Famous people who coped with alcohol addiction. Famous alcoholics: actors and other famous people suffering from alcoholism

After the New Year, Basharov does not drink. But how long the artist will last without his favorite glass, no one knows

An actor must have a good liver

What Marat Basharov (36) has big problems with alcohol - in the Russian artistic environment, it is no secret to anyone. After all, it was he who once said: “To become famous artist you have to have a good liver.” Basharov could have gone into a tailspin before, but now, according to people who know him, if he is at the table, then he will “drop”, and not fun, but depressing.

True, Basharov's lifestyle has not yet been very reflected in his work. “He plays beautifully, comes to rehearsals right on time, he has never been late,” said one of his partners in the play “Uncle's Dream” at the Yermolova Theater. - Another thing is that from time to time his producer calls us: "Sorry, Marat will not be here today, he is busy." Allegedly, he has urgent shooting. And then they tell us that they saw him tipsy, they barely dragged him home ... We cannot demand more from him - he is not an employee of the theater, but a guest star.

Yermolovites noted that Marat began to abuse after breaking up with the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka (35). One of Basharov's colleagues told reporters: “It seems to me that his drinking today is all because of Navka, he cannot forget her. It is not clear why they did not live together - they were such a wonderful couple. But we don’t even ask him - why open wounds! We only see how much he is worried and wants her back.

Addiction to drinking cost Basharov a relationship with Tatyana Navka. The famous figure skater could not stand the artist's spree

However, some journalists claim that the “alco” problems began much earlier, and Navka even kicked out her lover precisely because of his bad addiction. “It looked like this,” said the concierge of the elite house on Yakimanka, where Navka and Basharov lodged. - He came home in the morning, and Tanya literally threw him out of the apartment with a suitcase. She was in a terrible rage, shouting: “Get out of here!” He later came to her several times, apologized, sat under the door. But she didn't forgive him. I don’t know what happened to them there ... In any case, no normal woman will tolerate comings at dawn.”

Marat's ex-wife also recalls his sprees with a shudder. “It’s been with him for a long time,” Lisa Krutsko (Basharova) shared. - He could not appear at home for several nights in a row, then come with a "smell", start asking for forgiveness, saying that he needed to relieve stress ... ".

“They offer him all the time, and Marat is now, apparently, in such emotional state that and glad to break. There are a lot of people around him who want to “sit” with a star, ”say Basharov’s colleagues in the theater workshop.

Alcohol abuse seriously affected the emotional state of the actor. On December 9, at the Salekhard airport, where the artist arrived on tour with an ice show, he swore at a policeman, too slowly, according to Marat, who was checking the documents of the passengers of the flight. “You need to know me by sight!” - this is the most censorship that the actor said to a man in uniform. “He smelled strongly, and he could hardly stand on his feet,” witnesses of the events claimed. True, the artist got off very easily - he paid a fine of 500 rubles for "petty hooliganism." And shortly before that, Basharov for two with his colleague on the project "Ice and Fire" Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin staged a drunken brawl near a restaurant in the heart of Moscow. So for a very a short time the popular actor became a frequent hero of scandalous chronicles.

True, after the New Year, Basharov decided to quit, probably estimating that, drinking himself at such a pace, he would quickly lose his star status. “But something is tired, there is no more joy from this,” Marat shared. - And besides, it's so cool to wake up and remember everything that happened last night. Not from the stories of outsiders, what you did there, but to remember yourself! How long the artist will last, no one knows, including himself ...

The love of Gleb Samoilov and Valeria Guy Germanicus was passionate, but short-lived. The green serpent has won!

Dr. Marshak did not help

Valeria Gai Germanika (26) and Gleb Samoilov (40) were one of the most outrageous couples in Russia last year. However, despite all the passionate feelings, the charismatic characters broke up, and the reason for this was Samoilov's alcohol addiction.

The musician's love for alcohol reached the point that Samoilov began to go on stage in a completely indecent state. So, at a concert in Tula, the leader of the newly formed group "Gleb Samoiloff & The Matrixx" was so "under a degree" that he started talking, lost his bearings, often sat on the floor, almost falling on it. The artist himself denied the fact of addiction: “I’m not a chronic alcoholic, I can not drink for months if I’m not in the mood, it’s just that sometimes life is unbearably boring.”

