What does it mean to have a tendency? Attractions. Humanistic theory in psychology

Attraction- an insufficiently clearly realized need, when a person is not clear what attracts him, what his goals are, what he wants. Attraction is the stage of formation of a conscious motive. The unconsciousness of attraction is transient, temporary, that is, the need represented in it either fades away or is realized.

Some authors also include hypnotic suggestions as unconscious arrays, but they are artificial, formed “from the outside,” while attitudes and drives are formed naturally during a person’s life. Conscious motives of behavior include: interests, inclinations, desires, aspirations, intentions, beliefs and worldviews.


Interest- this is a selective attitude of a person towards an object due to its vital significance and (or) emotional appeal. Interests are an emotional manifestation of a person’s cognitive needs; they make themselves felt as positive emotional background, which colors the process of cognition. A person’s interests are determined by the socio-historical and individual conditions of his life. People's interests are extremely diverse, just as human activities are diverse. They can be distinguished by content, volume, depth, degree of stability, focus on the goals of the activity or its process, level of effectiveness, in addition, interests can be direct and indirect. The former are determined by the emotional attractiveness of the object ( external signs), the second - its meaning for the individual (content).


Addiction- this is a motive in which the individual’s need for a certain activity is clearly expressed. Quite often, a constant, stable and effective interest develops into an addiction.


Wish- this is a motive, which is based on a need that is conscious in its content, but it does not yet act as a strong incentive to action. This motive is often aimed at an object that a person is not very confident in the possibility of achieving, or the need for which he is not very strong.


Pursuit- this is an impulse where the need for such conditions of existence is expressed, which in this moment are absent, but can be created as a result of specially organized activities of the individual. Aspirations can take on various psychological forms, such as a dream - an image of what is desired created by fantasy; passion is a motive that expresses a need that has an irresistible force; ideal - a motive that expresses the need to imitate or follow an example taken by a person as a model.


Intention- this is a desire in which the conditions in which a person feels the need are realized, but also the means of achieving them.


Beliefs- this is a system of conscious needs of an individual that encourages her to act in accordance with her views, principles, and worldview. The content of needs, appearing in the form of beliefs, is knowledge about the world, a certain understanding of it.


Worldview- this is a person’s system of views on the world, its laws. The worldview of an individual, first of all, reflects social existence. This reflection takes place in the process of life, in the real relationships of people, in their activities. Worldview serves as the highest regulator of behavior. Giving stamina and firmness of character, it affects the entire appearance of a person, the entire set of characteristics of behavior, actions, habits and inclinations.

The concept of personality in psychology

Personality is a basic category and the subject of study of personality psychology. Personality is a set of developed habits and preferences, mental attitude and tone, sociocultural experience and acquired knowledge, a set of psychophysical traits and characteristics of a person, his archetype that determines everyday behavior and connections with society and nature. Personality is also observed as manifestations of “behavioral masks” developed for different situations and social groups interactions.

Complex of stable personality components





Personality, individual and individuality

    The individual expresses general human properties like an organism.

    Individuality expresses the specificity of an individual person, and this specificity can be hereditary or random.

    Personality is the result of the process of education and self-education. “One is not born a person, but one becomes one” A. N. Leontyev. Children have no personality because their parents are held responsible for their actions. According to L. I. Bozhovich, two criteria for a mature personality can be distinguished:

    A person can be considered a person if there is a hierarchy in his motives in one specific sense, namely, if he is able to overcome his own motives for the sake of something else. In such cases, they say that the subject is capable of indirect behavior. It is assumed that the motives by which immediate impulses are overcome are socially significant.

    The ability to consciously manage one's own behavior. This leadership is carried out on the basis of conscious motives, goals and principles.

The second criterion differs from the first criterion in that it presupposes a conscious subordination of motives. Simply indirect behavior (the first criterion) may be based on a spontaneously formed hierarchy of motives, and even “spontaneous morality”: a person may not be aware of what made him act in this particular way, and yet act morally. Thus, although the second feature also refers to mediated behavior, conscious mediation is emphasized. It presupposes the presence of self-awareness as a special instance of personality.

    Personality is an individual who is aware of his individuality.

In domestic psychology and pedagogy it is generally accepted that psychic formations - This labile (movable, changeable) mental phenomena that are formed in the course of learning and determine the quality of professional and any other human activity . In essence, these are mental phenomena that are formed in the process of a person’s acquisition of life experience. In their structure includes knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as habits and beliefs. An integral mental formation, formed both in the process of learning and upbringing, is consciousness.

Formation process mental formations begins with a person’s subjective perception of objective information coming from the external environment. Logical (understanding) or mechanical (learning) mastery of it forms knowledge. The application of existing knowledge in practice leads to the formation of skills and abilities. As a result of repeated implementation of skills and abilities, corresponding habits appear. Subject to internal agreement with the formed knowledge, personal beliefs arise. The correlation of specific activities (implementation of skills, abilities and habits) with beliefs allows us to talk about consciousness.

