Fortune telling on wax: the correct interpretation of the figures. Christmas divination with millet. Christmas divination by the log

Girls have been practicing since ancient times. And there is nothing unusual in this, because you rarely meet a person who would not want to lift the veil of the secrets of the future. However, why, among the many ancient Slavic fortune-telling methods, is divination on wax and water chosen? The point is that this practice considered to be the most reliable. This is due to the fact that the human subconscious independently determines the fate of the fortuneteller in the wax patterns that formed on the water. And water, by virtue of its energy abilities, only helps in this. Wax is also an energy-information material capable of giving certain information.

A little about the methodology

Divination with water and wax, in essence, is an interpretation of many techniques of casting on water. It was previously believed that water never lies, and if you pour wax, tin or another rapidly cooling substance into it, it will instantly provide the fortuneteller with information about his future fate. Today fortune-telling on wax from a candle is a little forgotten. He was supplanted by others, more simple techniques, such mirrors, wedding rings and so on. but knowledgeable people argue that, despite the effectiveness of other practices, divination with water and wax remains the most reliable. But only if they are performed correctly and know the meaning of wax pictures. Fortune telling on wax from a candle is recommended for Christmas or Epiphany. They say that it is on these days that water has the greatest energy. Previously, girls chose certain places for such a pastime, which enhanced the effect of fortune-telling. Most often, a barn, a bathhouse, a canopy, an attic, or a long time ago were used for this. It was also necessary to remove the pectoral cross.

In order for the result to be true, you need to most accurately follow all the rules of divination with water and wax. First of all, this applies to candles. You should not purchase them at a regular hardware store. It is most likely that candles made from paraffin are sold there, and only natural product. Therefore, it is better to purchase wax in beekeeping stores. By the way, you can use it because they are also made of wax. The wick inserted into them is carefully removed, and the candle itself is rolled into a ball. It is very important to try not to break the candle. This is due to the fact that a vertically standing object is considered a symbol of the orientation of the desire of a fortuneteller to God. If the candle breaks, then this connection collapses, which means that the interpretation of divination on wax will be incorrect.

In addition, when classic pouring wax is used, it should be in one place. If the picture is blurry, then this means that the desire is formulated inaccurately. With all seriousness, one should also take the choice of water, since it is she who is the transmitter of information. You should not take settled water, because it has absorbed a lot of unnecessary information. Tap water is also not suitable, since this liquid has no energy, it is "dead". It is advisable to use water sacred for Baptism. If there is none, you can draw water from a spring, freeze it and use it only for divination.

In order for the technique to show more exact result, it is recommended to put a small mirror on the bottom of a vessel with water and pour wax directly over it. Thanks to the mirror, information will be concentrated in one place and the picture will be clearer. Among other things, it should be remembered that, before starting the interpretation, he must completely abstract from what is happening around him and concentrate as much as possible on the question that occupies him. Otherwise, the answer may be vague, ambiguous.

Classic divination with wax on the water

This technique does not require special preparations, a minimum set is sufficient:

  • iron container with molten wax;
  • cold water;
  • flat saucer;
  • candle;
  • matches.

So, in a saucer pour water, put a mirror. A candle is lit and placed to the left of oneself (from the side of the heart). Having formulated the question, they begin to pour wax into the center of the mirror. The resulting figures will be the answer. After completing the divination on wax, the symbols are taken out of the water and turned over. Information should be viewed from the side that was facing the bottom of the saucer. To do this, the figurine is brought to any vertical surface and the shadow that it casts determines its own future.

candle signs

If you are going to guess, you should pay attention to how the candle burns. Suppose, if it quickly ignited and burns evenly, it means that higher powers agree to help and allow you to slightly open the veil of the future. If she begins to sparkle or hiss, it means that the fortuneteller will soon find out important news. A slowly lit and poorly burning candle is a messenger bad news. If the candle cannot be lit, then fortune-telling should be stopped immediately. The color of the candle also matters. For example, if they are guessing at a betrothed, it is better to take a red candle when they want to know about health - green. Well, if fortune-telling concerns money, then it is advisable to light a gilded candle.

