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Chinese gadgets have long ceased to be associated with something bad. Today, brands such as Xiaomi, Huawei or Meizu have broken the stereotype. The products of these manufacturers are almost the leader in sales in the international market.

1st place - Xiaomi Mi Band 2 (2000 rubles)

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

This is the best offer on the market. Moreover, the device is good not only among Chinese models.

The model is made in a minimalistic design. There is a main capsule with built-in sensors and a small screen with a diagonal of 0.42 inches. The durable silicone case no longer tears (in the previous version of the model it was torn). There are sensors: accelerometer, built-in heart rate monitor. Well, the functionality of the bracelet fully satisfies the needs of users: there is monitoring of physical activity, sleep and calories, not to mention various notifications. An ideal model that is not afraid of water and is durable.

Separately, it is worth noting the cool battery - it holds a charge for a very long time (about 2 weeks). All sensors work like clockwork, the device is distinguished by high-quality assembly and design and fully justifies its money. In fact, he even has no competitors, not only in his price category, but also in the category above. Recommended first.

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2nd place - Huawei TalkBand B2 Premium (10500-11000 rubles)

The next worthy Chinese gadget is Huawei TalkBand B2 Premium, the price of which is 5 times higher than the cost of the previous bracelet. A distinctive feature of the model is a leather strap and the possibility of using it as a Bluetooth headset. This means that the “capsule” itself can be unfastened from the strap and inserted into the ear (everything is visible in the picture).

Of the sensors, there is only an accelerometer, which will allow you to monitor physical activity, sleep, calories. There is also a notification function for sms, weather, vibration. Reviews are good. The main thing is that the device works well as a fitness tracker and smart alarm clock. It really does make waking up easier. The assembly is excellent: there are no backlashes. You can wash your hands with a bracelet - nothing happens to it.

There are also disadvantages. If used as a headset, then the interlocutors complain of poor hearing (there are relevant reviews). The accelerometer is not always accurate. It measures steps even when the user is in a minibus, for example. And lastly, the screen is unreadable in the sun.

In general, the device is good, but far from perfect. If it cost at least 2 times cheaper, then one could say that its quality and functionality correspond to the cost. But at a price of 11 thousand rubles, it’s impossible to say so, alas.

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3rd place - Huawei Honor Band A1 (1600-1900 rubles)

Inexpensive and simple bracelet from Huawei worth 1900 rubles. Because of its simplicity, it is affordable on the market and is popular, although not very big.

Of the sensors, there is only an accelerometer, which allows you to monitor the phase of sleep, physical activity. There is a vibration and a notification function for receiving an SMS message and an incoming call.

Externally, the gadget looks great, holds a charge for a long time, instantly reports an incoming call, and the alarm clock works very clearly. As for the minuses, we can highlight the lack of notifications from third-party programs: viber, telegram, etc. He can only notify about sms and call.

In fact, the device is worth the money, but is far from the most functional. Therefore, its price is small. But yes, we can recommend it.

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4th place - Meizu Bong 2P HR (1800 rubles)

One of the best Chinese fitness bracelets with a heart rate monitor and a constant heart rate measurement function. At the same time, the price of 1800 rubles looks ridiculous.

In fact, this is not even a smart bracelet, but a heart rate monitor that accurately determines the level of heart rate. He also knows how to measure the physical activity of the owner, monitors sleep and calories. It can also notify you of an incoming call.

It is worth noting that the model has not collected a sufficient number of reviews, so we cannot indicate its advantages and disadvantages. But judging by the technical characteristics, the device is very worthy. A heart rate monitor with a constant heart rate measurement for only 1800 rubles is a rarity.

Video review:

5th place - Huawei TalkBand B3 Active (11-13 thousand rubles)

We gave the last place in the ranking of the best Chinese fitness bracelets to the Huawei TalkBand B3 Active model, which will cost at least 11 thousand rubles. Of course, the price is high and, in our opinion, is not fully justified, which is why we put it in 5th place.

Of the sensors, there is only an accelerometer that monitors physical activity. There is no heart rate monitor, which is a minus. For that kind of money, he must be here. The device can notify about sms, weather, and there is also a microphone and a speaker. This means that it can be used as a Bluetooth headset.

