How to interest a girl by correspondence psychology examples. How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence? What questions can you ask a girl by correspondence. How to interest a girl by correspondence in VKontakte

First steps to get a girl interested

It's no secret that many guys are in no hurry to take the initiative and meet girls first. The reason for this is that they are afraid of rejection, they are not sure of their strength (beauty, courage - choose the right one), they do not have communication experience. And it seems to some that to interest a girl is an impossible task, comparable to an annual report or conquering mountain peaks.

Yes, and girls are unpredictable creatures, wayward and incomprehensible to male logic. Either they show interest in meeting you, or they openly ignore and do not look at your side. And it is in no way possible to predict whether you will be able to make an indelible impression on the beauty, whether you will achieve her location.

So how can you attract the attention of an unfamiliar girl? How to build a dialogue in order to succeed and invite the girl you like to the cinema? To make it real, the main thing is to understand the psychology of the female soul and remember a few simple rules of behavior for a real man and a seducer.

Important points of human psychology

Many people know the phrase that we are not a hundred-dollar piece of paper to please everyone. And they perceive it all right until it comes specifically about you and your unsuccessful attempts to make an acquaintance and interest a girl. But still, this judgment must be carefully considered and accepted so as not to feel a sense of shame or grief from the fact that all your attempts when meeting a young woman were in vain.

And another important point - you do not have to like a stranger in order to interest her. You need to make her think about you, intrigue, hook - this is how you can earn sympathy in the future and build good relationships.

What can interest a girl when meeting?

It is impossible to give one clear answer to such a question, because all young girls are different, they have different perceptions of the world, principles and desires.

However, there are several main criteria that arouse interest in an unfamiliar woman:

  • no matter how trite it may seem, but our psychology is such that we pay attention to the appearance of the opposite sex. Clothing, hairstyle, body structure, outrageous details and accessories, snow-white teeth, beautiful and well-groomed hands or hair can arouse interest;
  • intelligence, erudition, the ability to behave in a company, knowledge of how to properly care for a girl. Many young women consider the mind to be the sexiest thing in a man;
  • sociability. Here another truth comes into play, that the fair sex loves with its ears. If you know how to tell stories beautifully and emotionally, have a good voice, competently and correctly build sentences, then it will not be a problem for you to interest a girl;
  • social status. There are such strangers for whom your social status and social circle, opportunities and place of work are important;
  • money is not the final touch to the portrait of a successful man. And often an important nuance is the ability to independently earn and invest them, and not their quantity;
  • competition among women. If a crowd of enthusiastic admirers and beautiful admirers is following you, then female interest is triggered, that there is something in this stranger that attracts girls, the need to independently check all the rave reviews heard and make up your own opinion;
  • the power with which you are endowed is another important point that may arouse interest, and allow you to get to know many lovely creatures;
  • the presence of some secret or intrigue that must be revealed and understood.

As you can see, there are many ways to attract the attention of a stranger, some of them are quite simple and affordable. The main thing is to choose the right partner for dating and communication and present your advantages in a profitable way.

How to interest a girl by correspondence?

Dating and chatting online are gaining popularity because they are very accessible and easy. Without leaving home, you can find a lot of friends and comrades, fellow interests, start a romantic relationship or, which happens quite often, find a soul mate and start a family.

That is why more and more guys are looking for answers to questions, what to write to a girl to please her or interest her, what is the psychology of women in virtual dating, how can you win the heart of a stranger on the Internet?

Indeed, all this is possible, and if you remember a few simple and useful rules, then everything will turn out quite simply:

  • before you think about how you can surprise a stranger, you should check your page on social networks or a profile on a dating site and remove all unnecessary information, candid photos or other information that can make you blush. 99% of women, having received a message from a guy, will go to his account and view photos and videos, read comments and immediately make a first impression;
  • to understand how to interest a pen pal, visit her page, find out about her hobbies and passions, view photos to learn how to write a message to get an answer;
  • think about how the greeting and the first phrase will be. Do not write banal questions, be original and unpredictable, confident and courageous;
  • do not immediately express your sympathy, show restrained interest, keep a distance between messages to tickle your nerves and prolong the pleasure of communication;
  • do not use profanity or insults, watch for mistakes and the correct structure of sentences so that each phrase pleases the eye of the beauty you like.

What question to interest a girl?

In order for the correspondence not to end at the very first phrase, you need to know what question to ask the girl in order to interest her, and even better, intrigue with what questions you can achieve her location.

First of all, questions should be detailed and should not anticipate the answer "yes" or "no". They should force them to write an answer and ask their questions, awakening to dialogue and further communication. It immediately becomes clear that the phrase “Hello. How are you?" will not cause pleasant emotions, and its author may be ignored.

There are two options for questions that will interest you:

  • questions about the girl herself, her interests, about what has to do with her. Whatever it was, but everyone is pleased when they pay attention, ask about important things and events;
  • the second option is to ask for help or offer to take part in some event, draw or competition in the real or virtual world. Even if the stranger refuses, she will somehow react to the proposal, she will ask questions about the conditions, place and time of its holding, which will contribute to the development of closer relations.

