Why dream of sweeping with a broom. Broom in a dream: for one - changes for the better, for others - chores and conflicts

Seeing dreams, a person can imagine what his future would be like, what could happen to him, whom he could meet on his way. But there are dreams in which a person has to do something, to help someone. Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of a broom - the main interpretation

Even our ancestors considered a broom to be a mystical object and capable of changing fate. Even in children's fairy tales there are references to evil spirits that flew on a broomstick. The broom in the old days served as a broom and symbolized the protection of the house and its owners.

With a broom they swept not only rubbish from the hut, but also illnesses, quarrels, and other troubles. Increasingly, the broom was associated with the necessities of the home. Today, a broom is not so in demand in the household, although it can be used to attract good luck and success to the house.

Why dream of the floor with a broom? Your housing is quite littered not only with physical objects, but also energetically. You are tired of recurring troubles and misfortunes, you want to cleanse yourself and your home of all that is superfluous. Most likely, it's time to do it.

If you dream that you can’t decide on the choice of a broom for a long time- then you yourself will take out all the rubbish from the hut. You should not do this, you should not trust the people around you enough to tell them about the most intimate. Keep your personal relationships private, don't let anyone else interfere with them now. Now is not the time to rely on the decency of people.

You can also find the interpretation of a dream in which a broom appears, as a harbinger of the fact that you yourself are confused in yourself and cannot decide on the future movement in life. If you dream about someone else sweeping your house, you will have to resist the intrigues of competitors and envious people. Now you are not ready to do this, because you think that you are completely safe, but in fact a war is being waged against you, albeit a secret one, all your actions are analyzed and information about your mistakes is collected, which will soon be made public. What is the best thing to do in this case? Analyze where you were wrong and correct mistakes.

Why dream of a broom in an esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book it is said that a broom dreams of the need to cleanse oneself spiritually and cleanse one's home of negativity. Someone in every possible way wishes you harm, and you can feel it. You may subconsciously want to cleanse your relationship and your soul of negativity.

Why dream of revenge on the floor with a broom? Such a dream says that a tense situation reigns in your house, all household members suffer from accumulated negativity and hostility. It is also worth considering whether you have not done a thorough cleaning in the house for a long time, such a dream may also indicate the need to improve relations with your loved one, perhaps you have not confessed your feelings to him for a long time.

If you dream how you find a broom under your door- someone brought something terrible to your house, someone wishes you harm and that you are left alone in the house. But if you dream of an inverted broom, such a dream suggests that you will be lucky, and you will finally get a lot of money.

If you are alone and you dream of a broom- you have long wanted to get rid of the feeling of loneliness, but do not dare to do this. What you should do is be sure to bring harmony within yourself. Do not delve into your loneliness. The dream book warns that you need to start cleaning in life with yourself. You stubbornly refuse to admit your mistakes and shortcomings, although you know about them, you hide your feelings from a person and cannot express them in any way, but at the same time you suffer a lot. Everything in your life is going wrong. Change the course of events.

Why dream of a broom according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the broom is dreaming of a need to renew relationships. To the need for sexual purity and stability in them. Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom? If a man has such a dream, he has long been dreaming of changing his partner, but he won’t do it. He tries to adapt to her desires and whims, but nothing comes of it, and all because he really does not need this.

After such a dream, most likely, he will decide to confess to her that their relationship has become obsolete. If his beloved sweeps the floor in a dream, he will soon hear from her that she is tired and wants to go on vacation. Do not argue with her and forbid, updated, she will begin to love a man even more.

If a young girl dreams that she is swept with a broom She won't see her wedding for a long time. And the reason for this will not be a dream, but the machinations of her enemies, who are trying in every possible way to close before her all the possibilities of free choice in love. Perhaps the girl grew up in a conservative family and it’s just too early for her to hope for marriage, but don’t be discouraged, often such dreams show how to get out of a difficult situation.

If in a dream you buy a broom, then in reality you can attract the attention of the opposite sex, but this relationship will bring a lot of quarrels and other garbage into your life. It is better to think several times than to enter into a relationship of this kind. If you have only recently begun to build relationships, then now it’s better to take a closer look at your soulmate, if you didn’t immediately open your soul and now a lot of personal things can become available to the majority.

If you have recently lost love, and you dreamed about cleaning the house using a broom, you need to discard everything old, remove it from your life and open it to everything new. Only then will you truly find happiness and peace. You will be filled with new emotions and relationships when you discard everything old and obsolete.

