Let's drink, poor old woman of my poor youth. Alexander Pushkin - Winter Evening

A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child
That on a dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
Like a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

Our ramshackle shack
And sad and dark.
What are you, my old lady,
Silent at the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are tired
Or slumber under the buzz
Your spindle?

Let's drink, good friend
My poor youth

The heart will be happy.
Sing me a song like a titmouse
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a damsel
She followed the water in the morning.

A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child.
Let's drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be happy.

Listen to the poem Winter evening". This is how Igor Kvasha reads this poem.

Romance on poems by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening". Performed by Oleg Pogudin.

Analysis of A.S. Pushkin's poem "Winter Evening"

The poem "Winter Evening" by A.S. Pushkin is a classic example of landscape poetry. Written during exile in the family estate in Mikhailovsky. The poet's lonely evenings were brightened up only by reading and communicating with his beloved nanny Arina Rodionovna. One of these evenings is described with fantastic realism in the work "Winter Evening". The work is filled with a gloomy mood. The description of the elements of nature conveys the freedom-loving poet's throwing, whose every step was followed in exile.


The poem consists of four stanzas. In the first, the reader immediately sees the riot of the snow element. The poet conveys the fury of a winter storm, the knock of the wind on the window. Very vivid description the elements convey auditory and visual images: animal howling, children's crying. With just a few words, the author draws the evening element in the reader’s imagination: “A storm covers the sky with darkness ...”

The abundance of verbs gives the picture high dynamics, one can feel the movement simultaneously in different directions. The storm rages, twists the whirlwinds, rustles the straw, howls, cries. The element outside the house separates the poet from outside world, which expresses his main mood of impotence before the restrictions of the disgraced exile.

The second stanza is contrasted with the mood of the first. The warmth of the hearth and the comfort created by the nanny are already depicted here. Time seems to have stopped, and there is no development of events. This is expressed in the appeal to the nanny, who fell silent at the window. The poet's soul asks for a development of events, so he asks the nanny to somehow dispel the silence and peaceful calm at the hearth.

In the third stanza, Pushkin, carried away by the dynamic violence of the elements outside the window, is trying to somehow revive the calm at the hearth. One can feel the throwing of the young soul of the poet, who is more to the liking of the dynamics outside the window than the stopped time in the hut and in exile. In any way, Alexander Sergeevich tries to captivate the nanny, whom he calls "a good girlfriend poor youth mine." The author admits that the exile is unbearable for him, offering Arina Rodionovna a drink "out of grief". The poet asks the nanny to sing folk songs in order to somehow cheer up the soul.

The fourth stanza repeats the beginning of the first and third stanzas, uniting the events together, bringing to a common denominator the riot of the storm and the throwing of the poet's soul opposed to each other.


The work is written in four-foot trochaic with cross rhyme. This rhythm, very popular at that time, is the best suited to reflect the heavy tread of the elements, the swaying of a sleeping nanny.

Images and means of artistic expression

The most impressive image of the poem is a storm. She represents the stormy social life beyond the exile for which the young poet so longs. The elements are depicted with gloomy heavy colors with the help of personifications (“like a beast, she will howl”, “cry like a child”, rustle with straw, rattle). Masterfully conveyed the image of the elements with the help of comparisons: a storm, like a beast, like a traveler.

The calm, kind image of the nanny is conveyed with warm words. This is a “good girlfriend”, “my friend”, “my old lady”. With love and care, the author draws the image of one of the closest people of her childhood, asking why she was silent and what is she tired of. As in childhood, Pushkin asks the nanny to sing to soothe the soul.

It is no coincidence that Arina Rodionovna is associated with folk art, songs about a titmouse across the sea or a girl that walked on water in the morning. After all, it was from the evening stories and songs of the nanny that all Pushkin's fairy tales, poems and folk stories originated. The poet draws the image of the nanny with bright epithets: a good girlfriend, the poor youth will become more cheerful to the heart.

