Irina Lindt personal life. Andrey Stoyanov: “The appearance of my daughter came as a surprise to me. Do you have a love line in the film?

After death famous actor Irina Lindt agreed to play main role in the film “Resort Police”, during the filming of which her scripted romance grew into a real one - with actor Andrei Stoyanov (photo)

- Which of the actresses who played policewomen do you like: Kovalchuk, Yakovleva, Melnikova?

I won't answer. I haven't had a TV for ten years. And I don’t allow my son to watch it. I’m also trying to make sure that he doesn’t get carried away with the computer, although I see that he’s now a fan of “contact.”

- This is your first role after the death of your husband.

I haven't worked anywhere since January. Now I can throw myself into work with my head, but until this time Valeria did not leave her hospital bed.

- I know that there is a lot of humor in the series “Resort Police”. Isn't it hard to joke?

No. It was harder to cry. There was a moment when I had to cry because of the plot, but I couldn’t. I've cried everything out already! For the first time in my life I asked for special tear drops.

- Who helped you survive the death of Valery Sergeevich?

People. Valery’s son from his first marriage, Denis, supported me and said exactly the words I needed.

- Is your son with Zolotukhin, Vanechka, also starring in the series?

They promised to come up with a role for him. He has already acted with me, playing a street boy in the film “Grandfather”. Nature certainly didn’t rest on it.

- How do you study?

Good: “four” in Russian, the rest are “fives”.

We walked along Deribasovskaya, swam with dolphins, went to a water park, and went go-karting. And the sea, of course. Vanya learned to swim at the age of five. Therefore, the beach is included in our mandatory program.

- Do you have a love line in the film?

Yes, with an actor Andrey Stoyanov. He plays the major. First we quarrel with him, and then we start an affair.

After observing the on-screen lovers behind the scenes, it became clear that sparks of passion between the widowed beauty Irina Lindt and actor Andrei Stoyanov run in real life.

“What’s abnormal here,” 39-year-old Stoyanov was surprised at our question about his relationship with Lindt. - We are free adults: Ira is a widow, I am unmarried. I don’t want to go into details - I’m afraid I’ll jinx it. But I already took Ira to a restaurant. And she, like me, is passionate about sports and the cult of the body. We regularly go to the rocking chair together and play tennis with her.

Natalia MURGA

Irina Lindt, whose personal life became of interest to the general public after rumors arose about her affair with Valery Zolotukhin, is more of a theater actress than a film actress. Many were shocked by the significant age difference between this couple.

How did it all start?

Irina Lindt first met Valery Zolotukhin within the walls of the Taganka Theater. At first he made no impression on her. She saw only a short elderly man, not distinguished by external beauty.

The first meetings did not foretell any romance. Then Irina Lindt thought that the presence of a huge age difference, and Zolotukhin’s age exceeded the age of her father, would become a serious obstacle in their path possible relationships of a romantic nature.

At the same time, every appearance of Valery Zolotukhin on stage led to the fact that all the obstacles separating him from Irina became smaller and smaller. With the power of his talent and charm, he caused the young actress to develop a strong feeling, which rapidly grew to enormous proportions.

After Zolotukhin’s death, Irina Lindt admitted that their love arose despite the prevailing circumstances.

The emergence of close relationships

Since 1998, relations between Zolotukhin and Irina have become close. At this time Valery had a wife. He did not abandon his family. The young actress did not encourage him to take this step at all. For her, the main thing was love.

After Lyubimov left, Valery Zolotukhin became the artistic director of the Taganka Theater, but his attitude towards Irina did not change. She was subjected to quite harsh criticism during rehearsals, often even more than other artists. He explained these quibbles to her with his worries about her work.

Their son Vanya, born in 2004, was an exact copy Valeria. The child was greeted by him with great joy. His father treated him with adoration and repeatedly called him to the stage as soon as he finished playing in the next performance.

The thirty-three-year age difference did not prevent Irina and Valery from having a lot in common spiritually.

Irina Lindt: personal life after the death of Zolotukhin

In her interviews, Irina told how difficult it was for her to say goodbye to Zolotukhin.

The funeral service and farewell were first held in Moscow, then this whole procedure was repeated in the homeland of the deceased - Altai. Irina tried to be near the coffin all this time. It was she who was the last to hold the hand of the greatest actor before the coffin was closed.

