Good parables with a description of what they are about. The best parables about the meaning of life. About love with morals

There was a dead tree by the side of the road. One night, a thief walked past this tree and got scared, thinking that it was a policeman, waiting for him. Then a young man in love passed by, and his heart beat with joy: he mistook the tree for his beloved and quickened his pace towards her. And the child, frightened by fairy tales, saw the tree and burst into tears: it seemed to him that it was a ghost.

And to anyone who passed by, the tree seemed to be something else. But in all cases the tree was only a tree. We see the world as we are.

Be happy!

A beggar stood by the road begging for alms. A rider passing by hit the beggar in the face with a whip. He, looking after the departing rider, said:
- Be happy.
The peasant, who saw what happened, heard these words and asked:
Are you really that humble?
“No,” replied the beggar, “it’s just that if the rider was happy, he wouldn’t hit me in the face.”

Disgruntled people

The man went to heaven. He looks, and there all the people go happy, joyful, open, friendly. And everything around is like in ordinary life. He walked, walked, liked it. And he says to the archangel:
- Can you see what hell is? At least one eye!
- Okay, let's go, I'll show you.

They come to hell. A person looks, and at first glance everything seems to be the same as in paradise: the same ordinary life, only people are all angry, offended, it is clear that it is bad for them here. He asks the archangel:
- Here everything seems to be the same as in paradise! Why are they all so unhappy?
- But because they think that it is better in paradise.

0 Who wants less, more is given

Christian parable

There were three brothers; they had nothing else in the world, except for one pear tree, and they guarded that tree in turn: one remained near the pear tree, and the other two went to day labor.

Once God sent an angel to see how the brothers live, and if it's bad, then give them the best food. An angel of God descended to earth, turned into a beggar and, going up to the one who guarded the tree, asked him for one pear. This one plucked from his share, gave it to him and said:

The angel thanked him and left.

The next day another brother was left to guard the tree; the angel came again and asked for one pear. And this one plucked him from his share, gave it and said:

Here is for you from my share; I can't give you one of my brothers.

The angel thanked and left. When it was the turn of the third brother to protect the tree, the angel again approached and asked for one pear to be given to him. And the third brother plucked from his share, gave it to him and said:

Here is for you from my share; I can't give you one of my brothers.

When the fourth day came, the angel became a monk, came early in the morning and found all three brothers near the hut.

Follow me, - the angel told them, - I will give you the best food.

They followed him without saying a word. They come to a great turbulent stream.

What would you like? - the angel asked the elder brother.

And he replied:

So that wine would be made from this water and I would get it.

An angel crossed the stream with a staff - and instead of water, wine flowed: barrels are being prepared here, wine is being poured ...

Here's what you want! - the angel said to the older brother and left him in that place, and went on with the other two.

They went out into the clearing - the pigeons covered the whole clearing. Then the angel asked the middle brother:

What do you desire?

So that all these were sheep and belonged to me.

An angel of God crossed the field with his staff - and instead of doves, sheep appeared: where did the sheepfolds come from, some women milk, others pour milk, still others skim cream, others make cheese, others heat butter ...

Here's what you want! - said the angel.

I took my younger brother with me, walked with him across the field and asked:

And what would you like?

I don’t need anything else, if only the Lord would give me a wife from righteous Christian blood.

Then the angel said:

Oh, it's not easy to get; there are only three of them in the whole world: two are married, and one is a maiden, and two of them marry.

After walking for a long time, they came to a city where there was a king, and he had a daughter from righteous Christian blood. As they came to the city - now to the king to ask him for a bride, and there two kings are already wooing her. They also started getting married. When the king saw them, he said to his associates:

How then to be now: these are kings, and these are like beggars before them?

Do you know what? - said the angel. - Let's do this: let the bride take three vines and plant them in the garden, appointing each of the suitors which one she wants; on whose vine there will be bunches in the morning, let him marry him.

