The name petya, the meaning of the name and fate. The meaning of the name Peter. Name interpretation. Childhood is a wonderful time

The interpretation of this male name is stone, rock. The boy, named so, is restless, inquisitive, loves outdoor games. As an adult, he demonstrates firmness of character, loyalty to the chosen goals, adherence to principles in judgments, which already corresponds to the meaning of the name Peter.

In childhood, the baby shows curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind to all the objects around him. He bombards adults with questions and sometimes confuses them with his reasoning. The best toy for a child named by this name is a designer. Petya is a sociable and sociable boy. He always has many friends in the yard or garden. Until adolescence, he prefers the company of boys - the same tomboys like himself.

As a schoolboy, he studies without much zeal, but has been fond of sports since elementary school. For a boy, it matters what sport he chooses, since his future often depends on it. Here, the meaning of the name Peter is more reflected - the teenager shows firmness of character in achieving the best result in sports.

During his school years, Petya already knows where he will go to study next. Often the choice falls on a sports career. In any case, he takes his education seriously and from a young age, in parallel with his studies, begins to work. Independence from parents, independent life is the main goal of a young man.

Passion for the opposite sex in these years, as a rule, is not serious and is limited to flirting and courtship. The meaning of the name Peter in the period of growing up is characterized by determination, diligence and perseverance.


The man named so is outwardly attractive, physically strong, smart and has a good sense of humor. All these qualities attract the opposite sex. This means that it is not difficult for the owner of the name to win the woman he likes. In his youth, he often flirts with girls, but rarely this game comes to a serious relationship.

The early marriage of a young man is often unsuccessful. But having married at a more mature age or for the second time, he is happy in marriage. Possessing a passionate temperament by nature, a man can commit adultery. Sex is of great importance to him, but feelings are still more important.

Being a husband, he can cheat on his wife; confessing his love to his chosen one, he is able to be in a close relationship with another woman. However, intimacy for him is not as paramount in love as the kinship of souls and mutual understanding. By cheating on his beloved body, he remains faithful to her soul.


The family life of this person develops successfully if he marries closer to 30 years. In the period of 20-30 years, he, from a purposeful, but frivolous young man in love, turns into a man who knows his own worth with a stable worldview and a desire to create a strong family union.

The importance of the family in Peter's life is enormous. This means that, being the father of the family, he makes every effort so that his wife and children live comfortably, and the atmosphere in the family is favorable. This is a caring dad who loves and pampers children. He is an example of a real man for them. Grown-up daughters are looking for chosen ones similar to their father, and sons copy him in everything.

Peter leads a healthy lifestyle, keeps fit, reads a lot, holidays in his house are always held in a cheerful company of relatives and close friends. While married, a man can cheat on his wife. However, betrayal for him is not of great importance and is one-time.

Business and career

Petya starts his career from the bottom. He, like a sponge, absorbs all the information that he receives at work, in the process of moving up the career ladder, which means that this is his undeniable advantage over his colleagues. Possessing a good memory, he applies the accumulated experience in a rapid rise to the professional top.

Often, having gained practice, he organizes his own business. Charm and sociability help him in solving conflicts and problems at work. This employee often acts as a guarantor of the fulfillment of the assigned tasks with high quality and on time, as he does not throw promises into the wind. Colleagues prefer to work with him in a team, because he meticulously and accurately performs the duties assigned to him.

For him, the material component of his work is of considerable importance. If the owner of this name knows that as a result of his efforts he will receive a good reward, then he will work harder and more diligently. Fields of activity can be varied: sports, trade, production. Whatever direction he chooses, he will succeed everywhere thanks to his perseverance.

origin of the name Peter

The etymology of the name is Greek. Where it came from is not exactly known. The origin of the name Peter may come from the apostle Peter, whose name was derived from Christ himself. The Hebrew word "kifa" (from Hebrew - stone), which Christ called the fisherman Simon, was translated into Greek as "petrus" (from Greek - stone). Therefore, it is quite possible that the history of the name has Jewish roots.

Characteristics of the name Peter

Peter's character is distinguished by balance and friendliness. In nature, he has both pluses and minuses. This is a person you can rely on, you can trust him with a secret and at the same time be sure that it will remain between you.

Petya will never refuse to help if he can do it. There is no vindictiveness in the character of this person, and after a major quarrel, he quickly departs. It does not matter to him which person asks him for help. Even his enemy, he is ready to come to the rescue.

Disadvantages include distraction and inattention. If you want him to hear you, repeat your request several times. Due to absent-mindedness, he may not hear what they say to him, thereby causing resentment on the part of the interlocutor. In general, the characteristic of the name Peter has more pluses than minuses and gives its owner a real masculine nature.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - amber, emerald.
  • Name days - January 3, January 29, June 25.
  • Horoscope - Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Color - light brown, dark red.

Famous people

  • Peter I - the last tsar of all Russia and the first emperor of the Russian Empire.
  • Petr Mamonov - Russian rock musician, actor, poet.
  • Petr Chernyshev - Russian, American figure skater, five-time US champion.

Different languages

Translation of the name from Greek (Πέτρος) - rock, stone. How to translate Peter, according to its meaning, into Japanese: 石- Ishi. Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

Japanese: ピョートル (pyo-to-ru) Chinese: 彼得 (bi-de) Spanish: Pedro (pe-dro) French: Pierre (pierre)

Name Forms

There are many diminutive, abbreviated and derivative versions of this name. The following derivatives are popular in colloquial use: Petya, Petrusha, Petruha, Petryai, Petyunya, Petenka, Petrik, Petechka. The full name Peter is used to emphasize respect.

So called boys mostly Christians, regardless of denomination. The name is widely used in America and Europe. In Russia, in comparison with the beginning of the 20th century, today children have become less likely to be called that. According to church custom, the name Peter is given at baptism without change, and as a rule, the patron saint of its owner is the apostle Peter.

Name declension: Peter, Petra, Petru, Petra, Peter, Petre.

Meaning: reliable, solid; stone

The meaning of the name Peter - interpretation

The name Peter has ancient Greek roots. In translation, petros means “rock”, “stone”, “cliff”, which corresponds to such character traits as hardness, reliability and steadfastness. Initially, the male name Peter, which was the most famous apostle of Christianity, came from this word. The female name Petra is an analogue of the male and is traditional in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Years later

Petra's parents are very happy, because their daughter is growing up kind, affectionate and cheerful. But the activity of this baby brings a lot of problems. It is necessary to ensure that her research interest does not lead to injury.

