The dead man dreamed as if alive. What will happen in reality if in a dream you went to the call of the deceased? Emotional background of sleep

Dreams in which the living dead appear evoke a feeling of fear and apprehension. You should not set yourself up for negativity in advance, as bad dreams often carry positive information. To get the maximum accurate interpretation it is necessary to remember the main details of the plot and the emotional load. It would be useful to compare the information received with the events of reality.

Why dream of the dead alive?

Most often, such a dream is a warning of impending troubles. In another dream book, a living dead person portends the onset of a new stage in life, and this may affect work, outlook on life and love. If a dead person pesters you, it means that in reality you are worried about the events of the past. A dream where the dead man rises from the coffin portends the arrival of guests from afar. It can also be an omen of a heart-to-heart talk. Let's figure out why the dead are dreaming of being alive and upset by something. In this case, the dream promises a quarrel, and it can happen both with a relative and with a stranger.

If you are a revived dead man, this is a harbinger of happiness. The child turned out to be dead, so expect replenishment in the family. A night vision where you kiss a living dead person indicates a sense of guilt about misbehavior. It can also be a harbinger of impending changes in life. If you kissed a dead man on the forehead, then soon you will part with one of your close relatives. The dream book, why the dead man dreams of being alive, who wants to hug, is interpreted as a sign of good health. It can also be a harbinger of a change in weather. If a familiar person turned out to be a living dead person, it means that in reality the relationship between you has deteriorated significantly. Night vision, where the dead man stretches out his hands to you from the grave, means that in difficult times you should rely solely on your own strength. To see a few living dead, but this does not scare you, which means that the business you are doing will end successfully. Don't worry, all efforts will be rewarded.

If you saw a revived mother or father, this is a warning about impending misfortune. To see a grandmother or grandfather alive means that you should not worry about the little things. A dream, where a revived relative appears, prophesies the development of some kind of disease in one of the family members. If you see a revived mother, it means that the event that is planned in the near future will be unsatisfactory. Other revived blood relatives are an omen of unforeseen spending. It is not recommended to carry out any monetary transactions in the near future.

What is the dream of a dead man who has come to life up to 40 days?

Such a dream represents the care that you can receive from loved ones. If the deceased was in your house, this is a harbinger of minor troubles that will fall on you in the near future.

Why dream that the dead man is laughing?

If the revived dead is cheerful - this is a bad sign, which indicates that ill-wishers are building insidious plans against you. In the near future, you should not postpone all things, because, otherwise, everything will end unsuccessfully.

Why is the talking dead man dreaming?

If you are talking with a dead person, this is a harbinger of misfortune that will happen in the near future. A dream where a dead person tells you that he is alive predicts the receipt of important news that will greatly affect life. In addition, such a night vision may be a harbinger. If you are talking with a dead friend, this is a sign that you will be able to take a high social status and improve your financial situation.

The dream in which you see your relatives dead, portends them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream portends a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on which foot you got up on.

Seeing your lover as dead portends a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead - to anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which a dreaming dead man committed suicide portends betrayal by your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue.”

Seeing a drowned person or a victim of an accident means that you have a desperate struggle to maintain your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, who have turned into ghouls, thirsty to drink your blood - such a nightmare portends many annoying troubles in your personal life and a worsening situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment portends strife in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to malicious slander and slander.

The deceased who fell out of the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall on him - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to him. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased - to illness, burying - they will return to you what you did not hope to get back.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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It is very hard to lose loved ones. This loss leaves a mark on the soul for life. It is not surprising that those who have passed away sometimes come in a dream, causing a lot of emotions, both positive and negative.

Why is the dead man dreaming? This question appears immediately after waking up and it seems that deciphering the dream will be intimidating. Fortunately, this is not always the case.

Psychologists do not attach much importance to dreams involving the dead, while popular dream books give a clear explanation of what they saw in a dream. Basically, such visions are warning in nature.

This article will help you understand the interpretation of night vision and predict events in life. It describes the most popular actions in a dream involving a dead person and decoding the most popular dream books.

Common Explanations

If you often dream of the dead, and you feel uncomfortable after such dreams, you should consider possible reasons their appearance.

Usually the dead visit the dreams of people who are sad about the deceased person or often think about him. If the whole dream with the deceased has a certain plot, you need to think about such a dream - all the words spoken to you by the deceased may carry some kind of wish or warning.

Try to remember everything that the dead person tells you - quite often dead people in a dream tell the sleeping person important and valuable information.

If you dreamed of a living person whom you see dead, this may indicate your attitude towards him, or some kind of danger threatening this person. The most pleasant explanation for such a dream is folk interpretation, claiming that the deceased is dreaming of a change in the weather.

What is the dream of a dead man who died before 40 days

According to different versions, the soul of a person after death is on earth for another 3 to 40 days, therefore such visions have a special meaning, both for the dead and for the living.

The dead man may appear as a sign of an incomplete relationship. Perhaps in reality there was something left that did not reach its logical end. This is a manifestation of feelings or a reflection of guilt. Perhaps the deceased did not have time to finish any business and is worried because of this.