In addition, experienced seducers have a stock of non-standard questions that provoke young and beautiful women to dialogue, arouse interest and desire to continue to communicate. For example: “How will you spend a million dollars?”, “What will happen if all the flowers disappear on earth?”, “What would you change in the structure of the world if you had such an opportunity?” - such messages can provoke even the most closed and silent princesses to a dialogue, to which it is very difficult to find the key.

How to interest a girl in a conversation?

The first stage is passed, the girl answered your message or maintained a dialogue on the street, but now the question arises - how to interest the girl in the conversation and prevent her from running away after a few minutes?

Here are some tips for all occasions:

  • be open, smile more and be at ease in dialogue;
  • if you don’t know what conversations to interest, then tell us about your hobbies, trips and travels, share plans for the future;
  • use simple and understandable words;
  • be confident in yourself and your attractiveness, let your interlocutor feel it;
  • joke, tell funny stories and give a good mood, this will certainly interest the stranger you like.

To interest a woman at the first correspondence, a guy needs to be creative and not use banal and annoying phrases. An acquaintance that began with the words “Hi, how are you? ”, rarely has a continuation. You can attract the interest of a young lady with a pleasant and original compliment or a funny joke. For a woman, the ability to write correctly and clearly express her thoughts is important, mistakes in almost every word will immediately make a repulsive impression on a girl.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read history carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

How to attract the attention of a girl on the Internet?

In correspondence, a guy who has the following qualities can: creativity and originality, a good sense of humor and ease of communication, cheerfulness and determination, culture and literacy, a broad outlook and a high level of intelligence.

You need to fill your VKontakte or other social network profile with information about yourself to the maximum, upload high-quality and beautiful photos in order to immediately attract the attention of a woman.

It is recommended to regularly follow updates on the page of the girl you like and actively comment on photos, posts, like, participate in discussions, send interesting videos and audio files to the wall. A man's profile should not contain compromising materials, primitive statuses, stupid pictures. The use of obscene language and insults is unacceptable.

How to start a conversation with a girl

Successful start of communication

To get acquainted with the lady you like, you need to hook her from the first written phrase. Examples of original messages to attract the attention of an unfamiliar girl:

  • "Hello. I am writing to you because I have an interesting offer that I cannot refuse. In our institution (specify the name) is a win-win promotion. You need to fill out a short questionnaire and get two gift tickets (for a concert or other event).” If the girl managed to be intrigued by such a proposal, then later you can admit that this was just an excuse to get to know each other, and invite her to your favorite institution or to a concert of a musical group.
  • Ask an open-ended question during the first correspondence: “How will you manage a billion US dollars if tomorrow they are in your hands? ” or “How will you spend this day if it will be the last in your life? » Do not ask closed questions, as they require an unequivocal answer and do not contribute to the continuation of communication.
  • “You are stunning, I can’t take my eyes off your photo” or “Your eyes won my heart and took away my night’s sleep, don’t look at me like that from the monitor screen, otherwise I will soon die from lack of sleep.”
  • "Hey. I wanted to ask which of the modeling agencies you study or work in? The fact is that my good friend advised me to seek advice from you. My beloved sister decided to enter a modeling school, and I want to know which one is the best, because with an appearance like yours, they only work in top institutions. I really hope for your responsiveness and goodwill and I will be immensely grateful for the help! »
  • “Hi, do you remember we went to the same summer camp in 2000 and we had a passionate romance there? Finally I found you! » If a girl begins to actively deny acquaintance, we can say that she has mixed up, but is not averse to getting to know each other better.
  • “Hello, my potential darling. Your future spouse is writing, who was sent down by heaven and destined for you by fate, so pack your things and move in with me today. » A woman will definitely be interested in such an SMS message and she will want to get to know the man better.
  • “Girl, you are under arrest for excessive sexuality and extraordinary attractiveness, you can’t walk the streets and appear in public places in this form.”
  • “Listen (name of the woman), my cat gave birth to 13 kittens yesterday, maybe you can take a pet so that he does not die a painful death? I know you are very kind and will not let an animal be left without a master. »
  • “I really want to visit the cinema this Saturday, because this weekend will be the premiere of (movie title), but I have a problem: I can’t be alone in a dark hall, and there is absolutely no one to go with. I beg you, help me and make a company, because for a very long time I dreamed of getting to this film premiere.
  • “Good afternoon, I saw you in my favorite community (name of the group) and decided to write, because your hobbies coincide with mine.”
  • “You blinded me with your smile, so from now on you must become my guide.”

Understanding female psychology is not so difficult: you need to cheer up or at least make a woman smile when she reads a guy’s message. You should not write about your past love relationships, touch on too intimate topics, be ironic or use vulgar, sarcastic jokes, gossip, complain about a hard life and talk about your financial situation.

Hello guys! Panfer is in touch with you again. An expert in the field of intersexual and your faithful subject. Go!
In this article, we will consider not only how to interest a girl and what question to ask her, but also what to talk about and how to behave and look.

The girl's interest refers to the second point of the complete scheme of seduction, the item immediately following the acquaintance, is the main point that distinguishes and distinguishes you from other men. I suppose it also happened to you that when you tried to get acquainted, you did not meet the due enthusiasm in the eyes of the girl.