According to her, Zolotukhin bequeathed to her not to look for justification from anyone except God.
On the advice of a psychologist, she took her son with her to the funeral. Little Vanya saw everything with his own eyes and understood everything.

After the death of Zolotukhin, the question of inheritance arose quite acutely for his many relatives.

The direct heirs, besides Vanya, were Zolotukhin’s legal wife, Tamara, and their joint son, Denis. Valery Zolotukhin's financial savings were not very large. Each of the children was left with apartments. In general, all issues regarding the division of inheritance were resolved peacefully.

A small dacha on six acres went to Irina. There she and her sister began building a house; before that there was a temporary building there.

Having buried her loved one, Irina Lindt threw herself completely into work in order to somehow heal the emotional wound.

The role that received Zolotukhin’s blessing

While Zolotukhin was still alive, Irina began rehearsing the main role in the play “Hedda Gabler” by Ibsen. She was chosen as director Gulnara Galavinskaya, and Zolotukhin approved it.

Soon, Valery Sergeevich was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After the actor’s death, Irina continued working on the play.

The director envisioned a variety of special effects in the play. The main character performs a headstand, plays the drum, plays the trumpet, and even hints to her friend about the possibility of lesbian love. The most unexpected scene is the moment where Gedda, in a passionate impulse, throws off all her clothes.

The actress believes that the heroine is very similar to her in her demands on herself and others, she is just as maximalist. Love for both of them can only be the only one throughout life. Of course, Irina will never agree with the ending of the play; suicide for her is an unacceptable step.

The main thing in the life of an actress is the creation of harmony, to the search for which she makes every effort.

Rumors about a new romance

After Irina Lindt’s filming in the series “Resort Police,” rumors began to appear that she had a romantic relationship with actor Andrei Stoyanov, who played in the same series.

The actress claims that such statements are journalistic inventions that have no basis in reality.

Her heart is forever given to Valery Zolotukhin; no one can worthily replace him.
She speaks of Andrei Stoyanov as a wonderful guy, a prominent man, but her lover only in the filmed series.

While visiting the set, one of the journalists asked about who the heroine Irina had a romantic relationship with. She explained that her heroine is in love with the main character played by Andrei Stoyanov. Several photographs were taken, after which rumors of their romance spread. Some publications claimed that Irina Lindt, whose photo with Stoyanov appeared in some publications, had found her new love.

All this, according to the actress, is not true. Her nine-year-old son was always with her on set.

About Zolotukhin's diaries

Irina Lindt turned out to be the owner of the manuscripts and diaries of Valery Sergeevich Zolotukhin.

She treats them very delicately, calling them subjective records that should not be taken literally. They contain frank thoughts about the life of Valery Sergeevich.

Irina believes that they should not be published today. If they fall into unscrupulous hands, diaries can cause a lot of trouble for some specific people, and this will come from the person of a deceased famous actor.

Zolotukhin himself published only excerpts from his diaries, and was very careful and selective about this. Nevertheless, after these publications, he had many ill-wishers. Many harbored a grudge against him.

From the diaries, only the last couple of notebooks remained in Irina’s hands.

Andrey Alexandrovich Stoyanov born May 9, 1974 in Slavyansk (Ukraine). When Andrey was one year old, his mother moved with him to Moscow to live with her second husband. His stepfather raised Andrei as his own. Stoyanov got into the acting profession by chance: met a GITIS teacher Mikhail Feigin, which has its own theatre studio-laboratory, and who proposed young man come to him for an audition.

Andrey Stoyanov worked at the Art House drama theater, as well as at the Fourth Wall theater. Among his stage roles: Smirnov - “The Bear”, Chubukov - “The Proposal”, Vanya Rastorguev - “Stoves and Benches”, Efim Pyanykh - “Operation Efim Pyanykh”, Grave Digger - “Hamlet”, Davey - “The Lieutenant from the Island of Inishmore”, Nikolai Platonovich - “Paris”, Writer - “ Business Cards", Actor - "Madrid", Nikolai Zvyagintsev - "Baikal Quadrille", Jerry Evans - "Dancing at the Harvest Festival", Pasha - "Toadstool", "And God Created Man and Woman" and others.