Knowledge represent predominantly logical information recorded in the consciousness (memory) of a person or stored in a materialized form (in his notes, books, on electronic media, etc.) . In other words, it is a set of acquired information, concepts and ideas about objects and phenomena of objective reality. Human knowledge about the world around us initially appears in the form of images, sensations and perceptions. Subsequent processing of sensory data in consciousness leads to the emergence of ideas and concepts. It is in these two forms that knowledge is stored in memory. No matter how general the ideas and abstracts of the concept may be, their main purpose is the organization and regulation of practical human activity.

Psychological science proceeds from the fact that physiological basis of knowledge constitute temporary or permanent connections between nerve cells brain, arising as a result of the perception of information from the objective world or its mental processing.

Currently, in Russian military psychology there are four type of knowledge:

knowledge-acquaintances allow you to navigate the situation in the most general terms. This is a kind of knowledge-recognition, when a person can distinguish incorrect information from correct information, “identify” it;

knowledge-reproduction provide an opportunity to reproduce previously perceived or memorized material;

knowledge and skills ensure their confident and creative application in any type of practical activity;

knowledge-transformation act as a condition for the creation of new knowledge based on its logical transformation or application in previously unconsidered conditions.

However, the mere presence of knowledge does not allow us to talk about its inevitable transformation into other mental formations. It depends on them characteristics, which include:

volume - the amount of information recorded in the consciousness (memory) of a person;

depth - the degree of knowledge of the essence of processes and phenomena stored in consciousness;

strength - the degree of stability of knowledge when exposed to negative (temporary, emotional, etc.) factors;

effectiveness - the ability to use existing knowledge in practical activities;

flexibility - a person’s ability to creatively use existing knowledge in various conditions.

Provided that the indicators of the listed characteristics are sufficient, the formation of appropriate skills and abilities begins, the vital significance of which for a person is very great. They facilitate his mental and physical efforts in various types of activities, introducing into them a certain element of rationality, rhythm and stability, creating conditions for consistent creativity.

Skill - This automated (brought to automation) action performed under the general control and evaluation of consciousness (accompanied by consciousness). In the process of its formation, three main stages are distinguished: analytical (isolating and selecting individual elements of an action), synthetic (combining individual elements in one action) and automation (multiple repetition of an action in order to give it the necessary speed and quality, as well as relieve stress of consciousness).

The most important conditions that ensure the success of developing a skill include the number of actions performed, their pace, division in time and knowledge of its normative indicators (qualitative, quantitative, temporal).

Skill , in contrast to skill, is comprehensive mental education that allows you to perform complex actions under special control consciousness . In this case, consciousness does not accompany (control and evaluate), but precedes (plans) the execution of an upcoming action.

Analysis of the essential definition of skill and ability suggests that both of them are realized in human activity. However, if in a skill an action is first performed, the quality of which is subsequently controlled by consciousness, then in a skill the action is first planned with the help of consciousness, then performed and only after that evaluated.

As in the formation of knowledge, in the process of developing skills and abilities as physiological basis The phenomenon of establishing temporary connections between nerve cells of the cerebral cortex is used. However, only those that control the motor activity of the human body participate in this process.

Depending on the stage of formation and level of formation, there are four type of skills and abilities, which, in accordance with the psychophysiological logic of their formation, can be presented in the following form: initial skills, simple skills, complex skills and complex skills.

    Initial skills represent the primary independent application of knowledge in practical activities. This is the first step from existing knowledge to practical human activity. Their formation is based on information about the algorithm (sequence and nature) of performing a specific action. In this case, consciousness plans (anticipates) human activity.

    Simple Skills - these are already simple techniques and actions performed automatically, i.e. First, an action is performed, the correctness of which is subsequently controlled by consciousness. They are formed as a result of repeated performance of a certain action based on the formed initial skill.

The formation of a simple skill is based on the establishment and consolidation of conditioned reflex connections in the cerebral cortex, which leads to the precise localization of the source of excitation in certain nervous structures. Differentiated inhibition concentrates the excitation process to the limit, resulting in the formation of systems of conditioned reflex connections, which reduces reaction time. This is due to the fact that unnecessary movements disappear, and the tension of consciousness passes, as it were, into the background of activity and only realizes its controlling function.

In turn, simple skills are divided into several subtypes: motor (formed on the basis of the work of motor analyzers), sensory (use the functionality of sensory analyzers), mental (realized in human mental activity) and mixed (based on previously formed motor, sensory and mental skills of activity).