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As George Carlin joked - 95% of people are gray mass, and I think there is more truth than jokes. The ability to interest a girl and present yourself correctly determines how communication will develop further. If you immediately charmed her, then like clockwork and she will forgive you all the mistakes. To the topic I will give one of my favorite sayings, even though it is from a cartoon:

Style true
Decent behavior
Judgments are objective

How to get a girl interested in dating

First, you need to prepare properly. Think about your appearance, your appearance creates in the head of the interlocutor the first impression of you and what you do.

Approximately like this)

The first rule of appearance is well-groomed, clean clothes and shoes.. You should not go to dating places in a tracksuit (the exception is stylized, designer tracksuits). This is certainly not a sentence, but a tracksuit is needed for training. Ideally, of course, an ironed white shirt, trousers and a jacket.

But a casual suit, both a sweater and a T-shirt, will do. If only not gift-advertising. Shoes must be clean and this is important! Not well-groomed shoes - not well-groomed body, underwear. There are many unpleasant parallels that a girl will flash in her brain. You don't need it.

Breath odor is just as important when you're sitting across from each other. Well, you understand. Do not overdo it with perfume, but do not forget about it at all, as well as about deodorant.

Always take care of yourself

Well-groomed hands and nails, I will not go into details about the reasons and the degree of importance, just trust and do not miss this item, please.

The second is communication.

How to get a girl interested in texting

Be friendly, write correctly and beautifully, do not use banal words and questions. Any ordinary question can be asked in a more colorful way and in the form of an open question, this greatly facilitates the construction of a dialogue.

Also, girls love guys who know what they want, so every correspondence should lead to a specific goal, for example, to interest her or an appointment. Also, my advice is better to call and talk confidently than to correspond a lot. This is more in line with the male image and eliminates the girl’s time for reflection, thereby allowing you to achieve your goals with pressure.

This is an example of a rather not very successful photo for VK) Although, it all depends on what kind of audience you are looking for))

To interest a girl in VK, you will need suitable photographs, preferably professional ones. Photos reflect your lifestyle, your physical attractiveness (after meeting you, you may not be remembered at all), who you work for, whether you live interestingly, according to them, the girl chooses the tone with which she will communicate with you. This applies to all social networks and instant messengers where your photo series takes place.

Often asked what question to ask a girl to interest her. It's simple, ask everything about her, this is their favorite topic of conversation. If you talk to her about herself and she will talk for the most part, then in the end you will know that you are the best conversationalist.

In general, the correctness of this statement lies behind the question, who needs whom more? Are you for her, or is she for you? If she needs you more, then she will listen to your nonsense with her mouth open. And in order to cause such a reaction, you need to look good and behave like a man, I mean non-verbal.

To interest a girl on the Internet is a useful skill, but it is much more useful for self-development to behave and be able to interest a girl in a real conversation face to face.

Examples of correct photos (with friends in the company, with famous people, in interesting places)

Only with live communication, skill quickly grows, maximum pumping and assimilation of new experience, and most importantly, calibration develops, this is your gift for foreseeing behavior, the upcoming line of conversation, and the interlocutor's response to your words.

How to get a girl interested in live chat

Have you heard of dominance? This is such a cute trait inherent in men. Have you heard that women love powerful men? And also gallant. Confidence and good manners are a great combination.

A smile often solves

Another first rule of making a good first impression, among other first rules, is to have a smile on your face. Women consider a man's smile charming, it speaks of the inner strength to cope with the hardships of life, reliability, confidence and disposition to communicate.

Understand that a woman is worried just like you, hides her insecurities just like you, doesn’t know where to start, and in general is a living person like you. And it is likely that she is lonely, and she is glad to meet a worthy companion. Decent is the key word. Women and men are looking for one thing, namely each other. But a woman is smarter in this regard and will test you.

The so-called women's checks. She will follow your words, look for lies and show-offs, she is interested in how much you like her, what you are capable of, what to expect from you. By the way, women are physically weaker than us, but much more cunning by nature.

I do not advise lying, the chance is too great that she will figure you out. It is possible to dress stories about yourself in a slightly brighter wrapper, but do not overdo it. Any lie must be based on at least part of the truth.
An example of how you need to communicate vividly to really interest:

In general, you don’t have to be a tough guy, it’s better to be light and cheerful on the rise - this will bring you much more points. Trust me. And so, what to talk about?

As Dale Carnegie said:

The most beloved and interesting person to us is ourselves.

Output: to become the most interesting conversationalist for her, you must talk more about her and be genuinely interested.

And another tip from the same guy: call her by her name more often, our name is the sweetest sound for us. Thanks Dale.

Indeed, the best topic of conversation is her and her hobbies, praise her, be interested in her. Give the opportunity to speak out and feel special against the background of interest in her person. If there is something to admire, do not forget to do it. When the conversation turns to you, tell us briefly about yourself, as befits a man., without boasting, without forgetting to mention your best qualities.

Remember interesting moments from life that characterize you on the good side, perhaps you have met or are familiar with one of the celebrities. This is certainly pop, but fascinating. Remember the moments for which you yourself can respect yourself, do not hesitate to talk about spiritual components, without fear of seeming too soft, but without fanaticism and snot.