It all ended with the fact that Valeria Gai Germanika took her lover 80 kilometers from Moscow to the famous Marshak clinic. Samoilov was in an unconscious state. Since Gleb categorically opposed the hospital, Valeria warned the driver - if the musician comes to his senses, he must pretend that they are going home. Germanika paid a little more than 25 thousand dollars for the treatment. According to the agreement, she couldn’t even take Gleb out of there own mother Only the director herself. All October concerts of The Matrixx were canceled, the band was on the verge of breaking up. The group had no connection with Samoilov, the phones from which the musician made calls became unavailable. Because of Germanicus, the rock musician completely disappeared from the "radar" of possible drinking buddies.

The scandalous director herself does not differ in exemplary behavior. She even ended up in the hospital, overeating pills and drinking alcohol.

As a result, he spent more than a month in the clinic. However, all the girl's efforts were in vain. Upon leaving the hospital, Samoilov broke up with his girlfriend. And then he drank again. "He couldn't forgive me for forcibly putting him in the hospital," said Germanika. Gleb himself admitted that the decision to part with Leroy was given to him with great difficulty. But the love for booze, apparently, turned out to be stronger than for the young director of the series "School". Literally before the New Year, several concerts of his group were disrupted due to the fact that the leader simply could not get up on stage due to severe intoxication.

But Valeria is doing well, after a short break in creative activity, caused by an affair with Samoilov, she is preparing several premieres this year at once. Moreover, Germanika will stage her debut theatrical performance based on her biography: the plot will be based on the love story of an eccentric girl and a rock musician who has problems with alcohol.

At the same time, Valeria herself is waiting for the wedding in the very near future. It's just not clear with whom. The director said that according to the predictions of her friend - psychic Mohsen Noruzi - she should get married soon. The winner of the last season of the Battle of Psychics, who, according to Germanika, was never wrong, predicted that three months after the New Year, the girl would go down the aisle.

Oleg Menshikov used to prefer cognac and vodka, but now he switched to champagne

Rivers of champagne

The famous actor Oleg Menshikov (50) has a long relationship with the green serpent, but it is rumored that every year this relationship is getting closer. Even his main addictions in alcohol are known. If when he was a student at the Shchepkin Theater School, he chose Armenian cognac, then, having matured, he fell in love with vodka. Now, the star of the "Barber of Siberia" prefers less strong, but no less health-destroying champagne to all alcoholic drinks. The actor believes that this drink helps to forget about all the accumulated problems, because when Oleg drinks, he becomes obscenely cheerful.

Rumor has it that the current wife of Menshikov, Anastasia Chernova (28), also became addicted to alcohol from idleness. As an actress, she is now not in demand, and the girl constantly sits at home, practically turning into the shadow of her own husband. Oleg does not like this, and he increasingly disappears to relieve stress, take a break from work and his own wife. Stay creative nature difficult, and sometimes champagne flows like water, turning the actor into a carefree merry fellow.

In November last year, Menshikov suffered a hypertensive crisis. For health reasons, more than one performance was canceled, but, they say, even after such a serious “call”, the actor did not give up his craving for champagne.

Actor Andris Berzins admitted that he drank before the performance to cope with physical and emotional overload.

How else can you deal with stress?

In mid-December last year, a production of Mary Stuart, directed by J.J. Gilinger. On the sidelines, the reason for this was that one of the leading actors of the Dailes Theater, Andris Berzins (58), went on stage in the strongest drunkenness. Although the theater representatives explained the stoppage of the performance technical problems, most of the spectators were sure that Berzins just got drunk and after the first act he could no longer play.

Viewers from all over Latvia came to see one of the highest-grossing productions of last year. “At first I thought that this was provided for by his role - lisping and talking with a strange diction, as well as interrupting other actors. But when, after the first act, it was announced that the production was canceled, it only made me laugh with my husband, ”said one of the spectators.

“I had a big physical and emotional overload, and that day everything came together. Therefore, the production was interrupted, ”Berzins explained his behavior, but when asked if he had consumed alcohol before the performance, the respected actor honestly admitted that he had been drinking. “How else to end stress?” - the artist rhetorically asked the journalists.

Musician Niks Matveevs appeared drunk right on the air!

