appearance of acne, vitiligo, heels crack, the corners of the nails exfoliate. For a more detailed diagnosis, you should contact a specialist who will establish the true cause of beriberi - an unbalanced diet or incomprehensibility by the body.

visual impairment

Redness of the conjunctiva, often inflamed and sour inner corners of the eyes, the formation of barley, as well as itching, rash in the eyes, blurred vision indicate an acute lack of vitamin A (beta-carotene).

This substance can be found in fresh vegetables and fruits of yellow and orange color, such as pumpkin, carrots, apricots, as well as in the liver. Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble vitamin, so for its absorption it is necessary to combine foods rich in vitamin A with vegetable or milk fats.

Changes in the oral cavity

Often, in order to find out the diagnosis, the doctor asks the patient to open his mouth, and not always the purpose of such an examination is the tonsils, according to the condition of the mucous membrane, tongue and gum tissue, the specialist will immediately determine which vitamin is lacking in the body.

  • Redness of the tongue - B9, B6.
  • Jamming on the lips, swelling of the tongue - B2.
  • The corners of the lips crack, the mucous membrane of the tongue - C, H, PP.
  • Bleeding gums - C, D.

muscle weakness cramps

If he often brings his legs together, cramps occur, there may be a lack of potassium in the body, or a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B6. You can get rid of such symptoms if you enrich your menu with such products as yeast, nuts, legumes, whole grain bread, brown rice, cereals, sea fish.

In the event that the legs are very swollen by the end of the day, stars and varicose veins appear, and you also want to sleep all the time, there is a breakdown and a decrease in appetite, the body lacks cobalt, which in its active form is contained in vitamin B12 (cobalamin). This micronutrient is available through the use of liver, grains and beans, as well as greens and dairy products. It is also recommended to consume a lot of greens rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid).

Disorders of the nervous system

Many vitamins are involved in the synthesis of mediators of the nervous system, so their lack can affect not only external manifestations, such as burrs on the fingers and seizures on the lips, but also on the well-being of a person.

With an acute shortage of vitamins B12, B9, B5, frequent depression, nervous breakdowns, and insomnia are possible. With a deficiency of vitamin E, nervousness is noticed, and in the absence of magnesium in women, libido decreases, irritability appears and you constantly want to sleep. Critical deficiency of certain elements can lead to pathological changes and cause more serious diseases, such as prolonged depression, schizophrenia.

Taste changes

In some cases, the body itself lets you know about the presence of a deficiency, any useful substances by changing taste preferences. You can find out which vitamins or trace elements are lacking by the following signs:

  • If you want sweets, the body lacks chromium, magnesium and phosphorus, vitamins A and E. The consequences may be dry skin on the lips, the corners of the mouth are decorated with jams, the nails exfoliate and become brittle. To replenish the reserves of these substances, it is recommended to use broccoli, liver, hard cheese, spinach, pumpkin seeds.
  • If you constantly want to eat - not enough tryptophan, which is found in bananas, dates, dairy products and meat.
  • If you want fatty foods - lack of calcium and D3. This can lead to exfoliating nails, demineralization of bones and teeth, and children may have growth retardation. You can save the situation by introducing foods rich in calcium (dairy products, legumes, broccoli), as well as vitamin D and magnesium, into the menu.
  • If you want flour, there is a deficiency of fats and nitrogen. This can lead to depression, neurosis, muscle and kidney pain. The first symptoms are that a person does not have enough strength, constantly wants to sleep, coldness in the limbs. To replenish nitrogen reserves, and at the same time fats, vegetable and animal proteins, soy, eggs, and cottage cheese should be consumed.

It should be noted that the presence of such signs as dry skin, exfoliating nails, hair falling out, against the background of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, are explained by the fact that the deficiency of trace elements and vitamins is not caused by a poor diet, but by the inability of the same substances that come with food to be well absorbed. Before you go to the pharmacy for multivitamins or lean on vegetables and fruits, you should visit a doctor and solve stomach problems.

Many are familiar with the painful feeling of chronic fatigue. What is missing in the body - this needs to be sorted out. The fact is that not passing debilitating weakness and constant drowsiness cannot occur just like that, such a condition is a very alarming symptom.

Causes of Chronic Fatigue

If you find increased fatigue, you need to analyze your lifestyle, perhaps it contains factors that negatively affect the body.

