Changing nouns by questions. General presentation. Educational portal Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Changing nouns by case is called declension, and serves to ensure that the noun can be correctly combined with other words in writing and in speech, thereby forming sentences.

six cases

The change of nouns in cases is characterized by a change in their endings, which are called case forms. In total, there are six cases in Russian, each of which has its own auxiliary question.

The form of the nominative case is called direct (or initial), all the rest - indirect. As an example, consider the change in cases of the nouns "house" and "fox":

Nominative ( who? what?): house, fox.

Genitive ( whom? what?): houses, foxes.

Dative ( to whom? what?): home, fox.

Accusative ( whom? what?)): house, fox.

Instrumental case ( by whom? how?): house, fox.

Prepositional ( about whom? about what?): about the house, about the fox.

In order to determine the case of a noun, you need to try asking one of the auxiliary questions to it. As can be understood from the above example, the change in cases of animate and inanimate nouns is slightly different.

In particular, the shape deserves special attention. accusative, in which even the formulation of the auxiliary question differs: when animate nouns of all three genders are declensed, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the genitive case, and when inanimate nouns are declensed, with the form of the nominative case.

There are also indeclinable nouns, i.e. those that have the same form in all cases. Indeclinables include both common nouns (for example, "coffee" or "cocoa"), and proper names (for example, "Goethe").

As a rule, indeclinable nouns are words borrowed from foreign languages. They can belong to all three genera.

Use of prepositions

In most cases, certain prepositions are used with specific case forms of nouns. For example, with the genitive case form - prepositions "FROM", "BEFORE", "U" And " FROM”, with the dative case form - a preposition « TO » , with instrumental form - prepositions "FRONT", "UNDER" And "ABOVE", and with the form of the prepositional case - prepositions "IN", "ABOUT", And "AT".

In a sentence, a noun in the form of the nominative case usually acts as a subject, in the forms of indirect cases - as an object.


Lesson 112-113 objectives: 1) to form the ability to find nouns in the dative case on questions; 2) to acquaint children with the meaning of nouns in the dative case (the meaning of the addressee).

Lesson 112

Work on teacher questions: Which case follows the genitive case? Why is the dative case so called?(If necessary, you can refer to the material on p. 58 of the textbook.)

Work on the instructions of Sovenok (p. 64 of the textbook).

Collective compilation of phrases with nouns in the dative case with a choice of prepositions (Ex. 92 from the textbook). Be sure to highlight the endings of nouns.

Finding phrases with nouns in the dative case in sentences can be carried out in the form of pair work (Ex. 64 from RT). It is important to pay attention to the issues of the dative case, the prepositions that are used with nouns in this case, and the endings of nouns in the dative case.

Commented copying of the text (Ex. 93 from the textbook).

Lesson summary: How can you tell if a noun is in the dative case?

Homework. Ex. 63 from RT.

Lesson 113

Work on assignments and teacher questions: Nouns in the dative case are always used when we sign envelopes. Remember which words on the envelope should be in the dative case.(Surname, name and patronymic of the addressee.) Let's execute ex. 95 from the textbook. Let's see if everything is written correctly on the envelope.

Work on indicating the addressee (Ex. 96 from the textbook). You can also invite children to come up with complex surnames in which two roots would stand out ( Zlatokudrov, Sineglazov etc.).

Independent written answers to questions (ex. 66 from RT).

Drawing up a story according to a drawing and supporting phrases (Ex. 94 from the textbook).

Lesson summary: In what case are nouns usually used to name the addressee?

Homework. Ex. 65 from RT.

Lessons 114-115. Change of nouns by cases (declension)


Objectives of lessons 114-115: 1) to teach children to determine the accusative case of nouns by questions, prepositions and the syntactic function that they perform (the noun in the accusative case is a minor member of the sentence); 2) to form the ability to distinguish between nouns in the nominative case and in the accusative case; 3) update students' knowledge about the main members of the proposal.

Lesson 114

Work on the instructions of the teacher: Guess what case of nouns we are going to talk about today.

Work on the instructions of Sovenok (p. 66 of the textbook).

Finding nouns in the accusative case in the text (Ex. 97 from the textbook).

Creating a problem situation: Try to determine in which case the word is usedHouse . (Children's answers are heard.) You have seen that outside of a sentence, we cannot accurately determine the case of a word. Let's try to determine the case of this noun in the sentences from ex. 98 textbook. How does Samovarov advise to distinguish between nouns in the nominative case and the accusative case?

Reading Samovarov's message on p. 67 textbooks. The teacher can suggest another way: you need to ask a double question to the noun. For example: I see(what? whom?) House(V. p.). (What? who?) House(I. p.) stood near the river. Logs put(to what? to whom?) into the stove(V. p.). (What? who?) logs(I. p.) burned in the oven.

Execution of ex. 99, 100 (the task to write down verses from memory in the lesson is not performed) from the textbook.

Consolidation of children's ideas about the differences between nouns in the nominative and in the accusative case (exercise 57 from RT). Filling in the table (exercise 58 from RT).

Lesson summary: How to distinguish nouns in the nominative case and in the accusative case?

Homework. Ex. 100 from the textbook (write down any passage from memory).

Lesson type: consolidation of new knowledge and the formation of skills
Lesson Objectives:
To consolidate the ability to distinguish by the totality of their features, to use the noun correctly in the right case
Develop speech, thinking, attention
Raise interest in the Russian language
Develop intellectual abilities
Creativity between students
Instill and nurture a love for nature

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"
During the classes:
I.Org.moment -
Line up, sit down quietly
Open notebooks while reciting a poem
I put the notebook correctly
I hold my hand correctly.
I follow the landing
I am friends with purity
On "excellent" I will write.

