What is Christmas divination on wax - ancient magic or entertainment? Fortune telling on cards at Christmas. Fortune telling on a betrothed with a wedding ring

The night before Christmas has always been endowed with a mystical meaning. From January 6, Christmas time began, which means that it was time for fortune telling. Fortune telling at Christmas is the most truthful, but few people dared to guess on this day before, since, according to legend, that night she left her lair devilry and began to walk until the Epiphany.

As a rule, on the night before Christmas, young girls guessed to find out their fate, see the future groom and find out how life in marriage would turn out.

Christmas divination on the mirror

Fortune telling on a mirror at Christmas is the most popular, at the same time, and the most terrible. In order to find out your fate or see your betrothed, you need to take two mirrors (one smaller, the other larger) and two candles. Mirrors should be placed on top of each other, and candles should be placed at the edges between the mirrors so that looking into one mirror you can see the corridor.

Fortune telling in the dark with two lit candles. When everything is ready, you need to ask your question and start peering into the mirror corridor. If you concentrate well on divination, you can see your fate in the reflection.

Divination for Christmas on wax

Fortune telling on wax is also very popular on holy days and at Christmas. Take a bowl of water, a candle and a metal spoon. Light a candle and drip the wax into a spoon. Once it is full, heat the wax in a spoon over a candle flame. When the wax melts, pour it into a bowl of water. The result of divination is determined by the wax figures that have turned out on the water. Look carefully at them to understand what this Christmas fortune-telling predicts for you.

Divination on paper

This divination allows you to know both the near and the distant future. Take a lot of paper and crumple it into a large ball. Place the ball on a metal tray and hold it against the wall. Light the paper and watch the shadows that will fall on the wall from the burning paper ball. The picture will constantly move, eventually turning into a certain figure, which you will have to independently interpret with the help of associations and your imagination.

Divination before Christmas should be approached with particular seriousness, because such a day when the past, present and future merge happens once a year. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.01.2015 09:01

Christmas Eve is a time of magic. It was on Christmas Eve that our ancestors gave Special attention all sorts of predictions...

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic. Since ancient times, our ancestors devoted this time to fortune-telling on ...

Christmas time - two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas, which falls on January 7, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Christmas fortune-telling is considered to be the most truthful and has its roots in the times pagan Russia. During Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, you can only search in all predictions good sense. Bad omens should not be given of great importance otherwise you will set yourself up for failure in the new year. We have tried to collect the most interesting and reliable fortune-telling for Christmas, which we hope will help you uncover the secrets of the future.

Christmas divination on wax (candles)

One of the oldest divination in the world is wax divination. And although the fortune-telling technique itself is quite simple, not everyone can decipher the meaning of the figures.

The essence of divination lies in the fact that molten wax hardens in water and takes on outlines in which certain figures can be seen. In these figures, fortunetellers are trying to see the meaning and predict the future from them. Fortune telling on wax may not work the first time. But if you are persistent, then be sure to learn how to predict fate in this way.

What you need for divination on wax

Fortune telling on wax, which is also called xeroscopy, arose in the distant past. This divination was used by sorcerers in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece. In those days, the technology of divination was kept in great secret, although in fact it is quite simple. All you need for fortune-telling is a candle, a bowl of cool water, matches and free time.

Try to approach the choice of divination attributes responsibly and very carefully. The candle should be tall and thick enough, as it will burn for about an hour before the divination begins. With such a candle, you can get enough wax for divination. It is best if the candle is dark or bright in color (green, red, blue). In this case, you can better see the figures against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you can use colored candles for divination purposes. For example, if you want to know the answer to a love question, take a red or pink candle, oh financial affairs- a golden candle, about health - a green candle. You can use several different colored candles for different areas life.

During fortune-telling, it is best to retire to a quiet place with dim lighting. Turn off mobile phone and other devices that may be distracting. It is desirable that you have free and loose clothing, the minimum number of jewelry, fasteners and hairpins. Never start fortune telling if you are in bad mood, offended or angry. Most better days for fortune-telling - this is Christmas time, New Year, Ivan Kupala, Green Svyatki (Trinity). But you can also guess on ordinary days.

Fortune telling on wax - wax casting technique

Light a candle of your choice with matches and let it burn for an hour. Fill a large bowl or deep bowl with cool (but not icy) tap water. Ask a question for which you want to get a prediction. Take a burning candle in your hands and pour the wax accumulated in it into the bowl. Wait a bit for the wax to harden. Now we can start interpreting. Here, turn on your fantasy and imagination and try to discern a certain meaning in the resulting figure. You can get the figurine out of the water and take a closer look. Below you will find interpretations of the many possible figures that are obtained during divination on wax.

Interpretation, the meaning of figures when divining on wax

All imagination and attention must be drawn in order to recognize the image. Sometimes wax figures are viewed through the light of a candle and already by the shadow they determine what it can be.

It is important to remember that wax frozen in water very often conveys information about dangers or threats, as well as about people who carry negativity.

To understand the logic of divination on wax, it is enough to remember only a few basic examples.