  • Oxygen deficiency can occur for various reasons and act as a breeding ground for the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Weather changes affect each of us differently, often causing poor health.
  • It is believed that magnetic storms can negatively affect a person, apparently these are not fairy tales of astrologers, but the truth.
  • A polluted atmosphere also has a negative effect on health.
  • Junk food brings the body into a deplorable state, the spectrum of developing disorders also includes pathologies, the symptom of which is persistent fatigue.
  • All sorts of failures that occur in our hormonal system for various reasons also signal an abnormal state of the body through a lethargic state.
  • In vain, drinking alcohol or nicotine addiction is called bad habits. In fact, these are serious diseases that systematically destroy all organs and systems. A person addicted to any alcohol or unable to live without the poison of nicotine, unfortunately, can no longer be healthy. In such a person, no matter what the intake of alcohol or nicotine into the body, one hundred percent observed chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • In addition to these points, hidden diseases may be present, therefore, if abnormally fast fatigue is suspected, a medical consultation is necessary. Please insist on a serious examination.
  • The last point is the catastrophic lack of vital elements in the diet. This is a very serious topic, which we will reveal right now.
Chronic fatigue: to eliminate increased fatigue and persistent weakness in the body, it is necessary to find out with the help of a specialist - what is missing in the body; with the right lifestyle and good nutrition, the state of health will return to normal

Useful substances against chronic fatigue

It is necessary to restore the body in order to overcome chronic fatigue, what is missing in the body - you can find out by taking tests and visiting doctors of various profiles. Let us name the valuable substances, the deficiency of which is most often found in patients complaining of constant lethargy and a feeling of impotence.

Pantothenic acid

Ideally, we get sufficient doses of this substance from the usual food. Products containing pantothenic acid include: fish roe, a large list of vegetables, dairy products, egg yolk, yeast, greens. A deficiency of this important element can form against the background of pathologies in the small intestine, from a poor diet for proteins and fats, a low intake of vitamin C, or a prolonged intake of antibiotic medications.


To correct the situation with iodine deficiency, you will have to use special drugs. It is also necessary to adjust the diet by introducing the following foods rich in valuable iodine. This includes natural plant foods: beets, spinach, potatoes, nuts, lettuce, cabbage. We will also name cereals, tomatoes, carrots. We should not forget about powerful sources of iodine, such as seaweed, a popular product from this category is seaweed. We should pay more attention to seafood, let shrimp, oysters or no less tasty squids appear on our table more often. To the same list we include dairy products and healthy marine fish. For example, let's name the types of fish: cod, herring, flounder, mackerel and many others.

Vitamin B6

The deficiency of this useful element is often formed as a side effect of treatment with certain drugs. It is worth highlighting food to replenish vitamin stores. Good sources: cereal sprouts, walnuts, hazelnuts, potatoes, spinach, avocados. These products are also suitable: carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, lemons, cherries, oranges, cabbage. This substance can also be found in animal foods, such as quality meat, horned animal products (heart, liver, kidneys), eggs, cod liver, dairy products, oysters.

Vitamin B1

The second name is thiamine. If we lack this substance, depression sets in, we feel tired and fall asleep all the time. When drinking more than 3 cups of natural coffee per day, there is a significant risk of vitamin B1 loss. It turns out that large doses of coffee do not invigorate.

Vitamin D

This substance is found in certain types of mushrooms, fish oil or fish meat with a high percentage of fat content, as well as in some other products.

A complete list of products can be found in the article.

Vitamin C

Let us clarify that the lack of this vitamin does not provoke the appearance of chronic fatigue. However, it is worth consuming enough ascorbic acid due to its potential to increase performance, in the condition of fatigue, we can think normally and focus properly. Focus on everything where rose hips are present, as well as citrus fruits and a valuable product - blackcurrant. Dill and parsley should also be added to the diet. Ascorbic acid is best distributed in the body if it receives enough routine, it is also called vitamin P. Excellent sources of routine: the same rosehip, everyone's favorite buckwheat, greens and black currant.


Our body cannot produce this substance on its own, we must introduce it with food or appropriate drugs. The benefits include green tea, buckwheat, a wide range of fruits and a whole range of vegetables.


With insufficient presence of iron in our body, pathology develops - anemia. Her constant companion is low performance. When using iron preparations or iron-containing products, it is necessary to take care of the intake of vitamin C, this normalizes the absorption processes. Apples, meat, persimmons, fish, walnuts and liver are suitable for replenishing iron.