Petra is interested in learning and testing everything from her own experience. From early childhood, she loves fairy tales, and later becomes interested in fantasy and science fiction. He does not like to mess with dolls too much, preferring to play football with the boys and climb trees.

School performance is above average, but she can become a straight A student if she works on attention and perseverance. From an early age, Petra needs an eye and an eye. A rich imagination does not allow her to sit in one place.

As a teenager, Petra already has many friends who respect her for her openness and integrity. But truthfulness sometimes gives her a lot of problems, not only in communicating with peers, but also in relationships with elders.

The habit of saying directly what she thinks can create conflict situations, especially with teachers. Petra is highly intelligent and reads a lot. He loves sports and can attend different sports sections at the same time.

Prefers swimming, skating, tennis and sports dancing. Possesses leadership qualities, is actively engaged in social work. Strives for real independence and independence in his youth.

With age, her character becomes more balanced. The only obstacle to the success of this attractive and energetic woman is straightforwardness. She is always sure that her opinion is the only correct one, and it is impossible to convince her otherwise.

Frank judgments expressed out loud can ruin relations with an opponent. But now Petra is no longer an eccentric child. Therefore, in a dispute, she can suddenly compromise in order to prevent the development of a conflict situation.

Thanks to the firmness of character, he successfully implements any of his ideas. Having set a goal for himself, he does not turn off in front of obstacles and stubbornly goes to the very end. But sometimes she lacks flexibility and diplomatic tact.

Character of Petra

The best character traits of Petra are stamina and perseverance in achieving goals. If we talk about her exceptional honesty and generosity, then these traits make a woman the most interesting partner with whom you can find a common language.

Her cheerfulness and ability to empathize simply captivate. The natural charm of this woman always helps to find the way to hearts, and good intuition - to make absolutely right decisions even in the most difficult situations.

Truthfulness and straightforwardness of Petra often become, oddly enough, purely negative qualities in the eyes of the individuals criticized by her. The people she obstructs are able to hold a grudge and repay the lady in the same coin

And excessive stubbornness, excessive pride, lack of attention and a certain negligence can create additional obstacles to achieving her goals. Sometimes these traits lead their mistress to real dramas.

The fate of Petra

The name of Petra, symbolizing perseverance and perseverance, will mark the path to her success in life. Restrained and tactful behavior when communicating with other people guarantees a successful career and a happy family life. Despite her rich imagination, Petra rarely chooses creative activity as a field. Possessing an analytical mindset and amazing intuition, he often realizes his potential in business. The versatility of her personality makes her an interesting interlocutor among successful people. It is from them that Petra makes up her social circle, and subsequently chooses a partner for a family union. If fate presents unpleasant surprises, which happens quite rarely, this strong personality endures them steadfastly and courageously.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Petra is an inventive and creative person, therefore she easily achieves success in any business. Will be a good journalist, archaeologist, architect or designer. In the field of jurisprudence, a promising career as a lawyer awaits her, and if she has culinary talent, she will make an excellent chef of one of the best restaurants.

In business, he feels like a fish in water. A career from an ordinary employee to a high leadership position can be very fast-paced. Dealing with business issues is surprisingly easy for her. Having achieved success in one business, he does not waste time reaping laurels, but immediately takes on the next. Her financial situation is always on top and improves with each new achievement.

Marriage and family

Petra has a deep respect for her husband, adores her children and takes care of her family. Her career is a priority, but she performs her household duties as a mother and housewife exemplarily. He is distinguished by enviable patience in the process of building relationships with his spouse.

With family troubles, he endures the unacceptable behavior of his half to the last, but only because of the children. If her patience runs out, she will file for divorce with peremptory confidence in the correctness of her decision.

Sex and love

Petra is a very amorous nature that can turn the head of any male. With ardent passion, she gives herself not only to her work, but also to her beloved man. Her chosen one has a spectacular appearance, neat and well-off financially. But Petra is in no hurry to advertise her relationship, preferring to enjoy the company of her loved one in secret.

A man who will possess such qualities as affection and fidelity has every chance to win her heart forever. But in case of failure on the love front, Petra will not suffer for a long time, because she never lacks fans, and will quickly find a replacement for someone who did not appreciate her feelings.


Love for sports, encouraged by parents since childhood, will allow Petra not to worry about her health until old age. But you still don’t need to relax, because no one has canceled colds.

The only thing to seriously worry about is the likelihood of injury due to excessive activity and at the same time inattention.

Interests and hobbies

Being a versatile person, he often chooses several hobbies, torn between creative and intellectual pursuits. Since childhood, he has been fond of music and drawing, so in his free time he will paint pictures or compose lyrical ballads.

A great influence on Petra can be exerted by the culture of the East, the passion for which often leads to a special philosophical worldview. Interested in alternative medicine, loves history, tries his hand at literature and can suddenly become a good writer.

The meaning of the name Peter: the boy's name means "stone". This affects the character and fate of Peter.

Origin of the name Peter: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Peter, Petrya, Petya, Petrusya, Petruha, Petrusha, Petryai, Petryaka, Petyusha, Petyukha, Petyunya.

What does the name Peter mean? The name Peter comes from the ancient Greek name Petros. The word is translated as "stone". Indeed, the meaning of the name Peter prophesies stubbornness. Peter always stands his ground, tends to dramatize situations. However, he is completely fearless when it comes to defending his views.

Patronymic name Peter: Petrovich, Petrovna.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: Peter celebrates name days three times a year:

  • 25 (12) nurse - The Monk Peter of Athos in the world was a military leader, was taken prisoner; freed, he became a monk; for fifty-four years he lived on Athos in a cramped cave: his body was overgrown with thick hair, his beard reached the ground (VIII century).
  • July 8 (25 June) - Holy Prince P. Muromsky and his wife Fevronia.
  • July 12 (July 29) - Holy Apostles brothers Peter and Paul, disciples of Jesus Christ.

Signs: January 29 - Peter-half-feed: half of the feed prepared for cattle is out by this time, June 25 - Peter-turn: the sun turns to winter, and summer to heat. July 8, the day of Petronius and Fevronia, is considered lucky for love. July 12 - Peter's day: on St. Peter's rain - a poor harvest, two rains - good, three - rich. On this day, the end of Peter's Lent.

