Come up with a proposal from across the island. Efimenkova L. N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: Book. for speech therapists. Sentences with "island"

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Sentences with "island"

We found 80 sentences with the word "island". See also synonyms for "island".
Meaning of the word

  • Leaving Ferro, Gadifer went to Island Las Palmas ( Island Palms) and moored at the harbor, which lies not far from a large river.
  • Governor Van Brink surrendered and for this received the right to leave Island seizing their property.
  • The black Island Barents is Island Podrezov, lying in the northern mouth of the Kostin Shar.
  • Young Pizarro participated in a bloody campaign against the Indians on Island Spallola (now Haiti).
  • From one of the first batches of 1924 on Island the teacher of zoology arrived at one of the village Kuban gymnasiums, the Cossack Nekrasov.
  • In 1504, nineteen-year-old Cortés went to Island Hispaniola.
  • Went in a wheelchair to Yelagin Island in the stable of young horses.
  • Muslims and followers of Christ equally willingly landed on Island, rested there and repaired their ships.
  • After 10 months, Barbarossa destroyed Port Mahon ( Island Menorca) and took 5,500 people into slavery.
  • Island, sloping to the west, ends with a lunar landscape of small volcanoes, rock fragments and hot red sand.
  • The Athenians blocked for 72 days Island, and then, having landed on Sphacteria at night, they defeated the Spartans.
  • The latter, thanks to a strong fleet, intercepted the ships that Rome sent to Island.
  • The Spaniards called it Island Sacrifices.
  • In response, the Spartans captured Island Sphacteria at the entrance to the harbor of Pylos.
  • Together they form either a center or some kind of Island in this turbulent sea of ​​people.
  • Island seemed wonderful, Island was wonderful.
  • But even Red's resourcefulness faltered when we arrived at Island Paris.
  • Island was large and wooded, here one could not be afraid of a surprise attack.
  • Island Providence was captured on December 22, 1670.
  • At the word "Corfu" I decided that I heard the voice of God again and he tells me to return to Island.
  • At night they drove us to Popov Island to shove into the sheds, and in the morning forward to Island.
  • Island Lampedusa, located south of Sicily, was in those days a kind of neutral territory for the pirates of the Mediterranean.
  • On the Island food supplies, heavy artillery and ten thousand soldiers were delivered.
  • The boat on which the saints are on Island arrived, on the same night, by the will of the Lord, she herself sailed back to the inveterate shore and there she stood on the pier.
  • Ride on Island, in the middle of the river, where watermelons have been sown and already sprouted, until the rainy season and flood, when Island will be flooded, they will have time to collect.
  • To the left, that is, to the west of me, towered Island Savo.
  • Island, which Malgin and Vyatka saw, may be one of Island ov, lying against the river Yana, or Krestovsky Island from among the bears.
  • We gave them alms, went around Island and having examined the fortress, they returned to the ship.
  • Island States to eat Meat Island, lying on the map of Lieutenant Muravyov, two miles from the mouth of the Yugorsky Shar.
  • Pompey subjugated Island, captured Carbon and ordered his execution.
  • Bob said that this Island opened by George Gunitsky, who liked to sit on a tree there.
  • Pizarro decided that Island Pune might be a suitable base for them.
  • To permanently eliminate the danger, Barbarossa rounded up thousands of captives who built a huge pier that connected Island with the mainland.
  • At that time, even such a big Island, like Cuba, was still considered part of the mainland.
  • Sailed 26 miles and 7 from the Holy Nose, saw Island Mercury at NO, and 16 Italian miles further we saw Island St.
  • The king gave Duquesne for this help Island and the castle of Ender in Brittany.
  • This proves that the imaginary Island Maksimok is exactly Island lying against Cape Dohody.
  • However, part of the army, which was under the direct command of Suleiman, did not land on Island until 28 July.
  • But by the XIV century, the family had become impoverished, and only Island Ischia with several villages.