A storm covers the sky with darkness, Whirlwinds of snow twisting; Like a beast, she will howl, Then she will cry like a child, Then she will suddenly rustle with straw on the dilapidated roof, Then, like a belated traveler, She will knock on our window. Our dilapidated shack And sad and dark. What are you, my old woman, Silent at the window? Or are you tired of the howling storm, my friend, Or are you dozing under the buzzing of Your spindle? Let's drink, good friend Of my poor youth, Let's drink from grief; where is the mug? The heart will be happy. Sing me a song, how the tit Quietly lived beyond the sea; Sing me a song like a maiden went for water in the morning. A storm covers the sky with darkness, Whirlwinds of snow twisting; She will howl like a beast, then she will cry like a child. Let's drink, good friend Of my poor youth, Let's drink from grief: where is the mug? The heart will be happy.

The poem "Winter Evening" was written in a difficult period of life. In 1824, Pushkin achieved his return from southern exile, but not instead of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the poet was allowed to live in the Mikhailovskoye family estate, where his entire family was at that time. His father decided to take over the functions of the overseer, who checked all the correspondence of his son and controlled his every step. Moreover, he constantly provoked the poet in the hope that a major family quarrel in front of witnesses would make it possible to send his son to prison. Such a strained and difficult relationship with the family, which actually betrayed the poet, forced Pushkin several times, under various plausible pretexts, to leave Mikhailovskoye and stay for a long time in neighboring estates.

The situation was discharged only towards the end of autumn, when Pushkin's parents nevertheless decided to leave Mikhailovskoye and returned to Moscow. A few months later, in the winter of 1825, Pushkin wrote his famous poem "Winter Evening", in the lines of which one can catch shades of hopelessness and relief, longing and hope for better share simultaneously.

The verse begins with a very vivid and figurative description of a snow storm, which “covers the sky with darkness”, as if cutting off the poet from the whole outside world. This is exactly how Pushkin feels under house arrest in Mikhailovsky, which he can leave only after agreement with the supervisory department, and even then not for long. However, driven to despair by forced confinement and loneliness, the poet perceives the storm as an unexpected guest, who then cries like a child, then howls wild beast, rustling straw on the roof and knocking on the window, like a belated traveler.

However, the poet is not alone in the family estate. Next to him is his beloved nanny and nurse Arina Rodionovna. Her company brightens up the gray winter days of the poet, who notices every little thing in the guise of his confidante, calling her "my old lady." Pushkin understands that the nanny treats him like her own son, worries about his fate and tries to help with wise advice. He likes to listen to her songs and watch the spindle, deftly sliding in the hands of this no longer young woman. But the dull winter landscape outside the window and blizzard, so similar to the storm in the soul of the poet, do not allow him to fully enjoy this idyll, for which he has to pay with his own freedom. To somehow relieve heartache, the author addresses the nanny with the words: "Let's drink, good friend of my poor youth." The poet sincerely believes that from this "the heart will become more cheerful" and all worldly hardships will be left behind.

It is known that in 1826, after the new emperor Nicholas I promised the poet his patronage, Pushkin voluntarily returned to Mikhailovskoye, where he lived for another month, enjoying peace, silence and the autumn landscape outside the window. rural life obviously benefited the poet, he became more restrained and patient, and also began to take his own work more seriously and devote much more time to it. After the exile, Pushkin repeatedly visited Mikhailovsky, recognizing that his heart forever remained in this dilapidated family estate, where he is always a long-awaited guest and can count on the support of the person closest to him - the nanny Arina Rodionovna.

It is believed that the famous poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Evening" ("The storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds ...") was written by the poet in 1825 (the exact date is not known). This period was very difficult for the author. After the exile, he lived on the estate of his parents, and his father was obliged to track every step of Pushkin Jr. In this regard, Alexander tried to stay longer with friends in nearby estates. The feeling of loneliness did not leave him, and it became even more aggravated when, closer to autumn, his parents moved to Moscow. Also, many of the poet's friends left their homes for a while. He stayed to live alone as a nanny, with whom he whiled away all the time. It is during this period that the work is born. The verse "Winter Evening" is written in four-foot trochaic with perfect rhyme and consists of four eight lines. The first part tells about the weather, the second about the comfort in which he is, and the third about his beloved nanny. In the fourth, the author combined the weather with an appeal to the nanny. In his creation, the author wanted to convey his feelings, to show his creative lyrical nature, which is struggling with the circumstances that surrounded him. He seeks protection from the only person close to him, Arina Rodionavna. He asks to sing with him, to drink a mug in order to forget all the hardships that have fallen.

We bring to your attention the full text of Pushkin's poem "Winter Evening":

A storm covers the sky with mist,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting;

Like a beast, she will howl

It will cry like a child

That on a dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

Like a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window.