Typically, such dreams are associated with emotional excitement, longing and bitterness. But remember, it's not just you! However, they should not be afraid, moreover, it is advisable to fulfill all the requests of the deceased and not refuse his gifts if he offers something.

In the first case, you will facilitate the transition of the soul to another world, in the second, you may find happiness and the necessary support.

  • Usually, after forty days, the deceased stops dreaming, but there are some exceptions. If during life a close spiritual connection has been established between you, or the deceased is a close person, friend or relative, then there is a high probability that he will come later.
  • Simply put, from now on you will have someone who will look after your earthly life and protect you from big troubles.
  • Remember, if you behave correctly and do not commit bad deeds with serious consequences, then the deceased will only occasionally be present as an observer of other dreams.
  • If there are changes in life or you do something reprehensible, then he will be much more active.

What do deceased relatives come to

Deceased relatives usually come before any significant event. If they dream regularly, then be sure that they are looking after you and protecting you from various troubles. In extreme cases, the dead warn of death and may even personally accompany them to the other world.

Dreams involving the dead, especially relatives, cannot be ignored. They warn in advance of changes in fate and dangerous situations. You need to treat these visits with great respect, and then you can easily avoid big problems.

  1. If the dreams in which the deceased relatives appear are mostly bright and joyful, then you can not be afraid for your own life.
  2. Such dreams are especially important, because the dead can show what you could not even dream of.

Grandmother and grandfather

The deceased grandparents usually visit us at the most critical moments. For example, before any important event family value.

And this is not necessarily something bad, you can see your grandmother or grandfather before the wedding, the birth of a child, an anniversary, etc.

Worst of all, if in a dream the deceased grandparents are injured or sick. This sure sign that trouble will happen to relatives in their line. Its outcome can be predicted by the plot of the dream. If by the end of it the grandma or grandpa will obviously improve, then in real life everything will cost literally “little blood”.

Deceased parents, mother, father

The appearance of deceased parents is the most significant for any person. However, these dreams can be interpreted in different ways.

  1. First, they are associated with feelings of loss of parental protection and possible feelings of guilt. A meeting is considered especially valuable if you did not manage to say goodbye during your lifetime. In a dream, this will happen by itself.
  2. Secondly, it is the parents who become for us the very link between the two worlds. These visions do not allow you to forget about death, but at the same time give hope. Perhaps one day your parents will show you another world that you should not be afraid of and where everyone will certainly meet.

As for more specific interpretations, the deceased father advises doing business with more thoughtfulness and caution. Otherwise, you will earn big problems.

For an unmarried woman, the same vision promises the betrayal of a loved one. The deceased mother often warns of illnesses in the household, and also promises good luck.


It is believed that she calls for prudence. Perhaps mom wants to warn of danger, to give a sign that one should not lose vigilance.

Here are some other cases in which a dead mother may appear alive:

  • To the birth of a daughter;
  • To see her in her own house is to the well-being of the family. This promises a faithful and loving soul mate, happiness in family life, obedient children;
  • It is necessary to draw conclusions if you saw a quarrel with your mother. A scandal may indicate that in reality you are in trouble, problems in the family or at work, and possibly an accident. Be careful - your discretion can protect you from such misfortunes;
  • If you saw that you were talking with your mother, pay attention to your lifestyle, especially if you see such a dream often.


It is believed that the dream in which the deceased father appeared alive is auspicious. It says that you can consider yourself a responsible, accomplished person. In addition, the father suggests that there are reliable people in your environment who are ready to help and support at any time.

If your father comes to you in a dream every day or very often, listen to his words - most likely, he is trying to prevent trouble, give advice, call for caution.

Conversations with dad promise quick changes that will be joyful.

What is the dream of the late husband, wife

The dead husband and wife dream much more often than other dead people. Since usually during life, especially if the marriage was long, the spouses have a deeper and closer connection, which remains unfinished for different reasons.

You can interpret the image by the behavior and mood of the deceased.

  1. However, it is believed that the deceased husband mostly dreams of trouble, and the wife - to good luck in the professional field.
  2. If the widow dreamed of an unusually cheerful husband, who also joked in a dream, then she would soon remarry.

Why dream of the dead, familiar, unfamiliar

Of particular importance in a dream is the degree of closeness with the deceased. So a completely unfamiliar dead person guarantees a return to the past or literally a repetition of what has already been passed.

For lovers, an unfamiliar dead man promises disappointment in love and betrayal.

If an actor or actress was already dead in a dream, then the plans conceived will go downhill. A certain well-known and respected person can symbolize a spiritual, less often material breakthrough. However, the unfamiliar dead always call for active and decisive action.

Familiar dead people have a slightly different interpretation. By their mood, one can judge the upcoming emotions.

  • If the deceased is cheerful, then joy and happiness await you, if sad, then you will have to think and worry a lot.
  • If a deceased brother or friend dreamed, then you will be asked to borrow money or someone will need your moral help. In no case do not refuse!

Why dream of a dead man alive

Usually the dead in a dream are shown alive. This is less frightening and makes it possible to more adequately relate to what they see. Most often, a living deceased guarantees a long life, but can warn of a period of weakness and hopelessness. But again, it depends on the mood of the deceased.