Everyone agreed to that; the princess planted three vines in the garden and assigned her own to each. They looked in the morning, and there were bunches on the poor man's vine. Then the king, having nothing to do, gave his daughter to his younger brother, and married them in the church. After the crown, an angel took them to the forest and left them there; they lived here for a whole year. And when the year was completed, the Lord said to the angel again:

Go, see how those orphans live; if in need, put on more of them.

The angel descended to earth, turned again into a beggar; came to the brother whose stream was flowing with wine and asked him for a cup of wine. But he refused him, saying:

If everyone is given a cup, there will be no wine!

When the angel heard this, he immediately crossed himself with a staff - and a stream poured, as before, with water.

There is nothing for you, - he said to his elder brother, - go under your pear tree, guard it!

Then the angel departed from there; came to another brother, whose whole field was covered with sheep, and asked him for a piece of cheese. But he refused him, saying:

If everyone is given a piece, there won't be enough cheese!

When the angel heard this, he immediately crossed the field with his staff - and instead of sheep, doves flew up.

There is nothing for you, - he said to the middle brother, - go under your pear tree, guard it!

After that, an angel went to his younger brother to see how he was living. He comes, and he and his wife live poorly in the forest, in a hut. The angel asked to spend the night with them - they willingly, with all their hearts, accepted him, and began to beg not to blame them for not being able to treat him as they wished.

We are poor people! they said.

Nothing, - answered the angel, - I am satisfied with what I have.

What will you do? They had no flour to knead real bread; so they crushed the bark of a tree and made bread from it. The hostess now kneaded such and such bread for her guest and put it in the oven. They began to talk; after, look, is it ready? And in front of them was real bread, and so glorious, it rose so high ... Seeing that, the husband and wife thanked God:

Glory to you, Lord, that we can treat the wanderer!

They served bread to the guest, brought a jug of water, and just began to drink - and there was wine in the jug. At that time, the angel crossed the hut with his staff, and the royal palace became in that very place, and there is a lot of everything in it. The angel blessed them and left them there, and they lived happily all their lives.

Text hidden

In the midst of field work, the farmer's tractor broke down.

All attempts by the farmer and his neighbors to fix the car were in vain.

Finally, he called a specialist. He examined the tractor. I tried how the starter works, lifted the hood and checked everything carefully.

Then he took a hammer and somewhere once struck with this hammer. After that, the master started the tractor. The engine rumbled like it hadn't broken.

The overjoyed farmer asked the master for the bill. But when he saw him, he was very surprised. He indignantly asked:

“You want to get a hundred dollars for just one hit with a hammer!” Is not it too much?

But the master replied with a smile:

- I agree! One blow with a hammer cannot cost so much. For one hit with a hammer, I counted only one dollar. And ninety-nine dollars I take for my knowledge, thanks to which I could make this blow to the right place.

Here the master paused, and continued:

“Besides, I saved your time. I got the problem fixed very quickly. You would spend at least a day at the service station. Today, right now, you can drive a tractor in the field.

The farmer agreed and shook hands with the master.

Sit on the twine.

A student approached the wushu master:

- Master. I can't sit on the twine. What should I do?

- Sit on the twine.

The next day:

- Master! I tried many times, but I just can't sit on the twine. What should I do?

- Sit on the twine.

Another day later:

- I'm probably the worst of all the students. I try my best, it hurts a lot, but nothing works out for me. What to do?

two oars

The boatman carried the traveler to the other side.

The traveler noticed that there were inscriptions on the oars of the boat. On one oar was written: "Think", and on the second: "Do"

- You have interesting oars, the traveler said. - What for?

Look, the boatman said smiling. And he began to row with only one oar, with the inscription "Think".

The boat began to circle in one place.

- Sometimes I thought about something, thought, made plans ... But it did not bring anything useful. I was just circling in place, like this boat.

The boatman stopped rowing with one oar and started rowing with another, marked "Do". The boat began to circle, but in the other direction.

“I used to go to the other extreme. He did something thoughtlessly, without plans, without drawings. Spent a lot of time and effort. But, in the end, he also circled in place.

- So I made an inscription on the oars, continued the boatman, to remember that for every stroke of the left oar there must be a stroke of the right oar.