Yes, the model is not bad in principle, but it is unreasonably expensive, which explains the low popularity on the market and a very small number of reviews.

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How many calories do you spend per day? How many steps do you take? Does your pulse rise to critical values? Everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle and goes in for sports should know the answers to these questions. It is not difficult to control your body at the current level of technology development - there are fitness bracelets that are inexpensive or almost inexpensive, weigh little, synchronize with a smartphone and can count steps, calories, determine sleep phases, and then submit all the information collected during the day in the form of convenient graphs and tables. It is very simple, fast, informative and important for keeping yourself in optimal shape - it remains only to find the most suitable model. We have analyzed the vast market for these gadgets and are in a hurry to present you the most interesting and best fitness bracelets of 2017.

The basis of any fitness tracker is an accelerometer., a sensor that responds to movement. It transmits the information it receives to the application on the smartphone, which is responsible for interpreting the sensor readings into steps and calories. As a rule, the synchronization of the bracelet and the smartphone occurs via Bluetooth. Note that There is an accelerometer in almost every modern smartphone. Does this mean it can be used as a fitness tracker? Theoretically, of course, it is possible, but then the smartphone will constantly have to be carried closer to the body (in your pocket, for example), take it with you for jogging and to the pool, which, to put it mildly, is not very convenient. A replacement for a fitness bracelet can be smart watch, but they cost many times more, and their tasks are different, so for a sports person, a fitness bracelet is best suited.

When choosing, it is worth studying the functionality of the model and understanding what you really need from the tracker, and what functions you definitely won’t use. Modern fitness bracelets can:

In addition to functionality, when choosing, pay attention to the following parameters:

When buying, find out with what operating systems the tracker can work, and also check the supported versions. As a rule, there are no problems, unless, of course, you have Android 2.0.

Well, now, let's move on to the most interesting.

The best fitness bracelets of 2017

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The first version of the bracelet gained wide popularity among users due to the fact that it had the necessary set of functions, was thoughtful and inexpensive. Not so long ago, Xiaomi Mi Band 2, the second generation of the famous tracker, was released. This time the Chinese manufacturer has pleased users the presence of a screen. It is small, only 0.42 inches, black and white, but allows you to always know the time, so you can not wear a regular watch. If you press the touch button below the display, you can find out information about the steps taken, heart rate, calories burned and the gadget's charge level. The user will be able to receive on the bracelet notifications from apps and about calls, you can set the vibration.

The functionality of the bracelet remained basic. The accelerometer and heart rate monitor allow you to measure the distance traveled, monitor sleep (there is no smart alarm clock) and count calories burned. 70 mAh batteries should be enough for 20 days of work.

The bracelet is made of silicone, presented in several colors, weighs only 7 g, It has moisture protection class IP67 and water resistant WR30. The strap was made long to please as many users as possible. The icing on the cake is the price - about 2000 rubles, but when ordering directly from China it will be even cheaper. If after a couple of months the bracelet gets tired, it will not be a pity for the money spent, because the amount is small.

Healbe GoBe 2

interesting novelty from a domestic manufacturer. The history of the tracker is quite rich. It all started in 1999, when a group of enthusiasts began researching a non-invasive blood glucose control method, and everything turned out to be the creation of a fitness bracelet. The first version, however, was not very successful, but the guys corrected themselves and present us with an interesting gadget, the functionality of which goes beyond the usual fitness bracelet.

The device received record number of sensors - 5 pieces. In addition to the accelerometer and gyroscope, it uses a piezo sensor, a bioimpedance sensor, and a galvanic skin response sensor. In addition to counting the pulse, steps and calories burned, the bracelet can determine how many calories were consumed. To do this, you do not have to enter data about each meal - the gadget does everything by itself, using the patented technology of non-invasive glucose control. The manufacturer promises that the bracelet will be able to determine the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed using the data received from the piezoelectric sensor. Based on calories consumed and expended energy balance.

The bracelet has already been presented by V.V. Putin in the summer of 2017, so the future of the gadget is great. Manufacturers plan to introduce the device to various factories and industries to monitor the physical condition of workers and control stress levels.