He made his film debut in 2008 in a cameo role in the series « Open up, police" Further, the actor’s filmography was replenished with work in such projects as “The Crime Will Be Solved” (2008), “ Capercaillie-2"(2009), "Village Comedy" (2009), "Invisible" (2010), "Brothers" (2011), "Dusty Work" (2011), "Masha in Law" (2012), " Phantom"(2012), "Beautiful to Death" (2013), "Stanitsa" (2013), "Resort Police" (2014), "The Light and Shadow of the Lighthouse" (2014 - 2016), "Love Blooms in Spring" (2014), “Concerned, or Love of Evil” (2015), “Forbidden Love” (2015), “40+, or Geometry of Love” (2016), “Eclipse” (2016).

Over nine years of working on film sets Andrey Stoyanov starred in about seventy projects. In 2017, the actor was involved in TV series“Mama Laura”, “Optimists”, “Alien Blood” and other film products.

Andrey Stoyanov. Personal life

Stoyanov has a daughter Victoria, which was born when Andrei was 18 years old. Andrei was not married to Vika’s mother, but took an active part in raising his daughter.

In August 2014, rumors appeared in the media that Andrey Stoyanov married Elena Berkova, adult film actress. However, as it turned out, The fifth marriage of the porn star, which was trumpeted by the media at the time, turned out to be just a conjecture of journalists. Elena simply posted joint photo with her lover on social networks and changed her status to “married.” This was then confirmed by Berkova’s producer Nella Petich.

In January 2016, the couple broke up completely. The reason for this, both Elena and Andrey said, was each other’s unpreparedness for family life. However, already in the summer of the same year, after spending a joint vacation with Andrei, the porn star announced that she was marrying him. At the end of March 2017, the ex-participant of “House 2” told the press that she was planning to arrange a luxurious wedding ceremony with Stoyanov. The couple did not divulge the details of the celebration to the public, but it became known that the creative tandem chose Stepan Menshchikov as the host for their holiday.

At the beginning of the summer of 2017, Andrei and Elena secretly got married in the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow. The newlyweds organized a holiday for family and friends at the end of August in Italy, near Lake Nemi. The newlyweds performed their first wedding dance to the song “Absolutely Everything” by Mota and Bianca.

Fourth official husband Elena managed to get along with her son, and the actress hoped for another marriage big hopes. But in early December 2018, Stoyanov suddenly announced that the divorce had taken place. According to the actor, Berkova was “unbearable” with him. Stoyanov took the blame for the divorce upon himself, calling himself an inveterate bachelor and a “difficult person.”

“God knows, I tried really hard! “He made family the most important thing in life,” said Stoyanov. “But I didn’t pull it.” According to the actor, the breakup was very difficult for him, and so far he feels only loneliness and emptiness.

Andrey Stoyanov. Filmography

2017 Alien Blood (Grisha)
2017 Close (Efim)
2017 Eclipse
2017 Force Majeure (killer)
2017 Optimists
2017 Mom Laura (Cherpakov)
2016 Fifth Watch. Fight
2016 Against all the rules (bandit)
2016 Provocateur (police captain)
2016 Single (Orlovsky)
2016 Eclipse (Volodya)
2016 Bouncer (Sergey Rozhkov)
2016 40+, or Geometry of Love (Nikita)
2015 Remedy for separation (Stas)
2015 Sasha is good, Sasha is evil (Syoma)
2015 Concerned, or Love is Evil
2015 Not a couple
2015 Bloodhound (Melnikov)
2015 Forbidden Love (Makar Danilets, main role)
2014-2016 Light and shadow of the lighthouse (Major Kravchenko, main role)
2014 Prank (Alexander Bokov)
2014 Threads of Love (Anatoly)
2014 Moscow Greyhound (special forces commander)
2014 Mom in law (precinct Revyakin)
2014 Resort police (Sergei Krutov, main role)
2014 Another Major Sokolov (episode)
2014 Wild-4
2014 Love blooms in spring (police major Kharchenko)
2013-2014 OCA (Georgy Bessmertnykh)
2013-2014 Doctors' Case
2013 I leave you love (episode)
2013 Three stars (episode)
2013 Stanitsa (chief of security)
2013 Sliding (Nevolin)
2013 Traffic light (Styopa)
2013 Under gunpoint (Major Raevsky, main role)

Our hero is an actor Russian cinema and theater, who won public recognition, entered the film industry only recently, but audiences have already appreciated his performance. The personal life of Andrei Stoyanov is full of relationships and twists and turns of fate. Before getting into filmmaking, the actor was involved in construction and had own business. Read the biography details below.