The meaning of the name for a boy

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Peter?

Early childhood: From childhood, the boy Petya is an easily excitable, nervous, explosive child. Very stubborn, but by acting tactfully and calmly, he can be persuaded. Peter has been active and inquisitive since childhood. At an early age, it is difficult for him to be alone, because Peter constantly needs food for the mind, and only all knowledgeable adults can provide it. Petya also likes to communicate with peers, prefers to play mobile and role-playing games with them. Petya has an unpredictable character, he causes a lot of trouble for others, his upbringing is very important. If he grows up in a kind loving family, he will easily develop creative abilities. If in childhood the boy does not feel enough approval, love and respect from those close to him, he can be a vicious, sullen whiner.

Teenager: At school, Peter is capable, inquisitive, but completely inattentive, his thoughts usually hover in dreams far from the topic of the lesson. The teachers have no reason to complain about Peter to his parents, since he is a good student and behaves just as well in class. Peter has many school friends, but only a few of them he will communicate in adulthood. He is often passionate about photography, records, collects stamps.

Peter loves to study, after graduating from school, he easily enters the institute. It is very important for Peter to get a higher education, he strives for excellence in everything, therefore he often has more than one education and achieves a significant position in society. He will certainly choose a job that will require him to apply his extraordinary mind and versatile knowledge.

Adult: Peter matures early and strives for independence. In his youth, he prides himself on being able to tell people to their face what he thinks of them. Petya himself is very vulnerable, and only gradually begins to understand how much easier and more peaceful it is to live, accepting people as they are. The world does not take it romantically and never comes to terms with the fact that everything is not as good as we would like. The man Peter always dreams of ideal love and friendship, of achieving a goal, and therefore more often lives in his imaginary world. When in real life not everything turns out as planned, he is very worried, however, sometimes outwardly, exaggeratedly, he himself understands what's what in this life. The romantic nature of the name Peter does not prevent him from sinking to the ground, sometimes being despotic, possessive, and even harshly taking revenge on the offender.

The nature of the name Peter

Positive features: Significance from the point of view of psychology. High mental abilities, developed intuition, indifference to what is happening, fearlessness, independence. A man named Peter is ready to stand up for his interests, views and beliefs. Peter is a fierce fighter for justice. With close people, a kind and warm-hearted person.

Negative Traits: Peter is a romantic, however, he can be a tyrant, possessive and subtle avenger. He is not cruel, but he will not miss the opportunity to settle scores - at least in order to put everything in this life in its place: he generally loves order! The name Peter brings maximalism, the desire to achieve the goal in any way, uncontrollability, inconsistency and instability in actions, stubbornness, despotism, which are combined with carefully concealed vulnerability, resentment, secret fears. The guy Peter is capable of a cruel joke, categorical in his statements. The man Peter is undisciplined and lazy, loves to lie, or rather, he does not notice the border between truth and lies in the story, his imagination tells him his interpretation of the event.

Name Peter in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Peter promise happiness in love? In his youth, in the imagination of Peter, the ideal of a woman is drawn, which he actively seeks in life. This explains Peter's inconstancy in relationships with women, his unfaithfulness to partners. Petya is an amorous, passionate person, he loves spectacular, beautiful women, with a pronounced masculine character. A confident and sober person remains a man named Petya and in intimate relationships with a woman. Painfully experiencing failures in the sexual sphere. In love, Peter is secretive, he does not advertise his connections.

A man with this name is cautious, prudent, it is difficult to involve him in a love adventure. The guy appreciates female affection. An established and orderly sex life gives him a sense of peace, stability. Really happy with a smart, strong woman, but at the same time cheerful and affectionate. Peter's chosen one must correspond to his ideal, be faithful to him. If he makes a mistake in choosing a wife, he does not blame anyone.

The owner of this name usually starts a family rather late, when he either finds the ideal of a woman who has been looking for so long, or is finally disappointed in the success of his search. Peter demands fidelity and respect from his wife, at least its outward manifestation in the presence of strangers. Peter's wife will have to beg him for a long time to fix the faucet in the kitchen or hammer in a nail for the mirror, because he does not like to do housework and does it as a last resort. Often, jealousy and unforgiven resentment become a constant background in relationships. A man is very attached to his mother and his wife has to put up with the constant presence of his mother-in-law.

Children do not play a primary role in Peter's life, he will live quietly even without offspring, never thinking about the need for it. Moreover, if they appear, the family becomes calmer, stronger.

Peter loves to mess with animals, receive guests. He drinks little, but he can sing and dance, tell a joke and be the first to laugh. When Peter is in the mood, he falls asleep with jokes, witticisms, compliments. If not, then the guy closes up, defiantly moves away from the cheerful company. Zhenya needs great endurance and the ability to adapt to the complex nature of Peter. As a rule, Peter lives for today, he rarely thinks about the future.

Compatibility with female names

  • Peter and Angelina
  • Peter and Barbara
  • Peter and Vera
  • Peter and Veronica
  • Peter and Diana
  • Peter and Evgenia
  • Peter and Catherine
  • Peter and Larisa
  • Peter and Ludmila
  • Peter and Natalia
  • Peter and Svetlana

Unfortunate name compatibility:

  • Peter and Valeria
  • Peter and Elena
  • Peter and Zinaida
  • Peter and Marina
  • Peter and Oksana
  • Peter and Tatiana

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Often a guy chooses an occupation that does not correspond to his abilities and inclinations, so he rarely reaches the heights of his career and professional success. Peter does not accept other people's advice, he decides everything according to his own understanding. Not having a strong will, he seeks to lead, influence the course of events and does not always get a positive result. A balanced psyche helps him endure setbacks.

Petya, who has softened features of the name, tries to be inconspicuous and engage in closed activities: scientific work, fine arts, crafts. There are many psychics and soothsayers among the Petrovs. As a rule, in any activity, he is known throughout the district as a master of his craft. A guy with a strong character and ambitions can prove himself as an outstanding public figure, military commander, actor, director, director of an enterprise. Petya is enterprising. For Peter, risk is of particular importance, he is inclined to change his place of residence, there can be many incidents in his life, including dangerous ones.

Business and career: In financial matters, Petya can either have great successes or big failures. The "golden mean" is a rare occurrence in his life.