Another interesting feature is hydration level control. The mechanism works like this: the gadget's sensors send current micropulses to the upper layers of the skin, due to which the amount of interstitial fluid is recorded. If you wish, you can set up reminders to drink water regularly. Bracelet taught assess sleep quality according to data from the heart rate monitor, accelerometer and gyroscope. As a result, the user receives information not only about the phases of sleep, but also about how calm he was at night and recommendations for improving sleep. There is smart alarm clock: you set the time when you need to wake up, and the device will be in the phase of REM sleep as close as possible to the desired time. According to the quality of sleep and pulse, the bracelet also measures stress levels- This is another interesting and useful feature of the gadget.

The bracelet received a small black and white screen, which displays the time, battery charge, pulse, distance traveled, calories burned and water level. The weight of the gadget turned out to be decent due to the presence of a large number of sensors - 43 g. The 350 mAh battery will last for 2 days of work, charging lasts 1 hour.

We also note the ability to dive to a depth of 3 m for 30 minutes, a huge number of colors of the fitness bracelet and a well-thought-out application. The latter allows you to view the information collected over a certain period in the form of graphs, set up reminders to drink water, analyze sleep, etc. It is worth noting that the developers have tried and made a very easy-to-use application. The novelty has just gone on sale, but is already available for purchase in the Inspector Gadgets online store. The price of the device is - 14900 rubles.

The model received a built-in pedometer, counts the sum of steps, their average number per day and analyzes activity. For those who run in the morning, there is special running mode. We decided to please swimmers with an individual mode. Naturally, the gadget received moisture protection, the water resistance class is WR50. In addition, the tracker will be able to analyze sleep and its quality by determining sleep phases. Not without a smart alarm clock. Built-in heart rate monitor measures heart rate constantly and can inform about the increase of the value to the threshold value.

The 0.91-inch screen displays the date, charge level, information about connecting via Bluetooth to a smartphone, you can also view heart rate data and other indicators. Extended information is available in the app. The display also shows information about calls and messages, you can reject a call directly from the bracelet. The bracelet turned out pretty, presented in several colors, holds charge for 30 days and is inexpensive - approx. 3000 rubles.

Samsung Gear Fit2

Our ranking of the best fitness bracelets could not do without a product from Samsung. This is flagship among such devices, and its price, it is worth noting, is also flagship. Looking ahead, we note that the gadget, rather, looks like a smart watch, but the device looks excellent, so it is worthy of attention.

The Gear Fit bracelet, released a couple of years ago, captivated users with a cute design, bright straps and a color screen with the ability to set different screensavers. In the new model, the company decided to use the same success formula. The result is an improved version of the previously popular bracelet.

The model is presented in different colors, the strap is silicone, made in several sizes, the average weight is 30 g. Distinguishing feature - colorAMOLED-screen diagonal in record for fitness trackers 1.5 inches, pixel density - 322 ppi. Already impressive, but we're moving on. In addition to the accelerometer and heart rate monitor, the gadget is equipped with an altimeter. Among the main functions continuous heart rate measurement, counting calories burned, determining sleep phases. Besides, Has a timer and stopwatch- things useful for a sports person.

The screen displays not only basic information, but also notifications about calls and events in some applications. A bracelet can play music, has a built-inGPS-sensor and works with wireless headphones. The tracker is protected from water and dust according to the IP68 standard, so it can easily withstand 30 minutes at a depth of 1.5 m, however, there is no special mode for swimming here. The 200 mAh battery lasts for 5 days in standby mode and 4 days in active mode. You can only find fault with the price, which is 13 000 rubles, but for this money we teach a high-quality, stylish and functional device.

Garmin Vivosmart HR+

Garmin devices are to the world of fitness bands what Apple is to the world of smartphones. The Vivosmart HR + model was released last year, but still remains popular and is worthy of competition, so it was impossible to ignore it. Outwardly, the tracker does not differ from the mass of similar ones, but this does not prevent it from remaining convenient. The silicone strap is soft and stretches well, but the manufacturer still provided two sizes.