If a dead person dreamed alive, then a certain thing would literally rise from non-existence. Hope for the best will reappear and worthy prospects will open up. If the dead person comes to life before our eyes, then you will experience an unusual adventure or fall into an extremely strange incident.

  1. It is much worse if the living dead turns into a kind of zombie in a dream and has a frightening appearance. This is a clear indication that an otherworldly entity has invaded your dreams, which is fueled by fears and human energy. In fact, she does not want evil, but pursues her own goals and harms this.
  2. Such nightmares usually carry a general breakdown, troubles, problems at work and difficulties in relationships.
  3. It is best to set yourself up in advance so as not to be afraid and resist these entities in every possible way. This will save you from real problems, and not having received the necessary energy, otherworldly guests will bypass you next time.

Why dream of a dead man in a coffin

Seeing them in a dream, many experience panic.

Nevertheless, if you dream of a lot of coffins without the dead or with them, check out what such dreams can be, and they do not always promise troubles and troubles.

  • Being empty, they promise you good health and long years life;
  • Seeing that your name is written on an empty coffin, think about it - perhaps the time has come to change your life, yourself;
  • If there are a lot of them and they are with the dead, wait for the end of some kind of relationship or business. Such a dream can also mean an early marriage;
  • If the coffins are near the church, be careful - you may be in serious trouble;
  • Young people dream of a lot of coffins with the dead for a prosperous life, a happy family life. For family people, such a dream promises well-being. The elderly should not be afraid of it either - it promises them news from distant relatives.

It is believed that pounding coffins is waiting for hard work with good pay, and their purchase portends prosperity and family well-being.

Have you seen many coffins with the dead floating down the river? Expect huge profits.

Boarded up coffins indicate that you will finally be left in peace by the past that weighed you down every day, and if you board them up with your own hands, then you yourself will do everything in your power to find peace.

if you have own business and you dreamed of zinc coffins, most likely things will go downhill. However, when you see that they have been buried, you can count on things to get better very soon.

Why talk to the dead in a dream

It has long been considered - that the dead speaks in a dream, then the true truth. In fairness, it should be noted that the dead rarely speak in a dream and not very willingly. Therefore, any spoken word or phrase must certainly be remembered.

There are also such visions in which long conversations take place, however, most often in the morning they disappear from memory. In this case, you can interpret the conversation with the dead man in general terms.

If the deceased simply says something without addressing anyone, then you are threatened by evil gossip and vile slander. Communicating with a deceased friend in warm colors means that you have chosen the right path, but if he was dissatisfied, then the interpretation is reversed.

If in a dream a deceased relative took a promise from you, then you must fulfill it. Moreover, after such dreams, listen to good advice surrounding, they will help to survive the unfavorable streak.

If you dreamed that the dead man, on the contrary, made a request, then you are destined for mental depression or a decline in business.

  1. Talking with a dead father - to the intrigues in which you will be drawn against your will.
  2. With your mother - pay attention to health and, if possible, reconsider your whole life.
  3. A conversation with a deceased brother is a dream before someone asks for your help.
  4. With a sister - to confusion and domestic problems.

Why dream - the dead man calls with him

However, the call itself is only a warning, and if in a dream you didn’t go with the dead, then in reality, most likely, everything will work out, although it will be difficult.

  • However, to follow the trail of the deceased - to a protracted illness,
  • respond to his call - to a dangerous incident, an accident.
  • If the dead man offers to eat with him, then it will be a long and tedious treatment. Whoever ate with the dead will soon die.
  • If the deceased in every possible way drives you away and forbids you to go with you, then in reality you will live for a very long time.

Why dream that the dead man is laughing

If a revived dead man is cheerful, this is a bad sign, which indicates that ill-wishers are building insidious plans against you.

In the near future, you should not postpone all things, because, otherwise, everything will end unsuccessfully.

Kiss the dead

Quite often the question is, why dream of kissing a dead person? In this case, the time factor should be taken into account.

If a person died recently, then the dreamed kiss of the dead man is unlikely to have a connection with the events real life. Most likely, such a dream is a subconscious reflection of longing for a person who has gone to another world.

hug the dead

Of great importance for the interpretation of a dream is the emotional component. That is, the feelings that you experience when you have to hug a dead person and kiss him in a dream are important.

  1. If you experienced certain things while kissing love feelings, then in real life success awaits you, and, most likely, it will be associated with your entrepreneurial or commercial activities.
  2. If a kiss with a dead person caused uncontrollable horror, and you woke up in a hysterical state, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps your life will soon begin very Hard times, which may well be associated with a deterioration in your health.

Of course, even the most popular dream book is unlikely to be able to explain this or that dream with a dead person with a high degree of certainty. Such dreams have such a diverse meaning for each individual person. Therefore, it is very important when analyzing a dream, first of all, to listen to your inner voice.

drunken dead man

If you dream of a drunken dead man, then most likely this person during his lifetime was the culprit of your troubles. And this indicates that you did not forgive this person even after death.

So that such dreams do not bother you, you need to forgive the deceased and visit the temple, where you put a candle for the repose of the deceased person.

