Ion weapons. Electron and ion guns. Beam installations for Star Wars

Carbine TG3 9.6x53 Lancaster L=620

Concern Kalashnikov presented his next new product - a self-loading gun TG3 Kalashnikov, created on the basis of the legendary Dragunov rifle ( SVD).
Carbine TG3 Designed for hunting and training shooting.

Features of Kalashnikov TG3:

  • - 9.6x53 caliber cartridges are used for shooting from a gun;
  • - drilling the barrel Lancaster allows you to significantly increase the accuracy and range of fire;
  • - the barrel bore and chamber are chrome-plated;
  • - on the barrel of a gun TG3 a slotted flame arrester is installed;
  • - on the gun strap Kalashnikov markings similar to military weapons
  • - gun Kalashnikov TG3 equipped with open sights- whole and front sight.

How to buy a TG3 9.6x53 Lancaster carbine?

We warn you! Licensed products are not available for purchase through the online store. Qualified personnel will provide full advice on the product, its care and answer all your questions.
Please note that to purchase firearms and cartridges must be licensed! You can familiarize yourself with the rules and procedure for receiving in the section

In the fictional Star Wars universe, planetary ion cannons are actively used - ground-based or ship-based weapons capable of hitting enemy ships in low orbits. The use of a planetary ion cannon does not cause physical damage to the ship, but disables its electronics. The disadvantage of the ion cannon is its small field of fire, which allows it to protect areas of only a few square kilometers. That's why this type weapons are used only to cover strategic objects (spaceports, planetary shield generators, major cities and military bases). The rate of fire of the ion cannon is 1 shot every 5-6 seconds, so for the full defense of the planet it is necessary to use a whole system of firing points and shields. An example of an ion planetary cannon is the “Planetary Defender V-150” created at the Kuat shipyards, which was used by the Alliance forces at the Hoth base. The V-150 is protected by a spherical permacite shell. Powered by a reactor located 40 meters below the surface of the earth. Combat crew - 27 soldiers. It takes several minutes to open the spherical shell for a shot. It was the V-150 that disabled the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger. Ion cannons are part of the armament of the Victory-class Star Destroyer. This type of weapon is mentioned in the movie Aliens. Ion cannon typical for computer games in the genre of global strategies: the Command & Conquer series (orbital based), Crimsonland (manual version), Master of Orion, Ogame (non-manual version)], “Universe X” from Egosoft, StarWars line from Bioware Corporation, Petroglyph Games (which developed the idea into an ion howitzer) and others. Ion cannon in specified computer games appears in different guises: from hand weapons to the orbiter[. For example, in Command & Conquer, a powerful ion beam released from an orbital station destroyed targets on the surface of the Earth. Because of huge size there was only one ion cannon, and it also had big time recharge. It was a strategic weapon of the GDI (Global Defense Initiative). The use of the ion cannon caused ion storms in the atmosphere, disrupting communications and increasing ozone levels. However, in fact, an ion cannon is only capable of penetrating a sufficiently thin planetary atmosphere, while a dense planetary atmosphere, such as the Earth’s atmosphere, is no longer capable of penetrating and, therefore, is unable to hit targets on the surface of the Earth (experiments conducted in 1994 in the USA determined the range of the beam weapons in an atmosphere of only a few kilometers). And in OGame, the ion cannon is part of the planetary defense. It has the advantage of a powerful force shield, the disadvantage of high cost and in terms of combat parameters is inferior to a battleship]. The latest types of weapons are not limited to sources electromagnetic radiation. The vacuum of space makes it possible to use material carriers of energy moving with high speed: interceptor missiles, homing high-speed projectiles ($m\approx 1$ kg, $v\approx 10-40$ km/s), accelerated in electromagnetic accelerators, and microscopic particles (hydrogen atoms, deuterium; $v\sim c$ ), also accelerated electro magnetic field. All of these weapons are being considered in connection with the Star Wars program.