Divination interpretation

In order to correctly interpret the information received, one should observe the wax from the very beginning: how it pours, what shapes are obtained at the first stage and how they flow into final result. It is very important to notice exactly which pictures replace each other, as this will give a more detailed answer to the question. The result can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the circumstances, the mood of the fortuneteller and the significance of the question. Some characters have general meaning and are always interpreted in the same way. However, most wax paintings should be considered on a case-by-case basis. This is especially important if people were present during fortune telling. different ages or social position.

If a fish falls

So, we begin to interpret fortune-telling on wax. Fish is a good value. It indicates that the fortuneteller will very soon have to hear good news related to water. This figure also means that a laconic wise mentor will appear in your life very soon or has recently appeared. It is very important to listen to his advice.

Fortune telling on wax: heart

Oddly enough, but even a wax heart speaks of love. This sign warns that in the near future the fortuneteller's thoughts will be occupied only with love, everything else will fade into the background. Most likely, the chosen one will reciprocate. The wax heart shape also has great importance. Suppose, if the heart is pronounced and has clear boundaries, then the fortuneteller need not worry - love is mutual and will end in marriage. Worse, if the heart is poured indistinctly, has streaks or spreads a little - this is a sign of unhappy love. Such relationships bring only pain and disappointment.

What does tree mean

This fragment shows that the fortuneteller is a purposeful person who has enough internal resources in order to achieve the task at hand. He will successfully solve all his problems on his own.

If a flower falls

If fortune-telling on wax showed a flower, then in the near future we should expect changes in better side. The fortuneteller will be successful in both financial and love affairs. And it doesn’t matter what kind of flower turned out during casting. Any of them shows the openness of the fortuneteller's soul. If a bouquet of flowers appeared, it means that you have many friends who are sincerely glad to meet you. Unmarried girls most often get a rose. In this situation, the picture speaks of nascent love. You should not push away this feeling, because it is really sincere.

What does the figure of an elephant mean

If an elephant is formed after casting, one can only rejoice. This figure has several values, but all are positive. First of all, this symbol indicates that the fortuneteller is a strong-willed person who has a huge supply of vital energy. Things are going well for him, life is completely successful. However, he should pay a little more attention to others, otherwise luck will leave him. This sign also indicates that the fortuneteller has good patrons who are always ready to help and shift some of the problems onto their shoulders. In some cases, a wax elephant indicates a fortuneteller's good physical shape.

If a dog appeared

This is very good sign. This casting means that next to the fortuneteller there is a real friend who will come to the rescue in any difficult situation. Also, this fragment can characterize the fortuneteller himself, that it is he who is a devoted friend, highly appreciating the existing relationship. Sometimes a wax dog is a kind of clue that you can solve any problem with friends.

What does snake mean

This symbol can be interpreted in different ways, depending on life circumstances. Sometimes a snake is a sign of wisdom and strength, and in some cases a warning of danger. On the one hand, the snake indicates the fortuneteller's ability to find a way out of any trouble. On the other hand, it warns of the appearance in the life of a fortuneteller of treacherous people who will bring misfortune. Possibly already in this moment you have problems caused by the insidious people around you.

What does the figure of the embryo say

Most often, such fortune-telling can be interpreted as the birth of something new. Perhaps the fortuneteller has conceived some business and wants to complete it as soon as possible. Also, the embryo may indicate pregnancy, that is, the birth of a new life.

If a squirrel falls out

In nature, this is a very thrifty animal. In this regard, such a picture speaks of the fortuneteller's love for everything material. It may also indicate that you are ready for any life difficulties.

abstract pictures

Any letters, numbers or symbols usually indicate important dates or specific names. Such an interpretation can serve well when we are talking about the name of the betrothed.

The line means the beginning of a business. If it is straight, then everything will end well, if it is zigzag, problems will be observed.

If the wax does not spread and the figure in the water resembles a dot, then in the future the fortuneteller expects material well-being, unexpected wealth.