And then he pointed to a beautiful house that towered on the banks of the river:

- I built this house after I made inscriptions on the oars.

On the ground lay the cocoon of the future butterfly...

The man watched for a long time as a butterfly tried to crawl out through a small gap in the cocoon.

A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to have abandoned its efforts, and the gap remained just as small.

It seemed that the butterfly did everything she could, and that she had no other
more strength.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. Butterfly came out immediately.

But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man was sitting on the porch of his house.

A traveler was walking along the road. Looking at the man doing nothing, the traveler thought:

- Here's the bum. So, probably, he sat all day on the porch. Would do something...

After a while, another traveler was walking along the road. He saw a man sitting on the porch and thought:

– Probably, this is a local Don Juan. Sitting, looking out for passing girls ...

A third traveler followed. He looked at the man sitting on the porch and thought:

- Probably, this person worked all day, since he rests with such pleasure ...

That's the whole story.

Who was this man who was sitting on the porch? We do not know. From the parable, nothing is known about him at all. Is he young, old, how does he look...

But we can say something about those people who passed by.

The first one was probably a lazy person. Even if we are not completely lazy. He was glad that there was someone lazier than himself.

The second, most likely, was a womanizer.

And the third, for sure, was a hardworking person. Perhaps he was walking home from work, very tired, and also wanted to sit on the porch and relax.

Therefore, the thoughts of these people were such.

This often happens in our lives. We judge other people by ourselves.

Parable with commentary from Yuri Zaitsev

Having finished the service, a certain priest announced to his parishioners:
- Next Sunday I will talk with you on the topic of lies. To make it easier for you to understand what will be discussed, read the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark at home.

On the following Sunday, the priest loudly asked before starting his sermon:

I ask those who have read the seventeenth chapter to raise their hands. Almost everyone present raised their hands.

It was with you that I wanted to talk about lies, - the priest said, - the fact is that Mark does not have the seventeenth chapter.

Two students were arguing about how wise their teacher is. One of them claimed that he would confuse the teacher with his question.

In the morning the young man caught the butterfly and took it tightly in his palms. He decided to go up to the teacher and ask if the butterfly was alive or dead.

If the teacher says that she is alive, the student thought, I will slightly squeeze my palms and show everyone the dead butterfly.
If she says that she is dead, then I will open my hands, and the butterfly will fly up. So I will deceive the teacher and win the argument.

Approaching the teacher in the presence of other people, the young man asked:

- Teacher, is the butterfly in my palms alive or dead?

Looking into his eyes, the teacher said:

Parable. wolf and fox

Parable with commentary from Yuri Zaitsev

The wolf was very thirsty. It was a long way to run to the river, so he went down into a deep well to drink water. Having drunk, the wolf felt a deep relief. After resting in the coolness, he began to climb out of the well. But it turned out that this could not be done. This is where the wolf got really hot.
The fox came, saw the wolf at the bottom of the well and said to him:
- You, my friend, acted recklessly. Before you go down into the well, you should think about how you will get out of it.

Very often people start a new business, develop very close relationships or enter into a common business with someone. At the same time, they, first of all, reflect on the merits of their decision, on the expected benefits.
But it happens that it is much more useful to think about how, if necessary, you can “get out of the well.”
No wonder they say that in the mafia, in the special services and in dubious loans, the entrance is a ruble, the exit is a hundred ...
It is very important to be able not to enter into a hopeless situation.
Good luck to us in this.
Sincerely, Yuri Zaitsev.


Parable. wolf and fox

The Parable of the Bow and Arrows

One famous Master practiced archery with his students. The young man took a weapon, prepared a couple of arrows for him and diligently began to aim. But the coach took one of them from him and threw it away:

What did my second arrow do to you? The young man didn't understand.

It was the first. You don’t need it, it wouldn’t hit the bullseye anyway and wouldn’t be useful.

Why are you so sure? the young man was surprised.

It is impossible to immediately accurately hit the intended target if a person thinks that he has two attempts.

Parable about the importance of life situations

One bird found a safe shelter in the spreading branches of a dry tree. She built a nest and began to live here. But the trunk stood in the middle of a hot desert, where there was nothing alive.