  • Many small individual droplets predict cash receipts. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited payment of once earned money, or maybe the money will seem to fall from the sky. The amount will be small, but enough to enjoy using it.
    If at the same time the droplets turned out to be enclosed in a circle, then this indicates the emergence of opportunities for recreation.
  • big drops frozen wax symbolize big events awaiting the fortuneteller in the new year.
  • Stripes. If the wax frozen in water forms stripes, this is towards the road, i.e. for travel, travel.
  • wax stars- your finest hour, symbolize good luck in all matters.
  • If the wax settled to the bottom pancake- Marriage will not be soon.
  • Automobile. Wax froze in the form of a car - fate itself sends you to new way who should be happy. New opportunities, a new way of life are already waiting for you! Auto, as it were, very transparently makes it clear: it's time to change yourself, stop standing still, do not let yourself be captured by laziness and apathy. In addition, it is also a bright sexual symbol.
  • Iceberg. A sign warning that danger awaits you. They are aggravated by the fact that they have hidden nature, - the sharp corners of the figure will tell about this. She makes it clear that you are only seeing the “tip” of relationship difficulties. In fact, they lie much deeper. It doesn't hurt to be careful: new lover can turn into a source of headache.
  • Shark. Wax, frozen in the form of a shark, says that you need special care: you have an enemy, and this is not an ordinary ill-wisher, but a powerful person hiding his intentions. The image of a shark can be interpreted in another way. Your business life for some reason turned out to be indifferent to some very influential person. With little effort, this mysterious man can easily take out all of your main competitors.
  • Angel. This is a harbinger of changes that you must make in yourself. Now you are too infantile and passive and all the time expecting help from the outside. Perhaps you have been accustomed to such a position since childhood, when every speck of dust was blown off you. However, it is time to acquire independence and responsibility, a time to learn from numerous past mistakes. You should come to grips with introspection and prepare to take the initiative.
  • Arch. The wax arch portends joy, which, nevertheless, will have a somewhat troublesome character - spontaneous, windy and reeking of adventure. Perhaps it will be a new love - charming and at the same time "crazy". Down with all fears: the situation will bring more dividends than losses (of course, this is not about something material). So you can safely rush into the whirlpool of new emotions.
  • Balloon. Walking in the clouds is, of course, a pleasant and easy task. However, the wax balloon calls for an end to it and finally pay attention to real life with its problems requiring urgent solutions.

  • Banana. This sign calls for caution when talking about the past. Your lover may be jealous of you quietly and imperceptibly for a long time, but from this smoldering feeling one day a raging flame may flare up. In some cases, the banana figurine portends the betrayal of someone from the inner circle. With the greatest degree of probability, we can talk about intrigue on the part of colleagues. If several fruits spilled out at once, this means that you will encounter difficulties. Most likely, this will happen on the road (near or far).
  • Bow. Even such a seemingly simple thing as tying a bow can sometimes prevent trouble. If we translate the interpretation into the everyday plane, then, for example, thanks to the very timely smoothing out of the conflict with loved ones, you get the opportunity to difficult moment seek their help
  • Baton. Wax, poured out in the shape of a loaf, encourages you to think about the future family life. Your gentleman is surrounded by a mass of friends, his sociability makes it easy to find with everyone mutual language. But is his nature distinguished by passion and depth of experience? Before you connect your life with him, analyze whether your chosen one can give himself to tender feelings with all his heart.
  • Tower. The wax tower means that if something surprised you before, then this will soon come to an end. It is the turn to be surprised by something different - new, something that you have never had to deal with before. Also, this symbol can portend the metamorphoses that will occur in a person as a result of a steep rise through the ranks and dividends received.
  • Wineglass. A good symbol that predicts new life directions with great prospects.
  • Bomb. Thus, the harshness and even rudeness that take place in your relationships are reflected in the wax. Unfortunately, the situation is much worse than expected. The only way to restore peace and harmony is to ignore all provocations.
  • Tambourine. The wax tambourine symbolizes passion. They can be twofold: on the one hand, it can be passionate love with a dramatic anguish, on the other hand, the torment of a tortured heart about the frailty of being. In performances and cinema, it may be interesting to watch this, but are you ready for the fact that such passions will overwhelm your chosen one? What will be your reaction - enthusiasm or despondency? Before continuing serious relationship, think about it well.
  • Bagel, lamb- this symbol means that you spend too much time on a certain person. Get ready for disappointment: life will show that he does not deserve it. However, this problem will resolve itself.
  • Boomerang- he and in wax boomerang. This means that the recklessness of your actions will return to you and will have extremely unfavorable consequences.
  • Beads, bracelet. Beads or a bracelet poured out of wax are a symbol of the fact that relationships with a loved one have begun to resemble a vicious circle. Perhaps fortune-telling on wax suggests that the time has come to break it, break the circle of everyday life and thereby save love. It is important to think through solutions that can give such a good result.

  • Bucket. A good sign that predicts good luck in matters related to money. But in matters of the heart, the wax bucket does not portend any changes.
  • Fan means difficulties in the workplace. There may be friction in the team. Also, this symbol warns you against flirting at work. Even the most innocent flirting can ruin relationships with colleagues and destabilize the situation in the team. You can save the situation only by spending a lot of physical and mental strength.
  • Broom. Such a result of fortune-telling on wax means that soon everything bad brought from outside will “sweep out” of your life, like a broom.
  • Wreath. If the wax poured out in the form of a wreath, this is a sign that predicts the imminent onset of something very desired, long-awaited and very joyful. The event is likely to be directly related to family life. A wreath can serve, for example, as a symbol of the upcoming marriage.
  • Rope. A wax rope is an unkind sign that portends life's difficulties. Even worse, if the rope has knots (this indicates health problems) or loops: they promise difficulties associated with money.
  • Fork. This image invites you to reflect on your life. Are you satisfied with its course? You have to decide whether to stay in the same direction or give the course of life a completely new direction.
  • Grape from wax. If the wax poured out in the form of grapes, this is a very good sign, since it symbolizes material well-being and good luck. Ahead of you is a strong friendship and love, full of romance.
  • Waterfall from wax - a good sign, portending success and luck in matters related to finances. You just have to think about how to rationally manage the surprise of fortune.
  • Balloon. A good symbol, portending favorable changes in life. You will have the opportunity, as it were, to look at the problems from the outside and anew, more accurately assess how significant they are for your life. It is important to accept change with dignity. If arrogance and pride settle in the soul, then fortune will turn away and prosperity will burst like a balloon pierced by a needle.
  • Volcano. Such a wax figurine warns: be careful, a stable family situation is very likely to change dramatically. It is possible that the cause will be someone from the household. Therefore, everyone needs to restrain their feelings and try not to provoke each other into a conflict.
  • Mushroom symbolizes health and long life.
  • Trees. you have everything internal resources to cope with problems and achieve success in business - strength and stability of mind, reliability, stamina.
  • Door. Soon fate will give you some opportunity. Don't miss your chance to take advantage of it. Open doors more resolutely to let change into your life.
  • Sofa. This figurine hints that it's time to leave the cozy sofa and move more, because movement is life.
  • House- to an early marriage and acquiring a household. The wax house symbolizes real house, family, relationships between its members. Fortune telling on wax predicts family well-being, perhaps even finding your own home.
  • The Dragon- "high flight", the realization of hopes, the completion of work or the birth of a child.