Peter can be explosive, belligerent, makes a decision with lightning speed and ... forgets about it. He works impulsively, out of inspiration. The guy is distinguished by intelligence, attaches great importance to intuition. Peter can analyze and systematize events, therefore, most often his profession is an investigator, mathematician, engineer, scientist, military man, economist. But a man is also a creative person, he is an actor, writer, journalist. In the service, Peter wants to be one of the best, actively strives for leadership, passionately desires power. However, he rarely achieves the top in his career due to laziness and instability in his work. However, the leader from Peter turns out to be quite good: the need to manage other people disciplines him. However, even here everything depends on Petya's mood, Peter can shine in a commanding chair, but soon he will get tired of it and he will quickly move to another, where he has to start from scratch.

Name health and energy

Health and talents named after Peter: The meaning of the name Peter from the point of view of medicine. Incontinence in emotions, aggressiveness and repressed fears are the cause of severe nervous diseases. Peter must beware of fire, firearms, the owner of the name may suffer from natural phenomena: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods. The name Peter may have eye problems, up to cataracts.

Horoscope named Peter

Peter-Aries: an aggressive and domineering person. He does not know any other way to attract attention, except for aggressive behavior. In addition, in this way Peter-Aries hides his impressionable soul. A connection with a gentle and modest partner will have a beneficial effect on him.

Peter-Taurus: emotional and restless man. The most important thing for him is to feel wanted and loved. He cannot stand being alone and tends to start his own family early. The family for Peter-Taurus is the center of the universe, he always remembers this and will not set off in search of dubious entertainment on the side.

Peter-Gemini: the nature is calm, somewhat insecure. First of all, he seeks to take a stable position in life. He used to keep himself in control, not showing feelings; he prefers reliable friendship to the boiling of passions. Usually marries in adulthood.

Petr-Rak: sentimental personality, impressionable, easily excitable. He succumbs to other people's influence and can fall into a deep dependence on others. Peter-Rak is capricious and tries to manipulate the feelings of loved ones. In a woman, he is looking for support, happily transfers all worries and problems to her.

Petr-Lev: energetic, sincere and ambitious person. He has an inflated self-esteem, it seems to him that all the people around him must certainly respect and love him. In ladies' society, he flirts recklessly, trying to win the favor of everyone who at that moment falls into his field of vision. However, Peter-Leo will prefer a real serious relationship than a lot of fleeting hobbies.

Peter-Virgo: strong-willed, focused man, suspicious of strangers. A large place in his life is occupied by passions and feelings, all his experiences are deep and thorough. Peter-Virgo is not one of those who flaunt their emotions. But he loves his chosen one passionately and tenderly.

Peter-Libra: a romantic person, with a charming appearance and charm. He is successful with the opposite sex, but he will never allow himself to have an affair without experiencing serious feelings. In general, he takes love very seriously and, being a weak person, he is looking for a strong and self-confident partner.

Peter-Scorpio: an ambitious and proud personality. He lives and works in the world of his inner values, not getting hung up on everyday life. Peter-Scorpio is an incredibly squeamish person, although he himself does not understand what exactly causes his displeasure. He will greatly appreciate his beloved.

Peter-Sagittarius: fickle, lively, sincere person. Changes attract him irresistibly, usually he even chooses a job for himself, connected with trips and business trips. Endowed with a lively charm, Peter-Sagittarius tirelessly strikes up short, stormy romances, but nothing in the world can keep him for a long time.

Peter-Capricorn: an enthusiastic-excited personality. He so wants to look calm and restrained, but sometimes it is difficult to curb his emotions. His self-esteem is low, he is dissatisfied with himself, considering himself a weak person, since increased emotionality, in his opinion, does not fit with the male image. Peter-Capricorn needs a fragile, timid woman whom he could take care of and, thereby, assert himself.

Peter-Aquarius: a friendly, independent, versatile person. He is not too picky in relationships, because he has a tendency to idealize a person. He rather dreams of love, but in reality he is timid and shy. Peter-Aquarius is afraid of losing his independence: he wants to build a family and avoid obligations.

Peter-Pisces: timid, modest, delicate person. He is friendly with people, does not know how to defend his point of view, prefers to give in, not getting involved in conflicts. He allows himself to be used godlessly, he does not know how to defend himself at all. Peter-Pisces needs a determined partner who will help him resist the injustice and aggression of life.

Numerological horoscope named after Peter

Peter is influenced by the number 7. The seven endowed Peter with a vulnerable, unstable character. He, like no one else, is distinguished by a predisposition to mental pain. Constant self-digging allows Peter to become a great philosopher and thinker, poet or musician, if, of course, he chooses this path, because often Peter strives for leadership in order to crush his spiritual beginning.

In addition, the seven influences Peter's personal life. Usually a person with this name is a great family man, always able to understand, forgive and support a loved one.

Talismans of Peter

  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet Petra - Moon
  • Green color
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Treasured plant - lyubka-night
  • Patron - hermit crab
  • Peter's talisman stone is an emerald.

The fate of the name Peter

  1. About Pyotr Bagration (1765-1812) - the best general of the Russian army. Member of the assault on Ochakov, Warsaw. I did the whole Italian campaign with Suvorov.
  2. Peter K. Klodt (1805-1867) - an outstanding sculptor, the largest muralist, author of the equestrian groups of the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg and a monument to the fabulist I.A. Krylov in the Summer Garden.
  3. Peter I the Great - (1672-1725) a statesman, the last tsar from the Romanov dynasty, became ruler at the age of less than 10 years, as well as the first All-Russian Emperor (since 1721).
  4. Pyotr Tchaikovsky - (1840-1893) Russian composer and conductor, one of the greatest composers in the history of music. He wrote more than 80 compositions ("Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty").
  5. Pyotr Kapitsa - (1894-1984) Soviet physicist, received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the phenomenon of superfluidity of liquid helium, the author of the scientific term "superfluidity", twice the winner of the Stalin Prize.
  6. Pyotr Konchalovsky - (1876-1956) Soviet artist, won the Stalin Prize of the first degree in 1943.
  7. Peter Kropotkin - (1842-1921) Russian nobleman, prince, became a revolutionary, was an anarchist theorist and historian.
  8. Pyotr Todorovsky - (1925-2013) Soviet and Russian film director. Winner of various domestic film awards, was a nominee for an Oscar.
  9. Pyotr Stolypin - (1862–1911) a statesman of the Russian Empire, an active reformer and a brilliant speaker, many of his phrases became "winged".
  10. Pyotr Alekseev ((1840-1891) Russian scientist, Doctor of Chemistry, became one of the founders of the Russian Chemical Society, as well as the author of the textbook Organic Chemistry.
  11. Petr Nilus - (1869-1943) Russian painter, his works are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, in the Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum, in the Odessa Art Museum.)
  12. Peter Apraksin ((1659-1728) Russian statesman, associate of Peter I.
  13. Peter (Peter-Josef) Drittenpreis - (1841-1912) Moscow architect, master of Moscow Art Nouveau. The surviving buildings are located in the area of ​​Chistoprudny and Pokrovsky boulevards.
  14. Pyotr Vyazemsky - (1792–1878) Russian poet, statesman and historian, close friend of A.S. Pushkin.
  15. Pyotr Bolotnikov - (1930-2013) famous Soviet long-distance runner, became the 1960 Olympic champion.
  16. Pyotr Badmaev (Zhamsaran) - (1849/1851-1920) doctor of Tibetan medicine, diplomat-orientalist, godson of Emperor Alexander III, treated members of the Romanov family.
  17. Pyotr Vail - (1949-2009) Russian and American journalist, radio host and writer.