Do you know why fortune-telling on Christmas wax is so popular? At times Ancient Russia divination on wax at Christmas time was considered the most the best way know the future. Many different methods have come down to us today that will help you get answers to all your questions.

Fortune telling for Christmas on wax - how to conduct the ceremony correctly?

Divination is an integral part of our life. After all, since ancient times, many of the fair sex wanted to know what awaits them in the future. Divination was also popular among unmarried girls (who wanted to know who would call them down the aisle), as well as among mature women.

It was believed that at the time January holidays higher powers are the most merciful and allow everyone to look into the future, to lift the veil of secrets. Christmas divination on wax can be done daily from January 6 to 19.

But it is Christmas night filled with mysticism and magic. The spirit of magic literally soars in the air. In ancient times, it was on the night of January 6-7 that girls gathered in large companies in a separate closed room or bath and began to tell fortunes.

They guessed on runes, eggs, hair and, of course, on wax. To date, divination has been added to and. It is customary to conduct such rituals alone so that there are no unnecessary witnesses. Experienced sorcerers assure that before embarking on fortune-telling, it is necessary to prepare.

During the day we accumulate a large number of someone else's or negative energy, so it must be washed off. It can interfere with getting an accurate and truthful answer. Be sure to take a shower, rinse yourself cold water. Try to tune in to a pleasant wave.

Candles, aroma lamps, a couple of minutes of meditation will help you with this. Before divination, be sure to prepare workplace. Cover the table with a tablecloth or towel. Fill a large container with water. Important: it must be either spring or filtered, but not tap water, as it also accumulates a very large amount of negative energy.

The most important attribute of divination is wax candles. In some cases, you will also need a spoon. To create the necessary atmosphere, it is still advised not to use artificial lighting, but to confine yourself to candles. Leaning over the water, whisper three times:

Voditsa, voditsa, wax fell on you, he told me the whole truth.

Only after that you can melt the candle and pour the wax into the water. In some cases, it is advised to initially pour the wax into a spoon, and only after that into a container. Images are interpreted only after the wax hardens.

There are several rules that will help you get absolutely accurate prediction. First of all, divination is magic. When conducting any magical rites, only wax candles are used. Make no mistake, do not buy paraffin.

The material from which the magical attribute is made must be absolutely natural. Many people wonder if it is worth using church candles? The opinions of psychics on this matter differ. Some are sure that this is an unsuitable attribute for witchcraft manipulations. Others insist that they are made of living matter, natural, ideal for divination.

If we talk about water, then, as you understand, the use of tap water is strictly prohibited. Ideal spring, melted snow, filtered, purchased in the temple for Epiphany and other church celebrations.

In some cases, magicians specially freeze filtered water so that it melts before divination (it is believed that the cold will help to purify it even better). In ancient times, our ancestors used another attribute during divination. It was a mirror. It was placed at the bottom of a container of liquid, and the wax was poured directly over it.

It was believed that it was the presence of this magical attribute that would allow you to get an accurate image, the maximum of the necessary information. Using a mirror will help you get a flawless prediction.

When divining on wax, an amazing alliance of the fortuneteller and the elements occurs. A candle personifies fire, an individual who wants to know the reasons for any events, his future, past, and so on touches this magical attribute with his own hands.

At this point, everything the individual thinks, feels, and wants is absorbed into the wax. That is why try to control your thoughts during the ceremony. After all, absolutely everything you think about will be “recorded”. The same goes for water. This magical attribute also tends to absorb information, remember it.

If the water was stored in the house before they started fortune-telling, and was not bought before the rite itself, then she remembered information about the individual himself, the people who live with him under the same roof. Reading and storing all information, data magical attributes will be able to choose the most relevant for you from all the prophecies and show them.

All that remains for the fortuneteller to do is to correctly interpret the signs. Usually images of people, animals, objects, in some cases even letters appear on the wax. It all depends on what kind of question you are asking and what you want to know. Remember, each fortune-telling has its own additions and explanations.