Crying dead man

A crying dead man seen in a dream portends a serious quarrel with loved ones.

  • In this case, a conflict with a loved one is also possible. But often such a dream often means that you suffer greatly for a deceased person and the connection with him has not yet been lost.
  • In this case, you should visit the grave and commemorate the deceased.
  • When a dead person, sobbing, runs away from you in a dream, then this good sign, which indicate that the troubles are left behind and in the near future your material well-being will stabilize.

See the naked dead

If you dreamed of a naked dead man, then such a dream should be associated with the fact that in real life you will find yourself in an awkward situation or you will not be able to finish what you started and, as a result, you will not receive the desired reward.

Why dream of feeding the dead

Feeding a dead person in a dream is a change in life.

  1. For example, such a dream for an unmarried girl can mean quick wedding, and for married woman the dream indicates that a fan will soon appear in real life.
  2. As for men, such a dream gives hope that a fateful decision will be made soon.

Photograph of the deceased

It is also considered a harmless dream when a photograph of a dead person was dreamed. Most likely, the deceased person, thus, reminds you of himself.

After such a dream, you must definitely visit the grave of the deceased, commemorate him according to all the rules and, if possible, put a candle in the temple for the repose.

dead man's house

Most likely, you need to remember the deceased person when you dreamed about the house of the deceased. But such a dream may also indicate that changes in your worldview are coming soon.

  • A dangerous omen is if you saw your deceased relatives in their house in a dream.
  • In this case, there is a high probability that living relatives may experience serious problems with health.
  • There is also a great risk that they may suffer from accidents beyond their control.

Why do the dead dream every night

Many are interested in why the dead dream every night?

  1. Such repetition indicates that you are not responding to warnings and are doing the wrong thing.
  2. But you should also not discard the fact that if the dead are constantly dreaming, then most likely you have mental illness, which can be cured by traditional medicine.

Specific interpretations

If you dreamed of a dead person, you should not take it as something terrible and negative. The dead only make it possible to avoid mistakes and troubles, and therefore it is important to take into account more specific transcripts.

  • to see a photo (portrait) of the deceased - spiritual support
  • give someone's picture to the dead - the one who is depicted on it will die
  • give a certain object / thing - to the loss
  • something alive - to well-being, prosperity
  • drive, drive away the dead - for many years
  • wash - to trouble, a tragic situation
  • congratulate - to a good, noble deed
  • hug - to longevity, peace of mind
  • kiss - to joy, news
  • to beat - to failure, misconduct
  • swear - to trouble

  • to kill - to vicious hobbies, making fatal mistakes
  • the dead man asks for a drink - they remember badly and little, it is necessary to remember
  • says - to important news
  • goes ahead - someone will not return, to separation
  • gives something - to well-being, health
  • went into the house - to wealth
  • crying - to a quarrel, break, conflict
  • stands on the road - to trouble
  • reaps the harvest hard times, negative change
  • crumbling before our eyes - for good
  • comes to life - to the news, unusual news

  • eats - to the disease
  • both parents together - fortunately, wealth
  • sad father - be ashamed
  • cheerful - everything will be fine
  • sad mother - make a mistake, get sick
  • cheerful - good luck, profit

What the church says

The deceased may ask you for more frequent prayers about his repose.

You can pray for the deceased, if you dream of him every day, both at home and in church. Read a special canon, an akathist for the deceased, sing a litia.

In the church, you can order a service for the deceased, a memorial service, magpie, put candles.

Commemoration of the unbaptized dead and prayers for him should be read at home (privately).

What psychologists say

Sometimes psychologists explain why the dead dream very often by the dreamers' guilt in front of them. Perhaps you didn’t have time to say or do something for him, and this haunts him. In this case, you can order a service in the church, go to the grave of the deceased, ask for forgiveness.

Analyze your dreams, compare what you saw and heard with real facts - perhaps you are required to take action to prevent trouble or, conversely, to achieve your goals.

Interpretation of sleep with the participation of the deceased in different dream books

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

You can interpret the appearance of a dead person in a dream in three more ways, namely:

  1. regular presence,
  2. resolution of some issues
  3. condemnation.

  • In the first case, the deceased is simply present in the situation, without showing any active actions. It is such visions that can indicate a change in the weather or past events, convey the bitterness of loss and regret at parting. Dreams do not carry a special semantic load, and therefore there is absolutely no need to worry about them.
  • Another thing is when the dead man himself becomes one of the active participants in the action. He can walk, talk, vividly express emotions and at the same time evoke reciprocal feelings in the dreamer.

These visions are considered the most significant, as they provide an opportunity to shed light on the future or understand the essence of what is happening in this moment. It's pretty easy to interpret them. If the deceased smiles and rejoices, it means that he approves of what you are doing. If he is sad or even angry, then you should reconsider your actions.

Sometimes the behavior of a dead person can predict the future, which concerns close relatives.

  1. For example, if the deceased fell ill in a dream, then something similar will happen to a relative along his line. The outcome of the event should be interpreted according to the final state of the deceased.
  2. If he recovered, then in reality everything will be fine and vice versa.