Potassium along with magnesium and aspartic acid

These three substances act in a complex, relieving increased fatigue. Germinated seeds of cereals are a normal source of aspartic acid. Everyone knows foods with potassium, these are many fruits and a number of vegetables, healthy legumes and several types of cereals. The antidepressant magnesium is extracted from nuts or buckwheat, you can use dairy products and germinated wheat.


In this case, there is a noticeable symptom - spots on the nail plates, usually these are small white areas. It is optimal to take zinc included in vitamin complexes, as it can interfere with the correct absorption of other important substances. A lot of zinc can be obtained from shrimp, raspberries, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, seaweed, cheeses, corn, meat or orange.

In order for chronic fatigue to pass, what is missing in the body must be determined and by all means replenish these empty reserves. With proper nutrition, we are much more likely to have good health. If you start eating healthy food or vitamin complexes in time, you can find that the efficiency, vigor and tone of the body are returning.

Photo: Shutterstock/fotodom.ru

Avitaminosis - or vitamin deficiency- in previous centuries was associated with the fact that a variety of foods rich in vitamins were not available to everyone. In a certain season, the body really lacked them: for example, in winter there were fewer fresh fruits, vegetables and even meat products on the table.

Servicemen of certain branches of the armed forces, for example, submarines, also faced similar restrictions, therefore, in long autonomy, vitamins were added to the diet. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, due to the lack of refrigerators, the low speed of ships, many sailors suffered from scurvy associated with vitamin C deficiency. Now fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round, and therefore nutritional beriberi is much less common.

In some cases, beriberi still develop. Thus, a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin C and some other vitamins is sometimes observed in countries with a low standard of living, after major cataclysms with the destruction of infrastructure, as well as in refugee camps. Rigid diets and starvation can lead to a lack of vitamins, especially in combination with smoking, alcohol abuse, as well as some bowel diseases, operations on the gastrointestinal tract, uncontrolled medication and dietary supplements. At the same time, it must be understood that for the development of a deficiency of water-soluble vitamins (groups B and C), several weeks or months of food restrictions are required. At the same time, a lack of fat-soluble vitamins and vitamin B12 develops no earlier than a year later, since good reserves are formed in the body.

Therefore, if you do not consciously start every day with a glass of vodka or whiskey, do not live for years without food in the mountains, do not travel for months on end in a solitary circumnavigation of the world, do not sit on complex inspiring diets, do not have serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (and believe me, you would know about them) - you do not need to determine the level of vitamins.

But there is one exception, and it is connected to a greater extent with Russia and some other countries.

We are talking about vitamin D. It is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight (cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3), and is also found in certain foods, such as fish, fish oil, some algae, to a lesser extent in egg yolk, vegetable oils, animal fats, animal liver (ergocalciferol, or vitamin D2) and, accordingly, enters the human body when they are consumed.

Vitamin D regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which means it is necessary to maintain bone strength. Also, this vitamin is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, affects the synthesis of a number of hormones, cell division. Today, the influence of a deficiency of this vitamin on the development of obesity, early aging, frequent colds, the development of pathology of the nervous system, an increase in the frequency of exacerbations of bronchial asthma, psoriasis and vitiligo is being actively discussed. In the elderly, a lack of this vitamin can lead to softening of the bones, or osteomalacia, due to bone loss and, as a result, to fractures.

You need to understand that in a short summer period, even on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, it is not possible to eliminate the deficiency and replenish the bins with the necessary amount of vitamin D for future use, especially since we, fair-skinned people, also need to sunbathe with good sun protection, otherwise - burns and increased risk skin cancer. From this it follows that regular intake of vitamin D in a prophylactic dose of 600–1000 IU per day with periodic monitoring in the body is necessary.

And accordingly, the answer to the question: vitamin D is the only vitamin, the level of which needs to be regularly monitored in the body. To find out if there is a deficiency or not, you can use a blood test for 25-OH vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) in any network laboratory.

How to determine the lack of vitamins

How do you know which vitamins you are missing? Weakness, fatigue, poor condition of the skin, hair, nails, decreased vision, problems with teeth - all this is due to a lack of vitamins. It remains to figure out which vitamins are needed if certain signs are present.