Name translation

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning. The meaning of the name Peter sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Peter - Peter, in German: Peter - Peter, in French: Pierre - Pierre, in Italian: Pietro - Pietro, in Spanish: Pedro - Pedro, in Ukrainian: Petro, in Bulgarian: Petar, in Belarusian: Pyatro, in Czech: Petr.

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Peter
  • Genitive: Petra
  • Dative case: Petru
  • Accusative: Petra
  • Instrumental case: Peter
  • Prepositional: Petre

The name Peter is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “rock”, as well as “solid” and “unshakable”. There are many analogues of this name, for example, the name Pedro is popular in many countries. There is even a female version of Peter or Petran. The name Peter is spread all over the world, especially in the USA and European countries. As for Russia, since the beginning of the 20th century it has not become as popular as it used to be.

The characteristic of the name Peter coincides with its meaning, the man named so has a strong and courageous character. He is principled in his judgments, always faithful to the chosen goals, it is difficult to lead him astray.

This is a self-sufficient person who can be authoritarian, but at the same time he still has a kind and reliable character.

In childhood a boy named Peter has such qualities as activity and curiosity.

  • He can be called a real fidget, he just loves outdoor games.
  • Petya's inquisitive mind does not give rest to adults, he constantly bombards them with questions that they cannot always answer.
  • A boy named Peter just loves to collect the designer - this is his favorite toy.
  • Such a child usually has many friends, he is a very sociable and friendly boy. Usually he is friends with the same fidgets and tomboys like him.
  • It can be written in some circles to direct energy in a useful direction.

As for study, then here Peter does not show much zeal, he studies mediocrely. But he loves sports, so it is necessary to give it to some sports section from an early age. He can achieve good results in sports, it is there that his strength of character is manifested.

A boy named Peter knows from childhood who he wants to be, so after school he quickly decides which university he should enter. Very often chooses a sports career.

Petya wants to be independent, so he starts working early, not wanting to sit on the neck of his parents. He always strives for an independent life.

Such a person has such qualities as perseverance, hard work and determination, so he can achieve a lot in life.

The name Peter endowed its owner with both advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to his balanced and friendly nature, he gets along well with people, can find a common language with any person.

He is a good friend who you can always rely on in a difficult situation. Petya knows how to keep secrets, so he can be trusted.

man with the name Peter it is difficult to refuse a person, he can even help his ill-wisher if he needs help. Such a person is unforgiving, quickly forgets grievances, after a quarrel he usually leaves immediately and almost always goes first to reconcile.

As for the meaning of the name Peter, in general it is positive. But still there are several drawbacks, a man named Peter can be very absent-minded and inattentive. He is also somewhat arrogant and self-centered. But people forgive him these shortcomings, for his kind, reliable and fair character.


In adolescence, the passion for girls is usually not serious, as a rule, everything is limited to flirting. A man named Peter most often has an attractive appearance, he is smart, strong and courageous, so he usually does not experience a lack of female attention.

Without much effort, Peter can win the girl he likes. If a man named Peter decides to marry, then an early marriage usually ends in divorce. He needs to legitimize relations at a more mature age, then family life will develop.

Petya has a passionate temperament, so sex is of great importance to him. If in marriage he is not satisfied with sexual relations, then he may decide to cheat.

But in this case, a man named Peter must be passionate about another woman, because he does not accept sex without love. For such a man Mutual understanding with a partner and kinship of souls is of great importance.


With age, Peter turns from a frivolous boy into an adult man with established principles and outlook on life. That is why he is ready to create a serious relationship closer to 30 years. Only in adulthood can he be a support for his family.

For a man named Peter family always comes first. He, being the head of the family, will try to provide his wife and children with everything necessary. He cares so that his wife is a good housewife and can create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the house.

  • Petya makes a wonderful father who loves and pampers his children.
  • He is a very good family man, so daughters often choose a chosen one similar to their father, and sons try to copy his behavior and lifestyle.
  • Peter is a worthy example for his children.

A man named Peter tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, he is constantly engaged in self-education, loves to read books, and also takes care of his appearance. There are often guests in his house, he gladly receives his relatives and friends under his roof. The only serious drawback of this man is that he can cheat on his wife. But he will try very hard not to let her know about it. Cheating is often the reason for divorce.

Business and Career

Petya is not conceited, so he does not strive to immediately become a boss, he usually starts climbing the career ladder from the very bottom. He is smart and quick-witted, quickly absorbs all the necessary information that will help him achieve career heights in the future.

Thanks to his good memory, Peter uses his accumulated experience and eventually becomes a true professional in his chosen field.

Pyotr Yurievich Dranga (Russian accordionist and singer)

  • Such qualities as diligence, activity, purposefulness and business acumen allow Peter to open his own business.
  • He is very responsible, so he tries to fulfill all his promises, as they say, he does not throw words into the wind. That is why Peter gets along well with business partners, quickly finds a common language with them, they trust him. He can even act as a guarantor that everything will be done efficiently and on time.
  • A man named Peter is usually respected by colleagues, because they know that he does his job conscientiously. Many want to work with him in a team.
  • Financial reward means a lot to such a person. He will not work for a penny, if they pay well, then Peter will fulfill his duties even more diligently and diligently. A good salary is an incentive, and the prospect of career growth is also important.