  • Island Ezel and Berlin were connected by a clear straight line on it.
  • Coral Island Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, Island Vovadu, coral Island and Ono, Mikhailova, Island Lord Gove.
  • The remnants of the heroic garrison retreated to Island Dago.
  • Of course, I never took Island cello, but Bob was there with a guitar.
  • The bulk of the Spanish fleet was burned by Blake on April 3, 1657 in the harbor of Santa Cruz ( Island Tenerife in the Canary group Island ov).
  • The Germans switched to Island Khortitsa along the dam, blowing up part of it along with the troops who did not have time to cross.
  • The detachment defended the dam leading to Island, and fought to the last bullet.
  • Napoleon abdicated and was exiled to Island Elbe.
  • Retreating then to the nearest Island Cyprus, they retreated again then to the north, to Island Rhodes.
  • They intended to go to Island Sicily through the Strait of Messina on the ships of Asia Minor Cilician pirates.
  • Both of them were Greeks, the sons of the potter Jakob Reis, who at one time moved from the Balkans to Island Lesvos.
  • Gumilyov began to ask "The way to Wassilo Ostow", repeating insistently "wassilo ostow".
  • The British and American military agreed in early 1941 that, in the event of war, the United States would protect Island.
  • At 7 pm Island Isla Nueva was on NWtN and small Island, lying to the west, on WtN.
  • Other groups returned here, having bypassed this Island, and later Brusnev arrived, rounding Island New Siberia.
  • Once upon a time owned by the Dutch Island Mauritius landed French corsairs led by Legrand.
  • Many centuries ago, monks brought deer from the tundra to Island and accustomed them to life in this marvelous forest.
  • Having walked around, he stopped and began to discuss with Marchand whom he should take with him on Island.
  • Island Mauritia, found and named by them on the way back, is Island Long.
  • Well my Island, Island Novopashenny, also renamed in the 26th year.
  • California was found to be Island, and part of the mainland.
  • But Antigonus's attempt to conquer Egypt was futile, and Island Rhodes preferred neutrality in this war.
  • Island Corsica, where the Napoleonic drama began, after Sardinia and Sicily, the largest Island Mediterranean Sea.
  • Those who want to leave Island may keep their weapons and property.
  • Following straight to the east, on June 8 they saw the land that Chirikov recognized as Island St. Fedor ( Island Attu), already familiar to him from 1741.
  • And against Turk Island[Chechen stands in the sea, it takes half a day to sail to it and he Island] is large and there are many fish.
  • Island Pinos, current Island Youth (Khuventud), in the Middle Ages, was called the "den of filibusters."
  • It was also unusual that the young Ottoman sultan turned his thoughts to this Island no matter how restless he is.
  • I must say that eight years before, in 1972, Fidel Castro renamed Island Cayo Blanco del Sur in « Island Ernst Thalmann".
  • The archipelago bears his name, Island, cape, straits, etc.
  • Initially, the Mongols took over Island Iki northwest of Hakata Bay and killed its defenders.
  • Later, when the enemy invaded Island Ezel, the soldiers of this battery again showed examples of courage and heroism.
  • At dusk we noticed a large Island which remained to the north of us.
  • From India he crossed over to Island Ceylon, then on Island Java, after which he sailed to China.
  • In his opinion, the landing of the field army and the Sultan himself on Island was dangerous.
  • After that, Tromp helped the ruler of Brandenburg take away Island Rügen in Sweden.
  • When Andrea passed Island Zante, the Venetian admiral Vincenzo Capello, on his own initiative, joined him with 60 galleys.
  • When in the middle of the fifteenth century Island captured by the Turks, Reis and his family converted to Islam.
  • But then, in the first days upon arrival at Island we didn't know that yet.
  • We used to go to the bay all the time Island Saint George.
  • By highway: Opochka on Island movement of up to 30 vehicles, Opochka on Island 42 carts.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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Target: Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.