Live podshofe

Drunken embarrassment occurs on television. So, a participant in the show “Dziedi ar zvaigzni. Milžu cīņas” Niks Matveevs (52) appeared on the program in a state of extreme intoxication. By the way, the use of alcohol on this show is quite common. Singing stars, members of the jury, and even the audience present drink their “one hundred grams for courage” on it. However, so far no one has gone too far.

Alcoholic promiscuity ended with the fact that the musician Niks Matveevs, lit up in live drunk. The musician indistinctly said strange things, which the whole country could admire. The host of the show somehow managed to reduce what was happening to a joke, however, when during the commercial break Matveevs wanted to arbitrarily leave the shooting, he had to make great efforts to prevent this from happening. The director of the show, Karlis Anitens, simply got in the way of Matveev and did not let him leave the premises.

The musician was surprised at the great resonance that his behavior caused. It seemed to Matveevs himself that from the outside he looked quite adequate. The musician admitted that he drank, but, according to him, he only consumed three bottles of a cocktail to relieve tension before the live broadcast. “Until you participate in a show like this, you can’t imagine what awaits you. Live broadcast is a huge stress, ”Matveevs revealed the reasons for his breakdown.

However, soon the same thing almost happened again. True, this time the musician was already being closely watched, and when the intoxication began to become noticeable, the show managers "spotted" that Nicks was constantly moving backstage, where brandy was "refilled". Alcohol was confiscated from the musician, exchanged for a cup of coffee. But the adventures of Matveevs did not end there - unexpectedly, he went missing for a week, pretty much fraying the nerves of the organizers of the show. The reason many saw it in alcohol.

From alcohol and alcoholism. Alcohol ruined the lives of many people, destroyed families, caused the development of dangerous diseases. Moreover, alcohol abuse often leads to death and the development of a fatal disease. dangerous diseases. All the troubles that alcohol causes cannot simply be listed. Alcohol is especially dangerous for those who are addicted. It is contraindicated for such people to drink strong drinks even in small doses, as this can lead to the most tragic consequences.

Famous actors of the world who died from alcohol

Andrei Ivanovich Krasko (August 10, 1957, Leningrad, USSR - July 4, 2006, Ovidiopol, Ukraine) - Soviet and Russian actor. Andrei Krasko died at the age of 49. The cause was heart failure - a heart attack on the background of alcohol abuse. AT recent times Krasko suffered from alcohol addiction.

Alexey Leonidovich Fomkin (August 30, 1969, Moscow - February 24, 1996, Vladimir) - an actor who became famous main role in the film "Guest from the Future", as well as participation in the filming of the newsreel "Yeralash". After serving in the army, he began to have problems with alcohol and drugs. On the night of February 23 to February 24, 1996, he died during the celebration of the Day Soviet army. Everyone who was in the apartment during the fire was able to escape, except for Alexei Fomkin, who was fast asleep and as a result suffocated with smoke. According to one version, all the celebrants were drunk, because of this, the actor could not wake up.

Viktor Ivanovich Kosykh (January 27, 1950 - December 22, 2011) - Soviet and Russian actor. The Elusive Avengers star has recently been abusing alcohol amid depression. An autopsy showed that the cause of death was a large dose of alcohol, which the body could not cope with.

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (January 25, 1938, Moscow - July 25, 1980, Moscow) has suffered from alcohol and nicotine addiction over the past years. It is also known that Vladimir Vysotsky used drugs. Died of a heart attack. According to close people, Vladimir Vysotsky was killed by drugs.

Vladislav Borisovich Galkin (December 25, 1971, Moscow - February 25, 2010, Moscow) is a famous Soviet and Russian actor. He died at the age of 39 from cardiac arrest. As a result of the autopsy, the doctors concluded that the artist's body was badly worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Elena Vladimirovna Mayorova (May 30, 1958, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - August 23, 1997, Moscow). Recently, she has been drinking alcohol, which ended in tragedy. On August 23, 1997, she doused herself in fuel and set fire to her dress. She died from her burns at the Sklifosovsky Institute. The exact reason for what happened remains unknown. By official version, There has been an accident. There are also versions that Elena Mayorova deliberately set fire to herself.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Eremenko, Jr. (February 14, 1949, Vitebsk, Byelorussian SSR, USSR - May 27, 2001, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor. Died of a stroke in the hospital. Relatives of the actor said that Nikolai Eremenko Jr. drank a lot and died from the fact that he could not get out of another binge.