He will not stay long in one place, because he longs for constant development.

  • As a rule, such a person chooses professions where he will not be constrained by some kind of framework. Peter prefers to be as free as possible; an administrative position is perfect for him.
  • He will be able to realize himself in such areas as law, restaurant business, tourism, media and other areas where you need to contact people.
  • In general, we can say that no matter what direction Peter chooses, he will be able to achieve success thanks to patience and diligence. The most important thing is that he has an incentive to work.
  • He may also work in manufacturing or trade.
  • Such a person can achieve good results in a sports career, he has all the necessary qualities to become an excellent athlete.

What does the name Peter mean, we learned, in general it is positive, it has both its advantages and disadvantages that you need to know about. Parents should take a responsible approach to choosing a name for a child, because it can affect the fate and character of a person. It is important to know not only the origin of the name, but also its characteristics. Many people noticed that if they changed the name given to them at birth, then fate changed along with it.

Most families, when preparing for a new addition, try to choose a name for a new family member thoughtfully: they sort through different names in their minds, combine them with a surname and patronymic, perhaps even study their influence. And rightly so, because our name is what will accompany us all our lives. Of course, it may seem that it is just a set of sounds that do not make sense, but many researchers are convinced that the character and fate of a person depend on his name too. The name Peter was and remains quite common among the male half of the population of our country, so now we will try to understand its features.

Name origin

Researchers are sure that the name Peter came to us from the ancient Greek language, but it is impossible to establish an exact translation. Most often they talk about such options as “stone”, “rock”, “solid”, “unshakable”. From ancient Greece, the name spread throughout the world, but became especially popular in Western Europe and the countries of the former USSR.

"Rock" - one of the translations of the name Peter

Name Forms

Briefly, Peter can be called Petya, Per, Pete, Pero, Peya.

Diminutive forms: Petka, Petyunya, Petruha, Petranya, Petrya, Petrusha, Petyusha, Petyan, Petyay, Peter, Petran, Petrus, Peyro, Perin, Petruts.

The name Peter has quite a few related forms in other languages, such as Petro in Ukraine and Peder in Norway. Throughout Europe, female variants of Pietra, Petrana, Petria are common.

In addition, related names are Peter, Pierce, Pierre, Pierrot, Peter, Pedro, Petrus, Pedro, Pietro, Petre, Peer, Petros, Petter, Petur, Pietari, Petris, Petri.

The name Peter is found in the holy calendar about 50 times.

The name Peter is present in church calendars.

There are quite a few poems with the name Peter, for example, Larisa Rubalskaya "Swan Lake", G. Ladonshchikov "Golden Mountain". Separately, it is necessary to highlight children's poems: Agniya Barto "To School", Samuil Marshak "What was Petya afraid of?", Boris Zakhoder "The Harmful Cat".

Table: name translation into other languages

EnglishPeter (Peter)
Chinese彼得 (Bido)
Korean피터 (Pito)
Japaneseピーター (Pita)
Arabبيتر (Piter)
TurkishPeter (Pitash)
NorwegianPeter (Peter)
Yiddishפעטרוס (Fetrus)
ArmenianՊետրոս (Petros)
GreekΠέτρο (Petro)
KazakhPetir (Petyr)

According to the rules of transliteration in Russia, the name Pyotr is written as PETR.

Patronymics derived from this name: Petrovna, Petrovich.

Patronymics most suitable for the name Peter: Vladimirovich, Viktorovich, Lvovich, Leonidovich, Yaroslavovich, Alekseevich.

Nicky for social networks

  • ᖘe†ℝ;
  • PetrPetit;
  • PetrPerfect;
  • ๖ۣۜƤe†r;
  • Petrivity;
  • Petriative.

Name days and patron saints

Over the years of the existence of the Christian church, more than 50 saints with the name Peter were canonized. Accordingly, Peter has quite a few name days, but most often they are celebrated on May 16, May 25, May 27, May 29, May 31, June 5, June 9, June 10, June 17, June 18.

The most famous saint with this name is the apostle Peter. He was the elder brother of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and was called Simon in the world, raised children with his wife, and was engaged in fishing. But one day God appeared to him and made him a helper and protector of people. Peter was to help put on the path of the true those who had previously lived in sin.

The apostle himself sinned a lot during his life, he even betrayed his teacher Jesus, being afraid of death. But each time he repented and was forgiven. Jesus decided that Peter was worthy of the Kingdom of God. He handed him the keys to paradise and the saint became a conductor between people and God. He must teach people the Christian faith and let only those whom he deems worthy go to heaven.

The Apostle Peter sinned a lot, but was forgiven by God and admitted to paradise

Characteristics and influence of the name

The name Peter is mentioned in the works of all popular researchers of this topic: Khigir, Florensky, Rouge. Each of them saw his own characteristics of the owner of this name, but their general characteristics are similar. In a brief description of this person, the following traits can be indicated: sincerity, nobility, dedication to business. He loves justice, is not confident in himself, needs the approval of others.

In the numerology of the name Peter, the number 7 corresponds."Sevens" from birth are unusually smart and even in their youth they are endowed with a certain life wisdom. But this is not enough for them, they always strive for knowledge, they want to develop themselves and learn something new. Such people are very creative, they are generators of ideas, but they don’t want to engage in their execution, preferring to go into the shadows when the plan begins to be realized. They are a little arrogant and most often proud of themselves, but are unsociable, preferring to be independent loners and devote all their free time to working on projects or science.

Seven - the numerological symbol of Peter

The influence of the name on the child

This child cannot but rejoice parents: from a young age, he grows up calm and obedient, assiduous when necessary. Little Petya is most often positive, rarely indulging in sadness or despondency. He is a little shy, but this is compensated by his moderately active nature: he does not like to sit around (after all, having fun with friends is much more interesting), but he never flirts too much, he does not get into unpleasant situations.

This is a non-conflict boy who tries to be kind to everyone and avoid quarrels. He is quite sociable and always finds a common language with other guys, but he is in no hurry to open his soul to anyone: he is much more comfortable if all his thoughts and feelings are hidden inside him.

Petya is endowed with fantasy and imagination, which also helps him interact with others. He has quite a few friends, but no enemies at all. At school, the boy shows good progress, because he is able to work hard and immerse himself in any business for a long time.