Our ramshackle shack

And sad and dark.

What are you, my old lady,

Silent at the window?

Or howling storms

You, my friend, are tired

Or slumber under the buzz

Your spindle?

Let's drink, good friend

My poor youth

Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?

The heart will be happy.

Sing me a song like a titmouse

She lived quietly across the sea;

Sing me a song like a damsel

She followed the water in the morning.

A storm covers the sky with mist,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting;

Like a beast, she will howl

It will cry like a child.

Let's drink, good friend

My poor youth

Let's drink from grief: where is the mug?

The heart will be happy.

We also invite you to listen to the text of the verse “A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds ...” on the video (performed by Igor Kvasha).

A storm covers the sky with darkness, Whirlwinds of snow twisting; Like a beast, she will howl, Then she will cry like a child, Then she will suddenly rustle with straw on the dilapidated roof, Then, like a belated traveler, She will knock on our window. Our dilapidated shack And sad and dark. What are you, my old woman, Silent at the window? Or are you tired of the howling storm, my friend, Or are you dozing under the buzzing of Your spindle? Let's drink, good friend Of my poor youth, Let's drink from grief; where is the mug? The heart will be happy. Sing me a song, how the tit Quietly lived beyond the sea; Sing me a song like a maiden went for water in the morning. A storm covers the sky with darkness, Whirlwinds of snow twisting; She will howl like a beast, then she will cry like a child. Let's drink, good friend Of my poor youth, Let's drink from grief: where is the mug? The heart will be happy.

The poem "Winter Evening" was written in a difficult period of life. In 1824, Pushkin achieved his return from southern exile, but not instead of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the poet was allowed to live in the Mikhailovskoye family estate, where his entire family was at that time. His father decided to take over the functions of the overseer, who checked all the correspondence of his son and controlled his every step. Moreover, he constantly provoked the poet in the hope that a major family quarrel in front of witnesses would make it possible to send his son to prison. Such a strained and difficult relationship with the family, which actually betrayed the poet, forced Pushkin several times, under various plausible pretexts, to leave Mikhailovskoye and stay for a long time in neighboring estates.

The situation was discharged only towards the end of autumn, when Pushkin's parents nevertheless decided to leave Mikhailovskoye and returned to Moscow. A few months later, in the winter of 1825, Pushkin wrote his famous poem "Winter Evening", in the lines of which one can catch shades of hopelessness and relief, longing and hope for a better life at the same time.

The verse begins with a very vivid and figurative description of a snow storm, which “covers the sky with darkness”, as if cutting off the poet from the whole outside world. This is exactly how Pushkin feels under house arrest in Mikhailovsky, which he can leave only after agreement with the supervisory department, and even then not for long. However, driven to despair by forced confinement and loneliness, the poet perceives the storm as an unexpected guest, who either cries like a child, or howls like a wild beast, rustles straw on the roof and knocks on the window, like a belated traveler.

However, the poet is not alone in the family estate. Next to him is his beloved nanny and nurse Arina Rodionovna. Her company brightens up the gray winter days of the poet, who notices every little thing in the guise of his confidante, calling her "my old lady." Pushkin understands that the nanny treats him like her own son, worries about his fate and tries to help with wise advice. He likes to listen to her songs and watch the spindle, deftly sliding in the hands of this no longer young woman. But the dull winter landscape outside the window and the snow storm, so similar to the storm in the poet's soul, do not allow him to fully enjoy this idyll, for which he has to pay with his own freedom. In order to somehow alleviate the emotional pain, the author turns to the nanny with the words: "Let's drink, good friend of my poor youth." The poet sincerely believes that from this "the heart will become more cheerful" and all worldly hardships will be left behind.

It is known that in 1826, after the new emperor Nicholas I promised the poet his patronage, Pushkin voluntarily returned to Mikhailovskoye, where he lived for another month, enjoying peace, silence and the autumn landscape outside the window. Rural life clearly benefited the poet, he became more restrained and patient, and also began to take his own work more seriously and devote much more time to it. After the exile, Pushkin repeatedly visited Mikhailovsky, recognizing that his heart forever remained in this dilapidated family estate, where he is always a long-awaited guest and can count on the support of the person closest to him - the nanny Arina Rodionovna.

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