For example, in some cases, you need to look at the figures only through the flame of a candle and already decipher the images through the shadow. In some cases, the layer of hardened wax is turned over and the figures are looked at from below.

In most cases, formed on the surface. Wax can not only talk about future troubles or dangers, but even hint who will be to blame for all this.

If you ask the magicians how to read candles correctly, you can hear a lot of ways that will be very similar to each other (but differ in some specific detail). Each sorcerer chooses the most convenient method. It is worth noting that some turn to the help of magical powers in order to get the most accurate forecast.

In very rare cases, even the interpretation may change. But almost always the classic is used. For example, if you see egg, embryo, you will soon become happy parent. Wheel predicts a happy marriage.

bunches of grapes- material wealth, well-being. And here horseshoe bring good news, fortune will be on your side long time. Do not worry if you see unfavorable symbols such as a snake, a cross. After all, now you are warned, you know that something bad can happen, and you are able to change the situation, to avoid trouble.

In this article:

In Russia, Christmas has always been the most anticipated day of the year. Long winter evenings when people got free time, Christmas divination was born. Why at Christmas? Yes, because this particular holiday, like no other, is associated with the miracle that was the birth in Bethlehem of a special baby, named Jesus Christ.

Christmas fortune-telling is also called Yuletide, as it takes place during Christmas time, which lasts two weeks, from Christmas Eve on January 6 to Epiphany on January 19. It can be fortune-telling on cards, mirrors, runes, logs, wax, onions, books, coffee grounds and much, much more.

We will present some of the divinations below, explaining step by step how to perform rituals and why it is better to perform divination before Christmas, in the afternoon on Christmas or on Christmas night.

Fortune telling during Christmas time is the most reliable and often comes true, since on these holy days angels help a person and good spirits. If you believe folk beliefs, the most powerful day is Christmas Eve. Since the traditions of the Russian people take their roots from the time when the old style was in effect, it is better to guess according to the old style.

The most popular are Christmas fortune-telling, which girls and women certainly wanted to know. But most of all they were interested in the issue of marriage and the personality of the betrothed, therefore, the main part of fortune-telling is devoted precisely to these issues and related to them.

Rules for fortune tellers at Christmas

  • The room where fortune-telling takes place should be quiet. Any sound or whisper is a problem that prevents you from focusing on the issue at hand, breaking the thread of contact with the Universe, which does not like interference.
  • During fortune-telling, you can’t cross your arms and legs, as the communication channels can “overlap”, which will lead to their narrowing and the difficulty of passing information that will stall or come in incomplete.

Divination on wax

This is the most common and popular divination. On the holy night, collect the cinders from white wax candles, melt, pour into a container of cold water. It is necessary to pour the wax in one motion, thus the figures are better. This does not mean that you should pour the wax in one fell swoop, just that the stream of wax should not be interrupted and can be poured slowly.

The frozen wax figure is the key to the secret of your future. First, examine the wax on both sides, determine what the resulting figure looks like more, and then proceed to the interpretation. Here are some of the values:

  • house - marriage for a girl, in a general sense - a new household;
  • a pit is a burial place, which means death or a fatal illness;
  • stripes - roads, crossings;
  • wax divided into a large number of drops - for money;
  • mushroom - longevity;
  • trees with branches up - an ambulance;
  • ring - wedding;
  • pancake - long girlhood;
  • stars - good luck;
  • dragon - the completion of a great work;
  • bell - to alarm;
  • flower - lover, love, marriage;
  • apple - wisdom and health;
  • egg - the appearance of something new;
  • the cross is a disease.

Divination on the bow

If you are impatient to find out what your betrothed or betrothed will be called or you cannot choose between several applicants or applicants, try fortune telling on a bow, especially since it is very simple.

Choose good bulbs according to the number of people you like, write the names or initials of specific people on them and put them in a container of water. This should be done the night before Christmas, saying:

“Ah, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?” or “Ah, onion, whisper, who will be my bride?”

Now it remains to wait for the bulbs to sprout. The bulb that first releases a feather and becomes the winner, and with it the person whose initials or name are written on it.