ELECTROMAGNETIC GUNS (EP) - They are also called weapons of high kinetic energy, or electrodynamic mass accelerators. Let us note right away that they are of interest not only to the military. With the help of EP it is planned to release radioactive waste from the Earth beyond solar system, transportation of materials for space construction from the surface of the Moon, launch of interplanetary and interstellar probes. Preliminary calculations show that delivering cargo into space using EP will cost 10 times less than using the shuttle ($300 per 1 kg, and not $3,000 like the shuttle). Within the framework of SDI, it is planned to use EP to launch ballistic missiles. (unguided) or homing projectiles to destroy taking off ICBMs (possibly back in upper layers atmosphere) and warheads along their entire flight path. The idea of ​​using EP goes back to the beginning of our century. In 1916, there was the first attempt to create an electronic device by putting windings of wire on the barrel of a gun through which current was passed. The projectile, under the influence of a magnetic field, was successively drawn into the coils, received acceleration and flew out of the barrel. In these experiments, projectiles weighing 50 g could be accelerated to a speed of only 200 m/s. Since 1978, the USA began a program to create electronic signatures as tactical weapons, and in 1983 it was reoriented to create strategic missile defense systems. Usually, a “railgun” is considered as a space EP - two conductive buses (“rails”), between which a potential difference is created. A conductive projectile (or part of it, for example, a cloud of plasma in the tail of the projectile) is located between the rails and closes electrical circuit). The current creates a magnetic field, interacting with which the projectile is accelerated by the Lorentz force. With a current of several million amperes, a field of hundreds of kilogauss can be created, which is capable of accelerating projectiles with an acceleration of up to 105g. In order for a projectile to acquire the required speed of 10-40 km/s, an EP with a length of 100-300 m will be required. Projectiles from such guns will probably have a mass of $\sim 1$ kg (at a speed of 20 km/s the reserve of its kinetic energy will be $\ sim 10^8$ J, which is equivalent to an explosion of 20 kg of TNT) and will be equipped with a semi-active homing system. Prototypes of such projectiles have already been created: they have IR sensors that respond to the rocket's torch or to the radiation of an "illuminating" laser reflected from the warhead. These sensors control the jet engines, which create a lateral maneuver for the projectile. The entire system can withstand overloads up to 105g. Now created by American companies prototypes EP fire projectiles weighing 2-10 g at a speed of 5-10 km/s. One of the most important problems when creating an electronic signature is the development of a powerful pulse source current, which is usually considered a unipolar generator (a rotor accelerated by a turbine to several thousand revolutions per minute, from which by short circuit huge peak power is removed). Nowadays, unipolar generators with an energy intensity of up to 10 J per 1 g of their own weight have been created. When used as part of an electric power plant, the mass of the power unit will reach hundreds of tons. As for gas lasers, big problem for EP represents the dissipation of thermal energy in the elements of the device itself. At modern technology execution, the efficiency of the electric power plant is unlikely to exceed 20%, which means most of The energy of the shot will be spent on heating the gun. There is no doubt that the recent creation of high-temperature superconductors opens up excellent prospects for EC developers. The use of these materials will likely lead to significant improvements in EC performance.

INTERCEPTOR MISSILES - It may seem that the Star Wars strategy is based entirely on new technical principles, but that's not true. A significant share of efforts (approximately 1/3 of all allocations) is spent on the development of traditional missile defense systems, i.e., on the development of interceptor missiles, or, as they are also called, anti-ballistic missiles, anti-missiles. Due to the progress of electronics and the improvement of the missile defense control system, anti-missiles are now increasingly equipped with non-nuclear warheads that strike an enemy missile by direct impact with it. To reliably hit a target, such missiles are equipped with a special umbrella-type striking element, which is a drop-down structure with a diameter of 5-10 m made of mesh or elastic metal strips. To protect important ground objects, they are created anti-missile systems, capable of destroying warheads at the final stage of the trajectory, in the upper atmosphere. Sometimes their warheads are equipped with an explosive charge fragmentation type, dispersing damaging elements like buckshot in space. They do not refuse to use nuclear charges in connection with the advent of warheads capable of maneuvering in the atmosphere. To protect mines launchers ICBMs exist artillery and missile systems volley fire, creating at an altitude of several kilometers above the ground a dense curtain of steel cuoiks or balls that hit the warhead upon collision with it. It is planned to place interceptor missiles on orbital platforms to combat missiles and warheads along the entire above-atmospheric part of their trajectory. It is possible that Space-based anti-missiles will become the first element of strategic missile defense actually deployed in space. The current US administration is well aware that it will not have time to fully implement its “star wars” plans. But so that there is no turning back for the next administration, it is important to do something real now to move from words to deeds. Therefore, the possibility of deploying in space in the coming years a primitive missile defense system based on homing anti-missiles, which is not capable of fully fulfilling the task of a “space umbrella over the country”, but which provides some advantages in the event of a global nuclear conflict, is being urgently discussed.