  • Hedgehog. A little more - and the sharp needles of the “hedgehog” - fate would hurt you. Despite the fact that you have avoided this fate, every firefighter should not relax - this symbol predicts that in the very near future you will have to put up thorns: your interests are in danger.
    In some cases, the image of the animal says that it's time to shake things up and get to know life from hitherto unknown sides.
  • Fence. The wax fence symbolizes some obstacles that you have to overcome. Do not be upset and afraid. First of all, you should try to evaluate the reasonableness of your actions from the outside and, possibly, correct the strategy of the fight.
  • Lock. This image tells that one of your couple keeps a secret secret that interferes further development relations. But for real loving person will accept the sincere recognition of a partner with dignity. You should trust each other more.
  • Comma. If there is a comma in the text, it is not clear what will be written next. Therefore, it is not surprising that this wax squiggle says: you - as well as other people - will not be able to find out what your chosen one feels and what he thinks.
  • Star- a very kind symbol, promising happiness, true love and the fulfillment of all the most secret dreams.
  • Beast warns of the appearance of an enemy or rival, the figure of a person portends new friends and patrons.
  • Snake- this figure can mean not only wisdom and strength, but also danger. The serious relationship that you have with your chosen one is threatened by the deceit of enemies.
  • Question mark. Such a result of divination on wax recommends increasing vigilance. Before you decide on any act, you need to repeatedly ask yourself whether it will be right.
  • Umbrella. The wax figure of an umbrella personifies protection from all sorts of minor troubles. If the umbrella is open, this indicates that you should not be afraid of them, since preventive measures have already been taken and you are able to keep the situation under control. A closed umbrella portends support. In addition, things can turn out in such a way that instead of the expected problems, fate will present you with very pleasant surprises.
  • Needle- a wax image of a needle indicates that in the future you will feel the “pricks” of your acquaintances. They will be very tangible, and you, unfortunately, very vulnerable.
  • Skittles. Fate gives you a chance to instantly make such an acquisition, for which the rest have to work long and hard. The main thing is to gain courage and make an accurate blow.
  • Claw. Such a wax figurine predicts danger, possibly in the form of an accident. There is a risk that you will not cope with the unfavorable circumstances that have piled up.
  • Bell- news from afar. The bell always means news. symmetrical bell - good news, crooked or chipped - bad; several bells - alarm.
  • Ring - you are on the verge of a new relationship: you will be offered to marry, or you will develop a strong and long friendship with someone.
  • Comet. Beware: old enemies are ready to be activated again. It is better to try to avoid a fight, but it is better to make sure that you have prepared a rescue plan.
  • Box. What associations first come to mind when you hear the word "box"? Of course, a gift! So fortune-telling on wax portends only all the best. In addition, you can get a gift in the literal sense - the one that you have long dreamed of.
  • Cross. A clearly marked cross is a very unkind sign, portending that a very close person. An oblique cross means that in the coming year, a fortuneteller can expect trouble and illness.
    A fuzzy, blurry wax cross is a sign of minor problems and financial difficulties.