You are a man, but you have a heart and no one forbade loving kittens. A little self-irony is a sign of strength, it can be the same story about a kitten, but which you rescued from a tree and fell with it, the kitten ran away safe and sound, and you got really dirty.

Irony is one of the ways to display intelligence, and self-irony is the absence of complexes ...

All stories are positive, with a smile, and to bring a smile. No one is interested in your problems and difficulties, you will not wait for pity, but you will lose respect and you will be called a whiner. Girls are looking for funny guys with an easy attitude to life, with which they will hide from difficulties. Guys, followed by a certain halo of lightness and happiness. Be that guy. And not a cool biker capable only of a pose of cancer and 0% of the content of romance in the blood.

Remember, don't talk bad about yourself! Do you put bad references in your resume when applying for a job? During the conversation, position yourself as you like, take as much space in space as you need, if something interferes on the table, move it away.

Always be confident

No need to shrink into a ball, close with your hands, all these are symbols of your insecurity. You will look like a schoolboy, in line at a brothel. Don't be afraid to take a girl by the hand, it's legal for now. If you are hooked on a personal topic, look into your eyes while waiting for an answer, you will hear the truth more often. In general, look into her eyes more often. It's adorable for girls. It doesn’t matter what color your pupils are, but if your gaze is “on the spot”, then she will say that you have beautiful and bright eyes. You can give her the same compliment.

By the way, if you want to take a good look at her figure or individual parts of the body, then it went only when done modestly. If you do it confidently, then this is perceived as an evaluative look from a confident man. And you will probably notice that she noticed this, and this is not a reason to look away. Read to absorb.

She will start to be embarrassed, maybe she will say something, you just parry it with a compliment to her figure and that's it. Yes, it reveals your vulgar intentions, but that's okay. The main thing is without undue modesty, and everything is in order.

Tilt of the body: When you lean towards her, you show interest, but if there is no reciprocal interest in your person, then you should lean back in your chair. She should see that your attention to her is weakening. This may provoke her to return your interest in her.

We will do the same with the hand, when your hand lies on her hand, this is a kind of closeness, a symbol of the fact that you are drawing closer. If she says something that you don't quite like, you abruptly remove your hand and just slightly, as if by accident, push her hand away. Very little. Take out your phone and take a break to look at the time. She will think that the topic is not to your liking, and most likely will change it.

Arrange a swing, sometimes they greatly save the situation.

Sometimes, in order to return an arrogant (too talkative, impudent, arrogant) girl to the ground, it is enough to be distracted to the side by leaning back. This is a very gallant gesture of disregard for conversation. If it does not work, and the lady does not slow down the horses, then offer the lady chewing gum, let her think that she has bad breath. But this is an extreme case among gallant remarks.

How to get an ex girlfriend interested

One old trick came to my mind on this topic and now I’ll tell you about it. Relationships always end for only one reason - one partner has ceased to like the other. Everything else is excuses and excuses. It all comes down to one thing - one stopped liking the other.

The initiator of the breakup is always alone, he suffers less, and the one who was abandoned suffers more. According to the moral state, the initiator of the separation dominates and is confident in himself and his rightness. All attempts of the “abandoned” to fix something cause only disgust in the initiator.

In order to be successful, it is recommended that the thrown out of sight for a while, taking full responsibility for the lost time and how the initiator will spend it. You can disappear for six months. Then you should change a lot, beyond recognition. Outwardly, change the conversational style and demeanor, attitude towards the initiator. In general, stop being predictable and surprise with the novelty of your content.

What do you think, which way is more difficult to interest?

If a girl is not interested in you, then there will be no sense in dating. The girl will remain indifferent to you. That's why guys ask the question so often

This is a fundamental moment at the stage of approach and acquaintance. After all, if you hooked a girl, then all the processes will go much easier, since she already wants and is sexually interested in you.

How to get a girl interested in you

Your behaviour.

How confident you are in yourself plays a decisive role. If a girl sees that you are not at all afraid of her, you can at any moment say what came to your mind and do not look for approval of your actions on her part, then this works very cool.

If with confidence you are not all right, then there is only one way out - practice. Go outside and talk to as many girls as you can. And, as soon as you do, for example, the 500th approach to a girl in your practice, you will suddenly realize that you have become a completely different person. That you are already confident, you don’t worry, your sense of humor works great, and you take the initiative at the right time.

And the girls just lack such self-confident guys. After all, often, even those men who have a big business and earn a lot of money are often afraid to talk to a girl. And they are not afraid of them in their natural state only gopniks who do not care.

But a normal, adequate girl will be very happy to meet an intelligent and cultured young man, and at the same time strong in spirit.

Your appearance.

Pay attention to the fact that I put the appearance in second place. Because you can interest a girl in a wrinkled sweater, if you know what and how to do, act boldly and confidently.

And if you buy yourself a new expensive suit, make it and go out to get acquainted from a cool car, but at the same time you don’t know what to say to a girl, then nothing will come of it, except that you can pick up a girl who is not being led in this way. on you, but on your money. Do you need it?

Therefore, you need to develop self-confidence and your appearance in a complex. Only then the effectiveness of communication with the female sex will greatly increase.