BEAM WEAPON - A powerful beam of charged particles (electrons, protons, ions) or a beam of neutral atoms can also be used as a weapon. Research into beam weapons began more than 10 years ago with the goal of creating a naval weapon station to combat anti-ship missiles (ASM). In this case, it was supposed to use a beam of charged particles that actively interact with air molecules, ionize and heat them. As heated air expands, it significantly reduces its density, which allows charged particles to spread further. Series short pulses can form a kind of channel in the atmosphere through which charged particles will spread almost unhindered (a UV laser beam can also be used to “pierce the channel”). A pulsed beam of electrons with a particle energy of $\sim 1$ GeV and a current of several thousand amperes, propagating through an atmospheric channel, can hit a rocket at a distance of 1-5 km. With a “shot” energy of 1-10 MJ the rocket will suffer mechanical damage, with an energy of $\sim 0.1$ MJ the warhead may explode, and with an energy of 0.01 MJ the electronic equipment of the rocket may be damaged. However, using beams of charged particles in space for missile defense purposes is considered unpromising. Firstly, such beams have a noticeable divergence due to the Coulomb repulsion of like-charged particles, and secondly, the trajectory of a charged beam is bent when interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field. When conducting sea ​​battle this is not noticeable, but at distances of thousands of kilometers both of these effects become very significant. To create a space missile defense system, it is considered advisable to use beams of neutral atoms (hydrogen, deuterium), which in the form of ions are preliminarily accelerated in conventional accelerators. A fast-flying hydrogen atom is quite weak connected system: It loses its electron upon collision with atoms on the surface of the target. But the fast proton generated in this case has great penetrating power: it can hit the electronic “filling” of a rocket, and under certain conditions even melt the nuclear “filling” of the warhead. Since beam weapons are basically associated with electromagnetic accelerators and concentrators electrical energy, it can be assumed that the creation of industrial high-temperature superconductors will speed up the development and improve the characteristics of these weapons.

Military expert, director of the analytical publication “Orthodox Rus'” Konstantin Dushenov, in his author’s article, spoke about Russia’s development the most powerful weapon on new physical principles- “beam weapons”. According to Dushenov, this weapon will be the most powerful of all those available in the arsenal of any state. The expert notes that this moment developments are so secret that even their appearance known to a very small circle of military specialists. Now the Russian Federation is doing everything possible to develop such weapons, since its creation will make Russia the undisputed leader in weapons for decades to come. This will be a real revolution in the field of warfare. The so-called “beam weapon,” the expert claims, is a special type of weapon. The principle of its operation is to form a beam of particles (electrons, protons, ions or neutral atoms), which with a special accelerator will reach near-light speeds. In addition, kinetic energy will be used to destroy objects. In the 90s, the United States tried to test similar weapons, however, their experience was unsuccessful, and development stopped. Russia, Dushenov believes, has advanced much further in this matter, given the presence of a unique technology - a compact modular three-dimensional linear accelerator on a backward wave. Similar technology is used in the operation of a modern Mars rover. It is equipped with a neutron gun created in Russia. This is a clear example that Russians have such technologies, and they are being modernized every year. The expert noted that “beam weapons” are several times more powerful than laser weapons, since a laser is a stream of intense light and does not contain charged particles. IN " beam weapons» protons are used. And they are monsters compared to laser photons. This is simply unprecedented power. For example, a proton generator can increase power with one pulse nuclear reactor 1000 times, which will lead to an instant explosion. In conclusion, Dushenov noted that military experts have not lost hope of introducing of this weapon into the 2025 state armaments program.

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