Find the key: signs. The sign of "losing the keys": popular beliefs, interpretation, tips for neutralizing negative consequences

Keys in modern time open the locks in the house, car, bedside table and even the heart. Owners lose keys and worry about property. The superstitious find them on the ground and smile involuntarily. According to the sign, finding the key means that new opportunities will open very soon. But if you lose it - it's not scary at all! Changes are coming that will require decisiveness from a person.

What does the key represent

This is not just a metal, plastic or magnetic thing that can be replaced when lost. This is something that opens up not only doors for a person, but also opportunities, these are new ways, solutions, power. It is not for nothing that heroes in certain cities are given the key to the city for great merit, that is, this is an expression of trust and authority. Even the transition to another dimension, life, is overcoming a certain portal, which requires a master key to open.

The keys are spiritual power, power, as the Christians say. For the Japanese, it is a symbol of prosperity. AT Ancient Egypt Ankh means immortality, so it is held in the hands of the Gods. Janus kept the key to all locks, doors and gates.

Why would you want to lose your keys

Losing the keys to the house is a completely harmless sign. If we exclude some everyday adventures in changing the lock, then in general the omen is good, it promises well-being. Young hearts will find their soul mate, businessmen - profitable deals. In general, these are changes, however, it is not specified in what ways to achieve these changes.

Attention! The only warning for mothers who have lost the key. Superstition can turn into a loss of control over children, misunderstanding.

But forewarned is forearmed. It is worth showing patience and attention to children of any age, and they will treat their mother with gratitude.

Also, you should be careful about the sign if it happened on the eve of a big trip - if possible, it is postponed or carried out as safely as possible.

If the sign happened on the eve of an important matter - an exam, a meeting, as well as a move, a wedding, everything will go smoothly.

Why would you drop the keys in front of the door

Surprisingly, if the keys fell in front of the door - the omen is often unkind. It promises trouble, although you can determine when they will occur.

Attention! If you drop the key in front of front door at the exit, that is, going on the road, it means that they expect trouble in the planned affairs.

If they slipped out of the hands at the threshold on their return, chores and problems are expected at home.

The only catch with the signs that the keys fell to the floor is that it is impossible to determine exactly how great the troubles brought by it. It can be domestic misadventures, a leaky faucet, or maybe a trouble that has broken through. This can result in the loss of a small bill of money or a wallet with all documents.

Why do you want to find the key

Finding a key is akin to picking it up to the right door. In other words, such a find promises a solution existing problem, resolution of tasks and implementation of plans. However, one condition should be observed - this is not to raise them, because they may lie there for special reasons. They could be used in conspiracies. Thus, finding a key used by magic is a sign that will turn out badly if you pick it up.

What does it mean to find a key on the road

For example, a lockpick found on the road could mean that it was used in a ritual. Most likely, the ritual "locked" something, so to take the find means to take over everything locked. It is unlikely that someone will lock up happiness and well-being, so you should not take the hit. It is certainly possible that someone has lost his lockpick, but it is very unlikely that he will report the loss and offer a reward for returning it. No need to take risks and take them.

What does it mean to find a bunch of keys

A bunch of master keys is a good find if they are all intact, not broken. It means that old problems that seem already chronic will soon be solved. The long-awaited white streak will come, and past failures will dissipate by themselves. You can safely start planning new goals, their implementation promises a minimum of obstacles, all ways to achieve it will be open. Also, the sign is good for relationships, or rather, a bunch of keys signals that ties can be strengthened.

And yet there is one "but". If there is a broken key in the bundle, this phenomenon warns the superstitious that he should control himself, remember that solving problems was not always so easy. Otherwise, you can easily fall into the networks of a scammer.

And you can also count the number of master keys in a bunch. So, two things will call trouble if you touch them. Three - they will call Fortune, and if among them one is small, replenishment in the family circle is likely. Four keys prevent parting and further loneliness, so it is better to bypass such a find.