  1. Clarification of ideas about the semantic significance of the prepositions for, due to, clarification of the spatial relationships expressed by these prepositions
  2. Differentiation of the meanings of prepositions for, due to in phrases, sentences, text.
  3. Consolidation of the skill of practical use of prepositions in speech.
  4. Strengthening the ability to correctly write prepositions with words.
  5. Vocabulary expansion.
  6. Development of visual perception, memory, thinking.
  7. Education of the ability to work in a group harmoniously, respect and listen to comrades, a teacher.

Equipment: figures of a tree, a fence, a kennel, a cloud, a house, the sun; heroes of m / f "Prostokvashino"; preposition schemes; plot pictures; task cards; layouts: sun and plane, flower and bumblebee, birdhouse and starling, caterpillar and mushroom, leaf and ladybug, mouse and cheese.

Lesson progress

I. Org. moment.

Try to find out what we will talk about in the lesson from this recording:


II. Main part.

1. Repetition.

What are prepositions?(this is a part of speech)

What are prepositions for?(to link words in a sentence)

What else is used to connect words in a sentence?(ends)

What is the meaning of the preposition?(preposition shows where one thing is in relation to another thing)

How are prepositions written with words? Why?(separately, another word or question can be inserted between the preposition and the word) tablet

What parts of speech are prepositions?(with nouns and adjectives, but they are not friends with verbs, therefore they are not used before verbs)

Name the prepositions we have worked with.

2. New material.

Goal setting: Today we continue to work on prepositions.

1) Highlighting the preposition for.

On the board is a sheet of paper with superimposed outlines.

What items do you see here?(pictures are attached to the board: house, tree, fence, kennel, cloud).

Sounds music from m / f "Prostokvashino" - What m/f is this music from? Today we will go with you to the village of Prostokvashino. What main characters are we missing for this? Look carefully around and find them.(Pictures are shown: Uncle Fedor, Sharik, cat Matroskin, Galchonok).

Answer the question in one word.

Where did I hide the sun?(for cloud) Uncle Fyodor?(per tree) ball(per house) Galchonka(over the fence) Matroskin(per kennel).


What question did I ask?(Where?)


Where is the sun?(behind the cloud) Uncle Fedor?(behind a tree), Ball?(behind the house), Galchonok?(behind the fence), Matroskin?(behind the kennel).

How are your answers similar? What preposition did you use in your answers?(preposition for)

What question did I ask?(where?)

Are the objects moving or standing still?(stood)

What does this suggestion mean?? (when an object is moving behind or behind something)

What question do we ask to the word with the preposition for? (Where? Where?)

The scheme of the preposition for is posted.

- Making proposals with the preposition for.

According to the plot picture, come up with a sentence with the preposition For(if not, then with the help of leading questions)

The girl went into the house.

The dog hid behind a bush.

The boy is sitting at the table.

The bird sits outside the window.

(insert question for clarity)

Write one sentence, inserting a word instead of a question. For example,(The boy is sitting at the dinner table).

2) Highlighting a preposition due to

Remember and tell me where the sun is, Sharik, Galchonok, Matroskin, Uncle Fedor?

- Answer the question Q: Where did the sun come from? (because of the clouds)

Where did Uncle Fyodor come from? (behind the tree)

Where did Galchonok fly from? (because of the fence)

Where did the ball come from? (from home)

Where did Matroskin come from? (because of the kennel)

What was the pretext in your responses?(due to)

What does this suggestion mean?(when an object was behind another object and started moving from there)

What question can be asked to the word with the preposition because of?(Where?)

(the scheme of the preposition is posted because of)

This is a complex preposition that consists of two prepositions from, for and is written with a hyphen.

- What does the preposition because of in sentences indicate.

Lena did not go to the theater due to illness.

Heavy rains caused rivers to overflow their banks.

Dima was not allowed to go to the cinema because of a bad grade.

(points to reason)

Make sentences with a preposition due to using questions and pictures.

Where did the car come from?

Where are the kids looking from?

Where is the girl looking from?

Where did the sun come from?

Suggestions are attached to the board. - Why write the preposition separately? Prove it.(For clarity, we insert a question). Write one sentence, replacing the question with another word.

3) Comparison of prepositions for, because of.