Vitamin Signs of deficiency How to fill the gap
Vitamin A Peeling of the skin, especially on the elbows, dry skin, dandruff, deterioration of the teeth It is necessary to introduce fat-containing foods into the diet - butter and vegetable oil and consume carrots, apples, apricots, grapes, broccoli, parsley, eggs, dairy products, fish oil, beef liver
B vitamins Sleep disturbance, frequent constipation, dandruff, dullness, brittleness, hair loss, acne You need to eat meat, oatmeal, buckwheat, liver, wholemeal bread, raisins, asparagus, rice bran, fish oil
Vitamin C Drowsiness, bleeding gums, fatigue, gum problems, sometimes fullness Eat citrus fruits, spinach, berries, all kinds of cabbage, kiwi, lettuce, rose hips
Vitamin E Dry skin, cracks in the skin, including on the heels Include oil, nuts, seeds, almonds and fish in your diet
Vitamin K Irritability, sleep problems Eat prunes, beets, dried apricots, bananas, zucchini, spinach
Vitamin D Loss of appetite, sleep problems, burning sensation in the mouth, blurred vision, weight loss. You can also talk about vitamin deficiency if children are restless, shy, sleep poorly Include in the diet fish oil, milk, cereals, eggs, mushrooms, salmon, beef liver

Micronutrient deficiency

In addition to vitamins, a person needs trace elements. They are involved in almost all processes occurring in the body and help protect it from the negative effects of the external environment. To find out which microelements the body lacks, one should analyze its condition.

How to determine which micronutrients are missing

trace element Signs of deficiency How to fill the gap
Calcium Loss, dullness and fragility of hair, stratification of nails, caries, defects in tooth enamel. With calcium and fiber deficiency, children eat paper or chalk Include in the diet broccoli, beans, spinach, dairy products, oatmeal, eggs, fish, shrimp, buckwheat
Zinc Fragility and hair loss, increased fatigue, dry skin, nails streaked with white stripes Eat pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, beef liver, nuts, wheat bran
Glucose You can talk about a lack of glucose if you want sweets Drink tea with honey, eat fruits, yogurt, chocolate, marshmallows
Chromium Increased blood cholesterol, alcohol intolerance, desire to eat sweets Include turkey, radish, lentils, radishes, beef, potatoes, beans in the menu
Iodine Constant feeling of fatigue, weight gain, enlarged thyroid gland, brittle nails, dry hair, constipation Eat seaweed, shrimp, cod liver, fish oil, cranberries, tuna, prunes
Iron A state of apathy, hair loss, lack of energy and stamina, the inner side of the lower eyelid becomes pale, there are pains during menstruation Eat red meat, shrimp, legumes, potatoes, organ meats, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, mussels, oysters
Magnesium Poor appetite, irritability, anxiety, tooth sensitivity, sleep problems, high blood pressure Eat beans, asparagus, spinach, wheat bran, nuts, green apples, green bell peppers
Potassium High blood pressure, dry skin, feeling thirsty, swelling of the hands or ankles, high blood sugar, muscle pain after exercise Include more vegetables and fruits in the menu (tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, apples, bananas, melon, apricots), as well as meat, legumes, nuts, dried fruits

What other signs of vitamin deficiency can be

To understand what vitamins and microelements the body lacks, one should not only study all the signs of a deficiency of nutrients, but first of all consult a doctor. He can accurately determine which vitamins are missing and, if necessary, prescribe pharmaceutical preparations.

To determine which vitamin is lacking, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • severe fatigue;
  • high susceptibility to infections;
  • memory impairment;
  • the child does not eat and sleep well;
  • decrease in emotional activity.
  • When you take care of your health, you are faced with the question of how to find out which vitamins the body lacks. By a number of signs, you can understand which useful substance is in short supply. To determine which vitamin is lacking in the body, you need to analyze your appearance and general health. Proper nutrition is essential for the body to get enough nutrients. If necessary, you can additionally take vitamin preparations. The video below will tell you more about how to understand which vitamins the body lacks.

    Vitamins play an important role in the human body. And even though they do not act as a source of energy, unlike carbohydrates, they take part in metabolism, the production of hormones, etc. With a deficiency of vitamins, beriberi develops, which negatively affects the functions of internal systems and organs, mood and human immunity. How to understand what nutrients are missing in the body?

    Ascorbic acid is one of the main components in the human diet, necessary to maintain the normal function of bone and connective tissue. With a lack of vitamin C in the body, the immune defense is weakened, which can be expressed in frequent colds. Fragility of nails, deterioration of hair and skin - loss of the first and dryness of the second - also indicate that the body lacks ascorbic acid, as well as increased fatigue, decreased muscle tone, pain in the lower back and legs. Those rich in this nutrient can make up for the deficiency - cherries, rose hips, citrus fruits, bell peppers, currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, dill and parsley.