Why dream of a broom in other dream books

In Tsvetkov's dream book it is said that a broom in a dream promises you the payment of debts, it will be a voluntary payment or a forced one - this will be said full interpretation sleep. It is important to remember if no one gave you a broom in a dream - then such a dream will portend you that your debtors will soon pay off their bills.

Why dream of sweeping the floor with a broom? Such a dream says that you will make every effort to find additional earnings or income, you just urgently need money now and you need to connect all your hidden reserves in order to earn extra money. It can be your connections and acquaintances. These may be those contacts that you will soon find yourself. The main thing after such a dream is to sweep all the debts outward, and find all possible sources for paying them, otherwise you cannot avoid bankruptcy and ruin.

IN spring dream book it is said that if you saw a birch broom in a dream, then a long and healthy life which you will spend with your family. If you dream about how the broom crumbles in your hands - you should really be afraid of ailments and diseases, you need to be attentive to your health, which may soon be shaken. You worked very hard and worried about the fate of other people and therefore completely forgot about your health. Now you need to monitor it like never before, otherwise you will not be able to restore the lost functions.

In Grishina's dream book says:

Broom dreams of a conflict with a despotic person;

Revenge with a sennik, shake it - have troubles and troubles;

Break a broom - lose health;

It is also important to remember where do you keep a broom in a dream. If under the bed - expect trouble with your loved one. If you find a broom in the kitchen, financial difficulties await you. If you see in a dream a broom standing evenly in the corridor, the arrival of invited guests awaits you, but if it is upside down there, the guests will not be invited, they will bring a lot of trouble to your house. The broom that you dream of standing on the balcony - to the need to clean up and take all the old things out the door so that they give a way for acquiring new things.

It is worth paying attention to the sensations that accompany sleep, if they are very positive - you have nothing to fear, even if you have difficulties in life - you will quickly cope with them.

If in a dream you sweep the floor with enthusiasm and joy, you are ready for global change own life. Perhaps you have long dreamed of a trip - it's time for you to hit the road. In the near future, luck will accompany you.

Dream interpretation is very interesting thing. And very many try to somehow explain everything that we dream about. But before embarking on this process, you should carefully remember the complete picture of sleep, with the smallest and most insignificant details. After all, every little thing can radically change the whole meaning of the interpretation.

Many dream books, which are very popular with those who want to understand their dream, can help us decipher dreams. Miller's dream book is now considered the most popular. It is on its basis that the majority of Internet portals for the interpretation of dreams are compiled. Incredibly interesting are also attempts to explain the dreams of the famous soothsayer Vanga. Her interpretations cannot compete with Miller's dream book for lack of such a number of interpretations of dreams. However, those who know a lot about explaining dreams will not fail to look at Vanga.

Why dream of sweeping with a broom, a broom? Many dream books interpret sweeping as auspicious sign which portends wealth and prosperity. It shows that you have a huge supply of energy and you are ready to move mountains in order to succeed.

But sweeping in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol, and it must be interpreted based on the circumstances in which you do it.

Wangi's dream book associates sweeping with career advancement if you do not provoke contention with superiors.

When someone interferes with your sweeping, get ready for hard work, which will be followed by a good reward.

If, while sweeping, you find a long-lost thing that is dear to you, such as an earring, then soon you will see that your enemies expose themselves and put them in an absurd position.

Sweep with a broom in a dream

A broom in your hands is a symbol of change in your destiny, and a broom promises a fun, full of entertainment and fun life. If before cleaning you go to buy a sweeping tool, then be prepared to become a participant in a financial scam. Sweeping with someone else's broom promises pleasant communication. A dream in which a broom breaks while sweeping indicates various provocations from your enemies. However, if you manage to finish cleaning with a broken broom, then you will be able to overcome all the intrigues of competitors and successfully cope with your plan.

Pay attention to the material of your cleaning tool. Sweeping with a broom from birch twigs in a dream is an excellent symbol of health and longevity. A tool from poor material - to health problems.

sweep with a broom

Why dream of sweeping with a broom? If you have a broom in your hands, then there is an opportunity to learn how to defend your opinion and convince others that you are right.

Also be careful about the quality of your inventory. A large number of twigs means good luck in any quarrel, and if vice versa, then you will spend a lot of nerves and effort trying to prove the veracity of your words.

Since it is important for us to restore the picture of our sleep in all details for the best option interpretation, it is worth devoting special attention to the place of sweeping.