The third interpretation of sleep is condemning, but it is more related to the deceased himself than to the living. Such dreams most often cause severe sensations. For even in a dream we understand that we are not able to help a person who is on the other side. However, it is they who let you know how the deceased feels in the other world.

Aesop's dream book

Aesop's dream book suggests interpreting the appearance of the dead according to their mood and appearance. If the dead man is calm, does not offer anything and does not ask himself, then the weather will probably change tomorrow.

  • If you dreamed that strangers were discussing the deceased in a coffin, then soon there would be a conflict with superiors, neighbors or strangers.
  • If a living person resembles a dead person in his appearance, then it is possible: someone will get sick, a serious conversation will take place with a friend, or a date with elderly relatives.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga's dream book interprets extremely negatively, why the dead man dreams of being alive, and talking to him. Such dreams warn of mass diseases and disasters. When a dead person dreams of being sick, this portends an unfair attitude of others, directed towards the dreamer.

A dreaming deceased friend portends future changes in the dreamer's life. Do not ignore his words, he can warn of possible problems and obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to achieve happiness.

  1. For girls, such a dream can promise betrayal of a loved one. The deceased needs to be carefully listened to, perhaps he will tell you how to avoid this unpleasant situation, save dignity and moral balance.
  2. A man leading a dialogue in a dream with his dead friend and telling him about the luck that accompanies all his undertakings should beware of the machinations of ill-wishers. He should be more attentive in his own environment and "keep an eye out."

Trying to figure out why the dead man is dreaming of being alive and talking to him, Vanga warns that you need to prepare for the worst-case scenario, especially if the deceased calls to follow him. Such a dream promises a severe illness, and in some cases, even death.

Freud's interpretation

Freud, in his own way, looked at the circumstance to which the deceased was dreaming.

  1. If in a dream the deceased is cheerful and spoke to you, you need to carefully listen to what he says and make decisions depending on the words and the situation.
  2. dreaming dead baby may predict problems with the ability to have children.
  3. When a dead lifeless person dreams, this should cause joy, because the sleeping person will live long and have good health.

Dream interpretation of D. and N. Winters

The dead man in a dream acts as a symbol of obsolete feelings. Soon life will move to a new stage, and the problems that worried you before will be forgotten. According to this dream book, the deceased promises not only a change in the weather, but also a change in fate.

If the dead man dreams constantly and literally haunts you in a dream, then this means that some event from the past haunts you. It's time to let go of the memories and live in the present.

  • If dead friends or relatives turned out to be alive in a dream, then serious changes have been outlined in life.
  • If they call, then there will be trouble with a mortal threat.
  • Are the dead in a dream cheerful and peaceful? You can not worry and completely entrust yourself to fate.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

If the deceased is extremely rare in dreams, then his sudden appearance may indicate a real danger or illness that threatens you or your loved ones.

Seeing a dead man come to life means that a problem that seemed solved and long forgotten will become relevant.

Especially significant is the vision in which he had a chance to talk with the deceased. Surprising as it may seem, but the conversation may be fraught with a question that is of interest not only to you, but also to the person who left this world. For example, if the deceased is interested in the fate of some living person.

Esoteric dream book

An unfamiliar dead man dreams of a change in the weather. Close relatives call for caution and prudence. A stubborn mother promises good luck, dad gives support.

  1. Friends encourage you to think about the meaning of your own existence.
  2. Barely familiar dead people warn that your pride and dignity may be infringed.
  3. If you dreamed that the dead man comes to life before your eyes, then in real life an unusual adventure awaits.
  4. If the dead are calling, then you will probably become seriously ill or have an accident. If you did not go to the call, then the danger could be avoided.
  5. If the dead man offers food, then you need to urgently run to the doctor. Eating with the dead - to death.

In general, it is better to refuse any offers that the dead make. It is enough to give yourself a clear instruction in this regard in reality, and in a dream the subconscious mind will strictly follow it.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The deceased usually dreams of precipitation or unexpected danger.

  • Give away expensive thing to a dead person or putting something in a coffin for him is a bad sign, you give away part of your energy; taking something from a dead person is a good omen, you are given a second chance to rectify the situation.
  • If in a dream people carry a coffin - expect trouble at work, if you carry - dismissals.
  • Lying with a dead man - to success, kissing him on the lips - to a happy romance, carrying him in your arms - to death, dressing - to illness, taking off your clothes - to the death of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If a dead person rages in a dream - expect trouble, a corpse in your house is a sign of danger, leaving home, check if the stove or iron is turned off, the likelihood of fire increases.

A seriously ill person dreams of a dead man approaching death.

  1. Kiss on the forehead - for forgiveness,
  2. carry in a coffin - to sadness,
  3. sleeping with him - to parting with your loved one,
  4. sleeping between two dead - to a serious illness,
  5. dress - to exacerbate chronic ailments.


People say if the deceased had a dream, then this is a change in the weather. But still, everything is not so simple and unambiguous with this image.

If a person believes in life after death and that our spirit is eternal, then meeting with the dead will surely bring warnings or help in problems that we cannot solve in the real world.