  • Lamp. A good sign that promises very happy event or holiday. In addition, the wax bulb suggests: at the most Hard times you can call to help the memories of joyful events that your heart cherishes. The more often you “turn on” your inner lighting, the brighter and brighter your life will be.
  • Sheet from a tree. A favorable outcome of divination on wax, portending cash income. The leaves are renewed annually; one has only to wait out the cold, and the bare branches will again be covered with delicate greenery. In addition, wax leaves call for caution: someone is jealous of your achievements and, perhaps, weaves intrigues.
  • A boat. Get ready for your trip as soon as possible. It is possible that it will have a romantic character. If several boats have formed, this promises significant commercial success.
  • Mask. The mask formed from wax indicates your self-doubt. You should have more confidence in your own strength.
  • monkey from wax to betrayal, fake friends and lies.
  • Clouds. Dreams, searches, creativity are reflected in this symbol. You are able to climb into the clouds of dreams, you just need to heed their call and follow them. All plans, even the most daring ones, are successfully implemented, luck accompanies the implementation of all new ideas. The time has come when dreams are only a stone's throw away. Therefore, you can safely get out of the chest of memory children's fantasies about grandiose accomplishments.
  • Island. The wax image of the island can tell about loneliness. To see the reservoir in which the island is located is to look into your soul and understand that you are isolated from outside world. You should not be in this state, especially since you can try to find ways to interrupt your loneliness - for example, by building a bridge or a raft. In many cases, a wax island may indicate that for some time you may lose your usual freedom of movement, and not of your own free will. Fortune telling advises to pay more attention to your health and preventive measures to save it, otherwise you may end up in the hospital. Fortune-telling also promises you a sense of security, harmony with the world, a feeling of serene happiness. It is quite possible that in the near future you are destined to find yourself in a place with which many memories are associated.
  • Spider from wax is not at all as unkind a sign as a real one. Financial difficulties in the foreseeable future do not threaten you.
  • Web. Be careful: you run the risk of falling into someone's skillfully woven network. However, do not get too upset about this, as you will most likely get help.
  • Pyramid. Significant achievements, long and serene happiness, the creative energy of the sun - this is what the wax pyramid is a symbol of. In most cases, her image tells that it takes hard work to build your own pyramid, which you have been dreaming of for so long.
  • Horseshoe has long been considered a symbol of good luck, and its wax image is no exception. Fortune telling says that a period of sheer luck begins in your life, so you can safely take on new things, and those put on the back burner due to the doubtful prospects. Just as determined to go on trips business nature they will also be lucky. In addition to the luck of a person, a wax horseshoe denotes his love of travel and adventure, and this love is mutual. Therefore, fellow travelers, hotels and so on. there are good ones, and in general, trips are always successful.
  • Bird from wax - to receive news. There is a possibility that you will receive an answer to a question that has long interested you, and this information will be of great importance for the future course of life. This symbol also says that the projects that you are currently working on are most likely to be met favorably.
  • Hand. The wax hand is a versatile symbol. If it is open, then it denotes friendship - both already existing and just beginning to be tied up. The fist speaks of the manifestation of disagreement and confrontation. In addition, the appearance of a wax hand indicates the existence of some kind of secret patronage. The image of a large, strong hand speaks of the same influential patrons. With their help, you can take on any business without hesitation.

  • A heart. Generally speaking, the wax heart symbolizes love. To concretize the result of divination, you need to pay attention to the shape of the figurine. Clear boundaries, an unblurred form of the image portend happiness in love. On the contrary, the absence of clear contours, the presence of veins, and even more so a figurine split into several parts, are a very unfavorable sign, a harbinger of danger threatening you.
  • rocks from wax can indicate the existence of barriers. They are most likely repaired on your way by some influential person. Its opposition is so open and active that it leaves practically no opportunity to fight. “A smart one will not go uphill, a smart one will bypass the mountain” - this is what proverb should be adopted in this case.
  • Dot, drop single. If a dot has poured out of the wax, you should carefully examine the image that has turned out nearby. If the adjacent symbol has favorable meaning, it will appear more clearly. And if the sign turns out to be unkind, then the wax point will mitigate the consequences of its implementation.
  • Triangle. If the top of the triangle is directed upwards, this is a good sign that you will suddenly become the recipient of a large amount of money or that a successful meeting awaits you. In the event that the top of the triangle looks down, this sheds light on events in the life of a close or simply familiar person. He will have to lose his former influence or leave his position. In general, looking down geometric figure in any case portends very serious problems.
  • Quadrilateral. This sign of stability, calmness, security invites the fortuneteller to leave everything as it is: the state of affairs now does not need to be corrected.
  • Flower from hardened wax - very good sign. It reflects not only your joyful state of mind, which is transmitted to everyone around you, but brilliant prospects. Happy times are waiting for you. Success will accompany business, the most daring ambitions and dreams will become a reality. In addition, the number of your friends who are happy to communicate with you can only be envied.
  • Man. Fortune telling predicts that literally in the near future you will meet a person with whom you will develop a sincere and devoted friendship.
  • ball, circle, wheel- stability and prosperity in life. The wheels are rolling, and you are moving towards your luck - that's what these figures are talking about.
  • Trousers- fork in the road, crossroads. portend a quick choice on the path of life.
  • Apple- a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar the figure to a real apple, the better its value.
    If the fetus came out crooked, has irregular shape, then it will mean that you have to overcome temptations.
  • Egg - ancient symbol hidden, unrevealed. It can mean fears, fears, but it can also symbolize just the beginning of something new.
  • Anchor. Such a fortune-telling result can serve as a reflection of the high you have achieved. social status. In some cases, the anchor can be interpreted as a recommendation to strengthen life positions. Also, this wax figurine transparently hints that it's time to get to grips with the accumulated problems that are related to the events taking place around you. You have chosen to ignore them for too long! If you take timely steps, everything will be resolved safely. Sometimes the anchor reports that all difficulties are temporary and that they can be associated with too slow career advancement.
  • Pit- an unfavorable sign, may portend serious illness.
  • Yacht. If the wax poured out in the shape of a yacht, you can prepare for major financial losses.

Fortune telling at Christmas by candlelight is a simple and reliable ritual that helps to look into the future. To get the most truthful result, it is recommended to tell fortunes - after midnight.

Fortune telling on wax and milk

Pour milk into a saucer and place on the threshold. Take the cinders of wax candles, put them in a metal bowl and melt them on the fire, saying: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax."

Saying the last word spells, pour wax into milk and carefully examine the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

  • The cross is a disease; if its outlines are fuzzy, then soon you should prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.
  • A blooming flower - a wedding in a year.
  • Animal - in close circle an ill-wisher appeared.
  • A scattering of small stars - good luck in business.
  • Stripes with blurry edges - trip, business trip, moving, travel.
  • The human figure is the imminent appearance of a new friend.