One day, a violent tornado suddenly flew there and uprooted a dried tree from the sand. The bird had no choice but to fly in search of a new permanent home.

She scoured the distant environs for a very long time, but one day a wonderful garden caught her eye. In the middle of it there was a large lake with clear water, and numerous shady bushes grew on all sides, strewn with tasty and juicy berries.

The bird simply did not believe his luck. But, having thought thoroughly, she suddenly realized that if it had not been for the sudden hurricane that had blown up and destroyed her former nest, she would never have gained such great prosperity in her life. Without taking off from a familiar place, it cannot be reached.

Parables about vices

Parable of Indecision

A young man approached a wandering monk, who was constantly sitting in the market square and asking people for alms. He asked him:

Help me, O wise one! Please advise me what to do next. I am passionately and mutually in love. But I don’t know if I need to get married or is it better to wait with the wedding?

You should renounce such a decision forever.

Why, after all, the girl and I love each other very much? - the young man was amazed at his amazing words.

If the bride were truly important to you, you would not ask me what you should do with her.

Parable about weeding

Early spring came, and in the garden it was necessary to pull out the tall weeds that could be seen everywhere. This tedious work was entrusted to an old grandfather with a young granddaughter.

The boy got bored very quickly and began to pester his older relative: “Tell me, why are there so many different weeds here? Nobody sowed or watered them. This is how they have grown, and what has been planted and cared for is only visible from the ground. But how much effort was put into vegetables.

Grandfather answered him with a smile: “You, granddaughter, are a real fellow, you notice everything around. Know, then, that something that is most important for people, they get only by very great work and inexhaustible patience. And everything harmful and pernicious is taken simply from nowhere. Therefore, we must carefully develop our virtues and weed out our shortcomings without regret.

Parables about the meaning of life

Parable about children

Once bamboo and stone entered into a desperate argument. They believed that it was their own life that was the role model for everyone around them. The lump said:

Everyone should exist the way I do. Then no one will die.

But the plant objected to her:

- Not at all, if people live the way I grow up, only then will they really achieve true happiness. After all, after death, I am born again.

Stone replied:

"It's even better if they can get into the position I'm in." With a calm sitting position, they will not be subject to wind, heat, or cold. Rain or hail does not concern me either. Nothing can harm me. I will stay on earth forever. Stones do not know grief, shame or grief. If only everyone could learn these things.

But the bamboo insisted:

- No I do not agree. Only then will people be able to achieve immortality if they begin to live as I live. Of course, I am not eternal, but I continue my race in children. Look around and you will see them everywhere. They will also have numerous offspring in due time and it will exist on earth forever. They will all be like me and become truly beautiful.

The stone had nothing to say. He had to admit his defeat in the dispute. The life of people is so happy and wonderful because they resemble bamboo by their existence on earth.

Parable about life

One teacher stood surrounded by his young students. One of them suddenly asked him a question:
- Tell us, why do people live in the world?
“I don’t know,” the wise man told him.

Another young man also inquired in his turn:

“Then what is the purpose of our earthly existence?”

- I won't answer.

“But then we came to you to enrich ourselves with your knowledge,” the students were upset.

The elder looked at them with a long kind look and said:

- It is not so important for a person why and for what purpose he lives on earth. In the first place for him is the joy of everyday existence. Imagine a very tasty dish. After all, each of you would like to taste it, and not understand why and for what purpose it was prepared.

Parable about longevity

In a remote village there lived an old teacher whose fame quickly spread throughout the land. Every day he added a new student. Finally, there were so many of them that he was no longer able to remember everyone by sight.

But they constantly communicated with each other and once agreed to ask the sage the most important question for them about what awaits people after they pass away.

But the teacher was silent and the young men soon lost patience. He had to give them the long-awaited answer. He said:

- The most interesting thing is that only those who are not busy with anything serious in their daily life are asked such a problem. These people are very afraid of death because they have not lived in their present existence. Therefore, they dream of immortality.

“No, teacher, we are interested in exactly what awaits them after their death,” one of the students disagreed.