The bracelet received a black-and-white display with a diagonal of 1.08 inches, and thanks to its touch-screen design, control is as simple and fast as possible. As for functionality, the tracker received an accelerometer, altimeter, heart rate monitor and GPS-module. The device can count steps, pulse and calories burned, and thanks to the GPS module it measures distance traveled and speed. On the screen, you can also view information about alarms, exercises, notifications from applications are displayed on the display. The battery life, as for a device that measures the pulse constantly, is decent - about 6 days. The bracelet can work not only with devices oniOSandAndroid, but also onWindows phone. The price is about 13,000 rubles.


Against the backdrop of expensive trackers from Samsung and Garmin, this device stands out for its affordable price, which won users over. Behind a completely ordinary appearance lies a basic set of functions. The gadget can count the number of steps, heart rate, calories burned and determine sleep phases to wake you up in time. On the screen with a diagonal of 0.91 inches, in addition to data received from sensors, notifications from applications are displayed.

Of the features of the model, it is worth highlighting smartphone camera control and useful anti-lost function. There is moisture protection according to the IP67 standard. The price is democratic about 1700 rubles.

US Medica CardioFit

Another worthy contender for the title of the best fitness bracelet. The gadget stands out for its interesting design, is sold in a wide range of colors, has moisture protection according to the IP67 standard and is equipped with a small screen. The display shows data received from sensors, time information and notifications from applications. It’s convenient, because you don’t have to look at a smartphone synchronized with the bracelet during a workout to find out who and what wrote to you.

The tracker is equipped the minimum required set of functions. It can count the pulse, steps, determine the phases of sleep, it does everything quite accurately. Autonomy is good: the charge lasts about 10 days. The price is about 3700 rubles.

Meizu H1

Meizu H1 is the main competitor of Xiaomi Mi Band 2, because the gadgets have occupied the same price category and are very similar in functionality. The bracelet turned out to be very light, weighing only 20 g, so it will be almost imperceptible on the hand. There is small monochrome screen, only incoming SMS notifications are displayed on it. The set of sensors and functions is familiar, so if you are looking for a simple, inexpensive fitness bracelet with no unnecessary bells and whistles, is a good option. The tracker counts the steps taken, calories burned, measures the pulse and determines the phases of sleep, there is an alarm clock. The 300 mAh battery is enough for 7 days of work. The price is 2200 rubles, but you can find even cheaper.


This device can be bought for only 1500 rubles, and it does an excellent job with all the functions necessary for a fitness tracker. It is presented in several colors, equipped with a screen and runs on software written by domestic developers.

Note that a slightly more advanced model of the manufacturer is ONETRAK Life 05, and even more perfect ONETRAK Sport with timer and possibility count calories consumed. The latter function is implemented due to the availability of data on millions of various dishes, incl. from popular domestic catering establishments. For additional functionality, you will have to pay extra, the cost of the model is 4500 rubles.

Moov Now

Completes our ranking lightest fitness bracelet. The model weighs only 6 g, has moisture protection, measures steps, calories and heart rate, all data can be viewed in a convenient form in a special application. There is no screen in the device, but autonomy is high, and the price is low.

Foreign online stores are a great opportunity to purchase quality goods at an affordable price. In addition, when deciding which fitness bracelet with Aliexpress is better to choose, you can consider a wider range than is presented at domestic points of sale. However, when ordering products from China, do not forget to make sure that the product and the seller are highly rated by real users. Remember that the purchase procedure in this case is somewhat different from purchasing trackers in regular stores. The rating of the best fitness bracelets from AliExpress, selected according to reviews of real buyers, will help you choose them.

The best cheap fitness trackers from AliExpress

Budget smart trackers from the Aliexpress website are an excellent choice for users with a limited budget who do not have special requirements for this class of equipment. In terms of functionality and build quality, such bracelets are only slightly inferior to more expensive models. But their price tag is significantly lower, therefore, in case of loss or breakage, such bracelets will not be a pity because of the possibility of inexpensive and quick replacement. This is especially important if you buy a fitness tracker for your child, who does not interact very carefully with portable equipment.