Christmas time - two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas, which falls on January 7, to Epiphany, celebrated on January 19. Christmas fortune-telling is rightfully considered the most truthful and has its roots in the times of pagan Russia. During Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, you can look for only good meaning in all predictions. Bad omens should not be given much importance, otherwise you will set yourself up for failure in the new year. Here are collected the most interesting and reliable fortune-telling for Christmas, which, I hope, will help you uncover the secrets of the future.

Christmas divination on wax (candles)

Take cinders of wax or paraffin candles white color(holiday colored candles are not suitable for divination), put in a metal bowl, melt over a fire and immediately pour into a container with cold water. The figure formed at the same time will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller.

Interpretation of figures

House - soon acquiring a new household; for a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.

Shapeless ruins - misfortune in the near future.

A pit, small cave or grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts serious illness or near death.

Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: the branches of the tree directed upwards promise quick joy, drooping - sadness, longing and boredom.

A ring or a candle definitely predicts a quick wedding.

A pancake that has sunk to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

Fortune telling on wax and milk

Pour milk into a saucer and place on the threshold. Take the cinders of wax candles, put them in a metal bowl and melt them on the fire, saying: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax."

Having pronounced the last word of the spell, pour the wax into the milk and carefully examine the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

The cross is a disease; if its outlines are fuzzy, then soon you should prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.

A blooming flower - a wedding in a year.

Animal - an ill-wisher has appeared in a close environment.

A scattering of small stars - good luck in business.

Stripes with blurry edges - trip, business trip, moving, travel.

The human figure is the imminent appearance of a new friend.

Divination by shadow

Take a newspaper sheet and crumple it well (but do not roll it into a tight ball!). Put the crumpled paper on a plate and set it on fire. When the paper is completely burnt out, put a candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt newspaper casts on the wall. The meaning of the figures that have arisen is similar to the interpretation of wax figures.

Divination by hair

At midnight, pour water into a bowl and add a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix the water thoroughly, and when it “calms down”, throw two hairs into it: one is yours, and the other is a loved one. Leave the bowl until morning.

If the next morning the hair is intertwined with each other, then the wedding is just around the corner. If the hair is at some distance from each other, then the hour of separation is near.

Christmas divination by ring

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls (without a pattern and polishing), pour water into it by 3/4 of the volume and carefully lower the previously cleaned wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. Looking closely at the very center of the ring, you can see the betrothed. Just to see it, you need to look into the ring for quite some time.

Fortune telling by egg

Pour water into a glass and pour protein into it raw egg. Put the glass in a heated oven so that the protein curls up. After that, remove the glass and carefully look at the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

Church dome or ring - fast wedding.

Rectangle or square - a serious illness, death.

Ship - moving after marriage to another city or country.

A pancake that has sunk to the bottom is a series of adversities and troubles, a long girlhood.

Fortune telling by rooster

This fortune-telling is collective, therefore, on Christmas or Epiphany Christmas Eve several girls should gather in one room and "pay off". Large grains should be scattered on the floor and at exactly midnight a black rooster should be brought into the room. His behavior will be the answer to the question about the future of fortunetellers.

If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year the one who poured the grains will marry.

If part of the grains still remained on the floor, then the one whose number matches the number of pecked grains will marry.

If the rooster refused to treat at all, then not a single wedding will take place next year, and for all those present, the near future will be overshadowed by many minor troubles and failures.

Fortune telling "Well and bridge"

Pull out a few twigs from an ordinary household broom, build a bridge out of them and put it under the pillow until morning with the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

After that, at night in a dream, the girl is likely to see her future husband.

Matches can be used instead of twigs. Build a well out of them and put it under the pillow in the same way with the words: "Narrowed, mummers, come get some water."

Christmas book divination

In the old days, the Psalter was used as a prophetic book - a liturgical book containing the biblical book of psalms. Now, in the absence of a Psalter in the house, you can take a volume of your favorite writer - Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare or any other.

In order to find out the answer to a question of interest, one must mentally formulate it, guess the line number from the bottom or top, and open the book at random. The answer includes not only the hidden line, but the entire semantic passage in which this line is included.

If the answer found in the book does not lend itself to logical interpretation, then the fortune-telling should be repeated.

Divination in the name of the betrothed

This common and popular divination to this day is probably known to everyone.

At midnight, leave the house and ask the first man you meet for his name. This name will be the name of the betrothed.

Christmas divination with a mirror

Divination with a mirror at Christmas time was considered the most faithful, but at the same time the most dangerous, during which a fortune-telling girl or woman often lost her senses.

The fact is that the mirror, according to ancient beliefs, is a border separating real world and the world of spirits. There are many signs and customs associated with this. So, for example, according to one of them, a broken mirror certainly promises an early disaster. Misfortune will happen even if you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm. By the way, most of"Thin" signs are connected precisely with the reflection in the mirror. It was strictly forbidden for a woman to look at him at those moments of her life when she could most easily violate the invisible border between the world of the living and the world of the dead: during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and the entire postpartum period, when she was considered “unclean”.

At present, the technology for the production of mirrors has changed: instead of a silver coating, lead is used, which has a very short “memory” and, as a result, is less aggressive. However, until now, old people do not recommend bringing a newborn to a mirror for fear that his fragile soul may split in two and the child will turn into an evil sorcerer or a bloodthirsty vampire.

However, the mirror can also serve as a powerful amulet. The impure force reflected in it immediately loses its magical power and forever loses the ability to harm people.

Fortune telling with a mirror is best in a bathhouse, in an unclean place, and at midnight, when the border marked by a mirror is most permeable. The fortuneteller should be completely alone in the room, loose her hair and remove the belt, if any. On the table you need to put two cutlery, a mirror and a candle. Then the fortuneteller should sit in front of the mirror and say: “Betrothed, mummers, come to dinner with me.”