Here the effect of self-hypnosis is triggered, because what a person believes in, with those images, our subconscious mind operates, I draw pictures of dreams. Sometimes they (the deceased) come to us so that, at least in a dream, we can fulfill some kind of mission, do something for them - confess or apologize.

That is, to lighten your soul in every possible way. It is also possible, through the images of our departed ancestors, the memory of the family and our guardian angels are trying to reach us.

Dream Interpretation Longo

A dream involving the dead does not bode well.

The revived dead symbolizes problems and obstacles. A conversation with a dead person is a change in the weather. Another interpretation is also possible: one of the distant relatives or old friends is looking for you.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

The dead man is alive and dreams of talking - such a dream warns you of the troubles that will arise on your life path. What was discussed in a conversation with the deceased? This dream will give you the answer to the question from which area to expect problems.

The revived dead man - a long and eventful life awaits you.

  • Why is the revived dead man dreaming of visiting you - if the revived dead man is in your house and he is one of your friends - then you just yearn for this person in real life.
  • Why dream that the deceased gives money or something else - this person, if this is your friend, wants you to repeat his fate. If he gives you some advice, you should remember them and listen to them.
  • The deceased gives gifts in a dream - the interpretation of sleep depends on the thing that you received from him as a gift.
  • Dead relatives dream of being alive, calling with them - to illness, possibly death. Go after the dead, kiss them, hug them - the same thing.

Why do the dead relatives dream alive in a dream - these people want to support you, you may start to succeed. You will receive spiritual help and support. However, it is possible that you simply yearn for these people, therefore you see them alive in a dream and talk to them.

Russian folk dream book

  1. Dead man - Tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears.
  2. Seeing a living dead person, either to fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death to this person.
  3. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your guilt towards this person.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dead man - To the rain, changes in the weather; outside the coffin is a guest.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

  • Dead man - The dead man is crying. - portends a squabble, a quarrel.
  • You see a dead man standing, portends a great misfortune.
  • The dead man collapses with tears. - portends prosperity.
  • The dead man is alive. - portends news, a letter.
  • You see another person dead or yourself. - Fortunately.
  • You see your son dead. - There will be a joyful event with the addition.
  • You see your dead ancestors, respectable people. - Great happiness.
  • Accept condolences from other people. - Heralds the birth of a son, this is how the dead man is deciphered by the dream book, and everything that you dream about.

Modern dream book

Health and longevity, weather change.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

To see a dead man in a dream - Health, longevity.

Old Russian dream book

Dead man - Seeing in a dream portends a change in the weather.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why do the dead dream (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream) - In general - to a change in the weather; rest, peace of mind.

To take and give something from a dead person, take them away "to themselves" - very bad (unfortunately, serious illnesses death of loved ones or one's own).

Small Velesov dream book

  • The dead (dead fathers) - To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered;
  • deceased mother - a severe illness, grief;
  • dead man - you will get sick, you will overcome ducks, to bad weather (rain, snow), a quarrel, to a change of housing, bad news, to death (sick);
  • to meet the deceased - for good, luck // illness, death;
  • man - success; a woman - obstacles the dead came to life - obstacles in business, loss;
  • to be with the dead - to have enemies;
  • see the dead alive long summers// big trouble, illness;
  • to see the patient dead - he will recover.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

Deceased relatives - to talk to them in a dream - to find out the owl's future, because they want to warn you about something or give advice through a spiritual connection.

The dead relatives in the portrait are the personification of the fact that you have a spiritual connection with them. The deceased relatives - the fulfillment of your desires, you will be supported in your plans.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of someone close to you dead - the dream is a warning: you must steadfastly meet some kind of test, maybe even a loss.

To a person who has a dream about death, such a dream is sent as a warning. Talking in a dream with a deceased father is an encouragement to you to carefully consider the business you are starting, all the operations associated with it. The dream warns of intrigues planned by someone against you.

After such a dream, men and women should think over their behavior more judiciously and protect their reputation.

  1. A conversation in a dream with a deceased mother is perceived as a call to control one's inclinations, to pay attention to health. A conversation with a dead brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion.
  2. If someone who has died comes to you cheerful and lively in a dream, this means that you have organized your life incorrectly, that such serious mistakes that will affect your entire destiny, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them.
  3. If, in a conversation with a deceased relative, he tries to snatch some promise from you, the warning is that you must resist the coming despondency, a period of decline in business and listen more carefully to wise advice.
  4. The voice in a dream belonging to a deceased relative is the only real form a warning sent by an external force from the near future that our sleeping brain can perceive.

Even in Paracelsus, we find advice to pay great attention to what the shadows of deceased loved ones tell us in a dream: the sleeper can even receive advice from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought the desired results; the shadow of a deceased person close to us only awakens dormant parts of the brain, bringing to life the knowledge hidden in them.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

The dream in which you see your relatives as dead - portends them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead - such a dream portends a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on which foot you got up on.

  • Seeing your lover as a dead man portends a sad parting with him.
  • To see yourself dead if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream - to anxiety and disappointment, and if solemnly and with a lot of people - such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which a dreaming dead man committed suicide portends betrayal by your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What a sober man has in his mind, then a drunkard has on his tongue.”