Sweep indoors

Cleaning in your own house is a harbinger of building relationships with household members. They will begin to appreciate the keeper of the hearth and will try in every possible way to help around the house. The rest of the family members will good mood and health and reach new heights in their field. You will be able to cope without the slightest loss with the most difficult tests.

If you undertook to sweep in a dream in a strange house, then know that someone is taking advantage of your friendliness and desire to help everyone. You just pay so much attention to the problems of others that you involuntarily forget about your own. You are ready to do everything to help even unfamiliar people, and some take advantage of this. And your relatives suffer from this state of affairs in the first place. But also sweeping in the house of friends can be a signal of a big quarrel with them.

And when you dream of sweeping public place, then the slander and rumors will soon cease.

Sweeping the floor in a dream at work promises a change of profession.

Sweep in the yard

When the yard becomes a sweeping place, then your subconscious mind tries to calm you down and show that everything is fine with you, you are protected from all problems and easily avoid any dangers. Sweeping the yard in a dream is a wonderful sign that gives confidence in the future. Sweeping in someone else's yard portends a misunderstanding.

Sweep at the entrance

If the entrance becomes the place of sweeping, then be prepared for slander and gossip behind your back. Enemies will try to undermine your authority in the eyes of others, but do not despair and try not to take it personally. Psychologists advise showing patience and endurance, as well as avoiding direct conflicts with ill-wishers.

Significant place in correct interpretation the sweeping dream occupies the object that you are directly sweeping: the floor, the road, etc.

Sweep the floor

If you had to sweep the floor in a dream, be calm: prosperity awaits you in all matters. This is a harbinger of the start of the white stripe. All strife in the family will certainly end, and it will be easier for you to find mutual language with the second half, children and parents.

sweep the street

Sweeping the street is a symbol of what you have the desire and ability to fix. a good relationship with others, make amends for past deeds and forget the offenses caused to other people. Also, sweeping the street can be a sign of an unexpected inheritance, finding an expensive thing, or moving up the career ladder. Cleaning the street in a dream, in reality you can meet interesting person which will help you with something very important. If you see someone else cleaning the street, then relationships with acquaintances will become better.

Other important details

Careful cleaning and sweeping of the carpet should be interpreted as a person's desire and ability to move into a new home. And you can also breathe a sigh of relief, as the carpet you swept portends the disappearance of your problems.

Sweeping stairs in a dream promises you an opportunity to pay off your enemies who poisoned your life with gossip and slander.

An important factor is also who you dream about. You must remember that when other people come to you in dreams, you certainly need to tell them about it, since your dream will affect their lives too.

If a woman dreams of sweeping

What else interesting about this will the dream book tell us? A broom in a dream for an unmarried girl portends an urgent move to a loved one. And married - the opportunity and desire to radically change the home. A dream in which you are forced to sweep promises discord in the family.

Sweeping dreams of a man

We leaf further dream book. A broom for men dreams of urgently important news. But if the porch becomes the place where a man sweeps, then he must mentally prepare for unpleasant scandals and showdowns with people he sees every day. It is very likely that these strife will cause a lot of trouble.

Someone is sweeping, not you

Watching the sweeper indicates the successful completion of your planned affairs, and it can also symbolize the success of your loved ones in their affairs, which you will witness. But if at the same time all the dust flies in your face, then do not be surprised if ridicule and unreasonable reproaches are addressed to you.

Sweeping the dead

Sometimes you have to see in a dream a sweeping dead person. This means that you feel some kind of guilt that prevents you from moving on. Therefore, do not go in cycles, try to ask for forgiveness. This dream may portend minor troubles, but you can easily deal with them.

What kind of trash are you sweeping up?

Remember in detail the rubbish that you sweep. After all, it is a weighty thing in the process of the whole interpretation. Perhaps it is just such a trifle that the subconscious is trying to talk to you. Sweeping trash huge size indicates your desire to drive someone out of your own home.

Sweeping sand stands for very ambiguous. What does this dream portend? Sweeping sand in your dreams - this may be a harbinger of an upcoming meeting with an old friend, unforeseen guests on the doorstep of the house. But also sweeping sand can mean wasting time on useless things that will have neither moral nor financial rewards.

Sweeping leaves in a dream is a symbol of the appearance of a persistent admirer. He will try his best to get your attention. However, having successfully cleared the entire territory of leaves, be sure that you will soon be able to get rid of obsessive courtship.