Exactly at midnight, she will see a man looking over her shoulder. After the fortuneteller examines his face, she must quickly cast a charm spell: “Chur this place!”. After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and the fortuneteller will be out of danger.

Variety this divination is a ritual with two mirrors that are placed opposite each other so that they repeat their reflections. One of the mirrors must be placed on a table with two candles on the sides. At midnight, light candles, undress, sit on a chair between the mirrors and carefully peer into your reflection. If the mirrors are placed correctly, then the reflections form a long gallery in which the image of the betrothed should appear.

"Broken hearts"

This divination is more like a game, so it is great for friendly Christmas and Christmas parties.

To carry it out, it is necessary to cut out figures in the form of hearts from cardboard. And by the number of them should be two times less than the guests invited to the party. Each of the hearts must be “broken”, that is, cut into halves in the most intricate way, clearly identifying the male and female. Then mix the parts thoroughly and hand them to each guest at the entrance with the wish to find their half.

Christmas divination for love

This fortune-telling is for the lonely, but eager to meet true love. At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and contributes to the appearance new love.

Divination by flame

Only gypsies, leading a nomadic lifestyle and forced to spend many hours by the fire, could come up with such a method of divination. It is at the same time very simple and very complex, because one who peers into the flame must have a good imagination and partly a philosophical mindset, as well as rich life experience in order to read the fate destined in the dancing languages ​​of the fire.

In the flame of the same fire, several people can see the future at the same time, because everyone will see in it their own prophecy intended only for him.

It is best to use flame divination for yourself, because in this case it will be extremely accurate and less complicated.

If fortune-telling is performed for someone else, then the person must be seated to the left of oneself and “tune in” to him. For this take it right hand both hands and hold for a few seconds. After that, look closely into the flame and try to see prophetic signs there, symbolizing the events that await a person in the future.

It happens that no real images that can lift the veil over the mystery of being ever arise. In such a case, the gypsies say that big changes await a person in life, but it is still difficult to determine whether they are good or bad.

Christmas divination with a knife

For this type of divination, gypsies use a round wooden board with a diameter of about 30 centimeters to cut bread. If there is no board of this size at hand, then you can take a tray or cut a circle out of cardboard. On the edges of the circle write the answers to the most frequently asked questions:

"Be patient",

"Caution: next to you is an enemy hiding under the mask of a friend",

"good news"

"Love Message"

"Good luck in the undertaking",

"Unexpected Guest"


"Today's tears will turn into joy tomorrow"

"Unexpected news"

"New love",

"Unexpected meeting",


"Important Letter"

Put an ordinary kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally formulate a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. One of the three messages to which the knife point will point and will be the answer to question asked. The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event.

If, after rotation, the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from two messages, the divination must be repeated.

Divination with needles

Put 21 needles that have never been sewn on a saucer or plate, and slowly pour water into the dishes. Under the influence of water, the needles will change their original position; according to the current picture, one can promise about the situation in which the fortuneteller is located. So, the number of crosses formed by needles indicates the number of ill-wishers or hostile forces acting against a fortuneteller in the current month.

There is also another version of fortune-telling on needles.

Make a pendulum out of a needle. To do this, thread a red silk thread about 75 centimeters long into it, fold it in half and tie a knot at the end.

Take a coin from a fortuneteller (previously they always took a silver one) and put it on the table. Sit down at the table, put your elbow on it, take the pendulum needle with your fingers by the tip of the thread and direct the tip of the needle to the center of the coin.

The fortuneteller asks a question, the answer to which is the words "yes" or "no", and carefully looks at the pendulum. If the needle stands still without movement, there is no answer to the question yet; if it begins to move in the longitudinal direction, the answer is affirmative, if in the transverse direction, it is negative. If the pendulum makes circular motions, the question is not clear and should be formulated more precisely.

Christmas is one of the most revered and beloved Orthodox holidays. Christmas fortune-telling is considered reliable and has its roots in the distant past. Fortune telling with a candle at Christmas, as one of the types of Christmas fortune telling, is the most popular way to find out the future and get an answer to an exciting question.

Divination rules with candles and wax

Starting from Christmas, which all Orthodox Christians celebrate on January 7, and until Epiphany, there was a series of holidays that allowed you to relax and have fun. At this time, according to legend, all are activated magical powers who are able to show a person the future or give an answer to an unsolvable question. And today among girls, fortune-telling for a betrothed, for the fulfillment of a wish, for fate is popular.

To conduct Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. The most suitable for divination are wax candles, because wax has long been used in magical rites and healing. It is better to buy them in the church, where they are charged with positive energy. Their color may be different. It is believed that red candles are more suitable for love fortune telling, white candles for fortune telling, and green or yellow candles for health and financial rituals.
  2. Water for the ritual is used mainly melted water. Also suitable for this purpose is rainwater or consecrated in the church before Epiphany. Dishes for water are taken clean, if possible - new.
  3. Also sometimes use a mirror framed in a round or oval shape.

The ritual is performed at night, all alone or with friends. During fortune-telling, loud conversations, laughter are avoided and concentration and a positive attitude are observed. The main condition for the performance of the ritual is pure thoughts.

Divination methods with candles

There are several ways of divination with wax candles for Christmas. They are used in divination for a betrothed or for the development of love relationships.

The most popular of them is fortune-telling for a speedy marriage. To do this, take the shell walnut and new wax candles. Young unmarried girls gather on the evening of January 6 on the first night of Christmas time at one table, they put a vessel with water on it and put a shell with candles in it. They are set on fire at the same time and wait until they burn out. The girl whose candle burned out faster will be the first to marry. If the candle goes out, then marriage is not expected this year, but if she drowned, the girl will never be married.