    WITH false skills are characterized as a learned complex automated action, performed accurately, easily and quickly with little effort of consciousness and ensuring sufficient efficiency of human activity. They usually include several simple skills combined into one activity. Combining several simple skills into one complex one allows a person to free up his consciousness to solve other more important tasks of his activity.

    WITH false skills domestic psychology are interpreted as a complex action performed in any conditions of activity under special control (planning and evaluation of the result) of consciousness. They mark the ability of a person, achieved in the learning process, to creatively apply the acquired skills in the continuously changing conditions of practical activity. In this case, they are a kind of foundation on which professional skill of people, allowing them to thoroughly master a specific type of activity, constantly increase their knowledge, form new ones and improve existing skills.

The skills and abilities acquired by a person have an impact on the formation of new ones, which can be both positive and negative. In the first case, this phenomenon is denoted by the concept of “transfer,” the essence of which is that existing skills facilitate the formation of other skills similar to them (coinciding in structure). In the second case, called interference, an existing skill makes it difficult to form a new one, which includes actions that are either opposite in structure to those previously learned, or contains new techniques that make it difficult to learn the correct technique for performing it.

To preserve the developed skills and abilities, they should be systematically implemented. Otherwise, their deautomatization occurs - a decrease in the effectiveness of previously developed mechanisms of action as a result of the weakening of conditioned reflex connections in the cerebral cortex. In this case, actions become slower and less accurate, their coordination is disrupted, they begin to be performed uncertainly, and require intense mental effort and an increase in the level of conscious control over them. At the same time, it has been experimentally proven that the restoration of previously formed skills and abilities occurs much faster than their initial formation.

The quality of the state of the mental formations under consideration and their level are determined by three characteristics of skills and abilities:

flexibility - the ability of an individual to use skills and abilities in various types of activities;

strength - the degree of stability of skills and abilities when exposed to negative factors;

difficulties - the level of combination in a skill or ability of several similar formations of a lower order.

The phenomena considered are leading among the mental formations of the personal sphere of a person and are used everywhere. It is they who form a complex mental phenomenon called mastery and which manifests itself in a high level of development of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as professional and moral qualities of the individual.

However, the world of mental formations also includes some others that are no less significant for humans, although they are realized only in appropriate conditions. These include habits, beliefs and consciousness.

Habits an established way of human behavior, the implementation of which in a certain situation has acquired the force of need for him . It is based on a knowledge system implemented in the skills and abilities of performing the corresponding action. However, in contrast to a skill in its pure form, the decisive moment in the formation of a habit is not so much its subsequent formation in a skill, but the formation, based on existing knowledge, of a new functional need for its implementation (for example, the habit of washing hands before eating).

The physiological basis of habit, as a mental formation, is the dynamic stereotype of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex formed during life. It is formed in the process of repeatedly performing an action at the stage of its development when, when performing it, no difficulty of a volitional or cognitive nature arises. In this case, the mental well-being caused by the functioning of the action itself, colored predominantly by a positive emotional tone, acquires decisive importance.

Habits are formed in all areas of human activity and manifest themselves in all aspects of their life. They may be the product of targeted upbringing, but they often develop completely spontaneously. Habits are usually realized in involuntary actions and are largely a subconscious form of human behavior.

By type, habits are divided into situational (for example, the habit of turning off the light in a room when leaving) and characteristic, reflecting the characteristics of a person’s behavior as a whole (for example, the habit of greeting elders, speaking quietly in a public place, etc.). In the latter case, they can significantly influence the formation of certain character traits, and therefore are considered as useful (leading to the formation of positive character traits) and as harmful, leading to bad inclinations.

The system of habits formed by a person is largely predetermined by his beliefs , which are considered as meaningful knowledge of a person, organically merged with his feelings and receiving personal meaning for him . At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that knowledge itself does not automatically turn into beliefs. For their formation, the unity of knowledge and a special attitude towards it is very important, as something that indisputably reflects reality and should be implemented in human behavior. Consequently, the effectiveness of beliefs is determined by the need to be guided by them in everyday activities, which makes a person’s behavior consistent, logical and purposeful.

It is believed that elementary forms of beliefs develop already in preschool age. The period of their intensive formation is recognized as the school period of human development. If for a preschooler many things are considered convincing only because adults think so, then a teenager is already guided by the opinions of his peers. Older schoolchildren are already characterized by a conscious and critical attitude to what they see and hear - they strive to convince themselves of the truth of certain provisions.

Beliefs are formed in a person’s life experience under the influence of the surrounding reality, one’s own activities, as well as in the process of educational work with him. The knowledge obtained in this case serves as a source for the formation of certain beliefs. However, their focus largely depends on the content of his knowledge and habits, created through the formation of a person’s experience of social relations and moral behavior. Consequently, spontaneously developing beliefs (for example, in cases where they are formed under the influence of socially negative and socially immature works of art) can be erroneous and distorted. In this case, a significant role is played by the imperfection of conceptual thinking, the inability to separate the essential from the unimportant, the presence of errors in the analysis of the new knowledge obtained, etc.