Sweeping your cut hair symbolizes the opportunity to look at your problems from different angles and change your own point of view on the situation.

Finding paper money in the trash is a symbol of huge financial income. But if you sweep small things, then you will have unexpected expenses or you will lose a large amount.

If you are sweeping and the amount of trash is not decreasing, then be prepared for a huge commitment. They will fall on your shoulders, and you will not have the desire to fulfill them, but, unfortunately, you will not be able to refuse them. Therefore, just humble yourself and proudly complete all the tasks.

Where do you put rubbish?

In your dream, do you just sweep the garbage on a scoop, and then you don’t put it anywhere? This means that in reality you cannot get rid of unnecessary, intrusive thoughts. But if you sweep the trash out the door, then you will be able to let go of the past without regret.

Sweeping garbage into one pile promises a solution to a lot of accumulated problems. And sweeping a clean area is a waste of time in life. Also, the formation of one pile of garbage portends wealth, and sweeping it out of the room - losses.

It is believed that the removal of accumulated garbage at a later time is a particularly bad sign.

Sweeping time plays an important role

What else will the dream book tell us? Sweeping a house in a dream when people are celebrating something means that you should expect trouble and disappointment in loved ones.

If in a dream they help you with sweeping, then do not be afraid to ask for help and in real life, you will really need it.

Sweeping in warm weather means a desire to do something good for a loved one. And if you sweep in snowy weather, then the long-cooled relationship will resume again.

Sweeping before sunset bodes well financial profit, and then - severe illness and material losses.

Interpretation is a complex science

Naturally, there are a lot of ways to interpret the dream of sweeping. But don't rush into everything. After all, it is very important to take into account every detail and your actions in a dream. One missed trifle - and your decoding will become almost a fatal blow to your psyche. Therefore, it is very important to try not to miss anything. Dreams cannot predict people's actions. Sleep is just a sign that should be given due attention. He can save us from danger, so we should never remain indifferent to him. Before running after a dream book, you need to make sure that you have a prophetic dream. To find out whether a dream will come true or not, the lunar calendar will help.

Our dreams defy logic. They show a complete picture of our inner world or what is happening in our real life. After watching this vivid picture at night, in the morning we try to reproduce these frames. But our main goal is to understand what our dreams will bring.

Unraveling hidden meaning sleep, we are trying to foresee the future and guess what fate has in store for us. And thanks to this, we delve into our rich inner world so guess and guess your dreams.

Sweeping with a broom in a dream for the most part means that you are on the verge of big changes. Dream Interpretations interpret such a dream in different ways. In order to understand what your dream meant, try to remember all the related details. This will allow you to decipher the dream most accurately. Let's try to figure out why the broom is dreaming, sweeping with a broom in a dream, breaking a broom in a dream ...

Sweep the floor

In the dream books, several transcripts of such a dream are provided.

If you dreamed of sweeping with a broom, then the dream book testifies to your remarkable energy and determination to move mountains. In the morning feel yourself full of energy and confidence, well-being will improve, things will go uphill.

If a woman has a dream, then it's time to improve relations in the family, resolve conflicts, fight misunderstandings.

A dream may mean that an annoying friend will annoy you.

A dream in which you sweep the floor with a broom can mean financial losses.

If you buy for cleaning the house, then you will soon be involved in a dubious scam that will affect your well-being.

Seeing in a dream as a big broom - in reality, joy, entertainment and fun adventures await.

If a broom was broken in a dream, then we should expect slander and meanness from friends. Do not succumb to provocations and try to remain neutral.

Why dream of sweeping the floor with a birch broom? To health and longevity.

What was swept in a dream?

I dreamed that you were sweeping in your house and? A dream promises success in business. You will be able to find right exit even from the most difficult situations.

If you sweep up large debris in a dream, it means that you subconsciously want to kick someone out of your house.

Seeing someone else's house in a dream in which you are sweeping, for a girl, a dream book promises a wedding and a quick move.

A dream in which you sweep the street prophesies an unexpected inheritance, an expensive find or a promotion.

According to the dream book, sweep - to a meeting with an old friend.

If sweeping, then in reality you should be patient and look at the world more positively, soon the problems will be resolved by themselves.

If you sweep the yard in a dream, it means that in life you will be able to stand up for yourself and protect your interests.

For a young man, a dream in which he sweeps the entrance portends problems with his superiors. Conflicts and quarrels with unfamiliar people are possible.