1. Xiaomi Mi Band 2

At the time of writing the review, it is Mi Band 2 that is the most popular smart bracelet from the review that you can buy on Aliexpress and not only. Everything can change with the entry into the international market of the current generation of the bracelet from Xiaomi, which we will also consider below. However, there are no significant changes between the two gadgets, and the presence of an NFC module in the older version cannot be used for contactless payment outside of China. Thus, Mi Band 2 is an excellent choice at a reasonable cost (AliExpress price starts from 800 rubles). The tracker can track steps and heart rate, display notifications of incoming calls and messages on a 0.42-inch OLED screen, be used to unlock the phone, and so on. Due to the IP67 protection, this good waterproof fitness bracelet from Aliexpress can be used for various sports disciplines, including swimming.


  • quality assembly;
  • there are many interchangeable straps on sale;
  • excellent autonomy;
  • the quality of the heart rate monitor (for its price);
  • protection against water and dust (IP67);
  • reasoned cost.


  • The screen is not bright enough in the sun.

The next line is occupied by a tracker from Centechia. Model Newly Smart Bracelet M2 visually and characteristics are very similar to the model described above. In fact, we have a cheaper analogue that can be purchased on Aliexpress for about 450 rubles. It uses a similar display, as well as a similarly shaped capsule and strap. Among the main features in an inexpensive model of a fitness bracelet are sleep tracking, steps, simple notifications from a smartphone, and heart rate tracking. However, the latter function works here rather mediocrely, which is worth considering before buying.


  • one of the most affordable smart bracelets on the market;
  • similarity with the popular Mi Band 2;
  • good functionality;
  • splash protection.


  • not the best workmanship;
  • heart rate sensor accuracy;
  • often defective models

One of the best Xiaomi competitors in terms of quality and cost is the Smart Bracelet Fitness Tracker from Hembeer, a little-known brand in Russia. We note right away that this smart bracelet does not know how to measure the pulse. If you still do not need such a function due to its inaccuracy in cheap devices, then the Smart Bracelet Fitness Tracker will be an ideal choice for your money. It is equipped with a high-quality OLED display with a diagonal of 0.86 inches and a 50 mAh battery that can provide an average of 7 days of battery life. At the same time, due to the use of an OLED matrix in the tracker, the user sees information about time, charge and connection continuously.


  • USB plug is built into the tracker (no need to carry a charging cord);
  • high-quality screen, which is well read in the sun;
  • decent autonomy and fast charging (1-1.5 hours);
  • good functionality for a reasonable price;
  • counts steps and calories well;
  • attractive design and ease of construction.


  • no heart rate monitor.

The best fitness bracelets from Aliexpress that are waterproof

Of course, water protection is also present in the bracelets discussed above. However, a couple of the devices described are only suitable for everyday use, like getting caught in the rain or washing hands, and Xiaomi's solution may not be suitable for all users. In this case, we suggest that you immediately consider 4 wonderful models from Aliexpress, in which water protection is performed at the highest level. In addition to this, we can highlight the low price and good functionality, which is also important for many buyers.

Opens the category stylish and functional gadget from SHELI. A model with a concise name 115 plus is offered on Aliexpress from 650 rubles. The device is equipped with a good color display with a diagonal of 0.96 inches, on which you can not only track various indicators and watch the time, but also read notifications from your smartphone. However, the bracelet only supports English, which may cause problems with Cyrillic output. The device is protected according to the IP67 standard and is suitable for swimming. A 90 mAh battery is responsible for the autonomy of the fitness tracker, which, under standard conditions, is enough for a week of battery life. SHELI 115 plus stands out from the competition with its attractive appearance, good assembly and convenience, which is also important at such a low cost.


  • for its price very accurately monitors the pulse;
  • high-quality color screen suitable for displaying notifications;
  • protection of the device according to the IP67 standard;
  • very low cost;


  • support for English only;
  • there may be some difficulties with connecting a smartphone.

Do you love to play sports, but do not need professional devices that can provide the highest accuracy in tracking your performance and training results? In this case, one of the best fitness bracelets from Aliexpress is suitable for you - G03 IP68 from the Makibes brand. Reliable assembly, thoughtful shape, high-quality materials and IP68 protection make this bracelet an excellent choice for your money (the cost on Aliexpress is about 4 thousand rubles). Also, an important advantage of the Makibes G03 IP68 is the presence of a full-fledged GPS module in it, which is important for tracking the distance traveled and recording your results. Of course, the reviewed model did not do without a dynamic heart rate sensor and other useful features, such as various reminders and notifications, speed measurement, sleep monitoring and sport detection. An important plus is also a clear and bright OLED screen with a diagonal of 0.96 inches, so users can quickly track any indicators even without a smartphone.