What does it mean to find a rusty key

Finding a rusty key is a sign that is magically good. Not in the sense that it's time to start witchcraft, but in the fact that this is the most successful find. This is the only case when you need to take the key with you. At home, the trophy is kept for some time under running tap water, dried under the sun, and then it must be hidden from everyone so that the rich energy serves the superstitious. By the way, it is noted that such a gift of fate is calculated from the size. The larger the master key, the richer it will bring a surprise.

What does it mean to find an old key

If someone has lost the key, he has to quickly replace the locks at home with new ones. He is recommended to get rid of the old keys as soon as possible so that they do not take away the energy of the household. It follows that finding the old key is a sign that, although it promises good changes, but only when this key is not touched. Usually, it is on the old master keys that they guess, transfer family troubles to them and get rid of the negative. Therefore, it would be unwise to take other people's problems for yourself.

What does it mean to find someone else's keys

The place where the master keys were found matters. So, if a superstitious person spotted someone else's bunch in thick grass, then he will receive a tempting offer either on an existing one or on new job. Lockpicks hanging on branches or bushes for a noisy pastime. To find such on a path in the forest means soon to meet a sympathetic good man who will do something important and useful for the superstitious.

What does it mean to find your keys to the apartment

As it turned out, the sign of losing the keys to the apartment is a good one. Finding your own bunch even after changing the locks is still a good omen. If on this stage life is quite stable, not problematic, superstition says that it is time to embark on a new path, open new doors. If something does not add up, the sign gives strength and hope to the superstitious, saying that there is a way out of any situation, and in this case, the superstitious one himself found the way out.

What does the omen mean to find the key: interpretation by time

Signs regarding the search for keys do not come true immediately, they need time to take effect. So, the find in the morning and in the afternoon delays the results of superstition for about a couple of months. Finding master keys in the evening or at night - the omen will take effect only after six months.

You can also pay attention to the day on which the superstitious stumbled upon the master keys lost by someone. So, if they are found on Monday, we can expect improvements in labor area- promotion, bonus, new contract. On Tuesday, find master keys - soon meet a new acquaintance, useful and responsive. On Wednesdays, they promise success in the intellectual sphere, as if it were studies, courses, advanced training. Not bad to find them on Thursday, then there will be a cash replenishment. And on Friday to find them means to try your luck in romantic zeal. On Saturdays, the omen marks changes, and the changes are dizzying, but good, happy. Sunday omens promise health if someone close is unwell. In this case, he will recover soon, even if the doctors predicted a long torment.

What to do with the find

Due to the fact that the found master keys promise good luck, it may occur to the superstitious to pick them up and keep them as a lucky trophy.

Attention! Found someone else's keys are not picked up. The risk that they used in conspiracies or rituals is too high, which means that they contain negativity, which will immediately pass to the superstitious upon contact.

Separately, it is noted that they do not take the find from the reservoirs, since this is also a ritual, probably to lock up bad luck. That is, there is definitely a negative in these master keys.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

The worst of signs is to drop a bunch. To neutralize it, you need to throw the keys on the floor again.

If the found bundle or a separate master key is very much to your liking, it is allowed to take it, but at home for some time such a gift must be kept under pouring water, “cleaned” with a candle flame and buried in flower pot for a few days.


According to the sign, finding the key can predict good intentions from fate. Lose - to amenities and acquaintances. It is not good to drop them, but if this happens, you need to drop them again intentionally, esotericists say that the negative consequences are neutralized in this way.

To find a master key means to find ways to solve exciting issues. The location of the keys, the quantity and the condition matter. Broken is bad, but rusty is great! The find is usually not picked up, but the old rusty ones should be brought home, cleaned and hidden, then they will bring good luck. And in order to more accurately predict the meaning of signs, you need to remember when and at what time they were found.

There are many signs and superstitions about the finds. Of course, having found other people's things, one should be careful with them, because they store the energy of their owner, and who knows what kind of curse they contain.