How to interest a girl by correspondence in VK

It’s better not to ask questions, since you yourself turn into a waiter while she deigns to write an answer.

There are rare exceptions when it also intrigues and creates the right image in her head:

“Would you talk to a guy if you knew you would never sleep with him?”


Interest a girl can, showing their truly masculine qualities. This is manifested not so much in words, but in actions and body language.

The more experience you have in dealing with girls, the more interesting you will be for each next young lady.

That's all. Good luck!


The first thing to firmly remember is that they are also people, not mysterious aliens, and although their interests may differ from traditional male ones, it is still quite easy to find understanding with them. Just like, girls want a sincere, friendly attitude towards themselves. They like it when they show attention and compliments. And, just like guys, girls have a good sense of humor and jokes.

Often young people say that they simply do not know what to talk about with girls in order to arouse their interest. Let's open one important secret: the topic of conversation does not really matter, unless you are solving business issues. At the beginning of the acquaintance, you can comment on any surrounding event or phenomenon, joke a little about this, you can ask the opinion of the girl or herself. Just remember that you should not joke about the interlocutor herself until you know her well enough. Even a joke that seems innocent in your opinion can seem offensive and cause a negative reaction.

In order to make a positive impression on women, it is worth spending a little time and learning the art of complimenting. It is important to remember that a compliment is not outright flattery, but a way to tell a person something pleasant, to please him. Your compliments should be light and natural. There is no need to artificially invent some outstanding qualities that the interlocutor obviously does not have. Also, you should not make a compliment too obvious, "sweet". Saying to a girl you meet for the first time something like: “Your lips are so delicious, just like sweet cherries,” is clearly not the best option. Such a compliment can be perceived as offensive or stupid. It is much more effective to demonstrate that you are glad of this meeting and that you are pleased to communicate with such an interesting and charming person as this young lady.

In order to guarantee a girl's interest, one must remember an important psychological trick: it is always more useful to talk about the interlocutor than about yourself. Often guys, trying to make a positive impression, make a serious mistake - they start talking about themselves, demonstrating their achievements and outstanding qualities. And very often they achieve the exact opposite effect - girls begin to consider them narcissistic braggarts. To strike up a casual conversation, ask what your interlocutor does, where she studies, what she likes. And most importantly, do not forget to listen carefully to the answers, then the girl herself will imperceptibly tell you what you need to talk to her about, what makes her happy and how she can be captivated.


  • How to interest a girl
  • meeting a girl dialogue

In the age of advanced technologies and virtual opportunities, it would seem that it is not difficult to get acquainted and communicate with the opposite sex. Everything is simplified. But some young people still face the question of how to start a relationship with a girl on the Internet?


You have made up your mind. The first thing to start with is finding the right site. It is better that he suggests profiles and photo albums, so it will be easier to evaluate the applicant and draw her attention to herself.

If communication occurs with ease and ease, then gradually you can begin to share stories from your life with her. It's great if they are fun and funny. You can share with the interlocutor your experiences, interests, desires and thoughts. But do not immediately spread everything about yourself. Otherwise, then you will have nothing to write. It is better to release information gradually. Don't forget to ask her questions. Otherwise, then your communication may turn into your monologue.

Do not ask personal, intimate questions at the very beginning of the correspondence. It might turn the girl off. Perhaps she is going through a breakup with a young man and that is why she created a page on a dating site. And memories of past relationships still hurt her. It is better to communicate on neutral topics at the very beginning: study, hobbies, travel - these are ideal topics for the first days of communication on the network.

If your interlocutor is not a "master of words" and is one of those girls who is not prone to verbosity, then you will have to write more. Otherwise, awkward pauses and termination of communication may occur. If you do not know what to write, and the topics about yourself have already been exhausted, then you can tell some interesting stories about your family: if your mother is a cat lover, then you can tell about it. Or maybe your sister is fond of dancing and tells you interesting stories. They can also be told to a girl by correspondence. Of course, if these stories are not personal.

You can find the girl you are interested in not on a dating site, but in such social networks as VKontakte, classmates or Facebook. These social networks are the most popular for new acquaintances and communication on the Internet, increasingly crowding out dating sites. Here you can see not only information about the user, photos and videos, but also find out what kind of music the girl likes, what statuses and posts she posts on her page, which groups she subscribes to. The ability to find a topic for communication with such information is much greater.

In no case, never create fake pages and do not impersonate another person. Let the photographs that you find be a man with the body of Apollo and the face of Brad Pitt. But these are just photos that can interest a girl at the very beginning. But in the end, such communication will not lead to anything. After all, you will never be able to see each other in life, being afraid to disappoint her. Also, don't make up stories about yourself. Deception is always exposed sooner or later. And the girl won't trust you. You can become in her eyes an ordinary deceiver and a liar. Be sincere and then communication will become easy and relaxed.


Do not try to be too original and extravagant in the girl's first message. Perhaps she simply cannot understand the meaning of your words and will leave the letter unanswered.

Useful advice

Start your conversation with a girl with a question. If the text is just a compliment, then she can simply smile in response to the message and close it. In this case, the correspondence will not work.

Paper letters are becoming a thing of the past and are mainly used as an element of workflow between organizations or within a company. Correspondence between friends and relatives most often goes with the help of the Internet.