In the city of Slavyansk, on May 9, 1974, Andrei Aleksandrovich Stoyanov was born. Mother worked at a school, but soon became a caretaker at a museum. 12 months after birth, they go to the capital. In a metropolis, a mother marries a man who has replaced the boy’s natural father.

Stoyanov received B's and A's at school, but at the same time had bad character. As the actor recalls, he sometimes skipped classes and went to the ravine to smoke or fight. The parents hoped that their son would study well after school. Therefore, Andrey became a student at the Printing Institute. After studying for 2 years, he dropped out. Stoyanov decided to go into the construction business.

When the actor turned thirty years old, fate brought him together with M. Feigin, who taught at GITIS. Paying attention to Andrey’s height (1.92 cm) and acting abilities, he invited him to audition. Since the business was not profitable, Stoyanov agreed to the proposal.

Many people consider Andrey to be a relative of Yuri Stoyanov, known from the humorous program “Town”. In fact, there is nothing in common between them. They are namesakes.

Childhood and youth

As a child, Andrei's parents surrounded him with love and care. Despite this, the young man was a real hooligan. IN early age he attracted the attention of girls. At the age of seventeen, the guy met a girl with whom he began an affair. As a result, a year later, a daughter, Victoria, was born.

In his youth, the actor did not want Serious relationships, that's why he didn't marry his girlfriend. He also abandoned his daughter, but soon rethought his action and began to actively participate in Vika’s upbringing, although he never got along with her mother.

In 2014, Stoyanov took part in the filming of the series “Resort Police”. His shooting partner was Irina Lindt. Rumors appeared on the Internet that the actors began dating. During the interview, Andrei said: “I don’t see anything supernatural in this. We are adults. I’m not married, and Irina became a widow.”

The public wanted details of the relationship, but there were none. When filming of the series ended, Stoyanov denied the rumors. He said: “Irina is very talented as an actress, and wonderful as a person. The time spent in her company during filming in an apartment, street or other place will be remembered forever. My mother and I visited the theater where Ira performed. Despite this, there was never an affair."

Many bloggers believed that there was an affair after all, but since Andrei broke up with Irina, they did not advertise their relationship.

Andrey Stoyanov and Elena Berkova

In the fall of 2014, information about the affair between A. Stoyanov and Berkova appeared on the Internet. Elena posted joint photos on social networks. After that I changed my status to “Married”. Her producer also confirmed that the actors are husband and wife, though they are still civilians.

After 15 months of relationship, in early 2016, star couple broke up. The actors said in an interview that they were not ready for family life and that after marriage a divorce would follow. Despite the breakup, Elena and Andrey spent six months on vacation together. Returning home, Elena announced that she was getting married. As a result, in March 2017, Stoyanov and Berkova got married.

The details of the wedding are unknown, since the actors did not talk about them. What is known is that the host was Stepan Menshikov, a former participant in the show “Dom-2”. Also, it’s no secret that the newlyweds got married at the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow. The couple currently lives in happy marriage. They are not thinking about having children yet, since both work.

Filmography and pages on social networks

Andrei Stoyanov began his acting career in 2008. In 10 years, he managed to star in 70 films. The actor starred not only in films, but also in TV series.

Stoyanov played the main roles in the films:

  • "Phantom";
  • "At gunpoint";
  • "Resort Police";
  • "Light and Shadow of the Lighthouse";
  • « Forbidden love».

People who like paintings with Stoyanov can visit his Instagram page -

For not so long acting career, Andrei Stoyanov managed to star in 70 films. Moreover, not only in secondary, but also in leading roles. Fans and connoisseurs of creativity are also interested in the personal life of the film actor. Currently, Andrei is married to Elena Berkova. There are no children, but perhaps they will appear in the near future.

— You were probably tormented by the question whether you are a relative of Yuri Stoyanov?

You're the first to ask. (Laughs.) In fact, we are namesakes, but I wouldn’t mind being Yuri Nikolaevich’s nephew! I respect him as an actor and would like to meet him, but he probably has no idea about my existence. (Smiles.)

Your filmography begins only in 2008, and you graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School much earlier. What did you do before filming?