The key is a very unusual and mysterious find. Many peoples believe that this is the highest sign and the passage to new world. But discovery of keys is not always unambiguous, much depends on the place, the quality of the items found. Main signs:

  1. Finding the keys means changes in the near future, most likely pleasant ones. You should clean the keys from dirt, dust, store them in a dark place and you should not tell anyone about the find, otherwise luck may go away.
  2. Broken keys. A bad sign, this is a warning about possible theft and fraud. Also, broken keys warn that a dark streak will soon come with large quantity difficulties.
  3. Finding a bunch of keys indicates a quick way out of a difficult situation. This symbolizes the strengthening of family relationships and the imminent end dark stripe in life. You should carefully review the bundle, if one of the keys is broken, perhaps meanness or deceit awaits you.
  4. If you have found your long-lost private key. Perhaps soon you will receive a large sum of money. Luck will not leave you.
  5. Finding new keys is a symbol of good luck and success, opening up new perspectives and opportunities. Old, shabby - be careful, changes and difficulties are expected. You should not touch very old keys with your hands, they will bring grief and disappointment, it is better to just walk by.
  6. A rusty key speaks of the imminent end of difficulties and unexpected luck and good luck. Such a plan, the keys must be picked up and carried home. This is the Universe sending a sign about imminent changes in better side. The keys should be washed in the spring, kept in the wind and sun and hidden in a secluded place.

Place of discovery

In finding the key important role plays the place. In no case should you touch the keys lying at the intersection. After all, it is at the crossroads that sorcerers perform their rituals, and who knows what kind of aura this object has. The same applies to the keys found at the bottom of the lake's river. Usually, love magic associated with water, locks the heart to the castle. Do not test your karma for strength, do not touch the key at the bottom.

To believe in signs or not - everyone decides for himself. But it should not be denied that in our life there are many phenomena that cannot be described from the point of view of science. Believe in miracles and the Universe will not leave you without attention.

From time immemorial, folk beliefs and customs have given great importance key symbol. It is believed that this is a sign of something new and unknown, a harbinger of change, a transition to a new quality. This subject is associated with the opportunities that open up before a person, new knowledge, a change of beliefs.

AT different cultures the interpretation of the symbol may vary. For example, Japanese sages believe that this device for opening doors is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. In Christianity, the key is interpreted as a link between the worlds.

Signs about the keys originated in ancient times. They all carry positive value, but still with this subject should be more careful. Misuse or abuse of divination can backfire. For an accurate omen, you need to consider a number of factors that bind you to the keys.


What does it mean to find the keys? Should they be raised? Does the interpretation depend on the circumstances surrounding the find? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Sometimes, while walking, we accidentally find something on the street. You should not pass by, it is better to pay attention to this item - perhaps this is a sign. The sign of finding the key is considered good. Consider the predictions for the days of the week:

  • Finding a find on Monday means a fast road. You will probably go on a journey that you have been waiting for a long time, or meet your family. In any case, the trip promises to be useful and enjoyable.
  • Why find him on a Tuesday? Definitely, this promises you a cash increase, enrichment. Perhaps you will receive a bonus at work, win the lottery, or get an old forgotten debt returned to you. It is important to correctly distribute the funds received - it is better to invest them in something to receive a subsequent, much larger profit.
  • If the item came across on your way on Wednesday, wait for a meeting with an old acquaintance. An unexpected encounter with him will bring good news that you have been waiting for. If you receive an offer, it is better to accept it. Perhaps now it will not seem particularly attractive, but in the future it will bear fruit.
  • Finding a key on Thursday on the street means getting to know each other. For women, it will be romantic in nature and in the future may result in something serious. For men, this meeting will bring success in their careers, new opportunities, promising connections.
  • Finding a key lost by someone on Friday is good luck. Use it wisely, but don't abuse your luck. Try to take part in the lottery, gambling. People who are overly gambling should be careful, otherwise you may frighten off success.
  • If someone lost a piece of stamped metal you came across on Saturday, get ready for a big purchase. Real estate, a car, or something else, no less expensive - any purchase will be successful and bring you only joy.
  • Did you find it on Sunday? upcoming work week it will seem easy to you: there will be little work, and it will bring only pleasure.