“You’d better ask what awaits you before your death,” the sage replied with a smile.

Parable about happiness

One day, three weary travelers were walking along a country road. They talked to each other, and in between they sang songs. Each of them complained about his hard lot.

Suddenly they heard piteous cries for help. There was a big hole in their way, and they saw that happiness had fallen into it. It begged them to save him and promised the fulfillment of any desires.

The first person said importantly:

- I ask you for wealth, so that it will never be transferred from me until the end of my life.

His wish was instantly granted. He took the treasure and left.

The second person also expressed his wish:

“I want the most beautiful wife in the whole wide world.

Immediately, out of nowhere, a dazzling beauty appeared, took his arm and they quickly disappeared from sight.

- What do you want? happiness asked the third person sadly.

- And you? he asked him.

“Most of all, I dream of getting out of a terrible hole,” happiness answered with tears.

He looked around, found a long pole and held it out. And he turned and left without expressing any desire.

Happiness quickly jumped out of the pit and rushed after him, but it never fell behind in his life.

Parables about human relationships

Parable about someone else's misfortune

One mouse climbed into the barn and told the animals living there that a mousetrap had appeared in the master's house.

Cows, chickens and sheep only laughed at her and told her not to distract them from more important matters with their stupid worries. They were completely sure that they had nothing to do with them.

But one day a poisonous snake fell into a trap. She sank her teeth into the mistress's hand. She became seriously ill. In order to cure her, her husband slaughtered a chicken. He hoped the nutrient broth would help her recover.

Three relatives came to take care of her. The consumption of food in the house increased and the owner had to slaughter a sheep.

But nothing helped the woman and she soon died. The husband called a wake and cooked a lot of beef, slaughtering a cow.

And only one mouse did not suffer in any way in a series of troubles. She watched these events in horror through a tiny crack in the wall of the house and thought about what the animals had told her before. After all, they believed that the mousetrap would not touch them at all.

Therefore, do not ignore other people's troubles, sooner or later they may affect other people.

Parable about love and passion

Once upon a time there was a hurricane. He constantly hovered above the ground, not knowing any restrictions. He never felt grief, joy, love, or compassion for anyone.

But one day, when it was completely quiet and clear, he saw a beautiful flower in the garden. The wind crept up to him and under his breath the petals fluttered. He did not hide his admiration. The flower, noticing him, responded with the sweetest smell.

The hurricane, seeing that his feeling was not left without reciprocity, intensified its wind and the plant swayed on its stalk. It held on for a long time, but eventually broke.

The wind tried to help him, but to no avail. He stopped blowing and began to blow gently on the flower again. But he no longer showed signs of life.

Then the hurricane cried out in despair: “I gave you a great feeling and a powerful passion, why were you not able to bear it? So your love was just an appearance? If it was genuine, we would be together all our lives.”

But the flower did not respond, but only, exuding the last wonderful fragrance, slowly died. The hurricane realized too late that violent passion does not always accompany true love and can even kill her with too strong impulses.

Parables about worldly wisdom

Parable of good and bad memories

In a distant village there lived an elderly woman. She was famous for her kindness and wisdom, and people often came to her for advice. One day a neighbor asked her:

- Mother, tell me! You have been living in this world for so long, and in your soul you remain younger than any of us. How did you do it? Tell me a secret, I wouldn't want to get old either.

Grandmother smiled at her and answered:

- I'll tell you, my good. I mark all the good forever with notches on the wall of the house, and lower the evil into the water. If I did otherwise, I would be tormented only by heavy thoughts. I would look around and see only reminders of grief and troubles. But I see the good, and the evil is long gone. Each of us decides what it is desirable for him to keep in memory and what to throw out of it. Therefore, kindness must be put aside in the soul, and anger must be drowned in love.

Parable about the meaninglessness of endless memories

Once a wise teacher, standing in a circle of numerous students, told them a very funny incident from his long life. Everyone laughed heartily, as he was, indeed, amazingly funny. Not even a quarter of an hour had passed before he repeated it again. People were very surprised, but out of politeness they smiled. Twenty minutes later the sage again told the disciples the same incident. They remained silent in confusion.