Write down the number, class work, mark the spelling.
II.The message of the topic and purpose of the lesson -
III.Vocabulary -
Weather December
North January
Wind February
frost birch
Valenki Aspen
How do we work with vocabulary words?
Write in two columns, inserting unchecked vowels
Now check
What time of year can all vocabulary words be attributed to?
As you walked to school, you noticed the weather today. Try to find the most accurate, vivid word to describe this morning.
Let's close our eyes and say in a whisper: winter ... What feeling did it cause you?
(It became cold, sad. And I felt joyful, I love winter ...)

And how did you see or imagine the winter forest.


To the music of I.P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" read and write down the sentence -

Bewitched by the invisible
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.
S. Yesenin
Name the nouns written on the second line
What case form is the initial for nouns. (nominative singular form)
Are there nouns in the initial form here?
· Put the rest of the nouns in the initial form, determine their gender.

VI.Fizminutka for the eyes
VII.Working with nouns in the initial form
- Dictation
Write the words in your notebook:
Frost, blizzard, snowfall, fur coat, snowman, ice, bullfinch, skier, northern
What word caused the problem?
Reread the words again carefully. Is there an extra word? Why so decided?
What case are nouns in?
What do you know about the nominative case? (nouns in I.p. are always used without a preposition)
What are the rest of the cases called? (indirect)
What is another name for changing nouns in cases? (declension)

One, two, three, four, five will be the word snow incline (verbally)
What happens to nouns in declension?
· Make a sentence with the noun snow so that it is in one of the oblique cases. Name case

It started snowing and closed some letters in the next task.

On an old birch tree, a curious s__nichka did.
She watched with interest the children under the tree.

What rule did you remember when inserting letters? (on the spelling of unstressed vowels)
How to check an unstressed vowel?
Underline the main terms in the first sentence. What part of speech are they?
What do you know about the case of the subject?
How to determine the case of a noun in a sentence?

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We are not averse to spinning
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night!
Let's stand together in a circle,
It turns out snow!
We whitewashed the trees
Roofs covered with snow
The earth was covered with velvet,
And saved from the cold.

IX.Independent work
Write the word combinations by opening the brackets. Put the noun given in brackets in the indicated case. If necessary, add a preposition, highlight the ending of the noun.
Branch (rowan) R.p.
Walk (street) D.p.
Admire (snowflake) etc.
What is the peculiarity of nouns in D.p.? (prepositions to, by)

Russian nature is beautiful in all seasons. This is how R. Rozhdestvensky, with the help of one of the cases, speaks about her with inspiration:
Did you recognize the case? Prove
What is the peculiarity of nouns in the prepositional case? (use only with prepositions)

And now let's go to the Winter Museum, where she exhibited paintings showing the beauty of winter nature. Consider them carefully and choose for yourself the one that you like the most.

Decline the noun winter
- Our lesson is coming to an end,
- I made sure:
- All case questions
- You learned easily.

XI.Lesson summary
What did we do in class?
What task caused difficulty?
What task did you like?
· Thank you for your work.

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Required level.

Choose one answer and circle it (No. 1~7).

1. The signs of the noun (c) crane in the sentence are correctly named The fox made friends with the crane.

1) soul, female, sing.

2) inanimate, m.r., sg.

3) shower, m.p., unit

4) soulful, m.r., pl.

2. The fact that a word has several meanings can be found in the dictionary

1) synonyms

2) sensible

3) antonyms

4) spelling

3. The case of a noun cannot be determined using

1) question

2) auxiliary word

3) endings and prepositions

4) prefixes

4. The mermaid is sitting on the branches. (A.S. Pushkin)

The noun (on) the branches stands in

2) P.p.

5. Here, how it only began to get dark,
The elder brother began to gather,
He took out the pitchfork and the ax
And went on patrol.

(P.P. Ershov)

In V.p. used

1) one noun

2) two nouns

3) three nouns

4) four nouns

6. Incorrect case of a noun

1) composes Nozzles (I.p.)

2) field of miracles (R.p.)

3) hello from a boa constrictor (R.p.)

4) sawdust in the head (P.p.)

7. Find the "extra" word:

1) on a dog

2) with a dog

3) in front of the dog

4) in a dog

8. Distribute the cases into the right groups:

1) are used with prepositions and without prepositions

2) have the same questions in

Raised level.

Write your own answer on the line or in the indicated place (No. 9-10).

Sometimes when determining the case of animate masculine nouns, there is doubt about what double question to ask. For example, I love my brother: (whom? what?) or (whom? what?)? What is the case here: R.p. or V.p. ?

In this case, you need to use the helper word - an animated feminine noun like mom or fox. If the noun-helper has the ending -у, then it is V.p., and if -i (-s) - R.p.

Using the helper word, determine the case of dependent nouns in phrases.

1) caught a snake (V.p.)

2) met a friend (V.p.)

3) brother's gift (R.p.)

4) call a doctor (R.p.)

5) draw an elephant (Vp)

10. There is such a song "Brich-Mulla" (verses by D. Sukharev).

Here is her refrain:

Voluptuous poison - golden Brich-Mulla,
Where the plane tree nestled under a rock.
An eternal bee buzzes about you over your ear: Brich-Mulla,
Breach Mulls,




Guess what is written here "ladder", changing a word by case What is "missing" here? prepositional, and write down one more word - in Breach Mull.

Write down a synonym for the word crouched and determine (choose) the meaning of the word golden, if it is known that the plane tree is a southern tree, and Brich-Mulla is a village near Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Synonym for the word slumped to nestle, to nestle, to nestle, to nestle- and gold matters

1) made of gold

2) gold color, yellow

3) beautiful, wonderful

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