Divination for a future husband

There are many fortune-telling for the future husband. One of the simplest is to go outside and ask the first passerby man for his name - this will be the name of the future spouse. Also, the appearance of this person will tell you how handsome and rich your fiancé will be.

You can find out how the groom will look like in your own dream. This dream must be prophetic. To call him, take a clean comb before going to bed, slowly comb your hair with it, while saying: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up.”

Then put the comb under the pillow and go to bed.

Another way to see the groom in a dream. Eat something salty before going to bed and go to bed, say:

"Whoever is my betrothed-mummer, he will give me a drink."

You can guess with the help of four glasses with clean water. A teaspoon of honey is placed in the first glass, half a spoonful of salt in the second, a quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid in the third, and a little wine is poured into the last.

The contents of the glasses are thoroughly mixed, after which they are covered with napkins so that the girl who will be guessing at her husband does not see their contents. It is necessary without hesitation to choose one glass, and learn about your spouse from its contents.

Have a bachelorette party and have fun

Thus, water with honey means sweet life And good husband, salty water- this is a tear and sadness, a sour - sad life, with wine - a husband is an alcoholic or a heavy drinker.

Divination for children

Children are also a very exciting issue for women that arises immediately after marriage. You can guess for children by a ring or a needle and thread.

Divination by the ring

Take a bowl of clean water, throw it in wedding ring and refrigerate. In the morning, watch the water freeze. If the surface of the water is flat, the fortune-telling woman will not have children in the near future. If the surface is uneven, examine it very carefully, for the bumps are boys, and the depressions are girls. Accordingly, how many tubercles and dimples you count, so many children you will have.

Divination with a needle

Such fortune-telling may interest you in working with a pendulum

Take a needle and white thread. Insert the thread into the eye. Take the thread by the end right hand, and point the tip of the needle to the center of the palm of the left hand at a short distance from it. Follow the needle. If she began to sway across the palm, then you will have a girl, if along - a boy. After the needle stops, it may begin to swing again, which means it notifies you of the next child's gender. Wait until the needle stops making any movement at all, and until now, count the number of your children and do not forget to remember their gender.

Divination for desire

Fortune-telling on desires is as different as the others. We suggest you try to tell fortunes on grains, a handful of which must be taken in left hand, clench your palm into a fist and say your desire out loud. Then count the number of grains. If you have an even number of grains in your hand, the wish will come true, an odd number - not now.

You can guess the wish by the cat, if there is one in your house. Make a wish and invite a cat to your place. If he crosses the threshold of the room with his right paw, the wish will come true, the left one will not.

Divination by the book

Take any book, better than spiritual content, ask a question, think of a page and a line from above or below, read your prediction, which will become an answer or parting words.

Divination at Christmas time is an old Russian tradition. But it's up to each of us to guess or not. Many fortune-telling predict misfortunes and troubles, spoiling the mood not only for the fortuneteller, but also for those around him. Is it worth it to ruin your holidays, and even worse - obsessed with prediction and life, having committed unreasonable acts or actions.

If you are very impressionable and are afraid of misfortunes, childlessness, death, then we do not recommend you to guess, since fortune-telling may turn out to be wrong, and you yourself will program yourself for this result. Most importantly, remember that each of us forges his own happiness, as well as misfortunes! So let's forget about everything bad and let's think only about good things, say good things and do good things!!!

Christmas is one of the most revered and beloved Orthodox holidays. Christmas fortune-telling is considered reliable and has its roots in the distant past. Fortune telling with a candle at Christmas, as one of the types of Christmas fortune telling, is the most popular way to find out the future and get an answer to an exciting question.

Divination rules with candles and wax

Starting from Christmas, which all Orthodox Christians celebrate on January 7, and until Epiphany, there was a series of holidays that allowed you to relax and have fun. At this time, according to legend, all are activated magical powers who are able to show a person the future or give an answer to an unsolvable question. And today among girls, fortune-telling for a betrothed, for the fulfillment of a wish, for fate is popular.