Oleg Ivanovich Dal (May 25, 1941, Lyublino, Moscow Region - March 3, 1981, Kyiv) died at the age of 40. Despite poor health and a sick heart, he abused alcohol, although he tried with all his might to overcome his addiction. Died of a heart attack. According to the widespread version, the heart could not stand it after the next use of alcohol, moreover, at that time the actor was “sewn up” with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Pyotr Martynovich Aleinikov (April 12, 1914 - June 9, 1965) was a Soviet actor. Due to lack of demand in the cinema, he began to abuse alcohol. AT last years He drank a lot, because of which his health was greatly shaken.

Richard Burton (November 10, 1925, Pontridifen - August 5, 1984, Seligny) - Welsh actor, winner of many prestigious awards and prizes. He suffered from chronic alcoholism. He died at the age of 58 from a cerebral hemorrhage, which was the result of a severe hangover syndrome.

Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012) was an American singer, actress, and fashion model. The star abused alcohol and also took drugs. In an unconscious state, she was found in the bathroom of a hotel room. They tried to bring Whitney Houston back to life with the help of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but it was not possible to save her.

Alcoholism is an addiction that affects not only physical health person, but also on his mental state, which leads to the collapse of life as a whole, the site reports.

Alcoholism is a detrimental habit for any addict, but when it comes to stars, the problem is taken to a whole other level, as their lives are under scrutiny. Earlier we wrote about.

We present you Russian stars who abuse alcohol.

Mikhail Efremov

The actor and director, the son of the famous Oleg Efremov, does not hide the fact that he is no longer struggling with addiction to alcohol and does not consider himself exemplary family man. due to alcoholism.

Marat Basharov

Drunk Marat Basharov got behind the wheel of a car in which his daughter was.

Philip Kirkorov

The addiction to alcohol of the “king of the stage” has been known to everyone for a long time, even Alla Pugacheva complained about her husband to journalists more than once.

Grigory Leps

Surely everyone has already seen the drunk artist. And he openly declares his addiction, and also says that he will continue to drink more.

Ivan Okhlobystin

In the summer of 2014 was delivered to medical Center for treatment. It is unknown if he passed it completely.

Natalya Andreichenko

In the Soviet years, she was a fairly popular artist. After a divorce from her husband and moving to Russia, she began to drink a lot of alcoholic beverages. She does not hide her addiction. Went to a rehab center.

Alexander Domogarov

He underwent treatment in a drug treatment clinic to get rid of addiction. Doctors had to spend a lot of time and effort on the rehabilitation of his condition.

Sergei Shnurov

The singer himself admits that he likes to drink well. He never went out to perform sober, justifying this with the appearance of talent.

Alexey Panin

At the moment, this is the most controversial figure. While drinking, something strange happens to the actor. Journalists have repeatedly recorded his strange drunken antics, which gives him a very dubious reputation.

Larisa Guzeeva

Started drinking alcohol because of her husband who was suffering drug addiction. Thus, she tried to rid him of his addiction. I began to use it to spite him, as a result, this drunkenness lasted 7 years. After that, she underwent a course of rehabilitation in a center for alcoholics for 10 years. Was coded then she managed to win alcohol addiction. criticism directed at you.

It's nice to drink something intoxicating in a decent campaign once or twice a month. But what about those who are really addicted to alcohol? It is often said that alcoholics make no real contributions to society. However, the list below can be a great argument to argue against it!

15. Ernest Hemingway

A classic of American literature and author of the famous For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea, Uncle Ham was as famous for his drinking as for his literary gifts. However, in conversations, he stubbornly denied having an addiction. He could completely indulge in it during his life in Cuba, where he enjoyed a variety of cocktails. He is said to have invented Bloody Mary! Who knows...

14. Vincent van Gogh

One of Van Gogh's passions was the strongest alcoholic drink - absinthe. It is said that he drank it regularly and suffered not only from well-known mental illnesses, but also from alcoholism. His diet consisted mainly of coffee, cigarettes and booze.