Little Petya shows perseverance and creativity

The influence of the name on a teenager

As a teenager, Peter is really popular among his peers. This is due to his endless optimism, sociability, eloquence and the ability to always keep up the conversation. In addition, this guy is very good-natured and generous - he is always ready to listen and help another at least with advice or a kind word. All this makes Petya the center of any company, the one people are drawn to.

Nature endowed this young man with such traits as susceptibility, sensitivity and emotionality. He still remains a person with a creative mindset, and the whole world that Petya absorbs and passes through himself serves as inspiration for him.

But he also has not very good qualities, for example, self-doubt, which becomes stronger over the years, greatly lowering his self-esteem and depriving him of the opportunity to realize himself. In his studies, the guy is very successful: his perseverance and diligence, together with innate mental abilities, allow him to achieve good results.

Teenage Petya pleases his family with academic success

Influence on an adult male

As an adult, Peter does not lose his sociability and eloquence, but he has catastrophically few friends, as he is afraid to get close to people, to open his soul to them. But the few for whom he did this were very lucky: although a man can sometimes be very harsh, he is always honest with his loved ones and keeps his word.

Peter is quite determined and assertive. He dreams of power and material wealth, but it is very difficult for him to get what he wants, because he does not believe in his own strength and is afraid of defeat. But if he nevertheless achieves something, then it will only be his personal merit, since he does everything honestly and does not ask anyone for help.

This person stands firmly on the ground, never listens to the voice of intuition and trusts only logic. He slowly makes decisions, preferring to think and analyze as long as possible. He also has no common sense.

Adult Peter thinks a lot before making a decision

Talents and hobbies

Piotr is a very smart person, loves to learn new things, he likes to read books and travel. He has a penchant for learning foreign languages.

There are songs that sing about Peter: Alexander Buinov “Dance like Petya”, Ataman “Peter the Tsar”, Lyapis Trubetskoy “Petka the sailor”.

Professions, career, business

In his work, Peter first of all seeks public recognition, an opportunity to show himself. His eloquence and oratory skills help him achieve great success, he really knows how to convince people. It will not be difficult for this person to get a leadership position, but he is unlikely to be satisfied with it: although Peter dreams of power, the boss's chair will not allow him to realize himself the way he wants it.

Most of all, a man is suitable for public and political work. He will become an excellent diplomat, consultant, analyst, sociologist. The linguistic direction (literature and journalism) is also quite suitable for Peter, and a lively mind will allow him to engage in scientific activities.

This man can become quite successful working for himself, as he has the makings of a businessman and an endless stream of ideas, but due to self-doubt, he most likely does not dare to take risks. But with a partner, Peter may well achieve what he wants.

Learning foreign languages ​​is one of Peter's main hobbies


As a rule, Peter has a strong physique and good health, which he strengthens by regular sports. He should not be addicted to smoking or alcohol, as addiction occurs in him much faster than in other people. You need to be especially careful with the musculoskeletal system and pressure.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Peter is an enviable groom. He is always surrounded by many women who admire his intelligence, ability to keep up a conversation, success, attractive appearance. In addition, the kindness and responsiveness of a man also add points to him in the eyes of the opposite sex. But he himself is in no hurry to open his heart to the girls: he is secretive and vulnerable, afraid of betrayal and lies.

A man dreams of ideal love and because of this he is very upset if reality does not correspond to his ideas. Although his feelings for a woman are very strong, he can quickly become disappointed in a relationship and fall out of love with his chosen one. All the girls notice Peter's sexuality. This part of the relationship is important to him, but not the main one.

The family for this man is a rather important step, since he wants to see a friend and like-minded person in his life partner. He thinks for a long time before making an offer, but then remains devoted to his wife all his life. He loves children, so he dreams of a large family. He helps his wife with the housework and tries to create all the conditions for his children to grow up as worthy people.

Peter dreams of a big family

Interesting rhymes for the name Peter: viewing, sturgeon, kind.

Table: compatibility of the name Peter with other names

The most important years in the life of Peter can be called 13, 22, 35, 59, 63.

Table: name matches

Mimosa - the plant symbol of Peter

Interpretation of letters in a name

Each letter in the name of Peter carries its own meaning, from which the overall influence of this name is formed.

  • P - most often such a person is driven by passion, he is always ready to embark on an adventure and does not think about the consequences. It is very important for him to learn how to plan his life, otherwise he will be in distress. Falls in love once and for all, but everyday difficulties often interfere with saving the family;
  • Yo - passions rage in the soul of this person, he is emotional, and his mood changes literally every second. Most often, the owner of this letter cannot control his feelings, and sometimes he can be cruel. Self-control will help him in everyday life, although it will take a lot of strength;
  • T - a person hates life without meaning, it is more attractive for him to perform feats and good deeds. He loves all people without exception, is ready to do anything for them, even if he has to sacrifice himself. He absolutely does not value his own life, and he needs to learn this;
  • R - during his life he creates his own principles and a system of views, from which he will never deviate. Thinks optimistically, does not get upset because of failures for a long time. This person can be trusted with any business - he will do everything correctly and on time. It can take a long time to achieve its goals, knows how to wait.

The first letter of the name brings into the life of Peter a love of excitement

Name according to the season

Each season gives rise to people with different character traits, therefore, when describing a person named Peter, this should not be forgotten.

  • "winter" - easily adapts to the situation, the purpose of this behavior is to please the opponent. It is important for him to earn honor and respect, so he always puts himself in the best light. In addition, this person craves absolute power, even over loved ones. He is a great manipulator, he understands what to put pressure on. He is sociable, but arrogant, which, however, perfectly hides from others. Only a meek, compliant girl who does not mind being commanded can create a family with him;
  • "spring" - easy to communicate, ready to listen and help those who need it. Balanced, always in control. This is a bright, active person who happily works to fulfill his goals and stops at nothing. In addition, he has leadership qualities, but does not make power his main priority: there are much more important personal goals. His life partner should be like him: the same optimistic and interesting personality;
  • "summer" - sees the meaning of life in achieving complete material independence and comfort. For the sake of this, he is ready for anything: he works day and night, he does not care if the work is interesting or not, the main thing is to bring income. This leads to the fact that the man has no relatives, he also does not allow himself to start a relationship. There is selfishness in it, but it does not manifest itself strongly. He lives, guided by his principles and ideas, he cannot be persuaded to his side or forced to do what he does not want;
  • "autumn" - considers himself better than others, a special person who should bow before. From close people he tries to make his slaves or puppets: he imposes his opinion on them, indicates what to do. Arguments with him end in nothing, because he will not back down from his own, even if he is proven wrong. He hates criticism, even constructive or in a mild form: he is offended, angry, begins to snap and be rude. He is especially upset by pointing out his shortcomings, that he is not so perfect.