  • price-quality ratio;
  • protection of the device according to the IP68 standard;
  • excellent build and ergonomics;
  • built-in GPS tracker;
  • display quality;
  • functionality;
  • high-quality heart rate sensor;

Another clone of the extremely successful Mi Band 2, but this time from the EDAL brand. The price for M2 Smart is the lowest in the ranking and starts from a modest 400 rubles. Of course, for this price, you should not expect incredible characteristics from the gadget, but everything that Xiaomi's solution offers is present here. However, it should be borne in mind that the quality of a number of functions, as well as the stability of work, in this device are inferior to the original, which is justified by the cheapness. Best of all, the EDAL M2 Smart bracelet is suitable for those who need an inexpensive, albeit not the most advanced assistant and parents who purchase a tracker for their child.


  • affordable cost;
  • the price for Aliexpress is about 400 rubles;
  • design and screen, like Mi Band 2;
  • good heart rate tracking accuracy.


  • quality corresponds to the cost;
  • there may be difficulties with connecting a smartphone.

The next place was occupied by a popular fitness bracelet with a good ratio of price and functionality. Smart bracelet C1s is one of the best gadgets released by ZUCZUG. It is protected according to the IP67 standard, it is quite good at tracking heart rate and other indicators. The tracker uses a color TFT display with a diagonal of 0.96 inches and a 90 mAh battery, which lasts up to a week (depending on the mode of use). With the help of a bracelet, you can not only track your heart rate, distance traveled and the number of steps, but also control music and camera, find your phone, use an alarm clock and read notifications from various applications.

What we liked:

  • built-in 0.96-inch screen quality;
  • excellent functionality at a reasonable price;
  • protection against water, splashes and dust according to the IP67 standard;
  • good autonomy;
  • excellent build and attractive design.

The best popular fitness bracelets from Aliexpress

The reason for the popularity of fitness bracelets may lie in different things. Some bracelets are in demand due to their attractive cost, others due to their excellent build quality, and still others because of their excellent functionality. But there are also models in which all these advantages are combined. It is this trio of trackers from Aliexpress that we have chosen for the last category of our rating. The ratio of reliability, price and characteristics in the devices discussed below is really ideal, so they can be recommended to a wide range of customers.

Mi Band 3 is the long-awaited continuation of the popular line of fitness trackers from the Chinese brand Xiaomi. Visually, the bracelet is similar to the previous generation, but still, users can notice several important innovations immediately. Firstly, the device is equipped with a larger 0.78-inch OLED display. The increased diagonal made it possible to expand the convenience and functionality of the bracelet, but the readability of Mi Band 3 in the sun remained just as mediocre. Due to the increase in screen size to maintain an equally impressive autonomy, the manufacturer also expanded the battery capacity to 110 mAh.

Xiaomi waterproof fitness bracelet received a protruding capsule with a high-quality touch display. Such a solution has its pros and cons. So, the tracker has become more attractive, but it has become much easier to scratch and stain it. It is also worth noting that Xiaomi Mi Band 3 is available in two versions - with NFC and without the specified module. For Russia and other regions outside of China, we recommend choosing the latter option, because no information has been received about the possibility of contactless payment with Google Pay.


  • quality assembly;
  • accuracy of measurements;
  • original appearance;
  • functionality for its price;
  • suitable for diving;
  • excellent autonomy;
  • good touch screen;
  • ease of connection to the phone.


  • the uselessness of NFC (in the corresponding version) outside of China;
  • The updated design will not seem ergonomic to everyone.

Simplicity, attractiveness, affordability and reliability - these are the words that can describe the HW01 model from the popular Lenovo brand. If you want to choose the best fitness bracelet with a price tag of up to 3000 rubles, then this smart bracelet is the ideal option, according to many real buyers.