In addition to the day of the week when the find happened, you should pay attention to the signs of this item. If it is old and rusty, then you will learn an old secret. loved one. The information may shock you, but you should not express your opinion directly, try not to offend the interlocutor. Found a new brilliant key - expect changes in life. Most likely, you will change jobs to more profitable and close to your heart. New perspectives will open before you - immediately use them.

Found a bunch of keys on the road? Pay attention to your health. You should visit a doctor, undergo a preventive examination. It also does not hurt to strengthen your immunity, support the body by taking vitamins. Do not neglect rest and try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Many people wonder whether it is worth raising other people's keys. In order to avoid consequences, it is better not to do this. There are special key conspiracies when a person, together with him, throws out all the bad things from his life. If you stumble upon such a case, other people's troubles can pass to you along with the item found.

As they say folk predictions, finding the key is a great omen. Believe it or not - you decide.


There are situations when you cannot find such an important thing as a key in your pocket or bag, and you start to get nervous and worried. In this case, it is worth looking at everything from the other side.

It turns out that losing the key is a good omen. Despite the additional expense associated with replacing the lock, beliefs about keys promise only pluses. It is likely that soon you will hit a big jackpot in the form of monetary reward. It is recommended to spend this money exclusively on yourself. Buy what you have long dreamed of, pamper yourself. This purchase will bring you true joy.

If you have found your lost keys, wait for the addition to the family. This may affect you personally or members of your family.

Forgot this item in the castle? For a young girl or guy, this means meeting your love, having a romantic relationship, losing your head. For others, this is a sign of positive change. At first, you may not think that these changes are particularly successful, but they must be accepted, as you will get a good result later. If a businessman forgot this item in the castle, a change in business awaits him: he will have a chance to significantly increase his well-being.

You can be sure that the sign of losing the keys does not carry anything negative. And if you believe in good omens, they will definitely come true.

Other situations

It is impossible to consider all situations and predictions associated with the keys. Below we describe in more detail the most common of them:

  • If you managed to drop the keys - try to pay more attention to your family and friends. Call your parents, spend time with friends, visit your grandmother. This sign speaks of the loss of ties, the cooling of relationships. Before it's too late, restore them.
  • You left the apartment, and your keys fell in front of the door? Soon you will go on a journey. You can start preparing for this, the trip promises to be interesting and exciting.
  • Faced with the fact that the key is broken? Pay attention to your surroundings. There is a person next to you who weaves intrigues, spreads gossip and envy you. Most likely, you have already guessed this for a long time. Minimize communication with this person, it will do you good.
  • Found that the item is rusty? Look forward to good changes family life. Resolving conflicts within the family, getting out of contentious situations - all this awaits you in the near future.

Due to the fact that such a symbol as a key is given great value since ancient times, you can trust the signs about them. But do not forget about precautions: if you find a loss, change the lock as soon as possible to avoid trouble in the future.

Write your opinion

In magic, a key is an object that symbolizes a given power, knowledge and path. In ancient times, a bunch of keys acted as a way to communicate with the gods and allowed contact with subtle worlds. Many signs have been preserved among the people about what awaits a person if the key is found. There are also recommendations on how to deal with the find so that it brings good luck and luck.

Sign to find the key

Suddenly discovered keys have always been harbingers of future changes, so if you suddenly found a key, then you can expect changes to take place in your life soon, and they can touch different sides. But whether these changes with such a find will be favorable depends on where, when and what keys you find. FROM appearance the key that you managed to find is directly related to what awaits you ahead:

  • often according to folklore good change promise, if you find the keys are completely new, retaining their metallic luster, such chance find promises future success, promises the fulfillment of your desires, may mark the upcoming move to a new place, and also means positive changes in the work area and climbing the career ladder, luck will not turn away from the personal sphere of life,
  • old keys are not advised to be lifted at all, as well-established beliefs about them warn that if you find and take used keys that have grown old over time, then you take on difficulties and problems former owner key, often on the old ones is deliberately done magical corruption, and it becomes the object of a lining, the keys scratched and darkened by time bring anxieties and obstacles.