    Foods to Help Correct a Vitamin A Deficiency

    Vitamin A is a group of substances represented by carotenoids and retinoids. The former are found in plant products, while the latter are found in animal products. Vitamin A takes part in the synthesis of components of cartilage, bones, connective tissue, hyaluronic acid, therefore, the normal functioning of the joints and the condition of the skin largely depend on its concentration in the body. Without it, the synthesis of sex hormones, immunoglobulin, interferon would be impossible. Vitamin A deficiency primarily affects vision - the so-called "night blindness" develops, that is, a decrease in the ability to see in the dark.

    Peeling skin can also be the result of a lack of this nutrient. Dry eye syndrome, which many of those who spend a lot of time at the computer today, is often the result of vitamin A deficiency. Retinoids can be obtained from the liver of marine fish and mammals, dairy products, eggs, and there are a lot of carotenoids in carrots, pumpkins, apricots , melon, sea buckthorn and other orange vegetables and fruits.

    The role of the vitamin "youth" for the body

    We are talking about vitamin E, which is a combination of tocopherols and tocotrienols. The vitamin was discovered at the same time when it was discovered that its lack leads to infertility, so it was named so - tocopherol, which in Greek means "offspring, childbearing." This powerful antioxidant acts as an effective immunomodulator that strengthens the body's defenses. Determining its deficiency in the body is not easy, although this is a fairly common phenomenon among people living in contaminated areas or regularly exposed to chemicals by occupation.

    Symptoms of tocopherol deficiency can be very diverse, so it is easier to prevent hypoavitaminosis by consuming a sufficient amount of those containing it. First of all, they include vegetable oils - wheat germ, cottonseed, corn, sunflower, linseed. Another source of tocopherols is nuts and seeds. It is also present in cereals (buckwheat), peas, beans.

    Vegetables and fruits rich in B vitamins

    This name hides a whole group of useful substances involved in cellular metabolism. Thiamine helps the body get energy from incoming carbohydrates, proteins and fats, while riboflavin provides visual function. Pyridoxine is a participant in the synthesis of hemoglobin and antibodies. Together they regulate the functioning of the nervous system. Symptoms of a lack of vitamins in this group include irascibility, fatigue, weakness, and sleep disturbance. The condition of the epidermis, hair and nails worsens, and in more severe cases, the development of allergies, neuralgia, sciatica, colitis, etc. is possible.

    B vitamins contain many fruits and vegetables, cereals. Some of them, for example, vitamin B12, can only be extracted from animal products - liver, egg yolk, sour-milk products. Sources of thiamine and riboflavin are white bread, buckwheat. Vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid are abundant in organ meats, green leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables. Folic acid and biotin contain yeast, legumes.

    And again, this name refers to a group of biologically active compounds - cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol. The first is excreted in the body under the influence of sunlight, and the source of the second is food. Like many other useful nutrients, this group is involved in the biochemical processes necessary for cell reproduction and the synthesis of a number of hormones, metabolic processes, etc. The first discovery made by scientists who discovered this active substance is its ability to prevent rickets.

    According to numerous studies, about a billion people on the planet suffer from a lack of vitamin D. People living in climatic zones with a small number of sunny days a year are at particular risk. With a lack of this nutrient, there are problems with remembering information, insomnia, muscle pain. More serious consequences of its deficiency include overweight, malignant neoplasms, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D includes foods such as fatty fish - salmon, herring, mackerel, as well as fish oil, fatty dairy products, egg yolk, caviar, yeast, mushrooms, in particular, chanterelles.

    How to make up for the lack of vitamin K?

    The group of substances that increase blood clotting is named vitamin K. It supports the normal functioning of the kidneys and takes part in the metabolism of connective tissue and bones. With its supply, vitamin D and calcium interact, and the latter is also absorbed. Vitamin K deficiency in the diet is quite rare, but it will not be superfluous to know where it is found. They are rich in green leafy vegetables - spinach, lettuce. It is present in cruciferous, as well as green tea, nettle, pumpkin, cereals, such as wheat. It contains many fruits - kiwi, bananas. A lot of this nutrient in pine nuts and olive oil.

    It is possible to prevent a deficiency of substances that are so necessary for the body if you eat properly and balanced. However, in some cases, the need for vitamins can increase significantly. For example, during pregnancy and lactation, during the recovery period after an illness, etc. In any case, it makes sense to consult a doctor before taking any additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

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