To conduct Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. The most suitable for divination are wax candles, because wax has long been used in magical rites and healing. It is better to buy them in the church, where they are charged with positive energy. Their color may be different. It is believed that red candles are more suitable for love fortune telling, white candles for fortune telling, and green or yellow candles for health and financial rituals.
  2. Water for the ritual is used mainly melted water. Also suitable for this purpose is rainwater or consecrated in the church before Epiphany. Dishes for water are taken clean, if possible - new.
  3. Also sometimes use a mirror framed in a round or oval shape.

The ritual is performed at night, all alone or with friends. During fortune-telling, loud conversations, laughter are avoided and concentration and a positive attitude are observed. The main condition for the performance of the ritual is pure thoughts.

Divination methods with candles

There are several ways of divination with wax candles for Christmas. They are used in divination for a betrothed or for the development of love relationships.

The most popular of them is fortune-telling for a speedy marriage. To do this, take the shell walnut and new wax candles. Young unmarried girls gather on the evening of January 6 on the first night of Christmas time at one table, they put a vessel with water on it and put a shell with candles in it. They are set on fire at the same time and wait until they burn out. The girl whose candle burned out faster will be the first to marry. If the candle goes out, then marriage is not expected this year, but if she drowned, the girl will never be married.

Another way is fortune telling with a candle for the future in the shadows. To conduct it, they take clean paper and a candle, and place them on a metal tray or other fireproof surface. The paper is crumpled and set on fire, and a lit candle is placed so that a shadow appears on the wall from the burning paper. By the shape of the shadows, they judge what awaits in the future. The meanings of the figures seen have the following interpretations:

  • male figure - love relationship or imminent marriage;
  • people are gossip;
  • face - acquaintance with an influential person;
  • old woman - intrigues of enemies;
  • tree - well-being and goal achievement;
  • mountains - problems;
  • the snake is an insidious enemy;
  • bird - well-being;
  • the cat is a rival;
  • rat - an unpleasant surprise, collapse;
  • horse - hard work;
  • lion - the help of an influential friend;
  • mouse - anxiety;
  • dog - true friends;
  • castle - stability and confidence in the future;
  • ruins - parting, material losses;
  • shoes - career growth;
  • cross - deterioration in health;
  • bag - wealth;
  • weapons - quarrels.

Fortune telling on wax and water

Fortune telling on wax at Christmas is used to get an answer to a question of interest, to find out how the fate of the fortuneteller will turn out. To carry out the ritual, they take a vessel with water and a lit candle. It is held so that the wax from it drips into the water, forming a clot, through which they receive the answer. Place a small mirror at the bottom of the water container to reflect the wax. This will increase the concentration of energy flows and increase information content.

It is also allowed to heat the wax in a metal spoon. It is quickly poured into water and the value of the fortune-telling results is determined from the resulting wax figure.

To guess fate, you need to concentrate and take a candle in your left hand, and a vessel of water in your right, and, dripping melted wax into the water, say the following words three times:

“As I light a candle, so I invoke my destiny. Fire and water, open the veil over my future!”

After that, they determine what the resulting figure looks like. Possible interpretation of the characters:

  • dot - wealth;
  • home - favorable changes, change of residence;
  • flower - mutual love;
  • cross - bad news;
  • angel - unexpected help in solving a problem;
  • the ring is a tempting offer;
  • star - good luck;
  • a book is an opportunity to start everything from scratch;
  • a straight line is a successful new undertaking;
  • drum - gossip;
  • grapes - material success;
  • mushroom - dependence on someone or something;
  • dragon - success in creative endeavors;
  • a cat is an insidious woman, betrayal;
  • chicken - joyful chores;
  • tree leaf - intrigue;
  • hammer - diligence and hard work will lead to success;
  • bridge - successful partnerships;
  • vegetables - trouble due to a difficult character;
  • weapons - physical or moral danger;
  • dishes - well-being in the house;
  • fruits - profit;
  • furniture - stability and comfort;
  • the hat is a successful project.