Look at the diagrams and say what can be said about the prepositions for, because of?(the preposition for can indicate a place and direction, the preposition due shows the direction)

Answer the question with a word with the preposition for, because of,(children and the teacher have models of the sun and an airplane, a flower and a bumblebee, a birdhouse and a starling, a caterpillar and a mushroom, a leaf and a ladybug, a mouse and cheese)

Where did the plane land? (for cloud)

Where is he now?(behind the cloud)

Where did the plane take off? (because of the clouds)

Toys moved or stood

4) "Say the opposite" with the ball. Fizkultminutka.

What words with prepositions do you remember, think up sentences with these words.

5) Working with phrases.

Read the phrases on the cards, what is missing here?(prepositions). Do you understand all the words here? What is a countertop?(picture). The definition of children is read out: a narrow, front-closed table in a store that separates shelves with goods and sellers from buyers, as well as a table for selling goods on the market. Make up a sentence with this word.

- Insert prepositions for, because of. Words cannot be changed.(we analyze the first phrase together, then independently).

We check, read and name the preposition. How are prepositions written with words?

6) Work with proposals.

Correct the mistakes on the cards.

  • The dog ran out of the kennel.
  • Marina left the house.
  • The sun hid behind a cloud.
  • The ball rolled away from behind the sofa.
  • Misha hid behind the door.
  • The guests sat at the table.

7) Working with text.

Uncle Fyodor wrote a letter to his parents, but missed the pretexts. Fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences yourself.

My dad and mom!
I live ... in the countryside. ... the house has a stove, ... there are curtains hanging on the windows. Worth ... the corner of the TV. Garden ... a house where potatoes and cabbage grow. Cat Matroskin takes care of ... cow Murka. The ball walks ... a photo hunt. Hide ... a bush and watch. An animal will appear, it will jump out .... Bush and take a picture. The little jackdaw sits ... in the closet and drags things there.
Goodbye. Your son, Uncle Fedor

III. Conclusion.

What prepositions did we work with today?

- What question do we ask to words with the preposition for? Because of?

How are prepositions written with words?

Exercise 1. Listen to the phrases, name the preposition. Make up a sentence with each word combination.

Hid behind a tree. Hidden around the corner. Hid behind the clouds. Was behind the house. Chased the fox.

She held her hand. She ran after Alyosha. She pulled on her sleeve. They grew up over the summer. Holding on to my brother.

Task 2. Insert the missing preposition in the phrase for. Make up a sentence with each word combination.

Went ... berries. Observed ... ants. Went... nuts. Follow... yourself. Let's go... mushrooms. Got... a job. Done .... half an hour. Sat .... at the table. Disappeared ... by the horizon.

Task 3. Remember the fairy tale "Turnip". Tell me who was holding on to whom. Which preposition is being repeated?

Sample answer: Grandma for grandpa. Granddaughter for grandmother. Etc

Task 4. Look at the pictures and make sentences based on them.

(The speech therapist draws the students' attention to the fact that there are such prepositions that consist of two words, asks to highlight such a preposition from the second sentence.) (The boy runs out from behind the tree.)

Task 5. Listen to the sentence, name a complex preposition, then this preposition with the word to which it refers.

Sample: because of, because of the clouds.

The sun peeked out from behind the clouds. A bunny jumped out from behind a bush. The guests got up from the table. A car came around the corner. The student got up from the desk. Because of the forest, because of the mountains, grandfather Yegor is coming. Flowers peeked through the curtains. The roads are muddy because of the rain.

Task 6. Make up sentences using complex prepositions.

because of the house, because of the mountain, because of the table, because of the kennel, because of the car, because of the bend, because of bad weather, because of the wind, because of the illness, because of the closet, because of a bad grade, because of a fence

Task 7. Fill in the sentence with the missing preposition because of. Say the whole sentence.

The guys didn't go camping... bad weather. ... the forest seemed the sun. Lena did not go to the theater ... illness. ... the cold wind could not continue the journey. A little monkey peeked out... the trainer's shoulders.

What else to read