13. Stephen King

Stephen King is one of the most prolific authors of his time, with over 350 million book editions sold worldwide to date. Many of King's characters, such as Jack Torrance in The Shining, struggle with alcohol problems - and in this case, art reflects life. Fortunately, King did not try to kill his entire family (yet?), but he admits that there is a problem. Most of his most successful books are written while intoxicated, and, he says, he even fears that he is not capable of creativity in a completely sober state.

12. Lord Byron

George Gordon Byron is one of the finest poets the world has ever seen and one of the leaders of the Romantic artistic movement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Lord Byron is known for his sexual adventures (with both women and men), as well as his addiction to alcohol. He especially liked to drink strong drinks from his favorite cup - it may seem terrible, but it was made from ... a human skull.

11. Queen Elizabeth I

Lady Elizabeth Angela Margaret Bowes-Lyon, mother of the current Queen of England - Elizabeth II, was the wife of King George VI, shown in the famous film "The King's Speech". The Queen Mother, beloved by the British, has become something of a national icon. However, that doesn't stop her from being ordinary person with the usual vices: according to stories, at least 8 times a day she was applied to alcohol - it could be wine, vodka and even a good old pint of beer. Despite all the myths about people suffering from alcohol addiction, Elizabeth I happily lived to be 101 years old.

10. Nero

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Roman emperor from 54 to 68 new era, was a force to be reckoned with in order to survive. Nero is one of the most crazy and frightening figures in ancient Roman history. Many Roman emperors in history wanted to constantly indulge their passions, but Nero succeeded in this most of all - and became famous for his drunken orgies.

9. Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse was one of the greatest musical talents of the 21st century; probably we will never hear such a voice as the one she had. Amy's addiction to alcohol and drugs began at an early age, and it eventually killed her: at the age of 27, Winehouse died from alcohol intoxication, 5 times the maximum allowable dose.

8. Billie Holiday

Another singer on this list, the owner of one of the golden voices of American jazz is Billie Holiday. Drugs and alcohol, which she began to take from a young age due to a difficult childhood, seriously interfered with the development of her career. Due to addictions, her voice began to weaken, and she had to stop performing; in the end, addictions got the best of her - in 1959 she died of cirrhosis of the liver.

7. Boris Yeltsin

Legendary figure of the 1990s, ex-president Russian Boris Yeltsin also suffered from alcoholism. He is known not only for drunken public appearances, but also for drunken antics, such as "playing the drum" on the head of Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev.

6. Alexander the Great

The founder of one of the greatest empires in the history of mankind, having created it at the age of 30, Alexander the Great is considered one of the best military commanders of all time. There are legends about him - including his love for plentiful libations. According to chroniclers, he could stab a friend in a drunken brawl after peacefully drinking with him all evening. His death is also linked to alcohol. Perhaps he is the greatest drunkard in the world!

5. Mel Gibson

Gibson is infamous not only for numerous chauvinist statements, but also for sad episodes related to alcohol and drunk driving. He started drinking when he was 13 years old, and it developed into addiction, addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, clashes with the police and rehab clinics.

4. Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe - perhaps one of the darkest figures on the list, American writer, known for his "black" prose. He suffered heavy alcoholism and opium addiction. Alcoholism was his main vice and led to his untimely death at the age of 40 - he died from alcohol poisoning under unclear circumstances.

The representative of the literature of the "beat generation" - writer Jack Kerouac - is known for his novels "On the Road" and "Dharma Tramps". Kerouac always liked to enjoy a couple of cocktails, and also suffered from drug problems and often wrote about his antics while intoxicated. More and more often, Kerouac appeared drunk in public - including on a TV show in 1968. He is famous for saying "As a Catholic, I can't commit suicide, but I can drink myself to death." When Kerouac's body couldn't stand his bullying, he really drank himself to death!

2. Dean Martin

Difficult to find photos pop singer Dean Martin without a cigarette in his mouth and alcohol or women in close proximity; this star has developed a certain reputation in society. He and his friends Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. were a company that was always up for a drunken party. Martin claimed that he drinks because his body "needs alcohol". However, many claimed that even when those around him were already in a frenzy, he remained sober because his cocktail had more juice than alcohol. Now that he has already passed away from lung cancer, we will never know.