Such fortune-telling is carried out with caution; if a favorable interpretation has been received, the wax figure is kept for a year. If the result was negative value, then it is buried in a deserted place.

The absolute leader of the magical rituals of Ancient Russia - fortune-telling on wax at Christmas, Christmas time are considered best time for this procedure. Fun is practiced by unmarried girls, mature women, as a way to predict the future. During the January holidays Higher power allow magic into the human world, and the prophecies received at this time will not harm those who perform the rituals.

In the article:

Performing Christmas divination on wax

Fortune telling is carried out every day from January 6 to January 19, a favorable moment is Christmas night. On the night from the sixth to the seventh, unmarried girls gathered in a bathhouse or a separate room and performed a large number of different rituals, a special place among them was occupied. The world has changed, but the ritual has remained popular, they perform it alone, without unnecessary witnesses and helpers.

Before starting fortune-telling, rinse your face three times with cold water to wash off the negative energy accumulated during the day. Then you need to look out the window, free your thoughts from everyday chaos. After that, a white cover is placed on the table - a tablecloth, a towel or a napkin, a bowl of spring water (not tap!), a spoon and wax candles.
Lighting is turned off, the whole ritual is by candlelight. It is recommended to pronounce an appeal to water - it will help the images appear on the wax:

A wax candle fell on you and told me the whole truth

After repeating the plot three times, they drown a candle in a prepared spoon and pour it into the water. When the wax drops harden, analyze the image.

Divination rules for Christmas

To get a prediction by performing on wax, follow the rules:

  • They do not use paraffin candles, in magical rituals the importance is given to the naturalness of the material, “living” matter can conduct energy without distorting it. Therefore, church candles or beeswax are ideal for divination.
  • Similarly with water, which is used for the ritual - you need natural, spring or melted snow. It is better to use water taken from the church for Epiphany or another religious holiday. In extreme cases, you can freeze the tap water, and let it melt before the ceremony.
  • An undeservedly forgotten rule: put a mirror on the bottom of the vessel with liquid and pour the wax exactly in the place where it lies. The mirror will reflect the energy onto the wax capaciously, and the image obtained during the ritual will contain useful information. Using all these nuances will turn Christmas divination into a prediction.

Duet of water and wax - energy frozen in images

Christmas divination on wax is a ritual saturated with energy: a person, a house, the elements. In preparation for divination, candles come into contact with the hands of a person who wants to know the prospects. At this moment, the energy of thoughts, feelings, desires and experiences is absorbed into the natural material.

A similar story with water: it stores information about the house where fortune-telling takes place, about the people in it. The magical energy of Christmas holidays is a catalyst for the unification of all information fields. The images on the water will show significant events for the fortuneteller in the current year.

It is important to correctly interpret the symbols. Get all your imagination and attention to recognize the image. look through the light of a candle and determine what it is by the shadow. Wax frozen in water conveys information about dangers or threats, about people who carry negativity.

Christmas divination - predictions

Asking women countryside you can hear a lot incredible stories about the big role ritual played in life. For some, Christmas fortune-telling on wax suggested a betrothed, some helped to find themselves, and in special cases they showed where troubles and misfortunes come from. A skeptical attitude towards such predictions can only be among those who have never encountered anything like this.

Women who received the image wreath, got married and are happily married, and the owners of the wax Eggs became pregnant and had children. Bunch of grapes has established itself as a sign material well-being. The desired symbol has become Horseshoe- the subject of good luck in all endeavors.

bad signs, Cross, Bed or Snake, helped prepare for problems and, in some cases, avoid them. Moreover, there was a tradition - to bury such signs in the ground away from home in order to ward off an undesirable event. And vice versa, good wax signs were carefully wrapped in a white cloth and kept in a secluded place, like a talisman.

Subtleties described in masterpieces fiction. The stories associated with the ceremony are retold in families from grandmothers to granddaughters. Slavic magic and in the modern, pragmatic world, it takes its rightful place and continues to help people overcome difficulties, strive for the light.

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