These basic beliefs apply to whatever clues you can find to non-residential premises or a residential apartment, from truck or a car.

Most pleasing among the signs explaining what to find the keys to, those that promise some kind of find from the find beneficial effects. Among such successful finds there are a number of situations.

A rare luck that promises sudden wealth, such as an inheritance and something like that, is to find a rusty key. At the same time, the more you find in size, the more you can expect from your unexpected rusty find. According to the existing belief, such a find should be picked up as soon as possible, brought into the house and hidden in a secluded place so that no one would find it.

The discovered bunch of keys will solve all your impending problems in the near future, and you will be able to get out of deadlocks. Newly acquired ligaments carry with them the strengthening of marital and friendly relationships. Such a find may portend the appearance of long-forgotten or even completely unknown relatives.

You should be careful if one of the keys in the bundle suddenly breaks. According to popular belief, this warns of a possible attack on you by scammers and robbers.

Keys found at home promise well-being

It happens that the house finds its own, previously lost, keys, and this sign is very favorable. It means a quick change from a black stripe to a white one, a transition to the next stage of development, the beginning of a new life span. With the existing severe life situation own key found at home will be a good harbinger of her permission.

Discovered keys can not only be a source of happy moments, but sometimes have unfavorable consequences for those who find them.

Do not rush to pick up the key on the street at the intersection of roads, because the intersection is the place where magical pads are most often left. With the help of such magical rituals, experienced sorcerers transfer ailments and misfortunes from one object. magical influence another. For these reasons, it is not recommended to touch objects found at the intersection.

lying around in natural reservoir(lake, river) the key can also act as an object previously used in black magic rituals. Such keys lock the misfortunes pursuing the object of magic, and their new owners take all the misfortunes for themselves as soon as they take this charmed object into their own hands.

The value of signs with the discovery of keys is also associated with the time when they were discovered:

  • if you managed to find a metal find in the morning or at noon, then this means that some kind of happy event, for example, financial profit or maybe even a housewarming
  • when a chance find falls in the evening, then the sign predicts overcoming obstacles that still prevent you from moving further along your life path,
  • the keys found at night become a sign for you to think about how you live, to reconsider your attitude towards yourself and your behavior, so as not to make a fatal mistake in the near future, which will turn your entire worldview in a negative direction, it will be much difficult to correct it.

You can find the key in a dream. Dreams, where you find such a find, are harbingers of joyful life changes and good news related to solving housing issues. Among other folk signs about an object found in a dream - replenishment in the family, especially if a young woman had such a dream.

Convinced by the signs that the key you discovered is auspicious sign, promising good events, the item can be picked up. However, it should not be left just like that, because the object that previously belonged to someone belonged to someone for some time and gained energy. For the find to bring desired result, promised by signs, the found item needs to be cleaned. You can do this in one of the commonly used ways:

  • water - such a cleaning of the find from someone else's energy involves holding it for some time under a stream of running water,
  • earth - in this cleaning option, the key is buried for a day, for example, in a home pot with a flower,
  • fire - this means to ignite an object in the flame of a church candle.

After cleaning your metal find, it can be used in the house as a family amulet.

To receive the promised signs positive changes they try to carry the found key with them in their pocket, in a bag or in conjunction with other private keys.

The sign "find the key" often promises a person an easy solution to a problem, joy, improvement financial well-being, sudden luck. We will analyze what to expect for the finder, depending on the type of key and its location.