Then he laughed himself and said: “Why don’t you laugh, did history amuse you? Yes, I repeated it three times. But why is it permissible to shed tears for the same reason, but not to have fun?

Parable about money and happiness

One young man came to the Teacher and asked him:

Is it necessary to believe that happiness does not lie at all in wealth?

The sage agreed with this statement. He said to the young man:

We see proof of this at every turn. For hard coins, a soft bed is purchased, but you cannot fall asleep in it for them. Delicious food is sold, but appetite is not attached to it. Everyone is able to buy a servant, but friends are not for sale. You can get along with a woman for money, but her love cannot be bought. A rich person allows himself a luxurious home, but the comfort in it is not valued by large bills. People pay for entertainment, but it is not known whether they will receive joy for a large sum. Parents pay teachers, but the knowledge and intelligence of their children are not valued well. And I have listed a far from complete list of what cannot be purchased for any treasures of the world.

Which in a different form contains some moral teachings, teachings (for example, the wisest parables of the Gospel or Solomon), some wise thoughts (parables). Officially, it is a small genre of didactic fiction. Many identify the wisest parables with fables. This article reveals the concept of "parable". In addition, wise short parables are given.

What is a parable?

A parable is not so much a story as an instructive story. Many wise thoughts and parables have been passed down through the ages from generation to generation. And this is not accidental: in each such story there are different parables: for example, the wise Thanks to them, people learn the secrets of life, gain access to the awareness of world laws. Moreover, the uniqueness of parables lies in the fact that they do not "load" the reader's consciousness, but very easily and unobtrusively convey to a person something valuable, a hidden truth.

parables of Abul Faraj

The famous Abul Faraj said that a parable is "a story that refreshes the mind and removes pain and sadness from the heart." Abul Faraja himself retold the wisest parables from all over the world.

paternal insight

Remembering wise parables about life, it is impossible not to tell such a story. One day the doorbell rang and the man went to open it. On the threshold stood his daughter with eyes full of tears, entering the house, she spoke first: “I can’t live like this anymore, it’s getting harder and harder. As if every day I climb a huge mountain, and in the morning I start the procession again from the very foot. Father, what will happen next, how can I not give up?".

He did not answer, he only went to the stove and put on it three saucepans filled with pure spring water, placing carrots, a chicken egg in turn in each and pouring coffee powder into the last one. After 10 minutes, he poured coffee into the girl's bowl, and put carrots and an egg on a saucer. As soon as she brought a cup of aromatic drink to her face, the man asked her a question:

My daughter, what has changed in these subjects?
- Fresh carrots are cooked, become softer. The coffee has completely dissolved. The egg is hard boiled.
- You appreciated only the paramount, but let's look at it from the other side. A strong and hard root crop became supple and softened. As for the egg, outwardly it retained its face, like the carrot, but its internal liquid medium became much harder and more collected. Coffee immediately began to dissolve, hitting hot water, saturating it with its taste and aroma, which you are now enjoying. This is exactly what can happen in the life of each of us. Strong people under the yoke of gravity will weaken, and the fragile and offended will rise to their feet and will no longer lower their hands.
- But what about coffee, what does its reincarnation teach us? - with timid interest asked the daughter.
- These are the brightest representatives of worldly life, having accepted circumstances that are difficult at first glance, they become related to what is happening, while giving each problem a piece of their taste and aroma. These are special people who, overcoming each stage of their lives, draw something new, giving the world the beauty of their soul.

Parables and Parable of the Rose

A mighty wind walked around the world and did not know worldly feelings and desires. But one sunny and gentle summer day, he met a red rose, which, with its light breeze, looked even more beautiful. Beautiful petals responded to light breaths with a sweet delicate aroma and flowering. It seemed to the wind that he did not sufficiently express his devotion to the fragile plant, then he blew with all his might, forgetting about the tenderness that the flower needed. Unable to withstand such a hard and violent pressure, the slender and living stem broke. The mighty wind tried to resurrect his love and restore the former flowering, but it was too late. The impulses subsided, the former tenderness and softness returned, which enveloped the dying body of a young rose, she was losing her life faster and faster.