For friendly correspondence, you should not approach the process too formally. At the same time, do not write the boring “Hi. How are you?". Come up with original text. Ask if your opponent has watched the recently released one or how they feel about Murakami's bestseller. So you get to know each other and find out if the other side shares your hobbies.

Don't talk too much about yourself in the first message of a friendly text. Describe your most important traits and hobbies. Pay more attention to your opponent, show interest. Ask what he is, what are his views on life, where to spend his free time. The more non-banal questions you come up with, the more likely you will receive an answer to the letter. At the end, say goodbye, express hope for an answer and wait for a counter message.

In order to start a business correspondence, compose the text of a welcome letter. If you are addressing a senior in position, no matter how old he may be, address only by name, patronymic and you. In formal negotiations, it is appropriate to use the capital letter "B" in the words "You", "Your, Yours", etc. Start messages with a greeting: "Hello, dear ...".

Introduce yourself. Write your last name, first name, patronymic, position and company name. State the essence of the question. If this is a proposal for cooperation, indicate the main points in the body of the letter, attaching the full information in a separate file. If your information is interesting to the other party, it will be read.

End the letter with the words: "Sincerely, ...". Instead of an ellipsis, put the name that you would like to be called in further correspondence. Completely by name and patronymic or briefly.

Compose and attach to the message a signature that will accompany all correspondence. Specify there:

Last name, first name, patronymic if necessary;

Your position;

Name of the organization;

Office adress;

Work phone and mobile phone if needed;

Additional information - slogan, wish, etc., if the corporate style of business communication suggests it.

The Internet has become the hero of our time. The whole world is now one big village, and thanks to social networks, on the Internet you can even find the page of your neighbor on the floor below, with whom you have never said hello.

You will need

  • - access to the Internet
  • - social media accounts


Explore the profile of the person you want to start chatting with. Look at his photos, find out who he is friends with, what his hobbies and interests are, what music he listens to and what movies he goes to. Social networks provide great opportunities for meeting and finding people of interest. Do not ask for things that are already written in the profile.

Ask open-ended questions so that the interlocutor cannot answer "yes" or "no" unambiguously. After that, we can get into a dead end, not knowing how to continue the conversation and an awkward silence will follow. Instead of asking, "Did you like this one?" ask, "What exactly do you remember about the book?"

Do not use slang (for example, "Pandokaffsky"), try to write correctly, without spelling and punctuation errors. Your communication will most likely begin in writing, so take it seriously. Your messages are a kind of visiting card, your initial image. Try to make it enjoyable.

Do not answer only with emoticons and monosyllabic phrases. Such responses can make you feel like you're not too interested in the conversation and are trying to get out as soon as possible.

Do not hurry. On the one hand, you should interest a person, on the other hand, you should not press too. Try to avoid personal and intimate topics.


Do not interrogate the interlocutor and do not forget about humor. The conversation should be interesting, not annoying or soporific.

Useful advice

There is a good way to meet a person from your city. Ask to be friends and write "Hi, I saw you at the club." People do not remember such meetings, so the method works perfectly.


  • how to start chatting online

Sometimes shyness and indecision can drastically change a person’s life if it gets in the way of saying something at the right time. She especially fetters the guys at the sight of an attractive stranger who touches the soul, but with whom it is so scary to talk.


Analyze the situation. This must be done quickly, assessing the situation. After all, it is not always a matter of lack of courage - maybe now is not the time and place for dating. But you can understand this by being directly in such a situation.

Assess your appearance. When meeting, one glance is enough to understand whether it should be continued or it is better to turn around right now and go in the opposite direction. Therefore, if you are not sure that you look amazing, maybe you should postpone the acquaintance for a more convenient occasion, because there may not be a second chance.

Keep your distance. Remember the elementary rules of etiquette: respectfully, do not approach or sit so close that the girl will be embarrassed or forced to reprimand you, do not ignore her interests (if she listens to music, reads a book or talks to someone, then apologize for that you distract her and only after that talk about what you planned), do not impose yourself if the girl made it clear that she does not want to get acquainted.

Give compliments. Let them be sincere and honest. She may not react to the fact that her eyes sparkle like diamonds, but will appreciate that you notice the warmth of her smile or the gentle tone of her voice.

Help. If she's carrying a heavy bag or she's uncomfortable walking on a slippery road, then focus on helping her, rather than getting to know each other as soon as possible. She will appreciate your actions more than words and compliments.

Act boldly. Don't let shyness take away your chance to meet girl that captured your heart. If the situation and circumstances are conducive to acquaintance, then there is no need to wait for a happier chance.

Modern technologies make it possible to communicate with anyone, even if your interlocutor is on the other side of the Earth. This is very important, first of all, for shy, reserved people who find it difficult to talk in reality. For example, a person who wants to approach and get to know a girl, but cannot overcome his shyness, is afraid to make himself look ridiculous, it is much easier to communicate with her by email, Skype, phone or social networks.