The key is a magical item. Often used in conspiracies, rituals to attract wealth, eliminate rivals, remove damage. Popular beliefs connect the presented metal object with secrets, the other world. Such a find may portend:

  1. Obtaining benefits, wealth, sudden good luck. It needs to be talked about if a beautiful clean key to the house is found.
  2. For unmarried - a quick meeting with the betrothed, a wedding.
  3. Problem resolution. Such an interpretation is possible if the key is found in an unexpected place.
  4. Troubles, the onset of a dark streak in life. A bad interpretation of the omen is appropriate if a person has picked up an old bent key.
  5. Early pregnancy, childbirth. The interpretation presented has a dream in which a woman finds a key.

A special role in the interpretation of signs is played by the place where such objects were found. The most dangerous are the keys at the reservoirs, crossroads - they are associated with the other world, they can bring trouble to a person. The same features are attributed to things drawn from the well.

They also have their own keys. magical properties. The sign "to find the key lost by the person himself" promises an early solution to difficult issues, the end of the black stripe. You can rejoice - failures, financial losses, disagreements with loved ones will remain in the past.

Find other people's keys - a sign

This sign is interpreted in different ways:

  1. If a person was lucky enough to find a new key, a change in life awaited him. The lucky one could change jobs to a more profitable one, move, get married.
  2. If the object is rusty, but not bent - great luck. This type of key was used as a talisman. It is believed that it brings extraordinary luck, gives the opportunity to win the lottery, successfully buy an apartment. The larger this item, the larger the luck will be.
  3. An old bent key is a big nuisance. It is strictly forbidden to raise such a product - the product carries the negative of the previous owner, it can bring trouble, deprivation, illness.

Special place in folk omens has a bunch of keys. She promises a person well-being, the resolution of several problematic issues simultaneously.

The timing of finding a magic item is also important:

  1. If the event happened in the morning, in the afternoon - expect profit, housewarming, the arrival of relatives. The event will be joyful, will be remembered for a long time.
  2. An evening find promises a solution to problems.
  3. At night, the positive effect of signs weakens. Belief says - pay attention to own actions, you're not right.

In order for the find to bring you only benefit, do this:

  1. Clear the key of negativity. Rinse the thing under running water, imagining that all the bad things are leaving it. Bury in the ground for a day (a flower pot will do), rinse again.
  2. Decorate the item. Cover the key with gold, tie a bright ribbon.

After the cleaning procedure, the find can be used as a talisman. Speak it, wear it as a decoration, or tie it to a bunch of your own keys.

Find the key along the way

The sign "Find the keys on the street" is interpreted in two ways:

  1. If a similar product is found at an intersection, a person may be threatened otherworldly forces. Similar keys are used in rituals. Raising this is considered a big failure - you can take on damage, a curse, a love spell. Along with the thing, the person will also pick up the entities that managed to get paid off for the ritual performed. This promises loss of money, failures, health problems.
  2. A key lying on a flat stretch of road or a small street, on the contrary, indicates good luck. You will be able to resolve problems that have long weighed on you, get an increase in your salary, and improve relations with relatives.

Remember, the signs presented will work if you decide to pick up the find from the ground. If it does not bode well for you, just ignore the object lying on the road. This should be done even if the find repels you, causes negative associations, seems ugly, unattractive. The keys, next to which lies a trifle, are dangerous - such are used in magical rites.

Find a wrench - a sign

The presented type of tools is not used in magical rites, therefore it cannot be considered as a separate sign. This sign is considered neutral. If you were lucky enough to find a key with suitable parameters to perform urgent repair work consider it a godsend. Rusty bent wrenches should be ignored. It is believed that such things bring negativity into the house, provoke health problems. A brand new thing attracts good luck, if it is properly cleaned and spoken.

Find car keys

The car key indirectly refers to the signs presented. It also indicates changes in a person's life. However, you should not pick it up, carry it home. Such keys are often thrown away after car theft or other illegal actions. By picking up such a thing, you run the risk of incurring trouble, becoming a suspect in a criminal case. And this is definitely a bad omen.

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