- Here we need to make it clear: I never studied at a theater school and have never been to Irkutsk! Although I would love to visit this city. This is a story made up by someone that has successfully taken root on the Internet. Well, God be with her. I have lived in Moscow since 1975, and was born in the now infamous Slavyansk. When I was one year old, my mother moved to the capital, to live with her husband - my stepfather, who raised me as his own. I entered the profession when I was 30 years old, and it happened completely by accident. I’ve done a lot of things in my life: construction, tried my hand at business, and have an unfinished printing institute behind me. But one spring, by the will of fate, I met an excellent teacher from GITIS, Mikhail Leonidovich Feigin, who has his own theater studio - laboratory. He offered to come to him for an audition, apparently he saw something in me. It was necessary to read a fable, a poem, a prose... I became curious and decided to try it. In addition, another crisis has struck - our construction firm closed, I had to think about what to do next. The decision came naturally. Within a couple of months I was playing Chekhov on the studio stage, then there was Shukshin, Shakespeare... Then there were episodes in the cinema, then supporting roles, and now the main roles have slowly begun. My teacher invested a lot in me. And I have always tried to be a grateful student: I absorb, observe, work on myself, and learn something every day. Now I’m filming in Odessa in a series for NTV, which will become experimental for the channel - 250 episodes, a long-distance race! This is a story about the relationship between two brothers: I play the older one, and Lesha Yanin plays the younger one. My mother in the film is Tatyana Dogileva, and my father-in-law is Vladimir Steklov.

You have a brutal appearance, in all series you deftly deal with offenders. Have you ever had to defend the truth with your fists in life?

- Certainly. I don't pass by if I see injustice. A couple of weeks ago, my mother and I were driving home, and I saw a fight breaking out between men in one of the courtyards. Or rather, one jumps on the other! I stopped, intervened, called the police - the conflict was resolved. According to my horoscope, I’m a Taurus, that is, I’m stubborn like a bull, I’m hot-tempered and I couldn’t control myself before, I got wound up half a turn. But over time, I realized that it is necessary and possible to restrain oneself and that a fight will not solve the problem. I have learned to distance myself from a situation unless there is a threat to my life and the lives of my loved ones. Sometimes it’s better to say: “Sorry, I was wrong!” I am not enough for all the aggressors and boors. And by the way, I haven’t drunk or smoked for nine years now: I found out through experience that alcohol in my case can serve as a catalyst for aggression. And in the end I abandoned it completely, it’s safer.

- In the conversation you mentioned your mother. She main woman in your life?

Yes! For me, my mother is a holy person, I am incredibly grateful to her for everything. She suffered so much with me at one time... I always studied well, but I was a terrible hooligan. Instead of going to school, sometimes he would go into the ravine to smoke a cigarette, fight, and get into some kind of trouble. She managed to be patient. I have always felt and feel her love. Mom is a teacher by training, but has not taught for a long time. At the same time, she can’t sit comfortably in retirement; now she’s settled

caretaker at the Darwin Museum. I try to take my mother with me to filming - she was with me in Odessa last year when we were filming, and she was visiting Yaroslavl when I was working on another project. In August, I hope, I will invite her to Odessa again. But there is another important woman in my life - my daughter Victoria Andreevna. My beauty is 22 years old and is currently studying in graduate school.

- So you became a father at the age of 18? Quite an extreme experience!

Vicky's appearance was a surprise to me. In the sense that I was completely unprepared for this. Well, what kind of father does an 18-year-old guy have? Her mother and I were not married, I stepped aside at that moment. But after some time I realized my mistake and began to take an active part in my daughter’s life - she calls me dad.

After filming “Resort Police,” they wrote that you were having an affair with Irina Lindt, your partner in the series. Another story?

- Yes, someone’s idle invention. Ira is a wonderful person and a talented actress. We spent a wonderful summer filming in Odessa. Afterwards I came to see her at the theater with my mother. But there was never an affair between us. The most unpleasant thing is that the rumors appeared when it was one year since the death of Valery Sergeevich Zolotukhin, a fuss began about the division of his inheritance, and somehow they even managed to drag me into it! Well, apparently, these are the costs of the profession. As for my personal life, I can say that I am not married or in a relationship now. I hope it's temporary. (Laughs.)

, NTV, Monday-Thursday, 21:50


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