Much depends on the time of year in the character of Peter

Name horoscope

The zodiac sign under which Peter was born also affects his character, so it must be taken into account when characterizing the personality of this man:

  • Aries - dreams of becoming famous, gaining worldwide fame and respect from people. He devotes his whole life to this goal, stopping at nothing to achieve it. A man has all the traits necessary for this: ambition, authority, purposefulness. He communicates little with people, keeps all thoughts in himself. Rarely has friends, and generally does not trust others: afraid of being abandoned;
  • Taurus is a calm, non-conflict person who prefers home comfort and silence to entertainment. It may seem unsociable, but in fact he is not a loner: he has close friends, most often since childhood. He treats everyone around him with love, this is the person who will always listen and support. In love, he values ​​directness and sincerity most of all;
  • Gemini - his life is subject to a strict routine, and most of all a man likes to plan, and not to fulfill plans. But at the same time, it cannot be called boring: in the schedule of this person there will definitely be time for entertainment. He likes to spend time with people, relax in the company of friends, of which he usually has many, because he is cheerful, positive and eloquent;
  • Cancer - although this man does not have serious material problems, he constantly works, leaving no time for entertainment. Self-realization is in the first place for him: he sets himself goals and most often achieves them, but does not stop there. He never rejoices in victories, he only sets himself new, even more difficult, tasks. He has no friends and family, the loneliness of this person is completely satisfied;
  • Leo - considers himself superior to others, self-confident and never hides it. He wants to show his superiority, which he does by arguing or even humiliating those who are weaker than him. He sees nothing wrong with such behavior. He never takes into account the opinions of others, he hurries to challenge everything with which he does not agree. He does not consider deceit or even betrayal shameful, if it will bring him any benefit;
  • Virgo - they say about such people that they are not of this world. He is immersed in his fantasies, does not take off his pink glasses, as he hates the dullness and monotony of everyday life. He surrounds himself only with interesting, unusual creative people who, however, are drawn to him. As a life partner, he is looking for an easy, cheerful girl who will agree to embark on adventures with him;
  • Libra - this man wants to appear strong and independent, but he does not succeed. In fact, he is too sensitive, vulnerable, takes everything to heart. He does not know how to stand up for himself, so in childhood (and in adulthood too) he is often attacked. But there are also good features: he is honest and simply cannot commit a bad deed, because the voice of his conscience is too strong;
  • Scorpio - has a very difficult character, which interferes with normal communication with others, so a man most often remains alone. He is impulsive, fickle, proud and selfish, never admits that others are right. He constantly points out to others their shortcomings, but he does not see his own at close range. A girl, starting a relationship with such a person, seems to be imprisoned;
  • Sagittarius - lives in fantasies, where the world is perfect and fair, and people must be happy. But because of such a wandering in the clouds, it is difficult for him to build his life, because in reality everything turns out to be not like in dreams. He believes that all people are good, as well as in the sincere feelings of all those around him, therefore he is often disappointed in them, and, as a result, in life itself too;
  • Capricorn - craves power in all its manifestations, so friends and, especially, the wife of this person will have a hard time: most likely, he will not reckon with their opinion, and power will turn into open tyranny. A man wants to be free and independent in everything, but it is difficult for him, because he is fickle and cannot arrange his life the way he wants;
  • Aquarius - really appreciates sincerity in his loved ones, but he himself does not possess such a trait. He wants to please everyone without exception, so he does not see anything bad in flattery or hypocrisy. He behaves as the situation requires, and the absence of any principles helps a lot in this. Despite this, he is quite responsive and always ready to help (but one must understand that this is done out of selfish motives);
  • Pisces - his psyche is more like a woman's than a man's. He is subject to the influence of mood, makes decisions rashly, often behaves capriciously, almost like a small child. Not endowed with fortitude, it is easy to upset or offend him. Needs praise and compliments to reinforce his self-esteem. In the family, it is usually he who cooks, cleans, sits with the children.

The signs of the zodiac allow us to make a more accurate description of the personality of Peter

My former classmate was named Petya, so I can tell quite a lot about the real impact of this name on a person. What was he like in his school days? Definitely quite smart and reasonable, which is very different from most other boys. At the same time, he was also an interesting interlocutor who would support any topic of conversation and would not let you get bored. Interestingly, he never recognized his own mind and tried to downplay his successes. I can’t say that I communicated with him very well, he had no close friends at all. After graduating from school, Petya entered a law school, now he works by profession and is definitely making progress in this area. At different times, I heard about his relationship with different girls, but he has not yet created a full-fledged family.


If on July 12, it rains on Saint Peter, the harvest will be poor, if two rains - good, and if three rains - very rich.

January 29 - Peter is half-feed, half of the food prepared for the winter should end on this day.

Rains on St. Peter's Day are considered a good sign

Famous people

The name Peter still does not lose its popularity in European countries, so finding famous people bearing this name is not so difficult:

  • Peter I the Great (1672-1725) - the youngest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the first Russian emperor, who carried out many reforms to bring the country to the European level. Husband of Empress Catherine I;

    Peter the Great played a big role in the fate of Russia

  • Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev (1794–1856) was a Russian philosopher and publicist. His works were banned by the authorities because of the criticism of the life of the country at that time;

    Pyotr Chaadaev's works were banned in Russia

  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) - the great Russian composer, wrote operas, ballets, romances, symphonies, many of which are very famous today;

    Agrarian reform - the most famous case of Pyotr Stolypin

  • Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (1827–1914) - Russian geographer, botanist. Postscript "Tian Shan" received after he visited the Tien Shan mountains.

    Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky - an outstanding Russian traveler

The name Peter is not in vain and today is popular with people. A person named so at birth will have a really interesting fate and every chance to become happy: the main thing is to properly manage your life. Hopefully, learning his name will help Peter better understand himself and fulfill himself.

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