1. Betty Ford

Yes, the same Mrs. Ford, who was the first lady of the United States, the wife of President Gerald Ford, from 1974 to 1977. During this period, Betty Ford generally developed a good reputation - especially for her support of feminist values, but also for her morbid addictions. In the fight against alcoholism and addiction to stronger substances, Betty Ford founded a clinic to solve similar problems. She died of natural causes in 2011.

The mortality rate from alcohol among men is much higher than among women, but it is known that female alcoholism is incurable. Representatives of creative professions are at particular risk.

History knows many cases when the life of sought-after musicians or poets ended tragically. Acting is also hard work, which is why Soviet actresses often took a glass. The editors compiled a list of actresses who suffered from alcoholism.

Elena Mayorova


Died in August 1997 strange circumstances. It is still unknown what it was: an accident or suicide. Being on stairwell Mayorova accidentally or deliberately set fire to the dress. Burning alive, she ran to the service entrance of the Moscow City Council theater, located in the courtyard of her house, and fell unconscious.

The star later died with burns to 85% of her body. It is believed that this was an accident, but colleagues and acquaintances of the actress are inclined to the version of suicide. Elena Mayorova was tired of working hard and supporting her family, she drank, and alcohol acted on her in a strange way: the actress fell into a state close to depression, and she had gloomy thoughts.

Natalya Kustinskaya


It is believed that alcohol was the indirect cause of the death of the actress. In her youth, the beauty of the star won the hearts of the most eminent filmmakers. Kustinskaya was bright and unlike other equally beautiful Soviet actresses. However, at the end of her life, the artist was left alone. Kustinskaya herself called it retribution for the sins of youth.

The fourth husband of Natalia Kustinskaya, MGIMO professor Gennady Khromushin, has died. Later, her little grandson also died, followed by her son. The star fell into depression, drank a lot, but did not drink too much. However, the addiction did not go unnoticed. Kustinskaya has changed beyond recognition, her photos horrified fans. She started serious problems with health, including polyarthritis, sciatica and pneumonia. Actress in intensive care in 2012.

Valentina Serova


Another beauty from the USSR, a theater and film star, did not find the strength to overcome her addiction to alcohol. Serov was pushed to reach for the bottle again eternal problems in the family and with men. The actress started drinking at an early age. After rehearsals and performances, he and his girlfriends locked themselves in the dressing room and drank.

Due to alcoholism, subsequently, her husband, a then popular poet, left Serova. Her daughter was taken away from her and fired from the theater. All this only exacerbated the addiction. Alcohol greatly changed the appearance of the actress. Death occurred under unclear circumstances. Valentina Serova was found dead in December 1975 on the floor in a looted Moscow apartment, where she lay for more than a day.


Kyunna Ignatova is considered one of the most beautiful, but forgotten actresses Soviet cinema and theater. Ignatova shone in the films “The Tale of the Newlyweds”, “Lyana”, “Planet of Storms”, “Long Way” and others. The beauty was married to Vladimir Belokurov, who drank heavily and became addicted to this addiction and his wife. Later, Ignatova nevertheless broke up with Belokurov, but she could not refuse alcohol against the backdrop of a creative crisis.

In 1987, a split occurred in the Moscow Art Theater, and Kyunna Ignatova got into the troupe. The actress got only episodic roles, she continued to drink alcohol, and her colleagues said that Ignatova also indulges in illegal drugs. Once Kyunna Ignatova did not go to work for two whole days. Colleagues decided to find out what happened, broke the door to the actress's apartment and found her dead. The cause of death is still a mystery.

Isolda Izvitskaya


Soviet actress also applies to drunken actresses, she could not realize herself because of her addiction to alcohol. Her husband Eduard Bredun publicly accused Izvitskaya of alcoholism more than once and humiliated her in the presence of friends and colleagues. Nevertheless, according to the recollections of people close to the married couple, it was Bredun who initiated the drinking and feasting.

In the absence of her husband, Isolda Izvitskaya did not drink and became a different person. According to some reports, the artist begged Bredun not to offer her more alcohol. The actress hid serious illness kidneys, which has become aggravated due to eternal festivities. Later, her husband left her, and on March 1, 1971, Izvitskaya died of starvation, supported by chronic alcoholism. The body was found a week after death.

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