  1. Seeing a drowned man or a victim of an accident means that you have a desperate struggle to maintain your property rights.
  2. A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, who have turned into ghouls, thirsty to drink your blood - such a nightmare portends many annoying troubles in your personal life and a worsening situation in society.
  3. Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment portends strife in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to malicious slander and slander.
  4. The deceased who fell out of the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall on him - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to him.
  5. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business.
  6. Washing and dressing the deceased - to illness, burying - they will return to you what you did not hope to get back.

What to do if the deceased often dreams

Some people after the funeral of a relative or good friend, girlfriends begin to appear as their phantoms (often the dead man dreams, usually at night, but it also happens in the daytime).

  • In order to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to open the door through which the body of the deceased was carried out, cross yourself three times and say, continuing further at this time to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross: “The kingdom of heaven, a bright place for the deceased servant (his full name). Righteous Lord, give rest to the restless soul. Amen, amen, amen."
  • Then close the door with your left hand, wash your hands with running water, and on the same day (the ritual is performed immediately after noon), be sure to visit the church on foot and put a candle there for the repose of this person.
  • All this day you need to fast, avoid various conflict situations give nothing to anyone and take nothing from anyone.

If you are worried about the deceased, you often dream, then take the poppy consecrated on Spas Makoveiny, scatter it at front door, in the hallway and around the yard.

  1. At the same time, say: “Servant of God (name of the deceased), until you collect the whole poppy, grow a new one out of it, do not come close to (the name of the one who is worried about the soul of the deceased)! May it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen".
  2. The next day, go to church, light a candle for the repose, order a funeral service, distribute a commemoration.
  3. When leaving the temple, you need to make a feasible donation.
  4. After that, go to church for 12 days in a row, light candles for the repose of the deceased, saying: “Lord, let the restless soul rest forever! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Passing (driving) past the cemetery, look at it with bated breath, say: “Kingdom of heaven!” and cross yourself.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to rain, change of weather; outside the coffin - a guest; known close person- messenger of fate; news of the wedding or good fortune of this person, if you see him in a coffin; unfamiliar in a coffin - to the benefit; resurrected - to trouble, loss; dies again - death by resemblance (name, appearance); resolution of the situation, if he is sleeping; the dead man is angry, making noise - to payback; takes something - unfortunately with loved ones or the sleeping person himself (if he takes clothes); gives - also to trouble, except for money - to wealth; the deceased gives food - to health or personal happiness; clothes - to patronage, well-being (depending on what kind of clothes); see coffin.

Why dream of death

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

if in usual form with a scythe on his shoulder - a sign of big changes in life; incredible news; birth of a child.

Death in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

see your own death in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will live for a long time. If you dreamed that your loved one was dying, then this is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life. Seeing the death of many people in a dream is a sign that humanity will live a long time. The end of the world, which is now much talked about, will not come for several millennia. If you dreamed that you were dying very important person in the world, then this dream prophesies confusion and unrest throughout the world. Most likely in the future, one very important person will really suddenly die, and immediately after his death, fierce fight behind political power, which will develop into a big civil, and maybe even a world war. Seeing the death of a sick person in a Dream means that in not so distant times a cure will be found for the plague of the 20th century - AIDS. Thanks to this medicine, a large number of infected people will be cured, and after a while this fatal disease will be destroyed on our planet. Seeing a person dying in a dream painful death, is a bad omen. Such a dream means that in the future a person will appear who, like Chikatilo, will kill a large number of people before he is discovered. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with cruel man maybe even a maniac. Seeing a person in a state of clinical death means that in the future something will happen to you that will take you out of balance for several years. You will absolutely not care what is happening in the world, in your country, city and even in your family.

Dreamed of death

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of someone close to you dead, the dream is a warning: you must steadfastly meet some kind of test, maybe even loss. Hearing the voice of a deceased friend in a dream is bad news. To a person who has a dream about death, such a dream is sent as a warning. Talking in a dream with a deceased father is an invitation to you to carefully consider the business you are starting, all the operations associated with it. The dream warns of intrigues planned by someone against you. After such a dream, men and women should think over their behavior more judiciously and protect their reputation. A conversation in a dream with a dead mother is perceived as a call to control one's inclinations, to pay attention to health. A conversation with a dead brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion. If someone who has died comes to you cheerful and lively in a dream, this means that you have organized your life incorrectly, that such serious mistakes are possible that will affect your entire destiny, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them. If, in a conversation with a deceased relative, he tries to snatch some promise from you, the warning is that you must resist the coming despondency, a period of decline in business and listen more carefully to wise advice. A voice in a dream belonging to a deceased relative is the only real form of warning sent by an external force from the near future that our sleeping brain can perceive. Even in Paracelsus, we find advice to pay great attention to what the shadows of deceased loved ones tell us in a dream: the sleeper can even receive advice from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought the desired results; the shadow of a deceased person close to us only awakens dormant parts of the brain, bringing to life the knowledge hidden in them.