It is protected from water and dust according to the IP65 standard, so the HW01 is not suitable for swimming. But you can get into the rain with the tracker, wash your hands and even take a shower without worrying about its performance. The capabilities of the bracelet are familiar to this class of devices: activity tracking (running, walking, sleeping), displaying notifications about calls and SMS on a smartphone, heart rate measurement, time display, alarm clock function, and so on. With its tasks, Lenovo HW01 copes with a solid five, especially when you consider its cost. And the shape of the device is very successful, which provides maximum convenience when using a "smart" bracelet.


  • construction, form and design;
  • quality of pulse measurement (for its price);
  • functionality;
  • attractive price;
  • sits comfortably on the hand.


  • minor flaws in the software;
  • weak protection against water.

The most expensive, but at the same time, the best fitness bracelet in terms of build quality and design, the Huawei TalkBand B3, completes the rating of devices from the Aliexpress website. The average cost of this bracelet is 12 thousand rubles, and this is exactly the case when instead of one tracker you can buy several Xiaomi. But in this case, you will lose a number of useful features that are available in TalkBand B3.

First of all, we can note the wonderful design of the bracelet, which fully deserves the title of premium. The presence of several standard colors to choose from and the ability to easily change straps to solutions from third-party manufacturers will allow you to choose the optimal appearance of the device not only for men and women, but also for different looks. There is no heart rate sensor here, but Huawei TalkBand B3 can turn into a Bluetooth headset in one motion. The body of the device is protected according to the IP57 standard, which is enough for everyday use and basic activities. The gadget is powered by a 91 mAh battery, which provides 6 hours of work in headset mode.


  • excellent design;
  • perfect assembly;
  • Bluetooth headset mode;
  • durable metal case;
  • good OLED display;
  • the presence of the Direct Calling function (allows you to make calls directly from the tracker);
  • excellent sound.


  • the screen could be bigger;
  • due to design features, there is no heart rate tracking function.

Which fitness bracelet is better to buy on Aliexpress

Xiaomi models are in the greatest demand among buyers. At the same time, the long-awaited NFC module appeared in the new Mi Band 3. Unfortunately, there is no information yet on whether it will work for contactless payments outside of China, but there are certain hopes for this. If you are interested in the second generation of the tracker from Xiaomi, but you want to save even more money, then take a closer look at its clones from Centechia and EDAL. But the most interesting model in the review of the best fitness bracelets from the Aliexpress website, we consider Huawei TalkBand B3, which can turn into a Bluetooth headset.

Most customers of mobile operators keep in touch with loved ones using mobile phones. But some of them still use landline phones. It is for such subscribers that Rostelecom has created several home telephony tariffs. Consider the plan "Combined 350" on the example of the city of Moscow.


"Combined 350" is a tariff offer for a home phone. The plan includes a package of 350 free minutes. You can spend them only on calls with local subscribers. After the entire volume is spent, the cost of 1 minute of conversation will be 48 kopecks.

You can connect a home phone for only 1 ruble. This cost is relevant both for the telephoned premises and for the premises in which it is necessary to form a subscriber line. As for the subscription fee, it is subject to change. The amount of the monthly payment depends on which scheme is chosen for connection. The sum of two conditions is added:

  • Price for permanent use of a subscriber line;
  • Basic volume of calls to fixed-line numbers in the home region.

For example, if a subscriber chooses an individual connection type, then he will pay 204 rubles for using the line, and 150 rubles per month for the volume of local calls. The total mandatory payment will be 354 rubles per month.

With the type of connection, which is called a paired scheme, the provision of a subscriber line for use will cost only 102 rubles, and the cost of the basic volume of connections will be 75 rubles. The total amount is 177 rubles per month.

The tariff plan is suitable for Rostelecom customers who often use their home phones.

But please note that the offer will only be beneficial for you if the calls you make are limited to your home region.

How to connect the tariff

There are two ways to activate an offer:

On the Rostelecom website

To do this, go to the main page and open the "Home phone" section. Select the "Combined 350" tariff and click the "Connect" button. Fill in the required information on the page that opens. To form an application, you will need a name, residential address, email and contact phone number. Select the desired date and time and submit your application. An employee of the operator will call you shortly.

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