What is the dream of a dead man who sweeps the floor? Sleep threatens minor troubles.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into Moon calendar and find out what and what lunar day.

Comparing data on lunar day and by the day of the week, it can be assumed whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Dream interpretation sweep

The basis of our dreams are ordinary, unremarkable things. But do not underestimate such activities, which can promise much more change than fabulous, seemingly incredible events.

According to the dream book, sweeping something is the beginning of a new stage, exciting and fateful phenomena that will turn your life upside down. It is also worth noting that such an action brings goodness, peace and spiritual purity.

In order to answer in detail the question of what dreams of sweeping, you need to turn to leading predictors and psychologists. They will open the veil of secrecy and tell the secrets of the future.

Sweep in the house

If you swept in a dream

Often it is necessary to clean up not on the street, removing earth and dust, but in your own home. To do this, you need to determine whether it was your own apartment, private house or belonged to someone else.

In my house

If the process of getting rid of dirt took place in your home, then in the near future you will get rid of the problems that bother you. Although now the troubles seem insoluble, you will be lucky to get help and support from outsiders.

Circumstances in a dream

What are the different circumstances? Remember and analyze important details.

The trash situation

Garbage in a dream is also a very important detail. It will help clarify some details.

  1. Leave trash on the dustbin. If you manage to sweep it away, then this is a harbinger of peace of mind and freedom of thought. From now on, it will be problematic to piss you off, and all attempts at manipulation will not be successful.
  2. Sweep the trash over the threshold. Had a dream that all the dirt was in the trash can? This shows your determination and determined desire not to linger in the past. You live in the present and do not regret what is gone.
  3. Rubbish left in place. Wait uninvited guests by distant relatives. They will bring good news, but at the same time they will have time to get bored with their presence and obsessive behavior.

money on the floor

An important factor is the presence of money that was present in dreams. Do you remember their number?

Large bills

If they swept money

Big money on the floor will lead to new sources of income, an increase in material well-being. It could be profitable proposition or the approval of superiors, which will lead to new position. From now on, luxury and abundance will not be alien to you.

Gender in detail

Small coins symbolize monetary losses. Costs will greatly affect your family budget. There is also a high probability of theft of a large amount of money and dishonest offers that will lead to the loss of property.

In someone else's house

The area in a dream is unfamiliar to you, but do you continue to sweep the floor with confidence? This episode shows that you pay more attention not to your own needs, but to the needs of others. Such kindness can lead to the fact that the people around you will see you as the object of solving their problems, ignoring your desires.

It is also worth noting that such a model of behavior will lead to difficulties and problems. In order not to need outside help yourself, reconsider your position and guidelines.

If you happen to see how it works stranger, then this is a success in current affairs. You are on the right track and nothing will stop you from achieving your goals.

In most cases, sweeping in a dream promises beneficial effects. It portends a solution to problems and domestic issues, as well as an improvement in the situation in the family.

Sweep on the street

Why dream of sweeping the street? For correct interpretation it is necessary to remember various night circumstances, as well as the area where it happened to clean up.


Where did you have to clean up? Foretellers give an ambiguous interpretation, focusing on the area itself.

If sweeping on the street

  1. Own yard. This circumstance shows in you such character traits as purposefulness and willpower. You are unshakable in your decisions and no danger will make you go astray or give up.
  2. Alien yard. Cleaning in someone else's yard is a misunderstanding. If you threw garbage on the ground in addition to this action, then a loud scandal which will have dire consequences.
  3. Sweep an unfamiliar street. This circumstance speaks of your bad conscience. You regret past deeds and yearn to make amends. By living honestly, you will be able to establish relationships with the environment.
  4. At the entrance. The driveway promises condemnation and slander. You should be careful in communicating with colleagues at work. They probably spread unkind rumors and gossip, from which their reputation may suffer.

Other circumstances

In dreams, the most can wait for us various events where it is possible to clean not only the earth, but also snow or sand. Every detail, seemingly unimportant and fleeting, is of great importance.