Everyone appreciates the ability to ask the right question. It is necessary to ask in such a way that the girl must answer. The question should be simple enough so that she doesn't spend a lot of time thinking, and at the same time not too banal. Among the common ways of forming questions are the following: what happened during the day, how did the test or exam go. Do not ask philosophical and rhetorical questions about the meaning of life. It is better to ask about the most important events and plans for the coming holidays.

Rather, it is worth writing more capacious messages with meaning than empty conclusions about nothing. For example, “how was the evening?”, “what did you like about the concert?” Do not ask a question to which you will receive a short yes or no answer. It is important to set a topic and call for a conversation, otherwise the correspondence will end very quickly.

Spell checking is very important, because you can not make gross mistakes. The message must be read before sending. The most elementary mistakes are the incorrect spelling of words and violation of the rules of punctuation. It is important to fix everything before sending a message to the lady of the heart. It is necessary to build sentences grammatically correctly, otherwise it will be impossible to read them. It is better to spend more time spelling, capitalization, commas, than to blush later or be left out of work.

It's important not to overdo it. Too much effort in writing messages will be quickly noticed. The girl will understand that you have an unhealthy interest in her and write certain phrases for a reason. It's better to be yourself. Here are some tips to help you navigate the situation: it is important to control yourself and try not to send spontaneous messages, it is worth showing a natural sense of humor rather than inappropriate sarcasm. For example, you should not exaggerate your own messages, using incomprehensible smiles or the phrase “ha ha” at the end.

Being interesting is also very important, because if a lady is bored with you, she will quickly stop doing it. Interest can create an event that can be reported and brought to the girl for discussion. It is advisable to make it clear that you are an interesting interlocutor not only in correspondence, but also in a telephone conversation when it happens. Do not change the tone of your voice, be natural. After all, her decision to meet with you depends on it.

When communicating via SMS, it is important to find common interests and understand what hobbies the lady of the heart has. It is advisable to make it clear that you devote a lot of time not only to work, but also to hobbies. You can reveal the essence of your hobbies and show that she can easily join your activities.

Light flirting will help set up communication in the right way. You need to do this in such a way that the lady understands that you are really interested. In this case, it is important not to cross the line and not overdo it. Otherwise, she will shut up and send off forever. It is desirable to be playful, but in moderation. Comments should be released only in the form of compliments, not greasy hints. It is necessary to joke not only in relation to others, but also to yourself. Self-criticism is very useful in this case.

It is important that she knows what you think of her. It is worth asking questions regarding the lady of the heart, but not too personal. For example, what she does on the weekends or where she would like to go with her friends. It is also important to remember what the girl told you before. For example, she mentioned that soon the test at the institute. Wish her good luck the day before. Gently let the girl know that in your life you pay more attention to her than to your other friends and other activities. This will make her feel special and make her like you even more.

It's important not to overdo it. You should find out if she needs your communication, does the lady have reciprocal feelings? You should avoid the image of a whiner and make it clear that the girl is interesting. Here are a few ways: It's a good idea to make sure you're getting an adequate amount of messages in response. When a man sent 10 messages, and only 1-2 came in response, it is worth reconsidering the style of communication.

No need to respond immediately to her message. If she replies to the message after 7-8 hours, try to wait for the time too. If you always send her an answer at the same minute, it may seem strange. It is worth analyzing the situation and pulling yourself together. It is important to refuse a message written entirely in capital letters. This will scare the lady away.

You need to end the conversation in a positive way. And make sure that there is a reason to write a new message. It is permissible to say that you wish to communicate in the future. At the end of the conversation, it is important to let the girl know that you are constantly thinking about her. You can write a greeting message every morning and a “good night” in the evening. But it is worth determining whether this annoys the lady.

Useful advice

It is worth paying attention to how long you have conversations with a girl. When she maintains a correspondence for a long time, quickly responds to messages, she takes the initiative to choose topics herself and is in no hurry to end the conversation, this can only mean one thing - she cares about you. In this situation, it is worth making it clear to the girl that you want to see her in reality.

Related article

When meeting, the first minutes are very important. It is they who determine whether a person wants to communicate with you further or switch his attention to someone else.

What is the acquaintance

The easiest way is to tune in to a relaxed mood and start acquaintance with some simple question. For example, in a cafe you can approach the person you like and ask what is better to order. It is very easy to start a conversation by asking if he often visits this restaurant. If yes, then you can ask for a recommendation of a dish. If the person replies that he, like you, is here for the first time, offer to ask the waiter together what is worth trying.

When meeting, it is very important to establish eye contact. Don't be afraid to look someone in the eye while smiling. This is a clear sign of your disposition, to which he will definitely respond.

If you meet on the street, ask the person to help you find the right street or house. If you pretend to be extremely confused, then a sympathizer may even offer to take you to the right address. Along the way, try to strike up a conversation in which let the person know that he really liked. Compliment his knowledge of the area, tell him how lucky you are to have met him. Just build a dialogue, not a monologue. Too talkative people rarely cause a desire to continue communication.

Be open and friendly in conversation. A person must see that you are disposed towards him. Be natural. If you want to joke - joke. If you want to laugh, laugh. Do not put on a mask or try to convey someone's image. Perhaps he will like a new acquaintance, but it will always be very difficult for you to pretend. So it's better to be yourself.