The highest level of regulation of human activity based on the implementation of knowledge, skills, abilities, habits and beliefs is consciousness , which is considered as integral mental formation, reflecting the relationship between the content of a person’s activity (sometimes habits) and his beliefs in a specific action . Manifesting itself in the system of mental formations, it allows a person to act (act) with a clear and distinct understanding of the ultimate goals and possible consequences. Consequently, consciousness is expressed in a person’s ability to analyze the motives of his own behavior, experiencing them as an internal need, and choose the most rational way to achieve his goals in accordance with social and moral norms accepted in society.

As already noted, the mental formations of a person’s personal sphere predetermine the quality of the activity he performs. However, there are often cases when a subject can perform some activity, but does not do so. Consequently, in the structure of the personal sphere there are some other phenomena that force a person to act one way or another in a specific situation. In Russian psychology they are called mental properties of personality.

Humanistic theory in psychology.

Humanistic psychology- a direction in Western (mainly American) psychology that recognizes personality as its main subject as unique whole system, which is not something given in advance, but an “open possibility” of self-actualization, inherent only to man. In humanistic psychology, the main subjects of analysis are: highest values, self-actualization of the individual, creativity, love, freedom, responsibility, autonomy, mental health, interpersonal communication. Humanistic psychology emerged as an independent movement in the early 60s of the 20th century as a protest against the dominance of behaviorism and psychoanalysis in the United States, receiving the name of the third force. This direction may include A. Maslow, K. Rogers, W. Frankl, S. Buhler, R. May, S. Jurard, D. Bugental, E. Shostrom and others. Humanistic psychology relies on existentialism as its philosophical basis. The manifesto of humanistic psychology was the book edited by R. May “Existential Psychology” - a collection of papers presented at a symposium in Cincinnati in September 1959 as part of the annual convention of the American Psychological Association.

An individual in a particular activity, the desire to improve the skills and abilities associated with this activity. The emergence of S. is usually a prerequisite for the development of corresponding abilities, although cases of discrepancy between S. and abilities are possible.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


The selective focus of an individual on a certain activity, encouraging him to engage in it. Its basis is the individual’s deep, stable need for some activity, the desire to improve the skills and abilities associated with this activity. The emergence of an inclination is usually a prerequisite for the development of corresponding abilities, although there are cases of discrepancy between inclinations and abilities.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

Subjective representation of elements of the motivational-need sphere.


A form of reflected motivation. Realized in various life choices.


Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(English) disposition) - in the psychological sense S. - any positive, internally motivated attitude ( , etc.) to k.-l. occupation. Psychological basis S. is stable personality in a certain activity, when not only the results achieved in it, but also the process itself are attractive activities. Developed socialism is also characterized by a long, insatiable desire for activity and a creative attitude towards its change, development, and the constant accumulation of knowledge and improvement. skills And skills, corresponding to this activity. Such a S., which has all these characteristics, is called calling. S. develop, as a rule, in unity with the corresponding abilities and act as a factor, component giftedness. Syn. inclination. (A. B. Orlov.)

Addition: In another sense (English) susceptibility) S. - predisposition to something, the presence of conditions for the occurrence of something, exposure to something. Examples: tendency to be overweight, to get sick (tuberculosis, schizophrenia), to illusions, to panic, to overvalued ideas (in psychopaths). (B.M.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


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    Addiction- Addiction: Addiction is a predisposition to something. Addiction is a 1997 film directed by Sean Mathias. List of meanings of a word or phrase... Wikipedia

    Addiction- Tendency ♦ Penchant An approximate synonym for tendency, used in relation to a single individual. An inclination is a long-lasting desire, owing its origin not so much to the species as to the individual himself, but to a greater extent... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

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    ADDICTION- INDEMNITY, and, female. 1. Constant attraction, disposition towards something. S. to self-analysis. 2. Predisposition, inclination towards something. S. to fullness. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ADDICTION- English inclination; German Neigung. 1. Constant passion, affection, desire for tsp. 2. Selective focus of the individual on a specific activity of the individual in this activity. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

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  • Addition to the Acts of Peter the Great, vol. 17. containing anecdotes concerning this great Sovereign. All our chronicles agree that in our hero, from his tenderest childhood, there was a special inclination towards military exercises, which is how I described it in the first Volume of his Acts; But…

Addiction- the selective focus of an individual on a certain activity, encouraging him to engage in it. Its basis is the deep, stable need of the individual for a particular activity, the desire to improve the skills and abilities associated with this activity. The emergence of S. is usually a prerequisite for the development of corresponding abilities, although cases of discrepancy between S. and abilities are possible.

V.V. Mironenko

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