Then the wind howled: "I gave you all my strength, great love! How could you break so easily?! It turns out that the strength of your love was not enough to stay with me forever."

Rose only with the same aroma saw off her last seconds, answering passionate speeches with silence.

Do not shed tears in vain

Once an old but very wise lecturer, while reading another scientific work, suddenly stopped. Assuming a liberating pose, he heard from the back desks:

Instead, the lecturer began to tell a long and vivid anecdote, all sitting, without exception, laughed. When the audience fell silent, he again told the same story, but only a few smiled. A question hung in the air on the faces of the others. Repeating itself for the third time, the silent scene dragged on for a long time. None of the audience even smiled, on the contrary, everyone was in a suspended and incomprehensible state.

Why couldn't you guys laugh at my joke three times? You grieve over the same problem every day.

The professor smiled, and everyone sitting in the audience thought about his life.


One fine day, a wise wanderer came to the outskirts of a small town. He settled in a small hotel and every day received many people who were lost in their own lives.

One young man searched for an answer to his fate in books for a long time, visiting many elders. Some advised to go with the flow, avoiding problems and troubles. Others, on the contrary, said that to swim against the current means to gain strength, to find oneself. He decided to try his luck and listen to the advice of this elder.
Entering the room, the young man saw a man who was looking for something in the chest. He turned around for a moment and pointed to a chair by the table.

Tell me what's bothering you, I'll listen and advise.

The young man told him about visiting other sages, about reading books and about advice.

Go with the flow or against it? he said at the end of the story.
- Forgive me, well done, probably, due to my old age and deafness, I listened. Where do you want to go yourself? - without looking up from his occupation, the wanderer asked.

The power of a word

A blind old man sat on the street with a sign, begging passers-by. There were only a few moments in his box, the summer sun falling on his long, thin legs. At this time, a charming young woman passed by, who, stopping for a moment, picked up a tablet and wrote something herself. The old man only shook his head, but said nothing after her.

An hour later, the girl was walking back, he recognized her by her hurried and light steps. The box at that time was full of new shiny coins, which were added every minute by people passing by.

Sweet girl, did you change my sign? I would like to know what is written there.
- Nothing but the truth is written there, I just slightly corrected it. It says: "Now it's so beautiful around, but, unfortunately, I'll never be able to see it." After tossing a couple of coins, the girl gave the old man a smile and left.


Three simple peasants were walking along the road on a summer day. They talked about their hard life, and sang songs. They hear that somewhere someone will forgive help, looking into the hole, and there is happiness.

I will fulfill your every wish! Say what you want to get - happiness refers to the first man.
- so as not to live in poverty until the end of his days, - the man answers her.
Fulfilled the happiness of his desire, and he went towards the village with a bag of money.
- And what do you want? - happiness turned to the second man.
- Babu want all the girls to be more beautiful!

Immediately, a beauty appeared next to him, the peasant grabbed her, and also went to the village.

What is your desire? - asks happiness from the last man.
- What do you really want? - says the man.
“I would like to get out of the pit, good fellow,” happiness said timidly.

The man looked around, found a long log, and fortunately tilted it. He turned and began to return to the village. Happiness quickly crawled out and ran after him, accompanying him through life.

guiding light

In ancient times, when there were still no networks of the world wide web and various engines, people went sailing on simple ships. Then one risky team went on a long journey, full of dangers.

A few days later, their ship was caught in a storm and sank, and only a couple of experienced sailors managed to escape. They woke up on a distant unfamiliar island, in fear and hunger, gradually losing their minds.

One particularly sunny day, a strange ship moored there. This brought immeasurable joy to the rescued, and they decided to build a high and durable lighthouse.
Despite persuasion, they remained on this island until the end of their days, only rejoicing at their destiny. It has become a great happiness and honor for each of them to direct people.


The wisest parables given in this article do not really burden the mind of the reader, but very easily and unobtrusively convey something valuable, hidden truth to a person.

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