See death in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about death are not so rare, although if such dreams visited us constantly, then, perhaps, the stability of real life would be shaken. Dreams about death often cause derealization: a dream can continue while you watch it from the side, otherwise you will wake up at the time of death. The thought of one's own death is always disturbing. Most of us don't bother to think emotionally about preparing for death - we see death as a powerful enemy to be avoided; in front of her face, we feel uncomfortable. By the way, how did you die in your sleep and do you blame anyone for your death? These are very important questions. Seeing a dead loved one / loved one in a dream can be for various reasons. Perhaps you genuinely care about that person's well-being. Death is symbolic if you simultaneously struggle with a feeling of love and repressed anger towards this person. And, finally, the death of people dear to you can mark the end of a relationship: for example, if not one of your relatives dies, but the person with whom you had a loving romantic relationship. The death of strangers is a continuation and transition of various aspects of your Self. Therefore, it does not interfere with determining where this stranger / stranger came from, whether you are deeply touched by death or perceived it as something ordinary. Perhaps the central issue is the disorder of your life. In this case, look at who else, besides you, has been affected by death and how you relate to your brothers in grief - this is very important. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand oneself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotypical perception of others does not match reality?

Why dream of death

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

new acquaintance (for a woman); completion of cases; died (one of the relatives) - to leave.

Why dream about death

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that a long happy life awaits you with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God's messenger on Earth. If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon to power in one of developed countries the globe a wise ruler will come who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants of different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other. If a sick person dies in a dream, then in the future you will face monstrous injustice. You will be offered a profitable deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make. See death in a dream a large number people is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of inhabitants of the globe will die. A cure for this disease will be found by a person whose opinion is now not heeded. Seeing in a dream a person dying a painful death is a harbinger nuclear war, which the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe will start. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death. If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, then you long time you will be in the dark about the plans of your old acquaintances. Unfortunately, they will bring their plans to life, as a result of which you will suffer very much.

Dreamed of a funeral

according to Miller's dream book

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of the good health of your loved ones; a happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it's raining and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news soon, as well as a decline in business. If you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know, then unexpected complications in relations with people are possible. The funeral of your child portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Why dream of a funeral

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a successful outcome, for the wedding; they bury you - long life; the deceased is alive - an invitation to the wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession due to personal).


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

To see a corpse in a dream means that you will quickly and recklessly marry and be unhappy.

Dreamed of a corpse

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a corpse in a dream is unfortunate, since this dream is a harbinger of sad news. Poor business prospects are possible. The young man is waiting for disappointment and lack of pleasure. Seeing the deceased dressed in black is a sign of the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business. Seeing corpses on the battlefield portends a war and, in general, a complication of relations between countries and political groups. Seeing the corpse of an animal portends an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being. Seeing one of your family members dead portends an illness to one of your close relatives or a break in family relationships. For lovers, this is a sure sign that they will not be able to keep their sacred vows to each other. To close the eyes of the deceased with coins in a dream means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary impotence. If you put a coin on only one eye, you will be able to recover lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. For a young woman, this dream portends grief after she trusts dishonorable people. If a young woman sees the owner of the store in which she works in the coffin, the dream portends her fan's cooling towards her. If in a dream the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls, the dream is a sign of future intrigues against it. If a coffin with a corpse is in the hall of the store, the dream portends losses and troubles that will affect so many. Sleep encourages - to a more sober assessment of their actions.

What is the dream of a corpse

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

separation, if familiar; unfamiliar - good luck; (for a woman) - cooling of relations; breaks up - good, good; many corpses and no bad feelings - unexpected things, success in an unexpected place; own - happy marriage; completion of affairs.

People are often afraid of dreams in which they see the dead. Many people think that the dead dream of trouble, so such dreams often cause discomfort. Psychic Elena Yasevich told on her website about what the dead dream of, and what to do if such dreams are a frequent occurrence for you.

Why dream of a dead man alive

Seeing a dead person in a dream- not always a bad sign. According to Elena Yasevich, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, dead people come in a dream for a reason. Such dreams can be called prophetic.

In order to unravel the meaning of sleep, you need to pay attention to all the details and little things you see.

Elena Yasevich recommends listening to what the dead man says in a dream. The soul of a dead person can warn about something or give guidance. Follow the advice given in the dream. This may solve many of your problems.

If a dead person gives you something- this is a good sign. Such a dream may portend quick luck or the resolution of an important matter for you.

If the dead man calls for himself in a dream you can't follow him. According to Elena Yasevich, such a dream is a harbinger of trouble. Also, the kiss of the deceased can portend trouble. In this case, you need to go to the grave of the deceased, or put a candle in the church for the repose of the soul. This will help to pay off the grief that the dead man, seen in a dream, predicted.

You can’t give something to the dead, otherwise it can bring you trouble and even serious illness.

If the dead person comes in a dream very often, and this worries you, you just need to break the energy connection with the deceased person. To do this, you need to get rid of all the things of the deceased in your house and be sure to change all the mirrors.

The dead man can come and through your fault. Probably, your deceased relative, during his lifetime, told you something important, asked for something or gave you parting words. Fulfill the request of the deceased, and then he will no longer disturb you.

Do not be afraid of your dreams. The dead in a dream usually come when they have some unfinished business left in our world, or someone is holding them with their thoughts. Release those who are no longer in this world and live in the present and the future. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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