If the dialogue develops by itself, this is a clear sign that the person is interested in you. You can consider this a small victory, most likely, he will not mind continuing the acquaintance.

If you like each other, then the person himself will hint at continuing the acquaintance. If this does not happen - take the initiative in your own hands. Say that it was a pleasure to talk to you and you want to meet again. But be prepared to be rejected. Not always the person you like experiences feelings similar to yours. Don't worry, you don't agree to every meeting offer either. It's not your fault, it's just not your person.

What not to talk about when meeting

At the beginning of an acquaintance, you do not need to talk about personal, health, reveal all your secrets. If a person on the first day of communication is privy to all your secrets, he will become uninterested in communicating further. Therefore, try to stick to neutral topics - about movies, music, weather. And leave the rest for the next dates.

How to attract the attention of a girl using the social network "Vkontakte"?

If you are registered on the Vkontakte website, and there is an account of a girl you like, first of all you can attract her attention by rating her photos, music and videos.

Go to the page of the fair sex. On the right, under the basic information of the user, there is a map with photos. Click on any picture you like. Under the photo you will see a heart, by clicking on which you will make it clear that you like the image. Do the same manipulations with other files. Each “like” will be surely noticed by this girl, and, perhaps, if she likes you, she will be the first to write to you.

The next way to attract attention is a friend request. The user will see you in the list of his subscribers, will be interested and will send you a message, the content of which may be the text: “Do you know each other?” Further, the matter will remain only with you. You can show all your ingenuity and ingenuity to interest the fairer sex.

In addition, you can leave on the wall of the girl that you like various records, music or. However, such actions are not always available, since the user can restrict access to his wall to people who are not in his friends list.

How to attract the attention of a girl using the Odnoklassniki social network?

If you want to use the Odnoklassniki social network to meet a girl, go to the page of a representative of the opposite sex and start rating her photos. Then you can send a friend request or write a personal message asking for an acquaintance. Just do not be banal, do not start correspondence with hackneyed compliments and flattery. It is best to start the conversation not with praise, but with a greeting and a question about any photo. For example, if a girl was photographed against the background of some landmark, you can ask her in which city this place is located. It all depends on your imagination and your imagination.

You can also give the girl a private or open gift, she will certainly be very pleased, and she herself will write you words of gratitude. By the way, gifts can be given not only in Odnoklassniki, but also on Vkontakte.

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Tip 9: What are the most common phrases when meeting: top 5

The most common phrases when meeting people are not always the most appropriate and successful. Nevertheless, according to statistics, the vast majority of those who want to get acquainted use these phrases. An interesting attempt was made by scientists: several groups of girls and young people were asked to paraphrase some of the most common phrases or come up with others, but close in meaning. The efficacy of these new variants was then tested.

Most Common Phrases

According to reviews of sociologists, today the most common phrase when meeting people is the phrase “Do you need help?”. Then they go in order: “What a lovely child you have, all (all) in mom (dad)!”, “Can I get your phone number”, “Are you a ride?”, “Can you tell me what time it is?”. The popularity of these phrases does not mean, however, their high effectiveness. According to psychologists, these phrases require the least amount of energy and less invention. About originality, of course, we are not talking either. Actually, the final goal of these questions is to encourage the questioner to further joint action. Thus, a young man or girl wants to find out if there are chances of continuing the acquaintance, if there is a positive response from the object of sympathy.

"Do you need help?"

The phrase has been reformulated into a possible continuation “You must be tired, because. your image does not leave me all day. This option is funny in that it implies your prior acquaintance or sympathy. And also the fact that you were sensible enough not to bother at the first glance. Also, this option uses the assumption that a long mental contemplation of the object of sympathy leads to physical fatigue of the one they are thinking about. What was the reaction to such a question? Interestingly, it mostly ranged from "Oh, that's not serious" and "Oh, no" to simply going somewhere far away from the questioner.

“What a lovely child you have, all (all) in mom (dad)!”

It was paraphrased to "You are as beautiful as an angel descended from heaven." At the same time, it is well known what the name or name of the angel who fell from heaven in biblical times is. Have you already guessed? Quite right. It turns out that you just called the object of your desires a demon. In general, this is not new, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is clear that when someone is called an angel, they mean images of harmonious people of the Renaissance, and not at all a shining flying ball, which a heavenly angel might have been. At the same time, studies have shown that people are condescending to the idea of ​​hearing something demonic about themselves. And girls are quite pleased to hear about themselves something like "You are a demonic woman."

"Can I get your phone number?"

Instead, it was suggested "I forgot my number, can I get yours?". Those. it's clear that you're the type to forget your number. The question arises - how often does a person call himself? It is also clear that it is now a piece of cake to determine the outgoing number. It is displayed on the cell phone screen, there are special applications for such purposes. Thus, the most likely assumption is that the questioner was so overwhelmed by the appearance and appearance of the object of sympathy that he forgot not only his name, but also his phone number. Practice shows that in response to such a question, a phone number is not provided. Although the option is quite effective if combined with a treat in the form of a drink and is addressed to young girls who have come to the club to get to know each other.

According to research, many experts in the field of relationships between men and women believe that the most common phrases when meeting people are almost the worst possible. However, in terms of prevalence of use, they have been leading for many years.

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