Another way is fortune telling with a candle for the future in the shadows. To conduct it, they take clean paper and a candle, and place them on a metal tray or other fireproof surface. The paper is crumpled and set on fire, and a lit candle is placed so that a shadow appears on the wall from the burning paper. By the shape of the shadows, they judge what awaits in the future. The meanings of the figures seen have the following interpretations:

  • male figure - love relationship or imminent marriage;
  • people are gossip;
  • face - acquaintance with an influential person;
  • old woman - intrigues of enemies;
  • tree - well-being and goal achievement;
  • mountains - problems;
  • the snake is an insidious enemy;
  • bird - well-being;
  • the cat is a rival;
  • rat - an unpleasant surprise, collapse;
  • horse - hard work;
  • lion - the help of an influential friend;
  • mouse - anxiety;
  • dog - true friends;
  • castle - stability and confidence in the future;
  • ruins - parting, material losses;
  • shoes - career growth;
  • cross - deterioration in health;
  • bag - wealth;
  • weapons - quarrels.

Fortune telling on wax and water

Fortune telling on wax at Christmas is used to get an answer to a question of interest, to find out how the fate of the fortuneteller will turn out. To carry out the ritual, they take a vessel with water and a lit candle. It is held so that the wax from it drips into the water, forming a clot, through which they receive the answer. Place a small mirror at the bottom of the water container to reflect the wax. This will increase the concentration of energy flows and increase information content.

It is also allowed to heat the wax in a metal spoon. It is quickly poured into water and the value of the fortune-telling results is determined from the resulting wax figure.

To guess the fate, you need to concentrate and take a candle in left hand, and a vessel with water - to the right and, dripping melted wax into the water, say the following words three times:

“As I light a candle, so I invoke my destiny. Fire and water, open the veil over my future!”

After that, they determine what the resulting figure looks like. Possible interpretation of the characters:

  • dot - wealth;
  • home - favorable changes, change of residence;
  • flower - mutual love;
  • cross - bad news;
  • angel - unexpected help in solving a problem;
  • the ring is a tempting offer;
  • star - good luck;
  • a book is an opportunity to start everything from scratch;
  • a straight line is a successful new undertaking;
  • drum - gossip;
  • grapes - material success;
  • mushroom - dependence on someone or something;
  • dragon - success in creative endeavors;
  • a cat is an insidious woman, betrayal;
  • chicken - joyful chores;
  • tree leaf - intrigue;
  • hammer - diligence and hard work will lead to success;
  • bridge - successful partnerships;
  • vegetables - trouble due to a difficult character;
  • weapons - physical or moral danger;
  • dishes - well-being in the house;
  • fruits - profit;
  • furniture - stability and comfort;
  • the hat is a successful project.

Such fortune-telling is carried out with caution; if a favorable interpretation has been received, the wax figure is kept for a year. If the result was negative value, then it is buried in a deserted place.

After the Nativity of Christ, the most mysterious and mystical two weeks before Epiphany begin, which unmarried girls are looking forward to. They are popularly called Holy Weeks. Since ancient times, man has been trying to penetrate the secrets of the future, to lift the veil of fate and find out what awaits him on the way.

Christmas fortune-telling is an attempt to find out your fate. In Russia, Christmas time has always been considered one of the most suitable periods for divination (two weeks from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, or from January 6 to January 19).

It is believed that at this time the veil separating the worlds becomes especially thin and with the help of rituals and divination, one can look beyond the line to find out fate.

Christmas divination 2019

Over the years, many ways of divination for Christmas have been invented. Basically, the theme of the holy week for such rites and sacraments is: to find out the name of the betrothed or the groom himself.

The popularity of Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed is explained simply. At times ancient Russia young girls often depended on how her family life would turn out in the future and whether she would have a good husband.

The sacrament of Christmas divination begins mainly at night or in the evening before midnight. It was at this time that young ladies come together to perform a fortune-telling ritual, who tried to fulfill the conditions of the sessions:

  • In the process of divination, you can not pinch yourself. Make sure your arms and legs are open. This is done in order not to confuse otherworldly guests.
  • Before the session, jewelry or things that bind or encircle the limbs are removed. Let your hair down.
  • In the place where the fortune-telling process will take place, noise and electric lighting leaving only candles.
  • Due to the pagan roots of Christmas divination, persons must remove and remove religious symbols from the room.

Christmas 2018 is just around the corner, let's find out how to tell fortunes.

Christmas divination with a mirror

Even in ancient times, mirrors had otherworldly properties. As you know, if a person died in the house, then the mirrors are covered with a cloth.
The ritual of divination on mirrors is carried out in an empty and quiet room. During the process, nothing should make sounds, it is better to remove watches and other objects.

The girl who is guessing, looses her hair and tries to focus her attention. In this Christmas divination, two mirrors are needed, they should be placed opposite each other, thereby creating a corridor.

The girl should sit between the mirrors in complete darkness, and light two candles only by midnight. Lighted candles are placed on the sides of the mirrors, and the words are said: "My betrothed, mummers, show yourself to me." At this moment, you need to be extremely focused, trying to peer into the resulting corridor of mirrors. In the corridor you can see the image of the future groom.

Fortune telling on a betrothed with a wedding ring

For fortune-telling, you need to take an ordinary glass without drawings. preferably with a flat bottom. Water should be poured three-quarters by volume. Take your wedding ring and put it as far as possible in the center of the glass.

It is better to wash the key item before divination on the ring so that the information of the owner himself does not intersect and does not spoil the final result.