  1. Big pile of rubbish and dust. This circumstance promises a solution to the accumulated problems. Although getting rid of troubles will be exhausting and troublesome, but it will bring peace and lightness in the soul.
  2. Clean yard. Is the yard in a dream already clean without your participation? There is a long work ahead, which will not bear fruit. in vain labor activity spoil the physical and emotional state.
  3. Sweep the ground with neighbors. Expected in the near future mass event. At the festival you will get to know influential person which will improve further fate. Also this evening will give a lot of pleasant impressions.
  4. Interfere with cleaning. Routine, exhausting work ahead. It is worth noting that although the work will be difficult, it will bring considerable benefits in the future. Wealth will increase, and the trust of the authorities will only grow stronger.
  5. Alien broom. Expected pleasant evening in friends company. Fate will bring you to old friends and girlfriends. They will give a lot of pleasant moments and make you feel nostalgic.
  6. Warm season. Had a dream that you do not experience cold and other discomfort associated with the winter period? Something good and pleasant to do close person. He will be very touched and grateful.
  7. Revenge the snow. It also happens that we sweep not the earth or garbage, but snow. In this case, wait for the resumption of a long-standing relationship that has exhausted itself. Only time will tell what outcome awaits them this time.

Broom condition

What was the broom

Most often we have to sweep the street with a broom. This means that a person will appear in life who will make you more experienced and educated. You will learn how to win people over to your side, enrich yourself with persuasion skills and achieve a lot in the business field. But what was the condition of the broom?

many twigs

Did you dream of a huge number of twigs that make up a broom? You have considerable authority and respect from the people around you, but one day you crossed the road to some people who continue to consider you a malicious enemy. You will easily defeat them and even resolve the existing conflict.

thin rods

Sweeping the floor with such a broom - to anxieties and worries. A situation will arise that will require a lot of time and effort. Do not despair and worry in vain, because sooner or later the black life strip will be replaced by a white one.

To see a dream where a dead person does the cleaning means to feel guilty in front of this person.

Vanga and Miller's predictions

Why dream of sweeping something according to the opinion of the great soothsayers? Vanga and Miller made a significant contribution to the interpretation of night dreams and are considered the most authoritative personalities in this area.

Miller's opinion

The psychologist gives a generally positive interpretation of the event seen. He believed that this action precedes the positive life span. There is a high probability of obtaining a new position or a change of residence.

But if a girl lost a broom while she was sweeping the ground or floor, then this indicates sloppiness and lack of assembly. You are probably not a very good housewife, but it is never too late to correct the current situation.

What does Vanga say?

The fortuneteller gives a positive interpretation, believing that this action is a harbinger of career growth and prosperity. The list of achievements in the working area will gradually grow, and the position of a successful specialist will grow stronger every day.

According to Vanga, you lack the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue, as well as peace of mind and attention to other people's opinions and positions. Be tolerant and more tolerant towards other people.

The great soothsayer also draws attention to the gender of the dreamer. This detail is also of great importance.


The representative of the stronger sex is expected to have a long showdown with those people who are present in his life every day. These may be neighbors or colleagues whom you did not please with your behavior.


Very soon there will come a period of calm and harmony in the family. The hostess will be appreciated even more and help in every possible way in household chores. Also, mutual respect between family members will reign in the near future, and households will begin to have good health.

At all times, the yard was considered an integral part of human habitation. In the old days, not only the part of the land adjacent to the house, but also the house itself and its household members were called the yard.

In dreams, the image of the courtyard symbolizes protection, hope, future and prosperity. Pro rich family they said: "They have a yard with a ring, and a barn with a porch."

A dream in which you tidy up your yard, clean and remove last year's garbage means that in reality you are determined and ready to do everything in your power to improve relations with loved ones and start all over again.

Dirty, cluttered yard - symbolizes internal insecurity, lack of support.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a small yard is a sign that difficult times are coming for you in real life.

If in a dream you buy yourself a house with a large yard, this means that in reality you are striving for independence and independence.

A yard fenced with a high fence indicates that in reality you will achieve great success, but you will also gain a lot of envious people.

A dream in which your yard is fenced with an old, collapsed fence warns you that in real life your expenses exceed your income.

If in a dream you see yourself in someone else's yard, this is a sign that you can become a victim of deception and fraud.

A dream in which you plant seedlings in your yard means that in reality you will have time and an opportunity to relax.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Yard

Seeing a clean, well-groomed yard in a dream portends reality joyful events, dirty and neglected yard - boredom and melancholy. Seeing a churchyard in a dream portends you a long and desperate struggle with hardships; you may have to live away from your home, family and friends.

To have your own yard at your house in a dream - an unpleasant story will happen to you in reality, but you can easily get out of it. Seeing a donkey wandering from somewhere in your yard portends you great success in business or the conclusion of a profitable marriage. A fox that has run into your yard is a warning to beware of envious people.

Interpretation of dreams from

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