Then they focus on the hole of the ring, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me.” You will have to watch for a long time, it is better to prepare yourself for several hours at once, you may be able to discern the image of the betrothed.

Christmas divination on wax, interpretation of figures

Fortune telling with wax is one of the most common and uncomplicated options for Christmas divination. Melted wax is poured into cold water and study the resulting figures. They are trying to predict what the future holds for the fortuneteller. It is not necessary to formulate a question before fortune-telling, wax will only tell about general changes and life events.

For the ritual, two objects are used - a wax candle and a bowl of water.

A wax candle can be replaced with a paraffin candle or beeswax can be used.

The water container should be comfortable and large enough - a basin or a large bowl will do.

In the second option, you do not need to grind the candle. It is simply lit and slightly tilted over a container of water so that the wax drips into the cold water. Then fortunetellers study the figures formed by frozen drops of wax to find out what the future holds for them.

Interpretation of wax figures

To find out the results of Christmas fortune-telling, you need to trust your intuition and connect your imagination, accepting the first, arbitrary associations - they are the most true. The figures are studied in the water, or you can bring them to a candle and examine the shadows cast on the wall.

A large number of round droplets of small size promises profit
Asterisks - success in work or study

Seen flowers portend a romantic acquaintance or marriage.
Tree leaves - envy and intrigue

The egg is a symbol of a new beginning
Stripes - crossings, wanderings, roads

Man is a good friend
The cross is one of the negative omens, it is considered the news of death.

Grapes are a symbol of prosperity, good luck and love.
The church is a bad symbol. He threatens suffering, need

Mushrooms - longevity
The bell is a symbol of news. Whether this is good news or not depends on appearance bells. Beautiful and symmetrical - a good sign, a crooked and ugly promises bad news.

apple - health
Home - to your home. For girls, this symbol was primarily associated with marriage.

Trees are a quick joy if the branches look up. If the branches droop - boredom and longing
Ring - imminent marriage
A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

If a fortuneteller saw an unpleasant prediction in wax, the wax should be buried in the morning. If the result pleased, you can water the flowers with water, and hide the wax until the next fortune-telling.

Modern Christmas divination 2019 at home for girls

In our age information technologies a lot has changed. In connection with these, some types of divination are hopelessly outdated.

For example, today it is very difficult to find a bath in a city apartment in order to find out what the character of the betrothed will be? Yes, and throwing a shoe at a man passing by can turn into a nuisance.

But, girls of marriageable age should not be sad about this! Moreover, the obsolete ones have been replaced by new types of divination, which are carried out using the materials available to us.

Divination with Kinder Surprise

Chocolate eggs need to be bought according to the number of fortune-telling girls. It is necessary for each fortune-telling young girl to distribute one egg. Exactly at midnight, the girls simultaneously eat chocolate, take out the surprise in the egg.

A toy that has come across symbolizes future events. Everything depends on intuition. For example, a dog that got caught can mean the appearance in life true friend, and a plastic ring - of course, a wedding!

Fortune-telling with the help of an elevator

To find out if a cherished wish will come true, early in the morning you need to go out to the entrance and ask the elevator in a whisper if the wish will come true?

Now you need to wait for the elevator to work. If he goes up, it means that he won’t have to wait long, and a joyful event will happen soon. The elevator went down, then the desire will not come true or soon it will be irrelevant.

Divination at the neighbor's door

You can learn about future family life with the help of neighbors. To do this, on Holy Week, you need to put your ear to their door.

If music and fun are heard outside the door, then life will be very fun, if quiet music sounds, or the TV is on, life will be calm and measured.

If the neighbors quarrel, then the husband and wife will not put up. The silence in the room indicates that the girl will have to wait another year for the wedding.

Christmas divination for the groom

This fortune-telling came to us from time immemorial, and indicates the occupation of the betrothed. Previously, girls used to tell fortunes using coins, a bottle, a bag of seeds, and other items that indicated a particular occupation.

Today, many professions have become irrelevant, for example, a groom or a cabman. On the other hand, many new specialties have appeared, which it would be useful to learn about for a girl looking for a groom.

This will require a calculator, a phonendoscope, a diving mask, a toy gun, a car model and other items related to male professions.

These items are laid out on the table. Next, each girl comes to the table blindfolded, and selects an object by touch. If she pulled out a calculator, then the husband will be a successful financier, the phonendoscope points to a doctor, and the gun points to a military or policeman.

Fortune telling with an iPhone or TV

Now you can tell fortunes by turning on the TV, or by calling an iPhone.

  1. For example, you can sit in front of the TV, turning off the sound. During fortune-telling, it is advisable to close your eyes and clearly formulate your question. Now you can turn on the sound and carefully listen to the answer to the question asked.
  2. Fortune telling on an iPhone looks something like this - you need to formulate a desire and dial the first number that comes to mind. If the number is busy, then the wish will most likely not come true. Long beeps on the phone portend a wedding that is just around the corner.

Most likely, the subscriber will pick up the phone. If a woman answers, you can dial two more numbers, but no more. Do not be upset if no one except women answers this way, because you can get married next year.

If a man answers, you need to talk to a stranger. He doesn't need to be interrogated. A light casual conversation can tell a lot about a person.

By age, status, the name of a stranger, one can judge the future husband. Who knows, maybe luck is just around the corner, and the coveted number will help you get to know its owner better?

Christmas fortune-telling for wishes - 3 ways

Today, divination on the night before Christmas is more of an entertainment than a means of divination. You can often find recommendations not to take bad predictions seriously and expect only good fortune-telling from Christmas fortune-telling, and then it will certainly come true.

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